0608 - august 2006 (july, sept & oct not published)

Andiamo! Andiamo! Il anniversario cinquantesimo della primo Porsche vittoria Targa Florio. Story on Page 10 Lizards Fly at Le Mans Lizards Fly at Le Mans Sonoma racers push N o 80 to fourth place in the GT2 class. Story on Page 12 Sacramento Valley Region • Porsche Club of America • derporsche.net • Volume 44, No. 5 • August, 2006

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SVR's August Drifter


Page 1: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

Andiamo!Andiamo!Il anniversario cinquantesimo della primo Porsche vittoria Targa Florio.Story on Page 10

Lizards Fly at Le MansLizards Fly at Le Mans Sonoma racers push No 80 to fourth place in the GT2 class. Story on Page 12

S a c r a m e n t o V a l l e y R e g i o n • P o r s c h e C l u b o f A m e r i c a • d e r p o r s c h e . n e t • V o l u m e 4 4 , N o . 5 • A u g u s t , 2 0 0 6

Page 2: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

The Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche club of America now offers generous advertising space on its very active website. At $100 per ad, this is a one-time paid placement through the end of 2006.

Contact Advertising Manager Dick MacFarlane at [email protected] or call 916.482.0652. Direct technical questions to webmaster John Murphy at [email protected], or call 916.362.8276.

Get Clicked for Pennies

1206 C St., Sacramento, Ca 95814916.453.1465

Page 3: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

The Drifter Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net 1

Table of Contents V o l u m e 4 4 • N o . 5 • A u g u s t , 2 0 0 6

The Fine Print: The Drifter is published by The PCA-Sacramento Valley Region, and is intended to inform our members of activities and other matters of interest. Electronic fi les are preferred, but typed contributions and photographs are welcome and appreciated, and should be sent to the Editor. The deadline for submission is the fi rst of the month prior to the month of publication. Address changes and questions regarding membership need to be submitted to the Membership Director. The views and opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily refl ect the views or opinions of The Sacramento Valley Region, its Board of Directors, or PCA, Inc.

Capable hands for for coveted positionsJeff Kinder talks about open positions on the SVR board.................................................Page 2

Speaking of MembershipThere were many new members at the Concours..............................................................Page 5

Parade Portland 2006The 51st Parade in a truly beautiful city.................................................................................. . . ..Page 6

The Monet TourSan Francisco & The Legion of Honor................................................................................... . . ..Page 6

The Social SceneJulia Lynn offers wonderful diversions.......................................................................................Page 7

The Goodie Store & Tom Sisson’s explanation of the celestial.............................................................................Page 9

Andiamo!The 50th anniversary of the race that started a legend....................................................Page 10

Flying Lizards Motorsports at LeMansThe Northern California Porsche racers place well at Le Sarthe................................Page 14

SVR’s Zone 7 Concours at NielloA record 105 cars were on display............................................................................................Page 18

STOP! Mushy brakes are fi xedLisa and Mike Thomas host a Brake Tech Session.............................................................Page 22

Schedules and driving tips, Page 15

Drift back with Larry, Page 7

The race that started a legend, Page 10

Parade 2006, Page 6

Cover photograph courtesy Flying Lizard Motorsports

Andiamo!Andiamo!Il anniversario cinquantesimo della primo Porsche vittoria Targa Florio.Story on Page 10

Lizards Fly at Le Mans

Lizards Fly at Le Mans Sonoma racers push No 80 to fourth place in the GT2 class.

Story on Page 12

S a c r a m e n t o V a l l e y R e g i o n • P o r s c h e C l u b o f A m e r i c a • d e r p o r s c h e . n e t • V o l u m e 4 4 , N o . 5 • A u g u s t , 2 0 0 6


Page 4: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

2 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter

PresidentJeff Kinder.......................................................................916.765.28014320 Freemont’s Loop, Rescue, California [email protected]

Vice PresidentAndy Leight..................................................................916.984.9624106 Atfi eld Way, Folsom, California [email protected]

Secretary Kevin Dougherty......................................................916.983.7774P.O. Box 6006, Folsom, California [email protected]

Treasurer Betty Silva......................................................................707.864.049112 Oak Lane, Suisun Valley, California [email protected]

Social DirectorJulia Lynn........................................................................916.402.04432443 Fair Oaks Blvd #71, Sacramento, California [email protected]

Membership DirectorTom Sisson....................................................................209.296.535214537 Surrey Junction Lane, Sutter Creek, California 95685 [email protected]

Competition & Safety DirectorMatt Deter...................................................................916.630.89245645 Harvest Road, Rocklin, California [email protected]

Webmaster John Murphy.................................................................916.362.82763300 Cahill Ct., Sacramento, California [email protected]

Past PresidentKim Nelson...................................................................916.933.4282305 Glen Ridge Way, El Dorado Hills, California [email protected]

Zone 7 RepresentativeLarry Sharp - Golden Gate Region................925.371.22581119 Megan Road, Livermore, California [email protected]

2006 Board of Directors

SSby Jeff Kinder, President, SVR

continues, right

EditorTerry Grillo...................................................................209.296.488816234 Plug St, Volcano, California [email protected]/[email protected]

VR Elections are just around the corner. We have several open Board positions, coveted by all, to be open for 2007. All have reached their term limits and

need to be fi lled. Whose capable hands will be fi lling these posi-tions? Could they be yours?

Open positions are: Membership Director, Social Director, Vice President, and President. You will also get one of those nifty “@svr.pca.org” email addresses. If you are interested in running for one of these highly prestigious positions with SVR, please contact the Election Committee Chair, Kim Nelson, at (916) 933-4282 or [email protected].

SVR Technical ChairTh e Technical Chair answers email and phone calls or refers ques-tions of a technical nature, writes technical articles for the Drifter and SVRs Web site, and has organized technical sessions. If you are interested in this position, please contact me at (916) 765-2801 or email me at [email protected].

Caravan to Portland Parade 2006Sacramento Valley Region invites members to join us in a caravan to Parade 2006 Headquarters in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, August 5. Th e deadline for joining the caravan is July 29. To join, contact Mike Willis at (916) 363-8313, e-mail [email protected] or Bud Behrens at (209) 477-6496, e-mail [email protected]. A tentative itinerary is available from Bud.

Flyer: scv.pca.org/parade06/CaravanA.pdf.

Day tours

Th ere is still more room in the schedule for more single day tours. If you know of a fun place to go that you would like to share with your friends in SVR, please contact Julia and Andy to fi nd a place for your “Day Tour” on the schedule.

