1750-1914. a shift beginning in the 18 th century from hand-made goods to man-made and machine made...

Industrial Revolution 1750-1914

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Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution1750-1914What is it?

A shift beginning in the 18th century from hand-made goods to man-made and machine made production

Began in England but quickly spread through Europe and to the US

What caused it?Agricultural RevolutionEnclosures: forced small farmers off land to create large farmsDone to increase production as population increasedForced small farmers to the citiesCrop Rotation: rotation of crops to different fields each season produced higher crop amounts

Overall more food gave way to more people creating demand for more of everything fasterEnclosure

Define IndustrializationThe development of industries for the machine production of goodsWhere did it start?Began in England - mid 1700sLarge population of workers due to EnclosureAbundant Natural ResourcesWater powerCoal and iron oreRivers for inland tradeMany harbors for international tradeEconomic StrengthParliaments $ support of entrepreneursFinancially successful colonies with abundant resourcesPolitical Stabilityisolated from European wars Parliamentary system successful for 100s of years

Factors of ProductionNatural resourcesUsed colonies to provide raw materialsLaborFarmers move to cities; large work forceCapitalMore $$ in middle class to increase productionMore modern tools allow mass productionEntreprenuersUpper middle class become industry leadersEmergence of capitalism allows more to get richEngland 1701 & 1911

Transportation ImprovementsWith greater need to move goods, transportation rapidly improvedBetter roadways, canals, tunnels, etc.Steam engine Steam boatsRailroadsExtensive systems become necessityFactory enginesSteam Engine

Fultons Steamboat


Englands Railroad System -1850

IndustrializationGrowth of industrial citiesFactories for efficient productionUrbanization: rapid movement to cities

Poor living conditionsSmall cities became too big too fastPoor sanitary conditionsInsufficient housing, education, securityAir and water pollutionUrbanization


Living Conditions

TenementsSlums of Urbanization

IndustrializationPoor Working conditions14 hour days, 6 days/week, poor payWorkers had to keep up with machinesChild Labor

Child Labor

Working Conditions

Class TensionRise of Middle ClassUpper Middle Class: Factory owners and merchants grew wealthy and influential in politicsLower Middle Class: factory foremen, skilled tradesmen, supervisors lived comfortablyPoverty stricken working class replaces peasant classTension b/w classes buildsAristocracy resents Upper Middle ClassBeing pushed out of powerWorkers resent Upper Middle ClassGap between classes getting larger

Global ImpactIndustrialization moved through Europe and to the US (West)More demand for products created more demand for raw materialsMotivation for more colonization = IMPERIALISMGlobal InequalityIndustrialized West vs. all the restGreat economic and military inequalitiesTransformation of SocietyGreat economic power of EuropeMore wealth overallBetter opportunities for education and democracy

Age of Economic ReformECONOMIC SYSTEM: policies of production, distribution and consumption of goods and servicesBusiness leaders encouraged gap between rich and poorLAISSEZ-FAIRE: hands-off economyPromotion of CAPITALISM

Reformers encouraged governments to play a more active role in bettering conditionsEmergence of SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM

CAPITALSIMCapitalism: economic system in which money is invested in business ventures with goal of making a profit

Who controls property and means of production?Individuals and businessesProgress comes from following what?Self-interestBusinesses follow self-interest when they do what?By competing for the consumers moneyProducers try to provide goods and services that are what?That are better and less expensive than those of their competitorsConsumers do what?Compete to buy the best goods at the lowest pricesThe role of government in the economy is to do what?To not interfere because competition creates efficiency in businessCapitalistsAdam Smith- father of modern capitalismEconomic liberty guaranteed economic progressMalthusWars and epidemics necessary to reduce excess population- reduce number of poorRicardoPermanent underclass always poorWages forced down as population increase = supply & demand

SocialismSocialism: factors of production are owned by public and operate for the welfare of all

Who controls property and the means of production?The community or the state (government)Progress comes from what?When a community of producers cooperate for the good of allThe capitalist employers do what?Take advantage of workersThe community or state must do what?Protect workersCapitalism creates what?The unequal distribution of wealth and material goodsThe better system is to do what?To distribute goods according to each persons needSocialistsBentham: UTILITARIANSIM: judge ideas, institutions and actions on the basis of their utility or usefulnessGovernment should provide the greatest good for the greatest amount of peopleKarl Marx: Believed that economic forces controlled societyWrote the Communist Manifesto (1848) calling for workers of the world unite and overthrow the bourgeoisieRadical socialism called MarxismGap between rich and poor too wide and will widen More control over economy will reduce class conflict

MarxismAll great movements in history are the result of what?An economic class struggleThe haves do what?Take advantage of the have-nots (workers)The Industrial Revolution intensified what?The class struggleWorkers are what?Exploited by employersThe labor of workers creates what?Profit for employersThe capitalist system along with the state will eventually do what?Destroy itself, or wither away, as a classless society developsMarxismMarxismMarxismMarxism to CommunismMarxs final phase would become

COMMUNISM - complete form of socialism in which the means of production owned by the people no private property classless societyAll goods and services shared equallyCommunismMarxs ideas of communism didnt have much appeal until 20th centuryLenins RussiaMaos ChinaHo Chi Minhs VietnamCastros Cuba

Most of Marxs predictions never occurred proving that society is not just controlled by economic forces but also by religion, nationalism and political forcesEconomic/Social ReformsWorkers used their #s and became more active in politicsUnions: voluntary workers associationsCollective BargainingStrikesReduction of Child LaborBetter working conditions and payWomens rights movements in GB and USEducation reform- public schools