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SAP APO Basics and Navigation

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SAP APO Initiation guide

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SAP APO Initiation guide


1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 42 APO Navigation..................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Standard Screen Features...............................................................................................42.1.1 Screen Header........................................................................................................52.1.2 Main Body...............................................................................................................72.1.3 Status Bar...............................................................................................................8

2.2 SAP Menu Overview.......................................................................................................82.2.1 Tool bar...................................................................................................................92.2.2 Favorites...............................................................................................................10

2.3 Planning book overview.................................................................................................102.3.1 The Selector..........................................................................................................122.3.2 The workspace......................................................................................................212.3.3 Other functions in the Interactive View..................................................................27

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1 Introduction

The APO Navigation course is designed as an introduction to SAP APO and a how-to for

navigating within this system.

Processes and transactions are documented using SAP APO configuration as implemented by

Syngenta and may not include regional or business unit specific modifications.

You will be using this course guide along with notes and demonstrations to accomplish the

course and chapter objectives.

2 APO Navigation

2.1 Standard Screen Features

The elements of a typical SAP window are:

Screen Header

Main Body

Status Bar

Main Body

Status Bar

Screen Header

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2.1.1 Screen Header

The Screen Header includes:

Menu Bar

The Menu bar lists menu options available from the current screen. The menu bar options

change from screen to screen to reflect the module and task where you are working.

The Menu bar allows you to find a specific transaction when you do not know the

transaction code. Menus drop down; that is, when you choose a menu item, further options


The last two options on the Menu Bar, System and Help remain constant on all SAP

screens. The following are descriptions of each of these options' functionality.

Menu Description

System Contains functions that affect the system as a whole, such as Create session, User profile, and Log off.

Help Provides various forms of online help.

Standard Tool bar

Standard tool bar provides navigational shortcuts such as save, exit, cancel, print, and

help. Button availability depends on the transaction you access.

Most icons on a screen have a corresponding keyboard function key that you can use

instead of the mouse. Hold your cursor over the icon for a few seconds and the icon's

function and associated function key display.

If an icon is dimmed, it is unavailable for use and clicking it has no effect.

Below are icons used in the "Enjoy" or "New Visual Design" GUI of SAP 4.6.

EnterThis button has the same function as the ENTER key on your keyboard. Use this key to confirm your data entry in a field or to advance to the next screen in the transaction. This function does not save your work.

Command field

Use this field to enter transaction codes to call a task without having to choose a menu path option.

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Save (Ctrl+S)Saves your data.

Back (F3) Returns you to the previous screen without saving your data. Complete any required fields on the screen before selecting Back.

Exit (Shift+F3) Exits the current transaction without saving your data. Returns you to the initial transaction screen or the SAP Easy Access screen.

Cancel (F12)Exits the current task without saving your data and returns you to the previous screen. Depending on the situation, the system may display a dialog box prompting you to confirm your action.

Print (Ctrl+P) Prints data from the current screen.

Find (Ctrl+F)Searches for data required for the current screen.

Find next (Ctrl+G) Extended search for data required for the current screen.

First page (Ctrl+Page up) Scrolls to the first page.

Previous page (Page up) Scrolls to the previous page.

Next page (Page down) Scrolls to the next page.

Last page (Ctrl+Page down) Scrolls to the last page.

Create session Creates a new session.

Create a shortcutCreates a desktop shortcut to any SAP transaction.

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Help (F1) Displays descriptions and explanations of fields, functions, and system messages. Place your cursor in the field or on the message you want information about and click this key (or press F1 on your keyboard) to display the information. Definitions that appear from field-level help are generic SAP definitions.

Customize screen layoutCustomize certain SAP window settings.

Title Bar

The Title bar gives you the screen name or a transaction description for the window in

which you are working.

Application Tool bar

The Application tool bar is located under the standard tool bar. The options available

vary, depending upon the transaction you are currently using.

