wauwatosa news (wauwatosa, wis.) 1901-11-23 [p ] · ing. cutting and fitting. each,pupil bt...

Cloundy To-dav and Tomorrow Warmer. VOL. 111. LOCAL HAPPENINGS] A Record of Recent Events as Reported to This Paper. NEWS IX A NUTSHELL. The Incoming* him! Outgoing* of Your Frlrndi and Neighbor* Chronicled by the News’ Staff of Reporter* and Cor- respondent*. Dr. D. G. Hathaway has returned from a trip east. For backache, use Schwaiger’s Rex Belladona plaster. For bargains in clothing, etc., see Columbia ad on 4th page. St. Agnes Guild meets with Helen Rhodes, Tuesday Of next week. Mrs. Dr. Fisk lias been visiting friends in Green Bay this week. Mr. E. W. Cook, Wauwatosa avenue, visited friends in Minneapolis this week. Mrs G. W. Sanford is convalesing from an operation endured two weeks since. A. I. Smith and J. B. Russell are in the upper peninsula on a ten day’s hunt for deer. Mrs. George James and sister, Mrs. Ecklor of lowa, are visiting in Lake Mills, Wis. Mrs. Sain'l Rreeze has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Cairncross the past week. Mrs. Gilson Glasier, of Madison, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kellogg. A Cora Cure that will remove a corn every time can be had at Schwaiger’s 1 Pharmacy. Rev. 1. G. Cntehpole, of Beaver Dam, was a guest at the Baptist parsonage on Tuesday. [raising business for the past 30 years, galled on old-timefriendsliere onThurs- nay. He is visiting his brother, Judge Braxte, in Milwaukee, and expects to gtemain here several weeks. ■■The missionary meeting and social Peld on Thursday evening at the resi- dence of Bev. D. W. Hurlburt, was very successful. The program, in charge of Bliss Estelle Moore, was very happily Conceived and well carried out. a large number ol girls and young ladies tak- Jng part. There was a large attend- Ence. B The entertainment given at the Con- gregational church last evening under ihe auspices of the Ladies' Aid society, was a very interesting amFsuceessfnl IWTair. A series of tableau represeut- !#g “notable days of the year,” with appropriate vocal and instrumental jpusic made up the program. A good audience were in attendance. E The town board of Wauwatosa passed * resolution on Monday evening. November 18, appropriating the sum of |joo for the use of the Harwood public library in this city pursuant to chapter laws of 1901, which if accepted Will entitle the towns people to a mem- ller of the board of directors of the Library, and will give to all towns peo- ple equal library privileges with the -Residents of the city. I The \Y auwatosa Independent “Injun" .s again on the war path, and it is be- ’.Seved that no municipal electric light- ing plant will be necessary while its W. B. MORSE, DEALER IN Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain, Wood, Coal, Coke, 28 West Main St., next to Electric Piant. once "timid," sensitive, generous edi- ph’ continues to illuminate the Wau- jvatosa world. In fact, it is believed that a few more issues as breezy as the rt, will force the local gas company withdraxv from this field because of ■k> great competition. Try again Sis- |r Hetty—-but please keep the cellar ■fcor closed. Smoke C. I). M. and he good. Woman'* Club. BThe Woman's Club held its regular daeetiug at the club room, Thursday, Nov l. ff|The roll was read and minutes of the previous meeting read and ap- proved. R'he program for the day was as fol- buttex t i.v . . Roll Call. Current Events. “How Wags the World." Paper: “Chi- cago, the Great City of the Mid- dle West."—Mrs. Rice. Paper: “Ar- mour Institute." —Mrs. von Baumbach. Paper: "Some Representative Women —Helen Gould, Jane Adatns, Susan B. Anthony.”—Mrs. Peake. Reading: “Tha Man with the Hoe.”—Mrs. M. B. Potter. After an intermission a business meet ing was held, a few matters were acted upon, after which tke Club adjourned. The “All Stars” will play the “Mo- hawks" Thanksgiving morning, oil I’utnam’s field. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Radcliffe have re- moved to Milwaukee where they will begin housekeeping. . Stanley and Ralph enter- tiyju.cd.’a guWfrWMtf thtnr® Ndegd-,' rod school mates at their home last evening. Mr. James McConnell, of Greenfield avenue, has returned from Hot Springs, Ark., considerably improved in health. Misses Nina and Lillian Foot, of Ap- pleton, have returned home after sev- eral weeks’ visit with Miss Van Vech- ten. Fred Uartung and W. IC. Fisher are on a hunting trip in Northern Wiscon- sin. At lust reports they had not been shot at. Are you looking for fun? Remember “McFadden’s Row of Flats” will be the attraction at the Alhambra theater next xveek. The regular monthly meeting or the firemen was held on Thursday evening, at the Hose and Truck house on Wis- consin street. Miss Nellie Dexter is again a resi- dent of Wauwatosa. She is making her home with Mrs. R. Delpscb, East Center street. Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Ward were given a pad try shower at the rectory Monday evening. November 18, by the people of the Trinity church. Concert. The Lyric Glee Club, of Milwaukee, under the direction of Prof. Daniel Pro- theroe, will give another of their popu- lar concerts at the Congregational church, Wauwatosa, Thursday evening, Dec. stli. assisted by Mrs. John Morgan Thomas, contralto, and Miss Laurine Wright, in select reading. Tickets f>Oe. For sale by C. A. Pettibone, J. H. Wal- die. E. M. Lewis and Schxvniger's drug store, where reserved seats can he se- cured, without extra charge, on ana after 6 p. in., Nov, 30. M. R. Church. The services at the Methodist Church tomorrow will he as follows: Love Feast, 10 a. m.; preaching, 10:30 a. m., "Thoughts on the. Eucharist,” followed by “The Sacrament.” Sunday School at-18 m.; Epxvorth League. 6:30 p. in.; Evangelical service. 7:30 p. m., subject: “Time Enough Yet.” C. E. Goldthorp, pastor. At the Flrit ItHfirtst Church. “Taking Time to Pray." will he Pas- tor Longfellow's morning topic. In the evening lie will preach on "Who is on the Lord s Side?" The Young People's Union will hold a Missionary Conquest meeting at 6:4> p. m., Mr. E. E. Fisher being the leader. All whose duty does not call them elsewhere are cordially invited to attend these services. CmiKTKatlonnl Church. Tomorroxv morning the subject of the ; pastor. Rev. A. R. Thain, will be “The Lord MakingFp His Jewels.” His eve- J ning topic, “Eternal Life.” The Y. W. A. met with Mrs. Isabelle Stickuey, Thursday evening, Seven- teen were present and all enjoyed a very- pleasant evening. Mr. Henry Tice was convicted of selling liquor without a license at a place on the North Fond du Lac road on Saturday of last week. The Cash Meat Market will remove I today to the store next to the post- | office. A fine line of poultry for | Thanksgiving will be shown. The Twentieth Century topic club | will be received by Mrs. Waldie and Mrs. Adams, November 25, at the home ! of Mrs. J. Waldie, Kavanaugh place. The Woman's Missionary society of the M. E. church were entertained by Mrs. N. L. Kneeland, on Thursday afternoon, at her home on East Center street. Mr. Frank Mayer and son returned yesterday from a hunting trip in the vicinity of Burlington, Wis Forty rab- bits and a dozen squirts were a part of the take. “Thanksgiving Union Services” will he held at the Methodist Church Thurs- day morning at 10:30 o'clock. Dr. Thain, of the Congregational Church, will preach. The marriage of Mr. William Koenit- zer to Miss AlmaGrundmann, will take place this evening at the home of the groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koenitzer. Rev. Win. Rader officiating. Mr. George E. Brazee. of Parker, Oklahoma territory, who was born and brought up in Wauwatosa, and who has been in the West engaged in the cattle- Alhambra Thi* Afternoon and To-Night Triplßuffalo " NEXT WEEK McFadden’s Row of Flats Mat. Tue? Thorn, and Hat. WAUWATOSA NEWS. WAUWATOSA, WIS„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1901. <C 1 fiA Will secure the NEWS for * fifty-two weeks. The offi- cial city paper. The home <t* I riA is not complete without it 'r ' *OU NO. 38. Wauwatosa Gas Company The Wauwatosa Gas Company 1 ecjuests all those who wish to avail themselves of the liberal inducements contained in its Special Offer for the free piping of houses, to sign application at the olliee at once, and to select their fixtures anti place orders for the same immediately. Ihe Company finds that this is necessary in order to arrange for the completion of the work by the time of the expiration of the Special Offer. The Wauwatosa Gas Company has extended the term of its Special Offer to January i, 1902, ftm fust received a fine line of the well Known ?. lflayer Boot $ Shoe Co.'s Bow flro you FIXED Tor Tootwear? LEFEBER BROS. CO. men’s Shoes trade cf the test Ue’ctir Calf Stock, jl —a fcuery pair Guaranteed to lit ar.d wear uell SQ Latest styles