sap ecc6 certi prep notes

Source: %20Material SAP ECC 6.0 FI CERTIFICATION MATERIAL Organizational Units Client o At highest level in ERP system o Data entered at client level used for all organizational units o Each client has its own set of master data o Important organizational units in FI Company code: o Independent legal entity o For external purpose o Business Area o For internal purpose o Can be used across company codes o Can have financial statement for each Business Area Create company code steps o Copy co. code o Copies : Definition (company name) Global parameters (COA, Fiscal year, Co code default) Tables G/L a/c's Account determination o Now edit this data Address Company code currency: This is company code / local currency. All other currencies are foreign currencies. Language Key Country key: This is home country. All other countries are foreign countries Exercise: Organizational Units Copy company code o Tcode: EC01

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Organizational Units

Cliento At highest level in ERP systemo Data entered at client level used for all organizational unitso Each client has its own set of master datao

Important organizational units in FI

Company code:o Independent legal entityo For external purposeo

Business Areao For internal purposeo Can be used across company codeso Can have financial statement for each Business Area

Create company code stepso Copy co. codeo Copies :

Definition (company name) Global parameters (COA, Fiscal year, Co code default) Tables G/L a/c's Account determination

o Now edit this data Address Company code currency: This is company code / local currency. All other currencies are

foreign currencies. Language Key Country key: This is home country. All other countries are foreign countries

Exercise: Organizational Units

Copy company codeo Tcode: EC01o Data : MR03

Change company code definition Tcode: SPRO – ES- Def. – FA- Edit, copy, Del- Check co. code- Edit company code data Data:

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Co. code MR03

Country US

Currency USD

Language EN

Enter company code Global Parameters

Company code MR03

Company 1000


Fiscal Year Variant 33

Field status variant 1000

Posting Period Variant MR05

Variant Principle

Variant Principle: A 3 step method to assign properties to one / more objects Steps:

o Define variant ( K4 Fiscal year variant)o Determine values for the variant defined: Variant propertieso Assign variant to objects : Assign variant K4 to object company code

Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year Variant: o Define a fiscal year with posting periodso Fiscal year contain posting periods + Special posting periodso Maximum periods = 16o System derive period for a document from the posting dateo Special posting period: o Used for yearend closing transactions. Posting date falls in last period, can post in special posting

periodo E.g.: FY with PP = 12 and special period = 4. Transaction date falls in 12th posting period can post in

4th special (16th) period.

Year Independent Fiscal Year Variant:o FYV uses same number of periods each yearo Posting period start and ends on the same date every yearo Can be Calendar Year .Here PP = 12 months of the yearo Can be non calendar year

Here PP # 12 months of the year. PP can be from 1 to 16. Need to assign end date for each posting period Need to assign indicator -/+ as required e.g Apr to Mar. For Jan, Feb & Mar year shift of -1 as belongs to old fiscal year

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1. Exercise: Fiscal Year

When is the year specific fiscal year variant used?o One fiscal year has fewer posting periods than otherso Start and End dates of posting periods differ from year to year

Maintain a Fiscal Year Varianto Tcode: OB29o Data: FYV : 33

Assign Fiscal Year Variant (33) to company code MR03o Tcode: OB37

Create a FYV (Non calendar year FYV) o Tcode: OB29o Data:

FYV 64

Description 4 periods

Number of posting periods 4 ( Each period has 4 months)

Number of special periods 1

Provide necessary year shift

Define base currency: o Tcode: SAP Net weaver – General settings – Currencies – Check Exchange Rate Type

Master Data:

1. General Ledger Accounts

Chart of Accounts: o A variant that contain basic of GL a/co Has a 4 character IDo Define properties of GL a/c like language, Length of GL accountso COA assigned to a company code

Definition of Chart of Accountso Tcode: OB13o Define:

COA key Description Maintenance language Length of GL a/c Manual / Automatic creation of cost elements Group chart of account Blocked / unblocked. If COA blocked, no GL a/c can be created for this COA

Directory of GL a/c in COA:o Tcode: SE38 – RFSKPL00

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One COA can be assigned to one / more company codes (variant principle)

COA contain information about GL in Company code segment and COA segmento Co. code Segment:

To use one of the GL account from COA need to create a company code segment Control data Bank / Interest Information

o Chart of Account Segment: Type / Description Key word in COA Information in COA

Balance sheet a/co Balance C/F to the same a/c

P/L a/c:o Balance carried forward to retained earnings a/c and balance set to zeroo A key is assigned to RE a/c which is the entered in the P/L statement a/c type

Account Group for GL a/co Grouping of similar types of accounts. E.g. cash a/c, liquid funds a/c, fixed assets a/c, Expense a/co Account group has a number range. For G/L accounts it's always internal number assignmento Account group controls the display of fields (Field status: Display/ Change ...) in the GL master (FS00)

Field Statuso Field status enable control and display of GL a/c' master data fieldso Field status ranking:

Status Field Status Rank

Hide Not used 1

Display Field display only 2

Required Field required value 3

Optional 4

Reconciliation accounto This is a vendor / customer GL a/c in COA. Its corresponding account exist in vendor / customer sub

ledgero All postings to sub ledger posted to reconciliation GL a/c in GLo Reconciliation a/c type: D: Customers, K: Vendors, Assetso Cannot post directly to reconciliation a/co Details of customer / vendor reconciliation a/c: SE38 – RFDKVZ00

Line Item Displayo Show each transaction as a line in a GL a/c displayo Line Item display not possible in following cases:o Reconciliation a/c (Line item display in sub ledger)o Revenue a/c (Sales)o Material Stock a/co Tax a/c (Tax amount per line item checked when document displayed)

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Open Item Management:o These a/c have line item display activatedo Open Item display mandatory for a/c with offsetting entrieso OI management used for following a/c types:

Bank clearing a/c GRIR a/c Salary clearing a/c

Account Currencyo Can select company code currency / Local currency as Account currencyo Can also select foreign currency as account currencyo Where LC = A/C currency, can post in any currencyo Where FC = A/C currency can post in only the FC to this GL a/c.

Only balance in Local currency:o If selected transaction figures to this a/c posted in local currency onlyo To be selected for clearing a/c like GRIR to avoid difference due to exchange rates fluctuationo You would set this indicator for accounts in which you do not want the system to update transaction

figures separately by currency.

