sekhukhune dispatch 24 may 2016

Friday 24 June 2016 Year 6 176th Edition Tel: 013 262 4416 Frank Selala (31) was brutally murdered by unknown gun men at his home at Malaeneng Section in Dennilton. Frank was shot with about eight bullets just after he arrived home on Sunday 12 June. According to the deceased’s brother, Ben Selala, the family heard gun shots at about 19:h00. “He was playing loud music from his car when he arrived. Then we heard several gun shots coming from the garage where he used to park his car. We went to investigate and find him in a pool of blood still in the car. There was no trace of a gum man when we arrived. We immediately called the police and rushed him to hospital,” he said. He said his brother was still alive at the time and they rushed him to Philadelphi Hospital for immedi- ate medical attention. “He was able to speak when we arrived at the hospital and we asked Man gunned down in his home garage if he knows the person who shot him but he replied that he didn’t see anything. He passed away a few minutes later,” said Ben. He said the family is heart broken because his brother was quite and disciplined. He added that the shooting was a planned hit as the shooter did not take anything from his late brother. He said they will not rest until the murderers are arrested and face the conse- quences of what they have done to his brother. “These people took away my beloved brother. They must be hunted down and rot in jail. We are all heart broken and will never rest until they face the mighty hand of the law,” he said. Dennilton SAPS Spokesperson, Constable Anna Shipalana confirmed the incident and said a docket of murder is under investigation. “A docket of murder is under investigation at our station following a murder of a 31 year old male who was shot by unknown people at his home in Malaeneng. No arrests have been made yet but we are following up all leads through our investigation and hope to arrest the suspects soon,” she said. Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema visited Ga Masemola Village, near Jane Furse in Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality on Saturday 18 June. Malema’s visit was aimed at promissing improved service delivery to the community of Ga-Masemola. Addressing the people, Malema said community members de- serve better services including RDP houses, Malema promises services to the people of Ga-Masemola Village Frank Selala standing in front of his car. better education and improved health facilities. "Housing is about restoration of dignity. It's about your pride as a nation. You cannot be proud of these RDP houses." Malema says his party plans to bring positive changes at the Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality by re- storing the dignity of the previously marginalized. Malema slammed people who destroy public property during protests and urge the community not to copy what is hap- pening in Vuwani where a number of schools and other government buildings were de- stroyed during protests. He made it clear that the area is experiencing poor service delivery and said everyone deserves to live a better life in this country.

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Community news for the Sekhukhune and surrounding districts


Page 1: Sekhukhune Dispatch 24 May 2016

Friday 24 June 2016Year 6 176th Edition Tel: 013 262 4416

Frank Selala (31) was brutally murdered byunknown gun men at his home at MalaenengSection in Dennilton. Frank was shot with abouteight bullets just after he arrived home onSunday 12 June. According to the deceased’sbrother, Ben Selala, the family heard gun shotsat about 19:h00. “He was playing loud musicfrom his car when he arrived. Then we heardseveral gun shots coming from the garagewhere he used to park his car. We went toinvestigate and find him in a pool of blood stillin the car. There was no trace of a gum man whenwe arrived. We immediately called the policeand rushed him to hospital,” he said. He said hisbrother was still alive at the time and theyrushed him to Philadelphi Hospital for immedi-ate medical attention. “He was able to speakwhen we arrived at the hospital and we asked

Man gunned down in his home garageif he knows the person who shot him but hereplied that he didn’t see anything. He passedaway a few minutes later,” said Ben.He said the family is heart broken because hisbrother was quite and disciplined. He addedthat the shooting was a planned hit as theshooter did not take anything from his latebrother. He said they will not rest until themurderers are arrested and face the conse-quences of what they have done to his brother.“These people took away my beloved brother.They must be hunted down and rot in jail. Weare all heart broken and will never rest until theyface the mighty hand of the law,” he said.Dennilton SAPS Spokesperson, ConstableAnna Shipalana confirmed the incident andsaid a docket of murder is under investigation.“A docket of murder is under investigation at

our station following a murder of a 31 year oldmale who was shot by unknown people at hishome in Malaeneng. No arrests have beenmade yet but we are following up all leadsthrough our investigation and hope to arrestthe suspects soon,” she said.

