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  • 8/16/2019 Superb FileNet Interview Questions.doc


  • 8/16/2019 Superb FileNet Interview Questions.doc


  • 8/16/2019 Superb FileNet Interview Questions.doc


    FileNet P8 Important questions

    2eneral FA&s

    &uestion 34

    What is FileNet Technology5


    FileNet is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution product suite from IBM.Enterprises uses FileNet to manage teir content and !usiness processes.

    FileNet P" platform# te latest $ersion of FileNet s%stem# pro$ides a frame&or' for 

    de$eloping custom enterprise s%stems# offering muc functionalit% out of te !o andcapa!le of !eing customied to manage a specific !usiness process.

    FileNet Enterprise Content Management (ECM) product suite includes*

    Content 6anagement Products4 

    FileNet Content 6anager !CE" + CE is te core content management solution for 

    te FileNet P" platform.

    FileNet #mage %ervices !#%" + I, is used to store and manage documents.

    'usiness Process 6anagement Products4 

    FileNet 'P6  - BPM manages &or'flo&s to reduce c%cle times and to impro$e

     producti$it% !% streamlining and impro$ing comple processes. BPM component

    includes Process Engine# Process nal%er and Process ,imulator.

    &uestion 74

    What is document lifecycle5


    /ocument lifec%cle in FileNet P" is a seuence of states (li'e /raft# e$ie Pu!lis#

    close etc) tat a document &ill go toug o$er its lifetime# as &ell as te action tat are

    triggered &en document mo$e from one state to anoter.

    user or application can mo$e te doc for&ard or !ac'&ard in its lifec%cle.

    &uestion 84

    Does FileNet component CE, PE, AE support server clustering5 What -ind of 

    clustering is supported by FileNet P5


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    FileNet P" platform supports s%mmetric# ,%mmetric# N 1# and N to M clusters. 4is

    includes FileNet Content Engine# Process Engine and pplication Engine.

    s%mmetric clusters include !ot acti$e and passi$e ser$ers. i.e. In case of s%mmetric

    1-to-1 cluster# tere is one acti$e and anoter passi$e ser$er. 4is is simplest form of 


    ,%mmetric clusters include all te acti$e ser$ers. In ,%mmetric clusters different ser$ers

    run different ser$ices !ut in case of fail o$er# multiple ser$ices are !e mo$ed on to oneser$er.

    Please note* 5ile FileNet CE# PE# E supports acti$e6acti$e clustering# FileNet I,

    supports onl% acti$e6passi$e clustering.

    &uestion 94

    Which protocol is used by FileNet P Process Engine !PE" to connect to Content

    Engine !CE" or Application Engine !AE"5


    ##:P is used !% PE to communicate &it CE and E.

    II7P means 8#nternet #nter*:.' Protocol8

    7B means 8:b)ect .e+uest 'ro-er8

    s CE is installed on E# it uses direct PI calls to communicate &it E.

    FileNet Content Engine FA&s

    &uestion 34

    #n ho$ many databases does FileNet Content Engine !CE" stores data5


    FileNet Content Engine (CE) as t&o or more data!ases*

    9lo!al Configuration /ata!ase (9C/) data!ase (FN9C//B)

    7!:ect ,tore data!ases (one or more)

    FileNet P" domain can contain one or man% o!:ect stores. Eac o!:ect store as its o&n

    data!ase &ic could !e eisting data!ase or can !e created !% o!:ect store creation

    &iard in FEM.

    &uestion 74

    Where FileNet Content Engine !CE" physically stores documents5


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    FileNet Content Engine can !e configured to store documents at follo&ing places*

    In /ata!ase as !lo!s (IBM recommended maimum document sie to store as !lo! is10 ;B)

    In File ,tore

    In Fied ,torage /e$ices (li'e EMC Centera)

    &uestion 84

    What is FN P domain5


    4e FileNet P" domain represents a logical grouping of p%sical resources (suc aso!:ect stores) as &ell as te Content Engine ser$ers tat pro$ide access to tose

    resources. ser$er can access an% resource in te domain# !ut cannot access an% resource

    tat lies outside of te domain.

    4e CE 9lo!al Configuration /ata (9C/) data!ase stores information a!out te

    resources and ser$ices for te FileNet P" /omain.

    4e FileNet P" domain contains te follo&ing entities*

    %ite - site is a geograpical location &ere resources are connected troug a localarea net&or'.

    :b)ect store - n o!:ect store is a repositor% for storing o!:ects (suc as documents#folders# and !usiness o!:ects) and te metadata tat defines te classes and

     properties of o!:ects.

    #nde; area* n inde area is a container for one or more indees# &ic are used to

     perform full-tet searces against documents in an o!:ect store.

    Fi;ed content device* fied content de$ice is an eternal storage de$ice. 4isde$ice can !e associated &it a FileNet P" fied storage area.