GL account creation

FS00 One step centrally

FSP0 COA Segment

FSS0 Co. Code segment


Copy co. code segment from another company code


Copy COA Segment from another COA

Customer / Vendor Accounts

Customer / Vendor Master Data have 3 segmentso General data:

At client levelo Company code data:

Any company code that wishes to do business with customer / vendor has to have a company code segment

o Customer: Sales area segment

o Vendor: Purchasing org. Segment

SE38 – RFBIDE10 / RFBIKR10:o To transfer customer / vendor master data from Source Company code to another company code

Can activate automatic duplication check

Account Group for customer / Vendor:o Once a customer / vendor created cannot change its a/c group in FIo Controls field status of customer / vendor master records

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o Controls customer / vendor number range

Number Range:o Can be internal / externalo Each number range can be assigned to one / more account group

Special Customer / Vendor master record o These are one time customer / vendoro No information about customer / vendor entered in the master recordo Customer / Vendor information entered at the time of document postingo Special customer / vendor master record cam be used for more than one Customer / vendor

Dual Control Principleo Can define certain customer / vendor fields in SPRO as sensitive. For e.g. vendor bank addresso Now if these fields are changed customer /vendor is blocked for paymento Block removed when a second person with authorization confirms / reject such change

1. Exercise General Ledger, Customer, Vendor

Copy GL Account groupo Tcode: OBD4o Data:

Copy from

Copy To



Create a GL a/c in GL a/c group AE05

o Tcode: FS00o Data: 176499 (Expense a/c)

Display COA:o Tcode: SAP Easy – FA – GL – Info System – GL Reports – Master Data – GL a/c list

Reconciliation a/c (Vendor / Customer) contain total of sub ledger transaction figures

Create a/c group for customero Tcode: SPRO – FA – AR/AP – CA – MD – Preparation for creating CMD – Define a/c group with screen

layouto Data: Copy from KUNA to D05

Assign number range to a/c group (D05)o Tcode: SPRO – FA – AR/AP – CA – MD – Preparation for creating CMD

Create customer A/C in the account group D05o Tcode: FD01 / Sap Easy

Search term field in Vendor master record

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o Controlled by field status groupo Search term A: Required entry so appearo Search Term B: Suppressed entry so not appear

Define sensitive fields for dual controlo Tcode: SPRO – FA – AR/AP – Vendor a/c – Master data – Preparation for creating vendor master -

Define sensitive fields for dual control

Confirm customer / vendor master changes (Dual control)o Customer: FD09o Vendor: FK09

Number Assignmento GL a/c: Only external number assignmento Customer / Vendor master Record: Can have either external / internal number assignment

Create a Vendor a/c groupo Tcode: SPRO- FA- AR/AP – MD – Preparation for creating vendor master record – Define screen


Assign number range to vendor a/c group

Create Vendor a/c:o Tcode: FK01

Bank Accounts

Bank master Recordo Bank master record table: BNKAo Change to bank master record / Display of bank changes: SE38 – RFBKABL0

House Banko House bank contain bank master datao Bank account information for electronic paymento GL a/c for each bank account in the HB

Bank Type:o In customer / vendor master record field bank type is used to distinguish different bankso While processing vendor invoice (MIRO/FB60) user can chose the bank to which payment will be

made by APP by selecting bank type in partner bank field

Create Bank master record: FI01

Define HB: FI12

Create a saving a/c: FI12

Document Control

Document Structure

Document Principle:o A document is saved for every posting

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o Every document is identified by: Document number Company code Fiscal Year (Tcode: FB03)

Document Segmento Document Headero Document Line Items (2- 999 line items)

Document Typeo Tcode : OBA7o Document Type defined at client level & applicable for all company codeso Document Types : AB (Post all GL ac), DG ( Customer and GL), RV (Customer Invoice), RE ( MM billing

document)o Document Type Controls:

Properties: Number Range Reverse Document Type Authorization group

A/C Types Allowed: Asset Customer Vendor Material GL

Control data: Negative Postings permitted Intercompany posting Net document Type: system automatically deduct cash discounts from vendor

invoices that are posted with this document type Required during document Entry:

Reference Number Document Header text

Document Number Range: o Can be internal / externalo Up to a Future Fiscal Year : Beginning of next fiscal year system uses number following the last

number of the current fiscal yearo For Each Fiscal Year: System starts with a new number each fiscal yearo A document number range can be assigned to (02) multiple document types

Posting Keyo PK defined at client level & so valid for all company codeso PK Control:

D/C indicator Account type that can be posted ( Customer / Vendor / GL/ Asset / Material) Other Attributes

Whether line item connected with payment ( select where incoming / outgoing payment transactions)

Indicator whether PK used for entering special GL transactions Maintain field status: (Field status : Suppress, Required, Optional)

General Data (Assignment number, Text, Invoice reference) Additional a/c assignments (Cost center, PC, Sales Order) Payment transactions (Due date, Value date, Payment terms, Reason code)

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Field Status Varianto FSV is a Group of Field status groups ( G001, G003, G004, G005)o Field status group: Is a group of similar features. E.g FSG G001: general characteristic, G003: Material

consumption a/c general data, additional a/c assignment etc master fields, G004 : Cost Account general data, payment transactions, additional a/c assignments etc

o FSG assigned to GL a/c in tcode FS00 to decide field status of these GL a/c during transactionso FSV is assigned to a company code

Posting Periods

Posting Periodo PP is defined in Fiscal Year Varianto Usually current PP is open and all other PP close to prevent posting to incorrect PPo Can have as many PP open as required

Posting Period Varianto Several company codes can use the same PPV

Posting period checko PP for a document is determined by the posting dateo PPV must contain the a/c type +o Other a/c types are for further control of accounts D/K/S/M.o Account type + must always be open if posting to be made to any other a/c type

Year End Closingo During year end 2 periods are open. Special PP for the last fiscal year and normal PP for the current

fiscal yearo E.g. FY: Apr to Mar. In Apr Special PP 13 and normal PP 1 are open

Posting Authorizations

Tolerance Groupo Tcode: SPRO-FA-FAGS – Document – Line Item – Define tolerance group per employeeo Specify Upper limit for following:

Amount per document: Maximum permitted posting amount per document for this user group.

Amount per Open Item: Maximum posting amount permitted per customer or vendor item for this user group

Cash discount per Line Item: Maximum cash discount percentage rate which may be assigned by an employee of the user group. The percentage rate is checked during the entry, change and clearing of open items

Can create any number of tolerance group Tolerance group "_____" blank applies to all user not assigned to any specific tolerance group

Exercises: Simple document posting

GL a/c posting FB50

Vendor Invoice FB60

Vendor Credit Memo FB65

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Customer Invoice FB70

Customer Credit Memo FB75

Define/ Display / Copy document number range FBN1

Display customer line item FBL1N

Button Tree: Access screen variants, A/C assignments, Held documents

Make the text field mandatory for GL a/co At client level: GL a/c posting document type: AB. For document type AB in tcode OBA7 make the

text field as required entryo At company code level: Find out FSV for the company code in OBY6. For this FSV in field status group

G001 (General) make the text field as required. Now assign this FSG to the GL a/c in FS00

Define variant for open PPo Tcode: SPRO-FA-FAGS-Document-PP- Define variant for open posting period

Define which periods are open for a posting period varianto Tcode: OB52

Assign PPV to a company codeo Tcode: SPRO-FA-FAGS-Document-PP- Define variant for open posting period

