north central region - dec 2007

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  • 8/9/2019 North Central Region - Dec 2007


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    More than Meets the Skies

    North Central Region NewsVolume 2007 December

    In This Issue:

    Commander's Call.......................................................Page 2

    Boyle Receives Spaatz Award....................................Page 2

    Iowa HLS Newsletter Features CAP...........................Page 3

    FY08 Training Budgets Announced............................Page 3

    Des Moines Metro Cadet Receives Eaker Award...... .Page 5

    Quilling Named to Hall of Fame..................................Page 6

    Missouri Governor joinsWing Legislative Squadron

    Additional seven state legislatorsinducted as members

    Missouri Governor Matt Blunt is now a Major in theCivil Air Patrol. He was inducted into the MissouriWings new Legislative Squadron in a special ceremo-ny held in the Governors office at the state capitol inJefferson City, Missouri, on November 14th.

    The Missouri Wings Legislative Squadron wasformed following the successful passage this year ofMissouri House Bill 619, which recognizes wing mem-bers as state employees for liability and workers com-pensation coverage purposes when they perform state-funded missions. The squadron is commanded by Lt.Col. Randy Fuller, Wing Emergency Services andCounter Drug officer.

    Our goal is 100% membership in our legislativesquadron of all state legislators, said Fuller. Were offto a great start!

    (Continued on page 4)

    Governor Blunt receives his CAP name badge andmembership certificate.

    OPSEC Training New Required of Cadets,Patron Members

    National Headquarters has broadened the scope ofmembers who must complete OPSEC Training.

    All members, including all cadets and patron mem-bers, must complete OPSEC training and agree to theNon-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) by April 1, 2008 orthey will not be allowed access to eServices, the WebMission Information Reporting System (WMIRS), orany other CAP (to include internal wing intranets andsimilar systems) system that requires a unique loginand password.

    "The NEC believes this education is necessary forall members because we all have a responsibility toprotect sensitive information about CAP missions andresources," said Interim National Commander BrigGen Amy Courter in a recent letter announcing the pol-icy change.

    Members will not be allowed to participate in opera-

    tional missions until this training is completed. Trainingcan be completed online individually or as groups in aclassroom setting. Information on both options is avail-able at

    OPSEC compliance will be an item for SubordinateUnit Inspections as of April 1, 2008.

    Member questions and concerns should be ad-dressed via the immediate chain of command.

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    North Central Region News

    The North Central Region News is publishedmonthly by North Central Region, Civil Air

    Patrol, LtCol. Mike Marek, editor andNCR/PAO; Col. Sean P. Fagan, Region


    Please send submissions by the 10th of eachmonth to:

    [email protected]

    Commander's Callby

    Col. Sean P. Fagan

    Its the holiday season onceagain and I find myself spend-ing what little spare time I canfind, trying not to fall of the roofwhile putting up the lights orfighting the crowds at the localmall trying to find that perfectholiday gift.

    In this season of good will, itis very easy to forget the many blessings that we all share living inthis great nation. We can enjoy this festive season in peace andharmony only because of the many sacrifice of others.

    I know that I have written about this before and if I sound asthough I am repeating myself, I apologize, but it is during this season

    that I have to remind myself that there are many men and womenwho cant celebrate with their families this year. They are far awayfrom home, keeping watch and protecting the freedoms that we of-ten find ourselves taking for granted. These men and women are ofcourse serving this great nation in the United States Military.

    It is because of the selfless sacrifice of these courageous peoplethat we have the freedom to worship the way we like, to celebrate inare own way, the holiday season, and to do all this with the simpleknowledge that we have the freedom to do so. We must never for-get that this freedom was and is paid for because of the selflessnessof these military men and women.

    To those of you who also give so selflessly of your time to theCivil Air Patrol and the North Central Region, I give my personal

    gratitude. Your sacrifice and dedication is appreciated by the maypeople we serve.

    I wish each and every one of you the happiest of the holiday sea-son.