On the SAP Easy Access screen, the icons available on this bar help you to display and

organize your SAP, User, and Favorites Menus. We will look at these features later in this


2.1.2 Main Body

The Main Body is where you enter data for the particular task or function you select.

This area of the screen includes the following elements:

Data fields - Enter or view SAP data. Depending on the transaction, the data fields

may be organized into tables for ease of use.

Radio buttons - Select one option from a list of options.

Check boxes - Select one or more options from a list of options.

Screen tabs - Tabs display alternate screens within the transaction.

2.1.3 Status Bar

The Status bar, located at the bottom of the screen, is where SAP provides general information

about the SAP system and the transaction. SAP displays Error, Warning, and Informational

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messages on the left-hand side of the Status Bar. The right-hand side of the Status Bar

contains these fields: system information, server information, and entry mode.

To change the system information field display, click in the system information field

and choose one of the following displays:

System - displays the instance, session number, and the client number

Client - displays the client number

User - displays the user ID

Program - displays the SAP program you have accessed

Transaction - displays the transaction you have accessed

Response time - displays the time it took SAP to run the transaction

By clicking in the system information field, you can collapse or open the system information

field. This same arrow (point to the left) can be found next to the command field.

The server information field displays the server to which you are connected.

The entry mode field specifies your data entry mode. Click this field on the Status Bar to toggle

between the Insert (INS) and Overwrite (OVR) modes. Typically, you use the Overwrite mode

to enter data. In the Overwrite mode, you type over any data to the right of the cursor. The

Insert mode is used to enter data between existing data. Any data to the right of the cursor

moves to the right as you type

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2.2 SAP Initial Menu Overview

The SAP Menu is the gate to enter to any transaction in SAP.

2.2.1 Tool bar

The initial options of the tool bar when APO is accesed are shown in the table below:

Use this function


Switch to user specific menu. Only transaction authorized for the user are shown

SAP general menu. All transaction are shown but some can be without authorization

The Business Workplace provides access to the mail and folder system of the SAP System as well as workflow end user functions.

Add a transaction into your Favorites

Delete a transaction from your Favorites

Allows to change the description of the items include in Favorites

Tool Bar



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Move Up/Down a transaction into the Favorites Folder

2.2.2 Favorites

Allow the user to include some transactions into the Favorites Folder. Include here, those

transactions that are more often used.

To set a transaction as Favorite, right mouse click on the transaction and chose Add to


Another way to add a Favorites is selecting the Transaction and click on button in the tool


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2.3 SAP Interactive planning overview


To allow this step to be performed, the prerequisites are the following:

The master data is created. Transactional Data has been loaded.

Activity Session


SAP menu -> Demand Planning-> Planning-> Interactive Demand Planning

Transaction code


The interactive planning desktop has two major components: The selector and the workspace.

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2.3.1 The Selector

The selector is your primary tool for locating, sorting, and organizing information. You find the

selector on the left of the screen.

To show/hide the selection area, click in the application toolbar using the Turn

Selection Area On/Off tool tip.

To switch between display/writing mode, click on or

To include a header with drill down or detail selection purposes ,click on

User specific settings

Selector Workspace

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SAP APO Initiation guide Selection Area

The selection area comprises the following areas:

Use this function


Toggle between the info objects area with the selection profile, the data views area, the macros area, and an overview. You can resize the areas by dragging their borders.

Open the shuffler. In the shuffler you make and save new selections (see below).

Show related objects; for example, all products in a brand. As opposed to the drill-down function (see below), this function only takes the current characteristic into account when determining which other characteristics and characteristic values can be selected. In general this function is used more in SNP.

Selection Area

Selection Profiles

Planning Books Selection


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Drill-down. The system takes the complete current selection into account and determines the characteristics for which no entries have been made. When you select a characteristic, the possible values appear in the InfoObjects area.

Select all the characteristic values in the info objects area

Deselect all the characteristic values in the info objects area

Return to the previous selection

Redo the last selection

Determine the format in which you want the characteristic values in the info objects area to be displayed

Show the definition of the current selection

Online Help for the selector

The Shuffler

The shuffler is the window in which you select the InfoObjects you want to plan.

