26th sunday of ordinary time

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Post on 07-Aug-2018




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  • 8/20/2019 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time


    26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Sept. 27, 2015

    (Numbers 11:252!" #ames 5:16" $ar% !:&'&,5,7')

    The se*enty +eders- had been hosen by $oses at the /ords

    direti*e to hep $oses in administerin to the needs of the peope.

    They share in the +spirit- hih $oses had reei*ed, but in imited

    suppy, sine their prophesyin as shorti*ed (that itte detai is

    missin from the /etionary). 3abbis in ater enturies ompared

    $oses to a burnin ande from hih fire as ta%en, hie not

    diminishin the oriina andes poer ($oses).

    The introdution of 4dad and $edad, ho ere not present he

    the spirit as distributed but ho reei*ed the spirit and prophesied

    +inside the amp,- aused #oshua to beome onerned about $osesosin poer beause of these to ho had eary reei*ed the spirit

    $oses is the one ho trusts the spirit and ishes that a possessed th


    The nion of merian ebre 8onreations 8ommentary on

    this passae notes about this disareement beteen $oses and #oshu

    his trusted aide, +$oses is seure in his on reationship ith 9od an

    on*ined that ony as more peope eperiene the bessin of the;i*ine

  • 8/20/2019 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time


    Shoars are di*ided hether the readin from Numbers has

    infuened this inident in $ar%. Ay arranin them toether as the

    /etionary has done, it suests that the 9ospe is i%e the Numbers

    readin, at east as far as the theme of nonmembers or%in ith the

    roup is onerned.

    s far as the rest of the passae is onerned, the +itte ones-

    mentioned must refer to the hid and those i%e him, mentioned in

    $%. !:&7, hom #esus used as an eampe. No #esus says if anyone

    shoud ause suh a hid to sin, the onseBuenes i be se*ere. e

    be better off ith a reat mistone tied around his ne% and thron

    into the sea, than to fae a Cudment for the offense. The same thin i

    true for indi*iduas ho sin. @hether its ones hand, foot, or eye, tha

    auses the sin, its better to enter ife maimed than to be thron into9ehenna ith ones hoe body. 9ehenna as symboi of a pae of

    punishment. >n rea ife, it as the arbae dump for #erusaem of the

    day and aays had smo%y emissions from burnin trash. >t as a

    nasty pae, as a trash dumps are, and a fittin symbo for a pae on

    oud not rather *isit.

    Thats a perfet seue into #ames poerfu reminder that this

    ords eath and those ho pie it up for themse*es i one day btestified aainst by that same eath. The impiation is that the

    aumuation of the eath as done iiity on the ba%s of the

    or%ers (those +ho har*ested your fieds-). #ames is

    unompromisin in ondemnin those ho ha*e i*ed +in uury and

    peasure.- #ames ea*es no ie room (+you ha*e fattened your

    hearts for the day of sauhter-), espeiay those ho ha*e done so bepoitin the aborer.

    ?r. /arene ummer