bleep - david begbie sculpture · bleep why bleep? it is a question asked by almost everyone...

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Page 1: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe



Page 2: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe


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Page 3: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe


Page 4: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

Bleep The Eric and Jean Cass Collection

Catalogue and Texts

Ann Ell iott

Design Rupert Brown

Photography Doug Atfield

Edited by Angela Dyer

Private Publication Eric and Jean Cass

Page 5: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

Published by Eric and Jean Cass



Copyright C 2003

Enc and Jean Cass

The Artists

Ann Elhott

Doug Atl1eld

Printed by

Paragraph Graphics

All rights reserved.

No part of this pubhcauon may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system

or transmmed, 1n any way or form. or

by any means. electronic. mechanical,

photocopying. recording or otherwise.

without prior permission from the

copyright holders.

Page 6: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe


7 Introduction by Eric and Jean Cass

8 Bleep

14 Gardens

s2 Hall, Downstairs Cloakroom, Kitchen Corridor, Utility Room, Kitchen

70 Eric's Study

130 Lounge

192 Corridor of Coloured Light

196 Sitting Room

220 Jean's Study

246 Dining Room

264 Stairs and Mezzanine

294 Corridor and Rooms on the First Floor

320 Niki de Saint Phalle

328 Pride and Spirit

336 List of Works in order of acquisition

338 Biographies

368 Index

Page 7: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

6 & 7 ntroi'vrt1C"n

Page 8: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

BLEEP - the name of the house I built in 1969. I was guided by a

young architect, Brian Sapseid, of Barber, Bundy and Greenfield .

The basic criterion was for a house with as much light and

uncluttered space as possible. I wanted large panes of glass so

that when sitting near the windows you felt you were sitt ing in

the garden too. The layout should be open plan w ithout giving a

barn-like feeling. I also wanted the roof space to be part of the

living space, and the roof void was to be just large enough to take

care of the services. Many ideas came from various houses and

hotel constructions I had seen. One such idea was the balcony

over the lounge.

After furnishing the house it became clear that there was

a requirement for some decoration. This gave me the incentive

to start looking for art. I had always enjoyed seeing modern and

contemporary art, so here was a good opportunity to acquire

interesting items .

I married Jean in December 1972 and she very quickly became

enthusiastic about art too. As a result we spend much of our

leisure time looking at and enjoying works of art . The extensions

to the house were carried out in 1985 and 1990 to al low us to

continue our passion for collecting.

The collect ion described in this book represents our collective

pleasure in acqu iring sculptures, paintings, prints. ceramics, and

other works of art. Each item is a piece we like living with, and

enjoy every day. We know when and w hy we bought it.

Whilst the col lection was conceived for our own enjoyment,

it is always a pleasure to share it w ith friends and visitors to

our home.

Over the years we have made many fr iends in the art world .

Galleries. museums and artists - too many to mention - have all

helped to brighten our lives. We say thank you to all the artists and

craftsmen whose work we have collected for allowing us to share

thei r enjoyment in the work they have created.

We are del ighted with this book and would like to express

our thanks to Ann Elliott for creating an interesting text out of

the mountain of information we provided. and for the additional

resea rch she carried out. We must also thank Doug Atfield for

some fine photography, undertaken with understanding of the

meaning of the various pieces. Last, but not least, we must say

thank you to Rupert Brown and his team at Borley Mill Studio for

the design and completion of the book .


December 2003

Page 9: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

8 & 9 Bleep

Page 10: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe


Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for

the first time. Bleep is the word used to describe the high-pitched intermittent electronic sound

made by paging receivers. one of the products marketed by Eric's company, Cass Electronics. In

naming the house Bleep, the company and its products were acknowledged and remembered . The

sale of the company in 1985, and Eric and Jean's retirement. gave them the opportunity to increase

further their personal, highly individual, even idiosyncratic collection. Bleep 1s now home to some

three hundred works of art collected over thirty-three years and considered by Eric and Jean to

be part of their family. Repeatedly in the files that record purchases or commissions there are

references to welcoming this or that new work to their home, or to their family.

Eric had begun to plan and build Bleep before he married Jean. and on completion the

house was featured in the Daily Mail Book of House Plans (pp.72-74) and the Daily Mail Book of

Furnishing Decor and Kitchen Plans (pp.70-71). The first item to be hung in the hallway was a large

print. a black mage on rattan cane of a buxom female nude climbing a rope, taken from a drawing

by Aubrey Beards ey (see p.294). It has not been displayed 1n the house for many years. having

given way in 1988 to Emergency by Michael Craig-Martin. Carol singers were always bemused by

the Beardsley, straining to see it through the window. The Craig-Martin proved no less intriguing.

Donald Pass's The Mill at Acle Bridge was the first painting to be hung 1n the house. and

Barbara Hepworth's 'Three Forms' Opus 504 the first sculpture to be installed. 1n the rear garden.

