prx quantum 2, 030312 (2021)

PRX QUANTUM 2, 030312 (2021) Low-Depth Mechanisms for Quantum Optimization Jarrod R. McClean , * Matthew P. Harrigan , Masoud Mohseni, Nicholas C. Rubin, Zhang Jiang, Sergio Boixo , Vadim N. Smelyanskiy, Ryan Babbush, and Hartmut Neven Google Quantum AI, 340 Main Street, Venice, California 90291, USA (Received 18 November 2020; accepted 29 June 2021; published 21 July 2021) One of the major application areas of interest for both near-term and fault-tolerant quantum computers is the optimization of classical objective functions. In this work, we develop intuitive constructions for a large class of these algorithms based on connections to simple dynamics of quantum systems, quan- tum walks, and classical continuous relaxations. We focus on developing a language and tools connected with kinetic energy on a graph for understanding the physical mechanisms of success and failure to guide algorithmic improvement. This physical language, in combination with uniqueness results related to uni- tarity, allow us to identify some potential pitfalls from kinetic energy fundamentally opposing the goal of optimization. This is connected to effects from wavefunction confinement, phase randomization, and shadow defects lurking in the objective far away from the ideal solution. As an example, we explore the surprising deficiency of many quantum methods in solving uncoupled spin problems and how this is both predictive of performance on some more complex systems while immediately suggesting simple resolu- tions. Further examination of canonical problems like the Hamming ramp or bush of implications show that entanglement can be strictly detrimental to performance results from the underlying mechanism of solution in approaches like the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA). Kinetic energy and graph Laplacian perspectives provide new insights to common initialization and optimal solutions in QAOA as well as new methods for more effective layerwise training. Connections to classical methods of continuous extensions, homotopy methods, and iterated rounding suggest new directions for research in quantum optimization. Throughout, we unveil many pitfalls and mechanisms in quantum optimization using a physical perspective, which aim to spur the development of novel quantum optimization algorithms and refinements. DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.030312 I. INTRODUCTION Optimization is a topic so broad reaching and powerful in its applications that the idea that it could be possibly accelerated by quantum computers has attracted incredible attention, regardless of the origins or the underlying mech- anisms for speedup. Issues in optimization are at the core of problems ranging from applied problems in logistics, financial trading, and machine learning to problems of the- oretical interest in the study of spin glasses. However, an intuitive understanding of exactly why and how the coher- ence and entanglement of a quantum computation would assist in classical optimization problems can be elusive. * [email protected] Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Fur- ther distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. The goal of this work is to highlight and improve mech- anisms that occur even for low-depth quantum circuits, to enable better engineering of quantum optimization. Grover’s algorithm, quantum walks, and their adapta- tions were among the first to suggest that quantum comput- ers may provide an advantage for problems in optimization [13]. It was shown that, for an unstructured optimization, quantum computers could provide a quadratic advantage. In practice, however, the mechanism by which Grover proceeds uses coherent transport between a known initial state, and marked final state (or set of states), producing few or no approximate solutions in between, in the sense that failures are randomly distributed in configuration space rather than concentrating around improved results. Moreover, the advantage of a straightforward implemen- tation relies on a coherent implementation of the oracle for all possible inputs having the same cost as imple- menting the oracle classically for a single input, amortized over a systematic search. For example, deviating from the most basic black box depiction of Grover’s algorithm, if it is easier to compute the change in a function between inputs than the function itself, the advantage may disappear 2691-3399/21/2(3)/030312(31) 030312-1 Published by the American Physical Society

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PRX QUANTUM 2, 030312 (2021)

Low-Depth Mechanisms for Quantum Optimization

Jarrod R. McClean ,* Matthew P. Harrigan , Masoud Mohseni, Nicholas C. Rubin, Zhang Jiang,Sergio Boixo , Vadim N. Smelyanskiy, Ryan Babbush, and Hartmut Neven

Google Quantum AI, 340 Main Street, Venice, California 90291, USA

(Received 18 November 2020; accepted 29 June 2021; published 21 July 2021)

One of the major application areas of interest for both near-term and fault-tolerant quantum computersis the optimization of classical objective functions. In this work, we develop intuitive constructions fora large class of these algorithms based on connections to simple dynamics of quantum systems, quan-tum walks, and classical continuous relaxations. We focus on developing a language and tools connectedwith kinetic energy on a graph for understanding the physical mechanisms of success and failure to guidealgorithmic improvement. This physical language, in combination with uniqueness results related to uni-tarity, allow us to identify some potential pitfalls from kinetic energy fundamentally opposing the goalof optimization. This is connected to effects from wavefunction confinement, phase randomization, andshadow defects lurking in the objective far away from the ideal solution. As an example, we explore thesurprising deficiency of many quantum methods in solving uncoupled spin problems and how this is bothpredictive of performance on some more complex systems while immediately suggesting simple resolu-tions. Further examination of canonical problems like the Hamming ramp or bush of implications showthat entanglement can be strictly detrimental to performance results from the underlying mechanism ofsolution in approaches like the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA). Kinetic energyand graph Laplacian perspectives provide new insights to common initialization and optimal solutions inQAOA as well as new methods for more effective layerwise training. Connections to classical methodsof continuous extensions, homotopy methods, and iterated rounding suggest new directions for researchin quantum optimization. Throughout, we unveil many pitfalls and mechanisms in quantum optimizationusing a physical perspective, which aim to spur the development of novel quantum optimization algorithmsand refinements.

DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.030312


Optimization is a topic so broad reaching and powerfulin its applications that the idea that it could be possiblyaccelerated by quantum computers has attracted incredibleattention, regardless of the origins or the underlying mech-anisms for speedup. Issues in optimization are at the coreof problems ranging from applied problems in logistics,financial trading, and machine learning to problems of the-oretical interest in the study of spin glasses. However, anintuitive understanding of exactly why and how the coher-ence and entanglement of a quantum computation wouldassist in classical optimization problems can be elusive.

*[email protected]

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms ofthe Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Fur-ther distribution of this work must maintain attribution to theauthor(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, andDOI.

The goal of this work is to highlight and improve mech-anisms that occur even for low-depth quantum circuits, toenable better engineering of quantum optimization.

Grover’s algorithm, quantum walks, and their adapta-tions were among the first to suggest that quantum comput-ers may provide an advantage for problems in optimization[1–3]. It was shown that, for an unstructured optimization,quantum computers could provide a quadratic advantage.In practice, however, the mechanism by which Groverproceeds uses coherent transport between a known initialstate, and marked final state (or set of states), producingfew or no approximate solutions in between, in the sensethat failures are randomly distributed in configurationspace rather than concentrating around improved results.Moreover, the advantage of a straightforward implemen-tation relies on a coherent implementation of the oraclefor all possible inputs having the same cost as imple-menting the oracle classically for a single input, amortizedover a systematic search. For example, deviating from themost basic black box depiction of Grover’s algorithm, ifit is easier to compute the change in a function betweeninputs than the function itself, the advantage may disappear

2691-3399/21/2(3)/030312(31) 030312-1 Published by the American Physical Society

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JARROD R. MCCLEAN et al. PRX QUANTUM 2, 030312 (2021)

without further modification to the algorithm. It seemsunlikely that, for a real problem on 1000 bits, one canafford to wait a time of the order of about 2500 for thesolution, without substantial improvement beyond randomguessing before that. While this argument is a bit of a strawman, it is meant to illustrate that blindly applying quantumtechniques to optimization often does not yield a practicalalgorithm. In addition, some development in quantum ora-cles required to even admit the desired quadratic speedup.In a naive example, for NP-hard spin glass problems builtfrom k-local terms, queries to the Hamiltonian in classicalalgorithms reuse work from previous steps by computingonly differences on spin configurations, which can reducethe complexity of the query by a factor of n compared toa naive quantum oracle query that often, by construction,checks all terms simultaneously. All these factors are com-pounded by recent studies showing the severe overheadimposed on algorithms obtaining only a quadratic speedupby quantum error correction [4]. Hence, if the direct use ofGrover is to make any impact in optimization problems, itis likely to be in a narrow window of problems with fewerthan 100 bits input and those for which no better algorithmthan random guessing is known.

Using a more modern interpretation of Grover searchand amplitude amplification has led to asymptoticspeedups over structured classical algorithms like anneal-ing and branch and bound [5–9], but the overheads forgeneral cases remain challenging when compiled all theway to fault-tolerant gate sequences [10]. This is exacer-bated by the fact that real use cases have shown that it islikely the case that improved solutions are most needed onproblems with more than 1000 bits, where classical heuris-tics break down [11,12]. While connections to searchingby continuous-time quantum walks have provided bet-ter bases to understand some of these results [13], themechanism leaves much to be desired for understandingwhere quantum computers may provide optimization winsbeyond polynomial.

The study of quantum annealing has also providedinsight into areas where quantum computers may assistwith optimization [14–18]. The works in quantum anneal-ing and adiabatic quantum optimization offer concretemechanisms that could lead to quantum advantage. Thephysical mechanisms are often attributed to faster coher-ent collective tunneling through energy landscape barriers,and that difficult problems are associated with phase transi-tions and closures of the eigenvalue gap along the adiabaticpath. However, the potential computational power of quan-tum annealers over classical techniques is yet not wellunderstood as they could suffer from decoherence effects,finite control precision, and sparse connectivity. More-over, physical quantum annealers have low-dimensionalgraphs and typically encode strongly disordered problemsand thus could suffer from exponentially small gaps dueto Griffith’s singularities [19]. Some of these limitations

could be avoided by inhomogeneous quantum anneal-ing algorithms motivated by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism[19,20] or hybrid quantum-assisted Monte Carlo tech-niques [21]. However, similar physics-inspired techniquescould also be implemented in classical methods com-bining certain cluster update strategies over a backbonealgorithm from the Markov chain Monte Carlo family(e.g., simulated annealing [22] or parallel tempering algo-rithms [23]). The cluster updates could include Swendsen-Wang-Wolf cluster updates [24,25], Hodayer moves [26],or Hamze-Freitas-Selbey [27–29], and approximate ten-sor network contractions [30]. However, these classicalapproaches either break down for frustrated systems [25],or percolate for D > 2 [26] or assume random treelikesubgraphs [27–29], so in general their generalization toMonte Carlo–based cluster updates to higher-dimensionalfrustrated systems are not yet fully explored. Addition-ally, recent advances in machine learning could lead tonew techniques for discovery of such collective latent vari-ables for higher-dimensional spin-glass systems that couldencode discrete optimization problems [31].

From a physical perspective, the rate of quantum tunnel-ing decreases exponentially with the width of the barrier.Hence, despite a quadratic advantage in the many-bodycase [32] over classical diffusion as in Langevin methodsfor global optimization [33], overall exponential scalingpersists [18,32,34]. Moreover, in the single-body case, ahost of results demonstrate that quantum annealing, whichare similar to Langevin methods, can be efficiently sim-ulated on classical computers with quantum Monte Carlo[35–37]. Hence, even if one is able to take advantage ofthese mechanisms, one may find themselves in a Grover-like situation, where practically cannot wait approximately2w, where w is a generic many-body barrier width some-times scaling as O(n) for glassy problems, to see anyimprovement of solution. This is especially true for near-term and even early fault-tolerant devices with limitedquantum resources.

For problems without any structure, quadratic speedupsare the best one can hope for, and indeed this leads toa steep overhead for practical problems that can lookinsurmountable for near-term devices [10]. However, thisleads to questions of whether there are structures in clas-sical optimization problems that quantum computers areuniquely posed to take advantage of that could lead tosuperpolynomial speedups, and whether these structuresare present in classical optimization problems of interest.While there is some fear that the presence of structurein a problem might be equally exploitable by classicalalgorithms [17], we recall that, without a specific andsomewhat sensitive structure, Shor’s factoring algorithm[38] would also not succeed. Indeed, there is conjecturethat, for the majority of problems, in a measure-theoreticsense, beyond polynomial speedups are not possible with-out structure [39]. Hence, understanding such structures is


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key to understanding the potential of quantum computersfor optimization.

In lieu of the identification of such possible structures,researchers have exploited numerical and theoretical stud-ies of collections of well-known optimization problems.The hope is certainly that if quantum computers couldtake advantage of some structure, it may be present inthese problems, and these effects might be observed in theform of a computational speedup. However, even if onetakes the viewpoint that such structures are present in someinstances of a particular problem, if that problem is diffi-cult enough, there may be an equal or greater number ofadversarial instances that cancel the desired benefit whenaveraged over a sufficient number of examples. Giventhe sensitivity of known quantum algorithms to precisephase coherence, it seems that, for a problem with a wideenough degree of expressibility (e.g., NP-complete prob-lems), practical solvers must allow quantum algorithms tobe used in instances for which they are best suited, with-out compromising their performance in instances they arenot well suited for. Moreover, at small system sizes, evensome difficult spin-glass problems display considerablelocal structure that classical solvers can take advantage of,while structureless quantum solvers (e.g., a naive appli-cation of Grover’s algorithm or in some cases quantumannealing) are needlessly hamstrung, making some blindexplorations stilted comparisons at best.

The desire to explore the impact of quantum comput-ers on real problems without the corresponding hardwareto perform algorithms of exponential depth has led tothe development of a number of heuristics, including thevariational quantum eigensolver and the quantum approx-imate optimization algorithm [40–44]. The applicabilityof these algorithms to optimization problems draws intu-ition in a high-depth limit from quantum annealing andadiabatic quantum optimization [14,45]. However, thesealgorithms are operated in the low-depth regime, anddespite some recent strides in this direction [46–49], under-standing which optimization problems they might excel atremains challenging. Without a mechanistic understandingof how optimization can operate in these circumstances,it is difficult if not impossible to improve the algorithmsperformances substantially.

In this work, we use the low-depth regime as a lens forgaining intuition that can lead to real improvement in quan-tum algorithms for optimization. Some of this intuition issketched in Fig. 1. We identify structure in classical opti-mization problems that quantum computers excel at, ratherthan hope such structure will appear without knowing itsform. In doing so, we note some oversights that allow forimmediate improvement in almost all quantum algorithmsfor quantum optimization. In particular, allowing adaptiverescaling of components of the problem improves perfor-mance methods that make coherent queries to that object,such as quantum approximate optimization or annealing.

Phase scattering

Boundary scattering

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FIG. 1. Sketches of mechanisms in low-depth optimizationdiscussed here. On the left and right a particular wavefunctionis depicted where the vertices are computational basis states,|z〉, and colored regions represent wavefunction support, wherecolors depict relative phases between sites, i.e., the same colorregions have the same associated phase. The transition from leftto right depicts evolution under a low-depth optimization primi-tive like QAOA under a potential f (z) and graph Laplacian LG.The different processes depicted represent different mechanismsthat may happen at once or at different times in an algorithm.As one progresses in an algorithm, the domain of support forpossible solutions contracts and relative phase information accu-mulates inside domains of support. It is found that subsequentsteps have dynamics generated by scattering from the boundaryof the domain and randomized relative internal phases. Theseprocesses can detract from primary mechanisms of solution,such as concentrating density on a solution where most domainpotential points agree, or a measure vote.

