2polyglot june2015 en

2POLYGLOT.com We understand everyone! Polyglot is international freelance platform for tutors, translators, copywriters and tour guides.

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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2POLYGLOT.com We understand everyone!

Polyglot is international freelance platform for tutors, translators, copywriters and tour guides.

THE MAIN IDEA OF PROJECTThe project is able to help people communicating in different languages to resolve cooperation issues while making the world better.

We understand


2polyglot – is an international service for lingualancers (linguistic freelancers),

which unites translators, copywriters, tutors, tour guides helping them to earn money

and those who need their services.

Key moments:

* Service is available all over the world;

* It does not depend on political situation (war, corruption);

* Service is totally legal and clear;

* Longtime perspective;

* It does not depend on location. An office can be opened in any country, in any

moment it is possible to take a laptop and to go for ruling the business in

another location.

TASKS OF PROJECTWe help Customers to choose qualified specialists.

1. TranslationsFrequent tasks are translation of documentation,

specifications,necessity of interpreter for a business meeting ,

conference, negotiations. We assist in resolving this issue.

2. Tutoring and educationPeople cooperate all the time. We help to overcome an obstacle

of language barrier, uniting a lot of tutors on our platform.

3. Tour guides and sightseeingFirst impression cannot be renewed. We assist in making the

first impression about a city bright and interesting with the help of

our service tour guides.

4. Texts are always neededIn the age of the Internet content development people need

qualified information such as texts for websites, books, essays or

other materials. We help to realize finished texts and to write

new ones.

5. Possibility to earn money using one’s knowledgeEvery linguist can earn money thanks to one’s knowledge. It is also

possible to improve oneself and to become more qualified

professional. And we assist in it.

PRODUCTWe have already got the ready functionality in opened beta-testing.

We do not hesitate to implement the best and useful experience from

other services and competitors.

Function of projects operating

and reminders for both Executors

and Customers

Project system

Possibility of payments receiving,

Arbitrage system

Safe Purchase

PayPal is integrated, other

payment systems are going to be


Payments receiving

A lot of settings for editing, and


User account

Permanent work on improving

filtration of Executors and


Flexible search

Mechanism of interface

multilingualism, 7 languages are

planned to be integrated, 2

languages are implemented.



1. We have working prototypeWe launched our project on March, the 24-th in 2015 and

now there are 2000 Executors and 3500 subscribers in social


3. We have a strategyWe gather all ideas from simple to global ones. We

work on every idea and hypothesis planning

development strategy of the product.

2. We have a team14 employees work on our project. They are

specialists and enthusiasts who believe in idea and do

their best for making it real as soon as possible.

4. We have supportSupport of committed and interested people. Financial

support is included.

5. We have salesFunctioning ability was confirmed by successful deals.

We got to know it from those who were suggested to

use our service.

We strive for making name of our project a synonym for quality and usefulness in the area of linguistic

services. We are planning to become a leader in area of freelance services with the help of linguists.


There is an active audience and demand (confirmed by 34 respondents).

Our competitors have

either niche services or

multi-disciplinary ones.

Resource 2polyglot.com proz.com upwork.com elance.com fl.ru profi.ru preply.com

Services linguists translators all all all all tutors

Multilingualism + + - - - - +

Expandedfunctionality + + + + + - -

Safe Purchases + - + + + - -

Products shop + - - - - - -Newsline and notificationsystem

+ - - - - - -

OUR ADVANTAGESOur project is oriented on solving Customers’ tasks operatively, qualitatively and for an

adequate price. We connect thousands of Customers to thousands of Executors.

1. We unite specialistsIn order to satisfy Customers’ needs in a linguistic area

we offer them a wide choice of Specialists.

2. We keep data safeWe save your projects, certificates, documents as long

as required. On a discrete fail-safe server with

everyday reserve copies.

3. We work in the entire world and in

many languagesWe have no limits for countries, languages,

nationalities. We are pleased to unite all people in our


4. Multi-disciplinarityProject was developed taking into account Translators,

Copywriters, Tutors, Tour Guides (editor-corrector and

stenographer are being considered).