Drifter EditorIf you have comments, ideas for stories, pictures, articles, reviews of club activities, please email them to Drifter editor Terry Grillo at [email protected].


Don’t forget to check in on SVR’s web site. Enhancements and changes happen frequently. Check back often if you don’t want to miss something. If the spirit moves you, or something about the WEB page, please email John Murphy, our Webmaster at [email protected]. John is interested in your input and pictures.

Speaking of SVR’s web page, we now have a Sponsor’s & Adver-tiser’s Section! Th ey are our partners in making SVR one of the best regions anywhere. Please visit their shops to let them know you appreciate what they do for us.

Capable hands sought Capable hands sought for coveted positionsfor coveted positions

Page 5: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

The Drifter Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net 3

It’s all about your brakes.It’s all about your brakes.

We also have a Technical Links page. Look in to see what is new, or maybe something old that you have not read recently.

Dumkoff Trophy

his perpetual trophy is a special award, given by group vote at dinner meetings. Th e name plaques on this

award read like a who’s who of those that have active-ly participated in SVR activities over the years. Some have received it more than once.

What are the qualifi cations? You must be active in the club. Secondly you must be nominated by another SVR member (or signifi cant other, and yes, this has happened) for some-thing they observed you doing. Some of the nominations have been: working on a non-starting Porsche for a couple of days with one’s buddies only to fi nd it was out of gas, tak-ing a wrong turn as leader of your own tour, driving a non-Porsche on a Porsche event and forgetting to tighten some vital part, passing up a stranded Porsche on a tour you were supposed to follow and not off ering aid…

You get the idea. Lots of opportunities to be part of this famous list, OR nominate someone to be honored in this special way. Please call, email me, or see me at a dinner meeting to make your nomination. And yes, if you wish to nominate yourself, you can.

PCA has updated the email addresses of the National Offi ce staff. The “@pcanational.org” addresses have been replaced with “@

pca.org” addresses, and the names have been changed too. New addresses can be found here:

National Offi cers: www.pca.org/members/

club_offi cers.html

National Staff: www.pca.org/members/correspondence.html

The Boxster SIG (Special Interest Group or Register):986sig.pca.org.

New 997 Club Coupe SIG:[email protected]

There are other PCA SIGs: www.pca.org/forums/

The latest edition of RegionFocus is now available online. Meet PCA’s new Executive Director, Vu Nguyen. www.pca.org/members/library/region_focus/RF_201.pdf

Drive safe and have fun!

Update your PCA email addresses Capable, covetedCapable, coveted from page 2

Last month, Carl Brakensiek

noticed a spongy brake pedal

at Thunderhill Raceway

Knowing that Lisa and Mike Thomas of Mead-

ow Vista had the necessary experience and

expertise, he called and asked for their help.

They generously agreed and also invited all

SVR club members. Julia Lynn, our social direc-

tor, put out the word via email.

Turn to Page 22 for our story on Carl’s brake

situation review and response.

Instructors Lisa Thomas and Scott Hasper (right), and students discuss brake line construction.


Page 6: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

4 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter

SVR and selected regional events

September Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat

Reminder: The RSVP deadline for dinner meetings is also the last day to cancel your dinner reservation without paying. Per SVR policy, late cancellations and no-shows will be charged.

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat

SVR Drivers’ Ed #7Th underhill

Karen’s Bakery Breakfast7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.340 Th e Lakes, Folsom

Placerville wine tourMike & Emily [email protected] this month’s Social, Page 9

Ventura Porsche ShowConcours, swap meet, much more: 661.296.6545

A/X Stockton FairgrndsMatt Deter, 916.630.8924

Concours #7 - DiabloHeather Farms, Wal-nut Creek: Rob Haitsma, [email protected]

Monet Art TourLegion of Honor

Jan & Herb Hoover916.424.5163



Dinner Meeting

Th e Buggy Whip2737 Fulton Ave.Jan & Herb Hoover916.424.5163

MHRacesGinger [email protected]


Drifter CalendarsDrifter Calendars

San Francisco Art TourMonet exhibition

Parade Portland 2006

SVR Dinner Meeting

TrackmasterDrivingExperience- Thunderhill

SVR Board Mtg6:30 p.m./ RPMBradshaw @ 50

Monterey Historic Races


A/X No. 3 Loma Prieta/Marina - [email protected]

A/X No. 4 GGR Marina - [email protected]

• Karen’s Bakery Breakfast

• Sat & Sun: Ventura Show

• Wine Tour • Concours #6• Hearts, Hooves &


SVR Board Meeting

SVR Drivers’ Ed #7-Thunderhill

Dinner Meeting

Fredrick &

Susan RauchA/X-Stockton

• Charity Auction• Concours #7

New Member Tour-Tom Sisson: 209.296.5352

Folsom Zoo, Picnic, Tam-bra Kroetz: 916.989.1954

See also: derporsche.net>calendars

Page 7: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

The Drifter Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net 5

Speaking of Membership…Speaking of Membership…

SVR has



and 16



Welcome New Members!

Fabrication Specialties• Celebrating our 30th year in business

• State-of-the-art Body and Paint Technology

• Certifi ed Glasurit Paint (factory original for Porsche, Mercedes, BMW)

• Car-O-Liner Unibody Repair Equipment

• Enclosed Climate-Controlled Spray Booth

• Industry-Certifi ed Technicians

DON JOE3532 La Grande Blvd.

Sacramento, CA 95823


YOU HAVE A CHOICE!So why not make the right one, when

you need auto body and paint work.

National shows 23 as non-renewals. It is

my guess that many of these will renew so no action has been taken at this time.

SVR ConcoursI was happy to see so many new members at the Concours on June 18. As you probably real-ized, the turnout was mind-boggling. It was a real success thanks to Niello and the eff orts of a lot of people. Don’t forget

the upcoming G-24 breakfasts and other pending events – come out and join the fun!

