second scandinavian pathological congress

SECOND SCANDINAVIAN PATHOLOGICAL CONGRESS Held in Christiania on 26th-28th August 1923 under the Chairmanship ‘of the President of the Scandinavian Patho- logical Society, Prof. I= r a n c i s H a r b i t z, Christiania. (Oslo.) Sun d a y, 2 6 t h A u g us t a Business Meeting was held in the Scandinavian Pathological Society for the discussion of various questions relating to the affairs of the Society. 1cI on tl a y, 27 t h August. The Meeting opened with a Speech by the President Prof. H a r b i t z, Christiania (Oslo). Prof. C. 0. . J e n s e n (Copenhagen) gave a short address on A r v i d B e r g m a n (Stockholm) whose death had occur- red since the previous Meeting. Prof. F i b i g e r (Copenhagen) gave a short address on P c t e r A a s e r (Christiania) whose death had been recently announced. As Vice-presidents of the Meeting were elecled: F i b i g e r (Denmark) Q u e n s e 1 (Sweden) W a 11 g r e n (Finland) Telegrams of Grecting were sent to the Society’s Honorary Members, H o m 6 n (Hclsingfors) and C. J. S a 1 o m o n s e n (Copenhagen). 20*

Post on 26-Sep-2016




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SECOND SCANDINAVIAN PATHOLOGICAL CONGRESS Held in Christiania on 26th-28th August 1923 under the Chairmanship ‘of the President of the Scandinavian Patho- logical Society, Prof. I= r a n c i s H a r b i t z, Christiania. (Oslo.)

S u n d a y, 2 6 t h A u g u s t a Business Meeting was held in the Scandinavian Pathological Society for the discussion of various questions relating to the affairs of the Society.

1cI o n tl a y, 2 7 t h A u g u s t . The Meeting opened with a Speech by the President Prof. H a r b i t z, Christiania (Oslo).

Prof. C. 0. . J e n s e n (Copenhagen) gave a short address on A r v i d B e r g m a n (Stockholm) whose death had occur- red since the previous Meeting.

Prof. F i b i g e r (Copenhagen) gave a short address on P c t e r A a s e r (Christiania) whose death had been recently announced.

As Vice-presidents of the Meeting were elecled: F i b i g e r (Denmark) Q u e n s e 1 (Sweden) W a 11 g r e n (Finland)

Telegrams of Grecting were sent to the Society’s Honorary Members, H o m 6 n (Hclsingfors) and C. J. S a 1 o m o n s e n (Copenhagen).
