philippines travel guide

The Travel Consultant Guide Philippines

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Philippines Travel Guide This travel guide was produced in September 2013.


Page 1: Philippines Travel Guide

The Travel Consultant GuidePhilippines

Page 2: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesContents / Index

Introduction p.2

Location p.3

Climate & Seasonal factors p.4

Geographical features p.6

History p.8

People & Culture p.13

Major Cities & Attractions p.18

Other Tourist Areas p.21

Man-made Attractions p.23

Natural Attractions p.26

Transports & Gateways p.29

Health & Safety p.35

Regulatory Information p.39

Updating Information p.41

Sources p.43

S40029545 Inês Pinto 1

Page 3: Philippines Travel Guide

Not only geographically but also culturally and spiritually, The Republic of the Philippines is a land

apart from mainland Southeast Asia. The result of about 350 years of Spanish colonisation

becomes obvious through the infinite amount of Catholic churches all over the country. Vestiges

of the Spanish era include exuberant town fiestas (festivals) like Kalibo’s Ati-Atihan, unique

Spanish-Filipino colonial architecture as well as its currency, the Philippine Peso. On the other

hand, malls, fast-food chains and widespread spoken English contrast with Spanish influences and

give us the American ‘side of life’. “Despite these outside influences, the country remains very

much its own unique entity”.

PhilippinesIntroduction welcome

«The people are, simply, Filipinos

– and proud of it.

Welcoming, warm and

relentlessly upbeat, it is they

who captivate and ultimately

ensnare visitors.»

Source: 2

Page 4: Philippines Travel Guide

«The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago of 7,107 islands lying on the western rim of the

Pacific Ocean and north of the equator. The northern part of the country is separated from Taiwan

by the Bashi Channel. It is bounded on the east by the Philippine Sea, on the south by the Celebes

Sea, and on the west by the South China Sea.»



It is approximately

6,290 kilometers

away from Australia

or, seven hours by

plane from Sydney to

Manila, the capital

city of the


The total land area is

about 298,170

square kilometers

(114,830 square



Page 5: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesClimate & Seasonal factors


The Climate of the Philippines is either tropical rainforest, tropical savanna or tropical

monsoon, or humid subtropical (in higher-altitude areas) characterized by relatively

high temperature, oppressive humidity and plenty of rainfall. There are two seasons in

the country, the wet season and the dry season, based upon the amount of rainfall.

This is dependent as well on the location in the country as some areas experience rain all

throughout the year. Based on temperature, the seven warmest months of the year are

from March to October; the winter monsoon brings cooler air from November to

February. May is the warmest month, and January, the coolest.

The months of April and May, the hot and dry months when schools are on their long,

between-years break, is referred to as summer while in most of the Northern

Hemisphere those months are part of spring.


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PhilippinesClimate & Seasonal factors


Graphically the seasons can be represented this way:

Typhoons have a great influence on the climate and weather conditions of the

Philippines. A great portion of the rainfall, humidity and cloudiness are due to the

influence of typhoons. They generally originate in the region of the Marianas and

Caroline Islands of the Pacific Ocean which have the same latitudinal location as

Mindanao. 5

Page 7: Philippines Travel Guide

The Philippines is composed of three major islands known as Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

The largest island is Luzon, followed by Mindanao and the Visayas group. The Visayan

region is composed of about 6,000 islands, including Panay, Samar, Cebu, Leyte and Bohol.

Mindanao encompasses about 400 islands.

PhilippinesGeographical features


Of volcanic

origin, the

Philippines is



Mountain ranges

extend north to

south, running

parallel to the

coasts and, in

many places,

bordering them.


Page 8: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesGeographical features


The mountains in

Luzon include the

Sierra Madre,

Cordillera Central,

the Caraballo

Mountains and the


Mountains. In the

second largest

island, Mindanao,

are the Diwata

Mountains and the

mountain ranges in

southern Mindanao

including Mount

Apo (a volcano)

which, at 2,954

meters, is the

highest point in the


Seismic disturbances are often experienced in the islands that include 20 active volcanoes. The

most recent volcanic eruptions were in 1993 (Mayon Volcano in the Bicol Region, southeastern

Luzon, dormant for 600 years) and in June 1991 and July 1992 (Mount Pinatubo, central Luzon).


Page 9: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesHistory: a deeper understanding


Early History30 000 Years ago“Tribal Period”

The Negritos are believed to have migrated to the Philippines some 30,000 years ago from Borneo, Sumatra, and Malaya. The Malayans followed in successive waves. These people belonged to a primitive epoch of Malayan culture, which has apparently survived to this day among certain groups such as the Igorots. The Malayan tribes that came later had more highly developed material cultures

14th Century“Tantric Period”

Arab traders from Malay and Borneo introduced Islam into the southern islands and extended their influence as far north as Luzon.

16th CenturyYear 1521

The first Europeans to visit (1521) the Philippines were those in the Spanish expedition around the world led by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. Other Spanish expeditions followed, including one from New Spain (Mexico) under López de Villalobos, who in 1542 named the islands for the infante Philip, later Philip II.

16th CenturyYear 1571

Only in1571, when López de Legaspi (another expedition from New Spain) established the Spanish city of Manila on the site of a Moro town he had conquered the year before, the Spanish foothold in the Philippines was secure.

17th Century

19th CenturyYear 1896 Spanish injustices, bigotry, and economic oppressions fed the movement,

which was greatly inspired by the brilliant writings of José Rizal. In 1896 revolution began in the province of Cavite, and after the execution of Rizal that December, it spread throughout the major islands.

A Tagalog couple of the Maginoocaste

depicted in the 16th centuryBoxer Codex.

There was also trouble from other quarters, and the period from 1600 to 1663 was marked by continual wars with the Dutch, who were laying the foundations of their rich empire in the East Indies, and with Moro pirates. One of the most difficult problems the Spanish faced was the subjugation of the Moros. Intermittent campaigns were conducted against them but without conclusive results until the middle of the 19th cent.