Create a tolerance group SUPVo Tcode: SPRO-FA-FAGS – Document – Line Item – Define tolerance group per employee

Assign tolerance group SUPV to your ID SAPUSERo Tcode: SPRO-FA-FAGS – Document – Line Item – Define tolerance group per employee

Posting Control

Default Values

Using editing option config screen for different viewso Document entry: Fields hidden (for specified user) if not relevanto Document display: Use list viewer for different display optionso Open Items:

When user log in his ID has following properties:o Languageo Date formato Decimal notation

Can control:o Whether fiscal year is proposed when document displayed / changedo CPU date proposed as value date

Maximum exchange rate difference between exchange rate in document header and exchange rate in table TCURR. If it exceed warning display can be set

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Change Control

Document Change Document header: Only text and reference fields can be changed Line Item: No change can be made to amount, account and PK

When a document is changed following information is logged Fields that was changed New and Old values User who made changes Time and date of change Display changed documents Tcode : SE38 – RFBABL00

Document Reversal

Can reverse GL, Customer, and vendor document

Document can be reversed by: Normal reversal posting Negative posting

Reversal Reasons: The reason for the reverse posting is noted in the reversed document. The field is therefore used as

information as to why a reversal was necessary. The reason for reversal also determines:o Whether the reverse document is allowed to have an alternative posting dateo Whether the reverse document is to be created from negative postings

Documents with cleared items cannot be reversed. Reset the cleared items in FBRA

Payment Terms and Cash Discounts

Terms of payment Enable the system to calculate cash discount and Invoice due date. To calculate Invoice due date and cash

discount system needs following information: Base Line Date: Date from which Invoice due date is calculated Cash discount % and Cash discount Terms

Terms of payment can be specified in customer / vendor master record in: Company code segment Sales Area segment Purchase Org. segment

Terms of Payment defaulted: FI Invoice: Entered in company code segment Sales Order: Entered in Sales Area Segment Purchase Order: Entered in Purchase Org. Segment

Credit Memos Credit Memos related to Invoices:

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o Enter Invoice number in Invoice reference field under payment Tab during credit memo entry. o Invoice Terms of Payment copied to the credit memoo Invoice and credit memo due on the same date

Credit Memo not related to the Invoiceo For credit memo terms of payment to be valid enter V in invoice reference under payment Tab

Cross Company code Transactions

Cross company code transactions Transactions involve 2/ more company codes. E.g.:

o 1 company code purchase for multiple company codeso 1 company code pays for multiple company codeso 1 company code sells for multiple company codes

One document can be posted in one company code so in cross company code transaction system post document in both company codes

The documents are linked by a clearing a/c There are two or more documents linked with a common reference :

o 1st company code + 1st company code document number + Fiscal Year

Tax posting in cross company code transactions Whole amount of tax posted to the company code of 1st line If tax is to be distributed use report: SE38 – RFBUST10


Ensure document assignment field is not changed in tcode FB02( Restriction at company code level)o Tcode : SPRO – FA – FAGS – Document – Line Item – Document change ruleso Ne w entries – Field name assignment (BSEG-ZUNOR) – Applicable for what a/c type (S/K/D/A) –

Company code Ensure document assignment field is not changed in tcode FB02( Restriction at client level)

o Tcode : OBA7 Prerequisite for negative reversal:

o Company code allow negative posting (OBY6)o Reversal reason code allow negative posting ( SPRO- FA- GL – BT – Adjustment posting – Define

reason for reversal) FI Document reversal : FB08 Reset cleared items: FBRA Create a new terms of Payment

o Tcode : SPRO – FA – AR/AP- BT – Incoming invoices / Credit Memos – Maintain terms of payment – New entries

Terms of payment AC03

Customer Blank Blank

Vendor Select

Default base line date Posting date

% %%

No. of days Blank

% 2%

No. of days 14

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No. of days 30

Explanation area of payment terms automatically defaulted

Assign terms of payments to vendorso Tcode: Easy – accounts – FA – AP – MR – Change – Company code data – Payment transactions

Baseline Dateo Date system uses to calculate vendor/ customer invoice due date and cash discount amount

Taxes steps:o Create a new tax code (FTXP)o Assign a GL A/C to tax code to enable automatic postings (FTXP)o Define the tax code to be used in enjoy transaction ( OBZT, SPRO – FA – FAGS – AR/AP – BT –

Outgoing invoice – Define tax code per transaction)o Post a customer / vendor invoice to show automatic posting

Create a new tax code

o Tcode : FTXP

Country GB

Tax code 03

Account Type Output tax

Acct Key MWS

Tax Percent 20%


Tax a/c 175000

Configure automatic postings for cross company code transactionso Tcode: OBYA

Display cross company code documentso Tcode: Easy – Accounts- FA – AP – Document – Cross company code transactionso Tcode : FBU2 / FBU3 / FBU8


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Clearing: Two ways to clear OI

o Account clearing (F-32)o Post with clearing

Documents with OI cannot be achieved Post a customer Invoice

o Tcode: FB70

Customer a/c Dr 5000

To sales a/c 5000

Post a customer credit memo

o Tcode: FB75

Sales a/c Dr 5000

To Customer a/c 5000

Posting with Clearing Invoice is posted to customer Customer pays invoice and payment assigned to the Open Item Invoice cleared with above payment & balance is zero

Clearing transaction creates a clearing document Clearing document no line items as no account posting

Clearing Tcode: Automatic: F.13 Manual: F-03

Automatic Clearing Program Program groups items in a GL a/c where they have same entries in the following fields:

o GL a/c numbero Currencyo Special GL indicatoro Five definition criteria ( Assignment field)

If balance is Zero in Local currency, program clears the items Account to be cleared defined in SPRO

Automatic Program does not clear following items:

o Noted Items (Only information)o Statistical posting ( Same a/c both D/C posting)o Down Payments o Items with withholding tax entries

Assignment Field: Value comes from sort fields in FS00



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Rules that define acceptable differences during posting

Types of Tolerances: Employee Tolerance Group:

o Upper limit for posting transactiono Permitted payment differences

GL a/c Toleranceso Permitted payment differences (Clearing a/c, GRIR)

Customer / Vendor Tolerance Group provides foro Permitted payment differenceso Posting residual item for payment differences

Tolerance Group defined in 2 steps: Group Definition: Tolerance group defined by:

o Group key o Company codeo Currency code

The Key "___" blank is required as minimum tolerance group

Tolerance Group Assignment:

Employee Tolerance Group: Assigned to employees GL a/c Tolerance Group: Assigned to GL a/c in FS00 Customer / Vendor Tolerance Group: Assigned to customer / vendor in customer/ vendor master records If no tolerance group assigned then blank tolerance group applies

Automatic clearing of Payment differences Payment differences should be with in both tolerance (amount & %) to be cleared automatically Entries in tolerance group always cleared in Local currency / company code currency

Manual Processing of Payment Differences High payment differences can be manually processed as follows:

o Partial Payment: Post as partial payment. Document remains openo Residual Item: Post payment differences as residual item. Original document and payments are

cleared. A new document is created for the residual itemo Write off: The difference is w/off to an a/c. Manual a/c assignment for w/off

1. Reason Codes:

Reason codes used to analyze and post payment differences To assign more than one reason code to a payment difference click distribute differences Reason code functions:

o Control type of payment notice sent to the customero Control account to which residual item postedo Exclusion of residual item from credit limit check

Exchange Rate Differences

When clearing open items against payment received exchange rate difference may occur due to exchange rate fluctuation. This is posted to exchange rate difference realized account

Exchange rate difference also occurs when valuating foreign currency open items for financial statements. These are posted to separate Exchange rate difference account and reverse in next period.