of Easts. Price f^ vv WAUWATOSA *ite Laundry Company. A Reliable Home Industry under the Manage- ment of Mrs. T. C. Van Altena, Practical Laundress. -46 State Street. All Work Guaranteed to be First-Class. Money Refunded if Not Satisfactory. For anything kept in an up- , to date Drug Store (iO TO Scbwaiger’s Pharmacy. Schwaiger's Tar Expectorant has no equal for COUGHS AND COLDS ] Schwaiger’s Corn Cure A Sure Cure for Corns. * Wauwatosa Sash & Door Factory ADOLPH LENTZ, Proprietor. Manufacturer of ami dealer in Sash. Doors, Blinds and Moulding- and Storm Sash. Stairs and Interior soft and hard- wood Finish. Cor. STATE and SIXTH av.. Wauwatosa. For Sale. House and lot on Greenfield avenue. on * block from SVells street car line. atJ d known as the Pierce place. Barn °* rear. All in first-class condition. 1 err D very reasonable. Apply to L R. GRIDI.EV. NOTICE.—Dr. C. T. Chandler, the is located in the Greenwood block. For Kent. The Taylor house on Kavanaugh Piaee, House and Land. Kenyon street. f ro °ms and laundry, barn and chicken ( r, use. Will rent very reasonable A PP’iy Vo L. H. Gridley. ( w e do job PRINTING of every ■‘Ascription at the News office. THE VIEiNINA Ladies’ Tailoring Institute and Sewing School. ARRAN* M of the Vienna Ladles' Tailoring Institute and Sewing School of New \ ork city. The most complete and thorough institute in the world. Lessons in dressmaking, draft- ing. cutting and fitting. Each, pupil bt ngs her own material and-is taught seperately how to make her own dress, also to make those of her family or friends, in the practical part she re- ceives instructions in measuring, in basting, honing and finishing the waist, cutting, fitting and hanging the skirt. A pupil sei ving as an ap- prentice with dressmakers does not receive complete instructions in all branches for the want of time, and each season the demand for competent help grows with the progress of artis- tic dressmaking. Also instructions in ladies’ tailoring, shrinking, pressing, padding and stitching. You will find the school rooms fitted up with all the up-to-date convenionccs —sewing machines, drafting tables, cuting tables, etc. I will keep on hand the newest mod- els in Tailored Gowns. Out-of-town dressmakers are cordially invited to call and inspect them. The Vienna Ladies' Tailoring system is the same used by men tailors and is chosen above all others by the United States government, being in use in over 300 government schools. t all and take atrial lesson free, trike a four weeks’ course or a three months’ course, become competent for govern- ment positions or xvith first class dress- makers. Lessons unlimited. Positions guaranteed when competent. Institute is Now Open. HADAME M. DENNISON, No. 804 Goldsmith Building. Bakery & Confectionery, B. RICHTER, Prop. Located in the Johnson Bldg. State Street ?rcsh Bread and Rolls mad* Daily. Hll kinds of Cakes and Cookies. Candles f Eoery Description n hand. We solicit the trad** i>f our old I’lintom* er and tnint we will rn*** % t many n#*w Ordern promptly attended to. ft. r. HEMMING. li. v. IIKMPINO. MVGH fanry P. fiemsing <Ko. General Repairing ami Cool Sharpening. | Hkvcift, Electric Supplies, etc. 207 Mirth Main Street. Wauwatosa, Wis 1 1 - lIKSRT D. DtAKSLrr. WAITS!! Dearsi.et DEARSLEY BROS. PRACTICAL Pl tnBERS..;.. AND GAS FITTERS, ' PLLTIBINQ GOODS, GAS FIXTURES, GLOBES, Etc, All Orders Will Iteccive Prompt Attention ; EsT! M ATES (HKERril.l T FT ItXIPHEII. 4i -lllwaukee Street. MILWAUKEE, WIS TELEPHONE <167. £bas. Dietzow * Hlwavt Ha <m band the BEST HEATS AND SAUSAGES To be found in Wauwatosa. FINE LINE thanksgiving Poultry, Oysters, fish * and Game in Season. Jno. M. Dunlop, J* J* Florist. j* j Cnt Flowers and Floral 1 tesigns. Flowering Shrubs. Shade and Fruit Trees. Cor. Church St. and W. Milwaukee Ave., Wauwatosa WENDEL & BERGER, Dentists Hoiiins I - ?, H mill It Birchard Bide.. 105 J.i-iiiml n van in., I-lankington Blls. OSica hour* Uto 1* a. m., 2t05 p. m. Milwaukee, Win. HARNESS, LAP ROBEb, HORSE BLANKETS. High Grade Goods. Lowest Price, at A. C. KUCHYNSKI, Practical fiarnessntaker. Hidp., state *. N EE-SKA-RA~ Spring Water. Is delivered regularly to Wauwatosa Customers. Orders left at Seh waller’s Drngr Store for NEE-SKA-RA er for our celebrated DISTILLED WATER w ill secure prompt attentlou. Water Delivered n Monday. X B. Hudson cSz CO. Undertakers and Funeral Directors* STATE STREET, Opposite Depot. , Wauatjt