    Faithfully in Service,Sean P. Fagan, Colonel CAPCommanderNorth Central Region

    Boyle is Missouris NewestSpaatz Award Winner

    Cadet Colonel Devin Boyle, formerly ofthe Missouri's River City Composite

    Squadron, received his Spaatz Awardduring the California Wing Conference,November 9-12, 2007.

    Until a few months ago, C/Col. Boylewas an active member of the River CityComposite Squadron, although his partici-pation was less recently while a collegestudent at the University of Missouri Rolla.

    He transferred to the Edwards AFBComposite Squadron 84 when he movedto California late this summer and com-pleted the CAP cadet program withSpaatz Award #1665, on October 9. Hisnew squadron proudly noted that hecompleted the [Spaatz Awards physicalfitness test] shuttle run in the fastest timeever witnessed by the examiner.

    On average, only two cadets in onethousand earn the Spaatz Award. Sincethe awards inception in 1964, fewer than1,700 cadets have achieved the Spaatznationwide.

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    North Central Region News

    Iowa HLS NewsletterFeatures CAP

    The newsletter of the Iowa HomelandSecurity and Emergency ManagementDivision featured Civil Air Patrol in its De-cember 4 issue.

    The article notes that CAP is one ofthe many resources available to assist lo-cal authorities during times of emergencyand disaster. It outlines backgroundabout CAP and Iowa Wing, and theunique capabilities CAP can offer, includ-ing airborne imaging. The article also ad-vises local authorities on the processused to activate CAP.

    The full article can be found at:

    Final FY08 Training Budgets Announced

    National Headquarters has announced the budgets for corporate-funded training and cadet orientation flights for fiscal year 2008, asapproved by the CAP Board of Governors. The funds are allocatedbased on multiple criteria, including number of members on the wingand past performance.

    In making the announcement, John A.. Salvador, National HQ di-rector of operations, noted that this distribution is for the entire fiscalyear, including interim funds previously allocated. The listed fundsdo not include aircraft maintenance, which are either handledthrough the consolidated maintenance program or distributed sepa-rately. The training budgets include funding for all Air Force as-

    signed mission training (SAR/DR/CD/HLS evaluations, exercises, pi-lot continuation training, checkrides, etc.) Wings and regions will de-termine how best to use these training funds.

    CAP cadet orientation flight funds can be used to support boththe glider and powered programs. Commanders will determine thebest way to do that. Funds can be moved across orientation flightand training accounts throughout the year, but must be coordinatedin advance with HQ CAP/DO and HQ CAP/FM. However, Salvadorsaid that cadet orientation flights are very important to retention somoving orientation flight funds to training is not recommended.

    SDWG Plans CLS

    South Dakota Wing will be holding its 2008 Cadet Leadership School on January 11th, 12th, and 13th atEllsworth AFB. Cadet staff is at work, planning an exciting weekend for all of the cadets who are participating.All cadets with the Curry Achievement may attend the school. Arrival time should be no later than 2100 that Fri-day (anticipated later arrivals must be coordinated in advance).

    We had a great turnout last year and plan on the same this year, said Maj. Michael Mouw, cadet programofficer.

    The Wing Color Guard competition will be held on the Friday late afternoon and evening of the LeadershipSchool weekend. The CLS is free for the cadets, but they should bring at a minimum $35.00 for food and inci-dentals. Cadets will need to fill out a CAPF 31 and send it to: Maj. Michael Mouw, 910 7th St., Sheldon IA51201

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    North Central Region News

    Missouri Legislative Squadron(Continued from Page 1)

    The first two squadron inductees were key support-ers of the state bill. State Representative Joe Aull was

    the original sponsor of the bill and helped guide it suc-cessfully through the Missouri House of Representa-tives. State Senator Michael Gibbons, Senate Presi-dent Pro Tem, took up the bills cause and sheparded itsuccessfully through the Missouri Senate.

    Other inaugural inductees include (alphabetically)State Representatives Charles Denison, KennethJones, Timothy Jones, Dwight Scharnhorst, andThomas Villa.