Since Eric moved in and was joined by Jean 1n 1972 they have filled both gardens and house with

works of art that are wide ranging, colourful, amusing, sexy, loud, quiet and contemplative, historic,

modern and contemporary. The sculptures, paintings, drawings, graphics, ceramics, glass and

designed items such as furniture. lighting and carpets which now fill every available space are the

subject of this book.

Eclectic though their choices have been - and there are some very unlikely juxtapositions - the

collection works as a whole. There is enough space between items to enable the viewer to see

them individually, and close enough to observe telling comparisons. In choosing their works of art.

Eric and Jean had no rules. They would decide on some purchases immediately or intuitively, or

look for a number of years for works by artists they particularly liked. They patron·sed a number of

different galleries. and returned again and again to those with whom they had exce lent relations.

and where they knew there would be works of art they would like. Some work was bought at

auction. and a number of charities benefited from such purchases. They listened to the artists

whose works they have collected. many of whom became friends and visit Bleep regularly. Where

possible artists oversaw the installation of their work. and they are often invited back if a piece

needs special attention, or just to visit.

Page 11: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

26 & 27 Gardens

David Begbie Venus 1995

steel mesh

h 205cm


D1fferent1ate, London


David Begbie. essay by John Russell

Taylor. Salama-Caro Gallery, London 1988


5 December 1995

Enc and Jean have several sculptures by

David Begb1e Havmg been introduced to

him by Lindy Kosh of Quinton Green Fine

Art. their first purchase was Standing

Figure 'Strtpper' 1992 lsee p.234). When

invited to an exhib1t1on of Begb1e's work

at Differentiate near Tower Bridge, they

were struck by two figures. male and

female, hung outside high agamst the

sky. Enc liked the way m which the

sculptures could be seen agamst the

light and decided to purchase the pair

David Begb1e brought them to Bleep

He and Eric tried hangmg them on the

trees, but nowhere m the garden were

they able to replicate the light of the

original location, even though Begbie

changed the colours of the sculptures 1n

an attempt to create the desired effect.

Eventually Eric decided to purchase only

Venus. which has been installed at the

front door of Bleep since 1996.

Page 12: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

220 & 221 Jean's Study

Page 13: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

234 & 235 Jean's Study

David Begbie Standing Figure 'Stripper' 1992

steel wire spray-painted black

h 169.S<:m including integral base


Differentiate. London


Double Vision. exh1b1t1on of sculpture

and monopnnt canvases by David

Begbie, Differentiate.

1 December 1992 ·February 1993


1 December 1992

Standing Figure 'Stflpper· is the first

sculpture by David Begb1e that Enc and

Jean bought for their collect1on. The

stripper stands on a wire base that 1s an

integral part of the sculpture, raising the

figure to eye-leve

So perfectly measured are Begb1e's

figures that they seem to have been

generated photograph1cally or with the

aid of a computer Nothing could be

further from the truth They are made

entirety by the artist's hand and are not

fashioned around a pre-modelled form.

David Begb1e says of his work: 'The

medium itself has very little substance

and hardly exists at all but it has a three

dimensional presence far greater than a

solid object.· '

' p 1

Page 14: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

David Begbie Mixmatch 2000

steel mesh

h 50cm

signed and dated on base Begb1e ·oo PROVENANCE

Plus One Plus Two Galleries. London


13 March 2002

M11<::na1ch was Eric and Jea~l"s third

-e; c:i!,e .b~ 01wid B£<i)b•a

a1r<1: s ·~· 1··-~1l1~~l:t {~-.tie- ;;i; 35. 23:

"f•e•1 cons•de~ '1rm~ ti•• a ~efl'y, e1~i .. r:i;p

artist and paroculerly like me shad<1>ws

cast by his work. Also notable is the way

in which the mesh changes direction

and at the same time creates changes in

tone. emphas1s1ng the form of the figure.

Page 15: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

336 & 339 Order of AoQuisouon

List of Works in order of acquisition

1962 Suzuki Harunobu

John Pper °"'


Fol~te Heads 11953

1970 I July Donald Pass TheM,na1 Agle BrKlge 1970

12 November Barbara Hepw0t1h °"" Three Forms· Opus 504 1968

Hedegaard Red, Maroon and Blue Absll<JCI 1969

Unknown Atlist, Senegal Senegalese Woman 1970s

1971 5June

17 June

30 December Andre Brasoloer

December V1ct0< Pasmore AA

Barbara Hepworth oot

1972 1 January Claude Wo1stxJch

3 June K<irel Appel

26 October Henry Moore °" 16 December L S Lowry AA

16 December Keiko M1nam1

16 December Katerina Wilczynski

Jan Pienkowsk1

1973 14 June Frans Bakker

21 November Anders linsbo

Joan Mir6

1974 19 October John Allon

1975 10June Victor Pasmore""

