sekhukhune dispatch 12 february 2016

Friday 12 February 2016 Year 6 167th Edition Tel: 013 262 4416 Elias Motsaoledi Local Municipality has offi- cially released its 2014/2015 Audited Financial Statements during a council seating on Friday 29 January at the municipal premises in Groblersdal. The statements show exactly how funds were mismanaged at the municipality and millions of Rands were used to benefit individuals. The statements reflect payments to the value of R69 911 908 - 00 made by the council but not according to the Supply Chain Management Procedure. An amount of R6 603 496-00 was paid to indi- viduals and or companies that are connected to individuals in the council, which is illegal. Fruit- less and wastefull expenditure in the financial year 2014/15 amounts to R2 583 765-00 which is in respects of payments made for legal repre- sentation of Council in the matter of the termi- nation of services of the former C F O, Madimabe Monageng. The statements also reflects the Golden Hand Shake paid to then MM (Langa Kabini) and then CFO (Nancy Rampedi) in 2009 where Kabini was paid R5 Million and Rampedi was paid R2.7 Million. It was ruled in the MPAC resolution that the councillors who took the decision to EMLM shocking 2014/2015 Audited Financial Statements pay the Golden Hand Shake pay back the money but until today the money has never been paid. The amount of R11 202 663-07 was paid to contractors for non cash back expenditure. The actual expenditure exceeded budget and such pay- ments are highly irregular in terms of the MFMA regulations. The General expenses paid by Council for the year amounts to R71 945 599-00. Included in this amount is R23 189 879-00 which was paid for consulting and professional fees but national government clearly told all government departments to cut back on. At EMLM it increased the expense in reference thereto from R12 592 946-00 (2014). This is an increase of 84.15%. R88 771-00 was overpaid to the Mayor in respect of her public office allowance. According to the financial statements this amount is still outstanding. In Total R113 202 973-00 was irregularly and unlawfully managed and/or paid which represents major maladministration and mismanagement of council funds. According the Bolsheviks Party of South Africa's Magdeline Mahlako Tshukudu, those that have been delegated and/or mandated to act with fiduciary responsibilities did not and should therefore with immediate effect be released from their duties, removed from office and criminally charged. "As Bolsheviks Party of South Africa it is totally unacceptable to witness this kind of administration that prevails at the hands of the ANC. Such kind of management and control of finances cannot and will not be tolerated by the BPSA and for that matter those that are responsible for this disastrous situation that prevails must know that their term of employment is very limited." she said. Elias Motsoaledi Ward 11 BPSA Secretary Magdeline Mahlako Tshukudu says the maladministration and mis- management of funds must be stopped at Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality. Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral service of the slained Warrant Officer who was laid to rest at Hlalanikahle Section in Monsterlus on Saturday 30 January. Warrant Officer Joel Seloga (57) was killed by the community of Madibong in Jane Furse on Saturday 23 January when they mistook him of being a criminal. Seloga, who was stationed at Hlogotlou SAPS in Monsterlus, was part of an operation with colleagues from Brits in North West when they were about to arrest a suspect who was attending the funeral of a villager in Madibong who had been shot and killed a week before. Seloga's service firearm was used to kill him after he was chased and cornered before he was shot in the head and died instantly. During Slained police officer laid to rest in Monsterlus the funeral service, mourners called on the police to take harsh actions against the crimi- nals, including those who shot and killed Seloga. The Limpopo Provincial Police Commissioner Lieutenant General Fanie Masemola was amongs the mourners. Masemola slammed the police killings and said the suspects must face the full might of the law. He condemned the community members taking the law into their own hands and urge that they must leave everything in the hands of the police. Masemola expressed his shock and said: "The community members that killed the police officer are now filled with blood in their hands. They are all responsible of murdering the police officer and must be brought to book to answer for their wrong doings." A total of eleven suspects were arrested in connection with Seloga's murder, but later five of them were released due to lack of evidence. The suspects appeared before the Sekhukhune Magistrate's Court on Thursday 4 February facing murder charges. A number of residents attended the court to support the suspects and demanding that they must be granted bail. They said Seloga was killed in a case of mis- taken identity. Sekhukhune Congress leader Pastor Derrick Mosoana said they are in a full support of the suspects and are demanding that they must be granted bail. He said they are currently seeking advices from the organiza- tion’s lawyers and also aim to engage with the Provincial Police Commissioner Fanie Masemola to try to resolve the matter out of court. During the court proceedings, the suspects' lawyer, Advocate Commeth Sebopela told the court that he is ready to start with the bail application. The state asked for postponement for further investigation in the case. The bail application was postponed to Tuesday 8 March.