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Create a Reason Code goods damaged in transit (Z03) to w/off difference to GL a/c mapped to this reason code

o Tcode: SPRO – FA – AR/AP – BT – Incoming payments – Incoming payments Global settings – Overpayment / Underpayment – Define Reason codes

o Data:

Reason code Z03

Text Damaged in Transit

C Charge of difference via a separate a/c

Type of correspondence with customer

Map GL a/c to Reason code Tcode: OBXL Data: 881000

Cash Journal

Cash Journal

Cash Journal: A tool for managing cash. Supports posting cash receipt and payments


o Create separate cash journal for each currencyo Post to customer / vendor / GL account (D/K/S)o Run several cash journal for a company code

Steps in creating a new cash Journal: Specify followingo Company code in which cash journal will be createdo GL a/c's to which CJ entries will be postedo Currency in which CJ runs

Special GL Transactions

Types of Special GL transactionso Down Payments:

Down Payment Request Down Payment

o Bill of Exchange BOE Request BOE

o Other Transactions Individual value Adjustments (PBDD) Guarantee Interest

Down payment Requesto Noted Items, Not included in GL

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o Only 1 lineo Reminderso Payment Program and Dunning Program can access noted itemso FBL5N : Noted Itemso DP Request – Down payment received – DP request considered – Customer Invoice received – DP

cleared against customer Invoice

Down Paymento Part of Financial statement. Create a proper posting in GL a/co FBL5N – Special GL items

Guaranteeo Automatic offsetting entrieso Displayed in Notes to accounts

Customer alternative Reconciliation a/c Dr

To Guarantee Clearing a/c

Guarantee Clearing a/c Dr

To Customer alternative reconciliation a/c

Configuration of Special GL Transactions: FBKPCustomer Reconciliation a/c (FD03) Alternative Reconciliation (FBKP) Spl. Transaction Type

21003 140000 196100 G

A/C Type (D/K/S/A/M)Spl GL Indicator

Description Reconciliation a/c Alternative Reconciliation a/c

D F Down Payment Request 140000 196000

D A Down Payment 140000 170000

D E Reserve for Bad Debt 140000 142000

D G Guarantee 140000 196100


Enter a Guarantee:

Tcode: F-38 Tcode: easy – A/C – FA – AR – Document Entry – Other – Statistical Posting Data:

Document Type DA

PK 09

Customer 100196

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Due on After 3 months

Display Guarantee

o Tcode: FBL5N (Select special GL transaction)

Reverse Statistical Posting / Guaranteeo Tcode: F-19o Tcode: easy – A/C – FA – AR – Document – Special GL Transaction – Reverse statistical posting

Create a Down Payment Request:

Tcode: F-37 Data:

o Special GL indicator: A

Display Down Payment Request of Customer o Tcode: FBL5No Select Noted Items

Create a Down payment against the DP request created earliero Tcode: F-29

Post a Customer Invoiceo Tcode: FB70

Clear Customer Invoice against down paymento Tcode: F-39

Customer 100196

Click process DP

Double click Transfer Posting


1. Individual Adjustments (PBDD)

Use Special GL transaction E to make an individual value adjustment of 6000 Tcode: F-21 Tcode: Easy – A/C – FA – AR – DE – Other – Transfer w/o clearing Data:

Posting dateLast day of current month

PK 19

Customer 100196

Special GL Indicator E

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PK 40

GL a/c ( Bad Debt / Uncollectible) 210100

A/C Entry

Bad Debt / Uncollectible Expense a/c (210100) Dr 6000

To Allowance for Bad debt (PBDD: 142000 alternative reconciliation a/c for customer 100196) B/S account


Reverse Individual Value Adjustment / PBDDo Tcode: FB08

Held / Park Documents

2 ways of saving FI documents w/o fully completing it: Held document:

o Document is incompleteo No document number is assignedo No a/c balance are updatedo Not considered for reportso Document can be found under only user ID

Park Document:o Document number is assignedo Considered for reportso Document can be found with any user IDo Can be used as part of principle of dual control

FI ECC 6 Certification Part-2

1. Assignment

Client: o Highest level in hierarchyo Specifications apply to all company codes under it

Company code:o Independent unito Legal B/S, P/L for company code

Business Area:o Separate financial unito Can prepare separate B/S & P/L

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Chart of Depreciation:o Country Specifico SAP Provides model CODo COD contains depreciation areao Each depreciation area represents Book depreciation, Tax depreciation etco One COA and COD can be assigned to one / more company codeso Depreciation area defined by two digit numeric code

Assignment:o Assign COD to company code

Cost Accounting Assignment

In Asset accounting master record can assign following cost accounting objectso Cost centero Internal Ordero Activity Typeo WBS Elementso Real Estate Objects

An asset (AMR) can be assigned to only one cost center

Exercises: Create a Chart of Depreciation

o Tcode: EC08o Data:

Copy 1DE to MR03 Change Description of Chart of Depreciation

o Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA – Org. Structure – Copy Reference COD – Specify description of COD Delete depreciation Areas not required

o Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA – Org. Structure – Copy Reference COD – Copy / Delete Depreciation Areas

Assign COD to Company code

o Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA – Org. structures – Assign COD to Company codeo Tcode: OAOB

Activate account assignment object

o Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA – Integration with GL – Additional a/c assignment object – Activate a/c assignment object

Asset Classes

Asset Classes:o Fixed asset classified into Asset classes. E.g.: Furniture, Vehicles o Asset Class created a client levelo Asset class can be assigned to 1 / more CODo Can suppress individual depreciation areas (01, 02) in chart of depreciation in each Asset class if

required (Tcode: ….)o Each asset can be assigned to only one Asset Classo Special Asset Classes: AuC, Low value Asset

Depreciation Areas:

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Chart of Depreciation: o Country Specific catalog of Depreciation Areaso Copy COD supplied by SAPo Delete Depreciation Areas not requiredo Now assign this COD to the company codeo COD defined at client levelo Various company codes can be assigned at to the COD

Depreciation Areas post to GL accounts in any of the following options:

Particulars Depreciation Area

Post asset values (APC) : Online

Depreciation : Periodically 01

Post Asset value (APC) : Periodically

Depreciation : Periodically

Do Not Post any values Reporting purpose only

Only Post Depreciation : Periodically

Depreciation always posted on periodic basis


Define that the asset values in Depreciation areas is displayed in USDo Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA- Valuation – Currencies – Define depreciation areas for foreign currencieso Tcode: OAYH

Check How Depreciation areas post values to GLo Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA – Integration with GL – Define how Depreciation Area Post to GL

0 Area does not post

1 Area post in Real Time

2 Area Post APC & Depreciation on Periodic basis

Enter a financial statement structure for the depreciation area for which B/S is preparedo Tcode: OAYN

Master Data

Functions of Asset Class

Screen layout

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o Determine fields Displayed/ Optional/ Required in AMRo Tcode: FA – AA – MD – Screen layout – Define screen layout for Asset Master Datao Here decide what fields are Required / Optional / Suppressed / Displayed only in AMRo Copy Check Box: If this indicator is set, if this asset is used as a reference to create another asset it's

values copied to the other asseto Screen layout rule assigned to Asset Class in OAOAo Screen layout rule assigned to Depreciation areas in OAYZ

Asset Master Record Tab Layout:o Tcode: AOLAo Here we define AMR Tab Layouto Also can define New Tabs

Activate Account assignment Objects:o Tcode: SPRO – AA – Integration with GL – Additional account assignment – Activate a/c assignmento Can Post depreciation and APC to these objects

Asset Class:

o Tcode: OAOAo Assign Account Determination : Account determination determine the GL accounts to which

depreciation & APC values posted for the AMRo Assign Screen layout o Assign Number rangeo Status of AuC: Select Line Item Settlement in case of AuCo Check Box : Asset Classes blocked for Posting

Account Determination:

o Tcode: AO90o Select your COA INTo Select the Account Determination o One Account Determination can be assigned to several Asset Classes provided they use the same

COA o Select Depreciation Area 01 : Assign GL accounts for Acquisition, Retirement, Depreciation

Mass Master Data Change for Asset Classo Display list of Assets : AR01o Create a Work List : AR01o Task Selection: Retirement w/o revenue, Retirement with revenue, Mass Change(Substitution Rule),

Inter Company Asset Transfero Create a Substitution rule for the Mass Asset Transfero Release Work List : AR31

Asset Master Records

Create AMRo Enter company code and Asset Classo Use existing AMR as reference

Can create multiple similar Assets

Time Dependent Datao AMR information managed on time basis in Cost centero Time Dependent Tab – Further Interval – Enter from date and Cost center

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View Changes to AMR AS04

Create Asset Sub Number AS11

Create AMR AS01

Change AMR AS02

Display AMR AS03

Mass Changes

1. Create a work list: AR012. Select Substitution Rule for mass Changes3. Release Work List: AR314. Check Assets for changes

Exercises – Master Data

1. Make number range assignments for Asset Accounting for your company code MR03. Two options:1. Define a separate number range interval. Copy from company code 1000 : AS082. Chose cross company code number range interval. Here find company code MR03 and enter

company code 1000 so both company code use same number range interval for Asset Accounting: AO11

1. Call up transaction that provide overview of all Asset Classes: OAOA1. Tcode: OAOA2. Account Determination: Determine the reconciliation a/c in GL to which posting has to be made3. Screen Layout: Determine for AMR which fields are Required/ Optional / Suppressed4. Number range assigned to the Asset Class5. Can block Asset class from posting

1. Set Chart of Depreciation: OAPL

Which B/S a/c system post for an Asset Acquit ion

1. From AMR get Account determination. For this find GL a/c in AO902. Tcode: AO90

2. Show how field description & cost center of AMR defined ( R/O/S)1. Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA – Master Data – Screen Layout – Define Screen layout for Asset Master Data

– Select layout rule 2000 – Select Logical Field group – General / Time Dependent data – Field group rules

2. Copy : If selected this field is copied is used as reference asset

3. Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class

3. Tcode : OAYZ

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4. Determine Depreciation areas for an Asset Class5. Depreciation Areas active for the Asset Class6. Depreciation Keys assigned to the Depreciation areas. Can be changed7. Screen layout assigned to the depreciation area8. Use: If a useful life is not entered in the asset class, and depreciation key is not 0000, this field is a

required entry regardless of the settings in the screen layout control.

Create an Asset Class (MA03) by copying another Asset Class 2100

9. Tcode : OAOA10. When you copy Asset Class you get Asset class Master Data + Depreciation Data

Define Maximum value for LVA (Low Value Asset) for company code MR03

11. Tcode : OAYK12. Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA – Valuation – Amount Specification – Specify Maximum amount for LVA and

Asset Class – Specify Asset Class (Here specify LVA Asset Class) / Specify Amount for LVA (Here specify Amount for LVA Asset Class)

13. LVA : 0 : No LVA check for this AC14. LVA : 1 : Each LVA with its own asset master record

3. Create Asset master Record (AMR) : AS01

Account Determination Depreciation Key Asset

2100 2000

1100 1000

2100 2100

3000 LINS 3007

4000 (AuC) 00007000


5000 (LVA) GWG 5000

Create similar Asset: AS01

1. Enter 5 in similar records

1. Create Sub Assets: AS11

1. List all AMR created in a company code1. Tcode: AA- Information System – Report on AA – Day to Day Activities – International – Directory of

un posted Assets2. Create a Vendor master: FK01

1. Post Asset Acquition to Vendor: F-90

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1. Tcode: Easy – FA – AA- Posting – Acquition – External Acquition with vendor

1. Check asset value using Asset Explorer: 1. Tcode: AW01N2. Check B/S GL a/c to which asset acquition value posted: Double click on transaction3. GOTO – Call up Reports – Acquition / History4. GOTO – master data

Post Asset acquition with automatic offsetting entry

1. Tcode: ABZON2. Easy – FA – AA – Posting – Acquition – External Acquition – Acquition w/automatic offsetting entry

1. Post acquition in current year w/o first creating AMR1. Tcode: ABZON2. Select new Asset radio button

1. Post Acquition to multiple assets1. Tcode; ABZON2. Select Tab Multiple Assets – Enter main Asset number in asset – click sub number – list of assets

populated – Add Amount and save

Reverse Asset Acquition: AB08

1. Tcode: Easy – FA – AA – Posting – Reverse Document – Other Asset Document

Post an acquition to LVA: F-90

1. Ensure / restrict that only certain depreciation areas are posted with values1. Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA- Transaction – Acquition – Define Transaction types for Acquition – Limit

transaction type to Depreciation Areas2. Tcode: AO733. Tcode: OAYA

Asset Transactions – Retirement

1. Post Asset Retirement with revenue with customer1. Tcode: F-922. Tcode: Easy – AA – Posting – Retirement – Retirement with revenue – with customer3. Data:

PK 01

PK 50

A/C 820000

Select Asset Retirement Check box

Select complete retirement check box

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TT (For retirement with revenue) 210