    Content cache area* content cace is a dis' area tat contains copies of contentrecentl% accessed troug a Content Engine ser$er. 4%picall% used in a

    geograpicall% distri!uted en$ironment# it enances response time &en

    retrie$ing content.

    Add*on feature* n add-on feature is a module tat contains custom metadata and

    data tat support etensions to core Content Engine features.

    6ar-ing set* mar'ing set pro$ides a &a% to define a le$el of securit% on o!:ects in

    addition to te normal FileNet P" securit% model. B% using mar'ings# access to

    o!:ects can !e controlled !ased on specific propert% $alues.


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    What is File %tore and File %tore Policy5


    File ,tore is te p%sical folder &ere FileNet stores documents. Multiple File ,tores can

     !e created to store documents at t&o different places. 4is t%pe of setup is called File

    %tore Farm.

    File ,tore Polic% allo&s distri!ution of documents in File ,tore Farm.

    &uestion 94

    What is the use of Content Engine &uery 'uilder5


    CE =uer% Builder allo&s FileNet users to find Content Engine ob)ects and to carry out

    bul- operation on tem. =uer% Builder is part of FileNet Enterprise Manager (FEM)

    soft&are comes &it FileNet Content Engine installa!le.

    4e !asic functionalit% of =uer% Builder includes*

    Find o!:ects using propert% $alues as searc criteria.

    Create# sa$e and run simple searces.

    Create and sa$e searc templates tat &ill prompt for criteria &en launced.

    >aunc searc templates tat are pro$ided &it eac Content Engine and EnterpriseManager installation.

    Create# sa$e# and run ,=> ueries.

    4e =uer% Builder searces can !e com!ined &it !ul' operations tat include te

    follo&ing actions# a$aila!le on te =uer% Builder8s ctions ta!*

    /elete o!:ects.

    dd o!:ects to eport manifest.

    ?ndo documents cec'out.

    >ifec%cle actions (set eception# clear eception# promote# demote# reset).

    File documents and custom o!:ects in folder and unfile tem from folder.

    un @B,cripts or A,cripts.

    Edit securit% !% adding or remo$ing users and groups along &it allo& and den% permissions.

    &uestion =4

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    What is the significance of Folders in FileNet P5


    In FileNet# Folders are used to group oter o!:ects including documents and custom

    o!:ects. s folders in &indo&s# FileNet folders pro$ide a &a% to !ro&se troug FileNet

    o!:ects. Folder8s elps in organiing te documents and oter items.

    document can !e filed to multiple folders. FileNet does create copies of document intis case. It actuall% creates a logical association !et&een ten folder and te document.

    Fe& important facts a!out folders*

    • Folders are not $ersiona!le onl% documents are.

    • Folders are !ased on CE folder class.

    • Content of a folders can !e copied to anoter folder eist in same o!:ect store.

    • It is not mandator% tat eac document or o!:ects sould !e filed under a folder.

    /ocuments &ic are not part of an% folder remain ?nfile.

    • oot Folder is created along &it a ne& 7!:ect ,tore. 4is folder is parent

    folder for all oter folders in te 7!:ect ,tore.

    • Eac Folder as its o&n custom securit%.

    • Folders can generate ser$er e$ents &en te% are created# modified# or deleted.

    &uestion >4

    (o$ to determine if FileNet Content Engine !CE" is running fine5


    Follo&ing are fe& tings one can cec' to find out if FileNet CE is running fine*

    • Cec' 5e!,pere console for 8FileNetEngine8 &e! application status. It sould !e

    in running state.

    • 4r% connecting to CE using FEM. If connection is fine CE is running. If CE is not

    running user &ill get message 8?na!le to logon to P" domain8.

    • 4r% logon to FileNet 5or'place. If user is a!le to sign in# CE D director% ser$ices

    are running fine. If not user &ill get 8credential eception8.

    • 4r% follo&ing ?>*


    ie. ttp*66demo1*0"06FileNetEngine

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    If 8,tartup Contet8 page is displa%ed# CE is running fine. If CE is not running#user &ill get message 84e page cannot !e found8.

    &uestion 4

    Does FileNet CE provide content compression or encryption5



    &uestion ?4

    (o$ authentication is handled in FileNet P5


    utentication is a process of cec'ing if te user entered credentials are correct. FileNetP" uses t&o different standards for autentication*

    3@ ava Authentication and AuthoriBation %ervice !AA%" standard

    A, pro$ides a polic%-!ased frame&or' to determine &o is in$o'ing a Aa$a

    application. 4e Content Engine EAB resides &itin te A2EE pplication ,er$er8s EABcontainer. CE terefore uses A, plugga!le frame&or' for autentication.

    7@ Web %ervices %ecurity !W%*%ecurity" standard

    FileNet &e! ser$ices uses 5,-,ecurit% standards for autentication. >i'e A,# 5,-

    ,ecurit% is an etensi!le standard &ic supports multiple securit% to'en formats i.e.?sername 4o'en# ;er!eros 4o'ens# ,,> H.0 4o'ens etc.