New Members

John AndersenSacramento, [email protected]/501-725105 997

Charles & Rosanne WilsonPine Grove, [email protected]/296-117799 911

Eric EdelmayerCarmichael, [email protected]/381-8113

92 911

Karen EmbersonElk Grove, California

[email protected]/284-892891 911

Raff y KouyoumdjianSacramento, Californiaraff [email protected]/715-273587 911

Kenneth Selover & David SeloverRoseville, [email protected]/765-737888 911

Debbie & John SheehanRocklin, [email protected]/208-985469 912

Santiago TabarangaoSacramento, [email protected]/737-271697 911

Neil & Lisa Lynne TobinRoseville, [email protected]/677-974702 911

Angela & Kenneth WeidmannAntelope, [email protected]/332-850457 356

Chris & Christy WeissenseeSacramento, [email protected]/452-581185 911

Transfers In

Martin & Alison BakerFairfi eld, [email protected]/425-914475 914-6(from Golden Gate)

Harold Serkin & Julia CampanaWillits, California707/459-137003 911(from Redwood)

Ronald SmothermanModesto, [email protected]/522-231399 Boxster(from Yosemite)


Warren Brooks & Kit ChesnutGrass Valley, California

Stephen & Vicki [email protected]

continues, over

by Tom Sisson, Membership Director

Page 8: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

6 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter

www. fdrmotorsports.com

Offering PCA Club Member Pricing on Performance and

Appearance Products.

Now OfferingPerformance Friction Brake Products

Frozen RotorsMicro Fiber Detailing Towels

Brey-KrauseCarGraphic USA

Crow Enterprises HarnessesSparco, Helmets, Seats, Suits and


Call or visit our website

Phone: 916.989.0580


email: [email protected]

Donald FaerberEl Dorado Hills

Aleece & Elliot Hoff [email protected]

Gary & Willa Lampi510/625-2768

Robert & Kathy MurrayGranite Bay

Greg & Cyndee PeartSacramento916/689-7999

David & Jennifer SheltonTahoe City

James & Pat Th ompsonFair [email protected]/662-2172

Luis & Cynthia VillarrealWest Sacramento707/428-5485


Charles & Sara Gordon (5)

Richard & Juli Shelton (5)

Norman & Jannelle Dalton (5)

Th omas & Robin Giustina (5)

Mike Edwards (10)

Tina & John Murphy (20)

Kenneth & Marcella Mitchell (20)

Speaking of

Membershipfrom Page 5

La femme au Metier by Claude Monet

by Herb Hoover

Jan and I will lead an art tour onSat-urday, August 5 to the Museum of the Legion of Honor in San Fran-

cisco where 53 paintings by the great French impressionist Claude Monet will be exhibited.

by John Draneas, 2006 Parade Chair

Parade is an amazing event. For 50 consecutive years, PCA members have met to spend a week cel-

ebrating the Porsche marque and themselves. Few car clubs, or even organizations, can boast of such a lengthy and con-sistent history of participa-tion. Th is exceptional pride and enthusiasm for the Porsche marque continues year to year.

Parade Portland is the fi rst of the sec-ond 50 years of Parades, and we will be starting the second half-century in a very big way. Foryears, the PCA National Parade Committee has surveyed Parade participants to learn what should be

Parade Portland 2006: Making It Differentchanged, and what should be kept the same. Parade Portland will be the start of a progres-sion that will change Parade over the next few

years to be more responsive to what all of us have said is important to us. But

don’t worry; frequent Parade attend-ees will still recognize the event. After all, we’re talking evolution, not revolution.

A New Attitude

It all starts with attitude. At Parade Portland, the universal goal will be

to have fun. Everything we do is going to be geared toward maximizing the fun quo-tient and keeping you entertained. After all, we realize time away from home is precious for

The Monet Tour at the Legion of HonorWe plan to meet in the Tower Th eatre park-ing lot, 16th and Broadway, Sacramento. Drive around in back, next to Joe Marty’s

Th e only other place in the world that I know of that would have a comparable display is the Musée Marmottan in Paris. Our present plan is to tour to San Fran-cisco and have lunch at a place where we are free to order off the menu, then spend the afternoon at the museum. Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for seniors

continues, Page 20

continues, Page 21

Page 9: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

The Drifter Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net 7


Cby Julia Lynn, Social Director

Can you believe the year is more than half over!

One thing I want to talk about this month is the upcoming year of the club.

We have a couple Board positions open for 2007, one being mine, Social Director. I touched briefl y last month about how I came to this position and let me tell you, it has been fun. I was new to Sacramento, having just married Buzz and moved from Santa Rosa. Needless to say, I didn’t know that many people here and had only gone to a few dinner meetings when I heard the club needed a new Social Director.

So now it’s nearly two years later and this has been a great experience. I became involved in Concours, Tours, Dinner meetings, even a Driver’s Education event driving around Thunderhill!

Now if you would have told me I would ever be on a race track in my Skippy, I would have said you were nuts! But there I was (on the cover of the Drifter too!). Some wonderful people have crossed by path that otherwise would have not.

The Social Scene

continues, Page 8

Drifting BackDrifting Backby Larry Wilson

Larry Wilson

settles in f

for another


side, Drifting-

back chat.

30 Years Ago (July 1976)

Th e annual SVR Picnic & Auc-tion, July 11 at Cordova Park, also featured the grudge volley-ball match between the Sixers and the Four Cylinder bunch. Of course, the four-cylinder team won, easily, because of superior skill and strategy. Plus, their wives were better looking! Social chairs Trish O’Shields and Connie Farlinger chaired the event. Proceeds of the auc-tion ($600) went to the Sac-ramento Council for the Pre-School Retarded.

A news item in the July issue of Th e Drifter that fell under the Rare Sighting heading: “Th ere were 37 Porsches on the recent gour-met tour: 35 of the 37 were 900-series cars (i.e., 911, 912, and 914) and only two were 356 series, Peter Bogy’s 356B Coupe and Larry Wilson’s 1955 Speedster.”

Also in that issue, President Dave Neukom thanked Ted Robinson and Ken Fielding for working tech inspection all day at the CRAB V autocross. Th e cover of the July Drifter featured patriotic art by Mark Peters, age 6, son of editor Mary Peters. John Skoien advertised a 356SC/912 crankshaft, polished to standard rod and main jour-nals, for $300 or best off er.

continues, Page 8

20 Years Ago (July 1986)

Herb Hoover and Kern Breaux chaired the July 19 SVR auto-cross at Cal Expo which brought the 1986 Sacramento-area auto-cross season to a close because of a lack of autocross sites. Th irty-six SVR drivers turned out for the event (each had six runs), and drivers and workers capped off the day with a pool-party at the home of Dwight and Linda Mitchell.

A July 26-27 SVR Tahoe Tour, chaired by Kathy Chandler, pro-vided a great get-away week-end for 60 PCAers who said the view from atop Heavenly Valley at lunch was the highlight of the tour. Th e 914-4 of Jay and Carla Cross broke down on the tour in the middle of nowhere, but for-tunately plenty of help was avail-able including Kirk Bradford who was armed with scads of knowledge imparted by Dwight Mitchell at the July 12th SVR tech session entitled “Roadside Breakdowns and Repairs.”

