www.lrmi.net lrmi proof of concept progress report

www.lrmi.net LRMI Proof of Concept Progress Report

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LRMI Proof of ConceptProgress Report

Page 2: Www.lrmi.net LRMI Proof of Concept Progress Report

LRMI PoC Goals

• Create diverse body of LRMI tagged resources from variety of publishers

• Feed search/discovery tool that provides visual PoC of LRMI tagging

• Document best practices for tagging• Support publisher and LRMI’s TWG “real world”

application and learning


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LRMI PoC Players

• Dave Gladney, AEP – LRMI Project Manager• Michael Jay, Educational Systemics – Project Lead,

LRMI Proof of Concept• Teila Evans, Educational Systemics – Project

Manager, LRMI• Eric Weiss, Agilix – Project Manager, LRMI Tagger

and Search


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• Better Lesson• CK-12• Houghton Mifflin Harcourt• Learning.com• Learning Station• McGraw-Hill• Pearson• PCI Educational Publishing• Rosen


PoC Phase I Participants

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PoC Phase II Participants

• 22 actively pursuing Phase II• 450+ resources already submitted for Phase 2 • 4 new publishers engaged in Phase 2

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• Addition of the GroupSize property• Not part of the 1.0 spec

• Clarified definition for the InteractivityType property

• Changed the order of some of the properties to support csv import to Tagger

Publisher Submission Documents

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PoC Content Curating Stats


• 2 hours formal training with content curating team on LRMI and tagging tool

• Average 15 min/resource*• 60% in tagging tool• 40% for prep, QA, XML post, notes• Currently 616 resources evaluated, tagged,

and aligned

05 Sept 2012

* Resources submitted by publishers with varying amounts and quality of metadata as starting point

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PoC Content Curating Insights

• Leveraged “recommended vocabulary” choices included in Tagger tool

• Increased speed and consistency of tagging

• Still added optional items not “pre-listed”


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“Real World” Application

“In order to arrive at a useful schema, it is necessary to take into consideration the educational criteria that K-12 publishers and educators value.”

June 15 posting to LRMI discussion board


LRMI has balanced this at tagging level that is comfortable and achieves “scale”

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“Real World” Application

“There needs to be a property to indicate the main subject area (aka curriculum area) of the product.”

June 15 posting to LRMI discussion board


‘about’ property in Schema.org accomplishes this goal

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“Real World” Application

“Requiring publishers to correlate their products to state or Common Core standards discriminates against publishers who cannot afford the cost and/or time to do so.”

June 15 posting to LRMI discussion board


NO REQUIREMENT, ONLY OPTIONS. In theory, the standard form of tagging should reduce the cost, especially if CCSS is focus of alignment

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LRMI Tagger Update


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1. DiscoveryLRMI is designed to make your content discoverable

2. CommerceOnce your content is discovered by teachers who need it, its your job to support their purchase process

How you can use LRMI TagsThere are two parts of this equation:

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How you can use LRMI Tags

Use the Open Source Tagger to

create LRMI metadata for

your educational resources.

Tagger output is pushed to The

Learning Registry and embedded in

your page(s) to make your content much more easily

discoverable.1. Tag

2. Publish

3. Search

Learning RegistryYour Data

Your content tagged

with LRMI metadata is more easily discovered,

accessed and purchased.

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Tagger Status and Features on Version 1.0

• Completed multiple rounds of development gathering feedback on look, feel and features

• CSV Import dramatically eases content entry process• Now supports matching of dot notation to CCSS• Save will include options to save to CSV and HMTL

5.0 microdata for use in other applications and websites

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LRMI Tagger Demo – Latest Release


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Next Steps: LRMI & Dependant ProjectsSchema.org adoption


• The LRMI working group recently reached resolution on two key issues that were holding up proposal

1. Audience proposal at Schema.org level results in educationalAudience property in LRMI

2. New educationalFramework property under educationalAlignment allows tagger to indicate the framework or authority that defines the alignment (i.e., CCSS)