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Page 1: Wauwatosa News (Wauwatosa, Wis.) 1901-11-23 [p ] · ing. cutting and fitting. Each,pupil bt ngsherown materialand-is taught seperately howto makeherown dress, also to make those ofher

Cloundy To-davand Tomorrow


VOL. 111.

LOCAL HAPPENINGS]A Record of Recent Events as

Reported to ThisPaper.

NEWS IX A NUTSHELL.The Incoming* him! Outgoing* of Your

Frlrndi and Neighbor* Chronicled by

the News’ Staff of Reporter* and Cor-respondent*.

Dr. D. G. Hathaway has returnedfrom a trip east.

For backache, use Schwaiger’s RexBelladona plaster.

For bargains in clothing, etc., seeColumbia ad on 4th page.

St. Agnes Guild meets with HelenRhodes, Tuesday Of next week.

Mrs. Dr. Fisk lias been visitingfriends in Green Bay this week.

Mr. E. W. Cook, Wauwatosa avenue,visited friends in Minneapolis thisweek.

Mrs G. W. Sanford is convalesingfrom an operation endured two weekssince.

A. I. Smith and J. B. Russell are inthe upper peninsula on a ten day’shuntfor deer.

Mrs. George James and sister, Mrs.Ecklor of lowa, are visiting in LakeMills, Wis.

Mrs. Sain'l Rreeze has been a guestof her sister, Mrs. Dr. Cairncross thepast week.

Mrs. Gilson Glasier, of Madison, isvisiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Kellogg.

A Cora Cure that will remove a cornevery time can be had at Schwaiger’s 1Pharmacy.

Rev. 1. G. Cntehpole, of Beaver Dam,was a guest at the Baptist parsonageon Tuesday.