Through connections to the language of continuous-timequantum walks and understanding quantum optimizationas fortuitous coherence on the underlying graph, we finda new perspective in understanding these approaches.Although we will focus on short-depth realizations to max-imize understanding, these tools turn out to be powerful forbetter understanding how quantum optimizations based onphysical dynamics proceed in general.


In order to better organize this work for the time con-scious reader, we attempt to outline the general topics ofdiscussion and conclusions from each section. In Sec. IIIwe begin with a review of optimization and connec-tions to the language of quantum walks. We highlight theformulation of several popular approaches such as quan-tum annealing, adiabatic optimization, and the quantum


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approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) in a way thatallows them to be simply connected and generalized in thelanguage of graph Laplacians.

Following this, in Sec. IV we take common cases fromthe literature, and using properties of unitarity demon-strate a number of exact results on problems solvable inextremely short depth. We show that the Grover driver (orcomplete graph Laplacian) represents an extreme of toomany connections, preventing any structure in a problemfrom being exploited in a meaningful way under these con-structions in contrast with other possible choices for thegraph. We go on to show that existing methods, such asquantum annealing and a single-step QAOA can fail tosolve uncoupled spin problems in surprising ways. Whilesome of these results are known in the literature, ourexposition aims to increase clarity. These constructionslead us to analogies with problems of scale like ill con-ditioning in gradient descent classically, and methods forpreconditioning problems to avoid these difficulties.

This brings us to a more general connection to contin-uous extensions in Sec. V and the relationship betweenthe variational quantum eigensolver and the classical mul-tilinear extension. In particular, we see that many meth-ods for variational circuits used on discrete optimizationproblems share commonalities with classical techniquesoften used in approximation methods and belief propa-gation. These similarities motivate the introduction of atechnique from classical approximation methods, iteratedrounding, which addresses problems of scale, quantum-classical readout challenges, and underlying challengesrelated to symmetry. A connection is also made to the clas-sical theory of homotopy methods for global optimization,which bridge the quantum adiabatic method with classicalapproaches.

Using this information, we identify a mechanism ofsolution in short-depth algorithms like QAOA, and con-struct a mean-field variant to exhibit its properties inSec. VI. This mechanism operates by an effective major-ity vote of the potential surface. In particular, several ofthe canonical problems studied, such as the spike problemon a Hamming ramp and the bush of implications, sug-gest that, while a single step of QAOA both solves theseproblems efficiently, and is entangled, in these cases thatentanglement is strictly detrimental to performance. Modi-fications to avoid these problems based on the flexibility ofthe graph Laplacian are introduced based on mechanisticinsights from the mean-field model.

This global consensus model reveals a particular classof failures that can occur within quantum optimizationmethods we term “shadow defects” in Sec. VIII. In par-ticular, energetic defects distant in Hamming weight canhave considerable influence on the ability of variationalmethods to effectively refine their solutions due to theglobal nature of evolutions. We explore simple exampleswhere this is the case and the impact on the efficiency

of algorithms. Our conjecture is that this phenomenon isan underlying mechanism related to concentration of mea-sure observed in QAOA landscapes for random probleminstances [49,50]. Modifying the objective function, forexample using a Gibbs-like objective [51], allows one toavoid some of these issues, but more scalable solutionsrequire cutting space into informed, smaller problems.

This brings us to the crucial underlying element ofkinetic energy in quantum optimization in Sec. VII.Kinetic energy from the confinement of a quantum opti-mization based on a real Hamiltonian presents a force fun-damentally opposed to the goals of classical optimization.Insights from kinetic energy allow us to understand whyso many optimal paths in QAOA resemble smooth defor-mations, why initial guess paths from adiabatic schedulesare often crucial for success, and why layerwise greedyoptimizations are so challenging. We offer techniques forcircumventing these challenges, such as weighting thekinetic energy while training layerwise or searching fornew variational components.

The insights related to kinetic energy motivates thedevelopment of coherent graph cutting in Sec. IX. Thistechnique leverages the power of coherent quantum algo-rithms to show how it might be possible to introduceadditional prior information into a classical optimizationproblem in a way that does not damage performance.

In Sec. XI we investigate numerically the impact ofthese issues and basic techniques of remediation on com-mon models like ferromagnets and MaxCut. In analogyto noninteracting systems, simple rescaling can destroythe performance of some algorithms on systems like atwo-dimensional (2D) ferromagnet. We also show thatsubstantial depth is required to reach a classical baselinefrom a simple classical continuous extension, in part dueto its natural ability to adapt to scale. Finally, in Sec. Xwe tie together our conclusions to make general recom-mendations for the improvement of low-depth quantumoptimization and close with thoughts and outlooks.


We begin by reviewing and establishing the notation forboth quantum optimization and quantum walks as will berelevant to our narrative. The goal in optimization is to findthe value z∗ such that f (z∗) is a maximum or minimum ofthe value of the objective function f . For the most part, werestrict our discussion to classical functions f (z) where thedomain of z is bitstrings of length n, due to the simplicityto map the problem to n qubits. Throughout this work, weuse the notation Xi, Yi, and Zi to refer to the Pauli operatorsacting on qubit i. While there is some interest in findinglocal minima of problems for practical reasons, the discus-sion in quantum optimization often focuses on the morechallenging task of finding global optima, and this can be


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concisely restated as

z∗ = argminz

f (z). (1)

In some cases one is interested in the typical quality ofsolutions a method produces, which can be quantified bythe approximation ratio. As a matter of clarification, theapproximation ratio in classical discrete optimization andapproximation methods has been defined differently thanthe approximation in reference to quantum optimizationand QAOA in particular. We choose to take the conventioncommon in the quantum literature where an approximationratio of 1 is perfect, 0 is failure, and we seek to maximizethe approximation ratio, which is opposite to the conven-tion taken in the classical optimization algorithm literature.Hence, for this choice of convention, we use throughout,the approximation ratio for minimization of a solution zdefined by

R = E

[fmax − f (z)fmax − f (z∗)

], (2)

where fmax is the maximum value of f and the approxi-mation ratio is evaluated over the distribution of solutionsa method produces and/or a distribution of instances for aproblem.

Quantum annealing [14] works to solve this optimiza-tion problem through connection with the adiabatic princi-ple by evolving under Hamiltonians of the form

H = s(t)∑


f (z)|z〉〈z| − [1 − s(t)]∑


Xi, (3)

where one begins in the initial state |+〉⊗n and con-tinuously varies the schedule function from s(0) = 0 tos(1) = 1. If this evolution is slow enough, in a sense thatcan be made precise [52], the evolution stays in the groundstate of the joint Hamiltonian, and produces the opti-mal bitstring z∗ with high probability. We note that thereis sometimes a subtle distinction in connotation betweenquantum annealing and the optimization through the quan-tum adiabatic principle in that quantum annealers builtfrom analog components sometimes operate without theability to exactly give s(0) = 0, and hence approximatethis path by making the coefficient of the transverse field(−∑

i Xi) large in comparison to the magnitude of f (z) ininitial stages of the algorithm. Moreover, quantum anneal-ers are often assumed to operate at finite temperatures, andwork as approximate samplers rather than preparing exactsolutions in some limit. We neglect the considerations offinite temperature operation here.

One can use a similar construction for functions withonly one marked state, that is, f (z) = 0 for all but f (z∗) =−1 to formulate the Hamiltonian analog of Grover’s

algorithm [53], which traditionally proceeds via the Hamil-tonian

H = s(t)∑


f (z)|z〉〈z| − [1 − s(t)]P+, (4)

where P+ = (|+〉〈+|)⊗n, which we have written in a wayas to be structurally similar to the previous equation.

At a glance, the two Hamiltonians appear quite different,and indeed in many ways they are. However, in the litera-ture of continuous-time quantum walks [13,54], it has beennoted that there is a common structure that underlies thetwo, and it is this structure we run with to develop intuitionfor quantum optimization of classical problems. In partic-ular, both algorithms start from the state |ψi〉 = |+〉⊗n andproceed via a Hamiltonian of the form

H = s(t)∑


f (z)|z〉〈z| + [1 − s(t)]LG, (5)

where LG is the graph Laplacian of a graph G, where thenodes are computational bitstrings or basis states. Indeed,it turns out that, for a wide family of graphs G, the abovealgorithms would produce the ground state of f (z), albeitwith computational scalings that depend on the specifics ofthe graph. However, to date, the specifics of the graph havebeen under utilized in understanding and accelerating thesealgorithms. Let us briefly recall what we need to knowabout graph Laplacians in order to unify the conceptualpictures.

At a conceptual level, the graph Laplacian is the real-space Laplacian used in quantum mechanics for the kineticenergy, generalized to generic and discrete graphs. In par-ticular, for optimization problems, we can consider them asevolving under a potential and kinetic energy defined by

T = LG, (6)

V =∑


f (z)|z〉〈z|. (7)

Hence, as in the Euclidean case (e.g., a 1D set of pointsconnected in a line), it is related to the kinetic energy ofa system, and evolution under this operator generates thedynamics of the system in position (or computational basesstate) space. While there are a few formal definitions in theliterature of the graph Laplacian, we take LG of a graph Gfor an undirected, k-regular graph as

LG = DG − AG, (8)

where DG and AG are the N × N = 2n × 2n degree andadjacency matrices of the graph G. Here DG is a diagonalmatrix with entries for each node indicating the num-ber of connections to that node, or degree, and AG withentries [AG]ij = [AG]ji = 1 if nodes i and j are adjacent,


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and 0 otherwise. For k-regular graphs, the degree matrixDG is proportional to the identity, and hence, for quan-tum evolution, it may be disregarded as imparting a globalphase.

Graph Laplacians have the important property that, forconnected graphs, there is a unique ground state witheigenvalue 0, which corresponds to |+〉⊗n. Conceptually,this is the minimum kinetic energy state for all connectedgraphs, and hence any application of the adiabatic princi-ple for finding the ground state starts with the state |+〉⊗n.This also implies that any connected graph G could in prin-ciple enable a meaningful quantum annealing schedule,so this begs the questions of why one would choose onegraph over the other. The study of continuous-time quan-tum walks informs this question in the generic sense, butits also clear that the precise coherences will depend on thedetails of the matching between the node values (potential)and the underlying graph. One could imagine that a goodmatch between the graph and the potential may yield goodperformance, or an open gap, while a poor one could resultin a closing gap in the language of adiabatic quantum com-putation. It is these types of correspondence we examine,but we will not restrict ourselves to the adiabatic regime.

In the above examples, we saw the two most commonchoices of bitstring graphs in quantum computing, namelythe hypercube graph, −∑

i Xi, which connects each bit-string to all neighbors one bitflip away, and the completegraph P+, which connects all bitstrings to all other bit-strings. These two graphs are special cases of a type ofgraph we find particularly compelling to analyze, the so-called “fast-forwardable graph.” In slight contrast to recentdefinitions of fast-forwardable graphs [55], we mean thatevolution under the graph Laplacian, e−iLGt, can be donewith a straightforward circuit implementation scaling atworst as O(log t) in the number of gates. This is the case forany graph Laplacian that has a simple quantum diagonal-ization circuit. For example, the Hadamard transform onall qubits, which diagonalizes both P+ and sums over ten-sor products of X terms. This also includes the Euclideanfamilies of graphs (e.g., a discretized 1D line or 2D plane)that may be diagonalized through quantum Fourier trans-forms, as has been noted in early works on quantum walks[13]. It also includes graphs defined in a fermionic picture[56–58].

The connection of Laplacians to kinetic energy T ∝LG with the current conventions will be important fordeveloping understanding in this work. In classical ran-dom walks or searches over the bitstrings and functionf (z), the fact that walkers in any given instance of timeare localized to single bitstrings is relatively unimpor-tant. However, in quantum evolutions, the global graphof the problem imparts a kinetic energy that can generateevolution unrelated to the problem f (z) from simply con-fining the wavefunction to a smaller support of bitstrings.This force acts against us in quantum optimization in a

fundamental way, and can be influenced by the phase aswell, with the unique 0 kinetic energy state being the uni-form phase, uniform weight state |+〉⊗n. Hence, if onecannot use phase coherence to their advantage, the grow-ing random quantum diffusion imparted from the kineticenergy operator is likely to act as a hindrance rather thanan aid [59].

The combination of results from quantum optimizationwith the limited resources available today has led to thedevelopment of heuristics with primitives inspired by thesealgorithms. Most notable among them are the use of vari-ational quantum eigensolver (VQE) [40] and the QAOA[43], sometimes also referred to as the quantum alternat-ing operator ansatz [60]. These approaches both use anouter-loop variational principle to determine the param-eters based on a secondary variational objective to beupdated. This variational objective, which we denote asC[f (z)], is in most cases taken to be the expected valuewith respect to a wavefunction, or

Cm[f (z)] = 〈f (z)〉, (9)

where the subscript m denotes expected value; however,we explore the importance of alternative C[f (z)] in thiswork, including nontrivial additions of kinetic energy forreasons that will become apparent.

In practice, the VQE is a general construction for usingparameterized circuits to find ground states, which caninclude quantum or classical cases, and the QAOA isa variational construction designed to include coherentqueries to the objective function. Although it is not equiva-lent for all parameter choices, it is sometimes characterizedas a parameterized version of a low-depth Trotter expan-sion of the adiabatic algorithm specialized for classicalobjective functions. It is often repeated for a number ofrepetitions p . We note that, by convention, the QAOAansatz is defined with a negative convention with respectto the graph Laplacian we use here, so to maintain con-sistency in the optimal parameters with the literature,we use LG = −LG when appropriate. When cast in theconventions we consider here,


〈ψ |f (z)|ψ〉; |ψ〉 =p∏i

e−iβiLGe−iγif (z)|+〉⊗n. (10)

Broadly, however, our results will not be specific to QAOAor VQE, but we will be able to examine the single-stepprocess at p = 1 for considerable insight when viewed inthe setting as a continuous walk over the bitstring graph.


Many classical optimization methods proceed by theiterative solution of a sequence of exact subproblems or


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approximations thereof that materially predict the per-formance of methods or provide mechanistic suggestionsfor improvement. An apt analogy that we draw is thatof first-order optimization methods like gradient descent,which are plagued by issues related to condition num-bers, and are often repaired by techniques that take noteof such shortcomings such as quasi-Newton or precon-ditioned methods [61]. We aim to do the same here forlow-depth quantum optimization problems by showcasinga subset of exactly solvable problems and some surpris-ing failures, such as the inability of a traditional quantumannealing or QAOA construction to solve noninteractingspin problems exactly at p = 1. While some of the resultshere are known in more general contexts, we attempt tohighlight when this is the case, while focusing on a simpli-fied presentation. For example, while some of our resultsfocus on the p = 1 case, where general proofs of classi-cal algorithms are known [47], this will support our goalof understanding what happens within a differential stepof a quantum optimization algorithm more generally. Inthe quest for clarity, we focus on defining exact solutionsto mean perfect fidelity with a ground state. While this isrestrictive and may not always track precisely with approx-imate results, we believe that the resulting conclusions aremore readily translated to strategies for improvement in allcases.

