transverse patterns bistable resonant tunneling systems under...

VLSI DESIGN 1998, Vol. 8, Nos. (1-4), pp. 481-487 Reprints available directly from the publisher Photocopying permitted by license only (C) 1998 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint. Printed in India. Transverse Patterns in the Bistable Resonant Tunneling Systems Under Ballistic Lateral Transport V. A. KOCHELAP a’b B A. GLAVIN a’b and V. V. MITIN b’ * Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Pr. Nauki 45, Kiev 252028, Ukraine," b Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA We report the theoretical investigation of the phenomenon of the formation of patterns transverse to the tunneling current in resonant tunneling double-barrier heterostructures in the case of wide range of bistable voltages. In contrast to the case of the patterns in the structures with small region of bistability, for pronounced bistability electron lateral transport is strongly nonlocal. We performed numerical simulations of the stationary and mobile patterns using special variational procedure. Our results revealed that though the possible types of patterns remains the same as for the structures with small bistability region, their characteristics are modified considerably. Keywords." Resonant tunneling, bistability, patterns, ballistic transport 1. INTRODUCTION It is well established that the resonant tunneling in the double barrier heterostructures (DBH) is supplemented by the dynamic charge accumula- tion in the quantum well. This charge accumula- tion is particularly substantial in the case of the structure with asymmetrical barriers. The impor- tant effect, induced by the built-up charge is intrinsic bistability of the system under considera- tion. For some range of biases two stable states exist at the same bias. One state is characterized by a large built-up charge, resonant tunneling condi- tions and a large current, the other one corres- ponds to resonance breaking, lowering of the quasi-bound state below the bottom of the emitter band and a low charge built-up and current. The effect of bistability transforms the shape of the current-voltage characteristic of the resonant tunneling diode from N-type to Z-type. The effect of bistability was experimentally observed in [1- 3]. Theoretical investigations of the bistability were performed in [4-6]. In these papers, the tunneling was considered as one-dimensional and the transport through the DBH was supposed to be dependent on only one coordinate, perpendi- cular to the barriers. Actually, most of the DBH are layered ones and a tunneling electron moves * Corresponding author. 481

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Page 1: Transverse Patterns Bistable Resonant Tunneling Systems Under … · 2018. 11. 13. · Wehavecalculatedthefunctions-es(4) andg(qS)

VLSI DESIGN1998, Vol. 8, Nos. (1-4), pp. 481-487Reprints available directly from the publisherPhotocopying permitted by license only

(C) 1998 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V.Published by license under

the Gordon and Breach SciencePublishers imprint.

Printed in India.

Transverse Patterns in the Bistable Resonant TunnelingSystems Under Ballistic Lateral Transport

V. A. KOCHELAP a’b B A. GLAVIN a’b and V. V. MITINb’ *

Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Pr. Nauki 45,Kiev 252028, Ukraine," b Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wayne State University,

Detroit, MI 48202, USA

We report the theoretical investigation of the phenomenon of the formation of patternstransverse to the tunneling current in resonant tunneling double-barrier heterostructuresin the case of wide range of bistable voltages. In contrast to the case of the patterns inthe structures with small region of bistability, for pronounced bistability electron lateraltransport is strongly nonlocal. We performed numerical simulations of the stationaryand mobile patterns using special variational procedure. Our results revealed thatthough the possible types of patterns remains the same as for the structures with smallbistability region, their characteristics are modified considerably.

Keywords." Resonant tunneling, bistability, patterns, ballistic transport


It is well established that the resonant tunneling inthe double barrier heterostructures (DBH) issupplemented by the dynamic charge accumula-tion in the quantum well. This charge accumula-tion is particularly substantial in the case of thestructure with asymmetrical barriers. The impor-tant effect, induced by the built-up charge isintrinsic bistability of the system under considera-tion. For some range of biases two stable statesexist at the same bias. One state is characterized bya large built-up charge, resonant tunneling condi-tions and a large current, the other one corres-

ponds to resonance breaking, lowering of thequasi-bound state below the bottom of the emitterband and a low charge built-up and current. Theeffect of bistability transforms the shape of thecurrent-voltage characteristic of the resonanttunneling diode from N-type to Z-type. The effectof bistability was experimentally observed in[1- 3]. Theoretical investigations of the bistabilitywere performed in [4-6]. In these papers, thetunneling was considered as one-dimensional andthe transport through the DBH was supposed tobe dependent on only one coordinate, perpendi-cular to the barriers. Actually, most of the DBHare layered ones and a tunneling electron moves

* Corresponding author.


