medical store inventory system


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Medical Store Inventory System


Page 1: Medical Store Inventory System




Page 2: Medical Store Inventory System



This is the age of paper-less business. Each and every transaction is done with the help of computers. There is need of database application in our day-to-day life.

It is matter of pleasure for us, submitting this documentation of the project work done during the third year of B.C.A.

Documentation plays a vital role in the system development to satisfy the future needs of user for maintenance of the system. Hence this report serves as detailed documentation for “MEDICAL STORE INVENTORY SYSTEM”. It helps the users to understand the system in more detail.

The main objective of this report is to provide for better understanding and easy maintenance of the system for the medical store.

This project report consist of different sections like system specification, system study, system design, detailed design etc. that will hence prove to be a sincere helper to the user trying to gain knowledge on the above mentioned system.

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: About Medical Store

Mr. M. M. Patel established Nadiad medical store in the year 1956.

This store is opened for 24 hours. Beside it was the fist store, which is

opened for 24 hours in Nadiad. All kind of medicine and other medical

cosmetics items are available in this store.

In the store there is one pharmacist. The role of pharmacist is to check

that the medicines given to the customers are according to the doctor

prescription or not. Only the medicines prescribed are to be sold to

customers without doctor prescription medicine is not given to customer.

The purchase of medicine stock for store is done through an agent from

Nadiad or Ahmedabad mostly. All type of medicines is available in the store.

The entries and all other thing are maintained manually in the store

from the time they opened the store. The owner of store in present is Mr. P.

R. Patel. He is planning to make computerized system for maintaining stock,

purchase & Sales of product and all other activities.

At present in store worker works in two shift. In day shift cashier,

pharmacist, and three other worker are present. In night shift cashier,

pharmacist, and three other worker are present.

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Manual Existing system

In inventory control process of Nadiad medical store encompasses following activities: -




Purchase order generating

Purchase return

Purchase: -

To purchase stock for the store a purchase list is prepared and given to

supplier according to the requirement of materials. The purchase of material

is done by the purchase boy of the store or directly with the supplier mostly

purchase is done bye the purchase boy which are working for store. When

material is received, its entry is done in purchase register, which includes all

the detail of purchase material like supplier name, number of medicine

received etc.

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Sales: -

The purchase product is to be sold. Product is sold to customer

according to the doctor prescription and as per their requirement. The bill is

issued to customer on purchase of medicine or any product of store. Entries

are made in sales register and store person maintains it.

Expenses: -

Expense register is maintained for all type of expenses which are done

in store such as cash issue to purchase boy for purchase of medicine, tea,

café and other expenses which are done in the store is written in expense


Purchase order generation: -

Once quotation selected to purchase some material from supplier

purchase order is generated and send to supplier with purchase boy of

store. The purchase order contains material detail, terms and condition if

any in it. The purchase order detail is maintained in purchase order register.

Normally purchase order is sent to supplier through medical representative

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or purchase boy. The medical representative visit on an often to store to

introduce new product of company.

Purchase return: -

When the supplier to whom the purchase order is sent, supplies the

material mentioned according to the purchase order. The store person

receives it and check whether it is as per requirement or not.

After receiving the material store person check the material for re

packing, medicine date is near to expiry date or it is been expired, less

medicine is supplied etc. are checked. This type of material is return back to

supplier and informed him to re-supply that material. The information is

maintained in purchase return register. The store person notes all the

details about the material received in the register for further use.

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Fact Gathering Study

The fact gathering technique is used to find out the requirement of

the system. The technique used are as follow: -


Record review

Questionery: -

By this technique we came to know about the system and what they

need. This help to under stand all the process, which occurs in the system.

They try to help up by giving answer regarding our question and all possible

information they know about the system. By this technique we came to

know about following: -

How all process are performed.

How should system work.

This gives idea how system should be developed to perform different


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Record review: -

This technique is used to review the records, which they maintain. By

this we can understand how entry should be done in each process. We saw

all the entry, which they have all ready entered in the different register,

which they maintain and also saw the reports they have generated. This give

idea about how entry is done and verified in register. Thorough this we

came to know about following: -

How record entry should be done in each process.

How reports are generated for different activity they perform.