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Community news for the Sekhukhune and surrounding districts


Page 1: Sekhukhune Dispatch 12 February 2016

Friday 12 February 2016Year 6 167th Edition Tel: 013 262 4416

Elias Motsaoledi Local Municipality has offi-cially released its 2014/2015 Audited FinancialStatements during a council seating on Friday29 January at the municipal premises inGroblersdal.The statements show exactly how funds weremismanaged at the municipality and millions ofRands were used to benefit individuals. Thestatements reflect payments to the value of R69911 908 - 00 made by the council but notaccording to the Supply Chain ManagementProcedure.An amount of R6 603 496-00 was paid to indi-viduals and or companies that are connected toindividuals in the council, which is illegal. Fruit-less and wastefull expenditure in the financialyear 2014/15 amounts to R2 583 765-00 which isin respects of payments made for legal repre-sentation of Council in the matter of the termi-nation of services of the former C F O, MadimabeMonageng.The statements also reflects the Golden HandShake paid to then MM (Langa Kabini) andthen CFO (Nancy Rampedi) in 2009 where Kabiniwas paid R5 Million and Rampedi was paid R2.7Million. It was ruled in the MPAC resolutionthat the councillors who took the decision to

EMLM shocking 2014/2015 AuditedFinancial Statements

pay the Golden Hand Shake pay back the money but until today themoney has never been paid.The amount of R11 202 663-07 was paid to contractors for non cash backexpenditure. The actual expenditure exceeded budget and such pay-ments are highly irregular in terms of the MFMA regulations.The General expenses paid by Council for the year amounts to R71 945599-00. Included in this amount is R23 189 879-00 which was paid forconsulting and professional fees but national government clearly toldall government departments to cut back on. At EMLM it increased theexpense in reference thereto from R12 592 946-00 (2014). This is anincrease of 84.15%.R88 771-00 was overpaid to the Mayor in respect of her public officeallowance. According to the financial statements this amount is stilloutstanding. In Total R113 202 973-00 was irregularly and unlawfullymanaged and/or paid which represents major maladministration andmismanagement of council funds.According the Bolsheviks Party of South Africa's Magdeline MahlakoTshukudu, those that have been delegated and/or mandated to act withfiduciary responsibilities did not and should therefore with immediateeffect be released from their duties, removed from office and criminallycharged."As Bolsheviks Party of South Africa it is totally unacceptable towitness this kind of administration that prevails at the hands of the ANC.Such kind of management and control of finances cannot and will not betolerated by the BPSA and for that matter those that are responsible forthis disastrous situation that prevails must know that their term ofemployment is very limited." she said.

Elias Motsoaledi Ward 11 BPSA Secretary MagdelineMahlako Tshukudu says the maladministration and mis-management of funds must be stopped at Elias MotsoalediLocal Municipality.

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeralservice of the slained Warrant Officer who waslaid to rest at Hlalanikahle Section in Monsterluson Saturday 30 January.Warrant Officer Joel Seloga (57) was killed bythe community of Madibong in Jane Furse onSaturday 23 January when they mistook him ofbeing a criminal. Seloga, who was stationed atHlogotlou SAPS in Monsterlus, was part of anoperation with colleagues from Brits in NorthWest when they were about to arrest a suspectwho was attending the funeral of a villager inMadibong who had been shot and killed a weekbefore. Seloga's service firearm was used to killhim after he was chased and cornered before hewas shot in the head and died instantly. During

Slained police officer laid to rest in Monsterlusthe funeral service, mourners called on thepolice to take harsh actions against the crimi-nals, including those who shot and killed Seloga.The Limpopo Provincial Police CommissionerLieutenant General Fanie Masemola was amongsthe mourners. Masemola slammed the policekillings and said the suspects must face the fullmight of the law. He condemned the communitymembers taking the law into their own handsand urge that they must leave everything in thehands of the police. Masemola expressed hisshock and said: "The community members thatkilled the police officer are now filled with bloodin their hands. They are all responsible ofmurdering the police officer and must be broughtto book to answer for their wrong doings."

