writing reports


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Step by step guidance on report writing.


Page 1: Writing Reports
Page 2: Writing Reports

Reports have some characteristics that set them apart from other types of writing.

Page 3: Writing Reports

Kinds of Reports:

• Accidents / Incidents• Events• Meetings• Experiments• Business Matters

Page 4: Writing Reports

Australian scientists said

Thursday that a dog with a nose

for sewage had found evidence

that life once, and may still, exist

on Mars. Biophysicist Tony

Taylor said his mongrel had

sniffed out bacteria in mud from

Queensland state that matched

fossils of primitive organisms in

a Martian meteorite which

plunged into Antarctica 13,000

years ago. This backed a theory

by NASA scientists who

examined the potato-sized

meteorite, called ALH84001,

after it was retrieved in 1984 and

concluded 12 years later that life

existed on Mars. Taylor said his

13-year-old Dingo-Kelpie cross-

named Tamarind had unearthed

the mud-bound bacteria while

sniffing around in the ooze at

Moreton Bay on the Queensland

coast in 1990s. "She's come

along on all my field trips,"

Taylor said explaining that he

had taught the dog to sniff out

sediments containing specific

bacteria. "It smells like sewage

and she knows the word



he Economic Times

Friday, 30 January 2004

We find a large number of reports covering a number of topics in newspapers everyday. Look at the following report. Do they have all the characteristics?

Australian scientists, and their dog, say life once existed

on Mars

Page 5: Writing Reports

Accidents and IncidentsQuestions: You are Amrit / Anita of the Sigma Youth Organization. You

witnessed the ghastly accident of the Punjab Mail at Bhusaval. Write a report in 150 -200 words, of the disaster for your organization’s news letter.

Begin: Deaths and disaster come uninvited ……………..

At the station to see my friend off – a goods train just left the station – Punjab mail coming from the opposite direction – a deafening sound of collision – a head-collision – two on the same track – four boggies got derailed. A ghastly accident – dead bodies lying over the rails – people started rushing – doctors and medicine