review game rules

Review Game Rules Teams are by row One person goes at a time Teams and team members will take turns answering. Everyone participates. Life lines: poll the row, one person assist, team assist Each life-line can only be used once per row.

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Review Game Rules. Teams are by row One person goes at a time Teams and team members will take turns answering. Everyone participates. Life lines: poll the row, one person assist, team assist Each life-line can only be used once per row. Chapter 6. Review. At what rate is Overtime paid?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Review Game Rules

•Teams are by row•One person goes at a time•Teams and team members will take turns

answering. Everyone participates.•Life lines: poll the row, one person assist,

team assist•Each life-line can only be used once per


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Chapter 6 Review

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At what rate is Overtime paid?

•1.5 times regular rate

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Total amount you earn before deductions…..

•Gross pay

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YTD stands for…

•Year to Date

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If Collin gets paid bi-weekly, how many paychecks will he receive in a year?


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Chris worked 48 hours last week. How many regular hours did he work?


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How often must self-employed people make estimated tax payments?


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Money offered to encourage employees to strive for higher levels of performance is….

•Incentive pay

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The crucial time of day when employees must be working are referred to as…

•Core time periods

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If Kyle’s regular pay rate is $16.00, what is his overtime rate?


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Employees switch from one task to another in this type of work schedule.

•Job Rotation

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An example of an employee service is…

•Employee discounts•Social and recreational programs•Free parking•Tuition reimbursements•Wellness programs•counseling

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If Katie’s regular pay rate is $8.00, what is her overtime rate?


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What does being vested entitle someone to?

•Their full retirement

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How many sick days is it customary for a full-time employee to receive?


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Two people who split one full-time position are using ….

•Job sharing

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If you do strenuous physical or mental work this type of workweek would not be suitable.


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Employees who do a lot of computer work might benefit from…


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What is one function of a labor union?

•Recruit new members•Engage in collective bargaining•Support political candidates•Provide support services for members

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How many hours are considered standard for the average fulltime workweek?


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List two examples of required deductions from a paycheck.

•Social Security•Medicare•Federal withholding•State withholding

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Identify one type of insurance that employers might offer..

•Group Health Insurance•Group Life Insurance•Group Dental Insurance•Group Vision Insurance

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Sara worked 51 hours last week. How many overtime hours did she work?


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This type of work schedule allows you to adjust your start and end time for your work day.


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The process of negotiating a contract for union members is called…

•Collective bargaining

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Name one of three main types of unions.

•Craft•Industrial•Public employee

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Social Security is withheld at a standard rate of ____ of the first $102,000 earned.


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Firefighters, teachers, and police officers may belong to what type of union?

•Public-employee union

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The American Bar Association, American Medical Association and National Education Association are all examples of….

•Professional organizations

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An attempt to influence public officials to pass laws and make decisions that benefit a profession is referred to as…


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If Sam’s salary is $24,000 a year, and he is paid twice a month, what is his gross pay per pay check?