[raising business for the past 30 years,galledon old-timefriendsliere onThurs-nay. He is visiting his brother, JudgeBraxte, in Milwaukee, and expects togtemain here several weeks.■■The missionary meeting and socialPeld on Thursday evening at the resi-dence of Bev. D. W. Hurlburt, was verysuccessful. The program, in charge ofBliss Estelle Moore, was very happilyConceived and well carried out. a largenumber ol girls and young ladies tak-Jng part. There was a large attend-Ence.B The entertainment given at the Con-gregational church last evening underihe auspices of the Ladies' Aid society,was a very interesting amFsuceessfnlIWTair. A series of tableau represeut-!#g “notable days of the year,” withappropriate vocal and instrumentaljpusic made up the program. A goodaudience were in attendance.E The town board of Wauwatosa passed* resolution on Monday evening.November 18, appropriating the sum of|joo for the use of the Harwood publiclibrary in this city pursuant to chapter

laws of 1901, which if acceptedWill entitle the towns people to a mem-ller of the board of directors of the

Library, and will give to all towns peo-ple equal library privileges with the-Residents of the city.I The \Y auwatosa Independent “Injun".s again on the war path, and it is be-

’ ’.Seved that no municipal electric light-ing plant will be necessary while its


Flour, Feed,Hay, Grain,Wood, Coal, Coke,

28 West Main St., next to Electric Piant.

once "timid," sensitive, generous edi-ph’ continues to illuminate the Wau-jvatosa world. In fact, it is believedthat a few more issues as breezy as the

rt, will force the local gas companywithdraxv from this field because of

■k> great competition. Try again Sis-|r Hetty—-but please keep the cellar■fcor closed.

Smoke C. I). M. and he good.

Woman'* Club.BThe Woman's Club held its regulardaeetiug at the club room, Thursday,Nov l.ff|The roll was read and minutes ofthe previous meeting read and ap-proved.

R'he program for the day was as fol-buttext i.v • •• . .

Roll Call. Current Events. “HowWags the World." Paper: “Chi-cago, the Great City of the Mid-dle West."—Mrs. Rice. Paper: “Ar-mour Institute."—Mrs. von Baumbach.Paper: "Some Representative Women—Helen Gould, Jane Adatns, Susan B.Anthony.”—Mrs. Peake. Reading:“Tha Man with the Hoe.”—Mrs. M. B.Potter.

After an intermission a business meeting was held, a few matters were actedupon, after which tke Club adjourned.

The “All Stars” will play the “Mo-hawks" Thanksgiving morning, oilI’utnam’s field.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Radcliffe have re-moved to Milwaukee where they willbegin housekeeping. .

Stanley and Ralph enter-tiyju.cd.’a guWfrWMtf thtnr®Ndegd-,' rodschool mates at their home last evening.

Mr. James McConnell, of Greenfieldavenue, has returned from Hot Springs,Ark., considerably improved in health.

Misses Nina and Lillian Foot, of Ap-pleton, have returned home after sev-eral weeks’ visit with Miss Van Vech-ten.

Fred Uartung and W. IC. Fisher areon a hunting trip in Northern Wiscon-sin. At lust reports they had not beenshot at.

Are you looking for fun? Remember“McFadden’s Row of Flats” will be theattraction at the Alhambra theaternext xveek.

The regular monthly meeting or thefiremen was held on Thursday evening,at the Hose and Truck house on Wis-consin street.

Miss Nellie Dexter is again a resi-dent of Wauwatosa. She is makingher home with Mrs. R. Delpscb, EastCenter street.

Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Ward were givena padtry shower at the rectory Mondayevening. November 18, by the people ofthe Trinity church.


The Lyric Glee Club, of Milwaukee,under the direction ofProf. Daniel Pro-theroe, will give another of their popu-lar concerts at the Congregationalchurch, Wauwatosa, Thursday evening,Dec. stli. assisted by Mrs. John MorganThomas, contralto, and Miss LaurineWright, in select reading. Tickets f>Oe.For sale by C. A. Pettibone, J. H. Wal-die. E. M. Lewis and Schxvniger's drugstore, where reserved seats can he se-cured, without extra charge, on anaafter 6 p. in., Nov, 30.

