breeder males management

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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The management of males is a very important activity in breeder management. One male is responsible for 1500 commercial chicks and also their performance. Even though males contribute only 10% of the flock, they contribute 50% to the flock performance. Hence male need equal attention to achieve maximum number of fertile eggs.


* Males are to be brooded and reared separately. Full feeding is to be practiced up to three weeks and if body weight is not achieved, full feeding should be continued for few more days.

* This will ensure proper growth, feather coverage, skeletal and immune system development.

* Protein consumption during this period is found to influence the future fertility.

* On the first they we have to provide Nutrient feed at 15 grams per male chicks and then we have to provide BCC 1 (Breeder chicks crumbs 1) for 3 weeks.



* This is pre puberty stage; in this stage low testicular growth and multiplication of critical sertoli cells take place.

* Good skeletal development takes place between 4-6 weeks.


* Rapid testicular growth and also semen production begins during this stage.


* Testicular growth gets completed by 30 weeks and remains the same up to 40 weeks. The shrinkage begins gradually at this stage.


* The male chicks should be brooded separately. We should also take care of cocci in deep litter brooding.

* Male chicks are normally brooded for 3 weeks. In cold climate we have to extend the brooding for another 4-5 days.

* Floor space requirement in deep litter brooding: 0 – 5 days @ 0.3 sq. ft. /male chicks

5 – 7 days @ 0.7 sq. ft. / male chicks

2nd and 3rd week maintain 1 and 1.5 sq. respectively.

* Brooding temperature should be increased by 2’C compared to that of female brooding because the feather growth for male is slower than the females. For 0 – 3 days we have to maintain 32’C for females and for males we have to maintain 34’C along with RH 60-65%. This RH% is to maintain for first 12 - 14 days.

* In deep litter brooding, prepare round brooding for the required number of chicks and spread 3-4 layers of newspapers during brooding. It will help to maintain body temperature from the floor. Remove the one tire paper daily and whenever the paper gets wet, we have to replace with new one.

*Monitor and record the feed intake by checking the crop condition of the chicks for every brooder at 100 chicks / brooder. If 85% of chick’s crops are in full condition in 8 hours from the time of receiving the chicks, it indicates good brooding management.

CROP FILL SCORING: Crop scoring pattern: 0 – 5

0 - Crop empty

1 – Less Feed & Water

2 – Crop 25% fill

3 – Crop 50% fill

4 – Crop 75% fill

5 – Crop 100% fill with feed & Water

* Beak trimming for males should be done preferably on the 7th day. Trimming means only touch the sharp point at the tip of the beak in the red hot blade. Give Vitamin K3 @ 5gm for every 300 chicks through water before, on and after the day of trimming process. We have to provide anti-stress medicine along with the Vitamin K3 on the day of trimming. It should be carried out only in the cool hours and ensure that feeders are full.


A) 4 th to 10 th weeks Males Management:

* Grade 100% of the male chicks on the 4th weeks. During the grading process reject the birds with very low body weight, poor shank length and physiological deformities like blondness, lames, cross beak.

* After grading divide the males in 3 categories as above, standard and below. Grade the males in every 4 weeks interval to get better uniformity of the males. Hand grading should be carrying out every week and separate the poor weight males, culls and sexing error.

* After completion of grading feed should be provided based on the grades of the males. Do not increase the feed more than two times in a week. Do not hold same feed (grams) for more than 7 days.

* Floor space: 4th week – 2 sq. ft. / male

5th week – 2.5 sq. ft. / male

6th week onwards – 3 sq. ft. / male

* Provide BCC 2 (Breeder chick crumbs 2) feed for 4 to 6th weeks, and then 7th to 15th weeks have to provide BGM (Breeder grower Mash).

B) 11 th to 15 th weeks Males Management:

* From 11th week we have to monitor and maintain the linear feeder height at 12 inch (1 feet) from the litter. Drinker / Nipple height to be maintained like the feeder height. Ensure all males are taking feed and water comfortably without struggling.

*Provide feeder space at 15 cm/ male. Provide bell drinker @ 50 males / drinker. In nipple system there should be 8 birds/Nipple.

* Second beak trimming is carried out between 12 – 14th weeks of age. In addition to it, nail clipping is done in deep litter and slat system. Proper beak trimming is important for successful mating and nail clipping is to avoid injury to females during mating.

C) 16 th to 24 th weeks Males Management:

* From the 16 – 20th week linear feeder height at 14 inch from the litter.

* During 16 – 24th weeks we can continue with grower mash feed as 1.5% calcium is not required at this stage.

* Do 100% grading in males on 20th week and select the good males only. The rejected males to be culled immediately. Some criteria of selection are below,

a) Good physical condition

b) Comb – Red in color and well developed

c) Shank length – (Pink red color, long and strongest shank)

d) Body weight – Standard and above

e) Breast muscle – tighten and well shaped

f) Long keel bone

* In deep litter / slat system: In the 21st week put nose clip for introducing males. It is mandatory to prevent the males from stealing the feed from the female feed. Remove the nose clip between the 32 – 35th weeks, because at that stage the head of male birds becomes larger and there are no chances to enter in the female feeder grill gap.

* Before introducing the male with the female, arranging the male linear feeder at the height of 16 inches height from the floor (21 -25 weeks of age). Feeder space 18 cm / male at the ratio of 1 linear feeder (8 feet) for 26 males have to done.

D) Male management after the 25 th week:

* 25th week onward provide BMF (Breeder male feed)

*Monitor the body weight every week and keep the record.

*In deep litter / slat system: the linear feeder height to be at 18 inch from the floor.

* The feed gram should be 130 -135 grams during the 35th week. Never decrease the feed grams throughout the laying period for males to avoid the body weight loss.


* We have to maintain the correct male female ratio to achieve the high fertility.

Age in weeks Male % (Optimum level)22 - 29 11%30 - 39 10%40 - 49 9%50 - 59 8%

Above 60 7%


A surplus of males leads to over mating, interrupted mating and abnormal behaviour.

Signs of over mating: Lose of feather in female at their back of the neck and interior back. Excess males have to be removed in this case.


* Vent – Red in color and moist appearance.

* Broken feathers in the vent area.

* Dirtiness of the feather in the abdomen area.

* Shank – Pink red color and lengthy.

* Posture – Straight and alertness in activity.

* Breast – Muscle are tight in consistency.


Move proportion of the males between houses /Pen. Intra spiking has to be done from the 40 -45th weeks. After 40th weeks intra spiking should be done 30% males. This should be happen once every 8 weeks. Those males in bad condition are eliminated and replaced by younger mature males with strict sanitation measures.

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