the birth of christ (sequel): why was john the baptist conceived and then executed?

1 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST (Sequel): Why was John the Baptist Conceived and then Executed? William John Meegan ABSTRACT ccording to the mythoi of the New Testament and Christianity’s traditional mythological histories and storylines, Christ was born on December 25 th 7BC and John the Baptist was born six months earlier on June 24 th 7BC. Those that are attentive as to what the scriptural texts are conveying will backtrack, calendar-wise, to both of their conception dates October 1 st 8BC (John the Baptist) and April 1 st 7BC (Jesus Christ) and forward to their circumcision dates July 1 st 7BC (John the Baptist) and January 1 st 6BC (Jesus Christ). Such a contemplative meditational analysis will reveal numerous nuances concerning Jesus Christ’s and John the Baptism’s mythoi that would not have been so readily available to consciousness if this kind of contemplative active meditational thought was not put into play. Then the initiate will have to go further into his or her contemplative meditational analysis by questioning why John the Baptist was conceived and birthed at all if Jesus Christ was the main focus of the New Testament mythoi. This paper is a sequel to a previous paper: THE BIRTH OF CHRIST 1 and it will augment it by answering those contemplative meditational questions. Something psychically significant had to take place prior to the conception of John the Baptist in order to instigate the Dawn of Christianity. 1 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST: A

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THE BIRTH OF CHRIST (Sequel): Why was John the Baptist

Conceived and then Executed?

William John Meegan


ccording to the mythoi of the New Testament and Christianity’s traditional mythological histories and storylines, Christ was born on December 25th 7BC and John the Baptist was born six months earlier on June 24th 7BC. Those that are attentive as to what the scriptural texts are conveying

will backtrack, calendar-wise, to both of their conception dates October 1st 8BC (John the Baptist) and April 1st 7BC (Jesus Christ) and forward to their circumcision dates July 1st 7BC (John the Baptist) and January 1st 6BC (Jesus Christ). Such a contemplative meditational analysis will reveal numerous nuances concerning Jesus Christ’s and John the Baptism’s mythoi that would not have been so readily available to consciousness if this kind of contemplative active meditational thought was not put into play. Then the initiate will have to go further into his or her contemplative meditational analysis by questioning why John the Baptist was conceived and birthed at all if Jesus Christ was the main focus of the New Testament mythoi. This paper is a sequel to a previous paper: THE BIRTH OF CHRIST1 and it will augment it by answering those contemplative meditational questions. Something psychically significant had to take place prior to the conception of John the Baptist in order to instigate the Dawn of Christianity.





he mythoi of John the Baptist’s and Jesus Christ’s conception, birth and circumcision dates can only truly be envisaged from out of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures via the individual knowing the art of iconography. Every single Hebraic and Greek letter and word of the sacred scriptures is

saturated with symbolic meaning; thus, the texts must be read and understood from that perspective. The Judaeo Christian Scriptures are all about the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche, which are ethereally

written into the texts via iconography (symbolism). The sacred scriptures have absolutely nothing to do with the Jewish and/or Christian historical timelines; though, that is what the surface texts of the sacred scriptures convey iconoclastically (non-symbolic). The average member of the laity in Judaism, Christianity and Islam does not know this; for the reason that, they are not educated in modern times to this dual paradigmatic process (iconoclastic and iconography) of reading the sacred scriptures in sync with one another. In fact humanity on the whole does not know that this manner of reading the sacred scriptures of the world exists. How can an individual do something he or she does not even know exist? The reason that the sacred scriptures are written in this dual paradigmatic format is; because, the WORD OF GOD cannot be expressed in human parlance, which makes it impossible to record it explicitly into the archives of the world.

The surface textual Hebraic and Greek words of the sacred scriptures that have vowel points mythologically discusses the spiritual beginnings of Judaism and Christianity; whereas, the Hebraic and Greek letters that make up the written concretized words of the sacred scriptures are symbolically defined and alphanumerically (letter and number) structured. The alphanumeric structure of the scriptural letters without vowel points exudes the invisible texts of sacred geometry that the laity knows nothing about, which conveys an entirely different narrative than the surface texts.

One of the main reasons that the Hebraic and Greek words are structured with vowel points and/or without vowel points is; for the reason that, vowel points concretizes words into one-word formats (definitions); whereas, letters without vowel points can be used to cull out and envisage new interpretations of the fixed words and invisible numerics. Both the iconoclastic and iconographic texts complement each other.

The scriptural words with vowel points are symbolic of ‘the Earth being separated from the heavens (Gen. 1:1)’ and the letters without vowel points are symbolic of ‘the Earth being without form and void (Gen. 1:2)’. This is analogous to anything coming into the material world dissipating back into the ethers. Judaism has a tradition that the Torah is heaven.

Think of the Hebraic and/or Greek letters as the waters of creation similar to the sands of the desert. The words on the surface texts symbolize Christ walking on the waters. This would be similar to Egypt’s Sphinx’s body buried beneath the sands of the deserts. The only way to see the body of the Sphinx is to remove the sands of the deserts from around it. The sands of the desert are always blowing back in around the body of the Sphinx. The sacred geometry codified to the Hebraic and/or Greek letters and words in the Judaeo Christian Scriptures are revealed via this selfsame manner.

The sacred geometry in the sacred scriptures is the skeletal structure of the texts and the wording of the sacred texts is the body of Christ and this is explicitly made clear in the first chapter of Genesis via sacred geometry.

The sacred scripture literally educates the sincere iconographic initiate, symbolically a Christian, as to how to read the bible via the dynamics of is sacred geometry. Iconoclastic readers, symbolically Jews, cannot conceptually envisage this alchemical mystical way of intuiting the WORD OF GOD. Yes, the sacred scriptures are all about the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche; however, the sacred scriptures symbolize ego-consciousness (vowel points) and the unconscious mind (without vowel points). John the Baptist symbolizes the Jew entering the waters of creation and then rising up out of those waters as Christ. Sinking beneath the waters to be baptized is analogous to genuflecting (deflating ego-consciousness) before God. This paper is all about analyzing the sacred scriptures’ sacred geometry that will reveal what secretly took place before the conception of John the Baptist.




n order to discuss the Conception, Births and Circumcision dates of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ I will first have to discuss the development of the Solar and Zodiac calendar years.

