my life at purdue


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Post on 11-Mar-2016




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There are eight photos to describe my life


Page 1: My life at Purdue

In order to know my life at Purdue University, i am going to tell you where is a place i am living, where i can take the bus to go shopping, my favorite buffet, the football game held in Ross Ade Stadium, the famous Purdue Tower, the sculpture held in front of the ear heart, the Hicks library and the first snowing day in Purdue. I believe everyone in purdue university has their own life. As for me, i also have a great life on living here. When i firstly got here, i knew nothing about this I believe everyone in purdue university has their own life. As for me, i also have a great life on living here. When i firstly got here, i knew nothing about this place. But when i got familiar with this place day by day, i gradually find where is the place i live, study, eat food and so on. Next, i going to show you my findings at Purdue University.This is Hilltop, a lovely place where i am living. As you can see, Hilltop is a two-storey building covered with red bricks. There are two mail boxes held in front of the apartment 21, but i rarely use it. The only two times when i used mails are when i got my debit card of Chase bank, and got my ipod touch screens. There are also enough parking spaces for student. These parking spaces are usually for secondary students, but as i know, and got my ipod touch screens. There are also enough parking spaces for student. These parking spaces are usually for secondary students, but as i know, there are also many first year students who hold cars including my roomate. When i firstly got Hilltop, it was in summer. There were many trees, birds, and squirrels around here. I almost never saw squirrels before. I took this picture in fall. so you can see all leaves fell down. Bushes turned from green to red.


Page 2: My life at Purdue

Bus stop

This is the nearest bus top of my apartment towards Walmart. Because there are no supermarkets around Purdue, the things i can buy here are lim-ited. So if i want to buy things like bike or bed cover, the best choice for me is walmart. Because it is the nearest supermarket i can reach from Purdue. But on the first day for me at Purdue, i actually did not know where this supermarket was. When i firstly got purdue university, i did not know where to buy necessary things such as food, water, and clothes. Then,two students who lived here told me that they wanted to go to walmart, and we needed to take 1B on the bus stop right next to the McDonald's. So, i went with them to the bus top, and we actually waited for about 25 and we needed to take 1B on the bus stop right next to the McDonald's. So, i went with them to the bus top, and we actually waited for about 25 minutes to get onto the bus,because we were all not familiar with the bus schedule time at that moment. Then at Walmart, we bought a lot of things , and from that moment, i found a good place to buy things i need.

Page 3: My life at Purdue

As you may or may not get here, this is a small restaurant called Chinese buffet. This is one of my favorite restaurants around Purdue, because the tastes of all dishes are very good. I did not find this place myself actually. It was my friend‛s recommendation to me. When i came to Purdue in the first day, i did not know where was good place to eat food. Because at that time, Ford Dining Hall was closed. My friend here told me that he knew a very good place to eat Chinese food. So i came with him and booked a buffet here. After i tried some dishes, i was just totally attracted by the good tastes here. This buffet supplied a variety of food to you, including the tasty pork and beef, shrimps with broccoli, cake, chicken wrap, fruit and tastes here. This buffet supplied a variety of food to you, including the tasty pork and beef, shrimps with broccoli, cake, chicken wrap, fruit and many other dishes which i did not know their names. I paid 7 dollars on this meal, and it was quite worth. So after that experience at Chinese , i almost went to the Chinese buffet three times a week. If any of you have not been here, i really recommend you should have a try.

Chinese Buffet

Page 4: My life at Purdue

As you can see, this is Ross Ade stadium which is located near the Hilltop. I actually did not remember which team did we find with, but i definitely remembered how hot that day was. This was the first time i went to the Ross Ade stadium with my friends, and it was also the first time i saw America foot ball. I actually did not know there was a foot ball game on that day. It was my friend, who had a great enthusiasm on foot ball, told me there was a foot ball match today. Because i never had a chance to see foot in the past of my life, i said‛ OK, i will come with you‘. When we got there, i really regretted about the decision i just made, because the temperature was just too high, about 39 degrees. So i used my hand to blow there, i really regretted about the decision i just made, because the temperature was just too high, about 39 degrees. So i used my hand to blow some wind to cool myself, and i had no mood to watch the game. After 6 minutes, i was really fed up with the high temperature, and i said‛ i cannot endure this high temperature ant more, i will go now‛. Although i do not like the high temperature there, i still like the football game. So next time if i have chance, i will go there again when that day is not so hot.

Football Game

Page 5: My life at Purdue

I believe all of you know where this tower is. The reason why i would like to talk about this tower is because it plays a road sign for me in Purdue campus. In the first day when i came to Purdue, i wanted to get familiar with the campus environment here. But there was also another problem, i may get lost if i did not identify a road sign. Then, i found the best choice for me was this tower, because it is the tallest building around the Purdue campus. So even if you lost your way, you can still see it from a far distance. Moreover, it is also a good sign to help me identify where exactly a building is. In my first week of Purdue, the most important thing was to find out where were my class taking places. I firstly used a map to guide my building is. In my first week of Purdue, the most important thing was to find out where were my class taking places. I firstly used a map to guide my way, but later on i found i could not always hold a map with me. Then i came up with an idea, ‘i can use this tower as a sign to guide where the buildings are‛. All in all, this tower played a very important role on the beginning of my first week at Purdue.

Purdue Tower

Page 6: My life at Purdue

When you firstly see this man, you may feel that this is just a sculpture of Armsrong. But when you focus on this picture more carefully, you may find that this man is holding a banana on his left hand. This is a picture where i took in front of the ear heart. When i came into the ear heart, this man were holding nothing. But when i just came out, i accidentally found there was a banana on Armstong‛s left hand. I felt quite funny about this sculpture at that time, and i did not know who thought about this excellent idea. Then, one of my friends told me ‘ students around here always put something on Armstrong's hand, today you see a banana, maybe tomorrow you will see a cucumber or even sausage on his hand‛. So, this finding could something on Armstrong's hand, today you see a banana, maybe tomorrow you will see a cucumber or even sausage on his hand‛. So, this finding could be one of my most interesting findings here.

Sculpture of Armstrong

Page 7: My life at Purdue

Hicks library

This is Hicks library, a place where i usually go to. I think this is the best place for studying. Although this library is a little noisy, but almost all students here are studying, so the studying environment here is very good. secondly, the printers are just beside you, so if you want to print your works out, it will be very convenient. Thirdly, In the opposite side of the library, there is also one small shop, So you can buy drinks and food if you feel thirsty or hungry here. As for me, i always buy one cup of coffee and potato chips . All in all, this is really a good place for studying.

Page 8: My life at Purdue

This is the first snowing day of my life at Purdue University. It was really a heavy snowing. Before it was snowing, i was at my friend‛s house. At that time, i just noticed that there was strong wind outside of the house. But suddenly, the sky snowed a little, and then came heavier and heavi-er. Finally, it became this situation that you can see in this picture. I was so excited at that time, and i thought it would snow for all day long. But saddly, it was just snowing for 5 minutes and then it stopped. After all, this is a very meaningful day for me to remember. All in all, i have showed you the place i live, where i can take the bus to supermarket, Chinese buffet, a football game, the Purdue tower, a sculpture of Armstrong, the you the place i live, where i can take the bus to supermarket, Chinese buffet, a football game, the Purdue tower, a sculpture of Armstrong, the Hicks library, and the first snowing day for me in Purdue.

Snowing Day