A. Implications of unitarity

While the objective of some algorithms is to maximizethe approximation ratio, a sufficient condition that willbe easier to analyze is obtaining the exact solution of anoptimization problem, which here we take to be unique.We denote the exact solution as |z∗〉, a computational bit-string, and our goal is to understand what problems can besolved in a single step, or those for which quantum opti-mizations are exceptionally well suited. We worry aboutcorresponding classical difficulty later. For this problem,in the standard setup we take the standard 0 kinetic energystate |+〉⊗n. This means that exactly solving the problem isequivalent to

e−iγ f (z)|+〉⊗n = eiβLG |z∗〉, (11)

where we have moved the action of the Laplacian to act onthe bitstring for convenience. From here, we may make afew simple observations that will be important. First, for anexact equivalence to exist, the action of eiβLG must be ableto map a single bitstring to a state that is a uniform weightsuperposition over all bitstrings, although the phases maybe allowed to vary. This follows from the initial state anddiagonal property of the operator f (z). This fact alreadygreatly constrains both LG and the values of β that areallowed, as we see below, often independent of the state|z∗〉. Hence, if the graph G is given, this often immediately

implies the allowed values of β, which in turn dictatesthat only a small family (if not only one) potential f (z) isexactly solvable up to branches of the complex logarithm.

Perhaps even more strongly, when one considers theproperty of unitarity, if LG implies the allowed values of β,and the problem has a solution |z∗〉, then there exists onlyone potential that this can exactly solve, and it is deter-mined by the graph rather than the problem Hamiltonian.This implies that our ability to solve problems is about theinterplay of the potential f (z) with the graph G rather thansimply the problem objective f (z) by itself.

Another point of consequence when considering uni-tarity is that, even for a long sequence of βi, γi for agiven graph G and potential f (z), there is no fixed βi,γi, for example in a learning rate schedule that decreasesβi and γi in accordance with an adiabatic schedule fora large number of repetitions, that can solve the prob-lem from an arbitrary initial state. That is, given some Ufor which U|+〉⊗n = |z∗〉, there is no other state |ψ〉 suchthat U|ψ〉 = |z∗〉 by unitarity. This is seen simply fromthe properties of unitarity, which preserve inner products〈ψ |U†U|+〉⊗n = 〈ψ |+〉⊗n. This implies that the algorithmis not globally convergent in the numerical analysis sensein that it cannot even converge to a local minimum [asdefined by the graph G and f (z)] from an arbitrary ini-tial state, even for the simplest of potentials as in a typicalstochastic gradient descent. This appears to be a prob-lem for any unitary quantum algorithm where the unitaryis not made to depend on the initial state or extendedto include nonunitary actions through ancilla. With thesegeneral concerns in mind, we turn to more specific graphs.

B. Grover and the complete graph

We begin with the complete bitstring graph, associatedwith LG = −P+ = −(|+〉〈+|)⊗n, as is commonly usedin Grover’s algorithm or other common quantum walkvariants of search for a marked bitstring. Expanding thegeneral constraint in Eq. (11) for this graph Laplacian wefind that

e−if (z)γ |+〉⊗n = eiβP+|z∗〉= [I + (eiβ − 1)P+]|z∗〉= |z∗〉 + (eiβ − 1)〈+|z∗〉|+〉⊗n

= |z∗〉 + 12n/2 (e

iβ − 1)|+〉⊗n, (12)

where we have only used the fact that |z∗〉 is a compu-tational bitstring. If we recall that we require the abilityto map to a uniformly weighted state for an exact solu-tion to be possible, we find that the closest such state isgiven by β = π , and in this case, we find that the maxi-mum possible change in overlap in some sense scales asapproximately 1/2(n/2). Hence, the complete graph solves


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exactly no potentials in one step, and makes Grover-likeprogress at best for any potentials, regardless of structurethat might exist. We focus here on the case of one stepto aid in what we can say exactly and gain understand-ing about the relationship between the potential and thegraph Laplacian. In this sense, the complete graph is asso-ciated with a structureless algorithm in that this limit onprogress had no dependence on the form of f (z). It alsomakes clear the statement that more connections on thebitstring graph are not always better. In a complete graphthere is no “barrier” in a strict sense between any initialstate and a target state; however, the unused connectionsact as an effective, entropic barrier that waste useful explo-ration of a normalized state. The complete graph is theextreme example of this, but we will see other graphs sufferfrom this phenomenon in a weaker way. Hence, it is usefuland necessary to exploit structure to weaken or cut unusedconnections. This is at the heart of structured probabilis-tic models or graphical models in the classical machinelearning community that can encode the structure of theunderlying data or problem by removing the unnecessarilydirect links between variables [62].

C. Transverse field and hypercube graph

We now turn to the hypercube graph commonly usedin quantum annealing, QAOA, quantum adiabatic algo-rithms, and other quantum walk implementations. Thisgraph is associated with LG = −∑

i Xi and is the graphwith each bitstring connected to its n neighbors by flippingeach qubit individually. Algebraic proofs of the limita-tions of this graph have been well explored in the contextof QAOA [63,64], but we aim to present these in a waythat supports our coming exposition. This type of graph issometimes called a Kronecker sum graph due to the sep-arable form. This fact is also suggestive of the type ofpotentials it can solve exactly, which we will see are sep-arable over qubits. Considering the constraint in Eq. (11),but for a single qubit, we find that

e−iγ f (z)|+〉 = eiβX |z∗〉= (cosβI + i sinβX )|z∗〉, (13)

where we use X to denote Xi when there is only a sin-gle qubit. It is straightforward to find that only two valuesof β satisfy the constraint of preparing a state with equalweights on all qubits, for either z∗ ∈ {0, 1}, which areβ = {π/4, 3π/4}.

The exact sign and state however actually do depend onthe value of z∗ in this case, and that dictates β = π/4. Toclarify what is meant here, if one selects β = 3π/4, for theone-qubit case, this can be compensated by switching thesign of γ , which is like taking f (z) → −f (z). However,for multiqubit cases with multiple terms, the correspondingcompensation may need to flip select Hamiltonian terms,

which a single value of γ does not allow. Note, however,that in some cases, the exact ground state is inconsistentwith the ground state of the one-body terms. For exam-ple, if there is a higher-body term present that dominatesthe determination of the ground state. In this case, theadjustment of β to 3π/4 allows the potential to orient thecontributions of the single-body terms correctly in orderto agree with conflicting higher-body terms. This exampleprovides mechanistic insight behind variational adjustmentof β beyond setting it to π/4. Moreover, so long as β > 0,it is easy to stay in a regime where properties for exactadiabatic are retained. This also suggests however that anindividual qubit β can be significantly more powerful inthe presence of conflicting terms. Note that our use of con-flicting terms throughout is consistent with the definitionof nonfrustration-free Hamiltonians in quantum computerscience where the ground state of the total Hamiltonianis not the ground state of each of its constituent parts;however, to avoid confusion with geometric frustration inphysical systems, we prefer the term conflicting.

The use of the β = π/4 immediately yields discreteexactly solvable potentials up to branches of the complexlog

−γ f (z) = π

2w = π

4(I + Z), (14)

where w is also the Hamming weight of the qubit, or Ham-ming distance from 0. The ability to adjust γ in conjunc-tion with redundancy implies that one can solve exactlyany one-qubit potential of the form α(I ± Z), where α ∈ R

and the shift by the identity may be included or not for con-venience. As the graph Laplacian is a Kronecker sum, thismust be satisfied individually for each qubit, which may berewritten as


(e−iγ f (zj )|+〉) =⊗


(eiβX |z∗j 〉), (15)

where zj and z∗j refer to the j th bit and this form shows the

separability. From the previous set of results, we see thatthe only set of solvable potentials are some of the formα

∑i(I ± Zi), where we specifically note that α is fixed

across all spins. This is, up to sign and unimportant shifts,the Hamming distance symmetric potential that has beenshown a number of times to be solvable in one step of theQAOA algorithm [63,64].

It is worth discussing in slightly more generality thefreedom that is imparted by the branches of the complexlog in the derived expressions. That is, for f (z), whichis solvable on any bitstring, one may add multiples of2π/γ and exactly the same operator will result. However,since e−iγ f (z) is the same operator, and the target groundstate |z∗〉 has remained the same, only additions that arecompatible with the original ground state allow the prob-lem to remain exactly solvable. Hence, only having the


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principal solvable potential will result in the same answer.In the event that it alters it, we lose the property of exactsolution. In the case that it leaves it the same, we may solvethis potential exactly as well. Unfortunately, this class ofpotentials, due to being dictated entirely by the one-bodyterms, will also be trivially solvable by the classical mean-field method we introduce later. In order to take advantageof some quantum properties, one must either pass throughan intermediate entangled state dictating p > 1 for uniquebitstring solutions, or end with an entangled state.

D. Odd k-spin ferromagnets and branches

A recent work by Wauters and collaborators [65]showed that QAOA can prepare ground states of k-spinquantum ferromagnets efficiently, and, moreover, as a spe-cial case, there are some classical configurations (withouttransverse fields) that are amenable to exact p = 1 solu-tions. We show how this result fits into the construction andintuition we have built here. In particular, classical k-spinferromagnet Hamiltonians have the form

f (z) = −( n∑




. (16)

It was shown, by algebraic means, that in the case that bothk and n are odd, a p = 1 QAOA forms an exact solutionat all system sizes for β = π/4, γ = π/4. As evolutionunder the hypergraph Laplacian cannot generate or destroyentanglement, and the final state is unentangled, we con-clude that, for all of these systems, evolution under thepotential can also generate no entanglement. This is sug-gestive of the fact that a principle potential of uncoupledspins is likely at the source of this success. To position thisin our language here, let us consider the smallest case ofk = 3, n = 3. In this case, we can expand the potential tofind that

f (z) = −(Z1 + Z2 + Z3)3

= −7(Z1 + Z2 + Z3)− 6(Z1Z2Z3), (17)

up to shifts by the identity. At a glance, this seems to con-tain the nontrivial term Z1Z2Z3 and other weight factors.However, if we rearrange the Hamiltonian into the form

f (z) = − (Z1 + Z2 + Z3)

− 6(Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z1Z2Z3), (18)

we find that the second term is equal to −24(|000〉〈000| −|111〉〈111|), which when multiplied by γ = π/4, isexactly an integer multiple of 2π on basis states, impart-ing no effect on the state or change in evolution under thepotential operator. Hence, the entire solution is determinedby the first term of uncoupled spins that happens to not

be disrupted by the second. We note that this explorationconstitutes a specific exploration of previous results thatexactly constrain the potentials that can be exactly solvedin one step, and that this does not extend beyond thoseprevious results [63,64]. Our purpose here is primarily toshow how this can manifest in a nonobvious manner.

E. Degenerate ground states

So far, we have considered the case of having a uniquesolution to the optimization problem, labeled |z∗〉. Whenconsidering the hypercube graph, this had the implica-tion of solving primarily uncoupled spin problems of fixedmagnitude. Another way of seeing this result is to see that,as the evolution operator e−iβLG is separable and can intro-duce no entanglement, if one starts and finishes in a sep-arable state, the potential cannot introduce entanglementeither, immediately ruling out generic interactions betweenqubits in the potential beyond those that introduce trivialphase factors. To circumvent this and explore the impli-cations of quantum entanglement, we now explore caseswith degenerate solutions containing entanglement. Thissection will focus on a specific case of the more generalresult shown for limitations in Z2 symmetric Hamiltoni-ans [48], but will introduce some additional thoughts onthe modification of the Laplacian. We note that this is ofinterest for the approximation capabilities of these algo-rithms as well, if the overlap of a unique solution is greaterwith an entangled state than any separable one achievablewithin a given circuit.

To begin, we start with the simplest such potential, a pairpotential of the form

f (z) = −Z1Z2. (19)

From a classical perspective, this has two, equally goodsolutions, either z = 00 or z = 11. In a quantum per-spective, the ground state of this diagonal Hamiltonian isdegenerate, and any state within the degenerate subspacespan{|00〉, |11〉} is allowed. We have seen from the previ-ous section and entanglement arguments that if we makeour goal to produce either the |00〉 or |11〉 state (ratherthan a generic superposition) then we are restricted pri-marily to single-body potentials. However, once we allowa solution of the form (|00〉 + |11〉)/√2, which producesequally valid exact solutions for the classical problem,then we may start to consider potentials that have inter-actions; moreover, there is now some finite measure ofstate space that produces valid solutions rather than singlepoints.

From a theoretical point of view, this draws an inter-esting distinction between attempts to probabilisticallyprepare |00〉 and |11〉 exactly in turn, which we haveseen to be impossible with only queries to an inter-acting Hamiltonian. Hence, entanglement plays the role


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here of allowing the solution of interacting potentialswith fewer queries, while sticking to a hypercube graphLaplacian. The need for entanglement in the ground stateis directly related to previous results on limitations ofQAOA for Z2 symmetric Hamiltonians [48]. For the spe-cific choice of the maximally entangled solution, whichwe denote here as |ψ(z∗)〉 = (|00〉 + |11〉)/√2, and thehypercube Laplacian, we may repeat the above analysisfor

e−iγ f (z)|+〉 = eiβX1eiβX2 |ψ(z∗)〉. (20)

In this case, we find that β = π/8 permits solutions, andthe corresponding principle potential it solves up to signand shifts in the identity is given by

f (z) ∝ Z1Z2, (21)

which with scaling by γ permits the solution of our prob-lem exactly. In contrast, there is no scaling that allows theexact solution for an unentangled state.

It is natural to then ask how this concept extends togreater numbers of qubits. While a total generalization ofthese results remains an open problem, we find consider-able additional insight by examining specific three- andfour-qubit instances. Starting with a state compatible withthe ground state of a quantum three-qubit ferromagnet,a GHZ state of the form |ψ(z∗)〉 = (|000〉 + |111〉)/√2.Performing the same analysis, we find that exact solutionsare possible with β = π/4 and that the principle potentialis given by

f (z) ∝ Z1Z2 + Z2Z3 + Z1Z3, (22)

which is the potential for a fully connected two-localHamiltonian on three spins. However, we find that ifone considers the ferromagnet with open boundary con-ditions (i.e., removes the Z1Z3 term), a good solution canno longer be found with a single step and the standardgraph Laplacian. However, in this case we can find a sim-ple modification of the graph Laplacian that allows thesolution of this problem. In particular, if one modifiesfrom the standard hypercube LG = X1 + X2 + X3 to LG =X1 + X3 (remove the X2 term) then β = π/4 again allowsan exact solution; however, the corresponding potentialis

f (z) ∝ Z1Z2 + Z2Z3, (23)

which solves the 1D problem exactly. In this sense, havingGHZ-like states as solutions can tend to over correlate thedesired potential, and this shows a mechanism by whichgraph Laplacian modification can expand the type of exactsolution possible.

More generally, as the number of qubits increases, wefind that results are consistent with the results from the

preparation of GHZ states via graph state preparationfollowed by single-qubit Clifford rotations [66]. That is,potentials that correspond to the creation of all-to-all graphstates (all-to-all ferromagnets for example) and star graphsare consistent with preparation of GHZ states. We find thisto be true for examples considered with the appropriatechoices for scaling in the graph Laplacian. These resultsmotivate both the modification of the graph Laplacian aswell as support the flexibility gained by considering entan-gled intermediate states for approximation; however, theseare just isolated observations and a general theory of graphmodification remains an open question.

