what it means to worship god: tools to help better your craft


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Post on 25-Mar-2016




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Before I go any further lets look at what’s in it for you to continue reading. The reality is everyone fits into one of four categories according to the type of personality you have. In additional to that, your leadership and the method in which you worship God varies in innumerable ways. What you will find in these pages are tools to you master your specific craft. As you apply the practical principals here the way in which you worship will intensify massively. These are very simple steps, but the action to become a master is where the challenge lies. Control, Creativity, Charisma, Compliance - if one of these four describe you than your tools for mastering you craft of worship are here.ControlLet’s say your task focused and you move at a fast pace. Driven by ...


Page 1: What It Means To Worship God: Tools To Help Better Your Craft


Page 2: What It Means To Worship God: Tools To Help Better Your Craft

Table of Contents

Why Keep Reading - 3

Introduction - 5

World Most Successful Leader - Worship Defined - 7

Boost of Confidence in Reality - 9

Getting to Work - 10

Conclusion: Bringing it Home - 13

About The Author - 14


Page 3: What It Means To Worship God: Tools To Help Better Your Craft

Why Keep Reading

Before I go any further lets look at what’s in it for you to continue reading. The reality is

everyone fits into one of four categories according to the type of personality you have. In

additional to that, your leadership and the method in which you worship God varies in

innumerable ways. What you will find in these pages are tools to you master your specific craft.

As you apply the practical principals here the way in which you worship will intensify massively.

These are very simple steps, but the action to become a master is where the challenge lies.

Control, Creativity, Charisma, Compliance - if one of these four describe you than your tools for

mastering you craft of worship are here.


Let’s say your task focused and you move at a fast pace. Driven by significance and through your

energy you shape and move your environment. Because you like to take charge and achieve

goals, your desire is to be a better leader and always keep things moving forward. The bottom

line is you can’t be a better leader or worshiper unless you take some action and these next few

pages provide the needed action to master your craft of worship and leadership.


You could be a great communicator, the life of the party, everyone knows you have amazing

social skills. You are concerned with others and love doing things in a fun way. The passion and

adventure are the excitement you seek simply because you like to entertain. This book will give


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you the vision for the adventure your about to take others on. The picture you will paint for them

needs the brush strokes provided in the pages below.


Wait, you might be that thoughtful person, sensitive to what others are feeling. Love to be loved

and hate to be hated. So cooperative and helpful. Connecting is important to you. You like teams

and relationships. You are happy because others are happy, :-) there is a happy face for you

because it makes me feel good that you are ready to take your craft to the next level. The tools

provided here will help you make healthy decisions. There are directions that will hold you hand

and walk you through the process.


Facts, figures, data, “show me the certainty.” Yes, I hear you over there waiting for the details

and specifics. I can understand that you must plan ahead because its the systematic approach that

ensures great precision. Well, soon you will hear about the greatest testimony of the greatest

leader known to man. The image that the greatest leaders follow. One man who was the greatest

even though there was direction given to this man who was a master of his craft. Why is He the

greatest you ask? Well, grab your pen and buckle that seat belt. Get ready for this interactive

growth experience!


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Leadership is sought in many forms, the universal fact is that if you follow someone who is a

greater leader, it makes you a better leader. Here is an example: If leadership had a scale from 1

to 10, with 10 being the highest, me being a 5 I would want to be mentored by or follow a 6 and

above because they have mastered their craft at a higher lever than I have.

Jesus was the ultimate leader. Centuries after His death many across the world follow the

concepts and precepts He delivered while He was on earth. He worshiped His Father and through

doing so, became a master of His craft. Now pause for a second. Before going any further lets

define worship. The immediate idea is worship as seen in the church building when the choir

sings. That is a form of worship. What the singers are doing is making their self a conduit for

God to work through. They are using their craft to worship God, bringing His presence to others.

The act of worship involves taking the action that ignites the intimate relationship one has with

God and expressing it.

