brand you! presentation

Karen “P” Thompson Senior Agent, Marketing Brand YOU!

Post on 23-Sep-2014




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How do you market the most important thing in the world - YOU! The world of work is changing and now, more than ever, you need to stand out from the crowd. This presentation looks at building your personal brand and taking it to market. Take control of your career now!


  • Karen P ThompsonSenior Agent, MarketingBrand YOU!

  • What is a brand?

    The intangible sum of a products attributes: its name, packaging, and price, its history, its reputation and the way its advertised.

    - David Ogilvy

  • Your Story = BRAND YOU!Image Courtesy:

  • Brand YOU!s Journey - Getting StartedOne day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree.

    Which road do I take? she asked.

    Where do you want to go? was his response.I dont know, Alice answered.

    Then, said the cat, it doesnt matter.- Lewis Carol

  • Brand YOU!s Journey - Getting StartedHave a dream

    Have a goal

    Have a plan!

  • Brand YOU!s Journey - Getting Started Brainstorm

    What are your key Drivers?

    Where do you want to be in 5 or 10 years?

    What are your Brand YOU! Attributes?

  • Brand YOUs Journey Along the wayRemember the three Rs of Career Success:




  • Brand YOUs Journey - Tune your radar! Thought leaders

    Key players locally, nationally, globally

    Industry landscape

  • Taking Brand YOU! to the marketOutstanding Resume Concise and relevant Career overview / Career objective Hook the reader!

    Professional Portfolio

    Elevator Pitch


  • Taking Brand YOU! to the market Work Experience

    Passion before profit!

    Volunteer Industry Associations Information Interviews Business Card Get creative Think Big!

  • Taking Brand YOU! to the marketThe 4 Ps of Successful Interviews

    Prepared Punctual Presentable Passionate!

    Image Courtesy:

  • Taking Brand YOU! to the market Situation Task Action ResultCompetency / Behavioural Based Interviews

  • Brand YOU! Doing it well online..

  • Brand YOU! Doing it well online.. Blogging, microblogging, social media LinkedIn create profile start connecting research people, organisations, jobs Twitter Start tweeting and follow: thought leaders people that interest you relevant media Tweeters

  • Brand YOU! Doing it well online.. Zac Martin Writes his own blog Has LinkedIn Profile Active on Twitter Networks on and offline Writes for Marketing Magazine online - Graduate Like a Rock Star Internship at leading agency

  • Finally. Specialise Education short courses / postgraduate Jump on a plane International experience

    Be the best that you can be!

  • Contact me Web [email protected] - - Username = kaz747Tel + 61 8 9381 7655