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Travel Guide Italy 1400-1500 Laura Ramoso

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Page 1: Travel Guide

Travel Guide Italy1400-1500

Laura Ramoso

Page 2: Travel Guide

Table of Contents• Introduction....1• Florence....2,3• Rome....4,5• Venice....6,7• How to get Around....8• Customs and Manners....9• Where to Stay....9,10• The Food....10,11• Health and Safety....12• Hierarchy....13• Fashion and Entertainment....14,15

Page 3: Travel Guide

ItaliaCiao! Italy is a very interesting and beautiful country to go to. Do you know where Italy is? No? Yes? Well, Italy is in the South of Europe, maybe the last country in Europe (location-wise, if you are traveling South). It has many cities and places to visit and the people are very nice and welcoming. It is important to know where to go, so that you can experience the most unique things while still staying safe and healthy. So this is a travel guide for Italy, that tells you the most important and special places to visit, for a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. What are the most important cities in ‘Italia’? Florence, Rome and Venice. Maybe you could also get to know some Italian in this book, who knows? Just turn the page and find out!


A map of Italy today.

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Florence is a very beautiful city and most of the art and architecture comes from Florence. Do you know where Florence is? Precisely located in between Livorno and Ancona (horizontally), and it isn’t really in the North, just close to it. A lot of beautiful sites can be seen in Florence, like The Palazzo Vecchio. Home of the Florentine guilds, used to discuss and determine city issues, this palace is very big, and it is very tiring, so be sure to bring your ‘bocetta’ (your own leather water bottle). Another important site to visit is the Duomo dedicated to Santa Maria del Fiore, the cathedral of Florence. Many artists continued to work on it throughout the years. If you go there, try to detect the different style of work for each different ‘artisti’. The massive octagonal cupola, a very important part of the dome, was proudly built by Filippo Brunelleschi. Maybe he also built other things on the Cathedral, try and see if you can find them! The doors (nominated the “Doors of Paradise” by Michelangelo)were built by Lorenzo Ghiberti. The Gothic style used in many buildings in Florence, is also a very beautiful thing to see, first used by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1294. Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in Italy, and it is highly praised for its art and architecture. There are also many bars and ‘ristoranti’ to go and hang out and eat with the local ‘persone’.



Duomo di Santa Maria del’ Fiore-Wonderful to see it from the outside as well as the inside.

The Palazzo Vecchio- Is a nice thing to go visit. It may be big, but it’s worth it.

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A map of Fiorenza today.

Local ‘gente’ hanging out near the water ‘canale’ in the middle of Florence.

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Rome is a very wonderful city to visit. If you go to Italy then there is no way you could leave without visiting Rome. Rome became second after Florence, with its beautiful art and architecture after the “Renovatio Urbis” (renovation of the city). You couldn’t miss visiting the colosseum in Rome! It is so beautiful and interesting to see.The San Giovanni Laterano, Cathedral of Rome, is a very beautiful church to go visit. It is full of beautiful art and exquisite architecture, it is the first church of the Popes, and make sure to visit the souvenir shop at the end! They have wonderful ‘pezzi d’arte’. Another beautiful site to go and visit is the Vatican, made by Nicolas V, the palace and official residence of the Pope in Rome. Pope Sisxtus IV remodeled the city, and many beautiful sites can be visited. The Capitoline Museums (the first museum in the World!) that shows Roman statues, inscriptions and collections of today's art, jewels and coins. The Apostolic Library, located in the Vatican city, contains significant historical texts and about 75, 000 codices from history. Rome is starting to change, it is becoming more of a modern city where many tourists can visit, and it is definitely worth it. Visitate Roma!


The Capitoline Museums- you can find out more about Rome’s ruling past with all the statues, books and architecture.


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A map of Rome today.

The Cathedral of Rome-San Giovanni Laterano, is very big and you may get tired after visiting it, so be sure to bring the ‘bocetta’ and a straw hat.


Rome today. You can see how it has become a more modern city with all the buildings and roads.

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VeneziaVenice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It has many beautiful sites and is known as the “City of Water”, because it is separated by canals functioning as roads and highways. Imagine going everywhere just with the boat! Of course you can go by foot or by horse. The population today is of about 150, 000 people. Venice is a successful city because the leaders create a powerful navy. Like Florence, there are many artists in Venice, though they are very much patronized by wealthy merchants. One of the most famous Venetian Artists is Titian. He creates wonderful works of art and he is one of the reasons why Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the World. The Basilica di San Marco in Piazza San Marco, is a very beautiful church to visit, the outside is extremely beautiful with its golden pieces and its religious paintings and statues. If you go visit the Basilica di San Marco, be sure to take a ride on a boat, to see the whole city on water is a magnificent feeling!

The famous ‘gondola’ ride. It is quite expensive, but worth it. ALso, be careful of the owners of the boat. As they may be robbers or fakes with no qualification. Some fakes could also charge you more for a gondola ride.

Piazza San Marco with the Basilica di San Marco. A celebration is going on. You can see the nuns in the lower right, and a navy parade far off in the upper left corner.