Barbara Hepworth 001

TMo Tob1assc

Robert Adams


1976 26 October N1k1 de Saint Phalle

December Janine Wesselmann

John Allon

John All n


Le Pare

1978 27 May Humberto Calzada

Robert Adams


1980 9 lua<y

Patrick Caulfield AA

Robert Adams JohnAJhn 14.Ao<•

4 JU1le Victo< Vasarcfy

2 Septemtier Joiin Mor6

1 Oecetrbet Paul Jenkins

Joan M r6

Joan Mor6

1981 4 January Jerry Sawn Germain

24 Decembe• Jacques Richard Chery

1982 14 May

1 July Angel Botello


Henry Moore OM

1983 19 October N1k1 do Saint Phallo

Karel Dupon

1984 3 Febtuary John Piper°"'

19 Mareh Sam Scopas

198 5 6 September N'k1 de Sa•nt Phallo

12 October Lynn Chadw>ck AA

28 October Beryt Cock OAl

11 November N k1 de Saint Phalle

11 November N k1 de Saint Phalle

13 November Knut Steen

Oecembe• Steven Gregory

1986 4 January


21 May


27 May

Ken Pieper

Marton Ful er

Polly lonldos

John Piper°"'

Elinor Steele

25 June Barbara Hepworth 08'

4 July Biorn W11nblad

11 August Ronnie Copas

16 August Ludovico Do Lu1g1

13 Septombor Jennifer Whittle

1 October Lynn Chadwick""

19 November Willi Sohl

26 November Karol Appel

Artdiction x 1971

Fox Watch Sones I 1970

Ams1erdam 1971

Absuac1 1971

Delos 1970-71

Monsieur Loyal 1972

Compe/vic11on I 967

Moen Hoad 1964

Man on Wall 1957

Fleurs Rouges e1 Po1ssons 1970

So/unto 1950

Red Cnemes 1971

Clown with Bird (date unknown)

Red Sculpture 1973

Composition 1957

Second Class Wash 1973

Pom1s of Conrac1 No 22 1974

Aegean Surte 1975

The An1s1e 1975

Pierced Form No. 1. Opus Jg 1975

Ecsrasy 1974

Le Couple au Ballon 1970s

Camrval c. t 976

Curly'$ Caf6- Wh11echape/ Road 1975

Gardner's Ccrnor 19361975 L'Enfanc8 d'Ubu 1975

L()()Que March 1976

Pverto Colar181 t 978

Two Bronze Forms /Opus 380) 1978

Ccmmomoratrvo Vase 1979

OvOfd Var1Srion No 6 !Peacock! Opus 404 1980

Krllffl Thruwmg 1976

v..u !Bt..Q:, lillhlte. GOidi 141U 1910t 'Mlf6'1970.

Phe~ Jll{)U8r Winds 1980

Oda 8 J08n Mlf61973

Oda a Joan Miro 1973

Vose 1981

Children with Baske1s of Frwl on 1heir He8ds 1981

El Piano 1982 Vase 1980s

W0<kmg Model for Rec/ming Figure: Hand 1976-78

Grand T61e 1982

Kai 1983

Covehilhe Ill 1983

Ranchoda Taos Wmter1983

Dragon 1984

Winged Figures 1971

Do Cocoa and Hot Chocolate 1985

Grenou le 1984

Lady m 1he Bath 1984

Passeg<ata 198t

Famdy 'Cass' t985

Cut Vase 150 1985

The Chance Remark 1985


L/ancycll 1984

Cotorwlleels 1981and1982

Ascendmg Form /Glor~) 1958

CetlB c 1986 Communal Kasheong 1985

Melancho/1a 1986

Encounter 1986

Srttmg Woman 1985-86

Fischer Paar Island 1967


November Karel Appel


Rufino Tamayo

John Hoyland AA

Knut Steen

Karel Appel

John Hugg.ns

John Huggns

Woffiam Turnbull

Unmled 19813 S1ained Glass Window 1986

SandlSs con Manrano 1985

Platter No 11 1985

lns:eme 1985

T61e Solei/1966

Loungmg 1986-87

Maquette Mannequin {Partner) 1987

Me1amo<phosis 1984

1987 21 January

23 Febtuary


22 Mareh

30Ma•ch 10Apnl





Kenneth Armitage COE"" July Figure 1VerS1on 2J 19JS.85

Mary Fedden or "" Mo1hs I 1987

I July

2 July


Robert Harding

N1k1 de Sant Phalle


Michael Marrroa

31 July Ivon Hitchens

31 August Helaine Blumenfeld

7 September June Redfern

12 October Barbara Hepworth ooE

16 October Honry Moore OM

19 October Markey Robinson

17 November Niki de Saint Phalle

23 November Maurice Jadot

9 December Ralph Brown ""

14 December Michael Mamott

1988 5 January

19 February

24 February

3 March





27 June


Brian Wollsher

John Ale><ander

Zadok Ben-Oallld

Pablo Picasso

Michael Craig-Marton

Denos Motchell

Lambert Rocour

Pierre B nart Nicola Godden

Beryt Coe\ °"' Hela"'8 Blumenfeld

20 August Peter Randa ~Page 6 Septemher Michael Stallard

6 Seplembor Micheel Stallard

5 Octobur Vl(.tO< V.11wef1

' I lovernoor fJ,11 <l'l l>U nt l't• rl'O

7 N'l'/<Jrrolit>r Ill I "'' Cra~ lhtl h

lt1 Nr>11•r111,.1r ll••"Y M•1~t lH N11111r111141 • "'1111 ~ ft 1•l•r

I? O••tQrrol~I r.,, .. w~~ ... "'""" HJ Oo<.11111t~r Gom<J O•irr>e

1989 4 April





27 Aprol



22 June

2 July

20 July

31 August



B10rn W11nlJl&<i

August G&ul

August Gaul

John Bellany""

