sekhukhune dispatch 27 november 2015

Friday 27 November 2015 Year 7 163rd Edition Tel: 013 262 4416 The Mayor of Elias Motsoaledi Local Munici- pality Cllr Julia Mathebe paid a visit to the Ndlovu Miracle Theatre, Elandsdoorn Town- ship in Moutse on Friday 13 November. The Mayor's visit was supposed to form a part of the Mayoral Outreach Programme but ac- cording to community members and opposi- tions in the municipality, the programme turned out to be a political campaign. Some of the Executive Members in the municipality showed up wearing ANC T-Shirts and caps. The meet- ing was chaired by Cllr Tseke Lepota, an EXCO member in the municipality who was also seen wearing ANC clothes. This caused a tension between the municipal- ity and the community who attended the pro- gramme when realizing that the Mayor and ruling party councillors use government re- sources to campaign for the ANC. Elandsdoorn Township is the Mpumalanga Party strong- hold. During the delimitation of wards, the Chairperson of the National Demarcation Board promised to the Elandsdoorn community that their area will not be affected in the delimitation process. Now it was discovered that the Elias Motsoaledi Mayor chased away Mayoral outreach turned out to be political campaign in delimitated wards Elandsdoorn area (Elias Motsoaledi Ward 11) has been divided into two parts. One part was taken to ward 14 and the other part was taken to ward 8; these wards are ANC strongholds. During the visit the Mayor was asked about the demarcation board's decision of dividing ward 11 but she failed to answer. The community then became angry and told the Mayor to leave when claiming that her visit was not of the people's interests, but a campaign for the com- ing Local Government Elections. Ali Maloba, Elias Motsoaledi Ward 11 Council- lor said he was not informed formally about the decision as it was taken in the ANC meeting where he was not allowed to participate. Maloba told the Dispatch that their fight with the demarcation board is not over and the community will fight until the demarcation board reverses its decision and act according to the needs of the residents. According to the Mpumalanga Party's EXCO member in Elias Motsoaledi, Cllr Seun Mogotji, the Mayor, and for that matter the ANC, is in this outreach using government funds allo- cated from the municipality to strengthen ANC support in the villages. "I was also asked to join the officials and councillors when I arrive but I refused after noticing that some of the councillors were wearing political organization clothes," he said. Mogotji went on and said the programme formed part of a door-to-door campaign which makes it clear that the mayor was campaigning for the coming elections. He said the Mayoral Outreach are targeting only opposition owned wards in Elias Motsoaledi. "It is surprising that no Mayoral Outreach Programmes are scheduled to be staged in ANC controlled wards. These programmes are taken to opposition wards where the number of ANC supporters is declining," concluded Mogotji. In a community meeting held at the Ndlovu Miracle Theatre in Elandsdoorn on Sunday 22 November it was decided that the community of Elandsdoorn demands the Limpopo Premier Stan Mathabatha to come and address the delimitation issues relating to the township. Residents demand the premier and other offi- cials to come and address them on Sunday 6 December. Maloba added that the community agreed to make the Moutse area ungovernable if the invited officials fail to attend. "It seems like the Demarcation Board was tar- geting opposition controlled wards in the de- limitation process. This has also happened in Groblersdal where the Democratic Alliance has a large number of voters," he said. Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality Spokes- person Mbusi Mahlangu was not reached for comment. His cellphone rang unanswered.

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Community news for the Sekhukhune and surrounding districts


Page 1: Sekhukhune Dispatch 27 November 2015

Friday 27 November 2015Year 7 163rd Edition Tel: 013 262 4416

The Mayor of Elias Motsoaledi Local Munici-pality Cllr Julia Mathebe paid a visit to theNdlovu Miracle Theatre, Elandsdoorn Town-ship in Moutse on Friday 13 November.The Mayor's visit was supposed to form a partof the Mayoral Outreach Programme but ac-cording to community members and opposi-tions in the municipality, the programme turnedout to be a political campaign. Some of theExecutive Members in the municipality showedup wearing ANC T-Shirts and caps. The meet-ing was chaired by Cllr Tseke Lepota, an EXCOmember in the municipality who was also seenwearing ANC clothes.This caused a tension between the municipal-ity and the community who attended the pro-gramme when realizing that the Mayor andruling party councillors use government re-sources to campaign for the ANC. ElandsdoornTownship is the Mpumalanga Party strong-hold. During the delimitation of wards, theChairperson of the National Demarcation Boardpromised to the Elandsdoorn community thattheir area will not be affected in the delimitationprocess. Now it was discovered that the

