planning of production and consumption in the u.s.s.r

Planning of Production and r Consumption in the U.S.S.R. BI. P.

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Post on 21-Jun-2016




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Page 1: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R

Planning of Production and r

Consumption in the U.S.S.R.

BI. P.

Page 2: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R

fk:,S.S.#. in NP# I ,2.. t

Page 3: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R

for ddl the princi@ aqxcts of the so&t rcproduc- d physkd ~0mmfxIities (the balance of social product), ia&), and af the s)rstem of distribution (the financial

cd’ the national txono pfemented by a numlxr of be and specify some?

wtion of individ cts. “I%~ number of such balances

balance calculations of production serw as the basis htxhrles.) Rczwxwccs evaluated inc.tude

inning of the yew. The evaluation of and sectors of the economy. The is&r baiancc taking into account

fbr the cowdinatnnn of the otwail out- ten thr funds of tqwoduction, capital

to he fixed bArehand.

ts arc known,, tht Bafi;mces can fix the are to be produced, taking into acccsufat

Page 4: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R


Page 5: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R

dif&ult to make out the averali picture and nalyzing hundreds of specific balances. call fcrr a new instrument of calcuktion that i&&y. The interindustry Mancc, which is

the halance approach to planning, scrvcrap

netrat pmpwtions of econrrmic dcvcbpmcnt

calculations has reached it

pattern rrf the end product, the basic component, one evaiu

x 1.: (&..,q gy

lcufationa at the vw-ious development stages Long-term and medium-term predictions

Page 6: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R



Page 7: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R

welfare of the people, ramaunt importance.

ut ken dcbd

n the social prdua. The relationship of


?67.‘1 1212.3 443.3 “38A.l

115.1 3a. I 143.6 WIS.0

1404.0 133.3 161.1

1% .2 19,6m.9



424.2 2OOAi

97.9 38.7


270.7 918.5 1619.3 1 QJ97.5 290.8 5701.8

9 *. 3 .l





142B.6 22.3

139.1 12.2

9256.8 7411.7 74.7

44M.8 620.1



t94.4 -

3q473.1 23,643,s

Page 8: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R
Page 9: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R

and outlays for both the entire population ;md

mily income artd uutlzby Mane@ give% a swmxiriairrlg picture af

in the dbtritwtim of gmds and

ution of I&N rernuncr~tion funds;

f-5) the modei of the distcibution of

f warkw$ aMi cmploytxs’ f&m ilia b a~ mtchan- bon into an income distribution, taking into

1 mod&, (2) wwmative twit&, and

Page 10: Planning of production and consumption in the U.S.S.R
