
However, often when beginners start working out they don’t see the results they want, so they give up. You can go to the gym for years and never

truly get the body you hope for. So what do you need to do to make your exercise


Choose a workout that is right for you, and factor in what YOU actually want.

What Are Your Goals?

Knowing your goals are essential in choosing a type of sport, workout, or exercise regime. Think about what you want to achieve. • Do you want to lose weight? • Gain fitness? • Increase your cardiovascular strength? • Have a sore back you’d like to stop hurting?

Different goals can be achieved through different workouts.

What is Your Body Type?

Be it that you’re underweight or overweight; ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph. Your body type is the result of mixture of genetics and lifestyle choices. Taking them into account can help you choose a workout. Speak to a personal trainer about the best way to work with your body type.

How Much Time Do You Have?

How much time you have directly impacts the type of exercise you can and should do. Outside work, each and every one of us has their own things to do. If you are time poor, consider going to a gym near you – that way, you can exercise regardless of the weather condition.

What Do You Enjoy?

Don’t forget to ask yourself that all-important question – what do you like doing? Exercise should be fun, if it isn’t you’re unlikely to stick to it. Do something you enjoy and you’ll reap the rewards.

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