N1k1 do Saont Phalle

John Farnham

Paul Mount

Barbara Hepworth oet

Karel Appel

Ivon Hitchens

Michael Craig-Marton

Tom Wesselmann

Calman Shem1

Allen Jones AA

Allen Jones AA

Victor Vasa1e1y

Ehabeth Frink -3 October Elisabeth Fnnk oeE

12 October Yaakov Agam

29 November Zac~ Zaltzman

November Ian Hullll)hreys

1990 27 February Jacob Jensen

16 March

25 March 28 March

7 Aplll


27 Aprol

1 May

24 May

2 June

N1k1 de Saint Phalle

Jean Dubuffet

Glynn Wolloams

Rosita de Simone

Jag11t Chuhan

Noki de Saini Phalle

Barry Blend

Rog Butler



Les Baigneurs 1970. cast 1984 (sold 1 July 1998)

Unmle<f 1974

Bubbles 1987

Courtyard wirh St"PS 1955

Dreams I: Wall Relief 1985

The Field 1987

Totem 1960-62

Two Standing Figures 1949

West of Ire/arid Landscape 1987

Black Nana 1972

Unr11/ed 1967-69

Tete de Jeune Fi/le 1978

Sentinel 1988

Wooden Sculpture 1968

Gay Cardinals 1987

Circle of Lde: The Mystical Expeoence of the Wild Cat 1986

Poi 01seau 1954 Emergency 1987

Pol1esco 1983

Monoi>lhe 1986

Femme Incontestable 1987

SyfpllKJ,ne 1988

Ruby Venezuela 1988

Shadow FtgUres A Man and a Woman 1988 Scrceress 1982 Around Zero 1988


AX0991988 laFOlc,.1900 (;ln(Je l!/i;IJ

J.lill//llf hi"'"" li1><1• l!ffl/ M~11<1• 1101( rl1a fl•lllfM{J {}I!}{}• j0<17 fl8r/room fJ/011£/e afw l~S4 $.!l Bt1s Haw c.1988

Susanne I Bader 1988

L'on Ct1b 1899

Three Leaping Pigs (date unknown)