It would be exceedingly difficult for modernity to negate the existence of Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar mythoi’s role in the development of the Dawn of Christianity; for the reason that, there is so much literature that tell modernity of their mythological existence. I love telling the story of Archie Bunker and how he met Sammy Davis Junior in one his television episodes: ALL IN THE FAMILY; therefore, Archie Bunker according to that inane logic must have been a real person; because, we know that Sammy David Junior was a real person and we can point out the location of his grave; though, we cannot find Archie Bunker’s grave. Then there is the enigma of Sherlock Holmes. We know where his apartment is in London; therefore, he must have been a real person and the same logic goes for Dante Alighieri existence; because, we know where his home was in Florence. Outside of Sammy Davis Junior none of these mythological characters lived as human beings and their mythoi solidifies that evidence. I, personally, see all of history, bar none, as being a mythological storyline and even recent events can be also envisaged as mythoi; because, Freemasonry is continuously transubstantiating American histories into biblical lore; thus, one should not take history as literal historical activities of human beings. Maybe those people in history actually lived; but, their lives are being mythologized. Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar are brought to the fore; for the reason that, they developed and amalgamated the Zodiac/Calendar Year; but, where did they obtain that information? There is no doubt in my mind that the Zodiac/Calendar year’s data was obtained via the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH

יתראשב , which is extrapolated out to the GENESIS FORMULA, which is derived directly from the MATRIX OF WISDOM. Now I am well aware that most of this sacred geometry derived from the MATRIX OF WISDOM and the Bible is not generally known modern scholars. I was able to intuitively piecemeal all of this sacred geometry together over four decades of researching the bible.

The precision symbolism and numerics of ASTROLOGY has nothing to do with fortune telling per se; though, Astrology is the mathematical science of the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche and this science can foresee sequence of events that will generically unfold in TIME. This astrological science can profile a person’s generic character. This latter is analogous to the educative (paideumatic) influences2 in the earth. Outside of my own writings about Joseph Campbell’s discussing these educative (paideumatic) influences in the earth it is not found, that I can locate, anywhere on the Internet. The lost of such knowledge takes a great deal out of human contemplative meditational thought on why life exists in the world. These educative (paideumatic) influences is a magic in the earth illustrating definitively why there is such seeming diversity in the world on small and large scales; though, it is all systemically the same. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the Star of David are in the MATRIX OF WISDOM. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is known all over the world and it is the original source material for writing the WORD OF GOD into the sacred scriptures of the world. The first word of Genesis: BERESHITH יתראשב extrapolate out to ten letters developing the GENESIS FORMULA, which when placed into a circle contains minuscule images of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the Star of David; additionally, these same images are found in the main body of the texts of the first chapter of Genesis in larger images via sacred geometry and it is because these latter images can be validated as having come from the MATRIX OF WISDOM that I am confident of my interpretations of the texts coming forth from that matrix.

The Genesis Formula shows how these minuscule images of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the Star of David prefigure the larger images in the first chapter of Genesis. The minuscule images in the MATRIX OF WISDOM prefigure those found in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH יתראשב via the Genesis Formula that are mirror-imaged esoterically in the larger body of texts in the first chapter of Genesis. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD’S: i.e. Soul: i.e. Christ.

2 Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol. II: The Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 1: The Sacrifice (pg. 19), by Joseph Campbell




The Star of David that exudes out of the Genesis Formula’s twelve part image is the same Zodiac/Calendar that Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar amalgamated into a dual paradigmatic calendar3, which exudes the Star of David. The only way Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar4 could have envisaged that unique mystical information about the Star of David was for them to have known of the dual nature of the spiritual paradigm that was alchemically mystically inherently structured into the MATRIX OF WISDOM: i.e. the Soul’s Two Part Psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind.

In the image above depicting the Caesarian Calendar I have highlighted in red the six months that Augustus Caesar changed to amalgamate both his and Julius Caesar’s calendar. The first word of Genesis: BERESHITH יתראשב can be interpreted a number of ways and one of them is “separated six”, which is why Augustus Caesar changed six out of the twelve months. Notice how Julius Caesar’s calendar is patterned after a skip pattern sequence of 31-days and then 30-days circumnavigating the Calendar Year in that skip pattern sequence.

Where would Julius Caesar have obtained that skip pattern sequence information that eventually Augustus Caesar would morph into the Star of David, if it was not from the MATRIX OF WISDOM: i.e. the Genesis Formula? How else would Augustus Caesar have known what particular months of the calendar year would have to contain only 30-days, which inaugurates the sacred geometry of the Star of David? The four months with 30-days: Astrological signs 1, 3, 6 and 8 coalesce into a butterfly pattern and the other eight months can only produce two exact butterfly patterns only one way in order for all three butterfly patterns to coalesce into the image of the Star of David that spiritually exist inherently in the center of the entire Zodiacal/Calendar cycle. For example the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel has the Zodiac/Calendar years patterned to it via the five Sibyl Oracles and seven Old Testament Prophets that ethereally creating the Star of David that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

These numerics 1, 3, 6 and 8 are put into mythoi that relate solely to Christ: 31.68 North Latitude is where Bethlehem of Judaea is located and 3168 symbolizes the Gematria value of the phrase “Lord Jesus Christ”. I found it interesting that the two families of Abraham Gematria values totaled to 1863 symbolizing their going from a ‘contentious (Sarai: contentious) relationship’ to a “peaceful (Sarah: Princess) relationship”. The year 1863 is the year that Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves. Chartres Cathedral finally completed its overall architectural structure

3 THE 365 DAYS: The Story of our Calendar, by Keith Gordon Irwin 4 Of course I fully understand that Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar per se did not develop the mythoi of the calendar year, their Astrologers did; however, those that are in power historically gets credit for authorizing it.


in 1836 after 816-years (which is a transposition of the Golden Means: 0.618) when architects replaced the wooden roof for a metal roof symbolizing the Crown of Creation. There are of course many other nuances that goes along with the narratives of these morsels and scraps of esoteric information codified into the mythoi of the sacred scriptures that the average member of the laity knows absolutely nothing about.

Notice that the green butterfly pattern that symbolizes CHRIST does not touch; but, rather crosses over the East-West-Corridor-of-TIME: i.e. Capricorn/January-Aquarius/February ruled by Saturn/Cronus: Father of TIME moves along the East-West-Corridor-of-TIME to Cancer/July ruled by the Moon: unconscious mind and Leo/August ruled by the Sun: ego-consciousness. I deliberately colored coded the Julius Caesar’s dates as sky blue to symbolize the unconscious mind and Augustus Caesar’s dates red to symbolize ego-consciousness to coincide with what each of them symbolize via their butterfly patterns. This is why July was named after Julius Caesar and why August was named after Augustus Caesar. Jesus Christ not touching the East-West-Corridor-of-TIME is why he is not physically seen in the world; though, Christ’s mythoi are mystically present. Christ is like his father(s): alleged father Saturn/Cronus the Father of Time and his spiritual father: i.e. the spiritual forces of creation: i.e. UNKNOWN GOD.

The Astrology: Cerebral Lobes image alongside the Caesarean (Julian) Calendar image illustrates the difference between the material and spiritual calendars. Keith Gordon Irwin’s Caesarean (Julian) Calendar is precisely as I outlined it except for my additions of the Star of David and the Augustus Caesar’s changes, which I highlighted in red. I included these additions in order to emphasize the East-West-Corridor-of-TIME which begins with January/Capricorn and Aquarius/February and goes down to Cancer/July and Leo/August: Frontal Lobes: unconscious mind and ego-consciousness respectively.