    5en te Content Engine ser$er recei$es a &e! ser$ice reuest# te Content Engine 5e!,er$ice >istener etracts te 5,-,ecurit% eader and performs a A, login !ased on its

    contents. If tis A, login is successful# ten te 5e! ser$ice listener passes te reuest

    onto te Content Engine EAB la%er &itin te EAB container.

    &uestion 34

    What is Content Engine Web %ervices !CEW%"5


    Communication &it FileNet Content Engine (CE) can occur troug te EAB transport

    or Content Engine 5e! ,er$ices (CE5,) transport.

    5e! ser$ices are commonl% used !% loosel% coupled frame&or's li'e ser$ice-orientedarcitecture for connecting components. IBM FileNet Content Manager pro$ides CE5,

    for accessing nearl% all features a$aila!le in te CE ser$er.

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    5e! ,er$ices /escription >anguage (5,/>) file is pro$ided !% FileNet to use a 5e!

    ser$ices interface. CE5, clients (stu! classes) can !e generated from tese 5,/> files.

    s of release

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     // $erform the delete'%F%*+)

     Note* ,imilar steps can !e used to delete oter o!:ects in FileNet including folder o!:ects#

    custom o!:ects etc.

    &uestion 384

    What is component +ueue and ho$ to configure component +ueue in FileNet5


    Component queues make it possible to process a workflow step using an external entity, such asa Java™ object or Java Message Service JMS!"

    #sing $rocess Configuration Console, you configure a component queue with an a%aptor, either Java or JMS" &he Java a%aptor allows you to expose public metho%s from a Java class asoperations on a queue" &he JMS a%aptor allows you to publish workflow %ata to a JMS queue,also using operations" #sing $rocess 'esigner, the workflow author a%%s a component step to a

    map an% selects operations for that step from the list of component queues" &he workflow author also specifies the appropriate expression for each operation parameter"

    To create a ne$ component +ueue

    (" )n $rocess Configuration Console, open the isolate% region"

    *" Select the Component Queues fol%er icon an% click New on the toolbar"

    +" nter a name for the queue in the Queue name box" See -aming conventions forinformation regar%ing vali% names" &he name will appear in the list of component queuesin $rocess 'esigner"

    ." )n the Description box, you can optionally enter a brief %escription of the queue"

    /" Click Next to continue"

    &uestion 3

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    Differences bet$een stored search and search template4

    ,tored searc is complete search.

    ,earc templates are for a partially completed search &ere users are promoted

    for searc criteria.

    ,tored searc e;ecute automatically  &en opened.

    ,earc template allo&s user to fill te searc criteriaJs and perform searc.

    :ther facts4

    • Bot searc templates and stored searces are created and maintained !%

    administrators &o a$e access rigts to ,earc /esigner# a part of utor 

    d$anced 4ools in FileNet 5or'place.

    • Bot te searces are stored in an o!:ect store and can !e modified or deleted


    • stored searc or searc template can searc an% o!:ect stores user select as part

    of te criteria# regardless of &ere te searc resides.

    • %earch Designer Tool creates and modifies stored searces and searc templates

    tat allo&s 5or'place users to run searces. Belo& is te screen sot of ,earc/esigner 4ool*

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    Fil tE n t rpr i M a n a g r-o o tCl a

    &uestion 394

    What are root classes in FileNet5


    root class is a class &itout a parent. FileNet o!:ect store as multiple root classes

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    including /ocument Class# nnotation# Coice >ist# E$ent etc. 4e KParent ClassJ

     propert% of tese root classes is KNoneJ (as so&n in !elo& screen sot).

    4e root classes are created automaticall% during o!:ect store creation. 7nce te root

    class is created# su!classes and properties can !e added to te o!:ect store.

    For eample# a document su!class can !e added under root class (/ocument Class) !%

    running te Create a Class &iard from Enterprise Manager.

    Ecept te K/ocument ClassJ# all oter root classes are places under K7ter ClassesJ in

    Enterprise Manager as so&n in !elo& screen sot*

    FPI@4E L4PEPIC4>4FileNet Enterprise Manager - oot ClassesL

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    Fil tE n t rpr i M a n a g r-o o tCl a

    &uestion 3=4

    #s there a method!s" to retrieve all document classes of an ob)ect store $ithout using

    the %earch%&%earch%cope AP# classes5


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    Belo& are fe& facts a!out isolated region*

    • FileNet Process Engine a$e Isolated egions

    • KProcess Configuration Console (PCC)J is used to create and manage Isolated


    • 7ne PE can a$e multiple Isolated egions.

    • Multiple Isolated egions cannot connect to same Content Engine (CE).

    • Initialiing ne& Isolated egion creates default structure as In!o# default roster 

    and e$ent log.

