the voice february 2011

February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 1 The Voice The Nebraska State Education Association February 2011

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The Voice February 2011


Page 1: The Voice February 2011

February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 1


VoiceThe Nebraska State Education Association February 2011

##February 2011.indd 1 1/31/2011 2:06:53 PM

Page 2: The Voice February 2011

Page 2 n The NSEA Voice n February 2011

On the Cover:Brad Wellmann and his sister, Tina Hogue, are teachers, he in Nebraska, she in Kansas. A comparison of school funding in the two states shows that Nebraska is better off -- at least for the moment. For the story, turn to

Page 6.


VOICe Nebraska State Education Association

605 S. 14th Street, Suite 200Lincoln, NE 68508-2742 ·

(402) 475-7611 · (800) 742-0047

Volume 64, No. 6ISSN Number: 1085-0783USPS Number: 000-369

Executive Director Craig R. ChristiansenAssoc. Executive Director Neal ClayburnDirector of Public Affairs Karen KilgarinAssistant Comm. Director Al Koontz

NSEA BoARd of dIRECtoRSPresident Jess Wolf, HartingtonVice President Nancy fulton, Wilber-ClatoniaNEA Director Mark Shively, omahaNEA Director Leann Widhalm, Norfolk

Official publication of the Nebraska State Education Association, Suite 200, 605 South 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508-2742. Periodical postage paid at Lincoln, NE, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to NSEA Voice, Suite 200, 605 S. 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508-2742.

Published 10 times yearly according to this schedule: September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and August.

Payment of annual NSEA membership dues entitles Nebraska educators to receive The Voice. Total cost of producing 10 monthly issues of The Voice each year is about $4.84 per member.

Advertising rates of The Voice are available from the assistant communications director. All advertisements and advertisers are screened prior to publication. Appearance of an advertisement in The Voice does not necessarily imply NSEA endorsement of either the product being advertised or the views being expressed.

Great Public Schools For Every Child

“Now is the

time to make

the decisions

that will


the future of

our state for


to come.

Mom Said ‘Education First’

NSEA PresidentJess Wolf

Education support professionals (ESPs) in Nebraska take note: there is a bargaining conference scheduled that is designed just for your needs.

NSEA will host the Statewide Bar-gaining and Advocacy Conference for ESP members on March 25-26, in Kearney. The conference is designed for ESP members at K-12 and higher education institutions.

Attendees can follow either of two tracks of study. The first will exam-ine how members can advocate for themselves with supervisors and ad-ministrators. The second track will focus on bargaining, and will look at developing a proposal; behavior at the

bargaining table; and how to prepare for bargaining.

The conference will begin at 6 p.m. on Friday, March 25, and close at about 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 26. A grant will enable NSEA to cover hotel room costs, and to al-low a $25 stipend for fuel for each carload of members traveling more than 50 miles. Registration online at the NSEA website after Feb. 1. That website is at:

www.nsea.orgQuestions about registration? Call

Jan Anderson at 1-800-742-0047, or e-mail her at:

[email protected]

Teachers & PoliticsFor Many Reasons, Educators

Should Be Active in the Political Scene Every decision that affects educa-

tion is a political decision. Politicians determine what goes on in your dis-trict, your building and, yes, in your classroom! If you answer “yes” to any of the following statements, then you should be involved in who is elected to offices like the School Board, State Board of Education, Unicameral and the United States Congress.nAre you interested in the size of

your class? nAre you interested in determin-

ing what your salary will be? nAre you interested in the length

of instructional time you spend with your students? nAre you interested in the amount

of state aid your school district will re-ceive? nAre you interested in the frame-

work of your teacher evaluation pro-cedure? nAre you interested in your right

to bargain collectively with your col-leagues? nAre you interested in maintain-

ing high achievement standards for your school district?nAre you interested in fringe ben-

efits like health insurance, worker’s compensation, long term disability,

retirement benefits and unemploy-ment compensation?nAre you interested in what you

must do to keep your teaching certifi-cate current? nAre you interested in working

conditions like duty free lunch, length of workday, number of contract days, health and safety standards and teach-er planning time?nAre you interested in the stan-

dards of ethical, professional practices for educators? nAre you interested in your right

as an employee to due process and just-cause termination? nAre you interested in the in-

structional program and curriculum requirements of your school district? nAre you interested in what you

must do to advance in certification levels?nAre you interested in the main-

tenance of healthy, safe, and “green” school buildings and grounds? nAre you interested in the pro-

grams individuals entering our profes-sion must complete?nAre you interested in the guide-

lines for special education? nAre you interested in what’s best

for kids?

Bargaining Conference for ESPsWill be Held at Kearney in March

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February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 3

“Now is the

time to make

the decisions

that will


the future of

our state for


to come.

Mom Said ‘Education First’

NSEA PresidentJess Wolf

When I was 8 or 9, I remember telling my Moth-er how much I wanted to farm like my Dad and both my grandfathers. She didn’t tell me “no,” but she did tell me that “you have to get an education first. You can be the first in the family to complete college.” I’ve never thanked my Mom publicly for that advice – until now. Thank you, Mom!

My belief is that mothers and sons today contin-ue to have similar conversations. There are young men, and women, who dream of working the earth, or who dream of following a parent into the family’s small business. And in a great many cases, there is a parent who says “education first.”

The burning question is this: Will there be a qual-ity education system in Nebraska to meet the need?

The budget before the Legislature proposes deep cuts to state aid – cuts that will affect everything you do in your classroom in the next two years. NSEA will continue to work tirelessly to encourage state senators to improve state aid. On Jan. 25, our tes-timony to the Legislature’s Education Committee reiterated the fact that education leads to prosperity. Below, I’ve included excerpts from that testimony. The specific schools mentioned are in the districts of those senators who sit on the committee.

Choose OpportunitySchools sit at the center of our communities – so-

cially, culturally and economically. Think of Bellevue East or Bellevue West High

Schools. You cannot reach either school building without going through a residential neighborhood. Both schools draw community members to student concerts and plays. York Elementary School stands nicely at the edge of a neighborhood and welcomes folks to club meetings, little league activities, adult education and Tae Kwon Do classes. In Omaha, Norris and McMillan Middle Schools host events and potluck meals for families and the community.

Ogallala High School sits inside a neighborhood and hosts girls’ and boys’ basketball games and the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest. Cedar Rapids Junior-Senior High School is in the center of a neighborhood and brings in community members to listen to the speech team practice for district and state competition. Malcolm’s school sits atop a hill in a residential neighborhood and draws hundreds of fourth and fifth grade basketball players from sur-rounding towns for the March Invitational Tourna-ment. And found within a mile of our Capitol Build-ing are McPhee and Elliott Elementary Schools, along with Lincoln High School – each serving as an anchor in Lincoln’s core-city neighborhoods.

Our schools are hubs of social and business net-working, where life-long friends are made, where the business of learning takes place, where life is

made better for all, not just a few.All of that is at stake in this conversation about

providing for the learning and educational needs of Nebraska’s students – our kids, our grandkids, and all children in our communities. Do we shortchange our children, or provide them many and varied op-portunities? Which choice do you make for your own children and grandchildren? When we make those personal decisions, each of us chooses oppor-tunity.

Prerequisite to InnovationOur children need a quality education to succeed.

They need a quality teacher in the classroom. They need up-to-date books, materials, computers, and library and media centers. They need social interac-tion with a community of peers to learn how to work together. Children of working families or those without a vehicle need transportation to school.

We will never return to the conditions we ex-perienced before the Great Recession of 2008-09. It lasted just 18 months, but like a tornado that de-stroys a community, it changed the course of our lives.

This is the time when we must work together. We must create an economic recovery that is, and al-ways has been, dependent on putting education first. Let me repeat: Economic recovery is, and always has been, dependent on putting education first.

Education is the prerequisite to research and in-novation, business development and expansion. Education is the foundation needed to make wise decisions in commerce and in our households. Edu-cation is the pathway to economic recovery. Educa-tion has been a proven source of stability through the toughest of economic times. Education enabled our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents to lift themselves and their generations to a higher standard of living and a better way of life.

Now is the time to seize this opportunity. Now is the time to make the decision to pay for

the education that is clearly in best interests of our children, families, communities and our state.

Now is the time to make the decisions that will determine the future of our state for generations to come.

LB235 opens the door to that opportunity. On be-half of Nebraska’s 295,000 public school students, we encourage lawmakers to seize the opportunity. By doing so, Nebraska will move toward funding our public schools at the level that secures a pros-perous future for all.

Benjamin Disraeli said, “Upon the education of the people of this country, the fate of this country depends.”

Indeed it does.

From the President

bargaining table; and how to prepare for bargaining.

The conference will begin at 6 p.m. on Friday, March 25, and close at about 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 26. A grant will enable NSEA to cover hotel room costs, and to al-low a $25 stipend for fuel for each carload of members traveling more than 50 miles. Registration online at the NSEA website after Feb. 1. That website is at:

www.nsea.orgQuestions about registration? Call

Jan Anderson at 1-800-742-0047, or e-mail her at:

[email protected]

Teachers & PoliticsFor Many Reasons, Educators

Should Be Active in the Political Sceneretirement benefits and unemploy-ment compensation?nAre you interested in what you

must do to keep your teaching certifi-cate current? nAre you interested in working

conditions like duty free lunch, length of workday, number of contract days, health and safety standards and teach-er planning time?nAre you interested in the stan-

dards of ethical, professional practices for educators? nAre you interested in your right

as an employee to due process and just-cause termination? nAre you interested in the in-

structional program and curriculum requirements of your school district? nAre you interested in what you

must do to advance in certification levels?nAre you interested in the main-

tenance of healthy, safe, and “green” school buildings and grounds? nAre you interested in the pro-

grams individuals entering our profes-sion must complete?nAre you interested in the guide-

lines for special education? nAre you interested in what’s best

for kids?

Bargaining Conference for ESPsWill be Held at Kearney in March

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MEA Message: Proud of Millard South Staff, Students

The leadership and members of NSEA have extended condolences and prayers to the families, students, staff and com-munity of Millard Public Schools follow-ing the tragic shooting at Millard South on Wednesday, Jan. 5.

The event has dramatically and forever altered the lives of three families and two school districts, and shocked and affect-ed thousands of others in Nebraska and across the country.

“That such violence has touched a Ne-braska school saddens each of us,” said NSEA President Jess Wolf. “No child should feel so lost, so alone to have to re-sort to such action.”

NSEA began working with Millard Education Associa-tion President Molly Erickson within an hour of the shooting, helping MEA staff in an offer to provide assistance to Millard educators, the school district and students.

In a message sent to MEA members shortly after the shooting, Erickson said, “We are deeply proud of the stu-dents and staff at Millard South, who, with able assistance of law enforcement, helped save lives during today’s trag-edy.”

NSEA provided information from the National Education Association’s Health Information Network to Erickson, who shared it with MEA members and school district officials.

“This is valuable information that all educators should be aware of – and I hope no educator ever has to use,” said

Millard Students and StaffRecovering From Tragedy

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MEA Message: Proud of Millard South Staff, Students

The leadership and members of NSEA have extended condolences and prayers to the families, students, staff and com-munity of Millard Public Schools follow-ing the tragic shooting at Millard South on Wednesday, Jan. 5.

The event has dramatically and forever altered the lives of three families and two school districts, and shocked and affect-ed thousands of others in Nebraska and across the country.

“That such violence has touched a Ne-braska school saddens each of us,” said NSEA President Jess Wolf. “No child should feel so lost, so alone to have to re-sort to such action.”

NSEA began working with Millard Education Associa-tion President Molly Erickson within an hour of the shooting, helping MEA staff in an offer to provide assistance to Millard educators, the school district and students.

In a message sent to MEA members shortly after the shooting, Erickson said, “We are deeply proud of the stu-dents and staff at Millard South, who, with able assistance of law enforcement, helped save lives during today’s trag-edy.”

NSEA provided information from the National Education Association’s Health Information Network to Erickson, who shared it with MEA members and school district officials.

“This is valuable information that all educators should be aware of – and I hope no educator ever has to use,” said

Erickson.The NEA Health

Information Net-work is a non-profit health affiliate of the National Educa-tion Association, and provides health and safety information to the NEA’s 3.2 million education employees and the students they serve. Since its incep-tion, HIN has dealt with numerous health and safety issues that affect NEA members and students, includ-ing HIV/AIDS, sub-stance abuse, teen pregnancy, cancer, mental illness, nutri-tion, school safety, asthma and environ-mental hazards in schools.

Erickson also ex-pressed thanks for the outpouring of support from individuals and other local asso-ciations that has flooded into the Millard Education Associa-tion offices. Cards and letters expressing sympathy; e-mail messages of condolence; and offerings of prayer have been received from schools across the region.