In the Astrology: Cerebral Lobes images in can be envisaged that these four signs/months: Capricorn/January, Aquarius/February, Cancer/July and Leo/August are also highlighted in red. The four signs/months on the right side of the Head/Skull: Piscis/March, Aries/April, Taurus/May and Gemini/June highlighted in sky-blue symbolize the right parietal and temporal lobes who’s psychically transubstantiates over to the left parietal and temporal lobes to become through the occipital lobes: entrance way to the East-West-Corridor-of-TIME, which is symbolized by the Hebraic letter QOPH, which symbolizes the Golden Means: i.e. Father of Time, which completes the spelling of the word CHRIST krst in Greek using Hebrew letters: QOPH, RESH, SHIN, TAV קרשת. Notice that all twelve signs/months pivot on the center of the cycle. The center of the Head/Skull is the pineal gland, which is the Vesica Piscis. All knowledge creating the outer world for the individual comes through the pineal gland that symbolizes Christ consciousness. That is why it cannot be seen; for the reason that, its knowledge is inexplicable and cannot be conveyed explicably in human parlance.

The four signs/months Piscis/March, Aries/April, Taurus/May and Gemini/June symbolize the EXISTENTIAL in the outer world and this is why they structure psychically and conceptually in every book in the Old and New Testaments. These four signs/months symbolize the LIGHT culled out of the DARKNESS; however, whatever is culled out of the DARKNESS has an infinitesimal existence: i.e. a nanosecond of time.

Mercury: i.e. Gemini/June and Virgo/September gives greater emphasis on the symbolism in the ARCHETYPAL Matriarchal knowledge that is laid out and narrated in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. This is why ego-consciousness: i.e. Gemini/June has to work in unanimity with the unconscious mind: i.e. Virgo/September. I wrote a paper on Saint Peter’s Basilica5 how it was scripturally designed and inspired via sacred geometry outlined in the first eleven chapters of Genesis.

The rest of Genesis’ 39-chapters symbolize the interrelationship between the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind symbolized and governed by Venus: Taurus/May (Bull): i.e. ego-consciousness and Libra/October (Scales of Libra): i.e. unconscious mind and Mars: Aries/April (Sacrificial Ram) and Scorpio/November (Scorpion: i.e. sting of death). Venus and Mars symbolize ego-consciousness battling the righteous consciousness of the unconscious mind, which

5 SAINT PETER’S BASILICA Architecturally Inspired and Designed Directly From the Sacred Scriptures


obtains its information from the north. These four Astrological signs: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius symbolizes the COSMIC.

The four Astrological signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Cancer and Leo symbolize the ARCHETYPAL. The sacred scriptures are literally designed and patterned after the Zodiac/Calendar year similar;

however, not exactly as illustrated in the image above showing the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Churches, temples, basilicas, cathedrals are built in the format of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which is the best human analysis of the Eternal Temple of God; thought, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a slanted version of Ezekiel’s Merkabah: i.e. the Vesica Piscis: Christ.

Jewish tradition has the Hebraic Coder designed into three categories: i.e. called three TORAHS. Archetypal (REVEALED – 1-9), Existential (COVERED 10-90) and Cosmic (HIDDEN – 100-900) and this unspoken paradigm extrapolate out to the manner that the MATRIX OF WISDOM advised the ancient sages as to how to write the sacred scriptures: The surface mythological storyline of the sacred scriptures is the ARCHEYPAL: ego-consciousness, the symbolism and numerics of the each and every letter: Hebrew and/or Greek is EXISTENTIAL: unconscious mind and the bringing together the Archetypal and the Existential: i.e. these two diametrically opposite themes creates Christ consciousness, which cannot be conveyed in human parlance and it is called COSMIC.

The entire Old Testament and the New Testament are governed by these eight signs color coded sky blue on the right side of the brain and red on the left side of the brain; however, mostly the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche’s tetrahedral forces via the Battle Royale between Venus (love: i.e. stubbornness of ego-consciousness against the mirror-imaging the ego-consciousness with the unconscious mind: i.e. what CG Jung called the Transcendent Function or Active Imagination) and Mars (sacrificial death like John the Baptist); for John the Baptist he has to get away from Transcendent Function or Active Imagination, which is a human way of interpreting the sacred scripture; however, to interpret the WORD OF GOD as outlined by Mercury in the first eleven chapters of Genesis John the Baptist had to genuflect: i.e. deflate ego-consciousness and accept Christ consciousness, which is symbolic of being beheaded. This genuflecting ritual is performed by every member of the Roman Catholic Church every time he or she enters a Roman Catholic Church.

The New Testament symbolizing Jupiter: i.e. Christ: Piscis/March (the coalescing of the Equinoxes Dates in Piscis/March and Virgo/September symbolizing the Scales of Justice) and Sagittarius/December (Birth of Christ: i.e. spiritual knowledge) coalescing with the best of human knowledge (John the Baptist) Gemini/June.

The New Testament is governed by the COSMIC: i.e. Jupiter: Christ consciousness: i.e. Piscis/March: i.e. ego-consciousness and Sagittarius/December: unconscious mind.

Julius Caesar began his calendar on January 1st 46BC and miraculously Augustus Caesar inaugurated his calendar thirty-eight (38) years later on January 1st 8BC. There is a great deal of information exuding out from the numerics of those years’ dates. Thirty-eight years represents one grand lunar cyclic year. Now I know that modernity tends to think that nineteen (19) years is one grand lunar cycle; but, that is; because, the religious and academia communities summarily dismisses the absents of a half-day: -0.56 from the first nineteen years and then chops off a half day: +0.57 from the second nineteen years. The calculations are so infinitesimal that the religious and academia communities believe their hubris supersede the symbolism that denotes the WORD OF GOD. It must be understood that those infinitesimal calculations were not dismissed by the ancients. And it is because of such hubris that modernity misses that symbolism that is in plain sight that would elucidate the WORD OF GOD if modernity only gives the WORD OF GOD a bit of attention.

For example the second day of creation has 38-words that have everything to do with this discussion. The number thirty-eight (38) dominates the narrative of the story of Abram/Abraham and his two families, which also illustrate the importance of the number thirty-eight (38) in symbolism. Sarah dies 38-years after Isaac is born and Abraham dies 38-years after Sarah dies, which is seventy-six years after

6 19 x 365.242199 = 6939.601781 – 0.5 = 6939.101781 / 6939.601781 = 0.999927949… 7 19 x 365.242199 = 6939.601781 + 0.5 = 6940.101781 / 6939.601781 = 1.000072050…


Isaac was born. Isn’t that just a bit too coincidental? Now back track to Abraham leaving Ur the land of his father. The majority of Jews, Christians and Islam does not do this kind of contemplative meditational thought on which the bible was spiritually structured.

