advertising campaigns banadoes

Post on 07-Dec-2014



Self Improvement



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The target audience is parents and carers 16-36 or anyone that knows a child

This represents children born into a good family this is shown by the fact the baby has a silver spoon in its mouth. The baby is clean and lying on a pertain rug. This shows that's not all children are born into a good life

The message is to show you that this children is born into a good life but not all children are

The target audience is parents and carers 16-36 or anyone that knows a child

This is a picture to show a baby drinking methylated spirit this baby looks abused and mistreated this shows that some kids are abused

This shows that some children are mistreated and it tries to make us think and feel disgusted and glad our children are safe

The target audience is parents and carers 16-36 or anyone that knows a child

This shows some children are born into poverty and into dirty environments by showing a baby with a cockroach in its mouth

This shows that some children are mistreated and it tries to make us think and feel disgusted and glad our children are safe

The target audience is parents and carers 16-36 or anyone that knows a child

This shows that some parents are on drugs and money soped to be used for the child is spent on this and some parents

The message is that not all children are treated fairly this makes you feel disgusted that people can treat children this way.


Target audience-30-50 year olds that shop at tesco

Representstion this shows


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