Kaspar RememberedThrough ScholarshipThe good work and memory

of Dr. Virginia Kaspar, a victim in the Jan. 5 shooting at Millard South High School, will be honored with the awarding of scholarship monies through the Millard Public Schools Foundation. To donate, go to:

School Crisis GuideAvailable Through NEA

The NEA Health Information Net-work’s School Crisis Guide is an ex-cellent resource for public schools to consider when implementing a school crisis plan.

Such a plan can make a difference between stability and chaos when it comes to handling a dangerous situa-tion. The HIN’s plan includes issues to address before a crisis hits; how to re-spond as a crisis unfolds; and how to help staff and students recover after a crisis has passed. Elements of those plans were shared with Millard Edu-cation Association members almost immediately upon the report of the shooting at Millard South on Jan. 5.

To learn more about the NEA Health Information Network School Crisis Guide, go to this website:

Millard Students and StaffRecovering From Tragedy

##February 2011.indd 5 1/31/2011 2:06:56 PM

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Page 6 n The NSEA Voice n February 2011

Gov. Dave Heineman’s sobering budget (see sidebar) proposes deep cuts in state aid over the next two years. And while the gover-nor has warned school administrators that the state aid cuts should not result in teacher layoffs, there will most certainly be educational jobs lost this spring.

Heineman said school districts should have limited spending growth and put previously-received stimulus funds in reserve to pre-pare for the end of those stimulus funds. But that didn’t happen. For instance, the Omaha World-Herald noted that the Omaha and Lincoln school districts reduced their cash reserves by a combined $11.6 million this year.

According to NSEA research, if school districts are unable to recoup the state aid reduction from other sources (property tax, reserve funds), as many as 1,500 of Nebraska’s PK-12 educator jobs could be lost. Many school districts already have reduction strategies ready, even though state aid numbers are months away from being unveiled, said Trish Guinan, NSEA’s director of Member Rights.

“The RIF process has started early, as predicted,” said Guinan. “Although I hope that school districts don’t make cuts deeper than are necessary, it’s obvious that they do not seem to need to know exact state aid figures in order to make plans for next year.”

Guinan said she has already received numerous calls from NSEA UniServ directors whose locals are reporting implementation vol-

RIFs: Coming to a School Near YouWith State Aid Cuts, Some Districts Will Cut Staff, Student Opportunities

Budget Cuts Will Mean Job CutsTell Your Lawmaker that Cuts Slow the Recovery, Hurt Kids

Gov. Dave Heineman’s budget plan makes plenty of cuts to the state budget – the result of a predicted revenue shortfall of $980 million. The governor proposed $869 million in K-12 state aid for 2011-12 –an $81 million cut from the current year and far below the estimated

$1.02 billion actual need under the current education aid formula.For 2012-13, the governor proposed another cut to $860 million. That’s well short of the estimated $1.13 billion in state aid need for 2012-13.Bottom line: those cuts translate to a potential loss of more than 1,500 K-12 teaching jobs statewide.Further, there there are no states or countries that have enjoyed broad-based economic prosperity by cutting education. Nebraska already

ranks 49th in the nation in state support to public schools, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.Nebraska educators must contact state senators and the governor’s office with this message: Nebraska must have a well-educated workforce

to ensure broad-based prosperity – and that means we have to do better in terms of investing resources in education, PK-16. To do so, go to this website:

Comparison of Kansas, Nebraska Offers Clear

Warning of Correct Path for Public Education

The economies of Kansas and Ne-braska are largely driven by agriculture.

The landscape in both states is broad, mostly flat and sits above the Ogallala Aquifer. The populace is predominately Caucasian, Christian and conservative, with rural roots.

So it makes sense to compare K-12 education in Kansas and Nebraska – no-tably the status of state aid and retire-ment systems. The good news is that a side-by-side review of the numbers shows that Nebraska stands head and shoulders above Kansas in protecting quality public education for students and a secure retirement for public school employees. Putting faces to those facts gives a more personal view to the story and provides a reality check on the neg-ative consequences if Nebraska fails to continue to invest in our public schools, students and staff.

Brad Wellmann and his sister, Tina Hogue, grew up on a farm near Waco, NE. Both are now teachers. Brad has taught fourth grade at Fort Crook El-ementary School in Bellevue for eight years. Tina taught third grade at Law-rence, KS, for three years before taking materinity leave this year. She hopes to return to teaching in September.

“I want to teach next year, but with budget cuts in almost every district, I’m not sure a full-time position will be avail-

able,” said Hogue. “As of right now, it looks like multiple middle schools and elementary schools will be closed for next year and the year after that.”

Meanwhile, in Nebraska, Wellmann said he is unaware of any major cuts to district staffing or programs.

“I believe that most members are trying to use our current resources in a responsible and professional manner to help prevent cuts in upcoming years,”

said Wellmann, who was Bellevue Edu-cation Association president last year.

Jobs Already LostNebraska lawmakers have now

delved into a discussion over the two-year projected state revenue shortfall of $986 million. To deal with that shortfall, Gov. Dave Heineman’s budget would cut aid to schools by $81 million next year and, from that total, another $9 mil-

The Stark Difference

Both sides of the line: Brad Wellmann and his sister, Tina Hogue, are both teachers, Wellmann in Bellevue and Hogue in Kansas. The differences in school funding and teacher retirement between the two states paints a stark picture for the education of Kansas children like Hogue’s daughter, Emma.

lion the following year. That means that in each of the next two years, state aid will fall far, far short of the actual needs-based cost of educating students as prescribed by the ever-tweaked state aid formula. If realized, such cuts will result in the loss of important programs, supplies and technology for students – and as many as 1,600 teaching jobs could be at stake, which will balloon class size and hurt student achievement.

Across the border, Kansas school districts lost more than $200 million in state aid over the past two years. As a result, Kansas schools have fired more than 1,600 teachers, parapro-fessionals, secretaries and other school employees in the last 24 months. And it gets worse: Kan-sas lawmakers face a projected revenue shortfall of another $500 million for the budget that starts July 1.

The 1,600 jobs already cut came at a significant cost to Kan-sans: The estimated 1,100 teach-ing jobs among those cuts sucked an estimated $59 million out of the Kansas economy in the first year alone, according to one news account.

That’s $59 million not spent in Kansas shops and businesses each year. That’s diminished income and sales tax revenue. That’s a significant obstacle on the road to economic recovery.

Better ShapeNebraska’s teacher retirement plan outshines the Kansas

plan, at least for the moment.A report on the status through June 30 showed the Nebraska

plan was 84 percent funded – and it should be noted that the Dow Jones Industrial Average has gained more than 20 percent since June 30.

##February 2011.indd 6 1/31/2011 2:06:56 PM

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February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 7

Gov. Dave Heineman’s sobering budget (see sidebar) proposes deep cuts in state aid over the next two years. And while the gover-nor has warned school administrators that the state aid cuts should not result in teacher layoffs, there will most certainly be educational jobs lost this spring.

Heineman said school districts should have limited spending growth and put previously-received stimulus funds in reserve to pre-pare for the end of those stimulus funds. But that didn’t happen. For instance, the Omaha World-Herald noted that the Omaha and Lincoln school districts reduced their cash reserves by a combined $11.6 million this year.

According to NSEA research, if school districts are unable to recoup the state aid reduction from other sources (property tax, reserve funds), as many as 1,500 of Nebraska’s PK-12 educator jobs could be lost. Many school districts already have reduction strategies ready, even though state aid numbers are months away from being unveiled, said Trish Guinan, NSEA’s director of Member Rights.

“The RIF process has started early, as predicted,” said Guinan. “Although I hope that school districts don’t make cuts deeper than are necessary, it’s obvious that they do not seem to need to know exact state aid figures in order to make plans for next year.”

Guinan said she has already received numerous calls from NSEA UniServ directors whose locals are reporting implementation vol-

untary separation program offers and other cost-saving measures. What most NSEA members must be aware of, said Guinan, are the steps they need to take to preserve their rights if they receive a RIF notice.

“The best way to deal with RIF notices is to be prepared,” said Guinan. “And the best way to be prepared is to follow this tried and true advice when you receive a RIF notice: Call NSEA immedi-ately.”

State statute bars school districts from delivering RIF notices to teachers after April 15. Once delivered, however, a countdown be-gins. Educators have just seven days in which to file an appeal to contest the RIF notice.

“While your situation may never reach an actual hearing, the best option is to act quickly by placing a call to NSEA immediately,” said Guinan. “Doing so will give you, your NSEA UniServ director and NSEA’s Member Rights department time to determine what steps are in your best interest.”

If you receive a notice, do two things:Fax a copy of the RIF notice to the NSEA at 1-402-475-2630.Call your NSEA UniServ director at 1-800-742-0047 to verify

that the notice has arrived.As always, if you have questions, contact your UniServ director or

the NSEA office of Member Rights at 1-800-742-0047.

RIFs: Coming to a School Near YouWith State Aid Cuts, Some Districts Will Cut Staff, Student Opportunities

Budget Cuts Will Mean Job CutsTell Your Lawmaker that Cuts Slow the Recovery, Hurt Kids

Gov. Dave Heineman’s budget plan makes plenty of cuts to the state budget – the result of a predicted revenue shortfall of $980 million. The governor proposed $869 million in K-12 state aid for 2011-12 –an $81 million cut from the current year and far below the estimated

$1.02 billion actual need under the current education aid formula.For 2012-13, the governor proposed another cut to $860 million. That’s well short of the estimated $1.13 billion in state aid need for 2012-13.Bottom line: those cuts translate to a potential loss of more than 1,500 K-12 teaching jobs statewide.Further, there there are no states or countries that have enjoyed broad-based economic prosperity by cutting education. Nebraska already

ranks 49th in the nation in state support to public schools, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.Nebraska educators must contact state senators and the governor’s office with this message: Nebraska must have a well-educated workforce

to ensure broad-based prosperity – and that means we have to do better in terms of investing resources in education, PK-16. To do so, go to this website:

said Wellmann, who was Bellevue Edu-cation Association president last year.

Jobs Already LostNebraska lawmakers have now

delved into a discussion over the two-year projected state revenue shortfall of $986 million. To deal with that shortfall, Gov. Dave Heineman’s budget would cut aid to schools by $81 million next year and, from that total, another $9 mil-

The Stark Difference

Both sides of the line: Brad Wellmann and his sister, Tina Hogue, are both teachers, Wellmann in Bellevue and Hogue in Kansas. The differences in school funding and teacher retirement between the two states paints a stark picture for the education of Kansas children like Hogue’s daughter, Emma.

lion the following year. That means that in each of the next two years, state aid will fall far, far short of the actual needs-based cost of educating students as prescribed by the ever-tweaked state aid formula. If realized, such cuts will result in the loss of important programs, supplies and technology for students – and as many as 1,600 teaching jobs could be at stake, which will balloon class size and hurt student achievement.

Across the border, Kansas school districts lost more than $200 million in state aid over the past two years. As a result, Kansas schools have fired more than 1,600 teachers, parapro-fessionals, secretaries and other school employees in the last 24 months. And it gets worse: Kan-sas lawmakers face a projected revenue shortfall of another $500 million for the budget that starts July 1.

The 1,600 jobs already cut came at a significant cost to Kan-sans: The estimated 1,100 teach-ing jobs among those cuts sucked an estimated $59 million out of the Kansas economy in the first year alone, according to one news account.

That’s $59 million not spent in Kansas shops and businesses each year. That’s diminished income and sales tax revenue. That’s a significant obstacle on the road to economic recovery.

Better ShapeNebraska’s teacher retirement plan outshines the Kansas

plan, at least for the moment.A report on the status through June 30 showed the Nebraska

plan was 84 percent funded – and it should be noted that the Dow Jones Industrial Average has gained more than 20 percent since June 30.

An $18 million state contribution to the plan next year, and a projected $48 million addition the following year, would do much to resolve solvency concerns, according to actuaries. Yet lawmakers have little interest in such state contributions.

Instead, talk has centered on increasing contributions by plan participants – teachers and other school employees – and by school districts. Such a rate increase would come on top of a rate increase instituted on Sept. 1 of last year but would be slated to return to lower levels in 2014. While a few lawmak-ers want to look at moving to a less secure, defined contribu-tion retirement plan, the cost of such a move is prohibitive and

is clearly not in the best interests of school employees, districts or the state.

In Kansas, the state – rather than local school districts – matches employee contributions. However, the Kansas Legislature has never met the actuarial rate for the employer contribution. Thus, as of Dec. 30, 2010, the Kansas teacher retirement plan

was just 56 percent funded, with unfunded liabilities at $5 bil-lion.

“The trend was to put off to tomorrow what the state should have been doing all along,” said David Schauner, general coun-sel for the Kansas National Education Association.

Efforts to bring solvency to the Kansas retirement system have eliminated early retirement provisions and Schauner said there is also talk of moving from a defined benefit to a defined contribution plan.