By the end of the 16th cent. Manila had become a leading commercial center of East Asia, carrying on a flourishing trade with China, India, and the East Indies. The Philippines supplied some wealth (including gold) to Spain, and the richly laden galleons plying between the islands and New Spain were often attacked by English freebooters.

Spanish warships bombarding theMuslim pirates of the southern Philippines in 1848


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PhilippinesHistory: a deeper understanding


Aguinaldo led a new revolt, this time against U.S. rule. Defeated on the battlefield, the Filipinos turned to guerrilla warfare, and their subjugation became a mammoth project for the United States—one that cost far more money and took far more lives than the Spanish-American War. The insurrection was effectively ended with the capture (1901) of Aguinaldo by Gen. Frederick Funston, but the question of Philippine independence remained a burning issue in the politics of both the United States and the islands.

When the Democrats came into power in 1913, measures were taken to effect a smooth transition to self-rule. The Philippine assembly already had a popularly elected lower house, and the Jones Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in 1916, provided for a popularly elected upper house as well, with power to approve all appointments made by the governor-general. It also gave the islands their first definite pledge of independence, although no specific date was set.

20th CenturyYear 1913

A constitution, approved by President Roosevelt (Mar., 1935) was accepted by the Philippine people in a plebiscite (May); and Quezon was elected the first president (Sept.). When Quezon was inaugurated on Nov. 15, 1935, the Commonwealth of the Philippines was formally established. Quezon was reelected in Nov., 1941. To develop defensive forces against possible aggression, Gen. Douglas MacArthur was brought to the islands as military adviser in 1935, and the following year he became field marshal of the Commonwealth army.

19th CenturyYear 1898

20th CenturyYear 1921

When the Republicans regained power in 1921, the trend toward bringing Filipinos into the government was reversed. Gen. Leonard Wood, who was appointed governor-general, largely supplanted Filipino activities with a semimilitary rule. However, the advent of the Great Depression in the United States in the 1930s and the first aggressive moves by Japan in Asia (1931) shifted U.S. sentiment sharply toward the granting of immediate independence to the Philippines.

The CommonwealthYear 1935

World War IIYear 1941

War came suddenly to the Philippines on Dec. 8 (Dec. 7, U.S. time), 1941, when Japan attacked without warning. Japanese troops invaded the islands in many places and launched a pincer drive on Manila. The Japanese occupied Manila on Jan. 2, 1942.

Revolution was brewing when the Spanish-American War broke out in 1898. After the U.S. naval victory in Manila Bay on May 1, 1898, Commodore In 1899, George Dewey supplied Aguinaldo with arms and urged him to rally the Filipinos against the Spanish.


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Sources: &

20th CenturyYear 1945

Many atrocities and war crimes were committed during the war such as the Bataan Death March and the Manila massacre that culminated during the Battle of Manila. Allied troops defeated the Japanese in 1945. By the end of the war it is estimated over a million Filipinos had died.

The Republic

20th CenturyYear 1946

Manuel Roxas became the first president of the Republic of the Philippines when independence was granted, as scheduled, on July 4, 1946. In Mar., 1947, the Philippines and the United States signed a military assistance pact (since renewed) and the Philippines gave the United States a 99-year lease on designated military, naval, and air bases (a later agreement reduced the period to 25 years beginning 1967). The sudden death of President Roxas in Apr., 1948, elevated the vice president, Elpidio Quirino, to the presidency.

5th President of the Philippines3rd President of the Commonwealth1st president of the Third Republic

Manuel Roxas

Meanwhile, disgruntled remnants of the Hukbalahap communist rebel army that had previously fought against and resisted the Japanese continued to roam the rural regions.

This threat to the government was dealt with by Secretary of National Defense and later President Ramon Magsaysay, but sporadic cases of communist insurgency continued to flare up long afterward.

20th CenturyYear 1953

In 1965, Ferdinand Marcos was elected president. Nearing the end of his second term and constitutionally barred from seeking a third, he declared martial law on September 21, 1972. By using political divisions, the tension of the Cold War, and the specter of communist rebellion and Islamic insurgency as justifications, he governed by decree.

20th CenturyYear 1965Dictatorship

On August 21, 1983, Marcos' chief rival opposition leader Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr. ignored warnings and returned from exile in the United States. He was assassinated as he was taken off the plane at the Manila International Airport (now called the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in his memory). With political pressure building, Marcos eventually called for snap presidential elections in 1986.

20th CenturyYear 1983

20th CenturyYear 1986

Corazon Aquino, Benigno's widow, was persuaded to become the presidential candidate and standard bearer of the opposition. The elections were widely considered rigged when Marcos was proclaimed the winner. This led to the People Power Revolution, instigated when two long-time Marcos allies – Armed Forces of the Philippines Vice Chief-of-Staff Fidel V. Ramos and Secretary of National Defense Juan Ponce Enrile – resigned and barricaded themselves in Camp Aguinaldo and Camp Crame.


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Sources: &

20th CenturyYear 1986

In 1986, charges of massive fraud and violence were leveled against the Marcos faction. Marcos’s domestic and international support eroded, and he fled the country on Feb. 25, 1986, eventually obtaining asylum in the United States.

The Republic

Corazon Aquino’s government faced mounting problems, including coup attempts, significant economic difficulties, and pressure to rid the Philippines of the U.S. military presence.

In 1990, in response to the demands of the Moros, a partially autonomous Muslim region was created in the far south. In 1992, Aquino declined to run for reelection and was succeeded by her former army chief of staff Fidel Ramos. He immediately launched an economic revitalization plan premised on three policies: government deregulation, increased private investment, and political solutions to the continuing insurgencies within the country.

20th CenturyBetween 1990 and 1999

His political program was somewhat successful, opening dialogues with the Marxist and Muslim guerillas. However, Muslim discontent with partial rule persisted, and unrest and violence continued throughout the 1990s. In 1999, Marxist rebels and Muslim separatists formed an alliance to fight the government.