    • s%stem administrator uses FileNet Enterprise Manager (FEM) to define te

    isolated region. Process Engine ost# te communication point# a pass&ord# and

    isolated region num!er are reuired to define isolated region in CE.

    &uestion *


    If PE is running# te PE ser$er page is displa%ed.

    If PE is not running# an error 8Page not found8 is displa%ed.

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    #:. Port !#nteroperable :b)ect .eference Port"* I7 port is used !% E to

    communicate &it PE. 4is is a unidirectional port from E to PE. It as 32Gand 32 as te default port num!ers.

    • 4r% opening te FileNet 5or'place - 84as's8 page.

    If tas's page opens# PE is running fine.

    If reuest to 84as's8 page get timed out and 8Process Engine Eception8 occurred

    ten PE is not running.

    • Eamine follo&ing 5indo&s ser$ices for te process Engine and ma'e sure te%

    are running.

    1. Process Engine IM9 Control,er$ice2. Process Engine ,er$ice Manager

    &uestion =4

    What are different types of &ueues in Process Engine5


    Process Engine (PE) ueues olds te &or' items &aiting to !e processed. 4e ueues in

    PE can !e managed using Process Configuration Console (PCC).

    PE as < different t%pes of ueues*

    Gser &ueues 

    ?ser ueues old &or' items assigned to a users or !eing trac'ed !% a user. 4ere

    are t&o different t%pe of user ueues created &en an Isolated egion is


    • In!o

    • 4rac'er

    Wor- &ueues 

    5or' ueue old &or' item &ic can !e processed !% one or man% users part of 

    a group.

    i.e. For processing an insurance claim# a &or' ueue 8Claim8 can !e created andan% emplo%ee from claim processing department can pic' up te &or' item and

     process it.

    Component &ueues 

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    Component ueue olds &or' items to !e processed !% component step in

    &or'flo&. 4e components steps are to process a &or' item using an eternal


    %ystem &ueues 

    Internall% used !% Process Engine# ,%stem ueues are not accessi!le to te users

    or administrators. Conductor# /ela%# and Instruction,eetInterpreter are fe& of 

    te eamples of s%stem ueues.

    &uestion >4

    (o$ to delete a +ueue in Process Engine5


    FileNet doesn8t pro$ide an% mecanism to delete a ueue &eter it is a &or' ueue or a

    component ueue.

    4e onl% &or'around is to initialie te isolated region in follo&ing &a%*

    Eport isolated region configuration data to HM> - ?se Process ConfigurationConsole (PCC) to eport all components of selected isolated region.

    Initialie a isolated region.

    4a'e a !ac'up of HM> file from te eport in step 1 and carefull% edit te HM> file

    to remo$e te nodes of un&anted ueue.

    Import te HM> file in recentl% initialied isolated region &it te option 8o$er&rite8.

    @alidate te configuration.

     Note: When an isolated region is initialized, it makes changes to the workflow database

     structure and the data in workflow database is deleted.

    FileNet de$eloper sould design and configure te ueues $er% carefull% to a$oid a

    situation &ere te% &ill a$e to delete a ueue.

    &uestion 4

    What happens to the $or- items $hen a $or- +ueue is deleted from PE5


    Process Engine &or' ueue olds te &or' items. FileNet P" doesn8t pro$ide an% easier 

    &a% to delete a ueue.

    =ueues can !e deleted !% initialiing te isolated region. 5en a ueue is deleted all te&or' items in it are also deleted.

    &uestion ?4

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    What is the difference bet$een a roster and a +ueue5


    There is no gross difference in querying a queue or a roster. Each is a table and the issue inquerying them will be based on the number of items needed to be reviewed by the database,the effort in deconstructing what needs to be returned and the number of objects that arereturned.

    Some general rules.1. A roster is used to find work. t re!resents work that could be in any number of differentqueues. "therwise you#d have to scan each queue to find work. Think of it as a looku! to yourwork regardless of queue.$. A queue is used to se!arate similar work for similar actions. %ork is !rocessed from aqueue and can be filtered. t is rare to look for work via a queue as a roster is more efficient.&. To !rocess work you either know the queue its in 'inbo( style a!!lication), or look it u! in

    the roster and then !rocess it.*. +ou always return queue elements or roster elements in a query where you don#t know howmany items are returned. This is sim!ly a return of columns in the table.. +ou only return work objects, ste! elements or instruction elements when you have a small

    number or a known number of items to !rocess. Ty!ically, browse for queue elements, lock anitem, get a ste! element, !rocess the item, dis!atch, and then back to browse.-. etting data elements via work object, ste! element or instruction elements requires more!rocessing by the !rocess engine as the data isn#t in the columns of the table but is in the blobdata. /or a large number of objects this is a !erformance im!act, but understand the im!act,and if necessary do it. 0o not do it for an unknown number of returned results.. 2ake sure you e(!ose business data on the queue for filtering work and on the roster tofind it. The same data can be e(!osed on each. This !uts the data in a column on the roster orthe queue and means you can retrieve the roster element of queue element without a greatoverhead in the database or !rocess engine.3. 2ake sure you build indices on the data elements that are e(!osed so that table scansaren#t needed to retrieve your data.