F. Problems of scale

Because of the discreteness of exactly solvable poten-tials and a single choice of the parameter γ , we determinepotentials of the form

f (z) =∑


αiZi (24)

with α ∈ R in fact not exactly solvable in either p = 1QAOA or simple quantum annealing constructions. Saidanother way, p = 1 low-depth optimization algorithms onthe hypercube graph, such as QAOA, cannot solve nonin-teracting spin problems exactly if their coefficients are notuniform in the right way. This is analogous to the case ofgradient descent having difficulties on problems with poorcondition numbers, due to fixing the scale of the step. Ifone works out the probability of getting the exact solutionas a function of n, it is easy to see that, for any error, itvanishes exponentially in n for cases that are not specialin the distribution of αi. One simple way of seeing this isto recognize that the initial phasing by

∏j exp[−iγαj Zj ]

potentially leads to j distinct states. By unitarity, the sub-sequent operations on each qubit exp[−iβXj ] then cannottake distinct states to the same solutions beyond a fewchance cases, leading to a slight angle misalignment forall qubits, implying an exponentially decaying probabilityof success when looking for the exact solution.

In some cases one is not constrained to finding only theexact solution, and good approximations are acceptable.It is then worthwhile to ask how detrimental this prob-lem is for this case. Consider a set of randomly distributedαi with probability measure dμ(α). We will assume thatthe αi are independent and identically distributed such thatdμ(α) = ∏

j dμ(αj ), and hence we will denote dμ(αj ) bydμ(α). For a given distribution, we will be interested in theaverage performance per spin, which allows us to under-stand how the solution is scaling in a large size limit. Inparticular, due to the uncoupled nature of the spins, weknow that the expected value of the ground-state energy


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E0 per spin is given by

f (z∗) = limn→∞ Eα[E0/n]

= limn→∞



−|αj |n


= − limn→∞





= −∑α

|α|dμ(α). (25)

From symmetry in the Hamiltonian, we know that the max-imum energy Amax = −Amin. We also know that, for thesystem we consider, the overlap for a single spin with agiven β, γ is given by

O(γ ,β) =∑α

|〈z∗|e−iβLGe−iγ f (z)|+〉|2dμ(α)



[1 − 2 sin(2β) sin(2|α|γ )]dμ(α). (26)

The expected energy for a single round of QAOA on theother hand is given by

Cm(γ ,β) = limn→∞ Eα[〈γ ,β|C/n|γ ,β〉]

= limn→∞




n〈γ ,β|Zj |γ ,β〉dμ(α)

= limn→∞




α〈γ ,β|Zj |γ ,β〉dμ(α)]


α〈γ ,β|Z|γ ,β〉dμ(α)


α sin[2β] sin[2αγ ]dμ(α). (27)

For examining approximate solution quality, we are alsointerested in the approximation ratio specific to the optimalchoice of parameters, defined here as

R(γ ,β) = fmax − Cm(γ ,β)fmax − f (z∗)

. (28)

We now consider probability distributions for α with mean0. Specifically, we consider the discrete binary distribu-tion dμb(α) with dμb(−1) = dμb(1) = 1/2, the continu-ous uniform distribution dμu(α) = 1

2 dα with α ∈ [−1, 1],and the Gaussian distribution with variance 1, dμg(α) =(1/

√π) exp(−α2)dα.

If we integrate over these measures for the abovequantities, we find the performances summarized inTable I. While for the binary measure a single round

of QAOA is capable of achieving a perfect solution,the uniform distribution is not quite as simple. In thiscase, it is clear we may again choose β∗ = π/4; how-ever, the exact numerical optima is at γ ∗ = −1.04with an optimal value of Cm(γ

∗,β∗) ≈ −0.436. A typ-ical method of reporting is the approximation ratio R∗,which for the binary distribution is 1, but for the uni-form distribution is (1/2 + 0.436) = 0.936. For the Gaus-sian distribution, we may also seek a numerical solu-tion, and we find that, for β = π/4, the optimum is atγ = −1/

√2, with a value of Cm(γ

∗,β∗) = −1/√

2e ≈−0.4288. This yields an approximation ratio of R∗ =(1/

√π + 1/


√π) = 1

4 (2 + √2π/e) ≈ 0.88. For

comparison, the optimal value for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model with Gaussian random coef-ficients has a value of Csk

m (γ∗,β∗) = −1/

√4e, which, if

one assumes an approximately symmetric spectrum, yieldsan approximation ratio of R∗ = (0.763 166 + 1

√4e)/(2 ×

0.763 166) ≈ 0.70 [67].If we turn our attention to the values of Og∗

γ ,β , we see that,for Gaussian random coefficients, the probability of gettingthe exact solution in the large-n limit is likely to scale asapproximately 0.8n, which rapidly diminishes as a functionof n. While this is better than random guessing for modestvalues of n, it is still troubling for a problem with a trivialsolution. Given that the query to the objective function ina noninteracting problem on a quantum device requires thesame complexity as finding the perfect solution on a clas-sical device, it is worthwhile using the intuition behind thisfailure to motivate methods for improvement.

In classical methods this is often done with approximateinverses of the Hessian or more general preconditioners.As we are considering a global rather than local optimiza-tion, it is more difficult to rescale aspects of the problemwithout changing the solution by accident. While it wouldbe ideal to simply map the graph G to a related one thatis independent for each qubit, as this preserves the exactsolution, it is easy to see from the exact constraints abovethat this actually does not work. There is a fundamen-tal asymmetry in the parameters of the potential and thegraph, which draws another stark contrast with traditionalinterpretations of gradient descent.

The prototypical interacting problem where a vanish-ing gap is caused by problems of scale was introduced byFisher [68] with later work by Reichardt [69], and, inter-estingly, can be mapped exactly to our problem of scalewith noninteracting spins for the case of p = 1 QAOA.This problem is a simple 1D ferromagnet, defined by

H =∑



2(1 − ZiZi+1), (29)

where Ji ∈ {1, 2} are chosen randomly. This problem hasa gap that scales as exp



for a small constant cdespite both the lack of conflicting terms and the clear


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TABLE I. Average performance per qubit of a single step of QAOA over distributions of uncoupled random spins. Each quantity isreported for the intensive value of the average, which eventually concentrates in the large-n limit. The worst performance examined isfor a Gaussian distribution of couplings with unit variance. In this case the probability of finding an exact solution decays exponentiallyin n as given by O(γ ∗,β∗)n ≈ 0.8n. Curiously, the approximation ratio R(γ ∗,β∗) achieved in this case is the same as achieved by anannealing protocol with a ramp speed of v = 1 [annealing Gaussian (v = 1)], detailed in the text.

Distribution dμ(α) Cm(γ ,β) f (z∗) γ ∗ Cm(γ∗,β∗) O(γ ∗,β∗) R(γ ∗,β∗)

Binary sin(2β) sin(2γ ) −1 −π/4 −1 1 1Uniform (1/4γ 2) sin 2β(sin 2γ − 2γ cos 2γ ) −1/2 −1.04 −0.436 0.858 0.936Gaussian e−γ 2

γ sin 2β −1/√π −1/

√2 −1/

√2e 0.789 0.88

Annealing Gaussian (v = 1) 0.88

path to either of the optimal solutions, |0〉⊗n or |1〉⊗n.These closures happens intuitively because large domainsof Ji freeze at different rates, causing conflict betweenthe domains, preventing the solution from settling to thecorrect value.

For p = 1 QAOA, through a fermionic representation ofthis Hamiltonian in the periodic case it has been shown thatthe ring of disagrees maps exactly to a system of uncou-pled spins with coefficients determined by momenta in thetransformed problems [56]. Hence, degradation of perfor-mance in this model for small values of p is explained byproblems of scale in a noninteracting spin picture. More-over, this transformation is suggestive of an ansatz forVQE that allows a convexification of the potential surface.It may be interesting as future work to explore addi-tional connections of these challenges with optimizationin the presence of disordered couplings with many-bodylocalization [34].

G. Scale in annealing

Taking a detour from the digital optimization frame-work, it is interesting to ask how the concerns of scaleaffect analog quantum annealing approaches. Motivatedpartly by hardware constraints, in this setup, we have acontinuous-time evolution with a time-dependent Hamil-tonian

Ha(t) = f (z)− �tLG, (30)

where we have assumed a linear ramping of the graphLaplacian sometimes referred to as a transverse field dueits physical origin in implementation. In quantum anneal-ing, one imagines starting with the standard |+〉⊗n state,compensating for the always-on problem f (z) throughthe use of a strong field �t with |t| 1. This makesthe problem amenable to approximate analysis throughLandau-Zener transition theory. We imagine starting in thet → −∞ limit, ramping at rate � > 0, and counting suc-cess as remaining in the adiabatic ground state. For the caseof uncoupled spins, the minimum gap is given by 2|αi| foran isolated spin. Hence, for a single spin, we may compute

a Landau-Zener probability of success as

PLZ = 1 − exp(−πα2i /�), (31)

which, for a Gaussian distribution over αi, dμg(α) =(1/

√π) exp(−α2)dα dictates an average success probabil-

ity of

OgLZ =

∫dμg(α)[1 − exp(−πα2/�)]

= 1 −√

� + π. (32)

In the large-n limit, due to independence, this impliesthat the average probability of a correct solution scaleslike (Og

LZ)n, which in turn implies maintaining a constant

success probability q requires

� <(1 − q1/n)2

(2 − q1/n)q1/n

≈ (1 − q1/n)2

≈ (1 − e(log q)/n)2, (33)

which decays exponentially in n for a fixed probability ofsuccess, implying that the rate � must be taken exponen-tially small in the number of qubits. For this model wherethe algorithm run time scales as 1/�, this implies exponen-tial time resources. As before, sometimes we discard thenotion of an exact solution, and look for the approximationratio to guide what fraction of the problem we are gettingcorrect. For this, the optimal value of the cost function isgiven by

AgLZ =

∫dμg(α)(−|α|)[1 − exp(−πα2/�)]

= −√π

π + �, (34)

which yields an approximation ratio of (2π + �)/[2(π +�)], which has the correct limit of 1 as � → 0. At � = 1,we have approximately 0.879, which is nearly identical to


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the result of p = 1 QAOA for the same uncoupled spinproblem. We do not know if the near identical behaviorof this annealing at this rate and p = 1 QAOA is coinci-dental or indicative of a deeper connection, and leave thisquestion open for further study.


By parameterizing the solution of discrete optimizationproblems with continuous parameters in quantum circuits,methods like VQE or QAOA are mapping a discrete opti-mization problem to a continuous, but often nonconvex,problem. Solution of discrete optimization problems bymapping to continuous constructions is not an approachunique to quantum computing, and here we try to drawout some of the connections to classical methods of con-tinuous extensions and relaxations in order to encouragecross pollination of insights and analysis between the twocommunities. At least one technique used in the field ofclassical continuous extensions, known as iterative round-ing, will be especially useful in the remedy of problems ofscale.

The use of continuous extensions is often discussed forclassical problems in the context of set functions, whichmap a set of items A ⊆ S to a value f (A), where A mightbe the set of edges in a max-cut problem for example.Such set functions can be mapped to a binary represen-tation where 1 represents the inclusion of an element in theset S, which brings us to the familiar bitwise representationf (z) we have been using in this work so far. A continuousextension of the function f (z), where zi ∈ {0, 1} is a func-tion f (x) on the reals where xi ∈ [0, 1] where the functionagrees on the vertices of the hypercube (where xi is exactlyequal to 0 or 1).

Of particular interest in classical continuous extensionsis, when a function has a property that roughly correspondsto the addition of elements having diminishing returns[more formally, the property of submodularity definedby f (A ∪ {j })− f (A) ≥ f (B ∪ {j })− f (B) for j ∈ S andthe subset relationship A ⊆ B ⊆ S], a simple continuousextension known as the Lovász extension may be formu-lated that maps submodular functions exactly to convexcontinuous optimizations, which coincides with its convexclosure. This mapping allows the efficient, exact solutionof some instances of that display submodularity.

Importantly for our discussion, the Lovász and relatedextensions can be formulated exactly as using parameter-izations of probability distributions and marginals for thevalues of the individual bits. This is exactly what we usethe quantum device to do in quantum approaches such asVQE or QAOA, where the quantum wavefunction encodesa probability relationship between the bits and samples thatproduce candidate solutions. Consider a trivial VQE circuit

for quantum optimization given by

|ψ(θ)〉 =n∏j

e−iθj Yj |0〉⊗n. (35)

When evaluated on the objective function 〈ψ(θ)|f (z)|ψ(θ)〉, this expectation value agrees with the discrete formof the problem at all vertices of the hypercube, and is acontinuous function that has no solutions lower in energythan the true solution. Hence, it is a continuous extensionof the discrete optimization problem. In fact, this particu-lar continuous extension is directly related to the so-calledmultilinear extension, defined on set functions f (A) by

f (x) =∑A⊆S

f (A)∏i∈A



(1 − xi), (36)

where xi ∈ [0, 1] represent the marginal probability ofincluding element i. If we take each qubit in the state|ψ(θ)〉, parameterize it as |ψ(θ)〉i =

√1 − |ci(θ)|2|0〉 +

ci(θ)|1〉, and make the correspondence xi = |ci|2, then wefind that the expectation value 〈ψ(θ)|f (z)|ψ(θ)〉 is exactlythe multilinear extension of the function f (z) in its bitwiserepresentation. Hence, this variational ansatz is a simplereparameterization of the multilinear extension.

From its product construction we know that this ansatzwill not provide a quantum advantage; however, this con-nection does let us connect with some results from theclassical literature. In particular, for submodular func-tions, the multilinear extension gives an extension that iscross-convex. We do not get into the details of this here,but it has implications for allowing efficient solutions ofnontrivial classes of problems [70,71]. As ansatz capableof generating entanglement generally contain the productdistribution as a restriction, there is hope that slight pertur-bations of these problems may also be solvable with moredeveloped ansatz.

The Lovász extension, the multilinear extension, and theVQE ansatz given here have no dependence on the under-lying function. In the study of extensions, this is termedan “oblivious” extension. In contrast, QAOA and adiabaticapproaches fundamentally use the problem f (z) as part ofthe ansatz, and hence is a nonoblivious mapping of theproblem to continuous space. Moreover, for finite valuesof p , it is not always possible to express the vertices ofthe hypercube exactly (not all bitstrings are accessible withunit probability), and hence QAOA is not rigorously a con-tinuous extension of the underlying problem nor relatedby simple parameterization to a continuous extension. Asimple modification of the QAOA algorithm that replacesthe preparation of the initial state |+〉⊗n = H⊗n|0〉⊗n with|ψ(θ)〉 allows the approach to function more closely toa continuous extension, and hence adds to the repertoireof possible exact solutions to some submodular functionproblems under constraints.


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A. Iterated roundingWhen solving the continuous extension or relaxations

of a problem, it will sometimes be the case that the bestsolution found does not correspond to a vertex on thehypercube, but rather some superposition of solutions. Inthe classical case, the use of extensions or relaxationsare hence often coupled with a “rounding” procedure thatmaps the solution to the nearest vertex [71–73]. In thefield of belief propagation for discrete problems, iteratedrounding is termed decimation and more relaxed variationswhere magnitudes are adjusted are called reinforcement[74]. In that case, the use of iterated rounding (decimation)can be crucial for proving performance. While it is fruit-ful to explore algorithmic variations from all the parallelfields, we refer to it as iterated rounding here. In fact, forour quantum parameterizations, the measurement of bit-strings in the final solution is a randomized variant of thisrounding procedure. Some recent classical approaches todiscrete optimization problems work by constructing ten-sor network approximations to the β-softened problem ofapproximating the partition function e−βH , taking β → ∞[75]. In this context, a quantum circuit representation ofthis probability distribution followed by measurement isalso a rounding procedure. While we are fortunate that inthe quantum case our continuous relaxations never lead tolower bounds less than the true solution (subject to sat-isfaction of all constraints), we still require this roundingprocedure to give true solutions to our discrete problems.

