02 rn31632en20gla0 parameter configuration ru20 v12

1 © Nokia Siemens Networks RN31632EN20GLA0 Course Content Radio Resource Management Overview Parameter Configuration Common Channels & Power Control Load Control Admission Control Packet Scheduling Handover Control Resource Manager HSDPA RRM & arameters HS!PA RRM & arameters HSPA" RRM #Rel$ % '(

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Course Content
Module O)*ectives
 At the end of the module you will e ale to!
" #nderstand the NSN RN$ %arameter dataase stru&ture
" Name ' des&rie the different (ana)ed *+e&t ty%es
" E,%lain the usa)e of %arameter tem%lates
Logical Structure of the R+C Data)ase O)*ects
$*$* Radio Network $onne&tion $onfi)uration -ANE -$/(A Authori7ed Network -SG -$/(A sus&rier )rou% $(*. $on)estion (ana)ement *.+e&t
+ew O)*ects Managed O)*ect t5es
" R+C Radio Network $ontroller 
" ,-.S -$/(A .ase Station
"  A/ inter:fre;uen&y ad+a&en&y
"  A/G inter:system ad+a&en&y GS(
"  A/L inter:system ad+a&en&y L5E
"  A// dete&ted ad+a&en&y
" HOP  <ando8er ath
>($S= >($= >($G
" CMO- $on)estion (ana)ement *.+e&t
" ,A+/ -$/(A Authori7ed Network
" ,SMLC -$/(A Ser8in) (oile Lo&ation $enter 
" 3P+- Node.
" .6M 5ransmission 4uality (ana)ement
" ,RA- -$EL RA. %arameters
" 3!PS7 3!CS7 3!R ha8e een introdu&ed to sim%lify mana)ement
" 3P+- relates to o%tional feature ?:ased u for >le,i@
" .6M relates to o%tional feature ?u 5rans%ort 4oS@
" ,RA- %arameters are used y Admission $ontrol
" 3P6M relates to trans%ort on u
" 5he logical o)*ect of the Radio +etwork Controller  
" t &an ha8e u to 8'99 ,-.S o)*ects Bre;uires R+C 8:99C
" n the RN$ o+e&t the followin) interfa&es are defined! u:S= u:$S ' ur
" 5he lo)i&al o+e&t are hierar&hi&ally related to ea&h other= therefore it is not %ossile to
&reate any other o+e&t efore RN$ &reationD
,-.S O)*ect
" 5he lo)i&al o+e&t of the ,CDMA -ase Station B+ode -CD A -.5S &an ha8e u% to 29
-$/(A &ells= 1 $*$* and 1 N. o+e&tD
" f u trans%ort 4oS is used= -.5S &onne&ts to 1 54( o+e&t
,C/L o)*ect
" 5he lo)i&al o+e&t of the ,CDMA Cell is &reated to define the &onfi)uration of the
-$/(A Node . siteD n 1 RN$ dataase there &an e 2F00 -$ELsD
Handover Path HOP;
" 5he <ando8er ath o+e&t stores mainly $ell Resele&tion ' ntra:>re;uen&y
<<* %arametersD *ne <*, &an e related to se8eral Ad+a&en&y o+e&tsD
" 5he ma,imum numer of <*, o+e&ts within 1 &ate)ory is 100D
" ED)D for different ty%e of &ells Buran= rural= ma&romi&ro%i&oC
" <* 5y%es!