    +our !rocess design will not be im!acted by the query you build. +ou build the query based on

    the !rocess requirements, the !rocess design and the configuration that is created for thequeues and rosters that are needed to su!!ort your query.

    &uestion 34

    What is the use of Process Administrator5


    FileNet Process dministrator allo&s FileNet administrator to $ie& and manage &or' in


    Process dministrator is a Aa$a pplet !ased ?I and can !e in$o'ed from IBM

    5or'place8s admin section.

    Follo&ing tas's can !e performed toug Process dministrator*

    ,earc &or'flo&s# &or' items# &or'flo& e$ents# and &or'flo& statistics.

    It allo&s te administrator to searc in specific area. Follo&ing areas are a$aila!le for 

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    • 5or'flo& roster

    • ?ser ueue

    • Component ueue

    • 5or' ueue

    • ,%stem ueue

    • E$ent log (onl% for searcing e$ents)

    It allo&s to manage te &or'flo&s and &or' items in follo&ing &a%s*

    • ssign or reassign &or' to a user

    • Cange &or'flo& attri!utes# suc as data field $alues and &or'flo& groupmem!ers.

    • Complete &or' and send it on to te net step

    • 4erminate &or' and send it to te termination step

    • /elete &or'# one or more &or' items or an entire &or'flo&

    • ?nloc' &or' !ased on te current user or ueue

    It allo&s opening Process 4rac'er for te selected &or' item.

    &uestion 334

    Where to find information about the $or-flo$s or $or- items $hich are



    4e FileNet Process dministrator allo&s administrator to searc for events in eventlogs. 4e information a!out te terminated &or' items can !e found toug Process

    dministrator !% searc for e$ents.

    Please note tat PE ueues onl% old te information a!out acti$e &or' items 6&or'flo&s

    &uestion 374

    What is Process Engine Connection Point5


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    Connection point (or Process Engine Connection Point) allo&s Process Engine PIJs to

    connect to an associated isolated region. 4e router process in FN 3. &as replaced !%

    connection points in FN >=,3

    &uestion 384

    What is the difference bet$een Wor-place and Wor-place 1T5 What are the

    benefits of using FileNet Wor-place 1T5


    IBM FileNet 5or'place# a part of FileNet Content Manager product suite# is an out-of- !o &e! !ased user interface for FileNet P" Products.

    5or'place H4 is te net-generation FileNet P" platform 5e! application.

    Most of 5or'place H4 feature are same as 5or'place o&e$er# te procedures user 

     perform to complete an acti$it% are different.

    5or'place H4 is faster# user friendl% and as features li'e drag and drop to add


    IBM launced 5or'place H4 to compete &it documentum and lfresco# &o as

    similar &e! interfaces.

    5ile most of te functionalities of 5or'place H4 are similar to te 5or'place# it cannot

     !e considered as product upgrade as 5or'place H4 is !uilt using Aa$a ,er$er Faces (A,F)tecnolog%.

    5or'place H4 as !etter folder structure and nicer &a% to organie fa$orites.

    5or'place H4 does not pro$ide a de$elopment en$ironment for customiation o&e$er#

    5or'place continues to pro$ide te 5or'place pplication 4ool'it and related

    de$elopment tools for 5or'place customiation.

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     Note* IBM as plans to release te 5or'place H4 de$elopment tool 'it in future releases.

    &uestion 3

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    declared as a record# &e consider te document a record.

    /ocument o!:ects are stored in te ecords-ena!led content 7!:ect ,tore (7,) and tecorresponding record o!:ects are stored in te File Plan 7!:ect ,tore (FP7,).

    &uestion 74

    %hould all the properties of CE replicated to .65


     No. 7ne sould a$oid duplicating te properties unless and until it represent a specific


    Properties &ic a$e functional need for document management sould !e used in CE#

    &ile properties &ic a$e functional need for records management sould !e used inM. If a propert% appens to !e needed for !ot# ten it sould eist in !ot.

    Man% ECM arcitects use te eact same properties in 7, (CE) and FP7, (M) for simplicit%.

    &uestion 84

    (o$ many document can be stored a .ecords 6anagers /.ecord Category05


    4ere is no limit on num!er of document stored on ecords Categor%. 4e 8ecord8 is

    simpl% a custom o!:ect stored in data!ase.

    record is a reference to information and pro$ides metadata to manage te information.

    ecords can electronic or p%sical (i.e. a document stored in CE or a p%sical !oo').

    n electronic record points to an electronic document# suc as a Content Engine (CE)

    document or an email message.

    p%sical record# sometimes referred to as a mar'er# is metadata a!out a p%sical

    document or oter o!:ect# suc as paper records# tape# or microfilm.