• Greg Grossmeier (TWG Lead) has a note in to Dan Brickley for ETA on next Schema.org revision

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• Shared Learning Collaborative (slcedu.org)• Shared technology services (data store, APIs,

content search) to enable personalized learning• Focus on CCSS-aligned materials• 5 states launching in December:

CO, IL, MA, NY, NC• 4 more states (DE, GA, KY, LA) and official

“hard launch” of SLC in March at SxSW

05 Sept 2012

Next Steps: LRMI & Dependant ProjectsSLC and Learning Registry

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• Learning Registry• SLC will have a node in LR• Continued development

05 Sept 2012

Next Steps: LRMI & Dependant ProjectsSLC and Learning Registry

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Reading Your Tagger Data FilesAlphabet Soup


1. XML – Output from phase one of LRMI tagging

2. JSON – Current output format from Tagger (preferred format for Learning Registry)

3. CSV – To enable audit and possible import into your own web publishing systems (coming soon)

4. HTML microdata – For embedding in your web pages via script (also coming soon)

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Reading Your Tagger Data FilesXML


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Reading Your Tagger Data FilesXML


05 Sept 2012


<item title="Pescar 20 I" url="http://platform.learning.com/interface/teachersky/default.aspx#stepname=curriculumitemdetails&id=a5156564-f02f-4b52-905a-2f31a72bee62%7cen"> <LRMI>

<meta itemscope = "itemscope" itemtype = "http://schema.org/WebPage"> <meta itemscope = "itemscope" itemtype = "http://schema.org/Language" itemprop = "language">

<meta itemprop = "name" content = "Spanish" /> </meta>

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Reading Your Tagger Data FilesXML


05 Sept 2012

<meta itemprop = "topic" content = "Number and Operations" /> … <meta itemscope = "itemscope" itemtype = "http://schema.org/Organization" itemprop = "publisher"> <meta itemprop = "name" content = "Learning.com" /> </meta> <meta itemprop = "useRightsURL" content = "http://platform.learning.com/Content/LicenseAgreements/LCOM/UserAgreement2011-10-03.htm" /> <meta itemprop = "IntendedEndUserRole" content = "Student" /> <meta itemprop = "TypicalAgeRange" content = "2-5" /> <meta itemprop = "TypicalAgeRange" content = "5-8" />

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Reading Your Tagger Data FilesXML


05 Sept 2012

<meta itemprop = "EducationalUse" content = "Drill & Practice" /> <meta itemscope = "itemscope" itemtype = "http://schema.org/AlignmentObject" itemprop = "educationalAlignment"> <meta itemprop = "alignmentType" content = "Teaches" /> <meta itemprop = "name" content = "Math.1.OA.5" /> <meta itemprop = "url" content = "http://corestandards.org/2010/math/content/1/OA/5" /> <meta itemprop = "description" content = "Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by counting on 2 to add 2)." /> …

</LRMI> </item></xml>

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Reading Your Tagger Data FilesJSON


"itemprop": "intendedEndUserRole", "content": "Student" }, { "itemprop": "educationalUse", "content": "Discovery Learning" }, { "itemprop": "educationalUse", "content": " Reading" }, { "itemprop": "educationalUse", "content": " Comparing"

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Your Next Steps


1. Keep submitting that metadata!

2. Tryout the Tagger application• We’re here to help you!

3. Work to determine work flow in your organization

4. End of February ’13, AEP transitions from:• Tagging services provider to• Provider of support for publishers tagging

5. Program for service providers rolls out in late October

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Ask us


• We’re here to help you…• Sell LRMI within your organizations• Provide support in finding ways to integrate

this into your existing processes• Facilitate access to technical resources if


• To do this we can…• Present to you and those teams with whom

you work• Review and provide feedback on metadata you

are creating• Provide information to show benefit to your

organization for participation

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Dave [email protected]

Teila [email protected]

05 Sept 2012