On complete retirement AMR is de activated

Scrapping the Asset

1. Tcode: ABAVN2. Tcode: Easy – AA – Posting – Retirement – Asset Retirement by scrapping3. AMR deactivated on scrapping

1. Asset Transactions – Intra/ Inter Company2. Perform an Intra company transfer between asset Class 3000 (Furniture) and AC 3100 (Vehicle)

1. Tcode: ABUMN2. Tcode: Easy – FA – AA – Posting – Transfer – Transfer within company code

Transfer between company codes belonging to the same Company (Group)

1. Tcode: ABT1N2. Tcode: FA – AA – Posting – Transfer – Intercompany asset transfer3. Data:

Both company codes in same group company

Transfer variant Used 1

Transfer Variant :

Specify Asset valuation method in the receiving company code Transaction Type (Retirement/ Acquit ion) used for transfer

1. Copy start date of depreciation to the New Asset1. Tcode: AA – Transaction – Intercompany asset transfer – Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfer –

Define transfer variant

Asset Transactions – AuC

1. Assign a settlement profile (AI) to your company code1. Tcode: SPRO – FA – AA – Transactions – Capitalization of AuC -

Assign Settlement Profile

2. Acquition to AuC: 1. Tcode: ABZON

1. Distribute AuC (7000) Acquition document to Final Assets (2005, 2006)1. Tcode : AIAB2. Tcode: FA – Posting – Capitalize AuC – Distribute 3. Steps : Chose Documents – Execute – Edit – Enter Distribution rules – Save

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2. Execute Settlement1. Tcode: FA – Posting – Capitalize – AuC - Settlement

Unplanned Depreciation: ABAA

Summary of Asset Accounting Tcode

Particulars Tcode

Overview of Asset Class OAOA

Account Determination AO90

Define Screen Layout SPRO – FA – AA – MD – Screen Layout

TAB Layout for AMR AOLA

View Changes to AMR AS04

External Asset Acquition with Vendor F-90

External Asset acquition without vendor ABZON

Asset Explorer AW01N

Activate / Deactivate Depreciation areas for Asset Class in Chart of Depreciation OAYZ

Create Sub Assets AS11

Create / Change / Display AMR AS01 / AS02 / AS03

Reverse Asset Document AS08

Asset Transaction Type Details AO73

Retire Asset to Customer F-92

Asset Class Change ABUMN

Inter Company Asset Transfer ABT1N

AuC Settlement AIAB

Define Asset Number Range AS08

Share Asset Number Range with other company codes AO11

Validation / Substitutions

1. Validation & Substitution General2. To Validate or Substitute an entry

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3. Steps in Validation & substitution:1. Identify area of application2. Call up point for validation / Substitution3. Define Validation / Substitution4. Assign Validation / Substitution to company code (An Org. unit)5. Activate validation / substitution

4. Application Area: Area where validation / substitution rule is used. e.g.

6. FI7. CO8. Asset Management9. Special Purpose ledger10. PCA

5. Application Area Key: Specify Application area where validation / substitution is used

1. Call Up Point: Point at which Validation / Substitution processing starts

1. Call Up Point for FI1. Document Header : Call up point 12. Document Line Item : Call up point 23. Complete Document : Call up point 34. At this call up point can use only numeric field, used for mathematical calculation

2. Formula Editor:1. Interface for editing arithmetic & Logical statements

3. Assign Validation / Substitution to Organization Unit (Company code, Controlling area...)1. A validation / Substitution can be valid for several company codes

1. Activate Validation / Substitution

1. 0 : Inactive2. 1: Active (Dialog + batch)3. 2: Active (Dialog but not Batch)

1. Only one validation / Substitution can be activated for a company code for 1 call up point

1. Validation Execution

1. Validation has following 3 parts1. Prerequisite2. Check

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3. Message2. If prerequisite is true :

1. Check performed2. If check false, message displayed

Message Type

I Information

W Warning

E Error

A Cancel

1. Can use predefined message or create own message

Validation Can do following Logical Statements

1. Compare fields with one another. BKFP-BUDAT <>BKPF-BLDAT. Statement true if date in field BUDAT is not equal to date in field BLDAT

2. Validate field contents for certain values. BKPF-BLART = "SA". Statement true if document type = SA3. Check / compare only a part of the field. Details refer notes

Substitution Execution

1. Substitution steps has two parts1. Prerequisite: If prerequisite is true substitution is performed2. Replacement: Substitution3. Substitution Methods:

1. Constant Values2. User Exit: Name of the Exit to be carried at Run Time3. Field-Field Assignment: Name of field whose content can be used for Substitution

1. Rule:1. A Rule is a prerequisite or a check of validation2. A rule is normally created for a prerequisite that is frequently used. Rule can be used repeatedly

2. Set: 1. A data structure having a range of GL accounts

1. Exercise: Validation / Substitution

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1. Create a validation rule that for GL a/c (telephone expense) 473110 / 473120 cost center must be 33361. Tcode: OB282. Steps:3. Double click on call up point 2 for company code MR034. Click on validation create5. Data:

Validation G03

Description Telephone Cost

1. Click on step Insert2. Data: 3. Double click BSEG-HKON- click = - Click constant and enter 473110 – click OR – Double click BSEG-

HKONT – click = - Click constant and enter 473120 – Double click on BSEG-KOSTL – click = and enter 3336

4. Define the required message "Assign cc 3336"5. Activate Validation – Go to Step 1 for call up point 2 select Validation G03 and activate it

1. Create a Substitution rule that when customer invoice posted and Sales a/c = 810301 and Segment = SEG03 Then Substitute PC = PC05

1. Tcode: SPRO –FA – FAGS – Document – Line Item – Define Substitution in account document2. For company code MR03 & call up point 02 create substitution rule G033. Chose Insert – Select BSEG-PRCTR – Continue4. Enter the prerequisite5. Select Substitution and Enter PC as PC056. Save and Activate

The New GL

1. Total tables when classic FI component used are:1. Classic FI: GLTO2. Cost of Sales Ledger: GLFUNCT3. Reconciliation Ledger: COFIT4. EX-PCA: GLPCT

1. New GL Advantage1. It has an extended data structure. Thus new fields like cost center, Segment etc can be added to GL

total table2. Balance sheet can be created for entities called segment. Real time document splitting between

segment3. Real time FI & CO reconciliation4.