Kirk also had with him nearly all of the tools and spare parts that were mentioned at the tech session as essential items for everyone’s emergency roadside repair kit. But, even more for-

Page 10: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

8 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter


If you are new to the club or a seasoned member, think about becoming the next Social Director! Give me a call or e-mail me if you’re interested.

Could Herb and Jan Hoover do any more for this club?

I don’t think so, but they are anyway. They are hosting a tour and the dinner this month, just after getting back from Hawaii no less. The San Francisco Art Tour is being held on August 5th and they will be going to the Museum of the Legion of Honor where 53 paintings by the great French impressionist Claude Monet will be exhibited. Call Herb & Jan at 916.424.5163 to make your reservation. The dinner meeting will be at The Buggy Whip in Sacramento on Thursday, August 10th. See the ad in the Drifter for menu choice and details.

Historic Races, that’s what’s going on in Monterey this month. I have never been to the historic races before so Buzz will be my guide! We are also going to participate in the Concours going on that weekend in Pebble beach, not showing, just as spectators! The races are at Laguna Seca Raceway from August 18-20. I know there will be several SVR members in

From Page 7

concludes, facing page

The Social Scene

tunately for the Crosses, Mike Willis happened along before Kirk, and quickly diagnosed the problem as a bad fuel pump. Jay’s sup-port vehicle, a BMW 733 sedan, also came by with his neighbor behind the wheel and they all piled in to resume the tour to Carson Valley and the tour destination, the Carson Valley Inn.

10 Years Ago (July 1996)

Th e July Drifter carried the story, “Ralph and Larry’s Excellent Adventure,” a highlight recap of Ralph Heath and Larry Wilson on the 6th Annual California Mille, a fi ve-day, 1223.8-mile drive through Northern California and Lake Tahoe in Ralph’s 1954 Jag-uar XK120 convertible (instead of his 356 Speedster).

Th e story detailed Ralph’s sudden affl iction of Red-Bottom dis-ease which seemed most prevalent among those traversing the rain-soaked route in open cars fi tted with crimson leather seats. For-tunately for Larry, Ralph had not found it necessary to re-dye the passenger seat before the event.

Competition Director Masuo Robinson used his July Drifter article to give credits to Rich McGlumphy, Mike Willis, Rik Larson, and Dwight Mitchell for helping to design and setup autocross cours-es during the year. Masuo also encour-aged more members to participate and support the SVR autocross program.

SVR’s Second Annual Hog Island Oyster Tour was held July 20 with Bob Brewer in the saddle as event chair. Th e plan was to meet in Davis, travel to the Hog Island Oyster Company, pick up some shelled oysters, then proceed over Porsche-type roads with all due haste to the beach for an oyster barbe-cue party with lots of white wine and French bread. And, that’s precisely what they did!

From Page 7

Drifting Back

Page 11: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

The Drifter Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net 9


The Social Scene

attendance there so take a mini vacation and hook up with some of us!

Mike and Emily Willis are hosting the Placerville Wine Tour on September 10th. The details are still in the works, but we’ll get that information to you on the web, Drifter and via e-mails from…me! Tambra Kroetz is taking you on a trip to the Folsom…Zoo! Everyone will meet up at Karen’s Bakery for the no-host breakfast then start the tour from there.

We have lots of activities going on this summer and don’t forget about other regions too. On the Zone 7 web site you can click links to other regions sites and the calendar page of our web site has the Zone 7 link there as well. Go out and meet other region members, they’re a fun group too! Ok, maybe not as fun as SVR members…

Happy Motoring!

The Social SceneFrom Page 8

And, is it hot. You need to strip down to some lightweight SVR/Porsche T-shirts ($18), Baseball shirts ($20), or SVR polo shirts (just $30). If you get a big enough baseball or T-Shirt, you can even use it as a night shirt. Take a picture of

yourself using one as a night shirt and it will be immortalized in the Drifter and on the web. Be famous! See the Goodie Store catalog at www.derporsche.net. We even have light weight jackets.

Th ere are still some Porsche Crest key fobs left. Th ey are a heavy chrome plated 1.5 inch fob with the crest on brushed metal, with a large ring for keys (overall length is 3.25 inches.) Th ey would make a great gift—ONLY $10.

As usual, we stock PCA and SVR car badges ($18 and $15),

It is hotter than usual even though the Summer Solstice has just passed. In the northern hemisphere, the longest day of the year is in June when the Sun is farthest north. In the southern hemisphere, win-

AAOh, the Goodies!Oh, the Goodies!

continues, Page 17

by Tom Sisson, Membership Director

Page 12: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

10 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter

5050thth anniversary of anniversary of Porsche’s first victory Porsche’s first victory at Targa Florioat Targa FlorioTh is story was compiled from PCA and internet sources – Ed.

TT he most successful of all sports car manufacturers in the history of endur-ance sports car racing, the

company now known as Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, celebrated one of its biggest and most impor-tant racing victories on June 10, 1956 at the Targa Florio.

No win was bigger in company history than that day in 1956 when a Porsche 550 A Spyder scored Porsche’s fi rst World Championship victory.

Th e 550 A Spyder is the grandfa-ther of today’s RS Spyder Le Mans Prototype 2 racer and father of the current Boxster street car. And Porsche’s record 11th and last victory at the Targa Florio in 1973 was tallied by a Porsche Carrera RSR, the predecessor of the recently announced 2007 Porsche 911 GT3 RS street car.

Fifty years ago in June, Italian driver Umberto Maglioli was the unexpected over-

TT he Targa Florio was an open road endurance race held near Palermo, Sicily. Founded in 1906, it was one of

the oldest sports car racing events until in was discontinued in 1977 due to safety concerns.

Several versions of the track were used. It started with a lap length of 148 kilometers (92 miles), then was shortened twice to the 72 kilome-

ters lap (about 45 miles) that was used in the last decades, for usually 10 laps in the race.

Start and f inish was at Cerda. The counterclock-wise lap lead from Caltavuturo and Collesano at more than 600 meters (1969 feet) down to

sea level, where the cars raced from Campofelice di Roccella on the Buonfornello straight along

the coast.

all winner of what was then the world’s longest-standing and most dif-fi cult road race – the Targa Florio. Th e upstart Porsche organization gained worldwide recognition with this victory since it was the fi rst time that a driver in the under-two-liter class managed to beat vehicles with larger cylinder displacement.

