q3: audience feedback - poster & magazine


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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Q3: Audience Feedback - Poster & Magazine


Bethan Taylor

Page 2: Q3: Audience Feedback - Poster & Magazine

Movie Poster-- Here I collected audience feedback

on my final movie poster on what they thought of it, some giving examples of how I could further improve it if I were

to do it again.

Page 3: Q3: Audience Feedback - Poster & Magazine

Feedback Collected - iMessage

To get some feedback on my poster for my group’s film, ‘Stockholm Syndrome’, I asked people on my phone’s contacts list what they thought of my poster and if there was anything I could do to improve it. I got a micture of comments, all saying they liked the poster, however some of them also offered some ideas/pointers on what I could change if I were to do it again next time. After reviewing the feedback collected on iMessage I realised the following:•I didn’t remove some of the boarder around the picture in Photoshop before transferring the file to InDesign. This meant that there was a slight white boarder around some of our male protagonist, making my poster look less professional.•In the making of the billing block I didn’t realise that it wasn’t very square looking, meaning it looked like I wasted space on the poster, again making it look less professional.

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Feedback Collected - Snapchat

I also took to other platforms such as snapchat to ask other people what they thought of my movie poster for our film. Again I received all good feedback and some pointers on what to do After getting the results, I also realised that:•In the tag line I should have said “WATCH YOUR BACK, HE’S COMING” instead of “BACKS” as it makes it more personal, meaning the audience can engage with the poster like they should.•Maybe if I change his costume slightly to something slightly lighter to the background, it could have made the poster more effective as he would have stood out more.

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Feedback Collected - Instagram

Another social media platform I took to to get feedback on my poster was instagram. Here I got feedback from multiple people, some who had good advice. The majority of the people I asked only said that it was good, offering no advice for if I was to do it again. However one person did and their advice said that if I were to do it again, I could add traces of blood via a scratch or cut to make the audience question further about the characteristics of the male protagonist and possibly his personality.

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Feedback Evidence for the Poster

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Independent Film Magazine

-- Here I collected audience feedback on my final independent film magazine front cover on what they thought of it, some giving examples of how I could

also further improve it if I were to do it again.

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Feedback Collected - iMessage

To get feedback on my independent movie magazine advertising our film “Stockholm Syndrome”, I took to iMessage, asking people in my phone contact list on what they thought of my magazine cover. Here I got mainly positive feedback as well as some things I could do to improve it to make it more professional looking. Some of the feedback was as follows:•My magazine looks like a legitimate independent movie magazine, however if I were to change it, I should make the masthead bigger so that the brand name would stand out more to the audience as well as fill up more space on the page.•One person said how they liked how the sell lines hugged the picture’s outline, making both the image and sell lines stand out. Furthermore, they also said it looks similar to pre-existing magazines and that I had done a good job on it.•The last person said that the magazine looked good but if I wanted to conform to more magazine conventions, I could have added a button/puff to attract members of the public if they were to buy the magazine.

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Feedback Collected - Snapchat

Another way I got some feedback on my independent film magazine front cover was by asking people on snapchat what they thought of my magazine cover. Here I got a variety of feedback, both good as well as getting some pointers for if I was to do it again. Here they said:•One person pointed out that the hole in between our male protagonist’s arm looks slightly weird. However she liked how the writing stood out amongst the rest of the magazine and how the cover looked quite unique.•The other person said that she liked the manipulation of the image as it was different to what other magazines would do, thus breaking the normal conventions of an independent film magazine cover. She mentioned how the actors name stood out over the image by using a different font as well it being large compared to the rest of the magazine, allowing her and the audience to draw their attention to the main article.

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Feedback Collected - Instagram

To get more feedback on my magazine, I again reached out online via web 2.0 and on social media. I went on instagram and asked for some feedback and again got many comments saying that they liked it. I also got a few ideas on how I could improve it in the future if I was to go back and edit it. Some examples are:• One person said they liked that the masthead ‘focus’ stood out in front of the diamond background. This is because of the drop shadow used on the text to help it stand out and bring attention to the masthead.•Another said they liked that they liked the gradient as it drew their attention to the main image. This is due to the gradient going from dark on the outside to bright white around the edge of the picture.•Two people, however, said that I should add more colour to the magazine as it would help it feel more alive.

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Feedback Evidence for the Poster

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What I have learnt from my feedback?

David Gauntlett stated that the boundaries between consumers and producers have been blurred. This is largely due to the easy availability of technology and software necessary to make a video or film. As individuals, we once were the ones who were watching and giving feedback on existing media types, however we are now on the other side, producing our own films and seeking feedback on our trailers.To conclude, through producing my ancillary tasks, I have been able to see a clear link that shows that audience feedback effects our final products. That their feedback could help to further develop your idea to make it something much better and professional as well as to make something that would appeal to the larger audience themselves.