phone interview tips strategies

How to Have A Successful Phone Interview By Mashaal Ahmed: Senior Coordinator, Career Services Phone Number 1-866-502-8312 / Passcode 808373#

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How to Have A Successful Phone Interview

By Mashaal Ahmed: Senior Coordinator, Career Services

Phone Number 1-866-502-8312 / Passcode 808373#

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The 3 Stages of a Phone Interview

1. Pre Phone Interview

2. Phone Interview 3. Post Phone Interview

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Pre Phone Interview

Preparing for the Conversation

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YOUR VOICEMAIL GREETING }  EXAMPLE: “Hello, you have reached Jason, I’m unavailable to come to the phone, please leave a message and I

will return your call. Have a great day.”

}  Avoid music in your ringback tones and on your voicemail.

YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS }  Make sure your address is professional

}  Good email addresses: [email protected], [email protected]

}  Not so good email addresses: [email protected], [email protected]

HOUSE PHONE }  Make sure you are receiving the messages.

Pre Phone Interview: Getting Set Up

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Pre Phone Interview: How do I look online? MONITOR YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE

}  Google yourself

}  Downplay the negative }  Keep social network profiles clean or private

}  Emphasize the positive }  Make your LinkedIn profile interesting

}  Get recommendations (hint: recommending others = good karma)

}  Post articles

}  Join groups

}  Custom LinkedIn URL

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}  Bureau of Labor Statistics }  Career Guide to Industries:

}  Occupational Outlook Quarterly: 


}  Company website }  Avoid wasting time asking questions that can be answered on the website

}  About Us Section

}  Mission Statement

}  Management Team Bios

}  Recent Press Releases

} }  More than financial information

} – check if your school pays for this service

Pre Phone Interview: Do Your Research

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}  Read the job description carefully }  Look at each responsibility and note any experiences that prepare you

}  Watch for skills explicitly included and write out specific experiences where you demonstrate those skills

}  Know which responsibilities you are not prepared for or don’t understand

}  Opportunity to ask interviewer about it


}  LinkedIn

}  Facebook

}  Google them, they are probably Googling you anyway!


}  What you have accomplished

}  What you would like to accomplish (and what’s in it for the employer)

Pre Phone Interview: Do Your Research (cont.)

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Pre Phone Interview: Do Your Research (cont.) PRACTICE QUESTIONS THAT YOU MIGHT RECEIVE }  Tell me about yourself:

}  What are your strengths and weaknesses?

}  Why do you want this job?

}  Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?

}  What's your ideal company?

}  What attracted you to this company?

}  What were the responsibilities of your last position?  

}  What do you know about this industry?  

}  What do you know about our company? 

}  Are you willing to relocate?  

}  Give an example of a problem you have solved and the process you used.

}  How has your educational and work experiences prepared you for this internship?

}  How do you handle stress?

}  What past experiences do you have that would translate into this internship.

}  How do you work in groups and what role do you play on a team?

}  I see that you worked at ABC Organization, could you tell me what you liked most and least about this position?

}  What are you looking for in a supervisor?


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Pre Phone Interview: Do Your Research (cont.) PREPARE YOUR OWN QUESTIONS TO ASK THEM

}  You should have 3-5 prepared.

}  If you are interviewing with the hiring manager

}  Ask questions about the job, the desired qualities and the challenges.

}  If you are interviewing with the human resources manager

}  Ask about the company and the department.

}  If you are interviewing with management

}  Ask about the industry and future projections. This is your chance to demonstrate your industry knowledge.


}  Examples:

}  Please tell me about what you are looking for in this position?

}  What are the day to day responsibilities of this internship?

}  What is the work atmosphere like in this internship?

}  I noticed on your website that you work with [topic], I’m very interested in this subject, would I be exposed to this?

}  Could you tell me about your supervision/managerial style?

}  What is the timeline for filling this internship position?

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Pre Phone Interview: The Employer Contacts You VOICEMAIL }  Return all messages within 24 Hours!

}  Check your voicemail everyday

}  Have a voicemail with a greeting set up

EMAIL }  Return all emails within 24 hours.

}  Follow directions. Do they want you to call or email them back?

}  No slang (lol, brb)

}  Conclude the email properly

}  Mr. and Ms. (no names)

TIP: Make sure that you note the Eastern Standard United States Time Zone for your interview.

9am in Washington D.C. is 6am in Los Angeles, California.

RING AND YOU ANSWER }  Lets go over an example

}  They may want to interview you on the spot….. What to do if this occurs?