A Jan. 12 report on the health of the Kansas plan says that “without additional steps to address the shortfall, the School Group’s funded status, in particular, is highly vulnerable to

Education or Incarceration?nThe cost in 2009 to educate a public school

student in Nebraska: $9,250.*nThe cost in 2009 to house an inmate in Ne-

braska’s youth correction facilities: $58,424.***NEA’s annual ‘Rankings & Estimates’ report.**Nebraska Department of Correctional Services Annual Report.

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Education Bill WatchThese Bills Will Affect Your Job

Here are some of the nearly 100 education-related bills that NSEA is watching closely:

Cuts Away from the ClassroomSen. Tony Fulton of Lincoln introduced LB531, which requires that any reductions made

in school district budgets made to comply with state-directed budget limitations “shall affect classroom expenses only as a last resort.” NSEA supports LB531.

Retirement Contribution RatesSen. Jeremy Nordquist, Omaha, offered LB382 on behalf of Gov. Heineman. It raises the

retirement contribution rate by one percent to 9.28 percent for two years; drops the rate back to 8.28 percent for one year, then drops it to 7.28 percent in 2014. In addition, increases in school district contribution rates would be kept ouside the each district’s budget lid. NSEA supports the bill.

Collective Bargaining at RiskEvery NSEA member benefits from a contract negotiated with the local school board. Yet

Sen. John Nelson of Omaha would end that bargaining process with LR29CA, a proposed con-stitutional amendment that, if passed by voters, would prohibit public sector collective bargain-ing as a new section of the Nebraska Constitution. NSEA opposes LR29CA.

Guns in SchoolSen. Mark Christensen, Imperial, has offered LB516, which would allow the governing board

of any school district, with a two-thirds vote, to authorize security personnel, administrators, or teachers to carry concealed handguns on school property, if the staff member is in compliance with state law. Written notice would have to be given to students,and parents or guardians of each student. NSEA Bylaws support a zero-tolerance policy for weapons in schools.

Assaults at YRTCKearney Sen. Galen Hadley introduced LB242, which classifies as second degree assault any

attack on an employee of the state’s Youth Rehabilitation Training Center by any person legally confined to YRTC. NSEA members who serve as teachers at the YRTC have been assaulted by teens housed at the YRTC in Kearney and Geneva. NSEA supports LB242.

Cyber-bullyingLB123, sponsored by Sen. Lavon Heidemann, adds cyber-bullying to the list of reasons a

student may be disciplined by a school district.“There is no doubt that some students have used social media outlets to bully or other-

wise harm other students and/or school employees,” NSEA President Jess Wolf said in a letter to Education Committee Chairman Sen. Greg Adams. “We appreciate the recognition of this problem and this effort to address it.”

Tuition ReimbursementLB403, introduced by Omaha Sen. Brenda Council, provides full funding for the tuition re-

imbursement program the Legislature enacted two years ago.

market downturns for a protracted pe-riod of time.”

A Working Retirement?Hogue is young enough that she

doesn’t yet watch her retirement too closely. But she knows teachers who have retired and are forced to take part-time or even full-time jobs.

“It scares me that I will put all of my time and effort and heart into teaching, and then have nothing to show for it,” she said.

Even though retirement seems well down the road, Wellmann says he has attended several NSEA-Retired work-shops, which have taught him that all teachers need to learn about and under-stand the retirement system.

“Members must understand the ben-efits of our current system and the dif-ferences between a defined contribution and a defined benefit system,” he said.

Understanding the system, however, doesn’t make it any easier to pay the in-creased contribution rates.

“It’s been difficult for me, and other Bellevue teachers, to pay the contribu-tion increases to our retirement system,” said Wellmann. “We’re doing our part in tough times; the state should meet its obligations, as well.”

Said NSEA President Jess Wolf:“Nebraska’s retirement system is

in very good shape compared to other states. It’s the responsibility of all of us – including the Legislature – to see that the plan’s health is preserved. When the plan is healthy, we all benefit.”

Deep Cuts in KansasDeep cuts were already felt in

Hogue’s Lawrence school before she left the classroom. There were times when her school didn’t have simple sup-plies like copy paper and pencils.

“We definitely had to alter lesson plans at times to eliminate the use of paper copies for all students,” she said. “Instead of students being able to learn about their town’s history in a walking tour field trip, they had to watch it on a slide show. That affects the quality of the learning.”

Hogue said the music program lost keyboards and other instruments. Art classes were denied trips to museums.

More important, teaching positions were lost, learning coaches were let go and mentoring programs were shut down – all changes that caused class sizes to increase and students and teach-ers to be shuffled. As a result, staff and

student morale suffered.“A staff that was like family all of a

sudden had been split up. It was hard to handle,” she said.

With schools closing and attendance boundaries changing, students were up-set because they were going to be sepa-rated from friends and classmates.

“Teachers do what we can to mitigate that, but such disruptions truly do make a difference in student learning,” said Hogue. “It was a very difficult last few months.”

It was more difficult for students most at risk, those students with an un-stable home life.

“School is the one place they can count on for structure and stability, and when it all changes in just a week or two, it really affects them,” said Hogue.

Wellmann said Bellevue teachers know of the state’s budget situation.

“I think many teachers wonder how our class sizes will be affected by the state budget,” he said. “Will the dis-trict take three classrooms of 20 third-graders and create two classrooms of 30 fourth-graders the following year? With the increasing demands from state assessments, how will our students achieve in these larger classrooms?”

“I hope that our state senators re-member that our students only get one chance to be a fourth-grader. They are 9 years old just once – we can’t get that year of learning back. There are no do-overs,” he said. “I don’t want to jeopar-dize their futures to save a few dollars, because it will end up costing Nebras-ka’s taxpayers even more in the future.”

##February 2011.indd 8 1/31/2011 2:06:57 PM

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February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 9

Education Bill WatchThese Bills Will Affect Your Job

Here are some of the nearly 100 education-related bills that NSEA is watching closely:

Cuts Away from the ClassroomSen. Tony Fulton of Lincoln introduced LB531, which requires that any reductions made

in school district budgets made to comply with state-directed budget limitations “shall affect classroom expenses only as a last resort.” NSEA supports LB531.

Retirement Contribution RatesSen. Jeremy Nordquist, Omaha, offered LB382 on behalf of Gov. Heineman. It raises the

retirement contribution rate by one percent to 9.28 percent for two years; drops the rate back to 8.28 percent for one year, then drops it to 7.28 percent in 2014. In addition, increases in school district contribution rates would be kept ouside the each district’s budget lid. NSEA supports the bill.

Collective Bargaining at RiskEvery NSEA member benefits from a contract negotiated with the local school board. Yet

Sen. John Nelson of Omaha would end that bargaining process with LR29CA, a proposed con-stitutional amendment that, if passed by voters, would prohibit public sector collective bargain-ing as a new section of the Nebraska Constitution. NSEA opposes LR29CA.

Guns in SchoolSen. Mark Christensen, Imperial, has offered LB516, which would allow the governing board

of any school district, with a two-thirds vote, to authorize security personnel, administrators, or teachers to carry concealed handguns on school property, if the staff member is in compliance with state law. Written notice would have to be given to students,and parents or guardians of each student. NSEA Bylaws support a zero-tolerance policy for weapons in schools.

Assaults at YRTCKearney Sen. Galen Hadley introduced LB242, which classifies as second degree assault any

attack on an employee of the state’s Youth Rehabilitation Training Center by any person legally confined to YRTC. NSEA members who serve as teachers at the YRTC have been assaulted by teens housed at the YRTC in Kearney and Geneva. NSEA supports LB242.

Cyber-bullyingLB123, sponsored by Sen. Lavon Heidemann, adds cyber-bullying to the list of reasons a

student may be disciplined by a school district.“There is no doubt that some students have used social media outlets to bully or other-

wise harm other students and/or school employees,” NSEA President Jess Wolf said in a letter to Education Committee Chairman Sen. Greg Adams. “We appreciate the recognition of this problem and this effort to address it.”

Tuition ReimbursementLB403, introduced by Omaha Sen. Brenda Council, provides full funding for the tuition re-

imbursement program the Legislature enacted two years ago.

Wellmann said Bellevue teachers know of the state’s budget situation.

“I think many teachers wonder how our class sizes will be affected by the state budget,” he said. “Will the dis-trict take three classrooms of 20 third-graders and create two classrooms of 30 fourth-graders the following year? With the increasing demands from state assessments, how will our students achieve in these larger classrooms?”

“I hope that our state senators re-member that our students only get one chance to be a fourth-grader. They are 9 years old just once – we can’t get that year of learning back. There are no do-overs,” he said. “I don’t want to jeopar-dize their futures to save a few dollars, because it will end up costing Nebras-ka’s taxpayers even more in the future.”

##February 2011.indd 9 1/31/2011 2:06:57 PM

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Page 10 n The NSEA Voice n February 2011

Re-ElectSusan Stake

President,NSEA Capitol District

Or Are Some Master’s Degrees Worth More Than Others?

A retired educator from Blair has challenged an assertion by the nation’s top education officer that post-graduate degrees do little to improve student learning.

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan questioned the value of master’s degrees in a speech late last year. A guest editorial by Robert Mortensen that ap-peared in the Omaha World-Herald on Jan. 5 took the Secretary to task.

Duncan’s comments were seen by some critics as part of a sustained na-tional campaign to de-professionalize the teaching profession; or to dis-credit colleges of education and K-12 schools; or to promote charter schools – or all of the above.

Duncan said that U.S. school districts “currently pay about $8 billion each year to teachers because they have master’s de-grees, even though there is little evidence teachers with mas-ter’s degrees improve student achievement more than other teachers — with the possible exception of teachers who earn masters in math and science.”

While Duncan didn’t explain how advanced degrees can benefit math and science teachers while being of little value to other educators, Mortensen challenged Duncan’s assertion.

Is Your Master’s Degree Worthless?

Bargaining Conference for Higher Ed Set at KearneyPlans are almost complete for the

Feb. 11-12 Bargaining Conference for higher education members of NSEA, according to Larry Scherer, NSEA’s director of Bargaining and Research.

The conference will be held at the University of Nebraska-Kearney cam-pus.

Many Children Aren’t Clothed for Winter

It’s the first of February, and it’s cold outside.

It’s especially cold if you’re a young child headed to school in a light jack-et or footwear more appropriate for sum-mer weather.

And that’s where the NSEA Children’s Fund can make a dif-ference.

Every NSEA member knows of children in such heartbreaking situa-tions: children who wear light jackets in cold weather because they have nothing else; students who eat only when school is in session; students who can’t see because they need eye-glasses.

Teachers often use their own dol-lars to help these children, knowing that they can’t help every child. That’s

why NSEA created the Children’s Fund, and continues to work to raise money for that Fund.

Since 1994, donations to the Chil-dren’s Fund have provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to help chil-dren in need. In the past two years, the Children’s Fund has provided nearly $120,000 in relief.

Contributions to the NSEA Chil-dren’s Fund come from teachers and businesses across the state. A golf

tournament raises nearly $20,000 a year for the Fund. Contributions are tax deductible — and it’s important to note that every penny contributed helps children. NSEA picks up all ad-ministrative expenses.

To receive funding to help a stu-dent, there is no red tape, no form for teachers to fill out. Simply contact the NSEA at 1-800-742-0047 and ask for Sally Bodtke. Or e-mail her at:

[email protected]

You Can Help Keep the Children’s Fund AfloatIn trying to address the enormous need Nebraska school children face in these tough

times, the Children’s Fund itself is facing serious financial difficulty, and could be drained almost completely by the end of the current school year.

There are four ways you can help keep the Children’s Fund afloat:nFirst, send a tax deductible contribution. Memorial gifts are accepted, and retirement

donations are also a nice way to honor someone’s service to the education profession.nSecond, participate in the annual Children’s Fund Golf Tournament, which raises, on

average, more than $15,000 for the fund each year. This year’s event is set for Lincoln’s Wilderness Ridge Golf Course on Tuesday, June 7.nThird, ask your local association to consider an annual gift to the Children’s Fund.nFourth, organize a local benefit for the Fund. For ideas, go to the NSEA website at:

It’s Cold, Cold, Cold!

##February 2011.indd 10 1/31/2011 2:06:58 PM

Page 11: The Voice February 2011

February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 11

Re-ElectSusan Stake

President,NSEA Capitol District

Or Are Some Master’s Degrees Worth More Than Others?

A retired educator from Blair has challenged an assertion by the nation’s top education officer that post-graduate degrees do little to improve student learning.

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan questioned the value of master’s degrees in a speech late last year. A guest editorial by Robert Mortensen that ap-peared in the Omaha World-Herald on Jan. 5 took the Secretary to task.

Duncan’s comments were seen by some critics as part of a sustained na-tional campaign to de-professionalize the teaching profession; or to dis-credit colleges of education and K-12 schools; or to promote charter schools – or all of the above.

Duncan said that U.S. school districts “currently pay about $8 billion each year to teachers because they have master’s de-grees, even though there is little evidence teachers with mas-ter’s degrees improve student achievement more than other teachers — with the possible exception of teachers who earn masters in math and science.”