5. InnovativenessService is free. One user can combine different roles

and specialties. We develop clever selection of projects

and specialists.

6. Safe PurchasesWe defend Customers from losing money in case of

undone work or unqualified work by Executors. We

refund all money if Executors do not complete the work.

MarketThere are competitors, big companies, good services in this niche, but there are extremely few of resources,

which unite linguists with different specializations in one place. The market is wide and dynamically emerging.

Volume of world market of

translation services – is

about 47$ billion per year,

26$ billion per year on the

market of tutors’ services!

$73 billion per year

Total quantity of people in

the area of services of

translators, tour guides and

tutors exceeds 1.5 million


*according to competitors’ sites

1,5 million professionals

42% of additional specialists

are forecasted to be in the

translation area services in


+42% of specialists

Rate of increase of the

translation services market is

about 15% per year

Rate of increase

73 1.500.000 42% 15%


On a base of free data, surveys and competitors analysis we make current forecast.

$6 125

$17 100

$35 200

$58 750

$25 900

$36 500 $36 500 $34 500


$10 000

$20 000

$30 000

$40 000

$50 000

$60 000

$70 000

III, 2015 IV, 2015 I, 2016 II, 2016

Income Expenses

MONETIZATIONOn a base of free data, surveys and competitors analysis this is what we are planning

Quarter III, 2015 IV, 2015 I, 2016 II, 2016 Sum

Number of Executors 8000 19000 31000 45000

Number of Projects 950 2800 6000 10500

Turnover, thousand. $ 120 420 900 1510

Income from deals, $ 4275 12600 27000 46750 90625

Income from PRO accounts, $ 1850 4500 8200 12000 26550

Expenses, $ 25900 36500 36500 34500 133400

11INNOVA Powerpoint Template

AMBITIOUS PLANSWe count our expenses. We approach to any expenses economically.

We are planning to achieve self repayment within 14-18 months.

300 thousand of ExecutorsTo gather a base of 300 thousand executors, conversion 2%.

Service fee is 9$ per month or 65$ per year.

400 thousand $= 300000*0.02*65 in first year from service fees.

Shop salesFees from articles sale are 10%.

200 thousand $ per year

Additional monetization (4-10% from partners)Finding partners such as hotels, educational centers.

Partner income 4-10% of the sum of purchases.

Income amount depends on popularity of a brand of Polyglot.

Forecast for 5 yearsAfter 5 years we consider gathering a base of Executors more than 1 million,

increasing conversion of paid services about 3-4% and income up to 20 million per


Safe purchases serviceGuarantee of deals making with 10% fee (5.2% without taxes) of the sum.

250 thousand $ per year

0,85 1,52,6









2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Income, million,$

PROPOSITION FOR PARTNERS AND INVESTORSWe are not afraid of receiving of help. The Product is needed and will evolve.

1We salute PRWe are ready to share

information about our product,

participate and organize

meetings, events, communicate

with mass media.

3We invite investorsWe are ready to consider

propositions starting from 50$


2We accept assistingWe are glad to communicate

with mentors, professionals,

committed people.

4We welcome partnersWe are looking for partners for

realization of the diversity of our


OUR TEAM14 persons of our team are specialists in different areas – marketing managers, translators,

submitters, copywriters, PR managers, SMM specialists, programmers and just good



Andrey Prudko

Entrepreneur, owner of marketing

company, IT developer.

12 years in web technologies


PR manager

Alexey Lemberg

25 years in events organization area,

uniting people, public relations.

For last several years has been actively

developing SMM

International direction

Vasyl Tsyktor

Official member of the European Youth

Parliament (EYP-Ukraine).

З years experience in organization of

international events

Marketing manager

Pavel Nastoburko

5 years experience in Marketing

2 years experience in Internet

marketing and SEO promotion.

More than 160 successful projects


[email protected]



twitter.com/polyglotservice facebook.com/2polyglot vk.com/polyglot_service

Polyglot is international freelance platform for translators, copywriters, tutors and tour guides.

We understand