TIP: If it is not a good time for you, don’t answer the phone. Voicemail is your friend.

Be on the look out for the following area codes (202, 703, 301).

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Pre Phone Interview: Other Helpful Tips

}  Keep your resume in clear view so that it is at your fingertips when you need to reflect back to it.

}  Have a pen and paper handy for note taking.

}  Clear the room! (evict the kids and pets, turn off the stereo and the TV, close the door)

}  Charge your cell phone.

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Phone Interview

Showcasing Your Best Self

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Phone Interview: Setting Up

STAND OR SIT UPRIGHT WHEN ON THE PHONE }  This allows your voice to project and sound more confident.

}  Wake up plenty of time before the interview.

SPEAK CLEARLY }  When people get nervous they talk fast and mumble. This makes communication even more difficult over the


FEEL FREE TO USE NOTES, BUT DON’T READ FROM A SCRIPT }  Bullet items that you want to mention in your interview.

}  Have your questions ready.


}  When you smile, the interviewer can actually feel it.

}  At the same time, don’t sound phony.

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Phone Interview: Other Tips

}  Don’t smoke, chew gum, eat, or drink.

}  Do keep a glass of water handy, in case you need to wet your mouth.

}  Use the person’s title (Mr. or Ms. and their last name). Only use their first name if they ask you to.

}  Don’t interrupt the interviewer.

}  Take your time – it’s perfectly acceptable to take a moment or two to collect your thoughts.

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Phone Interview: Styles Formal Phone Interview }  Agenda

}  Pre-established questions for each person they interview.

Less Formal Phone Interview }  They may do more talking followed by a few questions.

}  They may or may not be in the office. For example, they may call after work due to a busy schedule.

Tips }  Be prepared for all interview styles.

}  You may have multiple phone interviews with the same internship organization.

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Phone Interview: Answering Questions



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Phone Interview: Asking Questions

Do not ask questions that are clearly answered on the employer’s website and/or in any literature provided by

the employer to you in advance. This would simply reveal that you did not prepare for the interview, and you are wasting the employer’s time by asking these questions.

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Phone Interview: Wrapping Up

}  Ask about next steps in the process

}  Thank them for their time.

}  Restate your interest! }  Examples

}  “I am very interested in this position and I hope you will keep me in consideration.”

}  “Thank you very much for taking the time to interview me today. I’m very interested and I hope to hear from you soon.”

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Post Phone Interview

Making a Lasting Impression

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Post Phone Interview: Thank You THANK YOU EMAIL }  You should follow the interview with a thank you email within 24 hours.

EXAMPLE: Mr. or Ms. Smith:

Thank you again for the opportunity to interview for the internship position at ABC Company. I appreciated your questions and enjoyed our conversation about (subject A, B, C, and D).

The interview convinced me of how compatible my background, interest, and skills are with you the goals of ABC Company. I am very interested and hope to hear from you in the near future. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (123) 123-1234. Thank you again for your time and consideration.


Tim Smith

}  Send separate personalized notes to each interviewer with specific references to conversation

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Post Phone Interview: Reflection

Do you feel more or less excited about working for this employer?

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Post Phone Interview: The Offer }  To accept or not to accept?

}  What to do when accepting the offer?

}  How do you ask for more time before making a decision?

}  Communicate, Communicate, Communicate with your Program Advisor!

}  Example acceptance of job offer email. Carbon Copy your Program Advisor.

Dear Mr. Smith:

It is with great appreciation that I thank you for the internship offer. I gladly accept the offer and appreciate the opportunity to (your preferred expression here). I will commence at this position on June 1, 2010. I look forward to being part of your highly efficient team and am confident that I will be able to make a positive contribution to the (company/organization) goals. Thank you once again for this opportunity.


Your Name

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Post Phone Interview: Rejecting an Offer }  Call first before following up with email

}  Not necessary to specify what offer you are accepting }  Consider including if in same industry and provides opportunity to stay in touch with interviewer

}  Example rejection of job offer email. Carbon Copy your Program Advisor.

Dear Mr. Smith:

Thank you very much for your telephone call and letter offering me the [position name] position with [company]. While I believe firmly in the mission of your organization and appreciate the challenging opportunity you offer, I have had another offer which I believe more closely aligns with my current career goals and interests. Therefore, although it was a difficult decision, as I explained when we spoke by phone this morning, I must decline your offer. 

I do appreciate all the courtesy and hospitality extended to me by your office, and I wish you the best in your endeavors.


Your Name

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[email protected]