21st CenturyBetween 2001 and 2013

Several natural disasters, including the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo on Luzon and a succession of severe typhoons, slowed the country’s economic progress. However, the Philippines escaped much of the economic turmoil seen in other East Asian nations in 1997 and 1998, in part by following a slower pace of development imposed by the International Monetary Fund. Joseph Marcelo Estrada, a former movie actor, was elected president in 1998, pledging to help the poor and develop the country’s agricultural sector. In 2001, amid charges of corruption and a stalled impeachment process, Ramos' successor Joseph Estrada was ousted from the presidency by the 2001 EDSA Revolution and replaced by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Her administration that lasted 9 years was tied with graft and corruption and numerous political scandals. As a result of the May 2010 elections, Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III was elected president and he is today the 15th President of the Philippines


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Benigno S. Aquino III, the current and 15th president of the Republic of the Philippines


Source: The Lonely Planet]

Since March 2010, the Philippine territory was divided into 17 regions, 80 provinces, 138 cities,

1,496 municipalities, and 42,025 barangays (the smallest administrative division in

the Philippines and is the native Filipino term for a village,district or ward).



Page 14: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesPeople & Culture


The Filipinos are divided geographically and

culturally into regions and each regional group is

recognizable by distinct traits and dialects. Tribal

communities can be found scattered across the


The most important numerically are the Visayans, who live primarily in the central portion of

the archipelago and the Tagalogs, who live primarily in central Luzon. The Moslem groups

live mainly in the southern portion of the archipelago -- particularly in western Mindanao,

the Sulu Archipelago, and southern Palawan island. The non-Malay groups are composed of

people of Spanish and Chinese descent.

Filipinos are a fun-loving people. Throughout the islands, there are fiestas celebrated

everyday and foreign guests are always welcome to their homes.

«The Filipino is basically of Malay stock with a sprinkling of Chinese, American, Spanish and Arab

blood. From a long history of Western colonial rule, interspersed with visits of merchants and

traders, evolved a people of unique blend of east and west, both in appearance and culture.


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PhilippinesPeople & Culture



According to the CIA World Fact Book the Philippine population is estimated in about

105,720,644 (July 2013 est.). The medium age is 23.3 years and the demographic structure is

divided like you can see below:

0-14 years: 34%

15-24 years: 19.1%

25-54 years: 36.8%

55-64 years: 5.7%

65 years and over: 4.4%

(2013 est.)


It is estimated that there are 111 linguistic groups or dialects spoken in the country. The

national language is Filipino, which is based on Tagalog. Both Filipino and English are being

used for official communication and instruction. The eight major dialects are: Tagalog,

Cebuano, Ilocano, Hiligaynon or Ilonggo, Bicol, Waray, Pampango, and Pangasinan

Most of the people belong to the Roman Catholic religion: Roman Catholic 80.9%, Aglipayan

2%, Muslim 5%, Evangelical 2.8%, Iglesia ni Kristo 2.3%, other Christian 4.5%, other 1.8%,

unspecified 0.6%, none 0.1% (2000 census)

Ethnic groups: Christian Malay 91.5%, Muslim Malay 4%, Chinese 1.5%, other 3%


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PhilippinesPeople & CulturePhilippine Cuisine

The style of cooking and the food associated with it have evolved over many centuries from

its Austronesian origins to a mixed cuisine of Malay, Spanish, Chinese, and American, as well as

other Asian and Latin influences adapted to indigenous ingredients and the local palate.

Dishes range from the very simple, like a meal of fried salted fish

and rice, to the elaborate paellas and cocidos created for

fiestas, of Spanish origin. Popular dishes include: lechón (whole

roasted pig), longganisa (Philippine sausage), tapa (cured

beef), torta (omelette), adobo (chicken and/or porkbraised in

garlic, vinegar, oil and soy sauce, or cooked until

dry), kaldereta (meat in tomato sauce stew), mechado (larded

beef in soy and tomato sauce), puchero (beef in bananas and

tomato sauce), afritada (chicken and/or pork simmered in a

peanut sauce with vegetables), kare-kare (oxtailand vegetables

cooked in peanut sauce), pinakbet (kabocha squash, eggplant,

beans, okra, and tomato stew flavored with shrimp paste) crispy

pata(deep-fried pig's leg), hamonado (pork sweetened in

pineapple sauce), sinigang (meat or seafood in sour

broth), pancit (noodles), and lumpia (fresh or fried spring rolls).

Chicken Adobo


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Source: Philippines Country Guide Study, 2007 – p.109

«One patent Filipino trait that immediately commends itself to the foreigner is his hospitality. All

peoples the world over are hospitable in their own way, but Filipino hospitality is something that

is almost a fault. Are you a stranger who has lost your way? Knock at the door of even the

humblest rustic and he offers you his home. In other climes you might be suspected of being a

hoodlum or a poseur. Consequently you might be looked upon with suspicion. Call it naiveté but

the Filipino opens his heart to you, a complete stranger, and offers you the best in his house. He

makes the bed for you and asks you, usually with a profusion of apologies, to make you feel “at

home”, while he, the host, sleeps on the cold floor. (...) The Filipino has very close family ties. The

family has been the unit of society and everything revolves around it. (...) The father is the head of

the family, but while he rules, the mother governs. For it is the mother that reigns in the home:

she is the educator, the financial officer, the accountant, the censor, the laundrywoman, and the


«But over and

above the “ruler”

and the

“governor” are

the grandparents,

whose opinions

and decision on

all important

matters are

sought. Respect

for elders (...) has

remained in the

book of

unwritten laws.»

People & CultureLocal Customs


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Sources: Philippines Country Guide Study, 2007 – p.113 & WikiTravel

«The Philippines has a diverse musical culture that blends Eastern and. Western influences.

Traditional Philippine music is made up of the indigenous music of pre-Hispanic times and music

derived from the Spanish era. (...) Filipinos have an innate sense of rhythm and music is a very much

part of their daily lives.»

People & Culture“The Fiesta Islands”

The Filipinos are happy and joie de vivre type of people.

They are satisfied with life and love to laugh and tend

to love people with humor, which most festivals

represent. Most of the festivals are vibrant and

energetic and many are of Hispanic influence.

Because of the uncountable number of festivals, the

country is often dubbed as, "The Fiesta Islands".

