technology in sport

Technology in Sport Ethical Implications

Upload: ben-andrews

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Comparability of Performances Some technologies have been positive while some have had negative effects to their sport. Name some negative impacts on technology in sport:
  2. 2. Comparability of Performances Sport technology aims to: Achieve ultimate human performance Use modern technology to aid performance Facilitate faster times Help break records Faster recovery times from injuries Make performance more efficient
  3. 3. Comparability of Performances Comparing performance with the past has become difficult due to technological advancements. EG: Cricketers are constantly compared to Sir Don Bradman. His feats were amazing compared to any other cricketer but questioned are still asked: Would he have scored the same amount of runs now against faster bowlers with technological advancements? Could he have been even better with latest training techniques and equipment?
  4. 4. Comparability of Performances Technological advancements in sport make it somewhat impossible to compare early world records to those recently recorded. List sports where records have improved easily with technological advancements. List sports where records have stayed similar over time.
  5. 5. 1956 1.04.5
  6. 6. 1980 54.79
  7. 7. 2008 52.88 Current 2009 52.07
  8. 8. Your Opinion Do you think technology impacts on sport in a positive or negative way???