The Julius Caesar and the Augustus Caesar calendars’ mythoi symbolism run parallel to the structure of the Old Testament (39-books), the Apocrypha (7-books) and the New Testament (27-books). Of course the New Testament is not present in the creation of the calendar; however, it is inferred. The years 46BC obviously points to the amalgamation of the Old Testament’s 39-books and the Apocrypha’s 7-books and the New Testament, on the other side of the BC divide: i.e. 27AD. It is a bit difficult to explain this; but, I will give it all I got.

The Apocrypha is not considered canonical and that is an important issue to remember seeing the Roman Catholic Church; nonetheless, includes the Apocrypha in their bible of 73-books.

Now consider the calendar year in relationship to the dawn of the AD epoch and the demise of the BC epoch. That leaves eight years after Augustus Caesar instituted his new calendar. Now look at the Old Testament via just thirty-eight (38) books. What is the 39th book of the Old Testament: i.e. Malachi symbolically all about? Malachi is all about Elijah, who Jesus Christ said was John, the Baptist. Malachi symbolizes 8BC; because, October 1st 8BC John the Baptist is conceived: i.e. 8th sign of the Zodiac. What are the odds that John the Baptist would be conceived in the very year that Augustus Caesar instituted the calendar year that exuded the Star of David?

Now let’s do the mathematics on the Old and New Testaments’ chapters. Absent the four chapters of Malachi there are 925-chapters remaining in the Old Testament. The pivotal chapter of the entire bible: Old and New Testaments is Zachariah 14, which separates the Earth: i.e. New Testament from the Heavens: i.e. Old Testament. This has everything to do with the Hebraic letter/word RESH ראש that amalgamates with the Hebraic letter/word BETH בית to develop and structure the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH יתראשב .

The New Testament has 260-chapters plus the four chapters from Malachi totals to 264. The ratio between the two libraries of books: Old Testament and the New Testaments: 924 / 264 = 3.5 (3½): i.e. three and a half coiled Kundalini Serpent. Also both the numerics of 924 and 264 are divided evenly by two (2) and seven (7) via the number 132. The number 132 is the transposition of the number 213, which symbolizes the Hebraic letter/word RESH ראש broken down into their constituent letters’ and numerics’ lowest common denominators. I have already pointed out the number 132’s important in my previous writings.

I did not add the 7-books of the Apocrypha into these calculations; because, they have a mystical variance from the Protestant bible of 66-books to Catholicism 73-books that has everything to do with the alchemical mystical appearance of the Kundalini Serpent: i.e. Christ.

The numbers two (2) and seven (7) correspond to the Sun-sign Venus that governs Taurus (2) and Libra (7). It can be seen why John the Baptist is associated to these numerics seeing he is conceived in Libra: i.e. the seventh zodiacal sign: i.e. the month of October. Also the numbers two (2) and seven (7) are the transposition of the number 207, which is the Gematria value of LIGHT mentioned in day one and the fourth day of creation. This LIGHT is symbolized by the first four days of creation; for the reason that, they collectively contain 207-words. It is important to note this; for the reason that, Jesus Christ is conceived on April 1st 7BC, which is, for all intent and purpose, the completion of the diameter of the circle from the conception date of John the Baptist.



When the first chapter of Genesis is analyzed the word ELOHYM’S Hebraic letters collectively have the Gematria value of PI: 3.1415, which is the diameter of a circle. Day one of creation has 31-words and there are 31-verses in the first chapter of Genesis. The number thirty-one (31) is the cube of PI: 3.1415.

There are 434-words in the first chapters of Genesis, which symbolizes the fourth (4) Hebraic letter DALETH ד, which symbolizes the DOOR, which also represents the Waters of Life and Jesus Christ said, in the New Testament, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture (John 10:9).”. and “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life (John 4:4).”

When the 32-ELOHYMS outlined, in the first chapter of Genesis, are analyzed it is envisaged that they structure the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. When each of the 32-Elohyms are classified by the Kabbalistic Tree of Life’s four categories they collectively are envisage, in the section symbolizing the LIGHT, that the Sefirahs: 48, Double letters: 48, Elemental letters: 48 and the Mother letters: 24 calculates out to the three and a half (3½) coiled Kundalini Serpent. The sixteen (16) Elohyms that symbolizes representing the LIGHT calculates out to 168: hours in a seven (7) day week.

The other sixteen (16) Elohyms representing the DARKNESS has an aggregate of three-hundred and sixty (360) symbolizing a circle. The aggregate of the thirty-two (32) Elohyms is five-hundred and twenty-eight (528); thus, 168 is the diameter of said circle. This calculation alone show how esoterically and scientifically precise the bible is on a mathematical level.

I have included the image I envisaged (interpreted) in the Sistine Chapel to illustrate how slanted the human perspective can transmogrify into. This image of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; though, it is correct is still a slanted perspective then the truly false perspective the Roman Catholic Church displays the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. The Roman Catholic Church was not wrong in doing that; because, they were providing the concise manner in which humanity justifies its intelligence. In fact it goes beyond my interpretive diagram because the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a slanted version of Ezekiel’s Merkabah (chariot), which is fully displayed via the 32-popes (now only 28-popes) that circumambulate the Sistine Chapel midway between the mosaic in the floor and the frescoed ceiling.

Those that look into the Sistine Chapel will have to note directional positions the four walls are located in. The original entrance is the East Wall not the Altar (West) Wall as seen in modern times. This is why Capricorn/January symbolizing Cronus/Saturn: Father of Time is just above the entrance door. The Sistine Chapel is structured into the dimensions of Solomon’s Temple; however, via contemplative meditational study will transmogrify those dimensions into a gazebo like structure: Christian Temple. This becomes all too obvious once it is realized that the ceiling symbolizes the Zodiac Calendar Year. If the Sistine Chapel is round why is it structured in a rectangular format? This is conceptually what I mean when I am trying to convey the concept of what a slanted perspective is. Humanity individually and collectively may think they are right; but, they are always wrong no matter how much they argue that they are right. Even I know I am not seeing the whole picture. It is a never-ending quest to understand one’s own psyche and the moment that one think he or she knows it all is why he or she fails and like Satan: ego-consciousness will fall to the depths of DARKNESS.

Now do a comparative analysis of this mystical alchemical data from out of the first chapter of Genesis with the New Testament data representing the twelve month cyclic year that John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were conceived in. It would be impossible to deny that the two scriptural narratives are symbolically the same.

Now consider what the mythoi of the Magi (astrologers) told King Herod about the two year period they were following the star. Is it not a bit too coincidental that Christ is circumcised exactly to the date: January 1st 6BC, two years after Augustus Caesar instituted his calendar into the world? Is it not amazingly coincidental that the mythoi of the Magi’s two year journey following the star coincides with the mythoi of Augustus Caesar releasing, into the world, his newly formed calendar? The period of time from the institution of the calendar year and the conception of John the Baptist is nine (9) months; however, from John’s conception to the circumcision date of Jesus Christ is fifteen (15) months, which is


the span of the numerical quotient of just one horizontal column or one verticals row or one diagonal outlining the eight directions of the Kamea of Saturn. Saturn/Cronus symbolizes the institution of TIME and this is why his mythoi symbolize the entrance way to the east-west-corridor-of-TIME.

When all of this material is consider the researcher has to question the validity of the AD and BC epochs; for the reason that, archaeology has a standing joke. If you find a coin with a BC date stamped on it you know it is a fraud. I just outlined many BC coins symbolized by the Roman and Christian mythological record. That is not all.

Look at the dawn of the Roman Empire, which is said to have began in the year 753BC. The nine (9) basic numerics, in the Kamea of Saturn, calculate out in all eight (8) directions to the same quotient: i.e. 15 collectively creating a perfect Magic Square. The central row (horizontal) of the Kamea of Saturn reads out reverse 3-5-7 or obverse 7-5-3, which denotes the lowest common denominators of the second multiplication tables 12 (3), 14 (15) and 16 (7) or seventh multiplication table 7 (7), 14 (5) and 21 (3). The second (2) multiplication tables goes from left (west) to right (east) and the seventh multiplication table (7) goes from right (east) to left (west) symbolizes EARTH that ultimately becomes the LIGHT. This is why the Hebraic Coder is written from right (east) to left (west); for the reason that, this MATRIX OF WISDOM mandates how the WORD OF GOD is written. All three rows of the horizontal read out to the second (reverse) and seventh (obverse) multiplication tables and the vertical columns all read out to the fourth (reverse) and fifth (obverse) multiplication tables: i.e. four (4) and five (5) symbolizes the WATERS: i.e. the DARKNESS of creation. This symbolizes that the EARTH, which was constellated in the Second Day of Creation that is inundated and surrounded by the WATERS, which symbolizes what is taking place psychically before the Third Day of Creation is narrated. In fact letter by letter the first two verses of Genesis narrate the first four days of creation before they are written.

The high-lighting parts of the EARTH in red and parts of the WATERS in sky blue is symbolic of how the spiritual forces of creation (FIRE: i.e. 1, 5, 9) comes down upon the EARTH: i.e. BETH ב via the WATERS OF LIFE: i.e. RESH ר creating an alchemical mystical cross, which structures the first word of genesis: BERESHITH יתראשב . Remember that the fourth day of creation points out that the two great luminaries placed in the firmament: i.e. Vesica Piscis gives LIGHT to the EARTH. Only the God/Man Christ can be in the center of the Vesica Piscis. This is why Saint John wrote the first words of the prologue of his gospel “In the beginning” in the manner he did; because, those words interpret and symbolize BERESHITH יתראשב and what that word is all about. Now it can be understood why 753BC symbolizes the dawn of the Roman Empire; however, that would make that date: i.e. 753BC a BC-coin.

The Kamea of Saturn: symbolically a gazebo is a mini-version of the MATRIX OF WISDOM: i.e. Soul’s Two Part Psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind that is symbolized via harmony and unanimity by the first nine (9) multiplication tables: i.e. casting out nines (9). The Kamea of Saturn symbolizes ego-consciousness; for the reason that, that is all it can haul out of DARKNESS at any given time in order to experience life. Notice that in the Kamea of Saturn only the odd numbers are high-lighted. The reason for this is; because, the even-numbers not high-lighted symbolizes the unconscious mind that surrounds the inflated and drowned ego: i.e. odd-numbers. This is symbolized in the first Hebraic letter of the bible called BETH ב that is inundated and surround by the esoterically COVERED Hebraic letter PEI פ, which symbolizes the Mouth of God: i.e. DARKNESS; for the reason that, the WORD OF GOD is silent: i.e. invisible. The Hebraic letter PEI פ symbolizes the whole of the first chapter of Genesis’ 434-words that inundates and surrounds the entire mystical message of God.


This is why the minuscule image that is the Kamea of Saturn is structured in the MATRIX OF WISDOM: the Soul’s Two Part Psyche via the numerics of threes (3) and sixes (6); for the reason that they are the messengers of God: i.e. Mercury. This minuscule image: i.e. Kamea of Saturn is diagrammatically inherent to the large MATRIX OF WISDOM via the numerics of the multiplication tables of threes (3 - obverse) and sixes (6 - reverse), which symbolizes AIR, which is why the WORD OF GOD is invisible in the texts of the sacred scriptures.

The nine (9) basic numerics, in the Kamea of Saturn, calculate out in all eight (8) directions to the same quotient: i.e. 15 collectively creating a perfect Magic Square. The central row (horizontal) of the Kamea of Saturn reads out reverse 3-5-7 or obverse 7-5-3, which denotes the lowest common denominators of the second multiplication tables 12 (3), 14 (15) and 16 (7) or seventh multiplication table 7 (7), 14 (5) and 21 (3). The second (2) multiplication tables goes from left (west) to right (east) and the seventh multiplication table (7) goes from right (east) to left (west) symbolizes EARTH that ultimately becomes the LIGHT. This is why the Hebraic Coder is written from right (east) to left (west); for the reason that, this MATRIX OF WISDOM mandates how the WORD OF GOD is written. All three rows of the horizontal read out to the second (reverse) and seventh (obverse) multiplication tables and the vertical columns all read out to the fourth (reverse) and fifth (obverse) multiplication tables: i.e. four (4) and five (5) symbolizes the WATERS: i.e. the DARKNESS of creation. This symbolizes that the EARTH, which was constellated in the Second Day of Creation is inundated and surrounded by the WATERS symbolizes what is taking place psychically before the Third Day of Creation is narrated.

Believe it or not the Kamea of Saturn is symbolic of the Holy of Holies in the Jewish Temple; however, the Holy of Holies is symbolic of the Christian Temple: i.e. gazebo. The Sistine Chapel being built in the rectangular dimensions of Solomon Temple is clearly illustrating that the Christian laity has to contemplatively meditate on the WORD OF GOD and transubstantiate their psyche into the Holy of Holies: Christ consciousness, which is a mere nanosecond of time; however, this Christ consciousness can stream out of the psyche like a river of spiritual waters.


n the next page is another image of the Zodiac Year symbolized by its relationship to the first four chapters of Genesis that illustrate the Conception, Birth and Circumcision dates of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Now ethereally these events cannot take place spiritually in the psyche

unless something inaugurated them into existence. Modernity understands from an iconoclastic perspective that these spiritual events took place historically over a long period of time when in actuality they take place in the psyche spiritually every nanosecond of time and continuously everlastingly takes place every other nanosecond when the initiate is gifted with Christ consciousness. Modernity would think this to be inconceivable. In this image of the Zodiac year six of the signs/months are colored brightly denoting the COSMIC, ARCHEYPAL and EXISTENTIAL that symbolizes the LIGHT. Behind those six bright signs/months symbolizing the LIGHT are another six signs/months symbolizing the DARKNESS that are colored lightly, which cannot be envisage for neither knows consciously of the other’s existence. This is one of the most inexplicable mysteries of human existence. The average human being knows nothing about his psyche. Ego-consciousness does not know that the unconscious mind exists. This ignorance of the nature of one’s own psyche extrapolates out to the average human being not knowing anything about that which surrounds him or her in the outer world.