In the classical case, it has been noted in various con-texts that it is often the case that one is close to someof the hypercube vertices much more quickly than oth-ers, and it makes sense to round off one of these variablesat a time, also known as iterated rounding [76]. In somecases it is also beneficial for inclusion of hard constraints toround in this way rather than allowing randomized or otherdeterministic rounding schemes. In our study of the scal-ing of noninteracting problems, the different rate at whicheach variable approached a vertex is exactly our mecha-nism of failure leading to potential exponential run timesin trivial schedule implementations of quantum anneal-ing and requiring a depth of at least p > 1 in QAOA fornoninteracting problems. Moreover, if one attempts to usea separable VQE ansatz with a method such as gradientdescent, it may also be the case that reaching an exact solu-tion takes more time than desired due to the complexity ofreading the gradient out of the quantum device with scales.Hence, it seems that a similar solution may work well inmany cases of quantum optimization.

Iterated rounding may be performed in the quantumoptimization context as follows. Consider a quantum opti-mization circuit U(θ) that yields the quantum state |ψ(θ)〉from which measurements in the z basis yield potentialsolutions to the optimization problem f (z). This U(θ)could come from a VQE, QAOA, quantum annealing, orother procedure that is adaptive to the problem and number

of qubits. In the collection of these bitstrings, we natu-rally obtain marginals of zi, 〈zi〉, for the probability of eachbit being 0 or 1. In order to avoid prematurely lockingout optimal solutions on repeated passes at this procedure,we perform the rounding stochastically following an effec-tive inverse temperature value β, and allow one to set amaximum number of frozen parameters nf .

In each round, we optimize or reconstruct U(θ) to givean optimal solution, and collect the marginals 〈zi〉. We thenselect a variable i to be rounded according to the probabil-ity distribution p(i) ∝ exp[β|〈zi〉 − 1/2|]. Once the indexi is selected for rounding, zi is then rounded to the closervalue with ties broken randomly, and integrated out of theproblem by setting this value to be fixed in the optimiza-tion problem. The function U(θ) is then reoptimized forthe new problem, and this process is iterated until uponsolution no variables satisfy the constraint set by nf . Ingeneral, both β and nf may be tuned for a problem class ofinterest as hyperparameters. We will see in numerical stud-ies that a reasonable choice of these parameters can lead tomarkedly improved performance for a fixed quantum depthwhen compared to vanilla rounding by measurement.

This procedure solves exactly the problems of scale weintroduced earlier in this work for both deterministic andrandomized approaches on uncoupled spin problems. Thisis because at each step of the procedure, we expect eachqubit to well approximate the solution of the qubit of inter-est despite their products having vanishing support on theexact ground state, and majority voting the qubit resultsindependently would lead to the correct solution. In moregeneral cases, the process of rounding can represent anapproximation controlled by β and a number of frozenvariables. We note that a variant of iterated rounding inthe context of solving challenges related to Z2 symme-tries in QAOA was recently proposed with β → ∞ andcalled recursive QAOA [48]. Given that it solves this addi-tional challenge in the most approximate setting, it givesmore support to the notion that iterated rounding can be apowerful improvement to quantum optimization protocols.

B. Identifying opportunity for quantum advantage

The framework of continuous relaxations gives us anopportunity to speculate as to an origin of possible advan-tage for variational quantum algorithms for advantage inquantum optimization problems and a potential way toidentify this mechanism. In classical uses of continuousrelaxations and rounding, one desires a mapping of theproblem to a convex continuous problem that allows agood approximation to the original problem upon round-ing. We saw that the trivial variational ansatz

∏j e−iθj Yj

is a reasonable choice for some submodular problems andtrivial uncoupled spin problems.

In the quantum case, however, one usually relaxes theconstraint of a convex continuous extension, and instead


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deals with optimization on the nonconvex continuous sur-face. Such nonconvexity can be addressed in some wayswith random restarts or more sophisticated methods forglobal optimization such as basin hopping. The use of ran-dom restarts must be done carefully to avoid the problemof barren plateaus [77,78] in the optimization landscapehowever.

For the product ansatz above, it is convex for simpleproblems with sufficient structure, but in the more gen-eral case we expect a rugged and challenging landscape.If we take the fully parameterized limit, such that a quan-tum circuit U(θ) directly and uniquely parameterizes everycoefficient, i.e., |θ〉 = ∑2n

i c(θi)|i〉, as the problem is diag-onal, we see that after shift and normalization it amountsto the minimization of a positive-definite quadratic formon a sphere. Hence, the optimization problem is effectivelyconvex.

While such a parameterization is obviously inefficientfor many reasons, it suggests that between the productansatz and the fully parameterized limit the additionaldirections in the space are breaking down barriers in thelandscape, making it more convex as additional parametersare added. If a polynomial number of additional parame-ters with a polynomial circuit depth widens the basin ofattraction of the global solution to a sufficient degree, thenthe solution of the problem can become efficient with theaddition of restarts, even if the space is not completely con-vex. As such, for a set of instances or particular instanceof a problem, one can study the growth of the basin ofattraction with the addition of variational parameters tounderstand the returns for this type of continuous exten-sion. We note that the starting points in this space cannotbe arbitrary due to the problem of barren plateaus [77], butreasonable seeding schemes can be constructed which wellcover the vertices of the hypercube and other short circuits.

As a simple example of convexification of a landscapethrough extension, recall the ring of disagrees given bythe 1D Ising model

∑i ZiZi+1. Using a fermionic repre-

sentation of the problem as done by Wang et al. [56], thisproblem maps exactly to a noninteracting spin problemwith differing coefficients. Using this momentum repre-sentation by either transforming the problem classically,or constructing a circuit using this parameterization, thisproblem becomes a convex optimization on the continu-ous extension. In contrast, a QAOA formulation fails tosucceed at p = 1 in either the original or momentum for-mulation due to limited ansatz flexibility, and a classicaloptimization via bitflips will not yield simple trap-freeoptimization. While this problem is not challenging clas-sically, it is suggestive of the way a circuit structurecan interplay with a classical optimization problem tofacilitate the solution in a variational setting. More gener-ally, the ability to find a unitary parameterization into anindependent spin model suggests the existence of an nparameter extension that renders the optimization convex.

A construction of this form has a close analogy withclassical continuous extensions that are formed by neu-ral network architectures [79–81]. In this regard, it willbe interesting to compare classical neural network exten-sions with quantum counterparts to understand how thelandscape and efficacy are impacted. It is likely that con-clusions in this area will have to be made empirically, butwith the rapid development of quantum computers, onethat may be testable on real devices soon.

C. Connections to classical homotopy methods

In drawing connections to classical optimization meth-ods, it is worth pointing out the strong connection to homo-topy methods for global optimization (sometimes alsocalled continuation, deformation, smoothing, or embed-ding methods) [82–85] or solutions of nonlinear equations[86]. These methods work by starting from the solutionto an easily solvable problem and deforming that solutionslowly to the final problem. If one deforms slowly enoughand certain conditions on the relation between the initialand final problems are met, similar guarantees of solutionquality can be found, and with enough time one can evenguarantee enumeration of all local optima as well. Fromjust the description, it is clear that these methods are relatedto adiabatic methods for optimization on quantum comput-ers, but so far there has been little cross-pollination of ideasbetween these two areas and the challenges they may bothface for practical implementation.

In adiabatic quantum computation the path deformationis performed entirely on a quantum computer, and hencewe expect some differences. However, methods that seemto blend the two together are easy to formulate. For exam-ple, the separable ansatz we have introduced can be lefton the quantum computer, and a homotopy deformation ofthe form introduced for “adiabatically assisted” VQE [87]can be used to immediately connect the two. In the caseof a separable ansatz, it is clear that the work being doneis almost entirely classical, while in the case of adiabaticquantum computing the work is entirely quantum. How-ever, as one extends ansatz to depths that are difficult tosimulate classically, and performs global deformations onthe quantum landscape, the interplay becomes more com-plex. We believe that this is an exciting intersection toexplore in future work.


Once one has identified a set of potentials that can besolved exactly, it is natural to look for families of poten-tials that yield high-quality, approximate solutions, and aremore closely related to challenging problems of interest.One family of potentials that are particularly amenableto solutions with low-depth quantum optimization are


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potentials that precisely agree with exactly solvable poten-tials over a nonvanishing fraction of space. That is, dueimmediately to linearity, one may imagine the quantumcircuit as polling the whole domain of the function at once,and the measure of the domain that agrees with the solutionat the optimum determines the quality of solution, indepen-dent of how violently the potential disagrees on the otherparts of space. If we take the function f (z) and divide it intoan exactly solvable portion fex(z) given parameters γ ∗ andβ∗ with solution |z∗〉 that agrees with the solution of f (z)and a perturbation g(z), which is nonzero on only a frac-tion c < 1/2 of the domain, that is, f (z) = fex(z)+ g(z),we can see that

|〈z∗|e−iβ∗LGe−iγ ∗f (x)|+〉⊗n|2

= |〈z∗|e−iβ∗LGe−iγ ∗fex(z)e−iγ ∗g(z)|+〉⊗n|2

= |〈+|⊗ne−iγ ∗g(z)|+〉⊗n|2

=∣∣∣∣ 12n


〈z|e−iγ ∗g(z)|z〉∣∣∣∣2

=∣∣∣∣(1 − c)+ 1




≥ |(1 − c)− c|2

= |1 − 2c|2, (37)

where we have used the definition of g(z) being nonzeroon the domain D, and 0 on at most a fraction c < 1/2of the bitstrings to show this immediately implies over-lap with the target solution, independent of the values ornorms of g(z) on other bitstrings. While the assumption ofc < 1/2 is used to make the analysis simple, tighter resultsfor smaller c have been shown for specific problems, suchas Hamming symmetric potentials [64]. If the fraction ofbitstrings c is independent of problem size then solutionsof these problems are efficient since we at most need torepeat the procedure a few times to find the exact solu-tions. We refer to this particular mechanism of solution asa measure-vote solution, also depicted in Fig. 1. For poten-tials admitting this class of solution, one often does notneed to invoke variational optimization, as one may choosethe parameter that solved the unperturbed problem, and, bydefinition, the efficiency of the solution follows from lin-earity. One can also reason that a similar conclusion holdsin the more general case that the norm of the perturbationoperator g(z) is small from properties of unitary evolution.

This measure-vote mechanism of solution is exactlywhat is used in two of the classical problems that are stud-ied in low-depth quantum optimization, the spike problemand bush of implications [88]. These problems are pertur-bations to the exactly solvable Hamming distance symmet-ric, or uniform noninteracting spin potentials we identified

earlier as being solvable by the Laplacian on the hypercubegraph. They are defined by Hamiltonians

Hspike = w + s(w), (38)

w = 12


(I − Zi), (39)

s(w) =⎧⎨⎩

nb if h ∈ n4

± na


0 otherwise,(40)

Hbush = P0 + (1 − P0)w, (41)

where w is the Hamming weight of a bitstring that wehave recalled in the form of Pauli operators, a and b areparameters defining the spike width and height, and P0is the projector onto the first qubit being 0. These prob-lems are of great interest, as in certain regimes they areprovably hard for the more demanding quantum adiabaticoptimization and simulated annealing algorithms, whileadmitting constant depth solutions when examined usingthe measure-voting mechanism regime. Specifically, thecomplexity separation between measure voting, simulatedannealing, and the quantum adiabatic algorithm was stud-ied in depth by Bapat and Jordan [64] in the context ofbang-bang control, and shown to admit exponential timeadvantages over these competing methods. The preciseconditions when these problems are hard are enumeratedby Bapat and Jordan, but at a coarse level, the spikeproblem is hard when the spike is tall and wide enough(2a + b > 1), and the bush problem is hard without amodification of the graph Laplacian. Quantum adiabaticoptimization suffers from a gap closure in the case of thespike problem, while the measure-vote mechanism mostlyignores the spike as it occupies a small fraction of theoverall domain.

These results look quite promising for low-depth opti-mization, suggesting that the measure-vote mechanismmay be an excellent reference for understanding howquantum interference can provide dramatic advantages forclassical optimization problems. However, we found thehypercube Laplacian to be most strongly associated withexact solutions on uniform uncoupled spin problems, asevidenced again here by the reference problem being givenby h, which suggests that, for single steps, the mecha-nisms may not be hard to simulate classically, similar toa conjecture made by Bapat and Jordan.

To examine how dependent the measure-vote mech-anism is on underlying quantum effects, we constructa mean-field variant at the level of an algorithmthat proceeds via application of the cost function andexploration via a fast-forwardable graph to understand howthe algorithm proceeds in the absence of entanglementbetween qubits. We note that other mean-field variantsof quantum adiabatic optimization, for example simulated


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quantum annealing, have been explored and gap closuressimilar to their entangled counterparts found for the spikeand bush problems. Here we are examining more pre-cisely the role of quantum effects in the measure-votemechanism.

To allow for additional flexibility, we define our mean-field model in a way that does not depend on the objectivefunction being expressed simply as a tensor product ofbits, but that will reduce to common mean-field methodswhen this is allowed. At each timestep, we use the actionof a mean-field potential operator followed by the actionof a mean-field graph Laplacian, each of which are statedependent. The mean-field potential and graph Laplacianoperators for a qubit i on a state |ψ〉 are given by

f i(z; |ψ〉) = Trj �=i[f |ψ〉〈ψ |] ⊗ Ij �=i, (42)

LiG(z; |ψ〉) = Trj �=i[LG|ψ〉〈ψ |] ⊗ Ij �=i, (43)

where Trj �=i indicates the partial trace over all qubits j notequal to i and Ij �=i is the identity operator on the samequbits, designed to lift the action of these operators for-mally into the full qubit space. However, as with manymean-field methods, one may choose to work with thereduced one-qubit objects if desired and the operators areamenable to efficient reduction. The action of the one-qubitmean-field operators is used to evolve the state by


exp[−iβLkG(z; |ψ〉)]


exp[−iγ f j (z; |ψ〉)]|ψ〉, (44)

which is guaranteed to map product states to product statesin the spirit of a mean-field method, preserving the lackof entanglement. We note that, for efficiency, one is ableto take advantage of the Hadamard diagonalizability of thegraph Laplacians here if desired, as well as the convenientdefinitions in terms of tensor products of Pauli operators.While one could lump together a number of qubits intoqudits to create variants of mean-field calculations withsome entanglement at the level of qubits, we do not explorethis here. For qubit separable Hamiltonians on the hyper-cube graph, such as the Hamming distance symmetricpotential w, this mean-field construction is exact.