Among all festivals Christmas is the biggest, widest and

longest celebrated in the Philippines, which starts from

September and lasts till January perhaps the longest

Christmas celebration in the world.


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PhilippinesMajor Cities & Attractions

Source: & Google Maps

Former capital of the country (1948–1976).

Largest city in Metro Manila in population and

land area. Hosts the House of Representatives

of the Philippines at the Batasang Pambansa

Complex and the metropolis' largest source of

water, the Novaliches Reservoir.

1. Quezon City – population 2 761 720 (2010)

Capital of the country (from 1571-1948 and 1976–

present). Historically centered around the walled

city of Intramuros, by the mouth of the Pasig

River. Host to the seat of the chief executive, the

Malacañang Palace. By far the most densely

populated city in the country.

2. Manila City – population 1 652 171 (2010)


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PhilippinesMajor Cities & Attractions

Source: & Google Maps

Historic city where Andres Bonifacio and

the Katipunan held many of its meetings in secrecy.

Much of its territory was ceded to form Quezon City,

resulting in the formation of two non-contiguous

sections under the city's jurisdiction. Caloocan is the

third most densely populated city in the country, lying

immediately north of the city of Manila. It serves as an

industrial and residential area inside Metro Manila.

3. Caloocan City – population 1 489 040(2010)

The largest city in Mindanao. Davao is also

the largest city in the Philippines in terms

of land area. It has an estimated

population of 1,530,365 as of 2011.

The City Mayors Foundation ranks Davao

City as the 87th fastest growing city in the

world, and it has been listed by

the FDi magazine as the 10th "Asian City of

the Future".

4. Davao City – population 1 449 296 (2010)


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PhilippinesMajor Cities & Attractions

Source: & Google Maps

Popularly nicknamed as "The Queen City of the South." First capital of the country. Capital of the

province of Cebu and regional center of Region VII. Most populous city in the Visayas. Core

of Metro Cebu. Cebu City has been honored as the 8th Asian City of the Future owing to its

expansive business districts, premier entertainment destinations, and its pristine waters which

attracts tourists worldwide. The city is home to the most popular Sinulog festival celebrated every

January which attracts tourists and Filipinos alike.

5. Cebu City – population 866 171 (2010)


Page 22: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesOther tourist areas



Ilocos Norte, the northwestern tip of

Luzon, is wedged between the steep

Grand Cordillera Central in the east, the

rugged Ilocos Mountains in the northeast,

and the Ilocos Range in the South. The

centuries old churches that dot every town

of Ilocos are testimonies to the colonial

past. They formed part of the nucleus of

the plaza complex town planning

instituted by the Spanish colonizers. With

a coastline that stretches to 90 statute

miles, Ilocos Norte is blessed with rich

marine life (shells, giant turtles, seaweeds,

starfishes, tuna, and a variety of more




A mountainous topography of towering

peaks, plateaus, and intermittent patches

of valleys, the Cordillera mountain range

has a history as vast and as beautiful as its

mountainous curves. Populated by the

Ifugaos, a gentle yet fiercely proud ethnic

community, the Cordillera enjoys

abundant mineral reserves.



The Subic Bay Leisure Zone, a 37,000-acre virgin triple-canopy rainforest with wildlife and rare marine

life, is a destination one should not miss. The former US Navy facility was vacated in 1992 and is now

among Asia's emerging tourist destination. Trekking through the tropical rainforest on foot or on

horseback accompanied by native guides is both a challenge and delight. One can enjoy the numerous

beaches, or go camping, or just take a tour around the zone.





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PhilippinesOther tourist areas



Boracay, also known for its colorful Ati-

Atihan festival , is a paradise for certified

sun-worshippers all over the world. In fact,

local and foreign tourists have made

Boracay their yearly destination. Others

have chosen to live on this haven.

Boracay's thousand-hectares boast of all

the elements of a tropical heaven - crystal

blue waters, powder white sand, liberal

doses of tropical palms and flowering

plants, and a healthy and diverse marine

life. Boracay has three little communities -

Yapak in the north, Manoc-Manoc in the

south and Balabag in between. Hilly

elevations of up to 100 meters above sea

level characterize Yapak and Manoc-

Manoc. Intertwining trails link the small

villages and lead to lush tropical jungles.


Known as the country's last frontier, Palawan has managed to preserve its fascinatingly natural

habitat through the years. Situated north of Mindoro and north of Malaysia's Sabah Island, Palawan

is the country's largest province spanning 1.5 million hectares. An ideal breeding ground for tropical

flora and fauna, Palawan has more than a thousand islands and islets where monkeys, squirrels, bear

cats, and zebras thrive with wild tropical plants and corals.

Palawan's population follows the same pattern. The province has attracted peoples of all

backgrounds and it is said that today's Palawenos are a fusion of 81 different cultural groups.

Foreigners, too, have grown to love this quiet province.







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PhilippinesMan-made attractions






Laoag/Vigan«The Philippines has a rich history beginning from its

earliest days as one of the busiest trading posts in South

East Asia and later, in the trans-Pacific galleon trade. A

period of Spanish colonization spanning three centuries

then made an indelible impression on the country. This

mercurial era, along with the American occupation, played

a vital role in shaping the Philippines and its people. A vivid

past has left its mark all over the archipelago in many

different forms that present-day visitors to the country are

now discovering.»

Rice Terraces of the

Philippine CordillerasLocation: Ifugao, near Banaue

Inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage

«The 2,000-year old Banaue Rice

Terraces – the most extensive

anywhere in the world – were

carved into the mountains of Ifugao

by ancestors of the Batad

indigenous people. The terraces are

located approximately 1,500

meters (5,000 feet) above sea level

and cover 10,360 square kilometers

(about 4,000 square miles) of the


Known as the “eight wonder of the

world,” the terraces were carved

with only simple tools and bare


Considered as a monument to man’s genius in turning a

rugged and forbidding terrain into a source of sustenance,

the rice terraces stand to be the most awe-inspiring man-

made landscape in the Cordilleras. They are also invariably

called “The Stairway to the Sky.”»