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    Events and subscriptions

    E$ents pro$ide a mecanism for initiating actions tat are in$o'ed &en o!:ects arecreated and modified in# and deleted from# an o!:ect store. For eample# creating a

    document in an o!:ect store triggers a create e$ent# &ic launces a &or'flo& tat

    appro$es te ne& document and posts te appro$ed content to a 5e! site.

    su!scription is te association of a particular e$ent trigger &it an e$ent action.

    ,u!scriptions can !e associated &it a class so tat te% appl% to te class itself or to allinstances or all o!:ects of te class t%pe. 7r# su!scriptions can !e associated &it

    indi$idual o!:ects. E$ent su!scriptions can !e run s%ncronousl% or as%ncronousl%.

    5en set to run s%ncronousl%# te o!:ect operation (for eample# create or update) and

    te operations of te e$ent actions are completed as a single transaction failure in eiter results in roll!ac' of !ot operations.

    #solated regions

    n isolated region is a logical su!di$ision of te &or'flo& data!ase tat contains te

    ueues for te &or' items# e$ent logs# rosters# and oter configuration information. It also

    contains all transferred &or'flo&s and running &or' items. &or'flo& data!ase cancontain up to 1000 isolated regions# altoug a FileNet P" s%stem can access onl% one at

    a time. 5itin a &or'flo& data!ase# eac isolated region is identified !% a uniue num!er 

    ranging from 0 to . Isolated region 0 contains s%stem data and is reser$ed for s%stem

    soft&are use. ?sers can define regions 1 - .

    About +ueues

    =ueues old &or' items &aiting to !e processed. ou can manage te follo&ing t%pes of ueue using Process Configuration Console*

    • ?ser ueues - Eac user as an In!o tat olds &or' items assigned to tat user.

    user migt also a$e a ueue of 4rac'er items. 4e In!o and 4rac'er ueues are

    created automaticall% during initialiation of te isolated region.

    • ou can use Process Configuration Console to modif% user ueue properties 

    cange te ueue8s description# add or delete s%stem and data fields# create indees#

    and configure users8 pri$ileges for accessing te ueue.

    • 5or' ueues - &or' ueue olds &or' items tat can !e completed !% one of a

    num!er of users# rater tan !% a specific participant# or &or' items tat can !ecompleted !% an automated process. In a &or'flo& definition# te &or'flo& autor

    can assign steps to a specific &or' ueue.

    • ?se Process Configuration Console to create and configure &or' ueues#

    specif%ing te ueue properties.

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    • Component ueues - 4o process a &or'flo& step using an eternal entit%# suc as

    a Aa$aQ o!:ect or (5or'place onl%) Aa$a messaging s%stem (AM,)# %ou use Process

    Configuration Console to configure a component ueue.

    ifecyclesdministrators can use document lifec%cles to define a seuential set of states tat a

    document &ill go troug o$er its lifetime# as &ell as te actions tat are triggered &en

    it transitions from one state to anoter.


    Content Engine supports propert% and content-!ased searcing. ;e% capa!ilities of searcinclude te follo&ing*

    1. single searc can span multiple o!:ect stores in different data!ases.

    2. 5or'place users can searc for documents# folders# and custom o!:ects.

    ,earces can !e designed to specif% multiple folders# including a common folder 

    name used in multiple o!:ect stores.3. ,earc templates pro$ide a simple user interface for entering searc criteria.


    ou can create different $ersions of content to maintain a istor% of canges and to

    control &ic users can cange te content at a gi$en time. 4e set of $ersions for asingle document is called a $ersion series. Content Engine supports a t&o-le$el

    $ersioning sceme# in &ic a document $ersion is eiter a ma:or or minor $ersion.

    Minor $ersions t%picall% denote an Rin-progressS document# &ereas a ma:or $ersion

    t%picall% denotes a completed document


    Classification is te process of assigning metadata to content# specificall% te selection of 

    a document class and propert% $alues. Classification can also !e accomplised !% filing

    o!:ects into folders tat define classification taonomies. Classification can !e performed*

    1 B% a user.

    2 B% an application tat uses te FileNet P" PIs.3 utomaticall% !% using te content-!ased classification capa!ilit% pro$ided in te


    Entry templates

    ?sers can easil% add documents# folders# and custom o!:ects to an o!:ect store using

    entr% templates. Entr% templates also ma'e it eas% to define appro$al &or'flo&s for 

    tese o!:ects. 5en using te entr% template to add a document to te o!:ect store# auser interacts &it a &iard# &ic decreases te cance of in$alid data entr% !%

    limiting te num!er of steps reuired and pro$iding a more controlled entr% process.

    Entr% templates are created in 5or'place. ,ome of te 'e% capa!ilities of entr%templates and ad$antages to using tem are as follo&s*

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    1 /ocuments# folders# form data# and custom o!:ects can !e created &it entr%


    2 ?sers &o are not administrators can create entr% templates. For eample# a pro:ect manager can create te entr% templates used !% er pro:ect team.