A total of eleven suspects were arrested inconnection with Seloga's murder, but later fiveof them were released due to lack of evidence.The suspects appeared before the SekhukhuneMagistrate's Court on Thursday 4 Februaryfacing murder charges. A number of residentsattended the court to support the suspects anddemanding that they must be granted bail.They said Seloga was killed in a case of mis-taken identity. Sekhukhune Congress leaderPastor Derrick Mosoana said they are in a fullsupport of the suspects and are demandingthat they must be granted bail. He said they arecurrently seeking advices from the organiza-tion’s lawyers and also aim to engage with theProvincial Police Commissioner Fanie Masemola

to try to resolve the matter out of court.During the court proceedings, the suspects'lawyer, Advocate Commeth Sebopela told thecourt that he is ready to start with the bailapplication. The state asked for postponementfor further investigation in the case. The bailapplication was postponed to Tuesday 8 March.

Page 2: Sekhukhune Dispatch 12 February 2016

2 DISPATCH FRIDAY 12 February 2016

In 2012, a tender to build VIP Toilets was awarded to a contractor byEphraim Mogale Local Municipality. The toilets were completed but afew months later, the structure started to collapse exposing communitymembers of Ephraim Mogale ward 12 in danger of being injured or killedby the heavy material used to build the toilets.Now residents, from the affected villages including Serithing, Mabitsi,Ngwalemong and Mmakgatle, demand that the municipality must send

Collapsing toiletstructures, a threat to the

communitythe contractor back to rectify his mistakes.Lucky Seshaba, one of the residents told theDispatch that poor workmanship is contribut-ing as the main cause that lead to the toiletscollapsing. He said they tried to advise the sub-contractors about the problem but they neverlistened.He said during this time of the season where therain is pouring now and then, more and morestructures collapse and no one from the munici-pality is coming to check on the situation."The matter has been reported to the municipal-ity through the ward councillor but nothing hasbeen done. It is like our issues are not consid-ered by the ward councillor and the municipal-ity," he said.A community leader, December Mokomanesaid some of community member have alreadystarted digging holes to build themselves newtoilets.Mokomane added that some of residents areurged to use the collapsing structures as theycan’t afford to pay people who dig holes in thevillages.Mokomane said this is not the first projectwhere millions have to be spent for poor serv-ices in the ward. He said the municipality is notmonitoring the contractors and the poor com-munity ends up suffering the consequences."The community demands that the contractormust come back to fix the collapsing structuresas they are a danger to the community. We willmake sure that the issue is raised and prioritizedin community meetings so that it will be consid-ered," he said.Ephraim Mogale Ward 12 Councillor GeorgePhala was not available for comment. Hiscellphone was on voice mail.

Community members monitoring the collapsed VIP toiletstructure in Serithing Village.

Patients took days struggling to get their medication after employees atSt Rita's Hospital in Glen Cowie removed the hospital's CEO Dr KwenaManamela from her office on Wednesday 27 January.This comes after workers accused the CEO of mismanaging the hospital,and ruddiness to staff members when approached for clarification oflabour related issues. Amongst their complaints, the hospital employeessay the CEO failed to process their bonuses according to the perform-ance management system.Health professionals including doctors claim that they are working in apoor condition and are forced to move to other health facilities in otherprovinces."All staff members in the hospital are affected by the CEO's negligenceof processing the bonuses and we are very disappointed and angryabout that," said a staff member who wishes to remain anonymous.She said the hospital's work condition is very poor and the CEO is doingnothing about the situation. The source added St Rita's is currentlyfacing a huge shortage of professionals."This is because these professionals are leaving the hospital due to theunsatisfactory conditions they are working under here. There are alsooutstanding bonuses where for more than two years. All the staff isdemoralised due to the mismanagement and maladministration we expe-rience here," she said.She said patients are also affected as the hospital runs out of medication.She added that the staff reported the shortages to the CEO but she failsto attend to the matter."We will never stop until the CEO is removed. We are sick of herbehaviour and demand the Health Department to take immediate actionsagainst her," Teffo said.The Limpopo Department of Health Spokesperson Billy Teffo said theCEO has been removed and is now reporting in the provincial office. Hesaid the department is currently looking at a memorandum of theirgrievances and will come up with solutions.Teffo said an acting CEO has been dispatched to the hospital while theyare still busy investigating the issues."The matter is receiving attention at our offices. We will work along withworkers to find solutions and we will also urge them to follow correctprocedures when lodging their complaints," said Teffo.

