sunday bulletin, dec 8

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  • 8/13/2019 Sunday Bulletin, Dec 8


  • 8/13/2019 Sunday Bulletin, Dec 8


  • 8/13/2019 Sunday Bulletin, Dec 8


  • 8/13/2019 Sunday Bulletin, Dec 8


  • 8/13/2019 Sunday Bulletin, Dec 8



    December 8,2013

    MEMORY VERSE: Ezekiel 37:1414I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you on your own soil; then you shallknow that I, the LORD, have spoken and will act, says the LORD."

    Going DeeperThe purpose of this page is to provide a tool or instrument for your spiritual growth. This pagecontains a brief synopsis of the readings as well as some questions for your reflection to help you godeeper with the Word. On the back is a day by day listing of scripture readings with possible prayerrequest. Individuals are listed on their day of birthso that you might pray for them on their birthday.

    Also on the back is the prayer list for the congregation. Keep on Growing Spiritually!!

    Readings for the Day:Ezekiel 37:1-14 : Ezekiels vision of the valley of dry bones is a

    promise that Israel as a nation, though dead in exile, will liveagain in their land through Gods life-giving spirit. Three timesIsrael is assured that through this vision they will know that I amthe Lord.

    John 11:17-27 : This is part of the story of Jesus raising ofLazarus. This story provides the setting for Jesus words statingthat he is the resurrection and the life. Those who believe, eventhough they die, they will live.

    From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2013 Augsburg Fortress

    Questions To Ponder:1Who is Ezekiel?

    2 What is the significance of Ezekiels vision from God?3 How does this vision speak to you today?4 How do you experience the breath of God in your dailylife?

  • 8/13/2019 Sunday Bulletin, Dec 8


    Go ng Dee er n Pra er

    Sunday12/8Micah 1:1-16Matthew 6:1-34W Curtis Kruse, Katie WahlstromW World peace

    Monday 12/9Micah 2:1-13Matthew 7:1-29W The childrens Christmas program

    Tuesday 12/10Micah 3:1-12Matthew 8:1-34W Alicia PerryW Assisted living workers

    Wednesday 12/11Micah 4:1-13

    Matthew 9:1-38W Marlis KiddW Christians in Jordan

    Thursday 12/12Micah 5:1-15Matthew 10:1-42W Wanda Engelau, Staci Eglen,

    Gunnar TaulmanW For family experiencing difficulties

    Friday 12/13Micah 6:1-16Matthew 11:1-30W Camden Sifflard, Levi ClaycampW Child Services workers

    Saturday 12/14Micah 7:1-20Matthew 12:1-50W Herschel KleffmanW College students

    Prayer ListPrayer for Homebound Individuals: Betty Hoene, Eunice Lutes, Helen Carter, Evelyn Otte; GenevaHoene; Orville Schnitker

    Prayer for Long Term Care Issues : Andy Runge, Peggy Meahl (Sarah Roterts sister-in-law); PastorEd and Joan Winter ; Walter Von Fange(Bertha Ottes brother in-law);

    Recent Hospitalizations :

    Other Prayer Request : Jeannie Isaacs (physical health-cousin of Karen Hoene); Jeff Fugett; SteveMcGrew; Dale Ann Hoyt(cancer-friend of Bob & Dena Schafstall); Charity Hill (accident-CindySmiths daughter in-law); Herschel Kleffman; Cindy Hunt(cancer-neighbor of Delores Douglass); Deanna Johnson (Richard Andersons sister); Kristie Wessel (Tracey Engelaus sister); Tom Harris (cancer-friend of Leah Otte); Claudine Rowe (cancer- friend of Bill & Marlis Kidd); Emily Hume; PaulJohnson (cancer-Leslie Wentes fianc); Leta Ahlbrand (friend of Shirley Lewis); Amy Siefker (niece ofKaren Hoene); Carly Hoffmeier (sister-in-law to Mark Hoffmeier); Joe Bond (cancer-friend of Bob &Dena Schafstall); Frances Lamberson (Terri DeVoes Mother); Phyllis Neidinger; Edna Spiehler(PattyHerkamps friend); Shirley Darlage Duncan (cancer-friend of Dena Schafstall); Pat Norrell (friend ofKendra Harris)

    Prayers for those in Military Service: Steven Rieker (Jerry & Pixie Ottes Grandson); Chad Brigdon,Evan Marshall, Tyler Kruse