Economic Freedom Fighters leader JuliusMalema visited Ga Masemola Village, near JaneFurse in Makhuduthamaga Local Municipalityon Saturday 18 June. Malema’s visit was aimedat promissing improved service delivery to thecommunity of Ga-Masemola. Addressing thepeople, Malema said community members de-serve better services including RDP houses,

Malema promises services to the people of Ga-Masemola Village

Frank Selalastanding in frontof his car.

better education and improved health facilities."Housing is about restoration of dignity. It'sabout your pride as a nation. You cannot beproud of these RDP houses." Malema says hisparty plans to bring positive changes at theMakhuduthamaga Local Municipality by re-storing the dignity of the previouslymarginalized. Malema slammed people who

destroy public property during protests andurge the community not to copy what is hap-pening in Vuwani where a number of schoolsand other government buildings were de-stroyed during protests. He made it clear thatthe area is experiencing poor service deliveryand said everyone deserves to live a better lifein this country.

Page 2: Sekhukhune Dispatch 24 May 2016

2 DISPATCH FRIDAY - 24 June 2016

Dozens of residents, led by the Bolsheviks Party of South Africa (BPSA), held a #Zumamustfallmarch at Elandsdoorn in Dennilton on Thursday 16 June, Youth Day. The march started at theNdlovu Miracle Theatre where residents were singing and marching on the Loskop Road toMoutse Mall. They were chanting that President Jacob Zuma must resign from office and stepdown as President of the country.The march was one of several demonstrations those were seen around the country recently, tocoinciding with Freedom and Youth Day holidays.Anti-Zuma sentiments gained momentum after the High Court found Zuma guilty for breachingthe constitution when handling the Nkandla issue by refusing to pay back the money used in non-security features in his homestead. That’s when several organizations including oppositionparties call for President Zuma to resign.#ZumaMustFall Limpopo Convenor and BPSA leader, Seun Mogotji, said the President hasviolated the constitution of the country and must resign.“We will continue to spread the word until he resigns because he is no longer fit to lead thecountry,” said Mogotji. He said the President failed the people of the country by not followingthe constitution of the country whereas he is the first person and should lead by example.“We will not relent and we will not stop until we are heard. We cannot wait for months or a yearand a half before this happens. We demand for it to happen now,” concluded Mogotji.

#ZumamustfallCampaign held on

Youth Day

BPSA membersholding placardsshowing thatthey no longerwant PresidentJacob Zuma inoffice.

Page 3: Sekhukhune Dispatch 24 May 2016

DISPATCH FRIDAY - 24 June 2016 3

Page 4: Sekhukhune Dispatch 24 May 2016

4 DISPATCH FRIDAY - 24 June 2016

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) membersand other community members in Tafelkop,Elias Motsoaledi Ward 28, came in numbers toattend a march that took place on Wednesday15 June. The march commenced at 10h00 wheredemonstrators gathered near Ga-Chego Super-market singing and chanting, heading down onthe main road to Tafelkop Power Save Whole-sale & Retail where the memorandums werescheduled to be handed over to the recipients.

Economic Freedom Fighter march for better servicesMemorandums of demands were handed overto representatives from Tafelkop Power Save,Tafelkop Shoprite U-Save and KgoshiRammupudu Community Clinic.According to the Secretary of EFF in EliasMotsoaledi Ward 28, Sibusiso Sefoloshe, theparty was aiming to march to the three institu-tions to lodge their grievances following theunsatisfactory service received by Tafelkopresidents .

“We planned to hand-over three memoran-dums to these different institutions to raise ourgrievances after receiving a number of com-plaints from community members,” he said.Sefoloshe said in the memorandum directed toKgoshi Rammupudu Clinic, EFF and the com-munity noted that the institution closes itsdoors for services after 16h00, whereas it wasannounced as a 24 hour facility.“We have realized that the non availability of

staff members after 16h00 is caused by somenurses’ refusal to report on duty. We alsostated the issue of wrong medication that hasbeen given to a number of patients in the clinic.Some community members complain that thenurses are rude and negligence. Patients areturned away and told there is a shortage ofmedication,” he said.He said the community is unhappy that TafelkopPower Save Wholesale & Retail is not givingback to the community. He said the retailer failto build public toilets and customer shelterwhereas the elderly are collecting grant moneyfrom the shop every month.“We also received a complaint from some staffmembers that they are under-paid and even notregistered with the Labour Department. Cus-tomers are also losing their staff because theshop has no parcel counter at all. We havediscovered that the shop is selling expired foodto the people. We have discovered and notedthat the shop is locking up a staff member tosecure the shop during the night without anyaccess to a toilet, or any emergency exit ifdisasters such as fire or heavy storm struck thebuilding,” explained Sefoloshe.Regarding the memorandum handed over toShoprite U-Save representative, Sefoloshe saidthe most complains are similar to those ofTafelkop Power Save Wholesale & Retail.“The shop has no public toilets, no shelter forcustomers, selling expired food to customersand people loses their belongings as the shophas no parcel counter. They are not giving backto the community and the staff members arecomplaining that they are under-paid,” he said.Sefoloshe added that the two shops are given7 days to respond and the clinic was given 14days to respond.“We will be discussing the issues stated in thememorandum during a meeting that will be setbetween us and the institutions. We hope tocome up with positive resolutions,” he said.

Page 5: Sekhukhune Dispatch 24 May 2016

DISPATCH FRIDAY - 24 June 2016 5

On Thursday 9 June, the Ndlovu Care Group inpartnership with the Victim Support Team ofthe Dennilton SAPS, hosted pre-school chil-dren from Dennilton and other surroundingareas. The event, that saw more than thirty pre-schools attending, was organized at the NdlovuSports Grounds.The event was held to celebrate Child Protec-tion Day where children were been educatedabout their rights. “The aim of the event was toeducate, motivate and entertain not only chil-dren, but also their caregivers and other profes-sionals who have the well-being of children atheart.The event was enormously successful and allhad a wonderful time,” said Constable AnnaShipalana, Dennilton SAPS Spokesperson.

Children Protection Day byNdlovu and Dennilton SAPS

She said they were happy about the attendanceand this shows that creches and pre-schoolowners respond positively to ensure that it iseveryone’s business to protect these youngones.Shipalana said the campaigns play a major roleto decrease child abuse as most children comeforward to report against those who treat themin an inappropriate manner. “The level of childabuse in South Africa is extremely high. In factSouth Africa is believed to have the highestrate of child abuse in the world.It is a clear indication that some members of thesociety do not respect the importance of thechild.A child is a pride of the country. A child'sinnocence, purity and dignity should be re-

spected and pro-tected. Children havea right to enjoy theirchildhood,”she said.Captions e2 & e3Children came in num-bers to attend ChildrenProtection Day eventheld at Ndlovu SportsGrounds.

Members of theDennilton SAPSVictim SupportTeam.

Page 6: Sekhukhune Dispatch 24 May 2016

6 DISPATCH FRIDAY - 24 June 2016

A 25 year old male suspect named, Brian Ndlovu was arrested by theMotetema Police after committing three crimes in one night.According to Motetema SAPS Spokesperson, Constable BoitumeloMatlala, the suspect forced entry and raped a girl at Botlopunya Sectionin Tafelkop Village in the early hours of Friday 17 June.“After commiting the crime Ndlovu went and hijacked a vehicle using atoy gun at Stadium View Section in Tafelkop. He also fled with goodsbelonging to the family including a cellphone,” he said.Matlala said: “After hijacking the vehicle, the suspect came accross awoman who was hitch hiking. He stopped and pointed her with a toy guntook her hand bag containing a cellphone and money before he fled.”He said the police were already called when the suspect commited thethird crime.“Our members followed the lead and managed to arrest the suspect atRamegwerane Village, a few kilometres from Tafelkop. He was chargedwith house robbery, rape and armed robbery. All stolen items wererecovered in the Toyota Avanza he stole in Stadium View. He brieflyappeared before the Motetema Magistrate’s Court on Monday 20 Juneand will appear again soon for a formal bail application. An investigationis underway,” he said.

Man arrested aftercommitting 3 crimes

in one nightA pedestrian, Tsobitso Mahlangu cheated death when he was hit by aspeeding mini bus taxi at the Tafelkop main road in the late hours of Friday17 June. The area, where Mhahlangu was hit, it is known as a highaccident spot where a total of five pedestrians were hit and some lost theirlives since the beginning of this year. According to eye witnesses,Mahlangu was crossing the road to accompany his son to a pre-annualinitiation ceremony. “He was crossing from Bapeding to MgababaSection when he was hit. He did not notice the taxi as it was starting tobe dark. The driver tried to apply the brakes but it was too late,” said aneye witness. He claims the area between Majakaneng and NonyaneFilling Station has a high number of people crossing the road and thevehicles are always going fast. He said an ambulance was called andMahlangu was rushed to Groblersdal Hospital in a critical condition and

Man cheats death ondeadly notorious road

later transferred toMankweng Hospitalas he sustained headinjuries.Constable BoitumeloMatlala, MotetemaSAPS Spokespersonsaid a docket of reck-less and negligencedriving is under inves-tigation.

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DISPATCH FRIDAY - 24 June 2016 76

The Bolsheviks Party of South Africa (BPSA)donated school uniforms to the needy pupils atNyakhoroana Combined School at MalaenengVillage in Moutse. The donation was made bythe party’s leadership at the school premiseson Wednesday 15 June.BPSA’s Electioneering Coordinator, ChrisMhlanga said they decided to donate toNyakhoroana Combined School as a result of ahigh number of learners coming from poorbackgrounds.“We managed to identify a total of 20 benefici-aries who received a full school uniform. Theselearners are the neediest ones and needed ourimmediate intervention. We cannot shy away

BPSA donates uniforms to Nyakhoroana

Sterkfontein All Stars soccer players were overthe moon when JQ Spares in Groblersdal do-nated them a soccer kit on Thursday 16 June.The team received the kit from JQ SparesGroblersdal Branch Manager Mr Johan Fourie.Fourie said his actions motivated by a passionshown by a Groblersdal Taxi Operator MrHerbert Radingwane with his love of sports indeveloping young people around his area. Hesaid Radingwane has done a great job by mak-ing sure that young people are taken off thestreets and participate in sports.He said to donate a soccer kit to the needymotivates young ones to take sport seriouslyand have chances to compete on a professionallevel. Fourie wishes his fellow businessmenand women could see the need to sponsor thecommunity that support the businesses aroundGroblersdal.The founder of Herbzer Sports and Skills Devel-opment Organization, Mr Hebert Radingwaneappreciated the donation and said it will makea huge difference in the team.

JQ SparesGroblersdal

donatessoccer kit

from such situations in which our children goto school without proper uniforms," saidMhlanga.Chris Mhlanga said BPSA is going to adopt theschool for its new programme aiming to upliftneedy schools.He said they will be going ahead and donatemore as they are in engagements with donors.“I would like to call on all of us to work togetherand ensure that we do something to guaranteethat our children go to school with a full stom-ach and dressed properly,” he concluded.Nyakhoroana Combined School Principal MrsIM Bashele told the Dispatch that they have alot of needy children in the school. She appre-

ciated what have done by BPSA and said it will come as a relief to parents and pupils.

Some of the ben-eficiaries after re-ceiving schooluniforms. Withthem is BPSABranch Chairper-son Vusi Ndlelaand representa-tives from MailaChieftiancy.

Herbzer Sports and Skills Develop-ment Organization’s Mr HebertRadingwane receives a soccer kit fromJQ Groblersdal Manager, JohanFourie.