M. R. Church.The services at the Methodist Church

tomorrow will he as follows: LoveFeast, 10 a. m.; preaching, 10:30 a. m.,"Thoughts on the. Eucharist,” followedby “The Sacrament.” Sunday Schoolat-18 m.; Epxvorth League. 6:30 p. in.;

Evangelical service. 7:30 p. m., subject:“Time Enough Yet.” C. E. Goldthorp,pastor.

At the Flrit ItHfirtst Church.

“Taking Time to Pray." will he Pas-tor Longfellow's morning topic. In theevening lie will preach on "Who is onthe Lord s Side?" The Young People'sUnion will hold a Missionary Conquestmeeting at 6:4> p. m., Mr. E. E. Fisherbeing the leader. All whose duty doesnot call them elsewhere are cordiallyinvited to attend these services.

CmiKTKatlonnl Church.Tomorroxv morning the subject of the ;

pastor. Rev. A. R. Thain, will be “TheLord MakingFp His Jewels.” His eve- Jning topic, “Eternal Life.”

The Y. W. A. met with Mrs. IsabelleStickuey, Thursday evening, Seven-teen were present and all enjoyed avery- pleasant evening.

Mr. Henry Tice was convicted ofselling liquor without a license at aplace on the North Fond du Lac roadon Saturday of last week.

The Cash Meat Market will remove

I today to the store next to the post-| office. A fine line of poultry for

| Thanksgiving will be shown.The Twentieth Century topic club

| will be received by Mrs. Waldie andMrs. Adams, November 25, at the home

! of Mrs. J. Waldie, Kavanaugh place.The Woman's Missionary society of

the M. E. church were entertained byMrs. N. L. Kneeland, on Thursdayafternoon, at her home on East Centerstreet.

Mr. Frank Mayer and son returnedyesterday from a hunting trip in thevicinity of Burlington, Wis Forty rab-bits and a dozen squirts were a part ofthe take.

“Thanksgiving Union Services” willhe held at the Methodist Church Thurs-day morning at 10:30 o'clock. Dr.Thain, of the Congregational Church,will preach.

The marriage of Mr. William Koenit-zer to Miss AlmaGrundmann, will takeplace this evening at the home of thegroom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. CharlesKoenitzer. Rev. Win. Rader officiating.

Mr. George E. Brazee. of Parker,Oklahoma territory, who was born andbrought up in Wauwatosa, and who hasbeen in the West engaged in the cattle-

AlhambraThi* Afternoon and To-Night

Triplßuffalo" NEXT WEEK

McFadden’s Row of FlatsMat. Tue? Thorn, and Hat.


<C 1 fiA Will secure the NEWS for’

* fifty-two weeks. The offi-cial city paper. The home <t* I riAis not complete without it 'r ' *OU

NO. 38.

WauwatosaGas Company

The Wauwatosa Gas Company1 ecjuests all those who wish to avail themselves ofthe liberal inducements contained in its

Special Offerfor the free piping of houses, to sign applicationat the olliee at once, and to select their fixtures antiplace orders for the same immediately.

Ihe Company finds that this is necessary in order to

arrange for the completion of the work by thetime of the expiration of the Special Offer.

The Wauwatosa Gas Company has extended the term ofits Special Offer to January i, 1902,

ftm fust received a fineline of the well Known ?.

lflayer Boot $ Shoe Co.'s

Bow flro youFIXED

Tor Tootwear?


men’s Shoes trade cf the test Ue’ctir Calf Stock, jl —afcuery pair Guaranteed to lit ar.d wear uell SQLatest styles of Easts. Price f^vv


Laundry Company.A Reliable Home Industry under the Manage-ment of Mrs. T. C. Van Altena, PracticalLaundress.

-46 State Street.

All Work Guaranteed to be First-Class.Money Refunded if Not Satisfactory.

For anything kept in an up- ,to date

Drug Store(iO TO

Scbwaiger’sPharmacy. ■

Schwaiger'sTar Expectorant •

has no equal for


Schwaiger’sCorn CureA Sure Cure for Corns. *


Sash & Door FactoryADOLPH LENTZ, Proprietor.

Manufacturer of ami dealer in Sash.Doors, Blinds and Moulding- and StormSash. Stairs and Interior soft and hard-wood Finish.