St Rita'sHospital staff

evicts CEO

Page 3: Sekhukhune Dispatch 12 February 2016

DISPATCH FRIDAY 12 February 2016 3

Page 4: Sekhukhune Dispatch 12 February 2016

4 DISPATCH FRIDAY 12 February 2016

Maila family in Ngwalemong, Ephraim MogaleLocal Municipality is urged to live in a dilapi-dated shack that was built ten years ago be-cause the government failed to provide themwith an RDP house.The family claims they applied twice for a RDPhouse without any success, whereas some oftheir neighbours received RDP houses yearsago.Abraham Diale Maila (60) said he applied twicefor a RDP house without any success. Headded that she was told that her house wasapproved but it was never built."My shack was blown away by a heavy storm,hoping that the municipality will act and pro-vide me with a proper shelter, they did not, I wasgiven a tent by the Disaster Management inEphraim Mogale and they promised to put meon top of the list in the emergency houses butthey did not. I am still stuck in this shack untiltoday," He said.He said his condition becomes worse during

No RDP houses for poor residentsthe rain as the shack is leaking everywhere. Headded that no one is employed in the family andthey can’t afford to build a proper house.Maila added that he is now feeling like anoutsider in a place where he was born."People's houses are built in front of my eyesbut for me is a disaster. Sometimes I feel like I amnot belonging here. They come and take paperspromising to come back with a positive re-sponse but nothing is happening. They justwant my vote and turn their back when they arein power," he said.He added that they spend sleepless nights withhis wife and children during the rain as theshack is leaking."We can’t sleep during rainy nights. Water iscoming out everywhere from the roof and wetour clothes, beds and food. It is too difficult tolive under this condition," she said.Another Ngwalemong resident who strugglesto get a RDP house Chauke Mahubane said hehas now lost hope in the government. The 52

year old disabled Chauke is living alone in a shack with no one takingcare for him.Mahubane claims that he was shot in the leg by the police during thestruggle in the early 1980s. He said the injuries he sustained during theshooting urged doctors to amputate his leg.He was given an artificial leg by the hospital when he was discharged.As years go by, the artificial leg was damaged in 2008 and left Mahubanewith only his left leg. Since then Mahubane has been looking for peoplewho can help him get another artificial leg with no success. Mahubane said his shack is in a very bad state, it can collapse anytime.He said he reported his condition to the councillor hoping that he couldsoon be provided with a RDP house but he is still in vain."I survive with my social grant money and cannot afford to build a house.My family left me behind many years ago, I am unable to trace them," hesaid.Mahubane went on and said: "I have no electricity and my shack's roofis leaking when it rains and I cannot afford to build myself a house. Mybed is always wet after every rain. I am not safe here. The grant moneyis too little and I use it to buy food, paraffin and to pay for the people whofetch water for me."Mahubane added that some of his pension money goes to people whohelp him with household needs such as laundry, cooking, cleaning andthe others."It is difficult for me to do some of the things at my place due to mycondition. It is now taking me the whole day for the things that I usedto do in only two hours because I have only one leg. I will be happy ifI could get a RDP house as a reward for my amputated leg that wasremoved when I was fighting for the freedom of this country," he said.Captions a9 & e10Mahubane standing in front of her shack. He claims that he applied foran RDP house many times without any success.

Mrs Maila withher three childrenshowing off thewet goods in-cluding a maizemeal and blan-kets after a heavyrain that passedon Monday 8February.

Staff members at Philadelphia Hospital, mainly doctors who reside in thehospital's residential area have down their tools today. The staff iscomplaining about the poor safety standard in and around the hospital.They claim that criminals steal their belongings at their place (roomsinside the hospital) daily when busy with their duties in the hospital.They say the criminals are starting to attack them in the wards and robthem on gun-point.On Sunday afternoon, a security guard was shot by criminals inside thehospital premises when he was approaching them after they robbed astaff member in the hospital.Now the staff demands that the department strengthens the security asthey do not feel safe anymore.Dozens of patients were turned away today when the doctors refusedto attend to them. Only a few staff members were performing their dutiestoday.A meeting between the staff and the hospital's CEO is underway.

PhiladelphiaHospital doctors

down tools

Page 5: Sekhukhune Dispatch 12 February 2016

DISPATCH FRIDAY 12 February 2016 5

Thirteen Economic Freedom Fighters membersbriefly appeared before the Motetema RegionalCourt on Friday 29 January facing public vio-lence charges. The arrest comes after an unpro-tected service delivery protest that took placein Tafelkop Village on 22 April last year. Theywere given a R500-00 bail each after appearingbefore the Nebo Magistrate's Court.During the protest, the community barricadedroads with burning tyres demanding the mu-nicipality to deliver basic services mainly wa-ter. A Great North Transport bus was alsotorched by some of the demonstrators duringthe protest.Kgothatso Mogowane, EFF Regional Secre-tary told the Dispatch that the organization ishappy that their members came from differentparts of the region for support. She said thearrests were politically motivated and theydemand that the case must be withdrawn.She said a list of targeted EFF members washanded to the police to make sure that they arearrested as they were not agreeing with ANCterms in community meetings"We feel that the arrest were politically moti-vated aimed to demoralized our members toparticipate actively in the organization. This isbecause the other four people who were ar-rested were released because they were not onthe list that was given to the police," she said.Kgothatso said the organization will come innumbers to support their members when theyre-appear at the Motetema Regional court on 23February.She said they will be demanding that the caseshould be withdrawn as it is clear that the stateis failing to prove that their members are guilty

EFF members appear in court forpublic violence

of public violence charges.An EFF member who is also going to trial,Sibusiso Selitisha told the Dispatch that theyare not guilty and the arrest was unlawful at thefirst place. He said the police were targetingonly EFF active members."The arrest was motivated by some ANC mem-bers in the village and their main targets wereactive members of the EFF," he said.He added that they were even not a part of theprotest when the police arrest them."We were on the way home and suddenly apolice vehicle approached us. They startedfiring rubber bullets; a community member washit and sustained injuries. When we start ask-ing questions, the police arrested us and wewere charged with public violence," he said.Selitisha said they were surprised when theother four residents that were arrested withthem were released without even appearingbefore the court."That's when we became suspicious and startedinvestigating. We found out that there was alist given to the police to arrest certain EFFmembers in Tafelkop," he said.He said it was clear during their previous ap-pearances that the state can't prove that theywere taking part in the illegal protest."The testimony of the police was contradictingsince our first appearance. They can't evenpoint people they arrested during that day.What they remember is names as they weregiven to them by some of ANC members in thecommunity. We will be demanding the court towithdraw the case on 23 February where we willcontinue with the struggle of paving betterlives for residents of Tafelkop," he concluded.

EFF members gathered at the Motetema Regional Court to support their fellowmembers.

Members of the EFF were singing and chanting in front of Motetema PoliceStation demanding that the case should be withdrawn.