Umberto Maglioli (far right) at a fuel stop en route to his Porsche 550 A Spyder victory at the 1956 Targa Florio.



y Po


e AG

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The Drifter Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net 11

The Jo Siffert/Brian Redman Porsche 908/03 Spyder won the 1970 Targa Florio.

Courtesy Porsche AG

Gijs van Lennep/Herbert Mueller won the 1973 Targa Florio in a Porsche 911 Carrera RSR.

Courtesy Porsche AG

WW ith an average speed of 90.9 mph and a lead of nearly 15 minutes on the second place vehicle, Maglioli not only out-classed the competition but also assured the fi rst overall

victory for Porsche in the Manufacturers World Championship.

Th is victory was all the more surprising because the 550 A Spyder debuted eleven days before the Targa Florio at a 1,000-kilometer race on the Nürburgring. Spurred on by the victory in this class, Porsche’s racing director Huschke von Hanstein traveled to Sicily with driver Maglioli and two mechanics to test the open-top Spyder’s competitive-ness once again. In contrast to other road races of the time, routes were not closed during practice, so the drivers always had to be prepared for local traffi c and obstacles.

It was Porsche’s fi rst entry in this legendary race because at the time the Targa Florio was seen as the home turf of larger-engined sports cars from Italy. Maglioli completed the 720-kilometer route without changing drivers in a time of 7:54.52 hours – and thanks to the reliability of his Porsche, only pulled into the pits to refuel.

His victory marked the beginning of a partic-ular success story for the Stuttgart sports car manufacturer. By the fi nal staging of the race as a World Championship in 1973, Porsche was the most successful automobile brand with a total of eleven overall Targa Florio victories.

1956 Umberto Maglioli Porsche 550 A Spyder

1959 Edgar Barth/Wolfgang Seidel Porsche 718 RSK Spyder

1960 Joakim Bonnier/Hans Herrmann Porsche 718 RS 60 Spyder

1963 Joakim Bonnier/Carlo Abate Porsche 718 GTR

1964 Colin Davis/Antonio Pucci Porsche 904 Carrera GTS

1966 Herbert Müller/Willy Mairesse Porsche 906 Carrera 6

1967 Paul Hawkins/Rolf Stommelen Porsche 910-8

1968 Vic Elford/Umberto Maglioli Porsche 907-8

1969 Gerhard Mitter/Udo Schütz Porsche 908/02 Spyder

1970 Jo Siffert/Brian Redman Porsche 908/03 Spyder

1973 Gijs van Lennep/Herbert Müller Porsche 911 Carrera RSR

Porsche – overall victories Porsche – overall victories at Targa Florioat Targa Florio

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12 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter


Lizards FlyLizards Fly

Circuit de la Sarthe, Le Mans, France – Th e Flying Lizard Motors-ports No. 80 Porsche fi nished fourth in class at the 2006 24 Heures du Mans race here on June 17 & 18.

Drivers Johannes van Overbeek, Seth Neiman, and Patrick Long brought the northern California-based team’s Porsche 911 GT3 RSR home safely in a dramatic race that had twists and turns, multiple lead-ers, four manufacturers in the hunt for the GT2 win, and signifi cant technical challenges across the entire entry fi eld.

Th e Lizards came off of a 3rd place podium fi nish at Le Mans in 2005 and had a challenging and successful race again this year. Th ey missed a podium spot by one – and their fourth-place fi nish resulted from a val-iant and successful eff ort to restart and return their 911 GT3 RSR to the track in the dark, noisy night.

Th is year’s Le Mans was characterized by technical problems for near-ly every single team. Half of the fi eld did not fi nish the race and nearly every car made at least one trip to its garage for repairs.

At approximately 1:00 am, 8 hours into the 24 Heures du Mans, the Flying Lizard Porsche No. 80 went off track into the gravel just past the Dunlop bridge. At the time of the incident, driver Seth Neiman was seventh in GT2. After being removed from the track by marshals, driv-er Seth Neiman was unable to restart the car.

Race regulations state that a car must return to the garage under its own power in order to continue in the race. A driver may work on the car on the track. Over the next 45 minutes, the crew worked with Seth via radio – and when the radio power failed, via cel phone – to diagnose the problem and repair the car on track. Th ey believe the car was damaged when the car hit the gravel, and as a result, the car would not start. Th ey talked Seth through the process of fi nding the source of the problem, which turned out to be a broken electrical connection at the starter.

• Formed in 2003. Based at Infi neon

Raceway at Sonoma. First full season of

competition: 2004.

• Runs two Porsche 911 GT3 RSRs in

the American Le Mans Series (ALMS),

GT2 class (No. 44 and No. 45)

• Competed in the 2006 24 Heures du Mans, GT2 class with the No. 80 Porsche

911 GT3 RSR. Finished 4th in their class.

This is the team’s ALMS No. 44 Porsche.

2006 will be the car’s second consecutive

Le Mans – it is the same car the team ran

at Le Mans in 2005 for a 3rd place fi nish in

the GT2 class.

• 2006: Currently leading in the ALMS

drivers’ (No. 45 van Overbeek) and team

championships (after three of 10 races).

1:05 am – The No. 80 Lizard Porsche is in the gravel. Seth reports that the car will not turn over and suspects a dead battery. The crew will talk Seth through changing to the backup battery. – From a Flying Lizard internet report.

at Le MansatDriver Seth Nieman used a portable tool kit, a fl ashlight and a ten-uous radio connection to the Lizard pit to restart Porsche No. 80 in the dark…

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Lizards FlyFly at Le Mansat Le Mans

2.5 hours into the race, driver Seth Neiman report-ed a sudden problem when the rear locked up under braking near the Ford Chicane. After wrestling with the car for anoth-er lap under very strong vibration, Neiman pitted so the crew could replace all four tires. – From a Flying Lizard internet report.

2006 Le Mans drivers: Johannes van OverbeekSeth NeimanPatrick Long

Seth returned to the garage under his own power, the crew brought the car into the garage, topped off fuel, and went to work to clean the car and complete repairs. Th e crew also discovered additional damage asso-ciated with the incident and repaired it.

Th e crew sent the car out on track at 2:36 a.m., approximately an hour and a half after the incident, with Seth Neiman at the wheel to fi nish his stint.