We apply this construction to both the spike potentialand the bush of implications, and summarize the resultsin Fig. 2. For a measure-vote mechanism, as we empha-sized in our discussion of exact results, the β = π/4 crosssection is most important, so we plot the objective func-tion (expected value of the cost function here) for differentvalues of γ along this line for both the exact and mean-field constructions. The dramatically different shape of thelandscapes implies that quantum correlations are playing arole. However, it is impossible not to notice that the perfor-mance of the mean-field method markedly exceeds that of

FIG. 2. Comparison of the mean field and exact single step forthe spike potential. As the prototypical example for the success oflow-depth optimization strategies over quantum adiabatic opti-mization, this represents an important case that exemplifies themeasure-vote mechanism. The number p behind each methodin the label represents the overlap with the exact solution foundunder a nonlocal search of the parameters γ ,β (off chart). Thedistinction between the mean-field and exact cases implies thatentanglement is involved in the mechanism, but is strictly detri-mental to performance, due to the exact solution coinciding withthe solution of the uncoupled spin problem at the foundation ofthe spike.

the exact case with respect to solving the actual problem.Hence, for these exact instances of study, while entangle-ment is involved, it appears to be strictly detrimental forthe purposes of solving the optimization problem.

To understand why the mean-field case exceeds the per-formance of the exact case in this instance, it is helpful toidentify a peculiarity of a single step of this algorithm start-ing from the |+〉⊗n state. In particular, when one evaluatesthe contribution of a multiqubit Z operator, e.g., Z1Z2, tothe mean-field potential in the first step, we find that

Trj �=i[ZiZj |+〉⊗n〈+|⊗n] ⊗ Ij �=i = 0 (45)

for all j , and this result holds more generally for the casewhere one has equal populations on the |0〉 and |1〉 states ofthe kth qubit, independent of their relative phases. Hence,in the first step, the contribution of all higher-body opera-tors is 0, and the potential is exclusively constructed fromthe single-body operators, w, which point to the exact solu-tion by construction, without the confounding impact ofthe higher-body perturbations. Hence, this mean-field con-struction is even more robust to nonexact perturbations,but if they influence at all the desired solution, it does notcapture this effect.


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This result alone does not rule out the possibility ofa measure-voting mechanism being productive in quan-tum optimization settings due to the robustness of themechanism; however, it implies that we may need to lookfor graph Laplacians that are not as strongly associatedwith separable problems. It also suggests that there mayalways be room in optimization portfolios for quantum-inspired algorithms like this mean-field variant, as entan-glement may not be universally helpful for all probleminstances, even when they are contrived to fix the quantummechanism of interest, as here.

A. Conflicted pair potentials

While the insights from objectives that are mostly sep-arable provide great insight into the mechanisms of theseoptimization methods, one is also interested in what hap-pens when the objectives are quite different from this.To this end, we construct a strongly coupled, conflictedpair potential. We would like to keep the potential sim-ple enough to reason about exactly, while not finding thatvanilla mean field has superior performance.

To this end, we introduce the conflicted pairs potential

f (z) =∑


−(1 + ε)Z2i − Z2i+1 + δZ2iZ2i+1, (46)

where δ > 2 + ε to allow the two-body term to dominateand ε > 0 takes a small value to break the degeneracy ofthe ground state but remain close to a one-body potentialthat would be exactly solvable. This is a conflicted poten-tial in the sense that the ground state of the two one-bodyterms disagrees with the ground state of the two-body term,which ultimately determines the ground state of the fullHamiltonian. As the two-body term dominates, the mean-field methods of the last section fail completely withoutmodification of the Laplacian, and this is a good testground to go beyond the basic construction from before.As this problem is a simple sum of uncoupled two-bodypotentials, it also remains easily exactly solvable.

We plot the results from examining this potential inFig. 3. A striking difference from the results on the spikepotential is that the mean-field hypercube driver is now sig-nificantly worse than other methods. As we saw in the lastsection, the mean-field hypercube potential can only readthe one-body part of the potential in the first step, and asa result, it cannot find contributions in the phase that leadto the correct state. In this case, the exact case with entan-glement fairs markedly better, though not ideally. The useof entanglement here allows contribution by the two-bodyterms, though the one-body terms remain dominant andhamper overall performance significantly.

To understand the power of modifying the graph Lapla-cian, we examine a modified Laplacian where select qubitsshift their coefficient from 1 to 3, allowing some terms inthe scaled Laplacian to have coefficient π/4 while others

Exact hyp. (p = 0.19)Mean field hyp. (p = 0.00)Exact m-hyp. (p = 0.48)Mean field m-hyp. (p = 1.00)

FIG. 3. Comparison of the mean field and exact single stepfor the conflicted pair potential. Hyp. and m-hyp. refer to thehypercube graph Laplacian and a modified hypercube where thecorresponding coefficient is shifted from 1 to 3. The number pbehind each method in the label represents the overlap with theexact solution found under a nonlocal search of the parametersγ ,β (off chart). We see that the flexibility offered by individ-ual modification of graph Laplacian terms allows dramaticallyimproved solutions in this case, although entanglement is notseen to be overwhelmingly beneficial.

have coefficient 3π/4. By examining a mean-field variantof this Laplacian as well, we note that a majority of theconflicted terms can be overcome at the one-body levelthrough a custom, qubit-independent Laplacian. We notethat this bears an interesting connection to an earlier workby Farhi et al. [89], who found that stochastically switch-ing some of the graph Laplacian terms between π/4 and3π/4 can open the gap from an exponential worst casein some instances. We note that in this case the classicaloptimization landscape is considerably more complex thanprevious cases.


One of the earliest lessons taught in quantum mechan-ics is learned from the particle in a box: confinement ofa quantum wavefunction raises the energy of the system.In connection with this idea, a key distinction betweenan iterative classical optimization and one proceeding viaquantum dynamics is that decreasing the number of bit-strings that have finite amplitude in the quantum casefundamentally increases the kinetic energy through con-finement. This generates a force that directly opposes ourgoal of finding a solution that may represent only a singlebitstring. Moreover, phase randomization from prioritizingoptimization of the potential can raise the kinetic energy


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in a way that gaining information from the potential canbecome problematic. Here we explore some of the impli-cations and nuances resulting from kinetic energy that leadtowards suggested improvements to existing algorithms.

To get a sense of the kinetic energy for different wave-functions, one can consider a simple 1D graph of twonodes, which has

LG =(

1 −1−1 1

)= I − X . (47)

As before, the kinetic energy is minimal at 〈T〉 ∝ 0 whenone has an equal superposition, |+〉, maximal with 〈T〉 ∝ 2when the nodes have opposite phase, |−〉, and in the mid-dle when one has some restriction to either individualbasis state |0〉 or |1〉 with 〈T〉 ∝ 1. This implies that, forequal phase superpositions, the larger the number of cuts ofedges on the graph required to isolate the wavefunction inbitstring space, or surface area on the graph, the higher thekinetic energy simply for the reason one has cut the graph.Moreover, for that number of cuts, alternation of the phasemaximizes the kinetic energy. While this is a trivial exam-ple, it imparts the correct intuition for understanding theimpact of kinetic energy in the efficiency of quantum opti-mization algorithms, as we will see empirically for moreinteresting examples later.

In the context of our short-depth optimization, the effec-tive kinetic energy is given by T = βLG. We now considerthe effect of these low-depth optimization primitives onstates that are not the kinetic energy ground state. Thiscould be either an informed initial state, designed toimpart prior information to improve the rate of conver-gence, or progress from an intermediate step of a quantumoptimization algorithm.

The most extreme example of this is the case where onestarts from a fixed, but incorrect bitstring, |b〉. Perhaps onebelieves it to be close to the true result, or it is the mea-surement result of an intermediate step. In this case, whenapplying the operator

e−iβLGe−iγ f (z)|b〉, (48)

we find that one merely imparts a global phase from thepotential, meaning that no information from the problemitself enters the problem. All dynamics and informationcome exclusively from the graph Laplacian diffusion, orkinetic energy. This suggests two extremes. The first, ormore familiar case, where the initial state is given by |+〉⊗n

achieves the most information directly from the potentialpossible in a single step, since there is no baseline con-tribution from random diffusion or momentum in previoussteps. The second is that, for any select bitstring, no infor-mation comes from the potential, and all dynamics arerandom transport dictated by the graph. The existence ofthese extremes suggests that there is a spectrum of effi-ciencies one can achieve for different states relative to the

FIG. 4. Sketches of extremes of improvement or informationgain. The arrows follow a depiction of increasing informationgain per unit step. The least information gain from the potentialcomes from any single bitstring of support or vastly separatedsingle bitstrings. As one grows the domain of support, or thenumber of disjoint domains of support with randomized phases,the information gain increases. The existence of large coherentdomains (solid colors) allows for that fraction of the space toeffectively gain information, while checkered parts often scat-ter aimlessly. Finally, as phases within domains align and thedomains of support become larger, the information gain perstep is maximized. This caricature emphasizes the need forintermediate steps of optimization algorithms to consider phasealignment.

graphs. We sketch this spectrum of different types of statesfor clarity in Fig. 4.

While confinement of a wavefunction may be a sub-stantial contribution, one can also consider the actionon nonconfined but high-energy states. For example, onthe hypercube graph, the state |−〉⊗n is the maximumkinetic energy state. However, if one constructs a similarconstraint equation for this as an initial state,

e−iγ f (z)|−〉⊗n = eiβLG |z∗〉, (49)

we find in contrast to the confined state that there appearto be solvable potentials. Although starting from a nonzerokinetic energy state contrasts with a picture designed withadiabatic dynamics in mind, it is a reminder that weare often seeking explicitly diabatic paths for quantumresource efficiency, and that minimum kinetic energy ofthe state may not be the best direct indicator of solvability.However, minimizing kinetic energy may be a sufficientcondition for removal of random momentum, and the high-est kinetic energy states are those with random phasesrather than the most confined, which reside in the middleof the spectrum.


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To be more concrete, consider again the hypercubegraph and imagine a situation where we have a contiguousset of vertices S that are all neighbors with equal magni-tude quantum amplitudes inside the set, and 0 amplitudesoutside the set. We can divide contributions to the kineticenergy into two parts, relative phase contributions from theinterior of the set and kinetic energy along the surface ofthe set, represented by bonds from the occupied vertices tothe unoccupied vertices.

We first focus on the contributions from the perimeter ofthe set, as this must always be present in any convergingoptimization algorithm, even if one cleverly initializes thestate to have equal phases on the interior. The problem ofminimizing this boundary is the generalization of isoperi-metric problems in Euclidean space to graphs, which in thegeneral case is quite difficult, but on the hypercube thereare a collection of known results.

The results differ based on whether one considers theminimum number of vertices one must remove to sepa-rate the sets, known as the vertex boundary, or whetherone counts the number of edges to remove to separate thetwo sets, or the edge boundary. The minimum perimetershape for a fixed set with respect to the vertex boundaryis known to be Hamming balls or very near to Hammingballs if the number of vertices in the set cannot satisfy thatexactly. We will be interested in the interior vertex bound-ary of the set S, denoted ∂i(S), which we define to be theset of vertices in S that are connected to the complement ofS. For the hypercube with a Hamming ball of radius r, thesize of this interior boundary is given by

|∂i(S)| =(


). (50)

These boundaries are convenient from the point of view ofanalysis, and will be particularly relevant to the strategieswe use to coherently increase efficiency later.

To get a sense for the impact on efficiency, imagine onehas progressed in optimization until the current set of ver-tices is 2n/2, or that random sampling of the state couldnow produce a quadratic advantage over blind randomsampling. In the worst case, these vertices are completelynoncontiguous, which is possible even as early as a statewith support on 2n−1 states as the hypercube graph is abipartite graph. Any application of LG can now only growthe set of occupied states, reaching at worst a return to thefully occupied state, and the potential can at best shift thesupport. In the less extreme case where the bitstrings areconfined to a Hamming ball of radius n/2, the contiguousinterior can obtain information from the potential, but theexterior is doomed to suffer random diffusion in at least onedirection. This we term boundary scattering and depict inFig. 1.

So far, we have discussed only kinetic energy result-ing from confinement on the graph. The highest energy

contributions actually come from relative phase differenceson the interior of a set of points, and in principle can bethe most damaging to information gain from the poten-tial and progress of the optimization. The interior phasesare in some ways analogous to accumulated momentumfrom the potential in a momentum-based optimizationin machine learning; however, after many steps of analgorithm prioritizing the potential contributions, one mayend up with randomized phases on the interior overwhelm-ing contributions made directly by the potential, makingoptimization progress nearly impossible. We call this typeof contribution phase scattering, which is also shown inFig. 1.

To get a better quantification for both of these effects, weconstruct the following model problem. We use the objec-tive that is exactly solvable with the hypercube Lapla-cian, which is a Hamming distance symmetric f (z) = w =12

∑i(I − Zi), and imagine that a quantum optimization

algorithm, such as an adiabatic optimization, has stoppedat one of several intermediate points. We consider the casewhere the set of support has shrunk to a Hamming ball ofsize r around the solution, with uniform and randomizedphases. In principle, this is a strict improvement towardsthe global solution.

We quantify the amount of improvement possible fromthis starting point measured by overlap with the exact solu-tion in the subsequent step compared with the previousstep. To do this, we take the overlap with the exact solutionin the initial state |c0|2, and compare it with the overlap forthe subsequent step, |cf |2, with β and γ used to minimizethe variational objective, set to be the expected value ofthe objective with respect to the state here. As a techni-cal note, we utilize a global sampling on a grid of β andγ values followed by a local optimization to find the opti-mal values for each. This is done to address the ruggednessof the parameter landscape for states with varying phases.We use their difference normalized by the value for anexact solution with the uniform starting state (1 − 2−n).The quantity,

I|ψ〉 = |cf |2 − |c0|21 − 2−n , (51)

which measures the improvement possible for a state |ψ〉,is used as a proxy for information gain from the poten-tial and efficiency of the algorithm. This value quantifiesthe maximum improvement in probability of obtainingthe correct solution for adding one round of the formexp(−iβLG) exp[−iγ f (z)]. We note that this depends onthe state, the Laplacian, the potential, and also the vari-ational objective function used in the optimization of βand γ . Moreover, due to the use of the mean here, nega-tive values of gain will be possible. We defer discussionof negative values of this gain to the section on shadowdefects.


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L-uniformL-uniform cutL-uniform rand cut

FIG. 5. Empirically measured improvement or informationgain on different states. Uniform refers to the standard |+〉⊗n,while L uniform refers to a localized Hamming ball of radiusn/2. The label “rand” refers to randomized relative phases on thesupport region, and cut refers to coherent cutting applied to thegraph Laplacian. Results agree with the developed intuition thatphase scattering destroys the ability of a single step to meaning-fully improve. Boundary scattering plays a smaller but significantrole, and much of the effect of boundary scattering is improvedby our coherent cutting procedure.

In Fig. 5, we show the results for this proxy measure onthe Hamming distance symmetric problem for a numberof different starting states. The results are stark, showingthat the possible improvement vanishes rapidly for nonuni-form states. Moreover, internal phase randomization seemsto render subsequent improvements nearly impossible atlarger sizes, suggesting that maintaining phase coherencethrough the quantum evolution is crucial for success.