They are fed by an ancient irrigation system, an

ingenious complex of bamboo pipes and canals,

drawing water from streams created by bubbling

springs located in the mountain rainforests.


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PhilippinesMan-made attractions







«The 16th century town of Vigan is “an exceptionally

intact and well-preserved example of a European trading

town in East and East Asia.” Its architecture reflects the

fusion of cultural elements from the Philippines, China

and Europe, resulting in a culture and townscape that

has no parallel anywhere in East and Southeast Asia.

Seemingly impervious to time, spared

from rebellion and the ravages of war,

Vigan has remained unchanged and its

many preserved historic sites – more

than 180 edifices – make it look like “a

piece of Spain.” With its grand

cathedral, massive mansions with red-

tile roofs and spacious balconies,

narrow cobblestone streets, horse

drawn carriages, and friendly faces

peering out of large windows, Vigan is

a place where “time stood still.”»

Historic Town of ViganLocation: Vigan, Ilocos Sur

Inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage


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PhilippinesMan-made attractions







«Built in 1587, the San Agustin Church is the oldest stone

church in the Philippines, the only one that remains as

the original evidence of the 16th century Spanish

architecture. It has defied several earthquakes and the

heavy shelling of both Japanese and American forces in

1945 and now stands as a reminder of the grandeur of

the past.

The structural design of the church is extraordinary. It boasts of the only example in the country of a

barrel vault, dome and arched vestibules, supporting its choir loft, all made of stone. Its façade is

notable for its two pairs of columns – the lowest pair in Doric style, the upper pair in Corinthian

topped by a pediment surmounted by a Cross. The main door, carved out of Philippine molave, has a

bas-relief of St. Augustine and his mother, Santa Monica. San Agustin Church represents the art and

technology of Spanish, Chinese, and native cultures fused together “to suit human sentiments and

faiths that found expression in customs and traditions that were evolved through the centuries.”»

Baroque ChurchesLocation: Manila

Inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage


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PhilippinesNatural attractions

«The Tubbataha Reef Marine Park covers 33,200

hectares including the north and south reefs. It is a

marvelous marine wilderness and a special ecosystem

much appreciated for its beauty as well as its scientific


Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park Location: Middle of the Sulu Sea, 181 kilometers southeast

of Puerto Princesa, Palawan

Inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage


It is a unique example of an atoll reef

with a very high density of marine

species, with 80% coral cover of 46 coral

genres and 376 fish species. The site is

an excellent example of a pristine coral

reef with a spectacular 100-meter

perpendicular wall, extensive lagoons

and two-coral islands.Tubbataha’s north islet is a nesting site for sea birds of all kinds and

endangeredhawksbill sea turtles; a diver’s paradise with gorgonian seafans, soft corals, and gigantic sea sponges

serving as home to turkey fish, anemone crab, banded seasnakes, nudibranchs, starfish, catsharks,

surgeon fish, batfish, and butterfly fish. The rare, unusual looking fox-faced rabbit fish can also be

found in the marine park. Marine turtles, including the critically endangered hawksbill and green

turtle, nest on some of the beaches.»


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PhilippinesNatural attractions






«The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park

features a spectacular limestone karst landscape with its

underground river. The river is unique because it flows

directly into the sea, and its lower portion is subject to

tidal influences. The area also represents a significant

habitat for biodiversity conservation. The site contains a

whole ecosystem --- from mountain to the sea; and

protects forests, which are among the most significant in


Puerto Princesa Subterranean

River National ParkLocation: Saint Paul Mountain Range on the northern coast

of Palawan

Inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage


A highlight of each visit is a ride through its 8

km-long underground river which runs

through a dome of stalactites complemented

by stalagmites running the entire length of

the cave.The park is a popular destination for bird

watching and is known for regular sightings of

threatened bird species of Palawan peacock-

peasant and Philippine cockatoo and the

endemic birds Palawan scopsowl, swiftlet,

hornbill, flyeater and blue flycatcher, tit and

flowerpecker. It is blessed to have the

Palawan flying fox, Oriental small-clawed

otter, stinkbadger, binturong, flying squirrel,

mountain tree squirrel and porcupine. The

park also features an exciting Monkey Trail

with its series of wooden paths to the forest.»


Page 29: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesNatural attractions






«The Chocolate Hills is a geological formation in Bohol

Province, Philippines. There are at least 1,260 hills but

there may be as many as 1,776 hills spread over an area

of more than 50 square kilometres (20 sq mi). They are

covered in green grass that turns brown (like chocolate)

during the dry season, hence the name.

The Chocolate Hills is a famous tourist attraction of

Bohol. They are featured in the provincial flag and seal to

symbolize the abundance of natural attractions in the


Chocolate HillsLocation: Bohol, near Cebu

Inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage


The Chocolate Hills form a rolling terrain of haycock hills – mounds of a generally conical and

almost symmetrical shape. Estimated to be from 1,268 to about 1,776 individual mounds, these

cone-shaped or dome-shaped hills are actually made of grass-covered limestone.»



Page 30: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesTransports & Gateways

Source: 29

Airports & airlines

We recommend you to book well in advance if you plan to arrive in the Philippines during

December - expat Filipinos flood the islands to visit their families during Christmas and New Year. If

you're flying into Cebu, the lead-up to Lunar New Year in late January or early February can also get

congested, as the city's sizeable Chinese population prepares to celebrate.

By Air

Most people enter the Philippines at Manila's Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA). This is a

dismal introduction to the country: lines are often long at immigration, and the entire facility is in

need of a facelift. That said, once you clear the lines immigration is usually straightforward. You

may be asked to show an ongoing ticket, and most nationalities are issued a 21-day visa on the


Cebu City's Mactan-Cebu International Airport is the country's second-busiest airport and is much

better. Depending on your itinerary, Cebu's airport may also be a more practical entry or exit point.

The biggest advantage of flying into Cebu is that it saves you having to deal with the chaos

of Manila (and its unscrupulous taxi drivers). Cebu has international connections to Hong Kong with

Cathay Pacific, Kuala Lumpur (via Kota Kinabalu) with Malaysian Airlines, Singapore with SilkAir,

and Hong Kong, Tokyo and Seoul with Philippine Airlines. Since all these cities are well served with

international connections, it's easy for the determined traveller to arrive in Cebu rather

than Manila.