Seth said about his on-track repair, “Th e crew did an excellent job at staying calm and talking me through a complex situation that they could not even see. It was unfortunate that we lost so much time, but I’m very proud of the fact that we were able to get the car back on track and fi n-ish so well in the race.”

Halfway There - The 12 Hour MarkTh e team regrouped and focused on strategy for regaining as much ground as possible as quick-ly as possible. Next up in the car was Johannes for a solid 2 hour stint. At 5 a.m – the halfway mark – Johannes was still in the car and the Lizards had moved to P10.

Special to The Drifter

From trackside at La Sarthe

F lying Lizard driver Johannes van Over-beek – a Sacramento native – spoke with The Drifter in

June while the team was running qualifying laps prior to the 2006 Le Mans race.

It was 5:30 p.m. in France and 8:30 a.m. in Califor-nia on Tuesday, June 13 and van Overbeek talked about the practice and qualifying laps coming up on Wednes-day and Thursday.

“We will qualify on Thursday and practice at midnight before, so then we will know,” he said. “Driving the course at night is not very diffi cult – the track is reasonably well-

Johannes van Overbeek

Continues, Page 14

Continues, Page 14

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lighted and we’re so far north that the night is short.”

He said the Lizard team felt very fortunate to place third in the 2005 race, but “when you look back on how the race developed, we didn’t depend on someone else’s misfortunes – we ran a good race.”

And this year van Overbeek said the team wanted to build on past experience. “You know, the primary objective is just to fi nish. It’s very diffi cult, it’s you against the race rather than against any other car.”

We asked van Overbeek about the differences between driving a late-model street Porsche and a Le Mans monster.

“They are similar in many ways. They are good street cars and good race cars, lots of control, light handling and in that sense they are similar. But by virtue of having a light-weight car and much more power it makes it louder and the tires have much more grip. Every part of that car’s operation excells relative to a street car.”

And how fast do they go on the Mulsanne Straight? “Oh, about 185 mph.”


FlyFlying ing LizardsLizards

Le Mans Overall Victories by Manufacturer

Porsche - 16

Ferrari - 9

Ford - 6

Audi - 6

Bentley - 5

Jaguar - 5

Alfa Romeo - 4

Matra - 3

Lorraine - 2

Peugeot - 2

Mercedes - 2

Renault - 1

Mazda - 1

BMW - 1

Aston Martin - 1

From Page 13Johannes said, “I appreciated all of the support from the team and the doctors who were able to make it possible for me to race this week-end after my bicycle accident on Th ursday. It was defi nitely a group eff ort to get me there. During my stint, I felt very strong, consider-ing. Th ere was a lot of debris on the track and the conditions changed lap by lap and I real-ly had to be heads up. Overall, I think the car ran very well all weekend - thanks again to the crew for getting us such a strong race car. “

From trackside at La SartheFrom Page 13

8 a.m. to FinishWith nine hours still to go, the Lizards stayed focused and pushed as hard as they could to regain positions. By 1 p.m., the attrition in GT2 had helped the No. 80 to move to fourth in GT2. For the last four hours of the race, Patrick and Johannes pushed, outpacing the fi eld at times by 30 to 45 seconds, but the dis-tance between the No. 80 and the No. 87 Fer-rari in P3 was too great to close.

“Th is was one of the most dramatic races that I have ever participated in,” said crew chief Tommy Sadler. “In GT2 alone, there were so many dramas unfolding constantly through-out the fi eld. To have four manufacturers in the hunt for the lead over the course of the race and three on the podium shows how much support there is for this class and for endur-ance racing.

“We were disappointed not to fi nish on the podium, but I am very proud of what we were able to accomplish given the challenges that we faced. Th e crew did a phenomenal job in staying focused, thinking on their feet, and getting the car back on track, no matter what. What an amazing 24 hours!”

‘What an ‘What an amazing amazing 24 hours ! ’ 24 hours ! ’

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A/XA/XFlying Lizardsds

The fi rst Le Mans race was held on May 26 and 27, 1923 and has since been run annually in June, with exceptions occurring in 1956 and 1968, and was cancelled only in the years 1936 and from 1940 to 1948.

The race is run on a semi-perma-nent track which, in its current con-fi guration, is 8.482 mi les long, using mostly country roads that remain open to the public for the majority of the year.

Drivers frequently refer to Le Mans as a race where up to 85 percent of the time is spent on full throttle, meaning immense stress on engine and drivetrain components.

However, the times spent reaching maximum speed also mean tremen-dous wear on the brakes and sus-pension as GT1 cars must slow from over 200 mph to around 65 mph for the end of the Mulsanne Straight.

The overall winner is the car that covers the greatest distance in 24 hours of continuous racing.

A very short history of The Race

Larry Sharp, PCA National Zone 7 Rep-resentative, shows air at the 2005 Zone 7 autocross in Stockton.

• Morning check-in and tech from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m..

• Late check-in and tech from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

• First car out at 9 a.m.

• No open exhaust

• Fee: $35.00 per driver

• Register online at http://svr-autocross.deter.com/

• Questions? Contact Matt Deter at [email protected] 916.630.8924

• Directions: From I-5 or Hwy 99, take Hwy 4 (Crosstown Freeway) toward Downtown Stockton. Take the Wilson Way exit South onto Wilson Way. Turn left at Charter Way and then right through the gate into the fairgrounds. Follow the access road, bear left at the Y-intersection, continue straight, and turn right to enter the parking lot.

Sacramento Valley Region – PCA Presents

SVR Series Autocross SVR Series Autocross ##22Saturday, September 16, 2006San Joaquin County Fairgrounds - Stockton

Turn to Page 16 for the current A/X schedule and driving tips.

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16 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter

A/XA/Xfrom Page 15

Date Event Region Location ContactSat Aug 26 Auto-x #3 LPR Marina Cathy CarlsonSun Aug 27 Auto-x #4 GGR Marina Paul SmithSat Oct 14 Auto-x #5 SqR Millerton Sun Oct 15 Auto-x #6 Yos Millerton Sun Oct 29 Auto-x #7 SVR Stockton Matt Deter

For in-depth A/X information, including driving instructions, go to derporsche.net and click on “Autocrossing.”

2006 Zone 7 Autocross Series

• A car is most stable under acceleration.

• Never brake in a corner!

• Enter slow, exit fast.

• Use a consistent, comfortable braking point.

• Maximize exit speed by getting on the power sooner, before increasing entry speed into the corner.

• Eyes up – don’t drive off the nose of the car.

• Where you’re looking is where you’re going.

• Look through a corner and beyond, expand your fi eld of vision.