    3 Entr% templates support FileNet P" records management !% pro$iding a

    simplified and customia!le metod of declaring a document as a record.< Entr% templates can specif% te folder in &ic te o!:ect &ill !e filed# can eiter 

     pre$ent or allo& te user to cange te folder# and can restrict te user to

    selecting a particular folder or its su!folders.

    #mport and e;port

    Content Engine pro$ides an import and eport capa!ilit% for mo$ing o!:ects from one

    o!:ect store to anoter. In Enterprise Manager# an administrator can select te o!:ects toeport. /ependencies !et&een o!:ects are detected so tat all related o!:ects can also !e

    eported in te appropriate order for import. For eample# if a folder is eported# te user 

    can also coose to eport all documents in te folder &itout selecting te documents

    indi$iduall%. 4e folder &ill !e eported first# follo&ed !% te documents. 4e eportmanifest is a list of all of te o!:ects tat te administrator as reuested to eport. 4e

    user can $ie& and modif% tis list# and ten perform te eport operation# &ic copieste data to an HM> file. Content Engine HM> import and eport PIs include securit%

    information related to o!:ects. 4e eported HM> includes te securit% and o&ner 

    information for te o!:ect. ou can import te securit% information and o&ner information independentl%. 4e PIs donJt circum$ent an% securit% associated &it te

    FileNet P" domain or te FileNet P" o!:ect store tese permissions are still cec'ed

    &en tr%ing to update securit% and o&ner troug import.

    #ntegration $ith e;ternal storage devices

    Content Federation ,er$ices (CF,) ena!les %ou to integrate data in an eternal repositor%&it FileNet P" and access te documents as toug te% &ere stored in a FileNet P"

    o!:ect store.

    CF, creates a reference &itin an o!:ect store tat points to te source document in aneternal repositor%. 4e document in te FileNet P" o!:ect store is represented !%

    metadata onl% te document in te eternal repositor% contains all its original content. In

    addition# CF, pro$ides a mecanism for mapping source document metadata to Content

    Engine document properties.4e process of creating a Content Engine document tat references a document in an

    eternal repositor% and mapping te source document metadata to Content Engine

    document properties is called federation.

    #ntegration $ith #mage %ervices

    Content Federation ,er$ices for Image ,er$ices (CF,-I,) nati$el% integrates andfederates content from Image ,er$ices repositories. CF,-I, ena!les Content Engine to

    use Image ,er$ices as anoter content storage de$ice. ?sers of FileNet P" applications

    a$e full access to content stored in eisting Image ,er$ices repositories.

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    #mage %ervices and Content Engine catalog synchroniBation

    For tose enterprises &ising to graduall% migrate content from an Image ,er$icess%stem to a Content Engine s%stem# dual cataloging of documents is an option. Image

    ,er$ices documents are cataloged in te Content Engine catalog# !ut can also !e

    cataloged in te Image ,er$ices catalog# resulting in all content !eing accessi!le !% !otImage ,er$ices applications and an% application !uilt on te FileNet P" platform.

    Bot te Image ,er$ices and Content Engine catalogs are masters and are automaticall%

    s%ncronied !% CF,-I,. If properties cange in Image ,er$ices# te% are automaticall% propagated to te Content Engine catalog. Note tat s%ncroniation is not !idirectional

    tat is# updates in te Content Engine catalog do not propagate !ac' to te Image

    ,er$ices catalog.

    #ntegration $ith Content %ervices and other repositories

    IBM Content Integrator pro$ides access to information in Content ,er$ices and in

    repositories acuired from oter $endors. Before accessing te information# %ou must*

    1 Create te data maps tat identif% o& metadata in te eternal repositor% mapsto document properties in te FileNet P" o!:ect store. In general# tere is one data

    map per source repositor%. Multi-$alue properties are supported for metadatamapping.

    2 /efine federation rules tat identif% &ic documents to federate and &ic

    folders &ill store te federated documents in te FileNet P" o!:ect store.

    Wor-flo$ definitions

    B% creating a &or'flo& definition# %ou can define te acti$ities and resources reuired toaccomplis a !usiness process. &or'flo& definition consists of a series of process steps

    connected togeter !% a series of routes# &ic define te seuence in &ic te steps are

    eecuted. 4e &or'flo& definition acts as a processing template tat is used eac time te&or'flo& runs# routing te &or' to te specified participants or processes# along &it te

    data# attacments (documents# folders# and custom o!:ects)# and oter information needed

    to complete te acti$ities.

    Process submaps

    Processes can !e de$eloped using a collection of nested su!processes# or su!maps.,u!maps can !e defined in Process /esigner or te% can !e imported from anoter 

     process definition.


    4e steps in a &or'flo& eiter represent a specific !usiness tas' or a s%stem acti$it%.  !usiness tas' can !e eecuted !% an indi$idual user# !% a group of users# and6or !% an

    automated application. 4ere are se$eral different step t%pes*

    1 launc step is te first step on te main map of a &or'flo&.