The Ancient Mariner Ill 1989

Serpent llllst Nign11 Had a Dream) 1968

Spiral Hand 1989

Wind Sculp1ure 1985

Sphere with Inner Form 1957

Un1'tled1989 Orange Poppies 1970


Mon'ca Si11ing with Mondr1Sn VariarK>I! 131988 Red Skye. 1989

Wa111ng on Table 4 1987

unr,tled tVariar'°" 11 1989

Wa1ch /MatmcJ 1989 Fron1Runner1987 Standing Buffalo t 989

lnrerspaceogtaph c.1980

Human Form 1989 Still l.Jfe w11h Jug 1989

Desk Clock !Model 406) 1990

Vase Tetes 1989

Encrier 1970

Woman wi1h Long Hair 1989

Large Vase c. 1990 Night Glow 1986

Chaise 8 Serpents before 1973

The Card Players 1989

Standing Figure /Circus) 1959

Three Verrical Landscapes 1989

Page 16: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

20 June John Hoyland AA

3 September Jean-Claude Farhi

9 October Gillian Ayres AA

31 October Bernard Charles

9 November Bnan Willsher

21 November Clittord Cundy

1991 4 February

4 February

25 February

28 February

28 February

4 March

8 March


27 April

31 April

2 June



John Farnham

John Farnham

Keith New

Suzie Pilgrim

Suzie Pilgrim


Eileen Agar

Allen Jones RA

Christie Brown

Zadok Ben-David

Marzia Colonna

John Piper OM

Michael Craig-Martin

Pflvate Waltz 1989

Sculpture No 10 1989-90

Sappho 1988 Stoneware Bowl 1990

Untitled 196-0s

Sitting Figure cast 1990

Crescent Figure 1987


The Gardens. Glyndebourne 1991

Irregular Lines c.1990·91

C. T.G. 'Dot' Designc.1990-91 Chausettes 1989

Landscape of a Dream 1984 Secretary 1972

Black River God 1990

Happiness Is Not Where You Seek It 1987

Brother Sun, Sister Moon 1991

Foliate Head 1990

Glasses 1987

7 June Kenneth Armitage CSE RA Girl without a Face, Version B 1982

2 July

2 July

9 July

Paul Mount

Hubert Dalwood

Vanessa Pooley

10 September Joz. De Loose

10 September Sophie Ryder

18 September flaymond Mason

The Architect 1987


Laid Back Balancing Act 1991

Their Domain ts Unlimited 1990

Flock of Sheep 1991

La Rue du Jour aux Hal/es 1969

25 September Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok Faces 1991

17 October Cesar <Cesar Baldaccini) Pouce 1965-68

17 October Niki de Saint Phalle Stool c.1979-80

8 November F E McWilliam CSE

10 December Ju Ming

1992 4 March


1 May



11 June

13 June

17 June

1 July

1 July

1 July






1 December

1993 28 January


28 January

28 January

28 January

28 January







7 June

26 June




1 July


Joe Tilson RA

Vicki Olverson


F E McWilliam csE

John Bellany AA

Bernard Meadows

Dhruva Mistry ce< AA

Linda Gunn-Russell

Paul Johnson

Steven Gregory

Brigitte Deuge

Robert Clatworthy RA

Janet Nathan

Terry Frost RA

Simon Laurie Rye Pottery

David Begbie

Zadok Ben-David

Zadok Ben-David

Zadok Ben-David

Zadok Ben-David

Zadok Ben-David

Zadok Ben-David

Dan Zaretsky

Livio de Marchi

Livio de Marchi

Livio de Marchi

Livio de Marchi

Livio de Marchi

Nicola Godden

Dario Perez-Flores

Allen Jones RA


Alan Davie

Gunnar Gratz

Eduardo Paotozzi CSE AA

24 September Eilis O'Connell

11 October Michel Delaere

2 December P J Crook

December William Brown

1994 18 February







Margaret O'Rorke

Ouodaid Said

Saelens Jacques Kobe


June Miles

Grizel Niven

Helaine Blumenfeld

Standing Relief VI 1958

Tai Chi Boxer 1991

Ziggurat 1968

Ndoto Woman 1992

Love Star Pocket Watch 1989

Egg Orthodox 1964 Dungeness 1992

Crab 1980

Diagram of an Object 1990

Green Woman// 1991

The Journey of a liferime Is Waiting 1989 Big Fat Women Are Back in Sr.yle Again 1992

Ceramic Pu11e 1992

Horse 1983 Dove Harbour 1992

Spiral O 1991

Study of a Dab 1992

RNLB 'Pode and Spirit'1992 Standing Figure 'Stripper' 1992

Conversation Piece // 1993

How We Met 1993 The Broken Expectation 1993

Come and Ger Me 1993 Opinions 1993

Fear of Flying 1993


Cap 1993


Book wirh Drawer 1993

Small Book 1993

Miniature Book 1993 Amourette 1993

Oynamique Chromarique No 60 1993

Profile Stroke Torso 1993

Chants d'Oiseaux 1992 Flag Walk 1973

Grimpeur {date unknown)

Mondrian 11993

Cesta 1990

Et se Brise de la Brume 1993

Financial Advisors 1993

On the B68ch 1993

Light Sculpture 11993

Tango 1993

La Danseuse de Nuit 1994 Split Cello 1980s

Irises and Indian Cloth 1993

Abstract Figure 1994 Earth Mother 1986

26 October F E McWilliam CSE

26 October William Pye

29 October Kim Hamisky

1 November Ettore Sottsass

5 November Dominic Clare

22 November Stefan Knapp

1995 1 O January

1 February

1 March

1 March


31 July

7 October

Lesner Tavarez

Niki de Saint Phalle

Margaret O'Rorke

Margaret O'Rorke

Dan Zaretsky

Mary Fedden ose .. Marie Villeneuve

25 October William Turnbull

10 November Sophie Ryder

20 November Michel Delaere

30 November Zadok Ben-David

5 December David Begbie

12 December Ann Christopher AA

12 December William Turnbull

30 December Zadok Ben-David

1996 7 August Nik• de Saint Phalle

30 December Sergio Bustamante

30 December Sergio Bustamante

1997 18April

21 July


Patrick Hughes

5 October Alistair McCallum

7 November Julia Griffith-Jones

16 December Helen Taylor


1998 22 April



2 July

Paul Jackson

Niki de Saint Phalle

Alison Wilding AA

Christian Silvain

Christian Silvain

Jean Alp

14 August Arnaldo Pomodoro

29 Octobet David Landess

17 November Robert Adams

1999 5Aptil

24 May



Lotus Arts de Vivre

Eilfs O'Connell


Andrew Ewing

19 November Matthew Burt

Zadok Ben-David

Zadok Ben-David

Zadok Ben-David

2000 2May

24 May

Zadok Ben-David

Zadok Ben-David

Nikki Cass

Michael Ctaig·Martin

Bryan Kneale ..