• Do not follow blindly.

• Do not fi x in on the cones.

• Vision is the most important element of High Performance Driving.

The Line• Th e line is the route around a course and through its

corners which will enable the car to go fastest.

• In a corner, it’s the broadest arc that maximizes speed,given “g” as a constant in V(2) = 15 gr.

• Th e “line” and the geometry of the edges of thepavement are usually diff erent.

• Th ere is only one “line.”

• Diff erent cars require diff erent approaches to stayon the “line.”

• Th e most important corners are those leading to thelongest straights.

From PCA: High Performance Driving – General Rules, Part 1

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continues, Page 24

winter and summer solstices are exchanged. In the US, the summer solstice marks the fi rst day of the season of summer. However, Sum-mer as a season, is defi ned in meteorology as the whole months of June, July, and August, in the Northern hemisphere, and the whole months of December, January, and February, in the Southern hemisphere. Th e exact start of summer is a matter of convention: in Ireland

it is as early as May 1; in many countries it is considered to be June 1, while in many others it is as late as June 21.

n general, seasonal changes occur earlier in coastal regions, so countries close to the oceans go for an earlier start to Summer than continental ones. Summer is commonly viewed as the season with the longest (and warmest) days of the year, in which the daylight

predominates, through varying degrees. In the northern latitudes, twi-light is known to last at least an hour, sometimes leading to the famous white nights found in St. Petersburg and Scandinavia.

It is also called the season of the midnight sun near the North Pole and in Iceland, for instance.

Where else do you get purchase solicitions that are both informa-tive and educational? Patronize your Goodie Store! See Tom Sisson at meetings and events, or contact him at 14537 Surrey Junction Lane, Sutter Creek, CA 95685, 209.296.5352 or E-mail [email protected]. Shipping can be arranged for the usual postal fees.

The white nightsThe white nightsfrom Page 9





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18 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter

VR’s Zone 7 Concours on June 18 at the new Niello Porsche dealership was a wonderful day that far exceeded the expecta-

tions of the Concours organizing com-mittee.

We had 51 cars entered in the Con-cours which was close to a record and a total of 105 cars on display for people

to see – and this was a record! One of the highlights of the day was the dis-play of classic and rare Porsches that

were parked inside the Niello Service Bay. Bob Murray brought out his 1953 356 Cabriolet and Jim Hardie brought out his 1952 Cabriolet. What a beau-tiful pair of Zone 7 Concours winning Porsche bookends.

Larry Wilson had his Pre A 1955 Speedster entered in the Concours and Ayleen O’Connell drove her freshly restored 1961 Roadster for all to see. A perennial favorite is Jerry Kiliany’s 1965 C coupe that he picked up from the factory and is the 11th 356 from the last one made. And talk about rare, Steve Childs drove his right hand drive 1971 911 R to put on dis-play! All day long we had some great music playing from our resident DJ – Dick MacFar-lane, and Mike Ambrozewicz fi red up the BBQ grill for a tasty lunch.

by Kent Brandon and Kim Nelson

Niello received the fi rst 997 Turbo the day before and put it in the service bay under a car cover.


As an unexpected surprise, Niel-lo received the fi rst 997 Tur-bo the day before and put it in the service bay under a car cov-er. Rumors spread throughout the day as to what was under the cover and during the awards pre-sentation, for which at least 100 people stayed, Don Faerber, Niello Porsche’s General Manager and Don Koepke, Niello’s Parts Man-ager, unveiled the new 997 Turbo for all to see. Too bad the car was

already sold because a lot of people want-ed to take it for a test drive. And then we had the sale of over-stocked and discon-tinued Porsche Selec-tions goodies that were priced between 60-and- 80 percent off retail.

By 10 a.m. Niello’s showroom looked like Wal-Mart when they are having a blue light special! Don Koepke later said that 80- to-85 percent of the goodies they had purchased for this special one time sale had been sold.

continues, facing page

Inspector Sisson goes over a car with a fi ne-toothed comb.

SVR’s Zone Concours at Niello

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It was all over too soon and by 3 p.m. the last of the SVR members were saying good-bye. Not to worry though – Don Faerber asked if we’d like to come back again next year and do it all over. We’ll be back Don and thanks.

As a side note, SVR is host-ing another Zone Concours at the end of the season at Sil-ver Star Recyclers on October 8th. Silver Star has been host-ing a Swap Meet for the last couple of years and this year it was decided to combine it with a Zone Concours. Dick Mac-Farlane and Kent Brandon are taking the lead on this one and it should be a great event with some interesting surprises so mark your calendars now!

Concours at Niello

Ken Reynolds and Catherine Taylor listen to Rick Weidner expound on the fi ner points of Porsches.

Classic and rare Porsches were parked inside the Niello Service Bay.

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20 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter

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PCA members, and many use up their vacation time to attend Parade. We’re going to do our best to make you glad your 2006 vacation was in Portland, Oregon on August 6 through 11.

Th e Oregon Region believes that if you’re going to have fun, there’s one necessary element – driving. After all, we have lots of great roads begging to be driven. You’ll want to bring a car, prefera-bly a Porsche. But we know driving across the country takes a lot of time, so we’re working on lining up some deals on car transport to and from Parade. Since many of you just won’t be able to bring your Porsches, the Gimmick Rally and tours will be open to rental cars.

All of us on the Parade Portland team are very excited about this event, and we look forward to see-ing you and showing you what life is like out here in the Pacif-ic Northwest. We really hope you can attend.

As you have no doubt heard, we have a very full Parade. Because of that, I would like to ask your indul-gence and coopera-tion. Most all of our events are sold out. We’ll have a lot of PCA members at every banquet, and

Parade Portland 2006: Making It Differentwe’ll have a lot of cars on the road. Please read all your instructions, and try to be on time to every event to speed up the logistics. We are confi dent that we have a good handle on everything and that all will go smoothly, but please keep in mind that we are all volunteers here, just a group of friends trying to help each other out.

from Page 6

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saloon, and you will be right across the street from a Starbuck’s.

I would like to leave around 10, however, the earth will not cease rotation if we don’t. If you have been held up and will be late please call me on my cellphone – 916.402.5163.

Th e price is a little confusing so I will try to unconfuse it for you. Th e general admission is $15 for adults; $12 for old-age-pensioners, oops, seniors, but, because we will be ordering the tickets in advance, so we are assured entry, Ticketmaster adds their charge and it varies according to how big the group is.