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    2 n acti$it% step can !e eiter a participant step# a &or' ueue step# or an

    unassigned step*

    a. participant step as an associated user or collection of users# all of &om must process te item to complete te step. 4e identit% of tese

    users can !e defined at runtime troug te use of &or'flo& groups tus a

    single &or'flo& definition can ei!it different !ea$ior depending on te$alue of te user identities contained in te &or'flo& groups defined for 

    tat specific &or'flo&.

     !. &or' ueue step routes &or' to a specified &or' ueue for processing !% a participant from a pool of participants or !% an automated


    c. n unassigned step is one tat is not assigned to a participant or a &or' 

    ueue. 4ese steps are processed immediatel% !% te s%stem.3 s%stem step identifies one or more s%stem functions tat pro$ide specific

    functionalit% &itin a &or'flo&. Eamples of suc functionalit% include setting

    time limits for certain acti$ities# assigning data field $alues# creating ne&

    &or'flo& instances# and suspending te &or'flo& for a specified period of timeor until a specified condition is met.

    < su!map step calls anoter &or'flo& map. n indi$idual su!map can !ereferenced multiple times &itin a &or'flo& definition# and multiple le$els of 

    nesting (for eample# su!maps &itin su!maps) are supported.

    start step is te first step on a su!map.G component step eecutes operations in an eternal program# also referred to as

    a component. Components are controlled !% using Component Manager on te

    pplication Engine ser$er and are configured using Process Configuration


    Wor- management

    5or' management pro$ides users &it a set of tas's tat te% need to perform. 5or' 

    is managed in se$eral t%pes of ueues# &ic are data!ase structures tat old &or' 

    items. ?ser ueues (called M% In!o in 5or'place) old &or' items &aiting to !e processed !% a specific user. Pu!lic ueues old &or' items tat can !e completed !%

    an% user in te assigned group.

    Wor-place 1T and Wor-place

    FileNet P" includes t&o application en$ironments to pro$ide users &it enterprise

    content management (ECM) functionalit%*1 5or'place H4 + 5or'place H4 is te net-generation FileNet P" platform 5e!

    application. Building on a familiar !ro&se and searc interface# users can uic'l%

     !ecome producti$e in teir content management en$ironment. 5or'place H4 pro$ides te tools (suc as Process /esigner and entr% templates) !% &ic

     !usiness application designers can access te document management and

     !usiness process management features of FileNet P".

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    5or'place H4 automaticall% pro$ides te follo&ing folders*

    1 Fa$orites folder &ere %ou can store lin's to freuentl% accessed folders and

    documents.2 n ll ,earces folder tat lists all predefined searces.

    3 Cec'out >ist folder tat displa%s all documents currentl% cec'ed out to %ou.

    %ystem management

    FileNet P" pro$ides a complete set of s%stem administration tools tat allo& for monitoring# $alidation# and configuration canges from a central location &it a

    dispersed deplo%ment. 4ese tools# descri!ed in te follo&ing sections# can !e used to

    manage te entire s%stem.

    FileNet P" also integrates &it s%stems management tools li'e 4i$oliT# &ic allo& for orcestration and management of s%stem components and resources on an enterprise


    DashboardIBM FileNet /as!oard pro$ides a central collection s%stem for application-specific data

    (suc as PC counts and durations# application-specific e$ents and metrics)#en$ironmental data (suc as configuration information and $ersion and fi pac' le$els)#

    and operating s%stem statistics (suc as CP? load# memor% utiliation# and dis' and

    net&or' I67). ou can anal%e te collected data using /as!oard components or eportte data for anal%sis using industr%-standard monitoring and reporting tools.

    %ystem 6onitor

    IBM FileNet ,%stem Monitor automates te monitoring of te entire FileNet P"en$ironment including FileNet P" soft&are components# application ser$ers# data!ases#

    log files# net&or' communication and de$ices# and te full range of IBM storage

    repositories. In addition to monitoring te core FileNet P" components# ,%stem Monitor can monitor omegro&n applications and products acuired from oter $endors suc as

    do!eT# ;ofa# and Captaris igtFa.

    Application development and deployment

    FileNet P" includes an etensi$e collection of de$elopment tools tat span te content

    and process management capa!ilities outlined in tis document. 4ese include*1. 9rapical tools for defining and designing application components (suc as

     processes# metadata definitions# searces# and templates).

    2. Aa$a PIs for programmatic access to content and process capa!ilities.3. .NE4 PI for de$eloping Content Engine applications.

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    . Code module capa!ilities &ere Aa$a classes containing e$ent action code are

    stored in te o!:ect store and as suc are easil% deplo%a!le.

    ". ,e$eral tools to elp %ou mo$e content !et&een en$ironments# &ic aid in tedeplo%ment process.