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482 V.A. KOCHELAP et al.

not only across the layers (vertical transport), butalso along these layers (horizontal, or lateral,transport). In previous works [7, 8] we have shownthat under the bistable conditions not onlylaterally uniform, but also nonuniform configura-tions of built-up charge and tunneling current(patterns) can exist. Results of [7, 8] wereapplicable mainly to DBHs with a small range ofbistable voltages, where local approach for elec-tron lateral transport was applied. In this work wepresent results of numerical simulations of sta-tionary and mobile patterns for the DBHs withwide voltage range of bistability, where electronlateral transport is ballistic and strongly nonlocal.


Since the problem of the transverse patternsrequires at least a two dimensional spatial analysis,we use a simple model, showing the main featuresof the bistability and the patterns. We deal withthe model of a resonant tunneling heterostructure,schematically shown in Figure 1. The structure istreated as a system of three parts, weakly coupledby tunneling: emitter (E), quantum well (QW) andcollector (C). The electrodes E and C are usuallyheavy doped semiconductors and are supposed to

FIGURE The scheme of the resonant tunneling structureand its energy band diagram under bias.

be ideal conductors. The energy height of thebarriers B, B2 is V and their thicknesses are

d,, d, respectively. Charge accumulation in thewell causes a change of the potential profile in thewhole structure. It alters the position of the quasi-bound state with respect to the bottom ofthe energyband of the emitter and, in general, with respect tothe bottom of the quantum well. We disregard thelatter effect and consider, that the built-up chargeshifts equally the well bottom and the quasi-boundlevel. Such a case corresponds to the very thinquantum well, where the built-up charge can beaccounted for as an infinitely thin sheet.The horizontal electron transfer is the main

process, determining the transverse patterns. Thistransfer can be thought as follows. The electron isinjected from the emitter to the well in general witha finite horizontal component of the momentum por velocity v=p/m (m* is effective mass). Thevelocity depends on the position of the quasi-bound state energy with respect to the Fermienergy EF in the emitter: when the energy quasi-bound level, e0, moves from EF through thebottom of the emitter band E0, the velocitychanges from zero to the Fermi velocityVF v/2EF/m*. For estimates, one can accountthat v and VF have the same order of magnitude.We can introduce the characteristic time forhorizontal transfer: time of tunneling escape fromthe well ’es. As we show below, the existence of thedeveloped intrinsic bistability is strongly relatedwith the character of electron lateral transport.Namely, the time of electron tunneling escapefrom the QW should be smaller than the time ofscattering on phonons, impurities, etc. It means,that between the tunneling events electron movesin the QW ballistically. As a result, the horizontalcharacteristic distance is Lch-- v 7"es. One can expectthat the scale of the patterns in question is of theorder of Lch.For narrow resonant level from the uncertainty

relation we can write e0%s >> h. Combining thisinequality with the fact, that EF, eo and the kineticenergy of the horizontal motion m*v2/2 are of thesame order of magnitude, we find for the in-plane

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wave vector k:

kLch P m* V2

Zch T7es C0 7es >> 1. (1)

The latter estimate shows, that horizontaltransfer can be considered as classical, while thevertical transport should be treated as quantum. Asa result, we can introduce the distribution functionof the resonant electrons in the QW. Assumingweak tunneling coupling between E, QW and C,we derive the kinetic equation for the distributionfunction f:

Of ff Of Odp Of= G((V., t),ff) f + I{f}Ot m* OF OF Off 7-es


where qS(V) is the electrostatic potential energy inthe well, G(qS(V, t),/3) is the local rate of tunnelingfrom the emitter to the well, -es is the tunnelingescape time, I{f} is the collision integral for theelectrons inside the well, G and -es are functions ofq5 at fixed K They are expressed through thetunneling probabilities and the Fermi distributionof electrons in the emitter.From the uncertainty condition (1) we can

deduce, that the characteristical scale Lch greatlyexceeds the well width. We assume Lch is muchlarger than the thickness of the DBH: Lch >> d. Inthis case one can use the quasi-local relationbetween b and electron density n f(V, , t):

(qS(V) + 47re 2 dldn(V), (3)

which can be derived from the Poisson equation.Here is dielectric permittivity, q is the externalbias in the energetical units. Eqs. (2), (3) composethe system of coupled nonlinear equations whichdescribe the system under consideration.


Let us show, that the model formulated aboveallows the bistable vertical transport regimes with

uniform tunneling in the x, y plane. In such a casethe V, dependences are absent and from kineticEq. (2) one can find the areal electron concentra-tion

n(b)- n0(qS) "res(h) G(b(V, t),ff). (4)

Since the left-hand side of (4) is a function of 05,we get two algebraic Eqs. (3) and (4) for twovariables n, q. It is convenient to rewrite thissystem as

L(d?) =_ no(dp)47re2dBldB + ---d- R(p).

For the particular heterostructure the latterequation has one controlling parameter, externalbias .We have calculated the functions -es(4) and g(qS)

for the heterostructure with parameters: V eV,m* 0.067 m0, d=5.7 nm, dB 2nm, c0 0.1 eV,n 11.5. In Figure 2 the left and right-hand sidesare shown for EF 56 meV and zero temperatureThe dependence of L on is weak and only onecurve L (4) is shown. Qualitatively the dependenceL(b) corresponds to the switching on of theresonant tunneling when the resonant level crossesthe bottom of emitter conduction band and furthergradual decrease of the number of resonantelectrons in the emitter while the resonant level isshifted toward the Fermi level of the emitter. R(b)is just a straight line whose vertical shift isdetermined by the bias. From Figure 2 one cansee that our system possess the property ofbistability in the particular range of biasesqt < I, < Oh. Corresponding current-voltage char-acteristic is shown in the insert of Figure 2.The approach, used in Eq. (2) allows to include

into the tunneling generation rate G the effect ofscattering of the resonant electrons in the QW (see[9]). The analysis of this effect has shown that thewide range of the bistability can take place if

-ew << %d-w/(-wT"s). Here ’ew, ’w are the char-

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484 V.A. KOCHELAP et al.

-0.10 -0.09 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02POTENTIAL ENERGY IN THE WELL, oV

FIGURE 2 Illustration of the self-consistent solutions ofthe bistability problem under uniform tunneling for thestructure described in the text. Curve is almost independenton the external bias L(4) and other curves are R(4) for twobiases: 0.29 eV (curve 2) and 0.31 eV (curve 3). The insert showsthe current-voltage characteristic. L and R are in units1011 cm-2.

acteristical times of tunneling from the emitter tothe QW and from the QW to the collector,calculated for the electrons with the energy ofvertical motion equal to the Fermi energy in theemitter, and rs is the characteristical time ofscattering. It means, that the bistable range ofvoltages is substantial for the structure with highasymmetry in the barriers transmission coefficients(the collector barrier should be less transparent)and with ballistic or quasi-ballistic character oflateral electron transport. Furthermore, this factexplains dependence of the bistability on thetemperature, which is usually observed in experi-ments: at higher temperatures rsc decreases andthis washes out the asymmetry of tunneling in thesystem and the effect of bistability.

this case (2) becomes

Of p Of Od) Of G f (6)OZ + m Oy Oy Op re--shere p labels the y-component of momentum/.One can solve (6) in terms of the characteristiccurves


p 4- /p + 2m* (b(y0) b(y)) 7(p0, Y0, Y),


where P0 is the momentum of the electron, injectedinto the well at the point Y=Yo. The generalsolution of the kinetic equation has the form

f(y, if) f m*dy’

’)7(p, Y, Ya(p(p, y, y’), y’),

M(p, y, y’)(8)

where the kernel M(p,y,y’) depends on theparticular shape of the potential b(y) and can beeasily calculated in the explicit form.