While Duncan didn’t explain how advanced degrees can benefit math and science teachers while being of little value to other educators, Mortensen challenged Duncan’s assertion.

Mortensen is a professor emeritus and former associate dean of the College of Education at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He cited examples of advanced degree programs and award-winning teachers with advanced degrees.

“Could it be that graduate study in teachers’ major curriculum fields and highly developed pedagogical skills had an impact

upon their teaching effectiveness, or has Mr. Duncan found a study that supports his previous position on teacher pay?”

As for paying educators more for the advanced degrees they earn at their own expense, Mortensen said “when Mr. Duncan states that paying teachers based on longevity and advanced degrees is a waste of money, he removes a primary initiative a teacher may have to become better at his or her craft.”

Finally, Duncan should engage teach-ers and solve education’s problems from the bottom up, not from the top down, advised Mortensen.

“Teachers should be rewarded for the efforts they put into their profession. Teachers today are dealing with problems never before faced in education, such as students coming to school hungry, abused, unmotivated and without parental support for the value of education. Teachers need innovative ways to address the broad spectrum of learning styles of all students, and this can most certainly be achieved through graduate study.”

Is Your Master’s Degree Worthless?

Bargaining Conference for Higher Ed Set at KearneyPlans are almost complete for the

Feb. 11-12 Bargaining Conference for higher education members of NSEA, according to Larry Scherer, NSEA’s director of Bargaining and Research.

The conference will be held at the University of Nebraska-Kearney cam-pus.

On the agenda are the issues: con-tract maintenance and analysis; orga-nizing; building membership; book-keeping; retirement issues; table tac-tics and behavior; and comparability data for bargaining.

There will also be time for local units to meet with their UniServ direc-

tor to discuss and set future bargaining goals. There may also be a session on interest-based bargaining.

To register, contact NSEA or call your UniServ director at 1-800-742-0047. Registration will also be avail-able on the NSEA website at:

tournament raises nearly $20,000 a year for the Fund. Contributions are tax deductible — and it’s important to note that every penny contributed helps children. NSEA picks up all ad-ministrative expenses.

To receive funding to help a stu-dent, there is no red tape, no form for teachers to fill out. Simply contact the NSEA at 1-800-742-0047 and ask for Sally Bodtke. Or e-mail her at:

[email protected]

You Can Help Keep the Children’s Fund AfloatIn trying to address the enormous need Nebraska school children face in these tough

times, the Children’s Fund itself is facing serious financial difficulty, and could be drained almost completely by the end of the current school year.

There are four ways you can help keep the Children’s Fund afloat:nFirst, send a tax deductible contribution. Memorial gifts are accepted, and retirement

donations are also a nice way to honor someone’s service to the education profession.nSecond, participate in the annual Children’s Fund Golf Tournament, which raises, on

average, more than $15,000 for the fund each year. This year’s event is set for Lincoln’s Wilderness Ridge Golf Course on Tuesday, June 7.nThird, ask your local association to consider an annual gift to the Children’s Fund.nFourth, organize a local benefit for the Fund. For ideas, go to the NSEA website at:

It’s Cold, Cold, Cold!

Your Thoughts?Has your post-

graduate degree or degrees helped you to become a better teacher? Tell us how

on NSEA’s Facebook page at

##February 2011.indd 11 1/31/2011 2:06:59 PM

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Page 12 n The NSEA Voice n February 2011

Salary Schedule - MaxBottom 25

Lynch $41,520Spalding $42,900Arcadia $42,968Stuart $43,056Wheeler Central $43,860Arthur Co. Hs $45,100Elba $45,560Cedar Rapids $45,954West Boyd Unified $46,084Anselmo-Merna $46,096Loup Co-Taylor $46,112St. Edward $46,454Wynot $46,620Greeley-Wolbach $46,982Giltner $47,040Keya Paha County $47,040Kenesaw $47,376Newman Grove $47,472Niobrara $47,560Amherst $47,988Ewing $48,042Sumner-Eddyville-Miller $48,074Ansley $48,144Maywood $48,146Leigh $48,160Loomis $48,160

Top 25Hastings $61,050 Bridgeport $61,254 Kearney $61,313 Northwest (Grand Island) $61,365 ESU 1-Wakefield $61,387 Elkhorn $61,516 Plattsmouth $62,115 So. Sioux City $62,210 York $62,729 Ralston $62,888 ESU 11-Holdrege $62,944 ESU 9-Hastings $63,740 Gering $63,750 Grand Island $64,123 Norris $64,320 Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca $65,395 Bellevue $65,487 Columbus $66,146 Norfolk $66,240 North Platte $67,182 Fremont $67,365 Omaha $69,541 Papillion-LaVista $69,902 Lincoln $72,353 Millard $73,006

Master’s Degree - MaxBottom 25

Lynch $39,444Spalding $40,560Elba $41,808Stuart $41,952Homer $42,160Loup Co-Taylor $42,444Arcadia $42,968Amherst $43,524Cedar Rapids $43,608Loomis $43,680Keya Paha County $43,680Wheeler Central $43,860Pleasanton $43,920North Loup-Scotia $43,924Harvard $43,928Red Cloud $43,992Niobrara $44,080St. Edward $44,082Hayes Center $44,240Litchfield $44,320Wynot $44,400Brady $44,444Greeley-Wolbach $44,480Ewing $44,586McCool Junction $44,616

Top 25Pierce $52,490 North Bend Central $52,521 Norfolk $52,640 Wisner-Pilger $52,686 Lyons-Decatur $52,762 North Platte $52,854 Grand Island $52,879 Hastings $52,950 Gering $52,950 Malcolm $53,064 Bridgeport $53,127 Kearney $53,178 York $53,193 Raymond Central $53,592 Umonhon Nation (Macy) $53,760 Fremont $54,069 West Point $54,300 Bellevue $54,366 Ralston $54,503 ESU 11-Holdrege $55,076 ESU 13-Scottsbluff $55,640 Tekamah-Herman $56,579 Papillion-LaVista $60,561 Omaha $65,221 Lincoln $67,916

Starting SalariesBottom 25

Wheeler Central $25,500Lynch $25,950Spalding $26,000Loup Co $26,200Arcadia $26,200Sargent $26,300Homer $26,350ESU 17-Ainsworth $26,500Maywood $26,600Sutherland $26,800Anselmo-Merna $26,800Mullen $26,800Elba $26,800Arnold $27,050Brady $27,100ESU 7-Columbus $27,115Callaway $27,150Wauneta-Palisade $27,200Ansley $27,200Prague $27,250Rock County $27,325Sioux County $27,400Neligh-Oakdale $27,400Eustis-Farnam $27,450Hartington $27,450Pleasanton $27,450

Top 25Wilber-Clatonia $31,025Madison $31,050 Arlington $31,170 Gretna $31,200 Harvard $31,212 Pierce $31,320 Gering $31,350 ESU 5-Beatrice $31,675 Holdrege $31,719 North Platte $31,840 Raymond Central $31,900 Elkhorn $31,941 Columbus $31,950 Umonhon Nation (Macy) $32,000 Norfolk $32,000 Norris $32,000 ESU 2-Fremont $32,037 Bennington $32,400 Omaha $32,485 Winnebago $32,589 Blair $32,621 Walthill $33,070 Westside $34,200 Millard $34,383 Lincoln $36,008

Annual Reviewis a Barometerfor Negotiators

As Nebraska educators prepare to head back to the bargaining table, it is good to do so with accurate details.

The information on these charts comes from the NSEA Bargaining and Research Department and represents the figures for the 2009-10 school year.

The charts serve two purposes: they provide factual, though slightly dated, information to NSEA members and negotiators; and they allow negotiators and individuals to make fact-based decisions as they begin the negotiations process.

The numbers are also useful to members searching for new employment. However, members in the job search mode would be wise to also ask questions about health care and other benefits provided by each school district’s negotiated agreement.

These numbers also provide benchmarks, and allow negotiators, in particular, to set goals based on competitive — and not just comparable or average — measurements.

The charts represent information from the state’s more than 250 K-12 school districts, each represented by an NSEA bargaining unit.

Questions? Contact NSEA’s Karen Hunt at:

[email protected]


##February 2011.indd 12 1/31/2011 2:07:00 PM

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February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 13

Salary Schedule - MaxBottom 25

Lynch $41,520Spalding $42,900Arcadia $42,968Stuart $43,056Wheeler Central $43,860Arthur Co. Hs $45,100Elba $45,560Cedar Rapids $45,954West Boyd Unified $46,084Anselmo-Merna $46,096Loup Co-Taylor $46,112St. Edward $46,454Wynot $46,620Greeley-Wolbach $46,982Giltner $47,040Keya Paha County $47,040Kenesaw $47,376Newman Grove $47,472Niobrara $47,560Amherst $47,988Ewing $48,042Sumner-Eddyville-Miller $48,074Ansley $48,144Maywood $48,146Leigh $48,160Loomis $48,160

Top 25Hastings $61,050 Bridgeport $61,254 Kearney $61,313 Northwest (Grand Island) $61,365 ESU 1-Wakefield $61,387 Elkhorn $61,516 Plattsmouth $62,115 So. Sioux City $62,210 York $62,729 Ralston $62,888 ESU 11-Holdrege $62,944 ESU 9-Hastings $63,740 Gering $63,750 Grand Island $64,123 Norris $64,320 Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca $65,395 Bellevue $65,487 Columbus $66,146 Norfolk $66,240 North Platte $67,182 Fremont $67,365 Omaha $69,541 Papillion-LaVista $69,902 Lincoln $72,353 Millard $73,006

Master’s Degree - MaxBottom 25

Lynch $39,444Spalding $40,560Elba $41,808Stuart $41,952Homer $42,160Loup Co-Taylor $42,444Arcadia $42,968Amherst $43,524Cedar Rapids $43,608Loomis $43,680Keya Paha County $43,680Wheeler Central $43,860Pleasanton $43,920North Loup-Scotia $43,924Harvard $43,928Red Cloud $43,992Niobrara $44,080St. Edward $44,082Hayes Center $44,240Litchfield $44,320Wynot $44,400Brady $44,444Greeley-Wolbach $44,480Ewing $44,586McCool Junction $44,616

Top 25Pierce $52,490 North Bend Central $52,521 Norfolk $52,640 Wisner-Pilger $52,686 Lyons-Decatur $52,762 North Platte $52,854 Grand Island $52,879 Hastings $52,950 Gering $52,950 Malcolm $53,064 Bridgeport $53,127 Kearney $53,178 York $53,193 Raymond Central $53,592 Umonhon Nation (Macy) $53,760 Fremont $54,069 West Point $54,300 Bellevue $54,366 Ralston $54,503 ESU 11-Holdrege $55,076 ESU 13-Scottsbluff $55,640 Tekamah-Herman $56,579 Papillion-LaVista $60,561 Omaha $65,221 Lincoln $67,916

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Assembly during the Assembly’s opening session on Friday evening, April 15, 2011.

Any candidate who wishes to seek election to any of these posi-tions, and who wishes to have campaign material included in a mail-ing to all delegates in advance of Delegate Assembly, must submit that information to NSEA Executive Director Craig R. Christiansen not less than 45 days prior to April 15. The actual deadline is 11:59 p.m. CST on Tuesday, March 1, 2011.

The 2011 Delegate Assembly will be held at the Embassy Suites in LaVista. For more details on NSEA elections, go to this website:

Candidate Deadlines for NSEA President, Vice President Approach

Two southeast Nebraska teachers and NSEA members have a better understanding of the National Parks System in general, and of Homestead Na-tional Monument in particular, thanks to the National Park Service ‘Teacher to Ranger to Teacher’ (TRT) program.

For other Nebraska teachers in-terested in such an experience, now is the time to consider applying.

Last summer, Beatrice fourth grade teacher Ellen Janssen and Sutton secondary social studies teacher Craig Rafert spent eight weeks at Homestead National Monument near Beatrice. They worked on the Monument’s living history project; wrote curriculum; and researched history related to the Monument.

Research Opportunity While the national parks system

offers great learning and recreation opportunities to all Americans, not all children – and particularly chil-dren in low-income families – have access to the park system. The TRT program links National Parks sites with teachers from Title I school districts, forming a link between the park system and children.

Teachers selected for the TRT program then spend a sum-mer working as a uniformed park ranger. Duties can include development and presentation of interpretive programs for the public; manning the visitor’s desk; developing curricu-lum; research; or other projects.

Then, at school, the ‘Teacher Rangers’ use park resources in the classroom. Each April, during National Park Week, the ‘Teacher Rangers’ wear their park uniforms to school; discuss their summer as a ranger; and work with students and other teachers in park-related activities.

Janssen spent time last summer on a living history project and at the old school house on the Monument grounds, telling the story of home-

Teachers as RangersTwo NSEA Members Spent Last Summer as Park Rangers. You Can, Too!