I have no idea at this time how big the group will be so I am going with the greatest charge, and if, over time, the group enlarges to a number which would entitle us to a lesser rate, I will refund the diff erence. It will probably not be more than $.50 in any event.

And, according to SVR tradi-tion, we add $1 per person to cover expenses of the tour to the club. So, tickets for adults will be $19.50 and for seniors $16.50. If I can clarify any of this further for you please don’t hesitate to call me at 916.424.5163. I assure you a real person, not a computer, will talk to you.

Th e museum has a nice café so we will tour directly to the museum and you can have lunch at your convenience.

Mark Twain observed that the coldest winter he ever spent was a summer in San Francisco. Th e hot-ter it is here the colder it will prob-ably be there, so come prepared. I think we will have a good time viewing some of the most beautiful paintings ever, in a lovely museum, in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

The Monet Tour at the Legion of Honor from Page 6

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22 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter

SSSaturday, June 17th saw a dozen or so Porscheophiles at Lisa and Mike Th omas’ Meadow Vista home for a session on brakes. Th e seminar was precipitated by Carl Brakensiek experiencing a spongy brake pedal at Th underhill Raceway earlier in the month.

“Spongy pedal” has a variety of causes, mostly heat related – over-heat-ed brake fl uid, inappropriate brake pads, brake lines expanding under pressure and grooved rotors to name a few. Carl decided to try the simplest and least expensive solutions fi rst: 1) switching to racing brake fl uid, which withstands the high temperatures generated by heavy braking, and 2) replacing stock brake lines with expansion-resistant braided steel lines.

Knowing that the Th omases had the necessary experience and exper-tise, he called and asked for their help. Th ey generously agreed and also invited all SVR club members. Julia Lynn, our social director, put out the word via email.

Th e Brake Tech Session was informative, interesting and well organized. Lisa and Scott discussed brake fl uids, types of brake lines,

It’s all about your brakes.It’s all about your brakes.Lisa’s Brake Tech Session

Story and photos by Doug Klein

Discussing the differences in brake line construction.

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CCtools and equipment to make brake work easier, how to bleed brake lines and much more.

Carl’s track car now sports fresh, high-tem-perature brake fl uid and four new braided steel brake lines. Th e session will inspire some to undertake similar tasks on their own cars, and others, who never put a wrench to a Porsche, will better understand their favorite mechanic’s explanation of a brake problem.

Th ank you Lisa and Mike Th omas and Scott Hasper.

Success. An appreciative Carl with Lisa and Scott.

Carl’s 1989 911 on the Thomas’s hoist. Why aren’t Carl’s gloves dirty?

That right rear line was tough to remove due to a damaged fi tting. Lisa had a matching fi tting on hand.

Carl bleeds his brakes.

Stage two: Change the brake fl uid. Carl uses a turkey baster to remove excess fl uid from the brake fl uid reservoir.

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24 Sacramento Valley Region • PCA • www.derporsche.net The Drifter

More Fine Print: Drifter Classifi eds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members (pictures with text are $15 each); non-members may submit ads, $20 each; pictures with text add $15 each (member & non-member). Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send with ad to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Man-ager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by email to [email protected] and received by the editor by the 1st of the month prior to publication. Ads may be shortened to fi t available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads sub-mitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefi t to our members, all ads are included in the classifi ed section of our web page. Ads are not verifi ed for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for two months unless cancelled.



1972 914-6 Recent restoration/conversion by Motor Meister (2/06). 2.4 L six and 915 trans (total re-builds), dual carbs, new brakes, suspension, wiring, interior (black), gauges, paint (millennium yellow), tires, ect.; 2.0 wheels, fogs, CD, & luggage rack; 175+ HP, 36K miles, warranty; ready to go: $25,000. Glenn Thiel, (530) 477-7251, glennthiel@ sbcglobal.net, CA

1986 911 Carrera Sunroof Whaletail Coupe. Guards Red w tan leather interior. 85,466 original miles. 3.2 liter 5 sp w factory colormatched 16” fuchs alloy wheels.All original Calif car except viper alarm was added. Has original Blaupunkt N. Y. sqr-05 am/fm casette, spare,tool kit, jack. Ex-ceptional condition, with service records, garaged, PCA owned, cold a/c, no oil leaks, new clutch. In-cludes car cover fi tted for whaletail, blk colgan bra, all manuals plus Bentley 911 Carrera Service man-ual. Concours quality car. $ 24,995 916-771-4476

or [email protected] for photos. (3)

1988 911 Carrera Cabriolet. Dark blue with grey upholstery. Just turned 65K miles. Loaded. Excellent Condition. A beauty. $25,500. Paul Dobreff 916-984-3047. (3)

911 Race Car GT2R , 1972 993 widebody w/wing, 3.8L, 380 Hp, less than 5 hr, 915 trans w/

Beautiful 1997 Porsche Boxster. Has warranty. Lapis Blue with black convertible top, black leather interior. Excellent condition inside, outside and mechanically. Just had it serviced at Niello. Garaged, 5 - speed, new tires, CD….etc. Has 57K mi. Price of $18,750. Bob at 657-7097, 663-1532 or 995-1096. Can send photos

Classifi eds


Free to a good home

WANTED: 1995 993 stock exhaust manifold with heat exchangers. Please e-mail: Stan at [email protected] Thanks - Stanton Lee

Two slightly used 996 car covers. I have two 996 car covers that I’d like to give to any club mem-ber who would like a free car cover. Please call John Myers at 916-342-2141.

1984 Porsche Carerra Cabriolet 104,000 Original Miles. Always garaged. Pristine! Red with black leather inte-rior and black top. CD Player, Power Windows, Cruise Control, A/C Newer tires and Battery $19,250 (916) 715-2124

robotek, 1950 lbs, by Matt L., sub 1:55 at T-Hill, $48K. 20 ft TPD trailer $8K.Contact Glen Brooksby at brooksby@winfi rst.com or 916-974-7006. (2)

1980 911 SC Targa; 74,000 original miles; 2nd Owner; Bra and Cover Garage Kept $11,500.00 obo Contact TC Arbuckle cell 916-919-1729; home 916-421-6819.

Tires & wheels (2) 16 x 7 and (2) 16 x 9 Boxster rims with painted crest, mounted with Bridgestone S02 tires; (2) 205/55 and (2) 225/50 all with 5-6/32 tread depth - $800 or best offer. Rich McGlumphy (916) 725-9828 [email protected]

Page 27: 0608 - August 2006 (July, Sept & Oct not published)

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