Unfortunately, iteration methods of solutionfail in the solution of (3), (8) due to stabilityproblems. Because of that we have applied thefollowing variational procedure for the self-con-sistent solution of (3), (8). We introduce thefunctional


J{q} f dy (d)- {q})2, (9)

47re2dB’ dB2 m* f{(/5}--dB l + Z dy

---d- ndMG.




We consider the theory of the one-dimensionalpatterns, in which all physical values (built-upcharge, tunneling currents, etc.) depend on onlyone coordinate, namely y. Then, we assumecompletely ballistic lateral electron transport. In

Functional J equals zero for the exact solutionof (3), (8). For a particular solution we can choosesome probe functions Cpr(y, ci) where C arevariational parameters. These parameters aredetermined by the condition of minimization ofJ(ci). It can be shown that our variationalformulation of the problem of patterns is equiva-lent to the initial system of Eqs. (3), (6).

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Using this method we have analyzed thepossible types of stationary patterns. The possibletypes of patterns are the same as for the case of thestructures with small range of bistable biases. Thebistable range of biases can be split into the tworegions t<<C and c<<h with thedifferent types of patterns. In the first region thesoliton-like patterns can exist. In these patterns atlarge lYl the system is in the low-current state,while in the certain spatial region the local increaseof the built-up charge and tunneling current takesplace. At ,<<h the possible patterns areanti-soliton-like with the opposite characteristics:at high ]Yl the system is in the high current stateand local decrease of the built-up charge and thetunneling current in the finite spatial region. The

e is the critical bias: in this case the specialkink-like pattern occurs. In this pattern high andlow current states coexist in the different spatialregions.Our calculations revealed that the anti-soliton

patterns are substantially wider than solitonpatterns. This is because for soliton pattern in theregion of nonuniformity tunneling via both bar-riers is possible, while for anti-soliton only tunnel-ing via collector barrier takes place. This influencethe characteristical length which an electron canpass in the quantum well, and consequently thewidth of the pattern. The degree of the asymmetryin the spatial scales of the soliton anti-solitonpatterns strongly depends on the degree ofasymmetry of the transmission coefficients ofemitter and collector barriers. To avoid numericaldifficulties, we performed numerical simulations ofthe stationary patterns for a structure with thinnercollector barrier with respect to the structuredescribed in Section 3, namely with d 3.4 nm.The dependence of the L, for the case of soliton-like pattern and La for the case of anti-solitonpattern on the dimensionless parameterq--(-t)/(h-t) is presented in Figure 3.The important property of patterns in the case

of pronounced bistability is substantial differencebetween the spatial regions of localization ofnonuniformities of the emitter-QW and the Q W-










0.2 0.4Voltage

0.6 0.8

FIGURE 3 Dependence of the width of the soliton pattern,Ls, and anti-soliton pattern, La, on the dimensionless voltageparameter q _= (-t)/(h-t).

collector tunneling currents. This is due to i) astrong dependence of the tunneling injection ratefrom the emitter to the QW on the position of theresonant level with respect to the bottom of theemitter conduction band and ii) a ballistic leakageof the injected electrons over the QW before thetunneling escape to the contacts. This is illustratedin Figure 4. In the upper part of the figure thecurrent field in the structure is shown (spacingbetween the current lines is proportional to thevalue of the current density). In the lower part ofthe figure spatial dependences of the emitter-Q W,


-3oo -bo -b0 "o 300COORDINATE,

FIGURE 4 The spatial dependence of the current for thesoliton-like pattern at q 0.3. In the upper part the current fieldis depicted. In the lower part the emitter (curve 1), collector(curve 2, multiplied by factor 5) and two-dimensional lateral(curve 3) currents are presented.

