post questionnaire graphs

Post Questionnaire Graph

Upload: niraj-magudia

Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Post Questionnaire Graph

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What gender are you?

Male Female

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• As this questionnaire was given out voluntarily, the results state males volunteered to answer the questionnaire more than females, showing that males may have had more interest in horror films.

• 69%- males• 31%- Females• Showing gender bias, and this is illustrating that it goes

with the stereotype that males are more drown to action thriller films than females which is helpful as I am more convinced that the film will appeal to both males and females

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Which age category do you fit into?

12--15 16--19 20--24 25+

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• Through the graphs that we have made through the question we can clearly identify that the majority of people where aged between 12-15 this age group clearly fits in with the target audience this was 58% and 21% of the people were aged between 16 – 19 and 14% were aged 20-24 and only 7% of the people were 25 and over.

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On a scale on 1-10 (10 being excellent and 1 being bad) what would you rate our short film

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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• What we can clearly identify from this graph is that the film was good as the majority of people gave it a 6 over above and also we got a few 10 so this means that the audience liked the short film that we created

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Did you find the fonts used appropriate?

yes No

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• Through the graph you can see that the audience liked the fonts used in the film because 70% said that they liked the font and 30% said that they didn’t like it so this could be something that we could work on.

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Do you think our short film fulfil the conventions of an action genre

yes No

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• As 69% of the people that we asked said that we fulfilled the convention of a action genre this showed that most people thought that the film fitted into a action genre but as 31% said no this is also something that we should work on.

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Can the genre clearly and easily be identified?

yes No

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• Through the questionnaire we can identify that the audience can identify that the genre is a action thriller as 71% of people said that it was identifiable where as 29% said it wasn't from this we can say that the film has done its job but we could have done more research on the genre too make it more identifiable to the audience

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Did you find the plot/storyline clear?

yes No

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• The majority which was 60% said that they found the plot clear this means that the remaining 40% didn’t this could be because the film didn’t give background information about the main character.

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On a scale of 1-5 (1 being high and 5 low) how interest-ing was our short film (how much suspense did it cre-


1 2 3 4 5

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• As all the figures given suggests that the film did create suspense as most of the figures where above 4 and none of them where 5 this shows that because we didn't give much information about the film people wanted to fin out more

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Do you think the age we certified it at is suitable or not?

yes No

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• Most people thought that the age certificate 12A was appropriate for the film as most action films with similar content have the same certificate as 80% thought this but 20% said that this was the wrong certificate.

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Were the sound effects used to its advantage?

yes No

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• The majority of people agreed that the sounds used were an advantage as it added to the film to make it seem more real this was 70% of the people we asked

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Do you think the name ‘conscious’ is an appropriate name for the short film?

yes No 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

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• The name conscious was appropriate to the film as 63% of people agreed with this and that was the majority of the people who did the questionnaire.

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What was the weakest point of the production?

Sound effects Storyline Character rolesDialogue The props Lighting

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• The majority of people thought that the lighting was the weakest point in the film this was probably because we had film in the dark so the lighting wasn’t great.

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What was the strongest point of the production?

Sound effects Storyline Character rolesDialogue The props Lighting

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• The majority of people agree that the storyline was the strongest point of the film as the storyline hooked the audience and made them want to watch ahead.