As a believer of Jesus Christ, when it comes to leadership the ultimate goal is walking out a form

of worship. This will specifically be a guide to help develop your craft of worship which in turn

will help you become a better leader. Fact is the more skillful you are in your worship to God,

the deeper relationship you will have with the source of all wisdom, knowledge and leadership

skill. So, from here on, worship will be defined as the action one takes to express the intimacy

and passion one has for God; worship is the action one takes, using their craft to worship God.


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Come with me to the bible because God’s word never void and accomplishes all it is set out to

do. Let’s look at 3 scriptures that identify the vast forms of worship:

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

Colossians 3:23

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus to God and the

Father by Him.

Colossians 3:17

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Simply said what ever you do is your craft, it is a form of worship. Allow me to give some

examples. Personally when I write it permits me to express what God means to me, it is my form

of worship and what I call my craft. I have a friends who paint, dance, teach, design clothes,

body build and many who are business owners that use what they do to worship God. They have

found their craft and use it to worship God. If you have yet to find out what your craft is, you

might want to attend one of my conferences or visit my website for more on how to find what

your called to do: www.terrencejwhite.com.

What I would like to do is share a bit about the life of Jesus, define worship, help you address

how you are currently worshiping Him and then give you some tools to help you become more

skilled in your craft and its fashion of worship. Here we go!


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Worlds Most Successful Leader - Worship Defined

Jesus’ teachings were so influential it caused men to mont houses and lower the sick through

roofs tops so He could heal them (Mark 2:15-17). With a prominent message to overturn

mindsets, Jesus not only recruited tax collectors (Matthew 9:9), He feasted with them (Luke

5:29-32). The religious leaders seen this as irreverence to God when He called Matthew out to

follow Him because the tax collectors were seen as sinners. The Romans were angered, He was

changing the mindsets of those essential to the financial functionality of their empire with

concepts such as “it is better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).” Jesus came with a gift the

traditional leaders and Roman Empire couldn’t offer, “I have come that they may have life, and

that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10), yet His death brought life. When Jesus

died on the cross it was the unleashing of the plausible relationship with God the Father and

Jesus as the mediator versus the priest, whom where the mediators before His death. The

responsibility of the mediator was to take the prayers of the people to God, but before Jesus this

was only possible once a year.

The significance of this annual prayer was that it was intercessory, meaning it is never for ones

self, always another. Even Jesus followed someone, His Father! He said He did nothing on His

own will, rather He followed every instruction of His Father (John 5:19). This applies to worship

because all we do is a form of worship. Everything done is either worshiping God or the enemy,

that is why the scripture encourages “do it as unto God,” as opposed to as unto the devil.

Everything Jesus did was His craft and He used it to worship His Father. Through the freeness


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of sin given to us through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He gave His life so

we could by pass a priest and go directly to the source with our concerns. Worship is the act of

giving God praise. Think of it as an electronic device. It has a power cord which transfers the

power it needs to function. This power comes from a source. As the device is connected to the

power cord and the power cord connected to the source, the device can now operate with power

as intended in its creation. You are the device and worship is the power cord. When you connect

to God you become charged with the power you were intended to have even before He designed

you in your mothers womb.

Worship is the most potent form of being in that place of direct connection with God, that

intimate place known as the "Holies of Holies" where only the priest was allowed once a year

(Leviticus 16:25-34). While Jesus was on Earth His message was on the Kingdom of God, yet

He gave one instruction: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I

have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34).

They killed Jesus not knowing that was the plan for the manifestation, understanding and

revelation of who He is and His purpose (John 2:19, Mark 8:31-38). This is an example all those

who follow Him are to experience. A spiritual death of denying themselves and living for a

purpose, a turning of time and action from deteriorating motives to worshiping the Creator. This

rewards with eternal life, something worth dying for. When we worship it is a physical express

for the love we have inside for that which we worship. To worship God is to dedicate your time

and action to the things pleasing to Him and leading others to do the same. The question is who

are you giving your worship to?