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Q W-collector and two-dimensional lateral cur-rents are depicted. The bias at which calculationswere performed corresponds to q =0.3.

In addition to the stationary, we have investi-gated mobile autowave patterns. In fact, they arethe moving kink-like patterns, describing switch-ing of the DBH from one uniform state to theother. For the particular value of the bias theunique value of the switching wave velocity andthe type of the switching exist. Namely, for

I’t << I’c the switching from the high to thelow current state is possible, while for c < < hthe switching from the high to the low current statecan occur. Due to the ballistic character of thehorizontal transport the characteristical velocity ofthe switching waves is determined by the Fermivelocity of electrons in the emitter Vv. In Figure 5the dependence of the switching wave velocity (inunits Vv) on q is presented for the structuredescribed in Section 3. The insert shows the spatialdependence of the built-up charge in the stationarykink at =I’c. The positive sign of velocity, inaccordance with mentioned above, corresponds tothe switching from the high to the low currentstate.

Note, that (3) is obtained for the infinitelyconducting emitter and collector. For autowaves,moving with the velocity of the order of VF and

spatial scale of the kink transition region VF7"esthis assumption is valid for the structures, in which

-es is substantially greater than the characteristicaltime of relaxation in electrodes. This is true for theheterostructures with thick enough barriers andelectrodes with high conductivity. Otherwise, thecharacteristics of autowaves (their velocity, forexample) can be modified by the relaxationprocesses in the electrodes.


In a conclusion, we have investigated the phenom-enon of the transverse patterns formation in theresonant tunneling double barrier diode withthe wide voltage range of intrinsic bistability ofthe current-voltage characteristic. These patternsare stationary or mobile nonuniform distributionsof the built-up charge and tunneling current. Forthe pronounced bistability the characteristics ofthe patterns are determined by the ballistic andnonlocal character of lateral transport of theresonant electrons in the Q W. This fact gives riseto specific features of the patterns with respect tothe similar phenomena in DBHs with a smallrange of bistable voltages. For numerical simula-tions a special variational procedure was devel-oped.


d .oo cooaDmxrz, s.

0.25 0.5 0.75VOLTAGE

FIGURE 5 The dependences of the switching wave velocity(in units vF) on dimensionless voltage parameter (’-t)/(h-t). The spatial dependence of the built-up charge (inunits 101 cm- in the stationary kink is shown in the insert.


The authors would like to thank Drs. J. Schulman,F. Vasko and V. Sheka for discussions.

This work was supported by US ARO and bythe Ukrainian State Committee for Science andTechnology (grant No. 2.2/49).


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Authors’ Biographies

V. A. Kochelap Viacheslav Kochelap received from Kiev State University (Ukraine) andPh.D. degree from Institute of Semiconductors(Kiev, Ukraine). At present he is chairman of the

Department of Theoretical Physics of the Instituteof Semiconductors (Kiev, Ukraine).

His research interests are in the field of theory ofsemiconductors and semiconductor devices, elec-tron-phonon interaction, electron transport andnoise in low-dimensional structures, quantumelectronics, nonlinear optics.

B. A. Glavin Boris Glavin received M.S. degreefrom Kiev State University. Currently he is work-ing on his Ph.D. dissertation in Electrical En-gineering. He works in the field of nonlinear effectsin resonant tunneling semiconductor heterostruc-tures and theory of phonons in low-dimensionalsemiconductor structures.

V. V. Mitin Vlidimir Mitin received M.S. degreefrom Rostov State University (Russia) and from Institute of Semiconductors (Kiev,Ukraine). Currently he is professor of Electricaland Computer Engineering at Wayne State Uni-versity, Detroit, USA.

His scientific activities are in the sphere ofelectronic and optoelectronic devices and materi-als, simulations of electron transport and noise inlow dimensional semiconductor structures, growthof semiconductors, heat removal in semiconductordevices.

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