the last song by: nicholas sparks

The Last Song By: Nicholas Sparks By: Casey Casagrande

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The Last Song By: Nicholas Sparks. By: Casey Casagrande. AUTHOR. He was born in Omaha, Nebraska on New Years Eve in 1965 . (Sparks ) His younger sister Dana died in 2000. The main character in A Walk To Remember was based on her . (Sparks ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Last Song By: Nicholas Sparks

The Last SongBy: Nicholas Sparks

By: Casey Casagrande

Page 2: The Last Song By: Nicholas Sparks

AUTHOR He was born in

Omaha, Nebraska on New Years Eve in 1965. (Sparks)

His younger sister Dana died in 2000. The main character in A Walk To Remember was based on her. (Sparks)

He graduated in 1984 as valedictorian from Bella Vista High School. (Sparks)

He has written 16 novels (Sparks)

7 of his books have become movies (Sparks)

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Veronica ‘Ronnie’ Miller She is the main characterShe is being forced into

spending the summer with her father

She hasn’t talked to her dad in 3 years

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Antagonist/Least favorite CharacterMarcusHe likes to juggle

with fire ballsHe is an arson He stalks RonnieWhenever he is

around you know something bad is going to happen

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Favorite Character

Will BlakeleeVolleyball playerRonnie and Will

start dating

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Plot SummaryExposition:Ronnie is living in

New York with her mother and brother when she is caught shoplifting.

She is sent to live with her dad for the summer in North Carolina

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Plot SummaryRising Action She doesn’t like her

dad but starts talking to him

Ronnie and Will start liking each other.

Her dad and Jonah are building a stain glass window for the church.

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Plot Summary

Climax:Her dad ends up

getting stomach cancer and only has a few months to live

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Falling Action:Ronnie decides that

it is best if she lives with her dad

Ronnie and her dad start to get along and she regrets not talking to him for 3 years

Plot Summary

Falling Action

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Resolution:Ronnie’s dad ends up

dyingShe moves back to New

York and goes to schoolWill decides to move to

New York and goes to collage there to be by Ronnie

Plot Summary

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Time Period/ PlaceCurrent time periodDuring the summer

Wilmington, North Carolina

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RatingI think this is a very

good book. I give it a 10/10. I found it very hard to put down. I would highly recommend.

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CancerCancer is the uncontrolled growth of

abnormal cells in the body. Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells.

The following symptoms can occur with most cancers:

Chills Fatigue Fever Loss of appetite Night sweats Weight loss

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CausesBenzene and other chemicals (National Cancer

Institute)Certain poisonous mushrooms and a type of poison that

can grow on peanut plants (National Cancer Institute)Certain viruses (Google Health)Radiation (Google Health)Sunlight (Google Health)Tobacco (Google Health)

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Best Way to Not Get Cancernot smoke or chew tobacco. (Google Health)

cancers can be prevented by avoiding risk factors such as excessive exposure to sunlight and heavy drinking. (Google Health)

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Cancer Facts1500 people die each day in the U.S (Global Healing Center) 3,400 people are diagnosed each day 1 out of 4 Americans (Global

Healing Center) In 2008, 565,650 died from cancer (Global Healing Center)Since 1950, cancer cases have increased by 44 % (Global Healing

Center) In 1994, 1.2 million new cancer cases were added (Global Healing

Center)75 % of cancer cases happen to people over 55 (Global Healing

Center)During the 1990s, nearly 2 million women will have been diagnosed

with breast cancer and 460,000 will have died (Global Healing Center)

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67,000 women died from Lung and Bronchus cancer in 2001 (Mortality Charts)

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ProblemsInsurance companies will

stop covering you (American Cancer Society)

You can lose your job (American Cancer Society)

You lose your hair from the chemotherapy (American Cancer Society)

Fatigue (tiredness) (American Cancer Society)

Nausea and Vomiting (American Cancer Society)

Pain (American Cancer Society)

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Work CitedAmerican Cancer Society. 28 January 2009. 26 February 2010


Global Healing Center. February 27 1997. 15 February 2010 <>.

Google Health. 18 February 2010 <>.

Mortality Charts. 25 February 2010 <>.

National Cancer Institue. 04 10 2004. 19 February 2010 <>.

Sparks, Nicholas. Nicholas Sparks Official Website. 20 February 2010 <>.