Elias Motsoaledi Mayor chased awayMayoral outreach turned out to be political campaign in delimitated wards

Elandsdoorn area (Elias Motsoaledi Ward 11)has been divided into two parts. One part wastaken to ward 14 and the other part was takento ward 8; these wards are ANC strongholds.During the visit the Mayor was asked about thedemarcation board's decision of dividing ward11 but she failed to answer. The communitythen became angry and told the Mayor to leavewhen claiming that her visit was not of thepeople's interests, but a campaign for the com-ing Local Government Elections.Ali Maloba, Elias Motsoaledi Ward 11 Council-lor said he was not informed formally about thedecision as it was taken in the ANC meetingwhere he was not allowed to participate.Maloba told the Dispatch that their fight withthe demarcation board is not over and thecommunity will fight until the demarcation boardreverses its decision and act according to theneeds of the residents.According to the Mpumalanga Party's EXCOmember in Elias Motsoaledi, Cllr Seun Mogotji,the Mayor, and for that matter the ANC, is inthis outreach using government funds allo-cated from the municipality to strengthen ANC

support in the villages."I was also asked to join the officials andcouncillors when I arrive but I refused afternoticing that some of the councillors werewearing political organization clothes," he said.Mogotji went on and said the programme formedpart of a door-to-door campaign which makesit clear that the mayor was campaigning for thecoming elections. He said the Mayoral Outreachare targeting only opposition owned wards inElias Motsoaledi."It is surprising that no Mayoral OutreachProgrammes are scheduled to be staged in ANCcontrolled wards. These programmes are takento opposition wards where the number of ANCsupporters is declining," concluded Mogotji.In a community meeting held at the NdlovuMiracle Theatre in Elandsdoorn on Sunday 22November it was decided that the communityof Elandsdoorn demands the Limpopo PremierStan Mathabatha to come and address thedelimitation issues relating to the township.Residents demand the premier and other offi-cials to come and address them on Sunday 6December. Maloba added that the communityagreed to make the Moutse area ungovernableif the invited officials fail to attend."It seems like the Demarcation Board was tar-geting opposition controlled wards in the de-limitation process. This has also happened inGroblersdal where the Democratic Alliance hasa large number of voters," he said.Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality Spokes-person Mbusi Mahlangu was not reached forcomment. His cellphone rang unanswered.

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2 DISPATCH FRIDAY 27 November 2015

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DISPATCH FRIDAY 27 November 2015 3

Fourteen Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)members appeared briefly before the MotetemaMagistrate's Court on Tuesday 24 Novemberon public violence charges. The EFF members,all from Tafelkop Village, were arrested onWednesday 22 April 2015 in the village after aservice delivery protest that erupted in the areaon Tuesday 21 April. EFF members from othervillages in Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipalityalso attended the court to support their felloworganization members. The Chairperson of EFFin Elias Motsoaledi Ward 28 Sibusiso Sefoloshi,the arrest was politically motivated as the po-lice were targeting only EFF members. He toldthe Dispatch that they were not even protest-ing when they were arrested by the police.They appeared before the Nebo Magistrate'sCourt on Thursday 23 April and charged withpublic violence. They were released on R500-00bail each. Sefoloshe said one of their members;Frans Matseke was hospitalized after he wasshot with a rubber bullet on his right thigh.Sefoloshe added that EFF submitted threememorandums at Elias Motsoaledi Local Mu-nicipality where they were complaining aboutpoor service delivery. Amongst the grievancesin the memorandums handed to the municipal-ity the community were complaints about themissing funds in the R2 Million the municipalityallocated for 20 high mast lights in the village,incomplete RDP housing project that started in2009 and the delaying of a R33 Million waterproject. "The municipality failed to respond tothe memorandums and the community got fu-rious and started demonstrating on the streets,"he said. The court proceedings were resched-uled to 28 January because one of the accusedwas writing matric exams on the 25th of Novem-ber.