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A map of Venice today.

One of Titians most famous paintings- ‘The Rape of Europa’.


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How to get AroundIt is fairly easy to get around in Italy depending on where you are. The cheapest way to get around would be by water! So, even if the other sites in Venice are quite expensive, you wouldn’t be spending most of it for transport! If in Venice, it may be also possible to go by foot. Taking a horse and/or carriage is also possible! In Florence, taking a horse or a carriage could be the best solution, even if it is expensive. Going by foot in Florence is very practical, because there are many roads and the important things to visit aren’t too far apart, but make sure to wear a ‘capello di paglia’ (straw hat) and bring a ‘bocetta’. In Rome, it is very organized. The roads are clean and it isn’t too bumpy if you’re going with horse and carriage. The most efficient way to go around Rome though, would be by foot. The sites aren’t far apart either and there isn’t too much walking involved. It is also possible to loan a horse, donkey or ox from a farmer or merchant to get around. Of course, you will have to pay, but not too much. Any way of transport there is, there is bound to be one right one for anywhere you are.

The famous Gondola’s in Venice port.

The horse and carriage.

A Roman road, very smooth and easy to walk on. Especially with a horse and carriage.


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Customs and MannersIf you are going to visit another country, it is important to know how to behave there as not to insult any of the local people. When visiting Italia, it’s also important to know the customs and manners, in Italy the beliefs are taken really seriously. When greeting a person, it is friendly and welcoming to give them one kiss on each cheek (it is also acceptable and more common if you only do cheek to cheek). This should only be done if you’ve met the person already before. If you are meeting a person for the first time, it’s OK to do nothing but greet them (“Saluti”, “Salve”). Also, when invited to a meal, it is polite to belch, because this shows you have enjoyed it. You should also make sure that you don’t finish everything on your plate, as this shows that you are still hungry and the food wasn’t enough. When at the food table, you also shouldn’t spit across the table or pick at your teeth with your finger or knife. It is also forbidden to dip the meat directly into the salt dish.


Where to StayThere are a variety of places to stay in Italy and the different cities. There are Private Homes out in the countryside, but don't expect those to be very comfortable. They’re usually owned by farmers who don’t make so much money. Depending on how poor the family is, the conditions matter as well. If you get lodged in a very poor peasant's house, there may not be a bed and all the animals and other lodgers share one big room. If you go into a more wealthy house, maybe a merchants house, there may even be more than one floor! Merchants houses may also have entertainers like fiddlers and jokers. Those can be good for boring nights when you’re left to do nothing. Another place you could stay are public accommodations. Inns are mostly found in the city and sometimes, the innkeepers have fights over business, so be careful when you choose. Try to arrive at an Inn in daylight. People who arrive at Inn's after dark are usually nominated dishonest. Be careful when you are at an Inn, because you are likely to be robbed. Some Inn's are clean and have average accommodations, and some are quite dirty. There are many places to choose from, and it is important to choose wisely, so be sure to get informed.

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A typical farmer’s Private Home. Quite small isn’t it? But not that expensive.

A wealthy merchant’s house dinner. It even has its own servants!


Il CiboThe basic eating in Italy is very fine. You can find many type of foods for different tastes. There are many fresh fruits and a lot of spices, meats, grains and vegetables that can satisfy anyone. The most common food in Italy today are birds. The size of the bird depends on the status of the person. A peacock or swan would be served to wealthy merchants, and smaller birds such as pheasant and heron are eaten by farmers on special occasions. It is a popular custom to serve pork with fried chest-nuts, so be sure to try that if you have the chance. Another famous and very expensive food is the soup. Usually used as desserts and sweet meal endings, soups are still eaten in different ways. They are spiced up with different kinds of spices, and sweetened with sugars and syrups. Soups are usually quite expensive, but if you can afford it, then it would be a really good experience to taste all the different kinds. If you are ever invited to a wealthy merchants dinner, remember the customs and manners!

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A roasted chicken.Usually served to wealthy merchants.

People sitting around a table eating. Possibly wealthy merchants.

A typical Italian feast. Usually consumed in Inns and wealthy merchants houses.


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Health and SafetyIt is very important to stay healthy when on a trip. There are quite a few diseases in Italy at the moment, and it is important to be informed about all of them so that you can stay safe while still enjoying the cities. The Bubonic plague is one of the very deadly diseases that hit many cities in Italy, and not much can be done for it. It is a skin disease at first, and then it enters the body through the lymphatics. This disease is transmitted by the bite of an infected flea, which are mostly found on rats and mice. It is possible to dodge the disease, if you make sure that the place you are staying overnight is quite clean. It is safer to stay away from private home accommodations, as some may be quite poor and only have one room for people and animals. So, be sure to choose the right accommodations and be sure that you don't stay too near to people who already have it. Also, stay away from alleys, it is very dirty and you may get infected.

In Trieste. Hundreds of people died of the bubonic plague.

A local doctor examines a quasi-infected woman.