Page 8: Sekhukhune Dispatch 24 May 2016

8 DISPATCH FRIDAY - 24 June 2016

Herbzer Sports and Skills Development Organi-zation organized a Youth Day Top Four SoccerTournament that was held at Sterkfontein SportsGrounds on Thursday 16 June. The aim of thetournament was to celebrate Youth Day throughsports participation by young people fromSterkfontein and other surrounding areas.Sterkfontein All Stars FC, Monsterlus FC, FlakeFC and Powerline FC were the four teams takingpart in the tournament.In the first match, the host, Sterkfontein FC

Youth Day Soccer Tournament held in Sterkfontein

Brothers FC from Tafelkop successfully wonthe Elias Motsoaledi Local Football Associa-tion Promotional League. The team played welland managed to win 13 matches out of 14 theyplayed in the league. Brothers will now repre-sent Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality in thedistrict level where they will be competing withother winners from all five local municipalitiesin Sekhukhune District Municipality.Elias Motsoaledi Local Football AssociationSecretary Jeffrey Mtshweni said the associa-tion is pleased that Brothers showed commit-ment by winning the league two years consecu-tively.“Last year they won the league but urged to selltheir status because they were in lack of spon-sorship. We hope this year that will not happen.We want to see them taking part in the Regionalplay-offs,” he said.Mtshweni said they want to develop the localteams and their aim is to see them participatingin the SAB League after winning the SekhukhuneRegional play-offs.“It is not fair to us that a team have to sell itsstatus and come back to compete because theylack sponsors. The municipality should starttaking local teams seriously by making contri-bution. We have a local sport committee in thatmunicipality that suppose to come on board

defeated Monsterlus FC on penalties after aanticipation match in a goal less draw. The hostmanaged to score all penalties and MonsterlusFC missed its one attempt that caused them tobe eliminated in the semi-finals.In the second semi-finals Flake FC defeatedPowerline FC with a 2-0 score. The match pulledattention of the spectators where Flake playerswere unstoppable dominating the rest of thematch. They scored two beautiful goals byGiven Msiza and the second one by Cheese

Boy Mphelane. The host, Sterkfontein All StarsFC proved that they are all times championswhen claiming victory in the final match. Theydefeated Flake FC on penalties to be crownedwinners of the tournament and bags them-selves R1000-00 first prize money. The secondprize, R500-00 went to Flake FC after they werebeaten in the finals. Powerline FC pocketedR250-00 after scooping the third prize whendefeating Monsterlus FC.Herbzer Sports and Skills Development Organi-

zation founder, Hebert Radingwane said theYouth Day top 4 tournament was launched andwill be held annually. He said his aim is to growthe tournament to 16 teams next year.“Here winners will walk away with big prizessuch as trophies and medals. I would like tocongratulate Sterkfontein All Stars for winningthe tournament. This shows that they weremotivated after JQ Spares donated a soccer kitfor them in the morning just before the tourna-ment commence,” he said.

Brothers FC wins the Elias Motsoaledi Local Football Association Leagueand make sure that teams such as Brothersreceive support because they know exactlywhat they are doing in the field of play,” he said.Mtshweni also complemented Letsoga Pele FCfor coming second in the league and said: “Theteam played well and also won most of thematches. They are skilled and qualified to playin the region also but unfortunately only oneteam is needed.”He said the league is currently closed and willhopefully open again in January next year forfirst round. “We have a challenge by openingthe league towards December because the teamsdo not come back in January. We want a freshstart where we will be running until mid-yearwhere the winners will be sent to the regionalplay-offs the same year,” he said.He urged team owners and coaches to registertheir football clubs in time so that young peoplecould be given a chance to showcase theirtalents.“Our main challenge is that we are experiencinga delay when starting with the league due to ashortage of teams. Sometimes we are able toregister only three teams per each category.Team owners and coaches must come forwardto register. Parents must also allow their chil-dren to participate in sports around their com-munities,” he said.

Jeffrey Mtshweni concluded: “Sport participa-tion by young people could help to expose theirtalents to bigger PSL clubs where they couldend up playing soccer in professional level. Wesometimes receive invitations to bring young

talented soccer players for trials in local basedPSL teams such as Polokwane City but wemanage to send just a few boys because theteams are not registered with us and we couldnot scout good players.”