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Boost of Confidence in Reality

You have been taken from a state of bondage, all things weighting you down are renounced and

cast out. You serve the Most High God and His love is the image of your day. No man has

anything in comparison to the love of Christ and that is what you covet; your desire is a deeper

relationship with God. To have a corrupt passion for any object or possession of another,

physical or emotional, is the gateway to death which is a separation from the intimacy of Christ

(Exodus 20:17).

When looking at the attributes of a relationship (time and dedication), the amount of time you

spend with a person, thing or in a place, builds and strengthens the bond of the relationship.

Biblically the purpose of worship is an act of homage or reverence for God. Worship requires

time and is an expression of your dedication. Examine where your dedication lies. Analyze what/

who you are building a relationship around. Strengthen your bond with Christ by worshiping

Him with your time. (Exodus 34:14)


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Getting to Work

Lets look at the basis of a relationship, because a life with Christ cannot exist without a

relationship with Him:

Where do I spend most of my time (physical place):________________________

What do I spend the majority of my time doing (the action):_____________________

The combination of the two gives an example of what you are currently worshiping. Now this

does not mean you idolize the place or action, but it does allow you to address what you could be

worshiping. Now lets look at an opportunity for growth:

What is an area in my life that I would like to develop in:_______________________

What are 5 actions I can take to help me focus on my development:






Most importantly, how does this glorify God:_______________________________


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Understanding that time spent and actions taken are indicators of what we worship, know that if

we all spent 24 hours a day 7 days a week in church (the building), it would limit the affect that

we have on the world. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) makes clear that as believers

of Christ our life should be a life of worship. This means in all things that we do, the reason,

purpose or meaning should be so that God is worshiped through the actions that we take.

Lets take some action. Think of 5 ways you are currently giving God glory. What are you

currently doing to share with others what God has done for you?







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Maybe you don't have 5 maybe you just have one. the amazing things is that you have something

you are doing to worship God. I am sure you want to be more assertive, develop deeper social

communication, become more persistent or thoughtful, and possible bring more structure to the

way you worship God. Well iron sharpens iron just as one person sharpens another. This means

as you get around people who have the same form of worship as you, there is a sharpness or

accuracy of worship you have. Did you know that the definition of sin is missing the mark? Just

imagine that the more accurate you are in your worship, the less you sin!! Amazing I know! I

want to leave you with this last activity to not only help you sin less, but to help you improve

your worship.

Name 5 people that worship the same as you:







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Conclusion: Bringing it Home

Let me provide a few examples of common worship:

• Make jewelry and teach others the skill allowing an atmosphere of fellowship.

• Dancing to give God worship through dance.

• Writing books to teach on concepts in the bible.

• Photography to capture God's creation and sharing it with others to marvel at His glory.

Notice these 4 are strategies to gather people, viewers and crowds in an informal way presenting

an opportunity to share the Gospel with another. You now have the required tools to help boost

you to the next level

Now it's your turn to names yours. I hope this helps you better your craft of worship. Use this

tool often to help develop and address what you are worshiping and how/if it is giving God glory.


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About The Author

Taking men from dreamers to leaders, Terrence J. White, owner of My Joy In The Morning, has a vision to take ordinary individuals and lead them into their destiny. Maximizing their potential by taking them through a process of self discovery, he asserts that "God has given each man and woman desires, those desires cause a yearning. This pulling on the soul is what is mentioned in the bible when God says He knew us before we were in our mothers womb. Also too, there are thousands out there that have no clue what their calling is or are fearful to walk into their destiny. God has given me - and continues to every day - the tools, resources and wisdom to help unlock the action needed to press others into their destiny." A strong statement for such a young man and he makes clear the process he endured in his book My Joy In The Morning: Rising From The Ashes. As many have already ideas of what God has called them to do he takes current leaders and ordinary individuals, then presses them to be the light in a dark world they are meant to be. Visit Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble online for more written material.

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All written material, other than cited scripture, is the work of terrence j. White.