Recently, the Department of Public Works ad-vertised posts in Elias Motsoaledi Local Mu-nicipality for an EPWP Programme that had tostart on Thursday 1 October. The project wasfunded by the Development Bank of SouthAfrica. 20 Unemployed people from EliasMotsoaledi were needed per ward to be ap-pointed in the vacancies. Now the project hasbeen delayed after some community membersclaim that the municipality appointed ANC cardcarrying members to fill the positions. It isalleged that the ruling party wants to fill theirposts with their members to strengthen theircampaign in the coming Local GovernmentElections. The community claims that some ofthe ruling party members, who are included inthe programme, are not even qualified to beappointed in a project that is aimed at eradicat-ing poverty by creating employment for theneediest residents in the communities. A com-munity leader, Sipho Msiza told the Dispatchthat a number of meetings were held betweenthe Elias Motsoaledi Mayor Cllr Julia Mathebeand concerned community members. He saidthe community became aware of the matter afterpoor residents who were appointed in theproject were removed and replaced by ANCmembers consisting mainly of young people.He said this was done by the municipality tostrengthen the ruling party's support amongstyouth in the coming elections. "We cannot sitback and watch destitute indigent communitymembers around the community suffering. Wedemand fair appointment where everyone willbe treated equally," he said. Elias MotsoalediLocal Municipality Spokesperson MbusiMahlangu was not available for comment as hiscellphone rang unanswered.

EFF membersin court for

public violence

EPWP appointedresidents

replaced by ANCmembers

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DISPATCH FRIDAY 27 November 2015 7

Graduations and Farewell at Matshiphe Combined SchoolPupils, educators, parents and communitymembers converged at Matshiphe CombinedSchool to celebrate the graduations of theGrade R and a Farewell function of the Grade 9learners.The event was held at the school premises inthe remote Ten Morgan Village, Dennilton,Moutse area. The purpose of the event was towelcome the grade R graduates in grade 1 nextyear. It was also aimed to say goodbye to thegrade 9 learners who will be joining differentsecondary schools for their grade 10 lessons in2016. According to the school principal Mr MIModike, it was hard to part ways with the grade9 pupils as they achieved a lot since enrollingat Matshiphe Combined School. "These learn-ers made us proud when topping all MoutseCentral Circuit learners in three consecutiveyears.In 2012, these learners became grade 6 bestperforming learners in Moutse Central Circuit.Again in 2013 they were awarded the overallbest performance award in grade 7 by theMoutse Central Circuit. They continued thetradition whereby in 2014 they also won theoverall best performing grade 8 learners in thewhole Moutse Central Circuit. We have beenwith them for a period of ten years and now itis time we part ways. We are very proud of themand hope they will keep on doing great thingswherever they go next year," he said.He went on and said: "The level of our grade 9learners is in fact equivalent to that of matriclearners of other schools. They like competi-tion and are not afraid to try new things. Theyare always ready for any action," Modike addedthat they were rewarding these learners in theirannual events to encourage them to focus ontheir studies. He said the school has its way ofpreparing their learners in lower grades byencouraging them to compete with their class-

mates. "Here we groom our learners in thefoundation phase and encourage them to com-pete in their academic lessons," revealedModike. He said the school is experiencing alarge number of enrolments due to the qualityof education offered at Matshiphe CombinedSchool. The motivational speaker of the day,Mr Madoda Vilakazi, who attended the sameschool, encouraged learners to focus on start-ing their own businesses. Recently, Vilakazidonated a computer lab to the school as a formof giving back to the community. At the day ofthe event, Vilakazi donated to the school theamount of R100 000-00 that will be assisting toupgrade the computer lab he donated to theschool previously. "You must look beyond theusual job and focus on starting your ownbusiness. Just look around and think of invent-ing something that can be useful to the people,"he said. Vilakazi stressed that learners must usemany ways to identify their careers. He toldlearners to support each other and work hard ontheir studies to achieve more in future. "Do notfollow success, just do great and success willfollow you," he said.Madoda Vilakazi toldthe Dispatch that he isaiming at donating atwo block buildingconsisting of eightclassrooms. He saidthe construction willstart before the end ofthis year.People were enter-tained with culturalmusic includingNdebele dance,Kulenyane, Tsongadance, Sepedi danceand many more.