Page 6: Sekhukhune Dispatch 12 February 2016

6 DISPATCH FRIDAY 12 February 2016

The community of Makorokorong Section in Tafelkop Village is still inshock after a six weeks old baby went missing while sleeping inside thehouse. The baby went missing on 25 January and she was never foundand reunited with its family.But according to some community members, the mother has somethingto do with the incident. It is alleged by community members that themother failed to report the matter to the police in time and show no interestin trying by all means to find her missing little one.When the child was reported missing, a number of residents gatheredand went to the family to question the mother, suspecting that she mighthave done something terrible to the baby."There are rumours around the village that the woman was impregnatedby a Pakistani National and now she fear that her boyfriend will find outand dump her," said a community member who wishes to remainanonymous.He said it is with unreasonable doubt that the mother has something todo with her baby's disappearance."How can someone lose a baby and seem not worried at all. The motherhas something to do with this," he said.Constable Thelma Makofane, Motetema SAPS spokesperson con-firmed that the police are in search of a six weeks old baby that wentmissing in Tafelkop."The docket of missing person is under investigation at our station. Weappeal to community members who may assist to re-unite the little onewith its family to come forward with information," she said.

Six week oldbaby missing

An Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality vehicle was spotted inElandsdoorn calling on ANC supporters and members to a meeting onSunday 31 January. This angered community members, in particularthose who are members of other political organization.The Secretary of Bolsheviks Party of South Africa in Elias MotsoalediWard 11 Magdeline Mahlako Tshukudu said: "The vehicle was spottedon the streets in the morning calling community members to attend themeeting at Elias Motsoaledi Ward 8."She said the meeting aims to introduce the new ANC candidate in EliasMotsoaledi Ward 8.Tshukudu said they were disappointed to see the marked Elias Motsoaledivehicle being used for the purposes of an organization. She said sheimmediately phoned the driver who is known to her and he confirmedusing the vehicle to call an ANC meeting."We were disappointed to hear the driver telling us that he wasinstructed by his superiors to use the vehicle to call a ANC meeting. Itis not fair to the community. ANC should have been using its own vehicleto call the meeting," she said.Tshukudu added that this has insulted many community members andthey decided not to attend the meeting.

Community outrage asmunicipal vehicle used for

political organizationpurposes

"The meeting was scheduled for later that daybut community members did not attend. Wewent to demand answers later that day but noone was present as the community did notbother to attend," she said.She further said that her organization wrote aletter to the municipality demanding answersabout the matter."We cannot allow the tax payers money beingused to gain the support of a political organiza-tion. We demand answers from the municipal-ity to prevent such incident for future occur-rences," she said.Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality Spokes-person Mbusi Mahlangu told the Dispatch thatthe municipality has received the complaint."We are investigating the matter and once wefind out that our employees are involved we willimmediately start with internal disciplinary proc-esses," he said.

Bolsheviks PartyOf South Africamembers sing-ing and demon-strating on thestreets condemn-ing the usage ofmunicipality ve-hicle for ANC ac-tivities.

A thirty-year-old suspect named Given Rachoshi was arrested by theMotetema Police in possession of dagga. The suspect was arrested atTafelkop Stadium View on Thursday 4 February after a tip off bycommunity members."The suspect was arrested by the police who were patrolling the areaaround 10H00 in the morning. He was found in possession of dagga tothe street value of more than two thousand rand," said Constable ThelmaMakofane, Motetema SAPS Spokesperson.Makofane said the suspect was charged with possession of dagga andappeared at the Motetema Magistrate's court on Friday 5 February."He was granted a R1000-00 bail and will appear again on Tuesday 1March. An investigation is on-going," she said.

Man arrested in possession ofdagga

Page 7: Sekhukhune Dispatch 12 February 2016

DISPATCH FRIDAY 12 February 2016 76

Kutlwanong Centre for Maths and Scienceawarded top maths and science matric learnersof 2015. The event was held at Jane FurseComprehensive School on Friday 29 Januarywhere amongst the dignitaries attended were;Limpopo Education MEC Ishmael Kgetjepe,Kutlwanong Managing Director TumeloMabitsela, Kutlwanong, Community SocialInvestment Manager Solly Letswalo, circuitmanagers, educators, pupils and other commu-nity members. Kutlwanong Centre for Mathsand Science is offering learners free maths andphysical sciences lessons on weekends andholidays. The programme is sponsored byAVENG Group Construction Company and aim-ing to improve the standard of maths and sci-ence in schools. AVENG is sponsoring a totalof 25 Kutlwanong Centres in different prov-inces in the country. This year, five best performing Kutlwanongstudents were awarded bursaries from AVENGto further engineering courses in different insti-tutions. "These were our first awards and weare aiming to award our learners annually start-