Cor. STATE and SIXTH av.. Wauwatosa.

For Sale.

House and lot on Greenfield avenue.on* block from SVells street car line.atJ d known as the Pierce place. Barn°* rear. All in first-class condition.1errD very reasonable. Apply to

L R. GRIDI.EV.NOTICE.—Dr. C. T. Chandler, the

is located in the Greenwoodblock.

For Kent.The Taylor house on Kavanaugh

Piaee, House and Land. Kenyon street.f ro°ms and laundry, barn and chicken(

r, use. Will rent very reasonableAPP’iy Vo L. H. Gridley.

(we do job PRINTING of every■‘Ascription at the News office.

THE VIEiNINALadies’ Tailoring Institute

and Sewing School.ARRAN* M of the Vienna Ladles'

Tailoring Institute and SewingSchool of New \ork city. The mostcomplete and thorough institute in theworld. Lessons in dressmaking, draft-ing. cutting and fitting. Each, pupilbt ngs her own material and-is taughtseperately how to make her own dress,also to make those of her family orfriends, in the practical part she re-ceives instructions in measuring, inbasting, honing and finishing thewaist, cutting, fitting and hanging theskirt. A pupil sei ving as an ap-prentice with dressmakers does notreceive complete instructions in allbranches for the want of time, andeach season the demand for competenthelp grows with the progress of artis-tic dressmaking. Also instructions inladies’ tailoring, shrinking, pressing,padding and stitching.

You will find the school rooms fittedup with all the up-to-date convenionccs—sewing machines, drafting tables,cuting tables, etc.

I will keep on hand the newest mod-els in Tailored Gowns. Out-of-towndressmakers are cordially invited tocall and inspect them.

The Vienna Ladies' Tailoring systemis the same used by men tailors and ischosen above all others by the UnitedStates government, being in use in over300 government schools.

t all and take atrial lesson free, trikea four weeks’ course or a three months’course, become competent for govern-ment positions or xvith first class dress-makers. Lessons unlimited. Positionsguaranteed when competent.

Institute is Now Open.HADAME M. DENNISON,

No. 804 Goldsmith Building.

Bakery & Confectionery,B. RICHTER, Prop.

Located in the Johnson Bldg. State Street

?rcsh Bread and Rollsmad* Daily.

Hll kinds of Cakes and Cookies.

Candles f Eoery Description n hand.We solicit the trad** i>f our old I’lintom*

er and tnint we will rn*** % t many n#*w

Ordern promptly attended to.


fanry P. fiemsing <Ko.General Repairing ami Cool Sharpening. |

Hkvcift, Electric Supplies, etc.

207 Mirth Main Street. - • Wauwatosa, Wis1 1 -

lIKSRT D. DtAKSLrr. WAITS!! Dearsi.et




All Orders Will Iteccive Prompt Attention ;


4i -lllwaukee Street.


£bas. Dietzow *

Hlwavt Ha <m band the


SAUSAGES• To be found in Wauwatosa.

FINE LINEthanksgiving Poultry, Oysters, fish

* and Game in Season.

Jno. M. Dunlop,J* J* Florist. j* j

Cnt Flowers and Floral1 tesigns. Flowering Shrubs.Shade and Fruit Trees.

Cor. Church St. and W. MilwaukeeAve., Wauwatosa


Hoiiins I -?, H mill It Birchard Bide.. 105J.i-iiiml n vanin., I-lankington Blls. OSicahour* Uto 1* a. m., 2t05 p. m.Milwaukee, Win.


High Grade Goods. Lowest Price, at

A. C. KUCHYNSKI,Practical fiarnessntaker. Hidp., state *.

N EE-SKA-RA~Spring Water.

Is delivered regularly to WauwatosaCustomers.

Orders left at Sehwaller’s Drngr Store for

NEE-SKA-RAer for our celebrated

DISTILLED WATERw ill secure prompt attentlou.

Water Delivered n Monday.

X B. HudsoncSz CO.


Funeral Directors*STATE STREET,

Opposite Depot. , Wauatjt