1. New GL is optional for existing customer during a release upgrade2. In a new installation new GL is active3. Setting up System for New GL : SAP Note 7561464. Features of Leading Ledger:

1. Manages additional local currencies assigned to a company code2. Uses Fiscal Year variant assigned to a company code3. Uses Posting Period Variant assigned to a company code4. Only Leading Ledger values posted to controlling

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5. Define additional currencies for leading ledger for a company code1. Tcode: SPRO – FA(N)- FAGS(N)- Ledger – Ledger – Define currencies of Leading Ledger

6. Assign Fiscal Year variant and Posting Period to company code and Leading Ledger1. Tcode: SPRO – FA(N) – FAGS(N) – Ledger – Fiscal Year and Posting Period

7. There are non leading ledger: Can be assigned currencies and Fiscal Year variant different from leading ledger

8. New GL Total Tables:1. New GL total table: FAGLFLEXT2. Classic GL Total Table : GLTO3. New fields in new GL total table:

1. Cost Center2. Profit Center3. Segment4. Can also add new fields predefined / new custom fields

1. What is a scenario1. A scenario defines which fields are updated in ledger (Leading and non leading ledger) during posting2. Cannot define own scenario3. Scenarios provided by SAP:

1. Cost Center update ( Update sender / receiver cost center)2. Profit Center Update ( Update Profit Center / Partner PC field)3. Segmentation ( Update segment, Partner segment and PC fields)4. Preparation for consolidation

4. Display available scenarios1. Tcode: SPRO – FA(N) – FAGS(N) – Ledger – Fields – Display scenario for GL

5. Assign scenarios to ledger:1. Tcode: SPRO – FA(N) – FAGS (N) – Leading ledger – Ledger - Assign

2. Multiple non leading ledgers useful to show accounts as per different accounting principles

3. In new GL FA documents has two views : FB031. Entry View: In account field vendor number appear2. GL View: In account field vendor reconciliation account number appear

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4. Segment Field1. It is one of the standard account assignment object2. Enable analysis below company code level3. Alternative account assignment used earlier

1. Profit Center2. Business Area3. Profit Segment

4. A segment is assigned to master record of Profit Center. Posting is made to segment when profit center is posted

5. Derive Segment from PC. Can have own rules through user exist (BADI). BADI is FAGL_DERIVE_SEGMENT

5. Document Splitting6. 1st define for which FI characteristic document splitting is performed. FI characteristic:

1. Business Area2. Profit Center3. Segment4. Tcode: SPRO – FA(N) – GL (N) – BT – Document splitting – Define document splitting characteristic

for GL5. Zero Balance indicator: Useful if balance sheet is to be prepared for a characteristic

7. Activate Document splitting1. Document splitting activated at client level2. Tcode: SPRO – FI (N) – GL(N) – BT – Document splitting – Activate document splitting3. Inheritance: In entry view 2 accounts (purchase services and travelling cost) plus 1 tax a/c. In GL view

tax a/c amount split in two in the proportion of amount in purchase service and travelling cost

8. Configuring New GL

1. Activate New GL1. Tcode: SPRO – FA – FAGS – Activate New GL

2. Check ID of Leading ledger1. Tcode: SPRO – FA(N) – FAGS(N) – Ledger – Ledger – Define Ledger for GL 2. Data: OL

3. Check scenarios assigned to leading ledger OL1. Tcode: SPRO – FA(N) – FAGS(N)- Ledger – Ledger – Assign Scenarios to Ledger2. Scenarios assigned

1. Cost Center update2. Preparation for consolidation3. Profit Center Update4. Segmentation5. Cost of Sales account

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4. Create a new Segment SEG031. Tcode: ES – Definition – FA – Define Segment

1. Create a Profit Center1. Tcode: KE512. Data: PC04

2. Update Cost center 3336 with Profit Center PC041. Tcode: KS02

3. Check that cost center / Profit Center / Segment defined as OPTIONAL in Field Status Group of GL a/c 4170001. Tcode: FS00 – Enter a/c 417000 – Create Bank – Double click FSG G033

4. Check Segment splitting defined for GL1. Tcode: SPRO – FA (N) – GL(N) – BT – Document Splitting – Define Document splitting …. GL2. Zero balance indicators checked: System checks that the balance of the characteristic (Segment) is

zero during posting. If not system creates additional line item to achieve zero balance3. Mandatory indicator checked : System checks that all line items in the posting are assigned

appropriate characteristic (Segment) after split

5. Activate document splitting for company code MR031. Tcode: SPRO – FA(N) – GL(N) – BT – Document splitting – Activate document splitting

6. Assign Item category to GL a/c

7. Assign Segment SEG03 to PC041. Tcode: KE52

8. Enter Vendor Invoice & split to cost center 3336 and 3338 so post to different characteristics

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9. Create segment SEGA and assign to cost center1. Create PC PC05 : KE512. Create a new segment : SEGA3. Assign SEGA to PC054. Create a CC 3339 and assign PC PC05 to it

10. Assign company code MR03 to controlling area 10001. Maintain controlling area2. Create cost center, Profit Center, Segment3. Assign Segment to Profit Center4. Assign Profit center to Cost Center

11. Create a variant for Real time FI and CO integration1. Tcode: SPRO – FI (N) – FAGS(N) – Ledger – Real time integration of controlling with Financial

Accounting – Define variant for real time integration2. Data:

Variant V03

Real time integration Select

Account Determination Select

Document Type AB

Ledger Group 0L

1. Assign Variant to company code (MR03)1. Tcode: SPRO – FI(N) – FAGS (N) – Ledger – Real time integration of controlling with FI – Assign

variant for real time integration

1. Repost a line item in controlling from cost center 3338 to cost center 33391. Tcode: Easy – Accounting – Controlling – CCA – Actual Posting – Repost line items – Enter

Tcode: KB61 ( It's reversal KB64)

FI ECC 6 Certification Part-3

1. Dunning2. Dunning Run

1. System check account for items that is overdue2. Check whether dunning notice to be sent3. Dunning level to be assigned

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4. Dunning proposal can be edited / deleted5. Dunning Notices printed6. Dunning data updated in:

1. Document2. Customer / Vendor master record

3. 4 steps of dunning process1. Maintain parameters2. Proposal Run3. Edit dunning proposal4. Print dunning notices

1. Customer without dunning procedure in Master Record cannot be dunned

2. Dunning notices can be sent both to customer and vendor3. Dunning Program Configuration4. Maintain Dunning Procedure

1. Controls how dunning is done2. Every customer / vendor that needs to be dunned needs to have a dunning procedure3. Dunning procedure can process both standard & special GL transactions

5.For each dunning procedure define

1. Dunning procedure key2. Dunning Procedure description3. Interval in days at which accounts have to be dunned. System check dunning date is after the

number of days specified here from the last dunning run date4. Minimum days in arrears for which an item in an account must be overdue for dunning notices to be

created for the account5. Grace period per line item: Grace period >= minimum days in arrear for an item to be dunned6. Number of dunning levels: The highest dunning level possible in this procedure7. Grace Period: Not considered for calculating dunning level. Thus an item whose days in arrears <=

Grace period is not due for dunning notice8. Interest Indicator : If selected interest is calculated for this account

6. Dunning Levels1. Days in Arrear: Item dunning Level = (Item due date + Days in arrear)2. Calculate Interest : Can specify whether interest is to be calculated for each dunning level3. Print Parameters :

1. Always Dun: If selected a dunning notice is sent even if no changes have been made to the dunning proposal since last Dun