When the initiate ego-consciousness learns of the unconscious mind and the two come together ethereally they invoke Christ consciousness. The unconscious mind uniting to mirror-image ego-consciousness or vice versa is in essence both of them consciously taking on the task of symbolizing and balancing out the Scales of Libra.



This is why Cain and Abel, in the fourth chapter of Genesis, came together in the field and balanced out their differences and then went off to build a city: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM. Adam and Eve ‘religiously’ envisage such a religious union as Cain murdering Abel.

Today in the twenty-first century if a member of Orthodox Judaism marries a Christian he or she is consider dead; though, they live, breath and sire children.

Muslims in modern time kill their own relatives if they leave Islam; because, they are seen by other Muslim as being better off dead rather than them leaving Allah. So this tradition of seeing people dead; though, they are alive goes back to the dawn of time.

When the six lightly colored signs/months symbolizing DARKNESS behind those bright signs/months that symbolize the LIGHT are considered it is seen that four of the months symbolizes the Fixed Quadruplicities: Taurus (2), Leo (5), Scorpio (8) and Aquarius (11). These four signs symbolize the LIGHT that previously went into manifested creation and then dissipated back into DARKNESS. These four signs/months symbolize the four gospels of the New Testament. These four signs/months symbolizes that every time something is learned out of the gospel or any part of the sacred scriptures it cannot be learned again; thus, new spiritual data has to be continuously culled out of the dissipating sacred scriptures.

The first four days of creation symbolizes the Triplicities: Earth, Air, Water and Fire, which collectively symbolizes the LIGHT culled out of the DARKNESS; however, it immediately dissipates into the ethers. Christianity has the four gospels symbolizing this LIGHT; yet, this is a FIXED document that needs to be spiritually interpreted, which makes it now DARKNESS; because, the knowledge it contains is not known by the reader. Those that wrote the gospels did so with the LIGHT coming out of them via the symbolism of one of the four Triplicities; however, the moment it became solidified: i.e. FIXED, as literary texts it again became DARKNESS, which new LIGHT can be culled from.

Another example of LIGHT culled from DARKNESS is seen when Christ is on the Cross talking to the two thieves. Both of the thieves were criminals; but, one was repentant and the other wasn’t; thus, Christ takes the repentant thief to heaven. This is analogous to the spiritual forces of creation taking the best parts of one’s raison d’etre (reason for living) and revitalizing the psyche with it. That is analogous to the first word of Genesis: i.e. BERESHITH יתראשב “in the beginning”. Christ dying on the Cross as narrated in the New Testament is a mythological narrative of the first word of Genesis. From modernity’s perspective these were actually historical events. It is extremely difficult for modern man to envisage the whole life and ministry of Christ as narrated in the New Testament as being a mere nanosecond of time if it was even that length of time.

Think of it this way. The crucifixion of Christ with the two thieves flanking him is analogous to his entire ministry where he takes the Good Jews and converts them to Christians and leaves the other Jews to themselves (like Freemasonry makes Good Men into Better Men). The crucifixion of Christ between the two thieves is a recapitulation: Grand Finale of his ministry. Realistically speaking, Christ’s ministry is over with before the crucifixion. The individual has to become a Good Jew before the crucifixion. The reader may think that that is obvious that Christ’s ministry is over with before the crucifixion; but, consider that the crucifixion takes place at the dawn of creation: i.e. first word of Genesis: BERESHITH

יתראשב . Another way of envisaging this symbolism is thinking about Christ symbolically as the Earth’s

Terminator, which continuously shines on half the Earth at any given time; whereas, it is never in the same location at any given time. The sunlight symbolizing LIGHT stays around for awhile and then it slowly dissipates back into DARKNESS and this is a continuous never-ending process. This of course does not mean those that have Christ consciousness will lose it only to try to regain it. This symbolism suggest that the individual gifted with Christ consciousness is continuously trying to learn more and more and more… about the WORD OF GOD: i.e. Christ.



The Zodiac/Calendar year is actually designed and structured graphically via sacred geometry into the first four chapters of Genesis and the Sistine Chapel literally depicted this design (see image above). The first six days of creation symbolize the first six months of the Solar Calendar Year; whereas, the first two verses of Genesis and the second, third and fourth chapters of Genesis symbolize the fourth to the ninth signs of the Zodiac Calendar Year. That symbolism alone infers the symbolism of the Earth’s Terminator. The whole universe is a symbolic projection and model of the Soul’s Two-Part psyche.

All this symbolism is there in the sacred texts in plain sight; but, most people do not give the WORD OF GOD the amount of credence and attention that would enable them to envisage it. The human psyche is too enamored by the outer world: i.e. the projection of itself then to give Christ consciousness any attention and/or consideration; for the reason that, Christ consciousness is experienced in the psyche not in the outer world.

The WORD OF GOD: i.e. Christ is invisibly HIDDEN between the REVEALED: ego-consciousness (Trivium: three grammatical arts: i.e. surface texts – symbolically the infinite hues of the rainbow: i.e. infinite concepts of thought) and the COVERED: unconscious mind (Quadrivium: four mathematical sciences: esoteric science). It is the REVEALED that dissipates into the ethers nanosecond by nanosecond just as the COVERED dissipated compatibly with the REVEALED. The reason for this is that every nanosecond of time the pineal gland: i.e. symbolically Christ adjudicates the psychic condition of the psyche and transubstantiates how the overall psyche can improve itself. This adjudication is then structured scientifically via a commentary into the MATRIX OF WISDOM’S: i.e. Two-Part Psyche, which the unconscious mind and ego-consciousness obtain instantaneously and simultaneously. The reason that most people do not pay attention to the advice of its own psyche is because every human being acquires a raison d’etre (reason for living), which is essentially an addiction and/or an obsession: i.e. biases, prejudices and preconceived notions: i.e. barriers against his or her psyche’s own advice. It is nigh unto an impossibility for the average person to escape the interment of his or her own psyche: i.e. imprisoning his or her own psyche into the tyranny of these conditions.

Think of how on a nightly basis the psyche dreams; however, the moment that the psyche awakens to the outer world it transubstantiates those dreams into colorful pictorial narrative. This is analogous to everything in the outer world aging including the human body; but, the psyche never ages.

The last two bright signs/months: are Piscis (12) and Virgo (6): i.e. Mutable Quadruplicities in the above image of the Zodiac/Calendar year outlined in the first chapter of Genesis, which line up to the two other Mutable Quadruplicities, which are lightly colored: i.e. Gemini (3) and Sagittarius (9).