Standing Figure 1963

Two Mitr8S. Tripod Series IV 1968-69

Petits Equilibristes 1994

Memphis Ivory Stand 1985

Black Copper 1994

Needle of Knowledge Obelisk 1993-94

Cuerpos de/ Universo 1990

Double Serpents 1989

Small light Sculpture I /Dervish) 1995

Small light Sculpture I/ /Dervish) 1995

Bird1994 Tabby1995 'Monet's Irises· c. 1993

Tragic Mask 1979

The Beach 1994

Au Mystere d'un Sourire 1995

Big Science /No. 19) 1994-95

Venus 1995

IM>ire Lines 1995

Small Blade Venus 1989 Antarcrica 1994-95

Lampe Angulaire 1988-91

Frog Boy wirh Flower 1996 Equilibrist Rabbit 1996

Primordial Creature 1992 Comp/ementarir.y 1996

Mokume Gane Bowl 1997

The Lerrer /Parr 2! 1997

Pride and Spirit 1996

Vase 1997

Noahs Animals 1996

Shady 11983

Untirted 1997

Untitled 1997

Untilled cast 196-0

Disco con Sfera 1996

WHOLE Chalf 1998

Semaphore Opus 412 1982

Wine Cup 1999

Carapace 1998


Light Stems 1999

Key Cabinet 1999

Big Science (The Magic Book! 1998 Thermometer 1998

Study for Evolution and Theory lnstallarion /Neanderthal) 1998 Study for Evolution and Theory Installation

!Small Walking Ape) 1998 Study for Evolution and Theory lnstallarion (Walking Ape) 1998

Stained Glass Window 2000

Pencil Sharpener 2000

Ship of Fools 2000 29 September Greg Johns Entrance Figure 1990

11 May Berit Johansson

(realised by Sergio liozzo) Rainbow Vase 2001

2001 10 June Jonathan Clarke

June Zadok Ben-David

3 November Adrian Roberts

8 November Kendra Haste

2002 7March

13 March

1 July

10 Octobe1

23 October

Albert Irvin RA

David Begbie

Nikki Cass

Albert Irvin RA

Niki de Saint Phalle

23 November Malcolm Martin and

Gaynor Dowling

2 December Anna Noel

10 December Albert Irvin AA

Ludovico De Luigi

2003 27 June Niki de Saint Phatle

Pilgrims 2001


Water Sculpture and Pool with Cover Plat8 2001


Battersea IV2001

Mixmarch 2000 Ttde Lines Shadow 1 2002

Charlotte 2002

Monkey and Child 1966

Cubist Boule 2002

Lady on a Tiger 2002

Tie2000 Thomas Mann 2002

I/ache Vase 1992

Page 17: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

340 & 341 Biographies

and Constant of the first name only. a decision and the Slade School abstract. surrealist works.

Experimental Group on triggered by a printer's of Fine Art. London. Jean (Hans) Arp was

1948. and took an acttve error on the cover of a (1937-39). In 1946 he born on Strasbourg 1n

part in the internauonal catalogue which omitted was appointed Head of 1886. He studied at the

art group COBRA the 'd' from the name. In Sculpture at Bath Academy Strasbourg Art School.

(Copenhagen. Brussels and 1959 Arman made hos first of Art. Corsham. a post he at the Kunstschule.

Amsterdam) from 1948 to assemblage of household held for ten years. Later Weimar (1905-07). and

1951. In 1950 Appel. With garbage in a glass box. and he taught at the University at the Academoe Julian.

Corneille and Constant. the following year became of Caracas. Venezuela Paris (1908). He moved

moved to Paris. where he a founder member of (1964), Boston University. to Switzerland on 1909

was introduced to Michel Nouveau Reahsme. Massachusetts (1970). and was a founder of

Tapie. who organised Arman has a formidable and the Royal College of the Moderner Sund in

exhibitions of his work. list of exhibitions to his Art. London (1974-79). 1911. Arp participated

Appel received the Unesco credit. and his work has Armitage was Gregory in the Erste Deutsche

Prize at the XXVll Venice been seen and collected Fellow in Sculpture at Herbstsalon (1913) at the

Biennale (1954). a graphics all over the world. He was Leeds University (1953-55). Galerie Der Sturm. Berlin.

prize at the Ljubljana included on the XXXIV the first artist-in-residence and on his return to Paris

Biennial. Yugoslavia Venice B1ennale in 1986 at a British university. in 1914 he met Max Jacob.

(1957). the Guggenheim and was also shown 1n the Armitage's sculpture Amadeo Modigliani and

International Award (1960). Kassel Documenta that and drawings were Pablo Picasso. In 1915 Arp

and the International year. By the 1970s Arman exhibited worldwide. and it moved to Zunch where

Prize for Pa1nt1ng at the was living 1n the United was the Venice Biennale of he became a founding

sao Paulo Boenal (1962) States and Europe, and 1958 that gained him the member of Zunch Dada

Exhibitions of his painting on 1973 he became a US mternatoonal recognition (1916). He paruc1pated

and sculpture have been citizen. changing hos name that was to continue on the Kongress der

held in maior museums to Armand Pierre Arman. throughout his life. There Konstruk11V1sten.