Kutlwanong Centre for Maths and Science awards learners

From left to right: Chite Lebotse from Matshumane Second-ary School, Majeletje Mogaladi, Tumelo Mabitsela, DennisKomane from Ponti Secondary School, MEC IshmaelKgetjepe, Tshepiso Lehungwane from Moreko SecondaarySchool, Khutjo Maefa Makgoga from Rebone SecondarySchool and Kelies Lekala from Matshunmane SecondarySchool.

ing from now," said Rebone Kutlwanong Centres Manager MajeletjeMogaladi. He said the centre has started a few years ago and it hasbenefitted hundreds of students residing in three circuits in Sekhukhune.The centre is situated at Rebone Secondary School in Riverside nearJane Furse. "Our centre accommodates pupils from three circuits whichare, Mmashadi, Glen Cowie and Phokwane. Our criterion is that we visit schools and select best performing mathsand science learners in grade 9. We then offer them free lessons onweekends and during holidays where they receive free stationery andlunch," he said. Mogaladi said last year they had 39 learners passed inmathematics level 7 and 36 learners passed in physical sciences. "Thisis a great achievement to us. It shows that we are doing good andimproving every year," he said. He said to motivate and encourage thelearners, class tests are written where top marks achievers are taken outfor the weekend in lodges and resorts. "This is done through thesponsors free of charge and is giving a challenge amongst our learnersthat they must work hard," he said. Mogaladi added that their syllabusends in June and top achievers in the mid-year examinations are takento the holidays in Cape Town where they meet with other Kutlwanongstudents from other centres. "We have opened doors to many learnersaround the three circuits where some received bursaries to peruse theircareers in tertiary institutions. We are continuing to offer the best qualityof education basically in maths and science as the stream is the mostimportant one recently," he said.

An Inter-house Athletics competition was heldon the 4th of February 2016, on their newlydeveloped Athletic Fields.The motto for the day was: Persistence, Pa-tience and Practise.The school had two teams; The Tigers (red) and

Dynamique Primary School Inter-houseAthletics - A Great Success

The Lions (blue). The Tigers won the athleticsprize and The Lions won the prize for the bestspirit. Dynamique Primary School would like toinvite any other primary school for a friendlycompetition. Please contact the school formore information 087 750 1846.

Karabo Dibe in the long jump event

On the 3rd February the Circuit athletics com-petition was held. This took place betweenMoutse East, Moutse West, Moutse Central,and Groblersdal Circuit.Two Dynamique School learners, Sifiso Madunaand Mitchell Ratau, were chosen to be part ofthe Moutse Cluster team which will compete inthe Sehkukhune district competition on 20thFebruary. Five clusters will be taking part in thiscompetition.Sifiso Maduna came 2nd in Boys U17 HighJump ( see photo 2500)Mitchell Ratau was 1st in the 400m and 3rd in the100m Boys U15. (see photo 2534)