2. A Dun proposal changes: At least one item in the account reaches next level or/and a new item is added.

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4. Print All Items: All open items printed in the dunning notice. Dunning notice has dunning level of the item with highest dunning level

7. Dunning Charges1. Dunning charges defined for each dunning level2. Dunning charges can be fixed amount or % of dunned amount

8. Minimum Amount:1. Minimum amount of an overdue item necessary for dunning notice at this dunning level2. Minimum Amount for Interest : Minimum amount of interest necessary for dunning at the dunning


9. Dunning Texts:1. SAP Forms / scripts to be used for dunning at each dunning level

Parameters for Dunning run

1. Run Date: Any Date

2. Identification: Any 6 digit to identify the dunning run3. Parameters:

1. Dunning Date: Issue date for dunning note. Basis for calculating days in arrears2. Document Posted Up to: Items posted up to this date are included in the proposal3. Company code4. Vendor / Customer 5. Additional Log: Activate if more details required

4. The Dunning Run

1. Dunning Run has 3 steps1. Account Selection: Program selects customer / vendor accounts as per parameters2. Dun Line Items: Program selects line item for dunning, i.e. overdue line items

1. Account Selection Criteria1. Dunning procedure entered in customer / vendor master record2. (Date of last dunning run entered in customer / vendor master record by the system + Dunning

interval ) > dunning date in the dunning procedure

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1. Due Line Items1. Customer Invoices: Due on date for net payment. Due date is date after missing all cash discount

periods2. Credit memos: If a credit memo refers to an invoice then invoice due date applies to the credit


2. Clearing with credit memos & vendor line items1. Customers net due debit items cleared with net due credit items ( credit memos)2. Where customer = vendor. Customer net due credit item cleared against vendor net due debit item.

Same dunning procedure assigned to both the customer & vendor.

3. Dunning Dates:1. Due Date: Date by which Item must be paid2. Item Overdue: After deducting grace period from days in arrears

4. Dunning block in Item / a/c's1. If a dunning block exist in customer / vendor master records system add these accounts to blocked

account list2. Similarly for items

5. Each dunning procedure can have:1. Up to 9 levels2. Each line item assigned it's dunning level according to its days in arrear in Dunning procedure3. No dunning procedure can be skipped

6. Payment Reminder : Dunning Procedure with one dunning level

7. Dunning Keys:1. Can assign dunning keys to the line item to restrict maximum dunning level for the line item ( FB03 –

Customer line item – Change)

8. Minimum days in arrears:1. Customer / Vendor account can only be dunned if at least one line item has reached the minimum

days in arrears 9. Dunning run updates master record with dunning level

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Exercises : Dunning

1. Reason why overdue items may not be dunned1. Customer / Vendor account not in dunning parameters2. Item w/I grace period3. Item / account blocked for dunning4. Overdue amount < Minimum amount in dunning procedure5. Net due item can be cleared with due on credit side6. None of the item in the account exceed minimum days in arrears7. (Dunning data has not changed since last dunning run + Always DUN not selected)

2. Dunning run does not update dunning data in line item account. Dunning data is updated when dunning notices are printed

3. Dunning proposal can be edited as many times as required. Dunning database not changed. Dunning database is changed when DUN notice is printed

1. Automatic Payment Program

APP Config: FBZP

1. FBZP: All company codes1. Sending Company code : Company code whose invoices are paid2. Paying company code: Company code responsible for outgoing payments. Normally same but can be

different3. Vendor / Customer special GL transaction: Specify which special GL transaction can be paid /

considered during APP run. E.g.: A (Down Payment), F (DP request), G (Guarantee)

2. FBZP : Paying Company code: For each company code define:1. Minimum amount for incoming and outgoing payments2. Forms used for payment advice & EDI3. BOE Specification : You should flag the field if you wish to use bills of exchange, bill of exchange

payment requests in the paying company code

3. FBZP: Payment Method per Country: For each country define:1. Payment method to be used (I, W, C...)2. Vendor / Customer master record requirements (Bank details, Vendor address..)3. Payment & Clearing document type4. Payment Medium ( Classic payment medium / PMWB)5. Permitted currencies:

1. Currencies specified: Payment restricted in these currencies2. Currency not specified: Payment in any currency

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4. Payment Method in Company code1. A line item whose payment method differ from one specified here are excluded2. Specify minim um and maximum amount of payment that can be made for this payment method

and company code3. Foreign business partner: If selected payment can be made to customer / vendor outside paying

company code country4. Foreign Currency Allowed: If selected payment can be made in FC. 5. Form for the payment medium : Form to be used by payment medium program entered in Payment

method in Country6. Payment Advice Control: Whether a payment advice to be permitted or not permitted

1. Bank Determination1. Ranking Order: HB rank in which APP picks them up for payment2. Bank Accounts: Entry for paying company code. GL account to which posting made by this HB. If

currency field is blank any currency can be used3. Available Amounts: Maximum amount available for outgoing payments4. Expenses / Charges: If applicable deducted from incoming payment and added to the outgoing

payment2. House Bank: HB Config FI12

1. Reasons for Exception List1. Invoice blocked / Vendor blocked for payments2. Bank details / Address missing in vendor / customer master record3. Payment method not defined in the customer / vendor master records4. Debit balance (Not due)5. Payment amount < minimum permitted payment amount in FBZP6. Invalid House bank

FI ECC 6 Part-4

1. Customer / Vendor Master Record Segments2. Customer / Vendor Master Record Segments

1. General data ( Client Level)1. Address2. Control Data

2. Company code Data1. Account management2. Payment Transactions3. W/H Tax

3. Sales Area 4. Purchase Org

3. Field status in MR : Controlled by account group4. Alternate Payee / Payer

1. Can be defined at client level / Company code level2. Customer : Amount received from alternate payee3. Vendor : Amount paid to alternate payee4. Report

: SE38 – RFDKVZ00 / RFKKVZ00: Shows alternate payee for all customer / vendor

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1. Document is uniquely identified by: FB031. Document number2. Fiscal Year3. Company code

2. A document can have lines : 1 – 999 line3. Document is controlled by :

1. Document Type2. Posting Key

4. Running APP:1. Run date : Date to identify the run2. Posting Date : Date on which posting made to the GL3. Doc's entered up to : All documents entered up to this date included in the payment run4. Multiple company codes : Can enter multiple company codes separated by comma in the same

country5. Payment Method: Select payment method applicable for the country. Can enter more than one

payment method. Considered in the order entered.

5. Ways to configure a payment block:1. Payment block applied by a credit check2. Payment block during invoice entry (FB60)3. Payment block in the vendor Master record

6. Payment Run:1. Post payment documents2. Clear Open Item3. Supply the print program with necessary data

7. Print Run:1. Transfer DME payment data to DME administration2. Transfer payment medium / payment advice note and payment summary to print administration3. Create intermediate document (iDoc) for selected payments which can be forwarded to EDI