worldwide. resulting on In December 1987 he won the David E Bright Weimar. the Exposition

his work being acquired Arman was awarded the Foundation Award. and lnternauonale Dada at

by public and pnvate French Legion of Honour hos work from the Bntish Galene Montaigne. Pans

collections internationally. award for outstanding Pavilion went on tour to (1922); and the first She also makes pnnts. British Art. Connecucut,

Appel first visited New achievement. and 1n Paris. Brussels. Zurich and exhibition of the Surrealist a relatively recent and Iowa University

York in 1957. which had 1989 he received the Rotterdam. His sculpture Group at Galena Pierre. development. having Museum (1997). Ayres

a profound effect on his Legion d'Honneur from was particularly celebrated Paris (1925). the means of working in represented Britain at the

work; he now lives there President Mitterrand. He in Japan. where he was In 1926 Arp settled 1n coloured etching. which seventh Indian Triennale

and in Italy, near Florence. was commissioned to given solo exhibitions in Meudon. France. and in retains many of the in 1991, with most new

make probably the largest Osaka and Tokyo in 1975 1931 was associated with qualities and directness of works being made in Jaipur

Arman contemporary sculpture and in Tokyo. Nagoya and the Paris-based group her paintings. in response to the colours

A sculptor and painter. in the world at the time. Osaka in 1978. He was Abstraction-Creation and Gillian Ayres was born in and vitality of Indian street

Arman works with found a 30 metre high concrete also widely appreciated the periodical Transicion. Barnes. London. in 1930. life. Her paintings are hold

objects. which he alters pyramid embedded in Britain, with a major Throughout the 1930s and She studied at Camberwell in many private and public

and assembles to create with military tanks and exhibition, Kennech until the end of hos Ille Arp School of Art (1946-50). collections worldwide.

complex compositions. armoured vehicles: Hope Armicage: 80th Birthday continued to wrote and She has taught for much including the Contemporary

He amasses either similar for Peace was unveiled in Survey. at Yorkshire publish poetry and essays of her career. first at Bath Arts Society; Museum of

or diverse elements. Beirut on 1995. Sculpture Park in 1996-97. as well as pa1nt1ng and Academy of Art. Corsham Modern Art. New York;

sometimes 1nv111ng In 2001 one of his making sculpture. In 1954. (1959-65). then at Saint Olinda Museum. sao

audience partic1pa11on 1n Kenneth Armitage CBE RA last three monumental he received the Grand Maruns School of Art. Paulo; and Tate Gallery.

articulating them. Musical A sculptor. Kenneth sculptures. Both Arms Prize for sculpture at the London (1965-78). and London. Gillian Ayres was

instruments feature Armitage was celebrated 2000. was acquired by Venice B1ennale. His work Winchester School of Art awarded the OBE 1n 1986

frequently 1n his repertoire f0< his hvely and humorous the City of Leeds where was exhibited worldwide (1978-81). and elected RA 1n 1987.

Armand Pierre figurative bronzes He it was unveiled by Nelson and has been collected Her first solo exhibition

Fernandez was born on rose to prominence on Mandela. Kenneth by ma1or international was at Gallery One in David Begbie

Nice 1n 1928. He studied the 1950s. with Lynn Armitage was appointed museums and important 1956. although she had David Begbie is a sculptor

at the Ecole National d'Art Chadwick. Reg Butler and CSE in 1969. and was private collections Arp exhibited on the first whose wire mesh

Decoratif de Nice (1946- other progressive artists. elected Royal Academician died in Basel in 1966. Young Contemporaries figures have a startling

49). leaving in protest at determined and optimistic in 1994. He died in London show in 1949. Major solo presence. They are

the social conservatism of 1n the era of post-war in 2002. Gillian Ayres oeE AA exhibitions have been held strongly modelled. yet

the school's administration Britain. A painter. Gillian Ayres at the Tate Gallery. London because of the material

to study archaeology and Kenneth Armitage Jean Arp makes colourful. (1995) and the Sackler he uses they can have a

Oriental art at the Ecole du was born in Yorkshire in A painter. poet and expressive. abstract Galleries. Royal Academy fragile presence. Perfectly

Louvre in Paris. In 1958 he 1916. He studied at Leeds sculptor. Jean Arp also canvases full of gesture. of Arts. London. which formed. the fragments

opted to be known by his College of Art (1934-37) used collage to produce movement and vitality. toured to Yale Center for that he chooses for his

Page 18: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe

compositions speak for

the whole. The mesh has

a sheen which further

accentuates the modelling

and tonal variations across

the surface.

Born in Edinburgh in

1955. Begb1e studied at

Winchester School of Art

(1975-76). Gloucestershire

College of Art and Design

(1977-80) and the Slade

School of Fine Art, London

(1980-82). His first solo

exhibition was held at

the Brompton Gallery,

London, in 1984. since

when he has had regular

solo exh1b1tions in London.

as well as shows in New

York and Santa Monica.