Does your classroom curriculum need something new and Nebraska-related? The Homestead National Monument of-fers field trips; curriculum materials aligned to social studies, math and science frameworks for Nebraska schools; and pro-fessional development.

Need a Spark in Your Nebraska Studies?Contact Homestead National Monument

Considering Leadership?Now is the Time to Act;Filing Deadlines NearIn order to remain strong, your As-

sociation needs strong leaders, both at the district level and at the state level.

NSEA will hold elections in mid-March for nearly two dozen district offices, along with several slots on NSEA’s Board of Directors. Those elected will take leadership roles in determining the future of the Associa-tion.

The filing deadline for those of-fices is Sunday, Feb. 20. Voting will take place from Wednesday, March 9, through midnight on Wednesday, March 23.

To file, simply go to the NSEA website and click on the ‘2011 District Elections’ link.

Select your district, and then select the office you are interested in seek-ing. All candidates will need their personal 10-digit NSEA membership identification number, which can be found on the NSEA Access member-ship card, or above the address on the mailing label on The Voice.

During the online filing process, all

candidates will have an opportunity to provide a 50-word statement. Voters will be able to access that statement during balloting. It may be easiest for candidates to type the statement in a Word or other text document before beginning, and then pasting the state-ment into the appropriate box during the filing process.

Note that NSEA’s Minority In-volvement Plan encourages minorities to seek office.

If you do not have access to the In-ternet, mail your name, address, local

association name and a 50-word state-ment to: NSEA Elections, 605 S. 14th St., Lincoln, NE 68508-2742. Be sure to state which office you are seeking.

In all cases, the deadline for filing is Sunday, Feb. 20. The NSEA web-site is at

Metro District Board Has Five OpeningsA listing of openings in the leadership ranks of NSEA’s Metro District last month did

not include openings in two sub-districts. Thus there are five, rather than three, openings on the Metro District Board of Directors. All of the odd-numbered district seats – 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 – are open for election this year.

The filing deadline for those offices is Sunday, Feb. 20. Voting will take place from Wednesday, March 9, through midnight on Wednesday, March 23. To file for office: Simply go to the NSEA website and click on the ‘2011 District Elections’ link.

The NSEA website is

Select your district, and then select the office you are interested in seeking. All persons seeking to file as a candidate will need their 10-digit NSEA membership identification number. Your number can be found on your NSEA Access membership card, or above your name on the mailing label on The Voice.

##February 2011.indd 14 1/31/2011 2:07:01 PM

Page 15: The Voice February 2011

February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 15

Two southeast Nebraska teachers and NSEA members have a better understanding of the National Parks System in general, and of Homestead Na-tional Monument in particular, thanks to the National Park Service ‘Teacher to Ranger to Teacher’ (TRT) program.

For other Nebraska teachers in-terested in such an experience, now is the time to consider applying.

Last summer, Beatrice fourth grade teacher Ellen Janssen and Sutton secondary social studies teacher Craig Rafert spent eight weeks at Homestead National Monument near Beatrice. They worked on the Monument’s living history project; wrote curriculum; and researched history related to the Monument.

Research Opportunity While the national parks system

offers great learning and recreation opportunities to all Americans, not all children – and particularly chil-dren in low-income families – have access to the park system. The TRT program links National Parks sites with teachers from Title I school districts, forming a link between the park system and children.

Teachers selected for the TRT program then spend a sum-mer working as a uniformed park ranger. Duties can include development and presentation of interpretive programs for the public; manning the visitor’s desk; developing curricu-lum; research; or other projects.

Then, at school, the ‘Teacher Rangers’ use park resources in the classroom. Each April, during National Park Week, the ‘Teacher Rangers’ wear their park uniforms to school; discuss their summer as a ranger; and work with students and other teachers in park-related activities.

Janssen spent time last summer on a living history project and at the old school house on the Monument grounds, telling the story of home-

steader schools. She also wrote curriculum that will be an online resource for teachers.

“It’s been an opportunity to do research that you don’t have time to do during the school year,” she said. “It has really increased my appreciation for what the home-steaders went through. It was really a trying time – for the homestead-ers to survive was just amazing. I hope I can convey that to my stu-dents better.”

Understanding theHomestead Act

Rafert was more active in the living history aspect of the Monu-ment, and gained valuable knowl-edge.

“I have a broader understand-ing of the Homestead Act,” he said. “In the past, we’ve touched on it, for maybe a day, and that would be generous. But now I’ve found ways to tie homesteading back to the en-tire curriculum.”

Park Ranger Tina Miller, Home-stead’s education coordinator, said Janssen and Rafert were assets to

the park’s summer programming.“I’d keep them both forever, if I could,” she said. “They

bring a different perspective, an educator’s language. It’s been fun for me.”

For more details on the TRT Program, go to this website:

For more details about Homestead National Monument, go to this website: has two other national monuments, Agate Fos-

sil Beds National Monument, and Scotts Bluff National Monument. For details on those, and other na-tional park-related sites in Nebras-ka, go to:

Teachers as RangersTwo NSEA Members Spent Last Summer as Park Rangers. You Can, Too!

On duty: Ellen Janssen and Craig Rafert spent eight weeks as Park Rangers at Homestead Na-tional Monument near Beatrice last summer.

Does your classroom curriculum need something new and Nebraska-related? The Homestead National Monument of-fers field trips; curriculum materials aligned to social studies, math and science frameworks for Nebraska schools; and pro-fessional development.

Homestead Monument staff also provides distance learn-ing opportunities for further enrichment. For more details, contact Ranger Tina Miller at 402-223-3514, or click on the Homestead National Monument link at this website:

Need a Spark in Your Nebraska Studies?Contact Homestead National Monument

February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 15

Considering Leadership?

association name and a 50-word state-ment to: NSEA Elections, 605 S. 14th St., Lincoln, NE 68508-2742. Be sure to state which office you are seeking.

In all cases, the deadline for filing is Sunday, Feb. 20. The NSEA web-site is at

Metro District Board Has Five OpeningsA listing of openings in the leadership ranks of NSEA’s Metro District last month did

not include openings in two sub-districts. Thus there are five, rather than three, openings on the Metro District Board of Directors. All of the odd-numbered district seats – 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 – are open for election this year.

The filing deadline for those offices is Sunday, Feb. 20. Voting will take place from Wednesday, March 9, through midnight on Wednesday, March 23. To file for office: Simply go to the NSEA website and click on the ‘2011 District Elections’ link.

The NSEA website is

Select your district, and then select the office you are interested in seeking. All persons seeking to file as a candidate will need their 10-digit NSEA membership identification number. Your number can be found on your NSEA Access membership card, or above your name on the mailing label on The Voice.

“..I’ve found ways to tie homesteading back to the entire curriculum.”

— Craig Rafert,Sutton social studies teacher

##February 2011.indd 15 1/31/2011 2:07:03 PM

Page 16: The Voice February 2011

Page 16 n The NSEA Voice n February 2011

Classroom Earth Offers Development Grants

Are you interested in enhancing your understanding of the living world, and learning to teach about wildlife conservation in your subject area?

Classroom Earth is supporting mid-dle and high school teachers around the country who want to make wildlife conservation part of their curriculum. Classroom Earth’s 2010 Professional Development Grants will enable ap-plicants to take one six-week online course offered by the Wildlife Conser-vation Society to create a strong foun-dation in wildlife conservation. Partici-pating teachers will be better equipped to bring wildlife conservation educa-tion into the classroom, facilitate sci-entific learning and to connect students with their natural surroundings.

The Classroom Earth grant opportu-nity will also support teachers to earn graduate level credit. To apply by the Feb. 1 deadline, go to:

Use Social Mediato Teach Social Justice

As social networking sites and mo-bile technology offer new ways for stu-dents to socialize, educators can turn this technology into powerful class-room tools to engage students and teach lessons that promote social justice and challenge stereotypes. This information is included in the Spring 2011 issue of Teaching Tolerance magazine.

Challenging stereotypes and labels is also the subject of a series of articles that will help educators teach their stu-dents about immigration. This topic is one of several timely issues explored for teachers seeking classroom lessons that provide students an opportunity to exer-cise empathy and critical thinking skills.

Teaching Tolerance is being dis-tributed free of charge by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to more than 400,000 educators nationwide. It can be read at:

Driver’s Ed InstructorsNeeded in Central NE

The Nebraska Safety Center in Kearney seeks instructors for driver

education classes in Central Nebraska. This has traditionally been an oppor-tunity for teachers to supplement their income.

The beginning wage for teaching driver education is $16 an hour, ris-ing to $20 an hour by the third year. A typical session would involve approxi-mately 100 hours, with the possibility of sessions in the fall and spring, and up to three sessions in the summer. The average class size is about 20.

To become a qualified instructor, completion of three three-credit-hour safe driving classes, at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, is required.

For details, contact Sherry Morrow, interim Safety Center director, at 308-865-8259.

Doodle for Googleand Win a Scholarship

Doodle 4 Google is a competition that invites K-12 students to use their artistic talents to think big and redesign Google’s homepage logo.

Whether students want to find a cure for cancer or take a trip to the moon, it starts with art supplies and a sheet of paper. One student artist will take home a $15,000 college scholarship and $25,000 technology grant for their school. Registration closes on March 2; entries must be postmarked by March 16. The winning doodle will be fea-tured on Google’s homepage on May 20. For details, go to:

News You Can Use

Statehood Birthday Parties Set A tradition of the Nebraska Secretary of State’s Office is to teach and entertain

children at events observing the anniversary of Nebraska’s March 1, 1867, statehood.A series of birthday parties is held across the state to commemorate the anniversary.

The parties, geared to fourth-graders, are sponsored by Secretary of State John Gale, the NEBRASKAland Foundation and the Nebraska Humanities Council. The parties are part of Gale’s civics education mission to encourage students to become good citizens.

The 2011 parties will be held from April 11-14 in these cities: Columbus, Norfolk, Seward, Central City, Omaha, Boys Town, Fremont and Nebraska City. Troupe members will include Gale (portraying Cactus Jack), Chris Sayre (Sodbuster Sam), David Seay (Deadwood Dave) and Tom Bassett (Casey Jones).

Students will enjoy musical entertainment, sing-alongs and a chance to showcase their knowledge of Nebraska history. And no birthday party would be complete without a birthday treat for each student.

Space is limited. Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, print and mail or fax the registration form at this website to Gale’s office: details, contact Sharon Hambek at 402-471-6044 or:

[email protected]

Vote for...Marcia Benner

NSEA Board of Directors Capitol District

Vote for Pat Etherton

NSEA-R Vice PresidentNSEA-R Rep. AssemblyNSEA-R Del. Assembly

Supplies Soughtfor SEAN BenefitNebraska 2011 Teacher of the Year

Bob Feurer of North Bend will headline the Student Education Association of Ne-braska (SEAN) Spring Conference, set for Hastings College later this month.

Also on the conference agenda: a si-lent auction to raise money for the SEAN undergraduate scholarship, which is used to send a SEAN underclassman to a na-tional conference. To aid that silent auc-tion, SEAN is seeking gently used, donated items for classroom use. Donated items can be anything a teacher could use, such as new or gently used bulletin board items, books, lesson plans, activity projects, etc.

SEAN members planning to attend the Feb. 25-26 conference will be in for a treat with Feurer, a science teacher. Also on the agenda are these topics: a panel of first-year teachers; a member rights discussion; and a workshop on contracts and salary schedules.

If you have items to donate to the auc-tion, please make arrangements for NSEA to collect donations by calling NSEA’s Tamra Mick at 1-800-742-0047, or by e-mailing her at:

[email protected]

SEAN ScholarshipDeadline is Near

College juniors or seniors preparing to teach during the 2011-12 academic year may want to consider applying for a SEAN-NSEA Retired Scholarship. And they’d best be quick: the application dead-line is Feb. 1.

Four $750 scholarships will be award-ed, based on both financial need and es-say question answers. Applicants must be juniors or seniors who will student teach in 2011-12, and who have been a member of the Student Education Association of Nebraska (SEAN) for at least two years, including the current academic year.

Three letters of recommendation shall accompany the completed applica-tion form: one letter from a faculty or staff member; one letter from a local SEAN chapter officer; and the third, a recom-mendation from the chapter advisor.

Completed applications and letters must be postmarked by Feb. 1, 2011. Download the current application from this website:

awards/SEAN_Scholarship.htmFor details, contact Tamra Mick at

1-800-742-0047 or via e-mail at:[email protected]

##February 2011.indd 16 1/31/2011 2:07:04 PM

Page 17: The Voice February 2011

February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 17

Doodle for Googleand Win a Scholarship

Doodle 4 Google is a competition that invites K-12 students to use their artistic talents to think big and redesign Google’s homepage logo.