When analyzing the MATRIX OF WISDOM it is easily envisaged that the Kamea of Saturn is inherent in its structure via the numerics of 3s, 6s and 9s. These 3s, 6s and 9s symbolize the Mutable Quadruplicities, which represents movement as in the sequence of TIME. Notice how the Cardinal Quadruplicities: 1, 4, 7 and 10: initiators symbolize the LIGHT and the Fixed Quadruplicities: 2, 5, 8 and 11: outer-world symbolizes the DARKNESS and the Mutable Quadruplicities: 3, 6, 9 and 12: movement via TIME and TIMELESSNESS symbolizing Christ consciousness.

In page four above in the image of Astrology’s Cerebral Lobes, which I have already discussed, it is easily seen how Astrology can be changed around to express the same concept from many different perspectives. The whole purpose of changing these sign(s)/month(s) around to express these different concepts is to illustrate that no particular sign(s)/month(s) can be indoctrinated into a firm concept and/or creed.

If the reader thinks about it, the MATRIX OF WISDOM has a finite numerical base: i.e. 1-9; nonetheless, those nine numerics express themselves from an infinite perspective. The MATRIX OF WISDOM’S columns and rows symbolize the lowest common denominators of the first nine multiplication tables. When each multiplication table is compared to the first multiplication table it can be envisaged that they mirror-image each other. In other words each multiplication table is symbolically a replication of the first multiplication table via different hieroglyphic (numeric) images; thus, it can be envisaged that all nine numbers symbolizes the number one: i.e. MONAD. From that perspective it can be seen why all of life psychically is eternally repetitive. This is why the sacred scriptures repetitively repeats itself.


It is from this MATRIX OF WISDOM that the entire bible was written; however, most people do not know about this matrix, which is commentary on their own Soul’s Two-Part Psyche. There are seven images of this matrix, which have to be understood in order to understand why the mythoi of John the Baptist has him conceived and then executed. A. This matrix is known all over the world by all religious secret hierarchies and all secret societies inner

hierarchies; however, the average member of the laity worldwide knows nothing about it. a. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche: ego-

consciousness and the unconscious mind. i. When the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche comes into the world this is the manner it is set up

in. It is not in sync with itself. ii. This would be considered an atheist or infidel; because, this psyche would have no

concept of religions whatsoever. These are the people that live within the boundaries of societal mores; however, they read the bible iconoclastically: i.e. non-symbolically.

1. Basically, these are people that symbolize the wild animals in the forest. b. I deliberately colored coded this matrix to symbolize the Sun signs of Astrology: 1 & 8

(Mars), 2 & 7 (Venus), 3 & 6 (Mercury) and 4 & 5 (Moon and Sun respectively). i. There is a great deal more symbolism to this when each color is isolated from the

others. Then Pythagorean mathematics comes forward: Dot, Line, Angle and Circle (Tetractys) and much more.

c. The sacred geometry that exudes from this matrix violates the known laws of physics. There should not be any inherent geometry in a randomly structured mathematical matrix.

B. This example of the matrix is a replication and recapitulation of image ‘A’. a. The numerics throughout the matrix, not including the border’s nines, are colored coded red:

ego-consciousness and sky blue: unconscious mind to symbolize the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche. b. Notice that the red numerics and the blue numerics are in reverse order to each other

symbolizing that they are diametrically oppose and opposite to each other. C. This matrix symbolizes the John the Baptist teaching his particular religion. This would be like John

the Baptist teaching a proselyte: i.e. an infant angel (himself); because, the proselyte’s Soul’s Two-Part Psyche (numerics) is aligned perfectly mirror-imaging each other like the Scales of Libra.

a. This would be the proselyte having undergone catechism prior to his or her baptism. i. This is basic religious knowledge in one’s cultural religion.

D. This matrix symbolizes John the Baptist baptizing new converts: i.e. himself from ‘C’. a. This matrix symbolizes the Temple of Solomon. This is the prison that John the Baptist

places himself in. b. The entrance into Solomon’s Temple via the East-West-Corridor-of-Time is John the Baptist

imprisoning himself in the Jewish religion mores symbolically going sideways or horizontal via following the status quo: the sun rising and setting daily.


i. Notice how every row is bordered by yellow barriers (horizontal). This symbolizes the human intellect: i.e. Common Sense: Reason and Logic trying to understand one’s own religion via its own interpretation via hubris; however, it is a total slanted perspective to spiritual reality.

c. Symbolically, every Jews is Baptizing him or herself continuously with his or her own hubris. d. Every Jew is symbolically a seriously religious person via being a member of the laity no

matter what religion he or she is in. e. John the Baptist’s judgment against King Herod is basically his religion’s tenets against

societal mores. This judgment, in and of itself by itself, was John the Baptist beheading himself: his genuflecting to God.

i. Most people that think they are religious will not defy the immorality and unethical behavior of the societal mores. To openly judge societal mores is to completely and honestly embed oneself into one’s religions.

1. To keep quiet about societal mores inappropriate behavior is the laity pandering to one’s religion via lip-service.

ii. King Herod (societal mores) is ego-consciousness: i.e. Satan: an infidel, illustrating his psyche has no religious backing.

1. King Herod: images ‘A and B’ symbolize the Sun shining upon the earth: his brother’s wife. This symbolizes ego-consciousness focusing in on those things in the material world that enamors the psyche. In contrast the sun’s light spans out through the universe; however, ego-consciousness dismisses all that in favor of being enamored by materialism: i.e. Earth.

iii. John the Baptism imprisonment is his contemplative meditational studies on his religion. This is basically what Baptism is all about: i.e. learning one’s religion’s traditions and dogmatic principles via one’s own interpretations adhering to one’s religious traditional interpretations.

1. These contemplative meditational studies are essentially active imagination, which is all about ego-consciousness conversing with the unconscious mind.

E. The beheading of the John the Baptist is his acquiescing to the mystical esoteric teachings of his religion: going from image ‘D’ to ‘E’. Staying conceptually within image ‘D’ is acquiescing to the interweaving of societal mores with one’s religious teachings.

a. The beheading: i.e. genuflecting/deflating of ego-consciousness is symbolic of John the Baptist going from the scriptural words’ vowels points (north) to the letters without vowel points (south). The only way John the Baptist could have descended into that realm of symbolism and numerics was via this ‘E’ image, which includes the ‘F and G’ images.

Inattentiveness is a lifelong curse that burdens the human psyche. For most of my research years I have envisage the spiritual forces of creation: UNKNOWN GOD coming down from the north: i.e. symbolically from the galactic core via the pathway of Cygnus X-3 (Northern Cross: i.e. Children of the Swan) and transubstantiating the WORD OF GOD to the south: i.e. Earth via Christ consciousness. The sacred scriptures actually symbolize this via Astrology in the first four chapters of Genesis.

I did understanding over the years that spirituality was taking the best parts of the human psyche and dissipating the rest the psyche’s behavior into the ethers; however, it was up to ego-consciousness: i.e. King of the Material World: i.e. ego-consciousness whether to accept that missive or not. Now this dual paradigmatic process takes place in everyday life whether the individual knows of the sacred scriptures’ esoteric science or not.

