
Post on 24-May-2015






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hematologi 1


23 MEI 2011


Blood Cytology That fact that we as humans are made up of

millions of tiny cells.

Cytology, more commonly known as cell biology, studies cell structure, cell composition, and the interaction of cells with other cells and the larger environment in which they exist.

Cytology can also refer to cytopathology, which analyzes cell structure to diagnose disease.



Fungsi : Alat Transportasi

LEKOSIT Fungsi: Pertahanan tubuh

TROMBOSIT Fungsi : Membantu proses pembekuan darah

CAIR (55%) Air (90-92%) Protein (Alb,Glo, Fibr) Karbohidrat Vitamin Hormon Enzym Lemak Garam/mineral

Rata-rata jumlah darah orang dewasa sekitar 5 liter atau 7% - 8% dari berat badanDarah terdiri dari dua bagian:

HAEMATOPOIESIS:berarti proses pembentukan darah. Pada manusia hematopoiesis dimulai di yolk sac. pada bulan ke 3 gestasi, stem cell berpindah ke liver dan spleen sampai bulan ke 7, yang pada akhirnya digantikan oleh BM. Setiap sel darah berasal dari stem cell (pluripotent). Diperkirakan terdapat 1 stem cell dalam 10.000 cell dalam BM. Jika pembentukan darah di BM terganggu, sel yang pertama turun adalah netrophil (yang mempunyai masa hidup 6-8 jam), diikuti oleh trombosit (masa hidup 10 hari). Anemia berkembang secara lambat. (masa hidup 120 hari)


Leukopoiesis is a form of hematopoiesis in which white blood cells (WBC, or leukocytes) are formed in bone marrow located in bones in adults and hematopoietic organs in the fetus. White blood cells, indeed all blood cells, are formed from the differentiation of pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells which give rise to several cell lines with more limited differentiation potential.


Myeloid Stem Cell Productions

This stem cell will differentiate into either a proerythroblast (and eventually a red blood cell) or a progenitor cell. The progenitor cell will differentiate into a megakaryocyte (and then a platelet), or a myeloblast or monoblast.

Lymphoid Stem Cell Productions

Lymphoid stem cells mature into lymphoblasts, and then prolymphocytes, and finally mature lymphocytes, either a B or T cell.

Leukopoiesis is a form of haematopoiesis in which white blood cells (WBC) are formed in the bone marrow. WBCs arise from the maturation of hemocytoblasts, which are the general stem cell for all blood cells and platelets, into various pluripotential stem cells which can then further differentiate into the different classes of WBCs.

Masa Pembentukan Sel-sel Darah (erytrocyte, Megakaryocyte, Granulocyte, Lympocyte, Monocyte)

Masa Pembentukan Lekosit


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