Whether students want to find a cure for cancer or take a trip to the moon, it starts with art supplies and a sheet of paper. One student artist will take home a $15,000 college scholarship and $25,000 technology grant for their school. Registration closes on March 2; entries must be postmarked by March 16. The winning doodle will be fea-tured on Google’s homepage on May 20. For details, go to:

News You Can Use

Statehood Birthday Parties Set A tradition of the Nebraska Secretary of State’s Office is to teach and entertain

children at events observing the anniversary of Nebraska’s March 1, 1867, statehood.A series of birthday parties is held across the state to commemorate the anniversary.

The parties, geared to fourth-graders, are sponsored by Secretary of State John Gale, the NEBRASKAland Foundation and the Nebraska Humanities Council. The parties are part of Gale’s civics education mission to encourage students to become good citizens.

The 2011 parties will be held from April 11-14 in these cities: Columbus, Norfolk, Seward, Central City, Omaha, Boys Town, Fremont and Nebraska City. Troupe members will include Gale (portraying Cactus Jack), Chris Sayre (Sodbuster Sam), David Seay (Deadwood Dave) and Tom Bassett (Casey Jones).

Students will enjoy musical entertainment, sing-alongs and a chance to showcase their knowledge of Nebraska history. And no birthday party would be complete without a birthday treat for each student.

Space is limited. Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, print and mail or fax the registration form at this website to Gale’s office: details, contact Sharon Hambek at 402-471-6044 or:

[email protected]

Vote for...Marcia Benner

NSEA Board of Directors Capitol District

March 29, 20119:30am-2:00pm

Learn More

[email protected]

UNKThe Voice2.25” x 3”color1-04-11



Supplies Soughtfor SEAN BenefitNebraska 2011 Teacher of the Year

Bob Feurer of North Bend will headline the Student Education Association of Ne-braska (SEAN) Spring Conference, set for Hastings College later this month.

Also on the conference agenda: a si-lent auction to raise money for the SEAN undergraduate scholarship, which is used to send a SEAN underclassman to a na-tional conference. To aid that silent auc-tion, SEAN is seeking gently used, donated items for classroom use. Donated items can be anything a teacher could use, such as new or gently used bulletin board items, books, lesson plans, activity projects, etc.

SEAN members planning to attend the Feb. 25-26 conference will be in for a treat with Feurer, a science teacher. Also on the agenda are these topics: a panel of first-year teachers; a member rights discussion; and a workshop on contracts and salary schedules.

If you have items to donate to the auc-tion, please make arrangements for NSEA to collect donations by calling NSEA’s Tamra Mick at 1-800-742-0047, or by e-mailing her at:

[email protected]

SEAN ScholarshipDeadline is Near

College juniors or seniors preparing to teach during the 2011-12 academic year may want to consider applying for a SEAN-NSEA Retired Scholarship. And they’d best be quick: the application dead-line is Feb. 1.

Four $750 scholarships will be award-ed, based on both financial need and es-say question answers. Applicants must be juniors or seniors who will student teach in 2011-12, and who have been a member of the Student Education Association of Nebraska (SEAN) for at least two years, including the current academic year.

Three letters of recommendation shall accompany the completed applica-tion form: one letter from a faculty or staff member; one letter from a local SEAN chapter officer; and the third, a recom-mendation from the chapter advisor.

Completed applications and letters must be postmarked by Feb. 1, 2011. Download the current application from this website:

awards/SEAN_Scholarship.htmFor details, contact Tamra Mick at

1-800-742-0047 or via e-mail at:[email protected]

What’s Your Favorite Quote?Everyone has a favorite quote they

turn to for inspiration. Some people have two or three favorites.

Such adages may be scrawled on blackboards, printed and pinned to bul-letin boards or used as tag lines at the end of e-mail messages. The sentence or two of inspiration may have been uttered by a fa-mous author or politician or philosopher, or its ori-gin may have been lost to the passage of time.

We’d like to know what quota-

tions inspire you to teach. We’d also like to know why your favorite quote moves you. So send us your favorite

quotation, the quotation’s author, and a couple of sentences about how and why those words move you to excel in the class-room. We’ll publish the results in an upcoming is-sue of The Voice. To par-ticipate, look for the ‘My Favorite Quote’ link on

the homepage of the NSEA web site

Change of Address?Have you moved? Have you changed

your name by marriage? Are you plan-ning to move?

If so, you can update your Associa-tion membership information online.

How? Log on to the NSEA web site and click on the ‘For Members’ button on the left side of the screen. Then click on the ‘Members Only’ link and look for the ‘Member Update’ icon in the center of the next screen, and follow di-rections. Keep your issue of The Voice near, as the mailing label includes your membership number, used to access your information.

The NSEA website is

##February 2011.indd 17 1/31/2011 2:07:04 PM

Page 18: The Voice February 2011

Page 18 n The NSEA Voice n February 2011


NSEA members might do well to consider taking a look at these great NEA Member Benefits programs:nNEA Income

Protection Plan: This plan provides members income when they are unable to work due to illness or injury.nNEA Pet Insur-

ance: This plan pro-vides coverage that re-imburses for 80 percent of the covered services from any licensed veterinarian. Meow and woof!nNEA Introductory Term Life:

$15,000 of life insurance at no cost to eligible new members.

NSEA members can also share the savings from the NEA Member Ben-efits ‘Click and Save’ program with up to four family members. As of mid-No-vember, NEA members had saved more than $5 million through the ‘Click & Save’ program.

And check out these discounts at the NEA Member Benefits website:nGovConnection: Computer prod-

ucts at great savings.nNEA ID Theft Protection: Mem-

bers can choose from among five com-prehensive protection plans at up to 30 percent off the retail price.nH&R Block: Special savings

with a special discount just for NEA members.nEnterprise Weekend Special:

Starting at $9.99, with member rate weekends from Friday through Mon-day; free pick up at your home; and 100 free miles per day.nNEA Cash Rewards Credit

Card: A $75 statement credit offer, and members can earn cash back.nThe NEA Academy: The NEA

Academy provides K-12 members with practical online courses to meet pro-fessional development and continuing education needs. Discover the best on online learning opportunities.

Call NEA Member Benefits at 1-800-637-4636, or visit this site for more de-tails on Member Benefits programs:

www.neamb.comSnookie Krumbiegel is Nebraska’s

NEA Member Benefits representative.

A Lincoln mother – who happens to be an NSEA member and teacher – has been declared the winner in the NSEA’s inno-vative ‘Words That Stick’ Campaign to publicize the inspiring words and actions of Nebraska teachers.

Alisa Meyer’s story was about her then-first grade daugh-ter’s encounter with failure, and how she rebounded after her teacher taught her that “it’s OK to try and fail and try and fail again, but it’s not OK to try and fail and fail to try again.”

“The story of Alisa’s daughter is a lesson to us all. It’s also an example of the excellent work that teachers do every day in classrooms across the state,” said NSEA President Jess Wolf. “That is work upon which our future depends.”

Nebraska teachers have inspired generations of children with words that stick and actions that matter. Those efforts have pushed students to success in the classroom and beyond.

NSEA’s campaign was designed to rally support, and inform the public about the importance of recruiting and retaining Ne-braska’s great teachers. ‘Words That Stick’ highlights those moments when teachers inspire a student with words or actions that stay with that student throughout his or her life.

Nebraskans were encouraged to share such memories through a website. At stake: a $500 first prize.

NSEA President Jess Wolf remembers that it was his fourth grade teacher, Twila Hicks, who pushed him to succeed.

“I was just treading water in the classroom, just getting along,” said Wolf. “I turned in a mediocre paper, and she wrote across the top ‘You can do better, Jess.’ Those words have stuck with me all these years, and encouraged me to try harder, to do better, in everything I do.”

Other finalists were Jennifer Bantam, Curtis; Lana May,

Hayes Center; Jessica Stanley, Lincoln; Renee Kent, Omaha; Beth McCracken, Lincoln; Holly Ortega, Grand Island; Sarah White, Lincoln; Jennifer Van Winkle, Lincoln; Jerry Brown, Callaway; and Jerry Lovell, Bellevue.

For the submissions by the finalists, go to the website

Lincoln Mom’s Story Judged Bestin ‘Words That Stick’ Campaign

‘Try Again’ Lesson Voted Best Among More Than 100 Entries

Try, try again: That was the lesson told in a story by Lin-coln teacher Alisa Meyer, about her daughter, Graycee. The story won NSEA’s Words That Stick campaign contest.

In Omaha, the old is new again.Former Omaha Education Association Ex-

ecutive Director Tom Scates has left retire-ment to work as a UniServ director for OEA members. He replaces Tim Krapp, who re-signed effective Jan. 31.

Scates was a UniServ director in Omaha for eight years before becoming the OEA execu-tive director in August 1996. He held that post until his retirement in 2007. Before joining OEA, Scates taught social sciences at Winfield High School, in Winfield, KS, for 23 years.

In his previous tenure with OEA, Scates was involved in political organizing, including work to defeat a zero percent school budget lid, and work on a successful $250 million Oma-ha Public Schools building improvement bond election.

Scates’ primary responsibility will be in the area of mem-ber rights. Long-time NSEA UniServ Director Ellen Yates will handle negotiations duties for OEA.

Krapp, who left OEA to explore other ca-reer opportunities, had served Omaha educa-tors for four years. Prior to joining OEA, he taught social studies for OPS for five years.

“My service to OEA members has been very fulfilling,” he said. “I wish OEA and its members continued success.”

“We have come to depend on Tim’s profes-sionalism and skilled advocacy for our Oma-ha members,” said NSEA Executive Director Craig R. Christiansen. “He will be missed, es-pecially by so many who witnessed his com-

passion for teachers. Their concerns always became his.”Prior to his OPS teaching career, Krapp was a legislative

aide for several Nebraska state senators, and also spent two years as a legislative intern to then-U.S. Sen. Edward Ken-nedy. He is also a past chair of the OEA Political Action Committee, and past member of the OEA Board of Direc-tors.

Scates Krapp

Scates to Resume UniServ Duties in Omaha

##February 2011.indd 18 1/31/2011 2:07:06 PM

Page 19: The Voice February 2011

February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 19

Even if you’re a first-time borrower faced with making a down payment and other challenges, there are many mort-gage options available to you.

The kind of mortgage you decide to apply for depends on several factors: in-terest rate; length of the term; the kind of payments you prefer; and the docu-mentation you can provide (e.g., bank and tax statements) to verify your ability to repay the loan.

Your sense of security is the most im-portant thing to consider in choosing a loan product and a loan amount. Every product has its benefits and its draw-backs. Selecting the product that works for you over the long-term is critical to secure homeownership.

Consider the two basic mortgage op-tions: a fixed rate mortgage and an ad-justable rate mortgage.

A fixed rate option is stable and al-lows you to budget easily. Although the rate may be higher than an adjustable rate mortgage, your payments stay the same throughout the entire length of the fixed rate loan term.

If you’re looking to pay less interest in the first years of the loan, an adjust-able rate mortgage, or ARM, may be right for you. An ARM may start with a lower rate than a fixed rate loan, but the rate may adjust up or down every year, which changes your monthly payments.

In some cases, homeowners may have lower interest costs with an adjust-able rate mortgage. In other cases, after one or more adjustments, an ARM may have a higher interest rate than a fixed rate mortgage. Before you choose an adjustable rate mortgage, be certain that you can handle making the higher pay-ments should you have to.

Now consider repayment terms that may work for you:

If you’re looking to make lower monthly payments over a longer period of time, you can choose from loan prod-ucts with longer terms. These loans may have higher interest rates than those with shorter terms, but because the payments are spread out over a longer period, your monthly payments will be lower. A lon-ger term also means you’ll build equity in your home more slowly.

Some homebuyers choose shorter-term options, because the rates are usu-ally lower and you may build equity faster. But shorter-term mortgages also have higher monthly payments.

To learn more about the steps to buying a home, call the NEA Home Financing Program at 1-800-632-4968 and speak with a Home Mortgage Con-sultant. Remember, the benefits of the NEA Home Financing Program are ex-tended to parents and adult children of NEA members.

Types of MortgagesUnderstanding Your Options

Enhances Your Ability to Choose Correctly

Executive Director Craig R.



NSEA members might do well to consider taking a look at these great NEA Member Benefits programs:nNEA Income

Protection Plan: This plan provides members income when they are unable to work due to illness or injury.nNEA Pet Insur-

ance: This plan pro-vides coverage that re-imburses for 80 percent of the covered services from any licensed veterinarian. Meow and woof!nNEA Introductory Term Life:

$15,000 of life insurance at no cost to eligible new members.

NSEA members can also share the savings from the NEA Member Ben-efits ‘Click and Save’ program with up to four family members. As of mid-No-vember, NEA members had saved more than $5 million through the ‘Click & Save’ program.