    A native of Springfield, Missouri, Governor Bluntpreviously served as a State Representative and asMissouri Secretary of State. A 1993 graduate of theU.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, with aBachelor of Science degree in history, he served as anEngineering Officer aboard the USS JACK WILLIAMS(FFG-24) and as the Navigator and Administrative Offi-cer on the USS PETERSON (DD-969). GovernorBlunts active duty service included participation in Op-eration Support Democracy, missions to interdict drugtraffic off the South American coast, and on duties in-volved in the interdiction of Cuban migrants in 1994.During his Naval career, he received numerous com-mendations, including four Navy and Marine CorpsAchievement medals.

    Governor Blunt is the only statewide official in Mis-souri history called to active military duty in wartime,serving for six months in Operation Enduring Freedom

    in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11,2001. He is currently serving as a Lieutenant Comman-der in the Naval Reserves.

    The Governor was very aware of the Civil Air Pa-trol, having served with several former cadets at theNaval Academy, said Maj. David A. Miller, Chair of theMissouri Wing Legislative Committee. He was alsopleased to learn that his new CAP rank of Major wasequivalent to his naval rank of Lieutenant Commander.

    Watch for reports next month aboutNCR's support for

    Wreaths Across America.

    Mo. cadet honored with Spaatz award

    Wing HQ's Livergoodreceives top CAP recognition

    Cadet Col. Ryan E. Livergood, cadet special activi-ties officer at Missouri Wing headquarters, receivedhis Gen. Carl A. Spaatz Award -- the highest Civil AirPatrol honor available for cadets -- at the annual wingconference Oct. 27 in Jefferson City.

    The award was presented by Brig. Gen. Richard L.Anderson, deputy chief of staff for Strategic Missionsat Civil National Headquarters and a former CAP na-tional commander.

    Livergood, who joined CAP in 1999, is formercadet commander of the Wentzville CompositeSquadron. He is a graduate of multiple Missouri Wingencampments and the 2005 CAP Cadet OfficerSchool at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.

    Brig. Gen. Richard L. Anderson andCadet Col. Ryan E. Livergood.

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    North Central Region News

    Minn. Wing's Quilling Named to StateAerospace Educator Hall of Fame

    Former wing, North Central Regioncommander honored

    Col. Gerald Quilling, past Min-nesota Wing and North CentralRegion commander and a Civil AirPatrol member for nearly 65 years,has been inducted into the Min-nesota Aerospace Educator HallOf Fame.

    The Minnesota Department ofTransportation -- Aeronautics, incooperation with the North CentralRegion -- Aerospace EducationAssociation, presented the honor

    at the Air Expo "Evening with Ea-gles" Dinner & Symposium. Thismarks the second year that theaward has been presented.

    A lifelong educator, Quilling re-tired after 36 years in the St. LouisPark, Minn., School District in1990. He was a flight instructor atthe Minnesota Solo EncampmentFlight Academy for seven yearsand served as a ground instructorin 2006. He is scheduled to teachthe ground school again next July.

    His influence in the wing was influ-ential in holding the Flight Acade-my in many of the 38 years of itsexistence.

    He was an International Avia-tion Cadet Exchange escort in1963 to Great Britain, 1968 toCanada and 1987 to Norway andserved as the Minnesota ProjectOfficer or assistant in 1964, 1967,1969, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1975,1977, 1979, 1982 and 1984.

    During those years, cadets vis-iting Minnesota were from Norway, Sweden, GreatBritain, Netherlands, Belgium, West Germany and Aus-tria. Quilling coordinated orientation flights in CAP air-craft, visits to government, general and commercial avi-ation facilities and often took the cadets to Air Ventureat Oshkosh.

    In 1990 he took over the flight clinics for the Min-nesota Wing. Through his efforts, he received approvalfrom the Federal Aviation Agency to provide Wingsground phase recognition for the classroom presenta-

    tion.Realizing that availability was a key factor in atten-

    dance at the Flight Clinic, he began taking the course tosmall airports around the state. More than 2,200 pilotshave benefited from Quilling's clinics.

    Quilling also volunteered as a tour guide at thePlanes of Fame Museum in EdenPrairie until it moved to California,then volunteered at the Polar AirMuseum in Blaine until it closed.He now volunteers at the GoldenWings Air Museum in Blaine. Healso volunteered at the EAA Sunand Fun fly-in at Lakeland, Floridafrom 1993 to 1999.

    He spends winters in Tucson,Ariz., where he has volunteered atthe Pima Air and Space Museumthe last eight years. He also volun-teers at the Pioneer Airport inOshkosh during the EAA Air Ven-ture. He developed a program forcadets to volunteer there, did allthe advance preparation and su-pervised the cadets as they assist-ed the Air Venture staff in 2002,2003 and 2004.

    Quilling joined the Civil Air Pa-trol in January 1943 and achievedhis pilot rating as a cadet in May1946.

    He served as Minnesota Wing

    commander from 1969 to 1972. In1986 he received CAP's Gill RobbWilson Award, the highestachievement a senior member canaccomplish, and was presented anaward by the Great Lakes RegionFAA for Outstanding Support ofAviation Safety as an AccidentPrevention Counselor.

    Quilling received CAP's BrewerAnniversary Award in 2005. Pre-sented to only one individual every

    five years, the national award recognizes outstanding

    contributions to the advancement of youth in aerospaceactivities for more than 20 years.

    His decorations also include the World War II Ser-vice Medal, the Search and Rescue Medal with two sil-ver clasps, the Find Medal, the IACE Medal with twoclasps, the Command Service Ribbon, the Gen.Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager Aerospace Award, the UnitCitation the Commanders Commendation, the Meritori-ous Service Award with 1 clasp, the Exceptional Ser-vice Award and the Distinguished Service Award.

    Col. Gerald Quilling with his wife, Lt. Col.Shirley Quilling, after his induction intothe Minnesota Aerospace Educator Hallof Fame.

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    North Central Region News

    Des Moines Metro Cadet Squadron MemberReceives Ira Eaker Award

    Cadet Lt. Col. Matthew Kelly is Iowa Wings newest re-cipient of the Lt. Gen. Ira Eaker Award. The award denotessuccessful completion of all sixteen achievements and fourphases of the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program. The EakerAward recognizes cadet completion of the academic, lead-ership, moral leadership and physical fitness curriculum in

    existence since 1964.Col. Sean Fagan, North Central Region Commander,presented Kelly with the award during a ceremony at theIowa Wing Conference.

    Kelly, a founding member of the Des Moines MetroCadet Squadron is also a student pilot and was most re-cently a squadron commander for the North Central RegionEncampment.

    He has also participated in several activities includingthe International Air Cadet Exchange (Canada), NationalFlight Academy, and Blue Beret. Awards and recognition in-clude the Billy Mitchell and Amelia Earhart awards alongwith serving as the Cadet Advisor for the Iowa Civil Air Pa-trol Academy.

    The award is named for the late Air Force General Ira C.Eaker, aviation pioneer, career military officer and one ofthe chief architects and visionaries of the US Air Force.

    Cass County Honor Guard Pays Re-spects at Veterans Assembly

    The Blue Valley School District in Leawood,

    KS, held a Veterans Day Assembly for the MiddleSchool student body on Tuesday, November 6,2007. Missouri Wing's Cass County HonorGuard paid tribute to those soldiers both activeand retired by providing the colors for the event.

    Spc. Drew Edwards with the First Infantry Di-vision and US Navy Veteran Bill Christesen, ViceCommander 2nd District of the American Legion,Department of Kansas, were the honored speak-ers for the gathering. LeawoodPolice/DARE/School Resource Officer MarkChudik helped organize the activities.

    Following the school-wide assembly, studentsrotated through various stations on campus toview different aspects of the military and war.Cadets on the honor guard were: C/Lt. KennaEggenberger, C/Lt. Lucas Eggenberger, C/A1CJosh Goodman, and C/SSgt. Blake Goodman.