the bulletproof vest was actually invented by a pizza delivery guy from detroit, after he was shot...

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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The bulletproof vest was actually invented by a

pizza delivery guy from Detroit, after he was

shot twice on the job!

Studies show that cows produce more milk while listening to relaxing music.

Chickens can see daylight 45 minutes before humans can.

Wiz Khalifa spends over $10,000 every month on


Guy de Maupassant ate lunch at the base of the Eiffel tower almost every day because he hated it and that was the only place in Paris from which he

could not see it.

“The Dark Knight Rises” is the onlly batman

movie which didn’t use the Batman Signal.

If you leave Tokyo by plane at 7:00am, you

will arrive in Honolulu at approximately 4:30pm

the previous day.

70% of people hate talking on the phone in front of other people.

There are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play the first 10

moves of chess.

When a tiger roars, it can be heard 2 miles


There exists an ATM machine that gives out

gold bars instead of notes in the emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi.

In 1962, Bruce Lee landed 15 punches and a kick that knocked out his opponent in a fight that lasted 11 seconds.

US scientists calculated that Santa would have to

visit 822 homes in a second to deliver all

presents on Christmas Eve.

Elvis Presley got a ‘C’ in his 8th grade music class.

Sir Isaac newton died a vergin.

All Las Vegas gambling casinos have no clocks or windows, as they don’t want people to know if it’s day or night outside.

Giraffes have tongues about 21 inches long

which they use to clean their ears.

Bananas and humans share about half of the same DNA which mean

humans are 50% identical to bananas.

There are only 2 countries in the entire world that do no sell

Coca Cola – North Korea and Cuba.

Gandhi once wrote a letter to his “dear

friend” urging him not to go to war – This friend was Hitler.

The wedding ring goes on the left ring finger. Because it’s the only

finger with a vein that connects to the heart.

Everything a user says to Siri on the iPhone 4S is sent directly to Apple

and recorded.

“U” was first used as a substitute for “You” by


Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he

doesn’t wear any pants.

Bolivia’s largest prison has a society with itself and no guards inside the walls. Inmates elect their own

leaders, make their own laws, get jobs to pay for their cell’s rent, and can even live with

their families.

There are 30 million accounts on Facebook of

people who have already died.

Spaces smells like “seared steak” or “hot metal” to astronauts

returning from spacewalks.

If you die in Amsterdam with no next of kin and no-one to attend your

funeral, a poet will write a poem for you and

recite it at your funeral.

Between 1939 and 1989 in Spain about 300,000 new-born babies were stolen in

hospitals by a child trafficking network of doctors, nurses, priests, and nuns. They just told the natural parents that

their child had died.

A small amount of alcohol placed on a

scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to


Cherophobia is a fear of fun.

The creator of Mickey Mouse, was afraid of


Cows can sleep standing up, but they can only

dream lying down.

The cigarette lighter was invented before the


Hippo milk is pink.

You’ll eat about 35,000 cookies in your lifetime.

Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by

lightning than women.

President George W. Bush was once a


In a typical lifetime we spend over 6 years


All animals dream too.

You forget 90% of dreams within 10

minutes of waking up.

Right-handed people, on average, live 9 years

longer than left-handed people.

Every day, you are breathing in about ¼ of

other people’s farts.

Valentine’s day is one of the days with the

highest suicide rates.

1 out of 8 couples married in the US last

year met online.

No word in the English language rhymes with

month, orange, purple, or silver.

The most common name in the world is


Giraffes are unable to cough.

You share you birthday with at least 9 million other people in the


A cow can climb stairs but they can’t come


An average person will laugh 15 times a day.

A duck’s quack doesn’t echo and nobody knows


Having blue eyes is actually a mutation. Before the mutation

occurred all humans had brown eyes.

There is a city called Rome in every


Owls are the only birds that can see the color


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