And check out these discounts at the NEA Member Benefits website:nGovConnection: Computer prod-

ucts at great savings.nNEA ID Theft Protection: Mem-

bers can choose from among five com-prehensive protection plans at up to 30 percent off the retail price.nH&R Block: Special savings

with a special discount just for NEA members.nEnterprise Weekend Special:

Starting at $9.99, with member rate weekends from Friday through Mon-day; free pick up at your home; and 100 free miles per day.nNEA Cash Rewards Credit

Card: A $75 statement credit offer, and members can earn cash back.nThe NEA Academy: The NEA

Academy provides K-12 members with practical online courses to meet pro-fessional development and continuing education needs. Discover the best on online learning opportunities.

Call NEA Member Benefits at 1-800-637-4636, or visit this site for more de-tails on Member Benefits programs:

www.neamb.comSnookie Krumbiegel is Nebraska’s

NEA Member Benefits representative.

NEA Member Benefits


Hayes Center; Jessica Stanley, Lincoln; Renee Kent, Omaha; Beth McCracken, Lincoln; Holly Ortega, Grand Island; Sarah White, Lincoln; Jennifer Van Winkle, Lincoln; Jerry Brown, Callaway; and Jerry Lovell, Bellevue.

For the submissions by the finalists, go to the website

Lincoln Mom’s Story Judged Bestin ‘Words That Stick’ Campaign

Try, try again: That was the lesson told in a story by Lin-coln teacher Alisa Meyer, about her daughter, Graycee. The story won NSEA’s Words That Stick campaign contest.

Spice Up Your Lifewith Mike!

Experience,Enthusiasm,and Desire!

Vote Michael Schawangfor NEA Director

Krapp, who left OEA to explore other ca-reer opportunities, had served Omaha educa-tors for four years. Prior to joining OEA, he taught social studies for OPS for five years.

“My service to OEA members has been very fulfilling,” he said. “I wish OEA and its members continued success.”

“We have come to depend on Tim’s profes-sionalism and skilled advocacy for our Oma-ha members,” said NSEA Executive Director Craig R. Christiansen. “He will be missed, es-pecially by so many who witnessed his com-

passion for teachers. Their concerns always became his.”Prior to his OPS teaching career, Krapp was a legislative

aide for several Nebraska state senators, and also spent two years as a legislative intern to then-U.S. Sen. Edward Ken-nedy. He is also a past chair of the OEA Political Action Committee, and past member of the OEA Board of Direc-tors.

Scates to Resume UniServ Duties in Omaha

##February 2011.indd 19 1/31/2011 2:07:08 PM

Page 20: The Voice February 2011

Page 20 n The NSEA Voice n February 2011

Looking for Public Enemy No. 1Who is the enemy this week? The mayor, gun owners, insurance companies or Wall

Street bankers? Each has taken a turn as Public Enemy No. 1. Sadly, no one is exempt from the constant search for a simple target to blame for our problems. It appears that now public employees are the target du jour. Those who were once public servants are now considered public scoundrels. Public employees are the backbone of the quality of our communities. Yet legislation has now been proposed that would destroy our ability to attract and re-tain quality employees.

Public employees are our neighbors, friends and relatives. They live in every community in our state. Their record of service and dedication is largely responsible for the great quality of life in our communities. There is good reason that they are considered…literally…the public service.

The Faces Change...The faces of these pub-

lic servants change from town to town, but the im-portant roles they play are similar in every commu-nity. When we look at the latest target of economi-cally foolish cost-cutting, we see the faces of the teachers who taught our children or grandchildren; the office clerks who process our Social Security checks; the firefighters who risk their lives de-fending our property; and the road workers who maintain the quality and safety of our streets and highways.

There are very dangerous — and foolish — voices who call for us to cut the cost and the quality of these public servants. The end result would abandon civic priorities in virtually every aspect of what it takes to maintain a quality of life in our communities, including education, fire protection, social services for the elderly, or the secu-rity of an adequate police force. These are hard economic times. They will only get worse if we abandon our sup-port for civic services, and the people who provide those services, in our communities.

I don’t want to risk the lives of my family with fire fight-ers who are not paid well enough to stay on the job and gain

By Kurt GenrichEHA Plan Advocate

The Department of Health and Hu-man Services (HHS) is moving for-ward with its 2011 health care reform regulatory agenda (including issues such as health insurance exchanges and ‘essential’ health benefits), but the environment in which the health care reform issues are being discussed and implemented is extremely complex. This will be a key year for all three branches of government, and for state governments, in determining the ulti-mate scope and impact of health care reform.

In addition to HHS’ work on ex-changes and ‘essential’ health benefits, regulators will work on firming up parts of the 2010 provisions, including: nProhibiting the use of flexible

savings accounts and health savings ac-counts for over-the-counter drugs with-out a doctor’s prescription as of Jan. 1.nOn EHA’s renewal for Sept. 1,

2011, benefits for Wellness will in-crease, and will include the doctor’s

office visit covered at 100 percent, as well as other benefitsnElimination or reduction of

Medicare beneficiaries’ cost-sharing for preventive services.nCuts in Medicare Advantage pay-

ments.The new Republican majority in

the House of Representatives voted in January to repeal health care reform. But the vote was symbolic due to the Democrat majority in the Senate. How-ever, Republicans could still weaken the health care bill through smaller ef-forts, such as repealing the 1099 tax provision and otherwise reducing the bill’s funding.

In the judiciary, the next major court battle over health care reform (and spe-cifically, the individual mandate) will

most likely take place in Florida, where a federal court heard oral arguments last month. The suit was brought by 20 state attorneys general and joined by the National Federation of Indepen-dent Business. The Florida case comes on the heels of a recent decision by a federal court in Virginia to strike down parts of the health care reform law.

The EHA Plan and Board of Direc-tors will keep members updated on issues that may affect the benefits of-fered to Nebraska’s educational profes-sionals.

The Educators Health Alliance has contracted with Kurt Genrich to serve as the EHA Plan advocate. Genrich will work with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska plan participants to answer questions and

promote the plan. The EHA Board is comprised of six NSEA representa-tives and three each from the Nebraska Association of School Boards and the Nebraska Council of School Admin-istrators. NSEA Associate Executive Director NealClayburn is vice chair of the EHA Board of Directors.

Call Genrich at 1-866-465-1342; on his cell phone at 402-217-2042; or e-mail him at:[email protected]

EHA Monitoring Health Care ReformBCBS Q&A

##February 2011.indd 20 1/31/2011 2:07:09 PM

Page 21: The Voice February 2011

February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 21

From the Executive Director

Looking for Public Enemy No. 1Who is the enemy this week? The mayor, gun owners, insurance companies or Wall

Street bankers? Each has taken a turn as Public Enemy No. 1. Sadly, no one is exempt from the constant search for a simple target to blame for our problems. It appears that now public employees are the target du jour. Those who were once public servants are now considered public scoundrels. Public employees are the backbone of the quality of our communities. Yet legislation has now been proposed that would destroy our ability to attract and re-tain quality employees.

Public employees are our neighbors, friends and relatives. They live in every community in our state. Their record of service and dedication is largely responsible for the great quality of life in our communities. There is good reason that they are considered…literally…the public service.

The Faces Change...The faces of these pub-

lic servants change from town to town, but the im-portant roles they play are similar in every commu-nity. When we look at the latest target of economi-cally foolish cost-cutting, we see the faces of the teachers who taught our children or grandchildren; the office clerks who process our Social Security checks; the firefighters who risk their lives de-fending our property; and the road workers who maintain the quality and safety of our streets and highways.

There are very dangerous — and foolish — voices who call for us to cut the cost and the quality of these public servants. The end result would abandon civic priorities in virtually every aspect of what it takes to maintain a quality of life in our communities, including education, fire protection, social services for the elderly, or the secu-rity of an adequate police force. These are hard economic times. They will only get worse if we abandon our sup-port for civic services, and the people who provide those services, in our communities.

I don’t want to risk the lives of my family with fire fight-ers who are not paid well enough to stay on the job and gain

expert experience. I don’t want to risk the education of our grandchildren with teachers who are teaching temporarily, because they can find a job in another state or profession with better pay and benefits. I don’t want to drive on roads that have not been expertly maintained because experienced workers have left for jobs with better insurance for their families. For my family, I want communities that are safe and well-maintained, with good schools, good teachers, and the very best public servants that we can attract.

Who Will Serve?Unfortunately, there

are those who think that attacking the salaries, the pensions, and the col-lective bargaining rights of public employees is somehow good public policy. Nonsense. These are idiotic ideas that promise the ruin of our communities…and we should say so.

We have a state sys-tem to decide public em-ployee labor issues with-out strikes. We provide stable pensions and ben-efits for public employ-ees. If we abandon these features of public jobs, who do we think will take these jobs? It certainly

will not be the high quality of public servants we have now. What salary and benefits would you need to rush into a burning building?

Not the EnemyThere is no one reason why the economy is in trouble.

There is no one person or group to blame. And now is not the time to shut our minds to all our options by choosing one simple target as the culprit. Teachers, firefighters and other public servants are part of our hope, not our enemy.

Nebraskans, do not overreact. We are one of the most recession-proof states in the nation. We can’t forfeit our future by scurrying back and forth from one bad idea to the next. We need to maintain the quality of life in this state by supporting those who most directly work for our public good. Support our public servants. As they sup-port us and our communities.

What salary and benefits would you need to rush into a burning building? NSEA Executive Director Craig R. Christian-sen thanks all who work hard to maintain our communities.

most likely take place in Florida, where a federal court heard oral arguments last month. The suit was brought by 20 state attorneys general and joined by the National Federation of Indepen-dent Business. The Florida case comes on the heels of a recent decision by a federal court in Virginia to strike down parts of the health care reform law.

The EHA Plan and Board of Direc-tors will keep members updated on issues that may affect the benefits of-fered to Nebraska’s educational profes-sionals.

The Educators Health Alliance has contracted with Kurt Genrich to serve as the EHA Plan advocate. Genrich will work with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska plan participants to answer questions and

promote the plan. The EHA Board is comprised of six NSEA representa-tives and three each from the Nebraska Association of School Boards and the Nebraska Council of School Admin-istrators. NSEA Associate Executive Director NealClayburn is vice chair of the EHA Board of Directors.

Call Genrich at 1-866-465-1342; on his cell phone at 402-217-2042; or e-mail him at:[email protected]

EHA Monitoring Health Care Reform

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Page 22 n The NSEA Voice n February 2011

Retiring?Attend An NPERS

Seminar SoonAre you among the scores of Nebraska

teachers considering retirement this year? If so, you’ll want to be in attendance at one of the more than two dozen pre-retirement seminars scheduled this spring by the Ne-braska Public Employees Retirement System (NPERS) office.

For those anticipating retirement, NPERS mails out enrollment brochures to all eligible members four weeks prior to the seminar.

Under state law, each eligible school plan employee may receive leave, with pay, to at-tend up to two retirement planning pro-grams. That leave, according to state statute, “…shall mean a day off paid by the employer and shall not mean vacation, sick, personal, or compensatory time.”

Retirement plan members may attend a seminar more than twice, but any leave be-yond the two days will be at the member’s expense and at the employer’s discretion.

Below is a list of dates and sites for the seminars. For more details on seminars in your area, call the NPERS Education Services Department at 471-2053, in Lincoln, or toll-free at 1-800-245-5712 from elsewhere in the state. You may also find more information on the website at:

March 1 ................................... LincolnMarch 3 ................................... OmahaMarch 4 ................................... OmahaMarch 9 ......................... Grand IslandMarch 10 ................................KearneyMarch 17 ................................. LincolnMarch 18 ................................. LincolnMarch 23 ................South Sioux CityMarch 24 ................................NorfolkMarch 31 .......................North PlatteApril 6 ........................... Grand IslandApril 7 ....................................KearneyApril 13 ................................... LincolnApril 14 ................................... OmahaApril 21 ..............................ColumbusMay 4 ....................................ValentineMay 5 ......................................NorfolkMay 11 ..................................... LincolnMay 12 ..................................... OmahaMay 18 ......................................GeringMay 19 ......................................GeringMay 24 ....................................NorfolkMay 25 ....................................KearneyJune 8 ....................................... LincolnJune 9 ....................................... OmahaJune 15 ..........................North PlatteJune 16 .................................... LincolnJune 22 .................................... LincolnJune 23 .......................... Grand IslandJune 29 .................................... Omaha

Events on NSEA-Retired Calendarare Approaching Quickly

Two most important dates are fast approaching – one fo-cused on important business, the other on pleasure and relax-ation. Members should consider attending both!

First, and most impor-tant, is the NSEA-Retired Lobby Day, set for Tues-day, Feb. 15. The Nebraska Legislature is in full swing, and there are scores of is-sues facing state senators, most important of which is the state revenue deficit. Some reports indicate that state senators will consider cuts to state aid of as much as $140 million, which would translate into the loss of as many as 2,500 teach-ing jobs statewide, and the certain increase in property taxes at the local level as school districts try to make up for the loss.

The Lobby Day will include a luncheon at the Governor’s Mansion, just south of the State Capitol.

On April 13-14 in Oma-ha, the NSEA-Retired An-nual Meeting and Spring Conference will be held at the Metropolitan Community College’s Culinary Arts Institute. The event will include a business meeting, speakers and break-out sessions that will be certain audience-pleasers.