Xolili Ngobe in the shot put event

Dynamique School again experiencesoutstanding Athletics results

Page 8: Sekhukhune Dispatch 12 February 2016

8 DISPATCH FRIDAY 12 February 2016

Tafelkop Karate Academy students openedthis year by giving the community of Tafelkopan explosive demonstration at various loca-tions in the village. The locations includeBakgaga Bakopa Royal kraal and the openspace at the entrance of Tafelkop Power SaveWholesale and Retail.In the first demonstration, the TKA studentscharmed Kgoshi Boleu Rammupudu II whenperforming at the Bakgaga Bakopa Royal Kraal.Kgoshi's neighbours and other passerby’scame in numbers to watch the demonstration.When arriving at the Tafelkop Power SaveWholesale and Retail, community members werealready gathered waiting for TKA students todemonstrate their karate skills and technique.The students were given a VIP treatment by thestore management just after performing theirskills to the community members and custom-ers.Tafelkop Power Save Wholesale and RetailManager Mr Wimpie urged businesses aroundthe village to give their full support to activitieslike TKA. He said the activities are formed bythe community members who support theirbusinesses on a daily basis.TKA Coordinator Shihan Jeffrey Walker saidthey will hold free karate trainings at variousTafelkop schools."As we are opening a new season, we wouldlike to inform parents and pupils that we will bestarting with our free karate classes soon. Wehave selected a number of schools including;Rite Primary School, Ga-Matsepe Primary Schoolwhich is next to Kopa Secondary School andKenneth Masekela Primary School next toKgoshi Rammupudu Clinic," he said.Walker added that more classes will be openedaround the village to accommodate as manystudents as they can."Our classes are scheduled to take place fromMonday to Thursday starting from 16:00 to17:30. We urge parents to support and encour-age their children to come and join the classes.We offer a no fee training and we are expectingyoung people to come in numbers to attend,"he said.He said activities such as TKA play an impor-tant role in keeping children off the streetswhere they could end up getting involved incriminal activities and substance abuse."By starting these free karate training classes,we want to accommodate every interestedyoung person to come and join us instead of

TKA demonstrates their skills toTafelkop

Elias Motsoaledi Promotional Soccer Leaguehas kick-started in Tafelkop Village on Satur-day 6 February. The league consists of eightsoccer teams from Tafelkop Village namely;Flamingos FC, Mohlakaneng FC,Letsogapele FC, Tigers FC, Red Aces FC,Brothers FC, AC Milan FC and Winter RosesFC.According to the Coordinator of the league,Jeffrey Mtsweni, they are still having chal-lenges at other areas such as Dennilton andMotetema where they experience a delay.Mtshweni said their aim is that the threepromotional leagues start concurrently whereat the end those in position one will competein order to represent Elias Motsoaledi in theDistrict."We will engage team representatives fromMotetema and Dennilton where we will benegotiating about the matter. We do notwant to leave them behind, we want theplayers to have the same opportunity in thefield until we start with the play-offs aroundJune," he said.He added that the fields are all in a goodcondition as the municipality has preparedthem in time. He said they will be starting withthe Juniors League on Sunday 14 February."Our Junior League will feature soccer teamsfrom different age groups, including the un-der 13, 15, 17 and 19. The matches are sched-uled to play only on the Sundays to give thepromotional league matches to play on Sat-urdays," he said.He said they are still experiencing a numberof young boys roaming the streets doingnothing and appeal to team coaches to comeand register their teams in the league."Our leagues are still open for registrationsand we appeal to the coaches to come andregister their teams within our league. Par-ents must also encourage and motivate theirchildren to take part in sports. This can bedone by buying your young ones soccerboots so that they will be motivated to comeand join local soccer teams," he said.


SoccerLeague has


roaming the streets and doing nothing. We willalso continue with our skills demonstrationsfor public viewing with our aim to recruit moreand more students to join our academy," Walkersaid.Walker thanked everyone who contributed inmaking TKA the success it is. This includeslocal businesses and other community mem-bers who allowed the students to come anddemonstrate their skills in their premises."TKA would like to thank every individual whoplayed a part in our success. This year we madea good start in places where we were allowed tocome and demonstrate our skills. Thanks to theHonourable Kgoshi Boleu Rammupudu II andBakgaga Bakopa Traditional Council for theplatform they gave our karatekas. We alsothank Mr Wimpie and his team from TafelkopPower Save Wholesale and Retail for theirsupport and motivation to our students. We areglad that the Tafelkop Power Save Wholesaleand Retail team has given our students a VIPtreatment," he said.

Kgoshi Boleu Rammupudu II flankedby TKA students, Tebogo and LethaboMohlala just after the demonstrationat the Bakgaga Ba Kopa Royal Kraal.

TKA studentsdemonstratingKyokushin KaiKan to commu-nity members atTafelkop PowerSave Wholesaleand Retail.

TKA students with Tafelkop PowerSave Wholesale and Retail staff justafter a karate demonstration to com-munity members.

Tebogo and Lethabo Mohlala show-ing off karate skills they achieved dur-ing their training at Tafelkop Gymna-sium.