Since most people fly to the Philippines and most flights

land in Manila, Ninoy Aquino International Airport in

Parañaque, is likely to be your first taste of the

Philippines. Too bad, but don't despair - most of the

country is a lot better run than decrepit old NAIA.

Doubtless as an incentive for people to fly with

Philippine Airlines (PAL), the national carrier, its

passengers get exclusive use of the nicer Centennial

Terminal (NAIA II).

Page 31: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesTransports & Gateways

Source: 30

Another airport in the Philippines with regular international connections is Francisco Bangoy

International Airport (DVO) in Davao on Mindanao, which has flights to and from Singapore with

SilkAir. Previously confined to cargo, the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA,

formerly Clark) in Angeles City now handles international flights by AirAsia (to and from Kota

Kinabalu and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), Tiger Airways (to and from Singapore), and CR Airways (to

and from Hong Kong).

Qantas and PAL offer the only direct flights from Australia to the Philippines (Sydney to Manila);

otherwise, it's necessary to fly via cities such as Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur or Hong Kong.

By Air

Page 32: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesTransports & Gateways

Source: 31

It's possible to travel by sea between the Philippines and nearby parts of Malaysia and Indonesia.

However, schedules and routes are very liable to change so it's best to be flexible in your plans.

By Sea

From IndonesiaEPA Shipping Line (083-380 3591) has ferries that sail between General Santos in Mindanao and

the deep-water port of Bitung, 55km from Manado, Indonesia (P1800, 36 hours, twice weekly). The

office is inside the port compound at Makar, near General Santos. This is a cargo boat that takes

passengers; officially, foreigners should be able to make this trip, but you may want to check with

the tourism office in General Santos first. You will need to get your visa requirements in order with

the Indonesian consulate in Davao before you leave.

There is also a boat that sails between Bitung and Davao's Sasa Pier (via General Santos) every

Friday, but trip details change often so it's best to check with Davao's city tourism office.

From MalaysiaAleson Lines (062-991 2687; PPA Terminal, Port Area, Zamboanga) boats leave Zamboanga

in Mindanao for Sandakan in Malaysian Borneo twice weekly (cabin P3600, 16 hours).

SRN Fastcraft (992 3765) has two Weesam Express boats a week between Zamboanga

and Sandakan (P5400, eight hours).

Page 33: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesTransports & Gateways

Source: 32

Getting around Boat«Spend any length of time in the Philippines and you're bound to find yourself on a boat. Boats

range from the high-class multideck WG&A ferries and highly efficient luxury passenger catamarans

(known as fastcraft or fast ferries) to the smallest of outriggers (called bangka or pumpboats),

which shuttle between myriad beaches and piers. Ferries of all descriptions and levels of

seaworthiness ply the waters between islands. They are often overcrowded; cramming every inch

of leaky tubs with passengers doesn't make them watertight, but it does increase the probability of

the ship sinking, especially in heavy seas. You often have options as to which boat to travel on, so

ask around about reliable companies and ferries and plan accordingly. Fastcraft are becoming an

increasingly common sight between islands. These are smaller, lighter and newer than the ferries,

and are well fitted, reliable and safe. They aren't called fastcraft for nothing, as they can cut long

rides by half. One modern convenience used to excess on these spiffy ships is air-conditioning,

which is permanently set to 'arctic' - take a sweater or fleece.

Though service on the main routes is pretty reliable, you'll need to be prepared for changes in the

itinerary. Adverse weather conditions (especially during the typhoon season) or renovation of a

ferry can totally alter the sailing times and boats used for various trips. As with planes, boats fill to

overflowing during Christmas, New Year, Holy Week and All Saints' Day/All Souls' Day, as well as to

the locations of major festivals.»

Page 34: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesTransports & Gateways

Source: 33

Getting around

Hitching«Hitching is never entirely safe in any country in the world, and we don't recommend it. Travellers

who decide to hitch should understand that they are taking a small but potentially serious risk.

People who do choose to hitch will be safer if they travel in pairs and let someone know where

they are planning to go. And, needless to say, hitching in the guerrilla territory of Mindanao is

positively suicidal. The cost of transport in the Philippines is generally so low that hitchhiking isn't

worth the trouble; you're seldom left stranded without a cheap and willing jeepney in sight. A

hitchhiker is such an unusual sight in the Philippines that most regular drivers will probably ignore

you if you stand on the roadside with your thumb out; the only ones who might stop are truck or

jeepney drivers, who would expect a few pesos if they gave you a lift.»

«If time is short, driving

yourself is a quicker option

than relying on jeepneys and

other public transport, but it

does come with caveats.

Philippine driving is possibly at

its most manic in and

around Manila, and in Luzon's

central mountains. It's less life-

threatening elsewhere, though,

and verges on pleasant in and

around cities such as Cebu.Whatever you do, don't try to emulate the local style - driving in the Philippines is one area of

cultural difference where the 'when in Rome' principle doesn't apply. Philippine law requires that

you have third-party auto insurance with a Philippines auto-insurance company when you drive in

the Philippines. If you rent a car, this can be arranged with the rental agency. You are required to

carry a minimum of P750,000 of insurance. »

Car & Moto

Page 35: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesTransports & Gateways

Source: 34

Getting around

Bus & Tram«An enormous number of bus services cover the Philippines and generally do it quite cheaply and

reliably. Island-hopping on a bus is even an option; in fact, you can travel all the way from the

northernmost tip of Luzon to the southernmost corner of Mindanao without getting your feet wet.

Departures are usually quite frequent, but take care if there's only one bus a day - drivers

sometimes decide to leave earlier than scheduled if the bus is full! Many Filipinos like to travel

early in the morning or after nightfall, when it's cool, so there are often more buses at this time.

As in most countries, it pays to mind your baggage while buses load and unload.

Costs: You can roughly calculate the fare and the time a bus journey will take based on distance.