When I write independent academic papers like this, while in deep contemplative meditational thought, I inexplicably intuit alchemically and mystically what the sacred scriptures are saying about itself concerning the subject matter I am presently working on, which happens far more often than not. I believe this intuitive process is known as the Holy Spirit. I intuit that information; because, of the more than four decades of studying the


symbolism and numerics of the bible. It is not something the average member of the laity can just jump into. This esoteric knowledge literally has to be earned continuously and everlastingly moment by moment.

It is very much analogous to Alcoholics Anonymous where the addicted alcoholic learns to stays sober one day at a time. Just because an alcoholic stays sober the day before does not mean he can imbibe alcoholic beverages today.

Just because I have been an esotericist for over four decades does not mean that I am entitled to intuit more nuances of the esoteric science over those that know nothing of it. I also must continuously and everlastingly genuflect: i.e. deflate ego-consciousness’ hubris in order to stay within the boundaries of Christ consciousness.

As I was writing this paper I intuited esoterically what the sacred scriptures were saying about itself. Each ‘WORD’ on the surface texts of the sacred scriptures: i.e. iconoclastic thought symbolically represented the north: i.e. DARKNESS and the symbolism and the numerics of ‘EACH WORD’S LETTERS’ symbolizes the south: i.e. LIGHT; whereas, the interpretation of the north-south texts symbolizes the East-West-Corridor-of-TIME; thus, the surface texts of the sacred scriptures and previous interpretations, which are always in the text, exudes new interpretive data.

This means that this dual paradigmatic process is also experienced psychically, in this very self-same manner, in the everyday activities of any individual in the outer world; whether, that individual is totally ignorant of the systemic system of esotericism or not.

What was made very clear to me that was also very clear in other symbolic illustrations was that the spiritual forces of creation: UNKNOWN GOD radiated through the surface texts of the sacred scriptures: i.e. human psyche taking the best parts of it and dissipating the other aspects of the psyche: i.e. sacred texts, into the ethers. The spiritual forces of creation: UNKNOWN GOD transubstantiates to the south the scenario of a new interpretation that can be experienced while traveling down the East-West-Corridor-of-TIME: i.e. the new Earth via Christ consciousness: LIGHT.

This intuitive insight clearly illustrates the non-existence of the TIME. This interpretation also validates the momentum of TIME to be a mere nanosecond symbolizing non-existence: i.e. symbolizing TIME’S immediate and total dissipation into the ethers. The passage of TIME appears to be equivalent to the speed of LIGHT: 186,000-miles per second: THINK ABOUT THAT.

The alleged interpretive space between concretized WORDS and the WORDS’ SYMBOLISM and NUMERICS does not exist; for the reason that, it is an illusion/fantasy of the psyche: THE WORLD DOES NOT EXIST, IT NEVER DID EXIST AND IT NEVER WILL EXIST. It is impossible for the outer materialistic world to exist, for if it did exist it would be in total opposition to the spiritual forces of creation: UNKNOWN GOD.

Admittedly the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind brings that illusion to the forefront of the psyche’s experiences in life and the sacred scriptures explicitly explains all this on an esoteric level. The psyche is profiled via character and personality by what classifies, diversifies and individualizes it from all other individuals on the face of the earth: i.e. that which enamors the psyche.

The spiritual forces of creation: UNKNOWN GOD alchemically and mystically comes through the dynamic interplay of the tetrahedral forces of the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind, which is essentially symbolizes the wording and lettering of the sacred scriptures.

b. The ‘E, F, G’ image symbolizes the spiritual forces of creation: UNKNOWN GOD going from north (words vowel points) to south (letters without vowel points) symbolizing symbolism and numerics: i.e. iconography; whereas, the ‘D’ image goes from east to west and/or west to east, which symbolizes the status quo in societal mores.

i. This is all played out in the New Testaments mythoi of Christ nativity stories. 1. Image ‘E’ has dotted white lines coming down the columns vertically

symbolizing the spiritual forces of creation: UNKNOWN GOD coming down upon the earth (Day Four of Creation).

2. In the New Testament the Magi (astrologers) symbolically follows the star analogous to angels.


3. Whereas, the angels: i.e. symbolically the spiritual forces of creation: UNKNOWN GOD come down and tells (spiritually inspires via a vision) the shepherds (animals) in image ‘D’ about the birth of Christ.

a. Remember that image ‘D’ is materialistic the same as image ‘E’, which is like two members of the laity going into the Sistine Chapel one is spiritually taken into heaven: i.e. image ‘E’ and other is left behind in image ‘D’.

b. This is why there are both animals and angels and Christ-like figures (Magi) at Christ nativity scene.

ii. This played out in Chartres Cathedral going from west to east and the Sistine Chapel going from east to west. Both showing Solomon Temple (Jewish Temple) rectangular morphing into the Kamea of Saturn (Christian Temple): i.e. the octagon gazebo.

1. Chartres Cathedral was changed from the rectangular shape of Solomon’s Temple, patterned after Constantine’s Saint Peter’s Basilica, over TIME to the Christian octagon gazebo like Temple (Cross) just as the Pope Julius’s Saint Peter’s Basilica is patterned after.

2. The Sistine Chapel has both the Jewish and the Christian Temple amalgamated into it as one. Visually, in the real world, Solomon’s Temple is in seen; however, the Christian octagon gazebo Temple (Cross) is intuited via the Holy of Holies, which can only be contemplatively envisaged.

a. In the Jewish Temple the place where the Holy of Holies is, is well planned out architecturally;

i. However, in the Sistine Chapel, which is patterned after Solomon’s Temple the Holy of Holies is not visually seen and this should mystically elucidate the Christian mythoi.

b. The Roman Catholic Church per se, like the New Testament, should not exist in the outer materialistic world; however, it does because it symbolizes the LIGHT OF CHRIST dissipating into the DARKNESS of the iconoclastic Old Testament.

c. This is a very difficult and paradoxical concept to wrap one’s mind around seeing that in modernity (not antiquity) the Roman Catholic Church is basically adhering to the iconoclasm of Protestantism, which is just as iconoclastic as Judaism.

iii. Also Freemasonry structured the streets of Washington DC to symbolically represent this north-south, east-west theme outlined in the bible. The streets going from north to south are numerically numbered and the streets going from east to west or west to east are alphabetized and this is precisely how the Hebrew and Greek alphabets are esoterically structured.

c. One thing about the Christian Temple is that it is symbolically and incessantly the Jewish Temple just as the sacred scriptures surface texts symbolizes Solomon’s Temple; for the reason that, it is all iconoclastic.

i. Like I pointed out in the prologue. The words with vowel points are concretized, which represents Solomon’s Temple symbolically being developed from out of the letters without vowel points. This is precedent symbolically when David gathered the material, which Solomon, his son, eventually built the Jewish Temple from.

1. Remember that the Star of David is developed from the esoteric sacred geometry; whereas, the surface texts, which is solid.