Members should register for both events in advance. The deadline for registration for Lobby Day and to attend the lun-cheon at the Governor’s Mansion is Friday, Feb. 11.

The registration deadline for the Annual Meeting and Spring Conference is Friday, April 8.

In both cases, registration can be completed by calling NSEA’s Rebecca Smith at 1-800-742-0047, or by completing the form on the NSEA-Retired website at:

Local Association ContactsEach year in this space, we review and update the list of lo-

cal retired association leadership. Here is the final installment for the 2010-11 Association year:

Bellevue Education Association-RetiredThis local has two presidents! Mary Kay Gibson and Dar-

lene Allen are serving as co-presidents. Other leaders are Herb Barelman, vice president; Barb Vaughn, secretary; and Mike

Purdy, treasurer. Plans indicate a busy educational and chari-table year: a food drive for the Bellevue Pantry; identity theft and consumer fraud; family and student empowerment; Juve-nile Detention Education Program K-12; storm chasing; and Henry Doorly Zoo expansion; among others.

Reach Gibson at 402-292-3748 and Allen at 402-293-1660, or e-mail at:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Central PanhandleSandy Harrach is presi-

dent; Jeanie Williams is vice president; and Janet Gardner is secretary-trea-surer. This group meets the third Monday of each month. Members con-centrate on recruitment, community involvement, hobbies and educational programs such as the Vet-erans’ Upward Bound and VALTS—Alternative High School. Their concerns are maintenance of retirement and pro-public education political activity. Call San-dy for details at 1-308-635-3048, or e-mail her at:sharrach@embarqmail.


Panhandle Education Association-RetiredJadie Giorgis is president, and Joan Dietz is vice president.

Other officers are Earladean Walker, secretary, and Gordon and Shirley Whartman, treasurers. Retirement benefits and provid-ing retirement planning information to the younger, still-active NSEA members are the members’ chief concerns. Call Giorgis for details at 1-308-235-4453, or e-mail her at:

[email protected]

Millard Education Association-RetiredJim Rames is the president; Sid Rames is the vice president;

and Pat Brinkman is the secretary-treasurer.A full schedule includes a monthly business meeting; lunch

on a cruise; an Ashland art/craft exploration; bowling; an Oma-ha Press Club holiday party; a visit to Joslyn Art Museum; golf; attendance at the NSEA-Retired Lobby Day on Tuesday, Feb. 15; NSEA-Retired’s Spring Conference on April 13-14; and the annual luncheon for new retirees. For details, call Jim Ra-mes at 1-402-895-2484, or e-mail him at:

[email protected]— Tom Black, Editor

[email protected]

NSEA-Retired Corner

Two Very Important Dates

He’s warm and fuzzy: NSEA-Retired President Roger Rea is bundled up in the latest quilt created by Lincoln member Lorene Behrends – and the quilt could be yours! NSEA-Retired is giving the quilt away in a raffle to benefit the NSEA Children’s Fund. Tickets are $1 each, or six for $5, and are being sold at NSEA and NSEA-Retired events. Past raffles have raised more than $1,000 for the Children’s Fund. The drawing will be held this summer.

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Page 23: The Voice February 2011

February 2011 n The NSEA Voice n Page 23

Stuff You Should KnowRetiring?

Attend An NPERS Seminar Soon

Are you among the scores of Nebraska teachers considering retirement this year? If so, you’ll want to be in attendance at one of the more than two dozen pre-retirement seminars scheduled this spring by the Ne-braska Public Employees Retirement System (NPERS) office.

For those anticipating retirement, NPERS mails out enrollment brochures to all eligible members four weeks prior to the seminar.

Under state law, each eligible school plan employee may receive leave, with pay, to at-tend up to two retirement planning pro-grams. That leave, according to state statute, “…shall mean a day off paid by the employer and shall not mean vacation, sick, personal, or compensatory time.”

Retirement plan members may attend a seminar more than twice, but any leave be-yond the two days will be at the member’s expense and at the employer’s discretion.

Below is a list of dates and sites for the seminars. For more details on seminars in your area, call the NPERS Education Services Department at 471-2053, in Lincoln, or toll-free at 1-800-245-5712 from elsewhere in the state. You may also find more information on the website at:

March 1 ................................... LincolnMarch 3 ................................... OmahaMarch 4 ................................... OmahaMarch 9 ......................... Grand IslandMarch 10 ................................KearneyMarch 17 ................................. LincolnMarch 18 ................................. LincolnMarch 23 ................South Sioux CityMarch 24 ................................NorfolkMarch 31 .......................North PlatteApril 6 ........................... Grand IslandApril 7 ....................................KearneyApril 13 ................................... LincolnApril 14 ................................... OmahaApril 21 ..............................ColumbusMay 4 ....................................ValentineMay 5 ......................................NorfolkMay 11 ..................................... LincolnMay 12 ..................................... OmahaMay 18 ......................................GeringMay 19 ......................................GeringMay 24 ....................................NorfolkMay 25 ....................................KearneyJune 8 ....................................... LincolnJune 9 ....................................... OmahaJune 15 ..........................North PlatteJune 16 .................................... LincolnJune 22 .................................... LincolnJune 23 .......................... Grand IslandJune 29 .................................... Omaha

Purdy, treasurer. Plans indicate a busy educational and chari-table year: a food drive for the Bellevue Pantry; identity theft and consumer fraud; family and student empowerment; Juve-nile Detention Education Program K-12; storm chasing; and Henry Doorly Zoo expansion; among others.

Reach Gibson at 402-292-3748 and Allen at 402-293-1660, or e-mail at:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Central PanhandleSandy Harrach is presi-

dent; Jeanie Williams is vice president; and Janet Gardner is secretary-trea-surer. This group meets the third Monday of each month. Members con-centrate on recruitment, community involvement, hobbies and educational programs such as the Vet-erans’ Upward Bound and VALTS—Alternative High School. Their concerns are maintenance of retirement and pro-public education political activity. Call San-dy for details at 1-308-635-3048, or e-mail her at:sharrach@embarqmail.


Panhandle Education Association-RetiredJadie Giorgis is president, and Joan Dietz is vice president.

Other officers are Earladean Walker, secretary, and Gordon and Shirley Whartman, treasurers. Retirement benefits and provid-ing retirement planning information to the younger, still-active NSEA members are the members’ chief concerns. Call Giorgis for details at 1-308-235-4453, or e-mail her at:

[email protected]

Millard Education Association-RetiredJim Rames is the president; Sid Rames is the vice president;

and Pat Brinkman is the secretary-treasurer.A full schedule includes a monthly business meeting; lunch

on a cruise; an Ashland art/craft exploration; bowling; an Oma-ha Press Club holiday party; a visit to Joslyn Art Museum; golf; attendance at the NSEA-Retired Lobby Day on Tuesday, Feb. 15; NSEA-Retired’s Spring Conference on April 13-14; and the annual luncheon for new retirees. For details, call Jim Ra-mes at 1-402-895-2484, or e-mail him at:

[email protected]— Tom Black, Editor

[email protected]

NSEA-Retired Corner

Two Very Important Dates Sandhills District’s BrownRemembered as a Leader

Long-time NSEA member Kevin Brown, 55, of Burwell, died at his home on Jan. 15 after a battle with cancer.

Brown was a long-time member and officer of Loup County Education Association (LCEA). He served as an active NSEA Sandhills District Executive Committee member for 13 years and Sandhills District vice president for another two years.

Brown graduated from Burwell High School and the Univer-sity of Nebraska-Lincoln. He began his teaching career in 1977 at Stanton, where he taught English, Spanish and speech. In 1982, he was hired by the Loup County Public Schools in Taylor. He taught there for 28 years, and enjoyed the moments he spent with the students and staff.

He has been awarded the UNL College of Education and Human Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award in 2005 and John Thurber Distinguished Teacher Award in 2008. He was also honored with numerous district speech champion and runner-up awards during the years. He was heavily involved in the Loup county Historical Society, which allowed him to enjoy local history, researching and writing.

He is survived by his mother, Maxine, of Burwell; a sister; and nieces and nephews. Memorials are suggested to St. John’s Lutheran Church or the Loup County Historical Society.


The Five Websites Your KidsWon’t Tell You About

From Parents today must be aware of the latest Internet trends among teens. Some of the most popular sites can be potentially dangerous to children and teenagers. Parents should do their best to create an open dialogue with their child about Internet safety, and add these sites to their “watch list.”

1. Formspring: This is a social networking site in which users can anony-mously post comments about other people. In essence, it’s an open invitation for insults and gossip. Formspring is a breeding ground for cyberbullying, and has been linked to at least three teen deaths this year.

2. Chat Roulette: This is a social networking site in which users are randomly matched with strangers around the world to engage in webcam-based conversa-tions. A March 2010 survey by RJMetrics, revealed that 13 percent of its users are either nude or appear to be engaging in a lewd act. Parents should be aware of a similar, popular site called Omegle.

3. Stickam: Stickam is a site that features live-streaming video, audio, images and video chat. With more than four million members and content from networks like MTV, G4 and CBS, the site seems reputable. However, kids can easily access inappropriate content, and sexual predators abound. The New York Times has reported three predator arrests linked to the site.

4. 4chan: This digital bulletin board lets users anonymously post comments and share images. The site made headlines in 2008, when a member allegedly hacked into then-Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s email ac-count. 4chan’s members also organized an “attack” against YouTube by posting hundreds of sexually explicit videos in a short period of time.

5. Foursquare: This is a location-based game in which users identify where they’re located in return for virtual badges like “Mayor” and “Super Mayor.” Foursquare (and a similar site called Gowalla) are apps that are primarily accessed via cell phones. Your kids could be revealing their actual location to strangers. You can set up restrictions to disable your child’s cell phones from downloading any apps like this one.

For more details, check this

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Page 24 n The NSEA Voice n February 2011

Mailed By: The Nebraska State Education Association Suite 200, 605 S. 14th St., Lincoln, NE 68508-2742

Family of Teachers

All in the family: The Bailey family is a true family of teachers!From left are Steve Fusco, who has taught at Centura, Howells, Johnson-

Brock and has been at Dorchester for the past five years; Dani Bailey Fusco, who taught at Prague, Fremont and has been at Lincoln’s Pound Middle School for seven years; Chad Bailey, who has taught at Holbrook, Arapahoe, Bertrand and has been at Holdrege for 15 years; and Ken Bailey, who has taught at Wallace, Blue Hill, Elmwood and for 21 years at Benedict.

If you have a family of teachers, snap a photo and send it to: Family of Teachers, c/o NSEA, 605 S. 14th St., Lincoln, NE, 68508-2742.

Back to School, Back to WorkFrom Julie Wlliams, a high school teacher in Fort Wayne, IN:

“My high school students often comment that they don’t bring basic supplies on the first day of school because the teacher reads the rules, and they do nothing in class. To avoid this basic, boring routine, I give an activity to all students as they enter the classroom. I ask that they print their name at the top and begin working on the activity right away. When the bell rings, I take roll by walking up and down the aisles marking present students, while the students con-tinue to work. Walking around gives me a chance to see that ‘Peter’ wants to be called ‘Pete’ and so on without boring all the students by verbally calling roll and wasting time. It

also picks up any misplaced students with a schedule error without embarrassment.

“As for the rules, most students in high school know the basics, but I address my specific rules as they are needed. When an announcement comes on, I ‘stop, look and listen’

to the announcement and then address that rule with the students. When a student is tardy, I address the tardy rules for my class at that time. When a student asks to use the restroom, I discuss those rules at that time. The rules are laid out, and students are pay-ing attention to the rules instead of hearing

me say ‘blah, blah, and blah.’ It’s very effective, and sets precedence on the first day that they should be working.””

Sign up for Works4Me at this link:

Speakingof Teaching

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”

— Cicero (106-43 B.C.)

RecognizeGood Work!Nominate Colleagues

for NSEA Awards!The deadline is near: Friday, Feb. 4

is the last day that nominations will be accepted for the awards presented at NSEA’s Delegate Assembly.

The awards recognize first-year teachers; veteran teachers; education support professionals such as parapro-fessionals, custodians or school secre-taries; community service; local asso-ciations; local news outlets; and more. The awards will be given at NSEA’s 150th Delegate Assembly at the LaVista Embassy Suites Hotel on April 15-16.

These awards carry cash prizes, and nominees must be NSEA members: NSEA Rookie of the Year; Award for Teaching Excellence; and Education Support Professional of the Year.

Nominees must also be NSEA mem-bers for these awards, which do not car-ry cash prizes: Community Service; and Local Public Relations.

Several media awards are also avail-able to local news outlets.

Nomination forms and instructions are found at the ‘Call for Nominations’ link on NSEA’s website at:

www.nsea.orgFor details, contact the NSEA at


##February 2011.indd 24 1/31/2011 2:07:12 PM