poparts!minutes!!21july!2020! · needs to be done in time for poparts running a bar at the winter...

POPARTS Minutes 21 July 2020 # Item Actions (if required) By (Date/Person) 1 Declared meeting open at 7:39pm Chairperson Attendees Monique McMullen, Erin Williams, Kate Pass, Ethan Marsden (Yr 11/12 Arts Captain), Anita McGrath, Sally Richardson Apologies Linden George, Rachel Grieg, Nicola Kenway, Tony Ketteringham, Anthony Strizenec, Karen Bessell, Jodie Day 2 Minutes of previous meeting Secretary Motion:“that the minutes of the previous meeting dated 10.03.20 be accepted” Moved: Erin; Seconded: Monique 3 Actions and Business Arising from Previous Minutes RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) Training needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. Poparts Mailing list/s – How to simplify? How to include Art parents more? – use survey monkey to format and send email with check-option permission to use email addresses Volunteer/s needed for Bunnings BBQ training Contact friends Register post Covid restrictions Erin & Monique Erin (confirmed) 4 Correspondence – Executive Committee Incoming: Thankyou card received from Staff & Students at the TGSHS Art Department to PopArts for funding shelving. (Received by Chairperson) To do: Organise Thankyou cards & certificates for Trivia Night Raffle donators and Bunnings donations in lieu of BBQ stall ·Find out TGSHS requirements ·Seek advice on graphic design ·Write & Send Monique Erin Sally 5 Arts Report HOD Arts Motion: “that the Arts request for funding be granted” Moved: Erin; Seconded: Kate Request for funding of $550 total: 2 x Apple TVs to be used in the Auditorium and Media Arts Lab. ARTS EVENTS FOR REST OF 2020: - Talent Quest (end of T3 & beginning of T4) - Reelies (27/8) - Tula Concerts – Winter (28/8 Seniors), Spring (11/9 Middle), Summer (13/11 Lower & Yr 6)

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Page 1: POPARTS!Minutes!!21July!2020! · needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How


    POPARTS  Minutes    21  July  2020            #   Item     Actions    

(if  required)    By    (Date/Person)  

1     Declared  meeting  open  at  7:39pm  -­‐  Chairperson       Attendees    

Monique McMullen, Erin Williams, Kate Pass, Ethan Marsden (Yr 11/12 Arts Captain), Anita McGrath, Sally Richardson

    Apologies    Linden George, Rachel Grieg, Nicola Kenway, Tony Ketteringham, Anthony Strizenec, Karen Bessell, Jodie Day

2     Minutes  of  previous  meeting  -­‐  Secretary  Motion:“that the minutes of the previous meeting dated 10.03.20 be accepted” Moved: Erin; Seconded: Monique

 3     Actions  and  Business  Arising  from  Previous  Minutes            

·RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) Training needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How to simplify? How to include Art parents more? – use survey monkey to format and send email with check-option permission to use email addresses · Volunteer/s needed for Bunnings BBQ training  

Contact friends Register post Covid restrictions  

Erin & Monique Erin (confirmed)  

4     Correspondence  –  Executive  Committee       Incoming:

· Thankyou card received from Staff & Students at the TGSHS Art Department to PopArts for funding shelving. (Received by Chairperson) To do: ·Organise Thankyou cards & certificates for Trivia Night Raffle donators and Bunnings donations in lieu of BBQ stall

·Find out TGSHS requirements ·Seek advice on graphic design ·Write & Send

Monique Erin Sally

5     Arts  Report  -­‐  HOD  Arts    Motion: “that the Arts request for funding be granted” Moved: Erin; Seconded: Kate  

    ·Request for funding of $550 total: 2 x Apple TVs to be used in the Auditorium and Media Arts Lab. ·ARTS EVENTS FOR REST OF 2020: - Talent Quest (end of T3 & beginning of T4) - Reelies (27/8) - Tula Concerts – Winter (28/8 Seniors), Spring (11/9 Middle), Summer (13/11 Lower & Yr 6)


Page 2: POPARTS!Minutes!!21July!2020! · needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How

- Tula Gallery Exhibitions - Tula Year 10 Drama Gothic Plays (~14/11)  

    · How to organise in respect of Covid-19 : - Eventbrite/Trybooking to pre-register free - cabaret-style seating spaced out; oval/quad concerts - Advertising – Facebook, Signs, Emails

·Discuss further ramifications of Covid-19 restrictions ·Graphic design  

Executive Committee ?

  Arts  Captain  Report  –  Ethan  Marsden     ·Talent Quest – still working out details but hope to start it at end of Term 3 and final

in beginning of Term 4. Ideas for the Final - evening concert, open to the public, local band/group to guest perform whilst judges are deliberating. PopArts could provide support by donating some prizes, eg tuckshop vouchers.  

6     Treasurer’s  Report    Motion:“that the 3 financial reports be accepted” Moved: Monique; Seconded: Kate  

    ·3 Reports were submitted by Chairperson to TGSHS P&C for their 22-07-2020 meeting – ‘TGSHS PopArts Budget 2020’, ‘PopArts Committee 2020 Operational Plan’, ‘PopArts Committee 3 Year Investment Plan 2019-2021’. ·Credits: -17/03/20 Trybooking $1407.90 Trivia Night


  Chairperson’s  Report –  Chairperson     FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITIES:

·Bar available at events ·‘Gold Coin Donation’ boxes available at events ·Thermomix Raffle (T3) ·Bunnings BBQ Raffle (T4)

    ? ? ?  

7     Any  Further  Business         Grant Possibilities

·Link to fund artists in residence: https:/www.arts.qld.gov.au/aq-funding#:~:text=Artists%20in%20Residence%20funding%20supports,which%20is%20open%20year%20round.

Research for grants


8     Meeting  Closed  at  8:45pm  -­‐  Chairperson  Next meeting: 7:30pm, Tuesday 18 August 2020, N Block Poparts  Dates  for  rest  of  2020     Generally,  the  3rd Tuesday  of  every  month  Tuesday  15th September    Tuesday  20th October    Tuesday  17th November    


Page 3: POPARTS!Minutes!!21July!2020! · needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How

The Gap State High School – SHAPE Committee Report for P&C meeting Monday 10th August 2020


SHAPE Meeting Dates 2020: Jan 23 | Feb 20 | Mar 20 | Apr 17 | May 15 | Jun 19 | Jul 17 | Aug 04 | Sep 01 | Nov 320

The 2018 SHAPE would like to thank those parents who were able to make the meetings, and to those who, whilst unable to be at meetings, provided valuable feedback. Thanks also to all those parent and student volunteers who have helped at our athletics carnival BBQ. Thank you to the P&C for their support and to the dedicated staff from the Sports Department. SHAPE fundraising for 2020 to date; limited opportunity to fund raise has impacted our plans for 2020. It is great to have sold some of our duffle bags through the uniform shop and to have had the chance to run the fundraising BBQ at athletics on July 31. The HPE faculty representatives briefed the SHAPE Committee on the plans to revitalise the house system and some opportunities that may arise for the PandC to sell some house apparel in the future. Dave Moran is planning to chat with Angela in the uniform shop

The Sports Captains for 2019 proposed the painting of the bleachers on the oval. It is planned that this plan may be one to watch and support in the future as the development of the new house system unfolds.

Next SHAPE Meeting: Tuesday 01 September

Page 4: POPARTS!Minutes!!21July!2020! · needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How

Tuckshop 10 Aug Meeting Report Business Unit

The Gap State High School Completed by:

The Gap State High School Tuckshop From Email

[email protected] Date

03/08/2020 Monthly Overview

This month has seen an improvement in the number of student and teachers coming to tuckshop. Athletics carnival was better this year than previous years. I think this was due to having different menu items for everyone to choose from. We have been really lucky as all our bread has been kindly donated to the P&C and the school to use from "The Bakeologists" .

New tasks / actions for next month

Since the students liked the special menu items on the athletics carnival I am thinking of doing it again probably every second week just to see how it goes.

Opportunities/requests for P&C consideration

Teachers still not turning up for duty on the door really slows us down as we can't open the express line till they arrive. There are a few grant opportunities around for the P&C to consider- Boomerang Bags are giving away $500 grants. The tuckshop could get a food processor which would allow us to bake more goods for the students and functions instead of buying product in. Casino is also giving away grants which we could put towards a dishwasher for tuckshop.

Are there any issues / incidents / concerns?

It would really be great if we could be told on what days the fire drills were so we could be better prepared for them in the tuckshop and it wouldn't be a massive rush getting everything ready for MT as they normally do it half hour before MT which is our busiest time. I understand this is a drill and in the event of a real one things would be different, but a heads up for routine drills would be greatly appreciated.

Page 5: POPARTS!Minutes!!21July!2020! · needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How

Business Unit

Uniform Shop report for 8 August 2020 Completed by:

Angela Windmill From Email

[email protected] Date

05/08/2020 Monthly Overview

Sales Summary: Gross Sales:$14701 Net Sales $13389 Total Transactions: 235. Best day of the week: Tuesday ( with average sales on this day of $1282) The top selling item: Track Pants ( amounting to $1490 in sales for the month) ( In fact with the school holding the sports Carnival on the 30th, there was a significant increase in sales of items in the sports uniform range in the 2 weeks leading up to the event.) Fit Out Update: Old shelving – as discussed in last month’s report 6 cubed shelf units were left over after the new installation. They have been repurposed as follows: 2 repurposed at Glenda/Bookeepers office, 2 repurposed as extra storage at uniform shop, 2 gifted to the cleaning staff at the school. Extra Storage in the shop for stock has been created between 2 existing cube shelving where there was previously a gap. The result is 6 new pigeon hole spaces to hold the socks. Photo attached. Indents ordered after approval from last month’s request: Caps: have been ordered with the supplier (and will arrive approx November) Pricing Review Update: After the pricing review submitted in last month’s report, pricing approval was granted by the Exec Team for some small increases to the recommended retail price (due to an increase in supplier costs). Price lists have now been updated on the website, the on-line shop and the Square POS in store. Girls Shorts: In the June report it was advised that a sample would be obtained for the P & C and school to view a small variation to the girls shorts. The uniform shop conveynor, P&C president & Deputy Principal met late July and viewed the new option. At the meeting Carolyn Speers advised the school would have no objection to the un-cuffed new version if the P & C voted it as a uniform item.

Page 6: POPARTS!Minutes!!21July!2020! · needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How

The current style includes a cuff of the bottom of the leg which makes them a special order. As such, special orders need to be forecast once per year for the following 12 months and have a lag time of 4 months to be manufactured and delivered. As the shorts have only been part of the uniform for approx 2 years and demand for this item is slowly growing, it is difficult to accurately predict future 12 months quantities which could leave the shop short on supply or over-stocked. Thus either missing out on sales or tying up P & C funds in stock just sitting on the shelf. By changing to no cuff, the garment is then an off the shelf item which can be supplied by a local Brisbane company and delivered in a turn around time of approx 1 week. (Other than the removal of the cuff, all other features and aspects of the girls shorts remain identical. Please see attached photos.) The advantage of the new style is orders can be: more frequent, at smaller quantities (to reflect current demand), and not tie up larger amounts of funds to pay for 12 months stock in one hit. Hem lengths also become adjustable to accommodate shorter/taller students. And non –binary students have a choice of uniform that is more similar to the boy version (without having to purchase the boys uniform – which some of them have been doing). Shop Hours Review: Please find attached a Business Case for extension / reduction of hours.

New tasks / actions for next month

Harlequin Bags: Samples have been requested for the school/P & C to view. - Due to the school increasing laptops as the preferred device across more year levels, messenger/ laptop bags as well as backpacks wit specific built in laptop protection could be sold at the uniform shop. I will advise when the samples arrive to arrange a suitable time for viewing and will confirm costs and minimum order quantities at this time also. Australian Supplier: As noted in the June report, an Australian company was suggested (via email from Carolyn Speers) as an option for an alternative local supplier. An initial phone meeting was held with Raffael from Fashion Clubwear on 29 June to discuss the possibility of obtaining quotes and samples. Photos of TGSHS uniform items will be forward by 7 August for FCW to view and prepare a proposal. Once a response is received & reviewed, and update will be provided to the P & C. Inclusion Students: Initial discussions have commenced with Emma Cullen to see how the inclusion students could get involved in helping out at the uniform shop and gaining some retail experience. Specific duties and times have not yet been determined and will be the focus this month, with a view to having them perform some tasks in term 3.

Opportunities/requests for P&C consideration

Motion to approve the following: 1. Changing the Girls shorts from having a cuff to no cuff as per update in the overview above. 2. Amend shop opening hours / conveynor’s allocated paid hours as per attached document

Are there any issues / incidents / concerns?

Termite Activity:

Page 7: POPARTS!Minutes!!21July!2020! · needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How

During the fit-out of the new shelving over the holidays termite tunnels were noticed on the old units that were removed. These have been shown Daryl from maintance who suggested to forward the info to Judy Ives (which has been email to her on 17 July). There is no indication of how recent their activity was, as no live termites were detected, but the school has been notified in case they would like to follow up with further investigations/action.

File attachment

• July-2020-Attachments.xlsx

Page 8: POPARTS!Minutes!!21July!2020! · needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How
Page 9: POPARTS!Minutes!!21July!2020! · needs to be done in time for PopArts running a bar at the Winter Tula Concert (28/8/20). OLGR approved course $24. · Poparts Mailing list/s – How

Business Unit

TGSHS Cafe Report for August 2020 Completed by:

Kyra Gahan From Email

[email protected] Date

05/08/2020 Monthly Overview

We have started opening Mondays, much to the delight of some of our regular customer. We have also been making new connections with some yr 11 students from the inclusion department with new students coming to volunteer and others helping run a delivery service on the athletics carnival last Friday. The Athletics carnival was great day with the inclusion department running the delivery service. We were able to use 2 iPads and square readers so that the delivery kids could take payments on the go. This worked out brilliantly and made the whole process very seamless.

New tasks / actions for next month

. Opportunities/requests for P&C consideration

. Are there any issues / incidents / concerns?

Cain the chaplain is currently opening the cafe while I wait for Covid test results. I have what I believe is a common cold but have isolated myself and been tested as a precaution.

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PROPOSED RECEIPTSOPENING BALANCE - carried forward from 2019 6,000.00$ NotesFunds to be returned from school to PnC (A4A) 313.00$ Confirm, need an equity statement

Funding initiative from 2018/Donations to APS probram (Ben Rothwell)Available Funds at start of year 6,313.00$ (See motion of February 2020, $813 held by school, $313 to be returned to PnC, $500 to be spent by Ben Rothwell in 2020)

Net FUNDRAISING INCOME EXPECTEDYear 7 Parents welcome 2,000.00$ Nerf Wars 500.00$ Leadership centre team challenge 500.00$ Enoggera Reservoir Walk 500.00$ Bushdance 1,000.00$ Nia Cultural Dance 250.00$ The Gap Cheese Fest 1,000.00$ Art therapy 700.00$ Other activities 200.00$

Total Fundraising Income 6,650.00$


APS PROGRAM 6,000.00$ $3000 requested expenditure in motion to PnC of February 2020 (being decided by PnC Executive March 2020).Stem PROGRAM 3,000.00$ Student leader activities 1,000.00$


EXPECTED CLOSING BALANCE/EQUITY as end of Budget year 2,963.00$

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Trybooking data as of 9/6/2020 showing event revenue (and refunds) from 1 October 2019