evaluation audience feedback

Evaluation A/S Level media Aimee Alty

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Page 1: Evaluation audience feedback

Evaluation A/S Level media

Aimee Alty

Page 2: Evaluation audience feedback


• My product was a music magazine (print project)

• I worked individually

• I had to take all pictures which were included in my magazine and write an article out for my cover shot (featured artist)

• I had to produce a front cover, contents page and double page featured article.

Page 3: Evaluation audience feedback

Audience TestingQ1. What does the title suggest to you?

Most people said something new, suggesting that the magazine was a new upcoming music magazine. People got this idea due to the name of the magazine. In my results a majority also added music magazine aside of the comment fore coming.

One of my results from the questionnaire

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Audience TestingQ2. What genre/type of music does the magazine

forcus on and how do you know?

This is a pie chart showing my results of question two, as you can see only one person thought R&B was my genre for my music, the rest clearly knew that it was a pop magazine.

After my feedback, I looked at the comments and I got the feeling most people thought this was a pop magazine because of the pop genre colour scheme in my magazine.

Music Genre

Pop R&B

One of my answers from question two .This is my statics

for question two.

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Audience Testing Q3. What makes the pages look professional and what stops them from looking professional?

In this question, I had all type of feedbacks, but my main reply was the layout in my magazine. Which was meanifull because they were saying that structure of the magazine was similar to other magazines, therefore making it look professional compared to others.

For this question, I had a similar answers from each feedback I received, therefore I did not have a variety of questions. I did get other feedbacks which were talking about other features of the magazine such as editors note, the choice of pictures and the text. For these results I have gathered how many people have wrote down their choice of answers, so these results are not supposed to add up ten people. I was pleased with my results because my audience have noticed some of the unobvious factors of my magazine such as the editor’s note.









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Audience Testing Q4. How genuine does the front cover seem?

Most feedbacks said very good in this question. Only one said good. This is one of my feedbacks.

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Audience Testing Q5. Does the contents page simply inform or does it also manage to

interest you in to reading the rest of the magazine?




In this question my feedbacks was almost 50/50 , however more people thought it interested them more instead of informing them. Down below is one of my feedbacks.

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Audience Testing Q6. Does the article sound like a piece of

journalism? If not what bits don’t sound right?

All my feedbacks said yes to this question. I am pleased with this result because my readers have enjoyed to read this article and I aimed my article to not be too formal.

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Audience Testing Q7. Does the article layout make you want to

read it? If not, why not?All my feedbacks said yes to this question. This is because, I have

aimed the audience feedback at a target audience at girls and women ageing from 12 to 50, to see if age matters in my magazine. But in my opinion I feel that my magazine is aimed at a younger audience because of my choice of artists presented and the informality of my layout towards my readers.

One of my feedbacks for this question, as you can see the layout and colours has stood out to this candidate.