Regular buses generally cover a bit under 2km per peso and the average speed is about 50km per

hour. Voilà! A 100km journey costs P50 or so and takes two hours.»

«The route south

from Manila to the Bicol

region in southeast Luzon

is the only railway line in

the country. Although it's

old and none too speedy,

it's a viable option for

travel down to Naga and

Legaspi and points along

the way.»


Page 36: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesHealth & SafetyMedication & Travel warnings advice


«We strongly recommend that you take out

comprehensive travel insurance that will cover any

overseas medical costs, including medical

evacuation, before you depart. Confirm that your

insurance covers you for the whole time you'll be

away and check what circumstances and activities

are not included in your policy. Remember,

regardless of how healthy and fit you are, if you

can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to

travel. The Australian Government will not pay for a

traveller's medical expenses overseas or medical

evacuation costs.

It is important to consider your physical and mental health before travelling overseas. We encourage you to

consider having vaccinations before you travel. At least eight weeks before you depart, make an

appointment with your doctor or travel clinic for a basic health check-up, and to discuss your travel plans

and any implications for your health, particularly if you have an existing medical condition. The World Health

Organization (WHO) provides information for travellers and our health page also provides useful information

for travellers on staying healthy.

Medical facilities in the Philippines are adequate

in major cities but are very limited in provincial

regions and remote islands. Major private

hospitals, particularly in Metro Manila, are well

equipped and internationally accredited. Most

hospitals will require up-front payment or

guarantee of payment prior to commencing

treatment, which can be expensive. In the event

of a serious illness or accident, medical evacuation

to a destination with the required facilities may be

necessary. Medical evacuation costs are



Page 37: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesHealth & SafetyMedication & Travel warnings advice


«Malaria is endemic in many provincial regions of the

Philippines but does not affect the capital Manila. Dengue

fever has been on the rise in Manila and neighbouring

provinces along with outbreaks of other mosquito-borne

diseases (including Japanese encephalitis and filariasis) in

many areas particularly during the rainy season between

June and November. There is no vaccination or specific

treatment available for dengue. We encourage you to

consider taking prophylaxis against malaria where necessary.

You should take measures to avoid insect bites, including

using an insect repellent at all times, wearing long, loose

fitting, light coloured clothing and ensuring your

accommodation is mosquito proof.

Water-borne, food-borne, parasitic and other infectious

diseases (including HIV/AIDS, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis,

tuberculosis, measles, meningitis and rabies) are prevalent

with more serious outbreaks occurring from time to time.

We advise you to boil all drinking water or drink bottled

water, and avoid ice cubes and raw and undercooked food.

Do not swim in fresh water to avoid exposure to certain

water-borne diseases such as bilharzia (schistosomiasis) and


Following flooding, travellers should be aware of the

potential for outbreaks of leptospirosis and gastro-related

illnesses. You should be aware that the high risk of

contracting a water-borne disease continues after floods

recede. Seek medical advice if you have a fever or are

suffering from diarrhoea.

Avoid temporary 'black henna' tattoos as they often contain

a dye which can cause serious skin reactions. For further

information, see the Australasian College of Dermatologists'


Page 38: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesHealth & Safety Terrorist threats


«This Advice was last issued on Thursday, 01 August 2013. It contains new information under

Safety and security: Terrorism (as of 1 August 2013 the restriction on travel by Australian

embassy staff to Davao City, Cotabato City and Zamboanga City has been lifted). We continue

to strongly advise you not to travel to central and western Mindanao, including the

Zamboanga Peninsula and Sulu Archipelago, due to the very high threat of terrorist attack,

kidnapping, violent crime and violent clashes between armed groups. We continue to advise

you to reconsider your need to travel to eastern Mindanao.»


• Pay close attention to your personal security at all times and monitor the media for

information about possible new safety or security risks.

• Violent crime is a significant problem in the Philippines.

• On 29 May 2013, the US Embassy in Manila issued a message to warn its citizens in the

Philippines of a credible kidnap threat against foreigners in Zamboanga in Mindanao.

• There is a danger of kidnapping throughout the Philippines, particularly in the southern

Philippines, including coastal and island tourist resorts, dive sites, and live-aboard dive boats

including in remote locations in the Sulu Sea. Terrorists have kidnapped foreigners from these

areas in the past. If you decide to travel to an area where there is a particular threat of

kidnapping, you should ensure you have personal security measures in place, seek

professional security advice and take out kidnapping insurance.

• The typhoon season normally runs from late May to early December. This is also the rainy

season when tropical storms, flooding and landslides may occur.

Page 39: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesHealth & Safety Natural disasters, severe weather and climate


«Earthquakes and volcanoes: Parts of the Philippines are subject to earthquakes and volcanic

eruptions. The Mayon, Taal and Bulusan volcanoes have a permanent danger zone (PDZ)

established around their summits by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

(PHIVOLCS). Mayon volcano in Albay Province has a PDZ of six kilometres, Bulusan volcano has

four kilometre PDZ and the entire volcanic island of Taal is a PDZ. You should avoid areas

surrounding these volcanoes. In the event of major volcanic activity, you should follow the

advice of local authorities and monitor warnings issued by the Philippine Institute of

Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS).»


«Typhoons usually occur in the Philippines between late May and early December and can

result in substantial loss of life. This is also the wet season when tropical storms, flooding and

landslides are common. Australians are encouraged to monitor bulletins issued by the

Philippine National Disaster Coordinating Council and the Philippines Atmospheric,

Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration and to take appropriate safety

measures. You can also check the weather updates at typhoon2000. Telephone and internet

communications, services and transport may be disrupted in affected areas. The direction and

strength of typhoons can change with little warning. You can check the latest typhoon

information from the World Meteorological Organisation Severe Weather Information Centre

and Asia Pacific Disaster Alerts. For typhoon and other weather alerts in the Philippines, visit

the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) or the Philippine Atmospheric,

Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) website or call its hotline on

+63 2 4338526.»

«Tsunamis: All oceanic regions of the world can experience tsunamis, but in the Indian and

Pacific Oceans, there is a more frequent occurrence of large, destructive tsunamis because of

the many large earthquakes along major tectonic plate boundaries and ocean trenches.»