There is an interesting connection here to recent work ondeveloping good initial guesses for the QAOA algorithmat higher levels of repetition p [46,67]. It is often foundthat a smooth increase of the potential term and a smoothdecrease of the kinetic term, akin to an accelerated adia-batic path, are often close to the optimal solutions. While ithas been shown in hard cases that the mechanism of solu-tion for QAOA may be diabatic [46], our results supportthe idea that pretraining with kinetic energy and adia-batic solutions in mind facilitates information transfer fromthe final point to initial stages where the diabatic transi-tion is leveraged. Moreover, starting from optimizationson fewer layers, and simply adding more layers to theend (rather than interpolating) seems to lead to poor qual-ity local optima. Our results suggest a direct mechanismfor this effect: greedily optimizing some number of layersfor the potential exclusively (as opposed to potential andkinetic) results in phase randomization, which is difficult

to improve when taken as a starting point for a subsequentlocal optimization.

To further this connection, consider the adiabatic pathfor the Hamming symmetric problem. At each point alongthe path, the system is in the simultaneous eigenstate of

H(s) = −(1 − s)Xi − sZi (52)

for each qubit and some value of s. For every value of s,the instantaneous eigenstate of this problem is a phaselesssuperposition of shrinking support. That is, the adiabaticalgorithm follows a relative phaseless Hamming ball ofshrinking radius.

In fact, more generally, the structure of using any graphLaplacian LG as the term in such an adiabatic evolutionrenders the Hamiltonian stoquastic up to a trivial diagonalshift of the potential. This implies that the instantaneousground state of the fully adiabatic solution for this type ofconstruction is always phaseless. Hence, including kineticenergy terms in a variational objective can provide a waynot only to increase general information gain in subsequentsteps, but can provide a more reliable witness to diabatictransitions that shortcut one into the instantaneous groundstate desired.

Here we have seen that the impact of kinetic energyon the ability to progress in an optimization can be over-whelming. The correlation of this with results from choos-ing initial QAOA parameters and the corresponding adi-abatic path suggests that a method attempting to improveoptimization results must also consider the average of thekinetic energy. While at any given step the best result forthe optimization is to focus on the objective, this damagesthe potential for information gain in future steps. This sug-gests that if one is to use more flexible variational ansatzfor optimization problems, the variational objective to trainintermediate layers should also include a function of thekinetic energy as well as the potential.


The intuitive picture that these short-depth optimiza-tions proceed by measure vote or some inherently globalaction over the whole landscape suggests an interestingmode of failure. It implies that energetic anomalies farfrom the solution of interest can greatly influence theability to solve the problem effectively when variationalfeedback is included. For example, if, for every step viaLaplacian diffusion that improved approximation in theglobal basin, there was wavefunction density near a distantenergetic spike, one may falsely conclude that variationalimprovement is impossible, due to this high-energy defectin a remote part of the energy landscape causing an aver-age energy increase. Here we show some of the simplestexamples where this mode of failure occurs, and suggesta partial fix to the problem. The form of the fix supports


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recent efforts in changing the cost function for variationalquantum optimizations. It is an interesting direction forfuture study to understand the relationship between theseissues and recently discussed reachability deficits [90].

Consider again the Hamming distance symmetric prob-lem, f (z) = w, with the corresponding hypercube Lapla-cian. We imagine that, due to some intermediate opti-mization steps, we have successfully reduced the supportof the wavefunction to be closer in Hamming distanceto the solution, but not perfectly so. The wavefunctionis equally superposed over all bitstrings with Hammingweight �n/2� for an odd number of qubits. If one examinesthe parameter landscape for optimizing over β and γ , usingthe expected value of the cost function as the optimiza-tion metric, the landscape is flat everywhere. The optimalmove is to not move. Because of the coupled movementof the superposition, every movement downhill is coun-terbalanced in energy by a movement upwards, as if theuphill part of the potential is casting a shadow defect orbarrier on the low-energy part. While this specific casecould be related to a symmetry, we term the more generaleffect as shadow defects, and depict it, as well as the initialand final wavefunctions and potential landscape, for γ inFig. 6.

Hamming weight h

FIG. 6. Sketch of the shadow defect from an exactly solvablepotential. We examine the initial and final states of a low-depthoptimization step started from the equal superposition of allbitstrings with Hamming distance n/2, shown as a blue his-togram here. Even on the exactly solvable Hamming distanceramp, shown in light gray, the variational objective shown as adotted line in the center is completely flat. Even though thereis no barrier between the initial state and exact solution, thisshadow defect cast over the exact solution makes improvementimpossible without additional method refinements. We depictthis shadow defect as an artist rendering in gray as with the ramppotential in gray on the left of the figure.

As an additional example, we consider a more realis-tic case of optimization progress that has narrowed thesupport down to a Hamming ball around the final solu-tion in Fig. 7. In this case, the initial wavefunction withincreased support on the final solution (pictured in yel-low) has no overlap with the spike in the potential and ina local method would only see the noninteracting poten-tial. Yet the final wavefunction without cutting (red) showssignificant degradation in solution quality from p = 0.81to p = 0.71 as compared to the same initial state on thenoninteracting potential, with the additional loss comingfrom boundary effects of kinetic energy. In contrast, whencutting is applied (removing from the graph Laplacian theregion in crossed blue), the solution maintains a qualityof 0.96 in both the noninteracting and spike case. Hence,these shadow defects, named as they cast a shadow onthe landscape rather than obstruct it directly, cause signif-icant degradation of performance due to the global natureof these methods.

The ability of distant and unrelated shadow defects toimpact the efficacy of low-depth optimization methods,particularly those trained with variational components istroubling. It suggests that, for sufficiently large problems,there may always be some distant defect that influencesprogress that could be made in the relevant region, simplydue to chance. We conjecture that this may be the physical

Hamming weight h

FIG. 7. Avoiding spike shadow defects with coherent cuts. Inthis case, we initialize the wavefunction (yellow) with increasedweight on the target state, confined to a Hamming distance of 5for an eight-qubit system. The final wavefunction without Lapla-cian cutting (red) degrades in quality at the solution from 0.81to 0.71 as compared to a case without the spike (gray indicatespotential), despite having no support on the spike and a barrier-less path to the solution. When the graph Laplacian is used to cut(cut indicated in cross-hatched blue, wavefunction in blue), thesolution consistently has an overlap of 0.96.


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mechanism at the heart of recent results in concentra-tion of measure for the quantum approximate optimizationmethod when examined on large enough instances [49].

As the shadow defects have their most direct impact inthe outer loop optimization portion of short-depth varia-tional optimizations, one solution is to modify the varia-tional objective function from the expected value of thecost function to one that ignores higher-energy contri-butions. Two such suggestions have recently entered theliterature, which are the conditional value at risk [91] and aGibbs-like function [51] based on a log-sum-exp construc-tion. While the conditional value at risk is a reasonablechoice, the function tends to be flat when looking at exactproblems where the solution fraction is large due to itsdefinition. For this reason, we focus on the Gibbs inspiredvariational objective function

CG(f (z)) = − log〈e−ηf (z)〉, (53)

where the brackets indicate the expected value over thecurrent wavefunction. Because of the diagonal nature ofthe cost function, this is simple to implement, and unlikethe conditional value at risk, it maintains a nonflat sur-face even in the case where one can attain exact solutions.We utilize an inverse temperature value of η = 20 in ournumerical experiments, as used in the original paper [51].

We collect the results of the impact of both the cost func-tion modification and the coherent cutting of the Laplacianin Fig. 8. We see that both the cost function modificationand the Laplacian cutting can yield significant improve-ments. While the cost function modification is easier toimplement and has no additional quantum requirements,it avoids shadow defects at the cost of losing some fractionof the wavefunction under true higher potential regions.Doing this for too many steps is ultimately not scalable,and ultimately one must find a way to constrain the wave-function flow to relevant regions of space. A coherentgraph cutting method along with initialization in the rel-evant region is a first step in this direction, but requiresadditional quantum resources. We now move to describingthis method.


The study of the impact of kinetic energy as well as theinherent impact of shadow defects from the influence ofthe global surface suggests that modifying the support ofthe initial wavefunction and underlying graph can lead tosignificant improvements. To maximize our capabilities inlow depth, we have thus far focused on graph Laplaciansthat are amenable to fast forwarding through diagonal-ization by a Hadamard transformation. These Laplacians,often constructed in a Pauli framework by sums over X -like terms, construct k-regular graphs in bitstring space,where k is the number of terms in the sum. It is easy to see

Hamming weight h

FIG. 8. Avoiding shadow defects with coherent cuts and vari-ational objective modification. Here we show the results for thesame initial state and potential that exhibited stalling due toshadow defects. In blue, we show the final state when usinga coherent cutting, where the domain of cutting is depicted inthe blue cross-hatched box. The orange result shows the uncutresult when switching to the Gibbs variational objective. Notablythis alleviates some of the problem, but suffers from a similarproblem of symmetry in ultimate efficiency, suggesting that themore scalable solution to shadow defects is cutting the graphLaplacian.

that adding more of this type of term strictly increases theconnectivity of the underlying graph, and in the limit of fullconnectivity, we recover the complete graph of Grover’salgorithm, which we have seen cannot take advantage ofany structure in the cost function.

In order to remove select connections from a graphbuilt from Pauli X terms within a Pauli framework, itbecomes necessary to introduce XZ- or YY-type terms.This is because one requires positive off diagonals in theLaplacian in some but not all of the same positions asthe links introduced by X -type terms. From orthogonal-ity of Pauli operators, one can see that this is only possiblethrough the use of additional nontrivial Pauli operators inthe product in order to create the correct sign structure.These types of term are sometimes broadly grouped intothe class of nonstoquastic terms, but in this context if oneused them to build a graph Laplacian that simply removedlinks built by XX terms, the overall LG can remain stoquas-tic, allowing guarantees about adiabatic algorithms startingfrom the |+〉⊗n state to remain true. For the most generalnonstoquastic deformation of LG, it can be as challeng-ing to determine the ground state of this LG to start fromas to solve the original problem, whereas when the over-all operator is guaranteed stoquastic, the ground state isalways |+〉⊗n independent of the nonstoquastic nature of


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individual terms. Interestingly, it has recently beenobserved in the context of adiabatic optimization thatnonstoquastic Hamiltonians can always be deformed tostoquastic Hamiltonians with larger gaps [92], lending sup-port to the strategy of considering these problems in thecontext of graph Laplacians that are always stoquastic as awhole in spite of individual terms.

The more dire consequences for our purposes ofattempting to modify the graph structure with only Paulioperators is first that even conceptually simple modifica-tions (e.g., cut around a given Hamming ball) seem torequire a huge (exponential) number of terms and sec-ond that the addition of even a single XZ or YY term canruin our ability to fast forward. We note that Trotter errorsinduced for the purposes of heuristic low-depth optimiza-tion may not actually be consequential, but we constructhere a coherent graph modification that circumvents bothof these problems. In particular, we use the ability of quan-tum operations to be efficiently controlled by functionswith simple definitions, which do not always translate tosimple (or polynomially sized) Pauli expansions.

In short, we take the quantum operation that enactse−iβLG for a fast-forwardable LG LG, and control its appli-cation on an ancilla indicating if vertices on the bitstringgraph are within a certain domain. When coupled withstate initialization within that domain, this restricts the evo-lution to that domain without introducing excess kineticenergy from boundaries.

We consider domains that are defined by a Hammingball of radius r centered at a bitstring |x0〉. An efficientalgorithm for preparing an equal superposition over thisregion, or approximates thereof, has previously been givenby Childs et al. [93] using biased Hadamard transforms.From this initial state, our restricted walk operator isformed as follows. The state vector |ψ〉 is stored on nqubits. We attach an ancilla register of O(log n) qubitsthat stores the Hamming distance from the target centralbitstring |x0〉. The Hamming distance from |x0〉 is coher-ently computed on |ψ〉 and stored in this ancilla register.A final indicator register with a single qubit is then usedto store the result of a comparison function that computesif the value is less than the desired radius r. The operatore−iβLG is performed, controlled on this indicator register.This is followed by uncomputation of the indicator andHamming distance register. This completes the applicationof a coherent, graph-cut evolution.

The results in Fig. 8 show that this technique is moreefficient at the elimination of shadow defects when com-pared to simple variational objective modification. How-ever, the overhead of performing these coherent operationsmay make them prohibitive in the near term. While wefocused on the simple case of Hamming ball restriction,this method can be generalized to more interesting func-tions of domain restriction and novel ways of specifyinggraphs. Our results on kinetic energy and shadow defects

indicate that developments in this area more generallywill be needed to maximize the efficiency of quantumoptimization methods.


Throughout this work, we have collected insights aboutlow-depth quantum optimizations for classical problems inthe hopes that they lead to simple and powerful new meth-ods or improvements to existing methods. Here we brieflyreview these ideas and assemble them into a frameworkthat can be used to improve the potential for low-depthquantum optimization for classical problems.

One of the early challenges we identified is the vulner-ability of quantum optimization methods to problems ofscaling. That is, even for uncoupled spins, if the energyscales of the spins differ appreciably, it can become need-lessly challenging to obtain a solution, in analogy to condi-tion number problems with first-order classical methods. Ifwe insist that our method implements some quantum queryto the objective function coherently, this leaves us with alogical building block of the form

e−iγF[f (z);q], (54)

where F is a general transformation of the objective withsome schedule parameter q such that there exists a q whereF[f (z); q] = f (z). This constraint allows us to define pathswith this building block that coincide in a large depth limitto an adiabatic solution and hence coarser and coarserapproximations of the exact limit can suggest logicalbuilding blocks for low-depth optimization circuits.

If one is however able to afford additional variationalparameters, it is possible to define parameterized trans-formations or to simply relax existing approaches likeQAOA by allowing more freedom. Such a transforma-tion allows one to solve the problem of noninteractingspins in constant depth by construction; however, we notethat this can pass the problem of scales into a classicalouter loop optimizer. Luckily second-order optimizers orother preconditioning methods that can repair scale prob-lems classically are well developed, unlike their quantumcounterparts. Hence, one can take advantage of this addi-tional classical technology to improve the efficiency of theoptimization. If one can heuristically guess the value ofthe preconditioners classically, this is obviously preferable.Even with the efficiency of classical methods assistingvariational optimization, these methods are believed to belimited by the ability to readout the relevant quantum infor-mation about the gradient, with scalings in the best caseas O(1/ε). Hence, if the gap is exponentially small, itstill may be difficult to resolve exactly without other tech-niques. We examine numerically the case of varying γand β independently for each term within QAOA in thesubsequent section.


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From connections to classical approximation algo-rithms, we noted that many of the quantum algorithmsfor optimization can be viewed as versions of continu-ous extensions followed by rounding through quantummeasurements. In this spirit, some of the problems wehave reviewed and more can be simply eliminated withoutincreasing quantum resources through the use of iteratedrounding, where the number of frozen variables and otherhyperparameters may be tuned. In the next section weexamine the efficacy of this approach for several systemsnumerically.

Moving towards the dynamics of the system, we notedthat the relationship between the graph Laplacian LG andthe potential f (z) is a crucial determiner of the amount ofprogress that could be made in each step. We restrictedourselves to graphs that are fast forwardable, including ageneralization of these graphs that allowed coherent cut-ting of the domains for improved efficiency. We noted thatall graph Laplacians satisfy the requirement of allowing anexact path; hence, there are a large class of transformationsK(LG; q) that admit exact results, and indeed we have seenthat even those outside the strict definition of a Laplacianare also applicable. In a variational framework, it is clearthat one may examine families of Laplacians and attemptto find correlations between a problem class over a definedmeasure of instances and the optimal Laplacians.