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Requirement Analysis

Today life is very fast and work with the computer is speedy. The

existing system was manually on paper. So it is time consuming as compared

with our system a man cannot do work as fast as computer. In existing

system paper work is more where as in our system on computer, so most of

the work is done on computer and it provide facilities to change if any

mistake occurred. So we can say that in existing system paper work is more.

All the information is on paper in existing system so, there are

possibilities of loss, theft, burning and damaging data on paper. Where as in

computer system all data are saved and backup of data is also taken if user

want. So there are less chances of data loss then the existing system.

Existing system is inconvenient for user because it cannot give fast and

proper information in proper time and it take long time to give information

to the user. In our system the information is generated very quickly and

prepared accordingly to the user request. Computer system provide very

easy and flexible report generation where as report generation on paper is

time consuming and it is difficult to change if any mistake occurred in

between while in computerized system reports are generated automatically.

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Proposed system

Scope of system: -

There are different scope of the system they are as follow: -

The system should be able to transfer the data of the previous year to

next year.

Also there is cross verification with data.

System should be able to create various type of report.

There is no interaction with any other system.

Saves the time and manpower.

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Objectives of system: -

There are many objectives of system they are as follow: -

To eliminate paper work.

Automatic generation of expiry medicine report.

Availability of Doctor’s detail

Ensure re-ordering of material at right time.

Show medicine stock availability.

Show the total charges for medicine, which are sold.

Generation of periodic report.

Generation of cash receipt for customer.

Features of the new system: -

There are different features of new system they are as follow: -

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Interactive processing.

Menu driven and user’s friendly.

Different types of reports generated

Avoid the duplication of information.

More storage space available.

Provides data security.

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Advantages of proposed system

Easy and fast retrieval of information.

Better storage capability.

More efficient operation.

Well Designed report.

There is only one gate for input information and hence the

information will be consistent throughout the system.

Eliminate the repeated data entry effort and errors. Thus saving time

and man power.

Information about the available stock.

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Activity description: -

There are different activities which are performed in system they are

written below.

Purchase: -

Here the purchase of medicine is done, the supplier supply the material

when the order is placed to him this material entry is done. Here stock is

verified and all the related entry is done. After entry done for purchase of

material the stock is updated.

Sales: -

Here the product, which is purchased, is sold and its entry is done. The

customer who purchase the product is given bill is issued for purchase of

medicine or any other thing from the store. Here stock is updated when any

product is sold and its entry is stored.

Expenses: -

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Here expenses, which are done in store entry, are done and it includes

all type of he expenses, which occurs in store.

Stock verification and maintenance: -

Stock is updated after each transaction occurs and stock is verified

after it. It will give information about the stock at present in store. This way

the stock is maintained and verified.

Doctor detail: -

In this local area doctor who have their dispensary in nadiad their

detail is stored for entry in the bill, which is printed to give customer fro

their purchase.

Supplier detail: -

In this supplier detail is written from whom the medicine is purchased

there name, weekly holidays etc. information is provided.

Purchase boy detail: -

Here purchase boy detail is stored who goes for the purchase for

store. His detail is stored and also joining date and leaving date are written.

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Store detail: -

Here store detail is stored and all license no., show current accounting

year, and if any remark which is to be printed on bill is written here.

Product detail: -

Here medicine which are available in store their information is show or

written her also stock updating is done in this. The updated stock entry will

be found here for any medicine.

Company detail: -

Here company who produces medicine and their medicine are

available in store that type of company detail is stored.

New year transaction: -

Here the previous year stock is transferred as the opening stock of the

new coming year.

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Reports: -

Here different type of reports are generated which give idea about

different activity detail this report can be created between some date or

company wise, product wise etc. there are different report generated which

are about purchase, sales, expense, purchase return register and may other.

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Limitations and approaches to further advancements

Following are some of the limitation of the system:

Generic Drug Information is not included.

Substitute drug information is not included.

Regular patient name is not stored, So, it is to be entered each time.

Receipt and Payment information is not included.

Drawer information is not included.

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Hardware And Software Environment


Pentium III 500 Mhz

Floppy Drive 1.44


Hard Disk 4.2 GB



OS ----- Windows 98

Front End ----- Developer 2R

Back End ----- Oracle 8