Page 40: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesRegulatory InformationVisas

«Tourists can visit the Philippines without a visa if staying in the country for 21 days or less;

provided tourists have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months and a return ticket or a

ticket to another destination outside the Philippines. If you wish to stay longer you must

obtain a Visa Extension either before your trip from a Philippine Consulate or Embassy. Or,

once in the country, you may obtain it from the Bureau of Immigrations. »

Source: 39

Customs«Upon arriving; Visitors are allowed to bring in duty free personal belongings, two cartons of

cigarettes or two tins of pipe tobacco and up to one liter of alcohol. “Balikbayans” have

separate rules and should check with the Embassy or Consulate in their home city.

You may bring in unlimited amount of foreign currency. Upon Departure; any antiques you

may have acquired during your stay must be accompanied by a certificate from the National

Museum. You may not take more than PhP5,000.00 (five thousand Philippine pesos) out of

the country.»

Travel tax & Airport fees«Philippine Nationals are expected to pay for the Philippine Travel Tax upon departure from

the Philippines. It is usually paid at the airport upon departure or; oftentimes, already

included in the cost of the ticket when purchased. US Nationals and Permanent Residents

(Green Card Holders) are exempt from the Philippine Travel Tax. US Permanent Residents

need to secure a Travel Tax Exemption Certificate from the Philippine Tourism Authority at

the Department of Tourism Building at TM Kalaw Street, Ermita Manila. The Philippine Travel

Tax is PHP1,620.00 (approximately $35.00).

All passengers departing from the NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport) are expected to

pay the Airport Terminal Fee of PHP750.00 (approximately $17.00). No one is exempt from

paying the Airport Terminal Fee.»

Page 41: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesRegulatory InformationOther Immigration laws

«The Philippine Government strongly enforces immigration and entry laws. You should ensure you

have proper and valid visas and remain aware of your visa status while in the Philippines.

Immigration authorities may require travellers to show proof of an onward or return ticket. Your

passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the date of entry into the Philippines. You

should carry copies of a recent passport photo with you in case you need a replacement passport

while overseas.

Australians have been detained for having improper visas or violating immigration laws. Offenders

can expect jail sentences, fines, and/or deportation and may also be prohibited from entering the

Philippines in the future. If you have any concerns about the status of your Philippine visa or if you

want to extend your visa, you should refer to the Philippine Bureau of Immigration website.»

Source: 40

«The currency in the Philippines is the Peso (PHP) and

the Centavo. 100 centavos = P1. Coin denominations

are: 1, 5, 10, and 25 centavos, P1, and P5. Bill

denominations are 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1, 000


Foreign currency may be exchanged at your hotel,

and in most of the large department stores, banks

and authorized money changing outlets. Exchanging

money anywhere else is illegal and the laws are

strictly enforced.

Most large stores, restaurants, hotels and resorts

accept major credit cards including American Express,

Visa and Master Card. Traveler' s checks preferably

American Express are accepted at hotels and large

department stores. Personal checks drawn on foreign

banks are generally not accepted.»


Page 42: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesSuggested updating source& Information


There are many different ways one can use to update travel related information. Far from

simply following a single source, from our perspective, the key is to follow as many sources

(official & non official) as possible, and cross the different information inputs to get the most

realistic picture of the country, its culture, its people or simply its weather.

Then we recommend the travel consultant to check the official institutions based on the

departure country (or the traveler's nationality), in this case, Australia n citizens:

Besides following the news daily to see any new events or happenings in a specific

destination, when updating the information about the Republic of Philippines, we

recommend to start for the official Philippine based (local) institutions like:

Climatology and Agrometeorology

DOST Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical & Astronomical Services Administration

Philippine Tourism

Philippine Department of Tourism

Philippine Embassy in Australia

Smart Traveller Australian Government

Page 43: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesSuggested updating source& Information


Other good ways to update your information or at least to get new inputs about a certain

destination is to get some travel brochures (either on paper either online) from other travel

players in the market like :

Though not valued by many travel consultants, we also recommend a more alternative way of

understanding and knowing more about the Philippines which is as simple as meet and talk

with a Filipino

Infinitiy Holidays

Intrepid Travel

More fun in the Philippines

After checking the official sources the next step for updating and confirming the inputs from

the initial research would be to check specific travel guides (which include real life traveler’s

experiences in the destination) like:

Lonely Planet

Trip Advisor

Wikitravel – The free travel guide

Page 44: Philippines Travel Guide


Lonely Planet

Philippine Embassy in Australia

CIA: The World Fact Book

Philippine Center for Masonic Studies

Climatology and Agrometeorology

DOST Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical & Astronomical Services Administration

Philippine History

Philippine Tourism

Philippine Department of Tourism


Philippines Country Study Guide, 2007 By Ibp Usa, USA International Business Publications

Page 45: Philippines Travel Guide


Wikitravel – The free travel guide


Smart Traveller Australian Government

World Health Organization


Wikipedia - Philippines

Page 46: Philippines Travel Guide

PhilippinesResearch assessment


Course: Tourism Diploma

International Attractions & Destinations

Teacher: Sue Freshwater

Student n. S40029545 Inês Pinto

This research assessment was built according to Australian Pacific College guidelines

displayed below:

«You are required to prepare a destination reference file for your office. You will be

demonstrating your ability to source, collect and interpret destination information.

Your file will be a source of information for all travel consultants in your office and must

include the following:

Sources for each item of information (eg website, tourist office, tour operator ect)

Methods of updating information about the destination (ie to retain currency of info)

Updates using Magazines, official websites, tourism bureaus, brochures, ect

Location of the destination and the region in which is located; include a map

Brief local history (up to now)

Local customs

Climate and seasonal factors (graphic)

Major geographical features

Culture: this should include religions, languages, food

Health and safety risks in the destination or region:

Regulatory information, such as visa requirements for Australian Passport holders

Features of the destination:

Major cities, towns, tourist areas

Major man-made tourist attractions

Major natural tourist attractions

Major gateways of transport networks within the region and destination»