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HierarchyThe people in Italy have different types of positions. The first position is the peasants. They own land and they farm to sell their products at the local markets. Then there are the craftsmen and the merchants in the towns, they make things and sell them too. They are in a higher position than the peasants because they don't farm and grow the crops themselves, they paint and sell what they make to get money for food. Then come the highest rank. The Dukes or powerful families that own banks. If you go to Italy as a tourist, you would be in between the peasants and the merchants, because you are there as a guest and you also need to obey the status of the people.

Cosimo de’ Medici. A wealthy banker in Florence. He is in the highest status of hierarchy.

A wealthy merchant working at his desk, selling painted plates.

A local peasant, working on the bread. They make the bread themselves, by using the grain that they cultivate.


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Fashion and EntertainmentThe fashion in Italy today range from wide, to barrel-shaped and square fashions. Fashion is a status symbol, and the different type of status also depends on the clothes worn. The wealthy spend a lot of their money to buy expensive clothes to show their rank, and mostly they buy dark color clothes to show the jewels that can be woven in for decorations. A lot of fabrics used by the wealthy are very expensive and are used to also show the status, such as silk, cotton and velvet. It is important to now how to dress when visiting higher ranks of people, because it is a sign of respect. If you are a woman, then you have to wear five compulsory things- skirt, underskirt, bodice, overbodice, hoop and collar. These things can be pawned. You can find a pawn stall almost anywhere in any city in Italy. In attempt to control fashion, the wealthier people have stated that lower ranks could only wear one color of clothing. This is very unpopular, and the peasants decided to invent a new technique called slashing, for their dresses. Now it is used even on shoes. Men;s fashion also decided to take a leap. They invented new ways of wearing the vests and they focused on more richer fabrics. If you want to look quite good when visiting, it would be good if you could spend a little more money on better fabrics, to show that you are a tourist.There are many ways to be entertained in the Cities of Italy. If you can stay at a wealthy merchants house to sleep, you may experience some of the local entertainment, like fiddlers and jokers. You can go into an Inn and experience all the stories and tales that the travelers have to tell, also the singing and the music. Traveling musicians also may be staying at an Inn,and they can entertain you by playing music and singing. You could also experience the dancing at the Inns and watching people dance in courtship if you have the chance. You could go to Rome and watch all the wonderful plays and scripts that are performed there. You could participate in one of the local games, like jousting, archery, wrestling and swordsmanship. Finally, you can see the many beautiful art and architecture in the cities in Italy and see all the most unique things.


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A wealthy merchant’s wife plays with her children. The dress is a common and popular dress used in Italy.

Local merchants talk. The man wearing the read suit is a banker, and the other man is a merchant.

Musicians play local music at Inns and on the streets.


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1. Detailed map of Renaissance Italy

2. Introduction

3. Which cities to visit

4. How to get around

5. Local customs and manners

6. What to wear

7. What to see and do

8. Where to stay (provided as sample)

9. Where to eat

10. How to stay safe and healthy

11.. Who's who in Renaissance Europe

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Criterion A: KnowledgeMaximum 10 0The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.1–2The use of terminology is inconsistent or incorrect. Facts and examples are either absent, or those used are irrelevant or do not show understanding. 3–4The use of terminology is mostly accurate and usually appropriate, though some errors remain. Facts and examples used are mostly relevant, and usually show understanding. 5–6Terminology is used accurately and appropriately. Relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding. The student provides accurate descriptions; explanations are adequate but not well developed.7–8A range of terminology is used accurately and appropriately. A range of relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding. 9–10The student shows an excellent command of a wide range of terminology, and uses it appropriately. An extensive range of relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding.

Criterion C: SkillsMaximum 10 0The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.1–2The student can select and use some relevant information.. The student attempts to carry out investigations, demonstrating few skills.3–4The student selects and uses mostly relevant information. The student demonstrates basic investigative skills.5–6The student selects and uses relevant information. The student demonstrates adequate investigative skills.7–8The student selects and uses a range of relevant information. The student demonstrates effective investigative skills.9–10The student selects and uses a wide range of relevant information. The student demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills.

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Criterion D: Organization and presentationMaximum 8 0The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.1–2The student communicates information that may not always be relevant. The student attempts to structure the work, but it may be unclear and/or inappropriate to the format required. Presentation is unclear and imprecise. There may be some evidence of documentation.3–4The student communicates information that is mostly relevant. The student attempts to structure and sequence the work but is not always successful. Presentation is occasionally unclear. Sources of information are documented, though there may be omissions or consistent errors in adhering to conventions.5–6The student communicates information that is relevant. The student uses a structure appropriate to the task and sequences the content logically. Presentation is clear; attention is paid to the audience and purpose in terms of appropriate language, style and visual representation. Sources of information are documented, with occasional errors in adhering to conventions.7–8The student communicates information that is always relevant. The student organizes information into a well-developed and logical sequence, appropriate to the format required. Presentation is clear, concise and effective, and the language, style and visual representation used are always appropriate to the audience and purpose. All sources of information are documented according to a recognized convention.