<ando8er ath
<ando8er ath
<ando8er ath
3dle Mode Parameters
HOP; Level Parameters
Not a complete list
Ad*acencies AD0;
"  Ad+a&en&ies for -$/(A &ell refers to a handover relationshi )etween two cellsD
5hey are defined for nei)hourin) &ellsD
"  A/S  o+e&t for intra:fre;uen&y Ad+a&en&y
"  A/3  o+e&t for inter:fre;uen&y Ad+a&en&y
"  A/1L  o+e&t for inter:system Ad+a&en&y BGS(L5EC
"  A/D  o+e&t for dete&ted intra:fre;uen&y Ad+a&en&y
.here can )e> ?= intra fre;uen&y ad+a&en&ies B A/SC= @' inter:fre;uen&y ad+a&en&ies B A/C=  ?8 inter:system ad+a&en&ies B A/GC= ?8 inter:system ad+a&en&ies B A/GC ' ?8 dete&ted intra:fre;uen&y ad+a&en&ies B A//C
<ando8er ath o+e&ts must e &reated efore  A/, &an e used
Ad*acencies #AD0;(
Not a &om%lete list
Detected Ad*acencies #AD0D(
Ad*dC3 #Cell 3dentifier(
Ad*dD/RR #Disa)le /ffect on Reorting Range(
Ad*dHSDPAHos3d #HSDPA HOPS identifier(
Ad*dLAC #Location Area Code(
Ad*dMCC #Mo)ile Countr5 Code(
Ad*dM+C #Mo)ile +etwork Code(
Ad*dM+CLength #Mo)ile +etwork Code Length(
Ad*d+R.Hos3d #+R. HOPS 3dentifier(
Ad*dRAC #Routing Area Code(Ad*dR+C3d #R+C 3dentifier(
Ad*dR.Hos3d #R. HOPS 3dentifier(
Ad*dR.,ithHSDPAHos3d #HSDPA HOPS identifier for AMR multiservice(
Ad*dScrCode #Primar5 Scram)ling Code(
Ad*d.;Div #.; Diversit5 3ndicator(
AD0D 4 detected ad*acenc5 DSR> Detected Set Reorting
DSRe-asedSHO /ete&ted Set Re%ortin) .ased S<*
>($SI 9 4 DSR not allowedB 
1 /SR enaled= ut S<* to dete&ted &ell not allowed
2 /SR ased S<* enaled
5he %arameter indi&ates whether the /SR ased S<* is enaled in the &ellD
-hen the /ete&ted Set Re%ortin) ' (easurements feature Bo%tionalC is enaled in the
RN$= the %arameter &an ha8e the followin) 8alues!!
0! /SR is not allowedD
1! /SR is enaled ut S<* to dete&ted &ell is not allowedD
-hen the S<* ased on the /ete&ted Set Re%ortin) feature Bo%tionalC is enaled in
the RN$= the %arameter &an ha8e the followin) 8alues!
0! /SR is not allowedD
2! /SR ased S<* is enaledD
Detected Set Reporting & Measurements!  o%tional features related to A// allow #E to report &
handover to cells not included in the neighbor list 
f feature RAN11H1! ?/ete&ted Set Re%ortin) B/SRC '
(easurements@ is enaled= s%e&ifi& &ounters B(102F Autodef
S<* /SR measurementC &an e used to find dete&ted set
&ells that are re%orted y the #E ut that are not in the A/S
or A// ad+a&en&y lists and &annot therefore e tar)ets of
S<*D -ith that information the nei)hor lists &an e o%timi7ed
13 © Nokia Siemens Networks RN31632EN20GLA0
Ad*acencies #AD0;( to HOP;
" E8ery ad+a&en&y definition &ontains links to <*, %arameter sets
" RtHopxIdentifier  defines the <*, B, S= = GC %arameter set that is a%%lied
" dle mode &ell:resele&tions
" R5 earer intra:fre;uen&y hard hando8ers
" NrtHopxIdentifier  defines the <*, B, S= = GC %arameter set that is a%%lied
" $onne&ted mode &ell:resele&tions B$ELLJ>A$<= $ELLJ$<= #RAJ$<C
" NR5 earer intra:fre;uen&y hard hando8ers
" HSDPAHopsIdentifier  defines the <*S %arameter set that is a%%lied
" >or user ha8in) <S:/S$< allo&ated
" RTWithHSDPAHopsIdentifier  defines the <*S %arameter set that is a%%lied
2re<uenc5 Measurement Control
" 5he >($ o+e&t &ontains information &on&ernin) the fre;uen&y measurement
fun&tionality of the RN$D
"  (a,D numer of fre;uen&y measurement &ontrol o+e&ts within 1 &ate)ory! 100D
" eD)D for different ty%e of &ells Buran= rural= ma&romi&ro%i&oC
" 1 >($ &an e related to se8eral -$/(A &ellsD
" >($ 5y%es!
>re;uen&y (easurement $ontrol
>re;uen&y (easurement $ontrol
>re;uen&y (easurement $ontrol
2MC Level Parameters  ActiveSet,eightingCoefficient
,C/L to 2MC;
" E8ery -$EL definition &ontains links to ma,D 19 >($, %arameter sets
" Rt FmcxIdentifier  B, S= = GC defines the >($, %arameter set that is a%%lied for radio
links with R5 earers
" Nrt FmcxIdentifier  B, S= = GC defines the >($, %arameter set that is a%%lied for
radio links with only NR5 earers
" HSDPAFmcxIdentifier  B, S= = GC defines the >($, %arameter set &ontrollin)
measurements of a user ha8in) <S:/S$< allo&ated
" RTWithHSDPAFmcxIdentifier  B, S= = GC defines the >($, %arameter set &ontrollin)
measurements of a user ha8in) <S:/S$< allo&ated simultaneously with A(R s%ee&h
$S RA.
