twitter chat 101

© 2014 IBM Corporation Getting Started with Social Media - Twitter chat

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© 2014 IBM Corporation

Getting Started with Social Media - Twitter chat

© 2014 IBM Corporation2


A Twitterchat happens when a group of people all tweet about the same topic using a specific #hashtag that allows it to be followed on Twitter.

Your Twitterchat contributions should reflect your unique point-of-view and offer audiences an authentic, original take on topics of interest in your domain.

What is a Twitterchat?

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Build Your Influence

• A Twitterchat engages you as our internal influencer with our external influencers on a specific topic.

•Respond to questions with your unique point of view (POV).

•Your subject knowledge and demonstrated ability to effectively communicate ideas quickly increase your level of social influence,

Learn / Share

• You will direct flow of ideas & influence the POV others will have on the topic.

•Interact with audience members to educate them while learning their perspectives.

•Retweet key responses to your followers and encourage them to join the conversation.

•Back up your points by linking to previously created content: blogs, slides, talks, podcasts, articles, books, etc.

Why participate in a Twitterchat?

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•Dedicated time is scheduled for participants. Occasionally we have a phone line opened as well.

•One hashtag is chosen to stream the conversation. We’re using #IBMBLU or #ibmblu – case doesn’t matter. Include this hashtag in every tweet about this conversation.

•Questions and /or reading lists will be published in advance to get you and others thinking about responses and links to share.

•Tell your followers that you’ll be participating in this chat and invite them to join the conversation.

•A moderator poses questions, prefaced with Q1, Q2, etc.; Respond to questions by prefacing with A1, A2, etc. Answers must be in 140 characters, but can include links to content that backs up POV.

•Retweet key responses to your followers and encourage them to join the conversation. Adding your POV to a retweet gives it more weight.

How to participate in a Twitterchat?

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Before a Twitterchat


Promote event on blogs, facebook, twitter, linkedIN, and personal networks.

Provide questions and reading list for participants.

Think about what your point of view (POV) is for each question and arrange to have some links you can share.

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During a Twitterchat


Use a tool such as to help you focus on the topic & to automatically include the correct hashtag to responses.

Tell your followers you’ll be taking part in a Twitterchat and invite them to join the conversation.

Start responses with a A1, A2, etc, corresponding with the question.

Retweet the more valuable points to give it more emphasis and to ensure your followers “heard” the point.

Add your POV to a retweet to give it weight.

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After a Twitterchat


Your tweets & recommendations live on in storify and blogs.

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