Rorisang Mankge is happy to bepromoted to Grade 1 at MatshipheCombined School in Dennilton.

Sibusiso Maseko graduated to theGrade 1 class at Matshiphe Com-bined School.

Philani Hlatshwayo smiles after re-ceiving his Grade R graduationcertificate at Matshiphe CombinedSchool in Ten Morgan, Dennilton.

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8 DISPATCH FRIDAY 27 November 2015

The players of the Motetema Football andNetball League will be rewarded on Saturday 5December. The award ceremony will be held atthe Mamokgalake Chuene Hall in MotetemaTownship.According to the chairperson of MotetemaFootball and Netball League Khutso Masehlaplayers will be awarded in different categoriesin both soccer and netball. He said championsin both football and netball will be officiallygiven their prizes in the ceremony."We will be rewarding teams and players whodid exceptionally well in the league. This in-cludes best goalie, best defender, best mid-fielder, top goal scorer and coach of the season.The ladies will be rewarded too in these catego-ries," he said. Masehla added that they juststarted with the league and it was a great

Motetema Football and Netball League to reward its playerssuccess with many young people enjoyingthemselves when competing. "The idea of start-ing this league is fruitful. We managed to takea number of participants, mainly youth, off thestreets. Now everyone who is participatingwithin the league is prepared and ready for thestart of the second season," he said. Masehlacongratulated last season's winners in bothsoccer and netball for the effort they put in tomake the league a success. "All teams playedwell but unfortunately, there can only be onewinner in soccer and netball. Hopefully theother teams will put more effort next season, weare expecting a high competition coming fromall the teams," he said. He hinted: "The winnersin football, Baba FC, will walk away with goldmedals and a big trophy after winning with 33points. The team that came second, Young

Tigers FC, will be awarded silver medals and atrophy. They had 31 points in their bag. Thethird prize will be going to Flying Birds FC andthey will walk away with bronze medals and atrophy." He said that the netball competitorswere also determined when competing to becrowned the champions of the league. "Theladies performed well and have shown commit-ment with their attendance during the matches.The Baba ladies team is top of the log.” He

furthered said the Baba NC will walk away withgold medals and a big trophy after topping thenetball side. "We had a wonderful league thisseason and we want to thank everyone whosupported us throughout this season. Thisincludes parents, by allowing their children tocome and take part in these sporting activities.We also want to thank the main sponsor of theleague, Jomo Ramanaledi for being there for uswhen needed it the most," he concluded.

Flying Birds FCis amongstteams that willbe rewarded inthe MotetemaFootball andN e t b a l lLeague.

Baba FC willreceive goldmedals and atrophy afterwinning theMotetema Soc-cer League.

A 65 year old male was arrested for dealing withdagga during a police operation in Marble HallTown on Friday 20 November. The suspectwas arrested at the municipal stalls in the townafter the police searched him and found daggaestimated to the street value of R10 000-00.The suspect will appear before the Marble HallMagistrate's Court soon on dealing with daggacharges. The operation led to another successafter arresting a 25 year old male after he wasfound with packets of contraband cigarettes.The suspect was arrested at Marble Hall Townon Friday 20 November. "He was found inpossession of packets of Hawawi cigarettes.The suspects were selling these forbiddengoods to community members when the policearrested him," said the Spokesperson of Mar-ble Hall SAPS, Constable Lethunya Mmuroa.He said the suspect will appear in the MarbleHall Magistrate's Court soon.

Arrest during police operationA 22 year old man was sentenced to 12 monthsin prison by the Motetema Magistrate's Courton Thursday 19 November for house breakingthe police said. According to Constable ThelmaMakofane, Motetema SAPS Spokesperson, theaccused, Alfred Lekgotla was arrested in pos-session of stolen goods on Sunday 4 October2015. "The owner of the house was alerted aftera neighbour noticed that a house has beenbroken into. The house owner rushed homeand found some of the goods missing. Some ofthe goods were found abandoned on the streets.The police were called and started an investiga-

22-year-old gets 12months for housebreaking and theft

tion that led to the arrest of the accused thefollowing day," she said. Makofane added thatthe accused was also found declared unfit topossess a firearm by the Motetema Magis-trate's Court. "He was found guilty of housebreaking and theft. He is already started toserve his sentence in prison and the policewelcome the conviction," she concluded.