" HSPAFmcsIdentifier  defines the >($S %arameter set &ontrollin) measurements of a
user ha8in) <S:/S$< ' /DCH allo&ated
" RTWithHSPAFmcsIdentifier  defines the >($S %arameter set &ontrollin)
measurements of a user ha8in) <S:/S$< ' /DCH allo&ated simultaneously with
 A(R s%ee&h $S RA.
4 x 3 + 1 + 1
COCO> Connection Configuration
"  A new lo)i&al $*$* o+e&t is &reated in order to reser8e lo&al transmission resour&es for the
-$/(A .5SD
" 5he $*$* o+e&ts dis%lay the transmission resour&es in the u interfa&e= ut not the a&tual
network to%olo)y
" 5here &an e u% to 900 $*$* o+e&ts in the RN- dataase
3P+-> 3P +ode -
.6M ,RA-
.6M> .ransmission 6ualit5 Management
" when u 5rans%ort 4oS is used= the N. o+e&t %ro8ides A&ti8ity >a&tors for trans%ort earers and
ma%%in) tales etween 8arious 4oS %arameters
3P+- Node.
 Admission $ontrol for 8arious tasks in
&onfi)uration of radio earers
ENoSetIdentifier  %arameter 
20 © Nokia Siemens Networks RN31632EN20GLA0
,A+/ & ,S1 ,SMLC & ,LCS/ O)*ects (S .ASE/ <* L*$A5*N .ASE/ SERK$E
" ,A+/ ' ,S1 (* )rou%s are for the 3MS3 -ased HO= whi&h is o%tional feature
" ,A+/ set &ontain L(N id where #E is allowed to make hando8erD
" ,S1 o+e&t should e &reated to e8ery sus&rier BL(N idC 8isitin) in network and it ma%s sus&rier
BL(N idC to &ertain -ANE sets
AuthorisedNetor!Id AuthorisedNetor!List
Authori"edNetor!MNCLengh  Technology
OperatorName Su'scri'erGroupid $SGAuthorisedNetor!Id $SGChangeOriging
WS*% W!D"A
- ,SMLC ' ,LCS/ o+e&t )rou%s are for Lo&ation ased ser8i&eD L$S is RAN09 feature
- ,SMLC> -$/(A Ser8in) (oile Lo&ation $enter= re%resents a lo)i&al o+e&t with RN$ s%e&ifi&
moile lo&ation &enter %arameters
- ,LCS/> -$/(A Lo&ation ser8i&e entity= re%resent a lo)i&al o+e&t with -$EL s%e&ifi& lo&ation
%arameters AntennaBearing( Ant&#B$ AntennaCoord( Co)Type( %n)Charact( Ma*CellBac!Rad Ma*CellRad( Repeater%*ist $LCS%ChangeOrigin $LCS%+tranCellId( $LCS%id
W+!SE%W!D"A +ocation Ser,ice Entity 
Con,AreaLe)el RNC-elayTolRespTime RNCLo-elayResponseTime $SMLCChangeOrigin $SMLCid
WS"+!%W!D"A Ser,in&
2MCS %arameters &ould e
defined on a Serving cell t5e  asis BeD)D uran= rural=
 ADJSid  . /
 ADJDid  . /
Ea&h -$EL has asso&iated 1 >($S for NR5 ' 1 for R5 ' 8 for <SB/CA= all &an e reused for
other &ellsD
Ea&h -$EL has asso&iated 1 >($S for NR5 ' 1 for R5 ' 8 for <SB/CA= all &an e reused for
other &ellsD
%ach A-3S has associated / &O#S ,or NRT4 / ,or R
%ach A-3S has associated / &O#S ,or NRT4 / ,or R
5 2 ,or &S-#A4 sets can 'e reused ,or other cells6
NrtFmcsIdentifer  . 2
RtFmcsIdentifer  . 89
HSDPAFmcsIdentifer   . :9
t5e asis BeD)D uran= rural=
Parameter count
#arameter count Group
MO Class AC &C Ident LC #C #S SI Other Grand Total
A-3G /8 / / /1
$AN% > ? /;
$C%L 0; /2 /0 /0 /; 02 8: :2 090
$LCS% 1 28 89
R./01 tota- 2 3000 parameter 4 
Parameter Dictionar5
RAS9: /;amle>
BRan)eI Ste%I DefaultC
Parameter management Overview
" Radio network %arameters are mana)ed 8ia Neta&t *SS or dire&tly 8ia Element
(ana)er fun&tionality
edit= analysis and
a&ti8ation tools
r i g h t s  R       e      c      o    
m     m      e    
1!3 e;amle 1eneral
,C/L F2MC; maing
1!3 e;amles HOPS