media assign 16

(Research) Assign 16: Film titles/credits research BY ADAM AND ZAK

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Post on 08-Feb-2017




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(Research) Assign 16: Film titles/credits researchBY ADAM AND ZAK

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The opening title sequence I will be looking at is the shining it is linear.

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The order of credentials 

Director comes first, most credited 

Actors are second 

Then the title mid way through this makes it

most noticeable as the font is slightly bigger

Important also come last e.g. producer

Credit is given to the writer of the book

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The font and placement of credits

The Font is standard Arial it is very basic and

doesn't give much away of the film. This

connotes mystery.

The font moves up the screen. This shows the passing of time as the shots are taken in long takes. This implies that

there is a journey.

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The size and colour of font

The colour of the font is light blue this is ironic as he film is of the horror

genre. The strange colour of font also foreshadows the

strangeness of the film.

The size of the font is big and is in capital letters to show the importance of the people and title.

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The font and its suitability to the horror genre

We don't think that this font and credit sequence is a generic convention of the horror genre however due to its subtle irony it is used effectively. We think that this credential sequence is suitable

for the horror genre.