To open the shuffler, click in the InfoObject area toolbar.

Then, the following screen appears:

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For example, you might want to show all products in version 000 (Active Version) that belongs

to Region 21 (NAFTA).

To select from the existing values in any of the characteristics, click on button

You also can do multiple selections by clicking on

There are different options of multiple selections:

Single values . Select one or various single values. In the example two locations are

taking in account.

Find values of characteristic:

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Ranges . Select one or multiple ranges. In the example, all location between IT01 and

IT04 are selected. This means IT01, IT02, IT03, IT04 (in case all of them exist)

Excluding Single values . All values for a characteristic are taking in account but those

specified as single value/s.

Excluding Ranges . All values for a characteristic are taking in account but those

specified in the range/s.

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It is also possible when making multiple selections to determine the operator for comparison.

By clicking on the operator column, you can select different options for each line.

In the shuffler, you can save selections that you intend to use frequently and load existing selections.

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Enter a description and save.

This is called Selection ID Selection Profile

The selection profile shows selection IDs used by the current planner. The supply chain planner

uses the selection profile to quickly access frequently used selections. To add selection IDs to

the selection profile, click Selection Profile Title Bar

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To make available a Selection for your user, drag and drop from the All Selection IDs folder to your user folder. Data views

The data views area is where the planner selects planning books and data views.

You can set a filter on the available planning books and views. In Demand Planning, what you

see in the data views area depends on how the Customizing activity Maintain User Assignment

for Planning Books has been set up: this activity allows you to set a default planning book and

view for a particular planner, and to define whether the planner can see all available planning

books and data views or only his or her own. If the planner can see all available planning books,

she has access to planning books used for both Demand Planning and Supply Network


The data views area has a toolbar with icons representing different functions.

Use this function To

Toggle between the info objects area with the selection profile, the data views area, the macros area, and an overview. You can resize the areas by dragging their borders.

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Set a filter on the data views that are shown in this area

Display only the data views you created yourself

Display all planning books and data views

Period structure settings. Here you can change the period settings for the current selection. You can choose another date for the start of the planning period, or use another time bucket profile.

Close data views area Components

The components area shows macros that are active both for all data views in this planning book

and for this data view.

For each of these categories you see:

Directly executable macros

To execute one of these macros, double-click on it. Direct execution is not possible for the

standard macros (that is, for start, default, level change, or exit macros).

Start macros

A start macro is executed when the planner opens the planning desktop and specifies the

selection ID.

Default macros

A default macro is executed when the planner opens the planning desktop and specifies the

selection ID, regenerates the screen (for example, by choosing Enter or Tab), or saves the


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2.3.2 The workspace

The workspace is the main data display and planning area. It is on the right of the screen and

consists of one or more tables (depending on the planning book and data view) and a graphic.

By default, only the tables are shown.

The workspace has a toolbar with icons representing different functions.

Use this function To

Load data into the table/graphic for the current selection

Switch to design mode (Might not be available for some users)

Toggle between the table and the graphic

Save graphic settings

Apply a standard mathematical operator or a self-defined distribution function to a value to distribute the value across a row.

Save the data currently visible in the table to an Excel file. The system prompts you to enter the file name and path.

Send the data currently visible in the table to another user

Show/hide/refresh alerts

Open the Alert Monitor

Maintain/show a note relating to a point in the graphic.

Toggles between display as absolute value and as percentage. In the percentage view the following two icons are visible:

Copies the selected values from individual cells to the clipboard.

Pastes the values you copied previously to other cells. These two functions are intended primarily for use with proportional factors.

Show one key figure, some key figures, or all key figures.

Execute macros

Other icons If you have assigned icons to macros, they appear here. Click on the respective icon to execute the macro.


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SAP APO Initiation guide Detail Selection and Drill-down

It is possible to set up a toolbar in the header to drill up and down in the data, to scroll through

multiple values of a characteristic, and to view the both the total and the details of all key figures

and characteristic values on one screen.