Cahforn1a. Numerous group

exh1b1tions have brought

his work to audiences

throughout Europe, the

United States. Japan.

Hong Kong and Australia.

He is represented in

many private. public and

corporate collections

including the National

Gallery. Canberra.

Australia; National Gallery

of Canada. Ottawa.

Ontario; Natural History

Museum. London;

Citibank. London; and the

Jam House. Birmingham.

to name just a few. David

Begb1e lives and works in


John Bellany cae RA

John Bellany is a painter

whose subject matter

is largely based on the

fishing community in the

west of Scotland where

he was born. He is also

a portraitist, and works

freely in an expressive

range of warm hues.

Born in Port Seton.

Scotland. in 1943, Bellany

studied at Edinburgh

College of Art (1960-65)

and the Royal College of

Art. London (1965·68). He

was a lecturer in painting

at Brighton College of Art

(1968) and at Winchester

College of Art (1969-73).

a visiting lecturer at the

Royal College of Art and

Goldsmiths College of Art

11969·73), and full·time

lecturer at Goldsmiths

(1978·84). In April 1988

he underwent a hver

transplant. and recovered

without the use of pain

killers. instead turning

his hospital room into a

studio where he made

an extraordinary body

of work: numerous self·

portraits. and portraits of

his doctors and the nursing


Bellany's work has

been exh1b1ted extensively

throughout Europe,

Australia and the United

States since his first solo

show in Holland in 1965. In

1986 he was given the first

one·man show ever to be

held at the National Portrait

Gallery, London, centred

on his portrait of Ian

Botham, commissioned

by the NPG. His work has

been acquired by over

forty public collections in

Britain. Europe and the

United States. including

the Arts Council of

Britain. Scottish Arts

Council, Contemporary Art

Society. Dundee Central

Museum and Art Gallery,

Government Art Collection,

Museum of Modern Art,

New York, and Tate Gallery,

London. His commissions

include works for the

Ministry of Agriculture

and Fisheries. Edinburgh,

and the National Portrait

Gallery, London.

Amongst his numerous

awards. John Bellany was

elected fellow of Trinity

Hall. Cambridge. in 1988.

He was elected Royal

Academician in 1991 and

was awarded the CBE in


Zadok Ben-David

A sculptor and installation

artist, Zadok Ben·David

inhabits in his work an

area of figurative art that

feeds on imagery from

past scientific illustrations

and the human figure

and man's evolution. The

sunlight and hard shadows

of the desert had an early

and lasting influenoe on

his work, which evolved

through coming to terms

with living and working in a

different culture from that

of his own.

The son of a jeweller.

Ben·David was born in

Bayhan. Yemen, in 1949

and was brought up in

Israel. He studied at

Bezalel Academy of Art

and Design. Jerusalem

(1971-73). Reading

University (1975) and

Saint Martins School of

Art, London (1976). where

he later taught sculpture

(1977-82). His work has

been exhibited in galleries

and museums worldwide.

His first solo exh1b111on

was held at the Air Gallery,

London. in 1980, and

in 1988 he represented

Israel in the XLXXX Venice

Biennale. Since then he

has had many exhibitions

internationally including

solo shows in Israel.

Australia. the United

States and Europe. As

well as a number of major

commissions in Israel.

Ben·David has undertaken

commissions for many

organisations including

BUPA in London. Sculpture

at Goodwood and the

Docklands Development

Board (Limehouse Tunnel).

Zadok Ben·David lives and

works in London.

Pierre Binart

Pierre Binart is a painter.

whose canvases are

peopled by expressively

drawn figures. sometimes

animals or birds. He often

focuses closely on his

subject; a large nude. for

example. will dominate the

canvas. the chair she sits

on merely a support for

her pose. Like the artists

of the COBRA movement.

Binart paints in a

deliberately untutored way.

An extract from one of his

texts describes how Binart

builds up to beginning a

painting. and concludes:

'And then the

enlightenment. the

awakening, the reality

A canvas.

disconcertingly white.

resting on an easel as if

it were a guillotine and


Despairingly silent, is

waiting to suffer the final


I thrust at her and make

the first lacerations.'

(Binart, Oil Paintings.

exhibition catalogue. Jipian

Art Gallery. Knokke·Zoute


Binart was born in

Brussels in 1933. He

studied monumental

painting at the Academie

des Beaux Arts in

Brussels. His fist major

solo exhibition was

held at the Galerie de la

Madeleine. Brussels, in

1961. since when he has

exhibited widely in Europe

Barry Blend

Barry Blend is an English

painter and sculptor. His

work is distinguished

by the use of brilliant

colours and opulent

shapes. outlined in black

He works across a wide

range of subject matter.

including musicians.

flowers. local fishing

scenes and women

- subjects within his daily


Born in 1951, Blend

lives and works in the

Page 19: Bleep - DAVID BEGBIE SCULPTURE · Bleep Why Bleep? It is a question asked by almost everyone v1sit1ng the home of Eric and Jean Cass for the first time. Bleep is word used to describe


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