When one uses fast-forwardable Laplacians as we havehere, it implies the existence of an efficient diagonalizingquantum circuit. In our case, we looked primarily at graphLaplacians that are diagonalized by a Hadamard transformacross all qubits. This means that measuring the kineticenergy is about as efficient as measuring the diagonalpotential for these constructions. That is, one nice featureof QAOA is that a single-shot measurement of all qubits inthe Z basis allows complete determination of the energy,and the covariance between terms is often beneficial inthe sense that estimating the energy to a given precisionis relatively rapid compared to other cases. The construc-tion of these estimators has been the topic of several recentworks emphasizing this fact [94–96]. This diagonal formis also what allowed the use of simple modifications of theobjective function as C[f (z)]. We see for our Hamiltoniansthat this extends to the Laplacian in that one may measureall qubits in the X basis, and infer not only an average ofthe Laplacian, but generalized functions of the LaplacianK(LG) that may be computed simply in its diagonal basis.This may be simply summarized as

measure Zi for all i → f (z) → C[f (z)], (55)

H⊗n → measure Zi for all i → LG(x) → K(LG), (56)

where each is done some fraction of the time depending onstatistics of convergence in the output results, and the diag-onalizing circuit H⊗n could be exchanged with another,

for example a quantum Fourier transform on a Euclideangraph, or an XY graph in a fermionic picture [56–58].The ability to easily measure the Laplacian in its diagonalbasis is convenient, as when one searches for the optimaltransformation or Laplacian variationally with the intentto use it more generally, it is a mistake to look only atthe decrease in the cost function expectation. In particu-lar, we saw through intuition and example that neglectingthe effect of a particular primitive ansatz component on thekinetic energy resulted in less future information gain.

From the study of the conflicted pair potential, we notedthat one striking failure of some of these low-depth opti-mization methods is when the averaged one-body poten-tials are in disagreement with the ground state. One wayto rectify this is to use freedom in the graph Laplacianto set for an individual qubit a value of βi = 3π/4 ratherthan the value βi = π/4. Of course, it is key to do this ona per-qubit basis to retain the most flexibility. Of course,one does not wish to introduce a combinatorial searchover individual βi parameters, so a good heuristic strat-egy, such as greedy search over βi ∈ {π/4, 3π/4} for eachqubit, can provide a cheap alternative that we have seencan improve very low-depth solutions dramatically. Wenote that this bears a similarity to the suggestion of alter-nating βi stochastically in adiabatic optimizations to avoidgap closures with some finite probability [89]. This can becoupled with a continuous scaling by a more global β valueto not lose the flexibility of a QAOA result. A flexible ver-sion of this strategy where β is allowed to vary for eachqubit variationally is examined later.

When one is concerned with finding reusable primi-tives through variational pretraining, we advise the use ofa modified hypercost function for this process that is cou-pled with the intended graph Laplacian. That is, one shouldstudy reusable components with a variational objective ofthe form

V[f (z), LG] = k1C[f (z)] + k2K[LG(x)], (57)

where the variational cost function transformation C[f (z)]includes generalizations like the Gibbs cost function, andhyperparameters k1 and k2 are to be adjusted. Using a train-ing cost function for individual components such as thisallows one to quantify both the gain in the cost functionand the anticipated information gain in future steps, whichwill ultimately be more scalable than relying on the costfunction alone.

The use of the generalized cost functions C[f (z)] in anytotal variational methods allow one to mitigate the impactof shadow defect problems. However, these approacheseventually lose efficiency as more and more of the wave-function is discarded. An efficient method must be able torestrict the domain of exploration intelligently. We saw thatif one remains entirely in a Pauli framework for LG, thisimplies a loss of the ability to fast forward; however, the


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introduction of coherent cutting circumvents this problem.This suggests that in a variational approach, the domainrestriction could also be parameterized to great effect. Wedo not explore this further here however.

Finally, we note that, from connections with classicalcontinuous extensions, specifically oblivious extensions,it need not be the case that a quantum coherent queryis required to achieve an advantage. This is especiallyappealing in the near term, where the most expensive partof these applications is often the coherent query to theobjective function, suggesting more problem-specific andVQE-like approaches may prove beneficial. Put together,these building blocks represent a variational frameworkfor optimization built from concrete components informedby our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Webelieve that further insights into the mechanisms will allowfor additional improvements and more effective algorithmsrequiring even fewer quantum resources.


In this section, we examine some of the topics discussedthroughout numerically for models that do not have sim-ple analytical solutions. This allows us to reason about theimpact of these effects and techniques for more interest-ing systems, yet still simple enough to impart intuitionfor how these effects arise. The impact of problems ofscale are evaluated as well as two potential techniques forresolution, parameter relaxation, and iterated rounding.

As described in Sec. IV F, a simple 1D ferromagneticchain with nonuniform couplings can lead to an exponen-tial gap closure with system size in quantum annealing[68], which raises the natural question of how this troubleimpacts methods like VQE and QAOA given the problems

of scale discussed for noninteracting systems. To examinethis, we first introduce a variant of this problem by mod-ulating the alternative coupling coefficient J2, resulting inthe Hamiltonian

H =n/2∑i=1

−ZiZi+1 +n−1∑


−J2ZiZi+1, (58)

as well as a two-dimensional variant where coupled spinsare on a grid and the separate coupling values are given todifferent blocks. We performed numerical optimization ofthe QAOA ansatz for these problems and found that, as thetwo domains of the problem are detuned—i.e., J2 is scaledaway from 1—the performance of the QAOA as measuredby the resulting probability of the ground-state bitstrings|z∗〉 decreases analogous to the behavior noted in anneal-ing. Performance on the 1D ferromagnetic chain decreasesat the same rate regardless of the number of rounds p . Theconfiguration and performance on the 2D ferromagneticchain is depicted in Figs. 9(a) and 9(b), and in additionto the overall downward trend as J2 is decreased, highervalues of p can maintain a higher probability mass on theground-state solutions for longer.

We also consider a problem without a trivial solution,which is a modified version of MaxCut given by theHamiltonian

H =∑i,j ∈E

JZiZj , J = {1.0 or J2}. (59)

In this example, the edges E are defined by random three-regular graphs and J is selected such that half of the edgesreceive a coupling strength of J2. Unlike the simple fer-romagnetic case, the behavior of these problems is more

(a) (b) (c)12-spin 2D ferromagnetic grid 14-spin three-regular MaxCut

FIG. 9. QAOA dependence on scale and detuning. The 2D ferromagnetic Ising model and three-regular MaxCut problems areconsidered with two distinct couplings, and the dramatic performance changes are shown as the second coupling J2 is altered. Separatelines label different values of repetitions (p) for the QAOA ansatz. (a) The configuration of couplings in the 2D ferromagnetic grid,where bold and nonbold links indicate the different couplings. (b) The probability of the exact ground state of a 2D ferromagneticgrid decreases as half of the couplings are detuned. Increasing the number of QAOA rounds, p , delays the onset of such problems ofscale, but performance remains strongly dependent on the separation. (c) A MaxCut-like problem instance that shows nonmonotonicdependence on scale difference, with a curious dip at J2 ∼ 0.52 where a particular scaling of the couplings apparently substantiallydecreases performance of the algorithm.


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FIG. 10. QAOA success probability against the classical con-tinuous extension (CE) baseline in problems of scale. The sameinstances from Fig. 9 are used, with the horizontal lines indi-cating the performance of a classical continuous extension, anddifferent lines for different detunings of the algorithm. (a) Forn = 12, 2D ferromagnetic grids, we see that one may need val-ues of p in excess of 10 to match the classical baselines. (b) Forn = 14, three-regular MaxCut problems (J = 1), we see that,for a range of instances, one often needs a p ≥ 6 to match theclassical baseline.

varied. Figure 9(c) shows a representative instance as afunction of J2. Across this and other random instances ofthis MaxCut problem, we observe a “spectrum” of perfor-mance with particular values of the coupling strength beingrelatively detrimental to the performance of the algorithm.Future research may lend insight into the mechanismsunderpinning this behavior.

To understand the value of using quantum queries to theclassical Hamiltonian as in QAOA, classical continuousextensions in a VQE context can be used as a baseline ofperformance on these problems, as they are simple and donot demand a quantum query to the classical Hamiltonian.The ansatz here is a circuit of the form

∏i Ry(θi), where the

θi are optimized to minimize the expected value of the costfunction 〈C〉, and we measure success once again by com-puting the probability of finding a correct bitstring Pr(|z∗〉).Since this problem is not convex, we restart the classicaloptimization many times from random parameter initial-izations to statistically estimate the overall probability offinding the ground state. This gives a measure of how effec-tive this simple ansatz is at convexifying the landscape.

FIG. 11. Relative merit of QAOA relaxations in problems ofscale for p = 1. Here we examine the effect for the same 2Dproblems of scale in relaxing for QAOA in turn of the parametersγ and β. As predicted from the noninteracting models, allow-ing free variation of γ qualitatively restores the performance ofQAOA across the variations in J2, suggesting that this is a simplebut powerful modification. Paradoxically, relaxation of only theβ terms leads to a decrease in performance under a probability ofsuccess metric, due to disagreement between the energy functionand this objective under this constraint. However, we see thattheir combination gives a superadditive performance increase, atthe cost of the greatest number of free parameters to optimize.

We note that the optimization of this ansatz typically con-verges with all the support on one bitstring, so for a givenrestart, there is either full or no support on a target bitstring,further motivating our approach to average over classicalrestarts. These probabilities can be directly compared tothe probability of ground-state bitstrings achieved throughan optimized QAOA ansatz. The QAOA optimization isstarted from the point suggested by smooth annealing, ashas been suggested in previous studies, as random ini-tialization have been observed to produce inferior results[46]. This comparison is made in Fig. 10. Panel (a) treatsthe 2D ferromagnetic grid model. Following our previ-ous discussion, the performance of QAOA is dependenton the J2 parameter (lines with markers). The classicalapproach does not run into these problems of scale, withthe continuous extension ansatz yielding about an 80%probability of success regardless of the J2 value. QAOAwithout detuned domains (J2 ≥ 0.8) requires a number pof rounds of approximately five to match the performanceof the unentangled continuous extension. In contrast, forthe highly detuned case (J2 = 0.2), QAOA cannot matchthe performance of the classical algorithm even at p = 10.In panel (b) we once again turn to three-regular Max-Cut problems as representative realistic problems. Herewe plot the difference in performance between the clas-sical and quantum approaches (the greater variability ofinstances makes this a more digestible summary of results)with performance parity around p ∼ 6. With many near-term hardware demonstrations of QAOA being restrictedto p < 5 [97], this classical benchmark is all the morerelevant.


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(a) (b)

FIG. 12. Performance of the iterated rounding technique fortwo settings of the 2D ferromagnetic. (a) For the challengingJ2 = 0.2 case, as the number of variables are fixed, we seean increase in the probability of success until a critical pointaround six frozen variables where the performance bifurcates.Even under bifurcation, the performance is strictly better than theunfrozen case. (b) For simpler cases like J = 1, iterated round-ing is wildly successful in improving the quality of the solutionfor a given value of p .

Having quantified the impact of problems of scale rela-tive to a classical baseline, we turn to resolutions for thisproblem within QAOA. In Fig. 11, we consider relaxationin turn of the parameters γ , β, and their combination for a2D ferromagnetic Ising model. Following predictions fromthe noninteracting case, relaxation of the γ parametersassociated with the Hamiltonian afford the biggest quali-tative change, leveling out and improving performance formore detuned values of J2. Similar to the intuition gainedfrom seeing disagreement between lowering the energyand improving the probability of success in previous sec-tions on shadow defects, we see that simply varying theβ parameters independently actually reduces performance.However, their combination has an effect greater than thesum of the parts, improving performance across the boardat the cost of having the most parameters to optimize.

We then examined the impact of iterated rounding forthe instances of the 2D ferromagnetic model in Fig. 12. Inboth cases (J2 = 0.2, J2 = 1) we generally see an improve-ment in success as the variables are fixed. However, in themore challenging case, we see that there can be an optimalnumber of parameters to fix to improve success. In the sim-pler case of J2 = 1, rounding dramatically improves thechances of success as a function of the number of frozenvariables.


The ubiquity and impact of potential advances in opti-mization will continue to drive development of quan-tum algorithms. As in classical method development, theimprovement and innovation of new algorithms dependson our understanding of the foundational elements thatcontribute to success, and what problems those inherentlyallow us to solve. In this work, we identified physical

mechanisms and intuition for a wide class of optimizationalgorithms by dissecting the performance of a single step,in order to draw attention to counterintuitive limitations,and potential remedies.

We did so by first taking a general point of viewthat considers evolutions under fast-forwardable graphsof bitstrings. This general class encompasses adiabaticevolution, quantum annealing, quantum walks, and heuris-tics like VQE or QAOA in the sense that most of thesecall evolution under a fast-fowardable graph a subroutine.Moreover, connections to continuous extensions in clas-sical optimization approaches allow us to conjecture theorigin of potential advantages for using oblivious ansatzlike VQE for generic optimization problems on quantumcomputers. By examining a single step at different pointsin these trajectories, we are able to identify some char-acteristics of this style of optimization that lead to betterunderstanding of performance and methods for solution.In particular, we are able to characterize classes of poten-tials that are exactly solvable for a given graph Laplacian,LG, and the implications of uniqueness around this result.From there, we showed that, without modification, evensimple noninteracting problems can be outside the scopeof a single step, owing to basic limitations in the flexibilityof the algorithms. Numerically, we saw these limitationsextended to larger problems like 2D ferromagnets, but sim-ple fixes could often alleviate these problems. The caseof exactly solvable potentials are linked to the measure-vote mechanism, which demonstrated in comparison withits mean-field counterpart that, while entanglement plays arole, it can be strictly detrimental without enhancement ofthe graph Laplacian.

In addition, the importance of the quantum kineticenergy and its role in optimization is explored in detail.The consequences of boundary and phase scattering areseen to make improvements grind to a halt, linking todiminished information gain from the potential. We sawthat boundary scattering is linked with the ability of dis-tant energy defects to impact the ability to optimize. Witha large enough space and a wide enough variety of defects,we conjectured that these are the underlying origins of con-centration phenomena that have been observed in QAOAlandscapes. These shadow defects can be partially circum-vented through modification of the variational objective,but ultimately coherent cutting or clever modification ofthe graph Laplacian LG is required to improve efficiently.

Overall, we believe that providing more physical intu-ition for the operation of algorithms for quantum optimiza-tion will open the doors to dramatic algorithm improve-ment. Ultimately, the lack of a globally convergent, state-independent quantum optimization method implies that wewill either eventually require state-dependent methods likereverse annealing, or some degree of nonunitarity withrespect to the optimization system using an ancillary sys-tem or measurement. We believe that the insights in this


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work will guide the development of improved future meth-ods, free from some of the deficiencies we have outlinedhere, and bolstered by their remedies.


We thank Eleanor Rieffel for detailed comments andfeedback on the draft.

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