The drill-down option is very useful to how the Forecast or any other Key Figure is


To show the header, choose Header on/off in the application toolbar.

To select the characteristics to be displayed by clicking on the Header Information Settings


Enter the characteristics in the order in which you wish to see them and number this sequence.

If you do not number the characteristics, your entries are lost.

Specify for each characteristic whether you wish to see its values as texts or as ID numbers.

If you wish to be able to drill down, scroll, and navigate between total and details, select Chgable for each characteristic. If you wish the header to have a display character only, do not select Chgable.

Choose Adopt.

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For each characteristic for which you have made an entry and set the Chgble indicator there are

four buttons on the top of the screen:

The short description of the characteristic An arrow up and an arrow down with which you navigate up and down the list of values A pull-down down in which the current selection is displayed. If you open the box, you

can select a value directly; display all the values - Details (all), or the Total (aggregated) value.

The header is now available to work with it. It’s possible either to make a detail selection or drill-down.

The following example shows a drill down of all business lines in Segment 1 (Plastics additives)

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Pivot sorting

It makes possible to change the order in which the characteristic values and key figures are

displayed in the grid.

To access the pivot sorting tool, right mouse click as shown below:

Chose Pivot sorting

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When pivot sorting is called up from the context menu a dialog box appears in which the order

of the objects is displayed. If the grid has not been sorted, the top object is the key figures,

followed by the first drill-down characteristic and so on.

Drag and drop to rearrange the order.

Choose to transfer these settings to the grid. The sort is only valid for the current drill-down.

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In the previous example, all business lines are shown for Segment 1 (PA) and now all Key

figures are group by business line.


2.3.3 Other functions in the Interactive View

Notes Management

Use notes as a reminder or to inform other demand planners of the reasons why the demand

forecast in a particular period at a particular level is as low or high as it is.

Notes are planning area specific. This means that if you create a note for a key figure and time

bucket in one planning area, you can see this note in all planning books in this planning area

provided the same key figures and time buckets exist in the planning books.

To create a note, right mouse click on a cell and chose Display Note

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The following window appears in the bottom of the screen:

Write the text desired to be include in the note and save

The cell is now marked.

It is possible to drill down from a high level to a note written at a lower level. Do this, for

example, if you are a demand planner working on a high level (e.g. regional level) and you wish

to see the explanation for a forecast made by another planner at a lower level (e.g. product


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Choose Display note hierarchy from the status bar.

The key figure and period to which the note relates are shown in the attribute column of the hierarchy area.

Click on display note

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Distribution Function

In interactive planning, promotion planning, and forecasting you can use distribution functions in

order to enter data in multiple cells quickly and easily. To access these functions, click in the

workspace toolbar.

The function distributes values over a selected period. In the function you enter a value which is

the basis for the distribution. How this value is entered in the cells depends on the operator you

assign to the value in the Operator field.

The horizon can either be selected by choosing the cells in the interactive view or entering the

star and end dates in the pop-up window.

Select an operator and the value.

Accept by clicking on

Maintain User Settings

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This function allows maintaining personal settings for interactive planning. For instance, a

selection can be automatically loaded when opening a planning book or drilldown done

immediately to a particular level.

To set up user setting, click on top of the selector

It is possible to assign user settings at different levels. The most detailed level is planning book

and data view, user, and selection. However, if settings are not available at this level, the

system searches for settings that have been saved at a higher level, for instance, planning

book/data view and user. In this case, a yellow traffic light appears on the relevant tab page

instead of a green one.

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Use user-specific settings for the following functions:

        Hide key figures

        Specify unit for display

        Specify navigation path for drilldown

        Specify navigation path for display of dependent objects

        Hide toolbar functions

        Define path for pivot sorting

        Miscellaneous functions such as “define initial selection”

Download into spreadsheet

It is possible to download the contents of a planning grid to a local file in a .csv format.

Click on

Enter a description and select the location to be stored in.

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As a result, a csv file is created with the following format: