legionnaire - the american legion, department of...

LEGIONNAIRE Official Publication of The American Legion Department of Michigan - www.michiganlegion.org - June 2013 June 2013 No Return Postage Requested. June 27th – June 30th, 2013 COME TO KEWADIN HOTEL IN SAULT SAINT MARIE, MICHIGAN FOR THE 95TH ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION Michigan Legionnaire & Wolverine Auxiliaire Vol. LXXXII No.8 Districts Positions (as of 5/15/13) 1st Place NALPA Publication Winner 2006 1st Place NALPA Website Winner 2008 2nd Place NALPA Publication Winner - 2007 & 2009 3rd Place NALPA Publication Winner - 2008 & 2012 American Legion Extension Institute is coming to Summer Convention Come gather with friends and fel- low Legionnaires as we conduct the business of the The American Legion Department of Michigan, present awards too great citizens and businesses throughout the State of Michigan who support Americanism and Veterans. While you are there visit the Soo Locks June 28th, 2013 for Engineer’s Day when the locks are open to the public to tour and see how the Soo Locks works. Visit the Cloverland Electric Cooperative Hydroelectric Plant, where 36 megawatts of power are generated for the local area. Go for a walk crossing the bridge on Saturday June 29th, 2013 for the annual International Bridge Walk. To learn more about these events visit www.saultstemarie.com for details and more things to do in the surrounding area. Membership Report is Available Online at: michiganlegion.org/membership 2nd - District 6 - 93.52% 3rd - District 16 - 93.50% 4th - District 12 - 93.17% 5th - District 5 - 92.30% 6th - District 1 - 92.27% 7th - District 2 - 92.18% 8th - District 10 - 92.16% 9th - District 8 - 91.57% 10th - District 18 - 91.01% 11th - District 4 - 90.77% 12th - District 9 - 90.64% 13th - District 7 - 90.47% 14th - District 3 - 89.57% 15th - District 11 - 89.18% 16th - District 17 - 85.60% District 19 - 96.25% The American Legion Extension Institute is coming to State Conven- tion. On Saturday June 29th, ALEI will be held “LIVE” two times from 8 AM to 12 PM and from 1 PM to 5 PM. Get 1 day of great training at Conven- tion this year. Note: There is a $5 charge to Legionnaires and SAL Members, $10 for non-members, to receive your cer- tificate and proper credentials after completing the class. Go to www.michiganlegion.org/fyi for a reg- istration form.

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Page 1: LEGIONNAIRE - The American Legion, Department of Michiganmichiganlegion.org/assets/june13.pdfMichigan Legionnaire? Please Contact Mark Sutton at: info@michiganle-gion.org or by phone

LEGIONNAIREOfficial Publication of The American Legion Department of Michigan - www.mich igan leg ion.org - June 2013












June 27th – June 30th, 2013


Michigan Legionnaire & Wolverine Auxiliaire Vol. LXXXII No.8

Districts Positions (as of 5/15/13)

1st Place NALPA PublicationWinner 2006 1st Place NALPAWebsite Winner 2008 2nd Place

NALPA Publication Winner - 2007& 2009 3rd Place NALPA

Publication Winner - 2008 & 2012

American LegionExtension

Institute is coming toSummer


Come gather with friends and fel-low Legionnaires as we conduct thebusiness of the The AmericanLegion Department of Michigan,present awards too great citizensand businesses throughout the Stateof Michigan who supportAmericanism and Veterans.

While you are there visit the SooLocks June 28th, 2013 forEngineer’s Day when the locks areopen to the public to tour and see

how the Soo Locks works. Visit theCloverland Electric CooperativeHydroelectric Plant, where 36megawatts of power are generatedfor the local area.

Go for a walk crossing the bridgeon Saturday June 29th, 2013 forthe annual International BridgeWalk. To learn more about theseevents visit www.saultstemarie.comfor details and more things to do inthe surrounding area.

Membership Report is Available Online at: michiganlegion.org/membership

2nd - District 6 - 93.52%3rd - District 16 - 93.50% 4th - District 12 - 93.17% 5th - District 5 - 92.30%6th - District 1 - 92.27%7th - District 2 - 92.18%

8th - District 10 - 92.16%9th - District 8 - 91.57%

10th - District 18 - 91.01%11th - District 4 - 90.77%12th - District 9 - 90.64%13th - District 7 - 90.47%14th - District 3 - 89.57%

15th - District 11 - 89.18%16th - District 17 - 85.60%

District 19 - 96.25%

The AmericanLegion ExtensionInstitute is comingto State Conven-tion. On SaturdayJune 29th, ALEIwill be held “LIVE”two times from 8AM to 12 PM andfrom 1 PM to 5 PM.Get 1 day of greattraining at Conven-tion this year. Note:There is a $5 chargeto Legionnaires andSAL Members, $10

for non-members, to receive your cer-tificate and proper credentials aftercompleting the class. Go towww.michiganlegion.org/fyi for a reg-istration form.

Page 2: LEGIONNAIRE - The American Legion, Department of Michiganmichiganlegion.org/assets/june13.pdfMichigan Legionnaire? Please Contact Mark Sutton at: info@michiganle-gion.org or by phone

Summer is here and this entry ishumbly submitted to you at the con-clusion of an amazing year. I am anactive Chaplain through my church,specializing in veterans and their fam-ilies. Therefore, the role as yourChaplain has been a tremendous gift.Specifically, your fellowship has beeninspirational and certainly appreciated.Posts often greeted me warmly, and Irepeatedly saw/heard first-hand thesense of pride in country, Post, andmission that is essential to our organi-zation’s health and continuity. For, asProverbs 16:9 NASB affirms, “Themind of man plans his way, But theLord directs his steps.”

As summer often brings new oppor-tunities, each of us likely have somepersonal goals, but please also reflectupon plans for a new Legion year.What events? What objectives? Whatis most fun? What is most empowering?What is most patriotic? Lots of ques-tions, many of which your incomingCommanders and Presidents-elect havecontemplated and calculated. Manyof the Posts I visited had annual eventsand activities they were proud of doing.Accordingly, for this summer, have youalso considered becoming involved inmentoring or learning within theLegion Family?

I remember as a teenager once vis-iting a wonderful Michigan camp with


Circulation: 97,687Printed: 5-27-13 • Mailed: 5-30-13



The American Legion Dept. of Michigan212 N. Verlinden, Lansing, MI 48915

(517) 371-4720 ¥ Fax: (517) 371-2401Web Site: www.michiganlegion.org

Email: [email protected]

Legion and SAL Membership - 24 - [email protected]

Programs, Boys State and Scholarships - 11 - [email protected]

Legion Finance - 17 - [email protected]

Baseball, Website and History - 23 - [email protected]

Veterans Service - 12 - Wednesdays only

Public Relations - 16 - [email protected]

Administration - 13 - [email protected]

Do you have a photo you would liketo submit for the Michigan Legionnaireand/or website use? E-mail it to us [email protected] or mail it todepartment attn: Mark SuttonPlease keep the photo at least 200 dpi orlarger. If you are submiting a hard copyphoto, please note photos printed fromhome printers cannot be used, nor canphotos clipped from newspapers.

We look for photos showing Legioncaps in action whenever possible.

Interested in placing an ad in theMichigan Legionnaire? Please ContactMark Sutton at: [email protected] or by phone at 517-371-4720ext 16.


(USPS 010637) is published monthlyexcept February, May, August, andDecember by The American Legionand American Legion Auxiliary,Department of Michigan, 212 N.Verlinden, Lansing, MI 48915-1297.Periodical postage paid at Lansing, MI,and additional mailing offices.Subscription $10.00 non-members,members receive the publication aspart of their dues. POSTMASTER: Sendaddress changes to MichiganLegionnaire, Department of Michigan,212 N. Verlinden, Lansing, MI 48915-1297.

JULY/AUGUST 2013 - JUNE 1, 2013


STATE OFFICERSState Commander . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Brown, Oscoda

State Adjutant. . . . . . . . . . . Patrick W. Lafferty, Farwell

1st Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eddie Brown

2nd Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynn Jolink

3rd Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brett Holt

4th Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson Coomer

5th Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Koivisto

Finance Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyle C. Shanks, Dorr

Historian . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rex Lambert, Grand Rapids

Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Smith, Lansing

Sergeant-at-Arms . . . . . . . . . Michael Buda, Dearborn

Judge Advocate... . . . . . . F. Garrit Veldman, Muskegon

National Executive Committeeman

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas G. Holzgen, Grandville

Alt. National Executive Committeeman

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John H. Skinner, Schoolcraft

Immediate Past Commander

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard I. Chatman, Detroit

Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Director

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Topps, Adrian

Membership Director . . . . . . . Larry Money, Buchanan

Public Relations Director . Mark Sutton, Eaton Rapids

a group of slightly older teen friendsand working hard at a Girl Scout event.We had a few adult chaperones to con-duct programs, as we helped set upsome equipment for a patriotic dis-play, painted the faces of children, andwalked around in costumes to differentspots in the campground. I was alsotasked with entertaining younger chil-dren, walking around in… a thumbcostume. We had little training and Icannot for the life of me rememberwhy a thumb, but that was my roleand my theme was ‘self-esteem.’ Oneof my friends was an orange and hertheme was ‘independence.’ It was ini-tially a difficult sell, as a teenager wear-ing an ill-fitting thumb costume in thewoods in June with young girls did notscream self-worth. My friend did notenjoy the orange in the least and, iron-ically, shed her ‘independence’ by opt-ing to get a ride home.

Even though the rest of my groupof friends contemplated using mythumb suit to hitchhike away from thework earlier in the day, as things pro-gressed we witnessed something inter-esting. We remembered going throughsome of the same events that the youngchildren were now being led through,just a few years before. As the day wenton, we realized that those young chil-dren were now looking to us and notthe adults to guide them from place-to-

place, event-to-event. Gradually, webecame the ones leading them andmany hung on our words as we dis-cussed what camp was like for us andwe engaged them in conversation. Atthe end of the day, we retired the col-ors, and the adults though still presentin the background, seemed like onlysafety nets. The younger girls had funand learned, but my friends and I hadbeen taught a valuable lesson as well.Leadership is well cultivated by expe-rience.

The point? The more experiencedteach the less experienced. You maywell remember marveling at how easythe more seasoned members madeevents happen and solved issues. Oneday you turn around and you are theLegionnaires, Sisters, Brothers, Ridersin charge. Be assured, it happens morequickly than you would imagine. Areyou open to learn and teach? Whatwill you be, orange or thumb? Summeris here and as Philippians 2:1-2 NASBdeclares, “Therefore if there is anyencouragement in Christ, if there isany consolation of love, if there is anyfellowship of the Spirit, if any affectionand compassion, make my joy com-plete by being of the same mind, main-taining the same love, united in spirit,intent on one purpose.”

May God bless you and with thanks.

ChaplainJennifer L. Smith, State Chaplain


Wilwin Lodge Raffle In the last few weeks you have received raffle tickets that go

to benefit the Wilwin Lodge. Your support of this worthy proj-ect is extremely important and appreciated. This raffle wasunique in that we sent them to the entire Legion Family.Legionnaires, Auxiliary, and Sons membership lists were used.It was our intention to only send 1 envelope per household.However, as the mailing began to arrive at the homes welearned that there was a error in the removal of duplicateaddresses. Some households received several envelopes for eachmember of the Legion Family. We sincerely apologize for thiserror, although there is nothing we are able to do now, now thatthey have been sent, but we are reviewing procedures to make


sure this does not happen again in the future. Please note raf-fle awards can only be given to adults 18 years old or older.Thank you in advance for supporting the cause.

Poppy Funds CorrectionOn page 18 it was mentioned to use poppy funds to help

veterans in homes to pay for their membership. Poppy fundcannot be used for membership at all.

Proper Flag DisplayCorrection when the Coast Guard was brought out of the

Department of the Navy after WW1 and WW2 it was placedback in to the Treasury Department not the TransportationDepartment.

Page 3: LEGIONNAIRE - The American Legion, Department of Michiganmichiganlegion.org/assets/june13.pdfMichigan Legionnaire? Please Contact Mark Sutton at: info@michiganle-gion.org or by phone


Well it's almost the end to anoth-er Legion year, and with a newadministration comes new and oldchallenges within our AmericanLegion Family. One of the issuesthat surface each year is the proce-dures to follow if a Post or Districtis requesting assistance via ourDepartment Judge Advocate. Many

times Posts and Districts requestDepartment Judge Advocate opin-

ions without first taking the issue to the Post or Districtlevel. We also receive request for legal opinions relat-ing to the lounge or club within the Post. Please remem-ber the Department Judge Advocate renders opinionsbased on your Post, District, and DepartmentConstitution and By-Laws and cannot render opinions

Patrick W. Lafferty, State Adjutant

Procedures for Advice Via the Department Judge Advocate

Patrick W. LaffertyState Adjutant

that I have yet to meet.Our American Legion Family truly

is a family; we care very deeply for ourbrothers and sisters. We spend manyhours and thousands of dollars eachand every year to insure that they, ourfellow Veterans are cared for and receivethe benefits that they have earned. Withthe programs of The American LegionFamily we make educational opportu-nities available to their children andgrandchildren. We stress Americanismin our communities and schools so thatthe children of this country will be bet-ter citizens and keep the nation strong.Probably because of our military serv-ice we also keep a close eye on thenational security issues of the UnitedStates and have a voice with ourCongressional leaders.

These are the four pillars that TheAmerican Legion was founded on in1919. It was a good idea then and it’s

As I sit down towrite this, my lastarticle as your StateCommander, Ireflect on all that hashappened this pastyear. My wife Rystaand I have traveledthousands of milesand met thousandsof people. We havebeen treated likefamily, with respect

and dignity everywhere we have beenand hopefully we have returned thiskindness. At our Testimonial DinnerMike Williams, our 18th DistrictCommander, told me that he had nevermet me before this year, yet I had greet-ed him like we were old friends. Thankyou Mike, you reminded me that myphilosophy is that there are two cate-gories of people, old friends and friends

Tom Brown, State Commander

Thank You For All You Do…

Tom BrownState Commander

that involve the Michigan legal system. The DepartmentHeadquarters wants to be of assistance to all our Postsand Districts but we have to have procedures to follow.Several years ago a procedure was established by aDepartment Judge Advocate and that procedure wasapproved by the Department Executive Committeeand that procedure is still in effect. Following are seven(7) requirements you must follow in order to receive anofficial opinion by the Department Judge Advocate.Please follow the procedures, and together we canresolve our Post and District issues on a timely mannerand for the betterment of The American Legion.

As always I thank each of you for your serviceto the community, state, and nation.

Take care,


an even better idea almost 100 yearslater.

My friend and your State Adjutanttold me that I am the face and voice ofthe American Legion for this year. I canonly hope that I have represented thiswonderful organization as well on thestate level as all of you have at the locallevel. I observed hundreds ofLegionnaires, Auxiliaries, Sons of theLegion and Legion Riders giving ofthemselves to help others in times ofneed and it has made me proud to saythat I am a member of The AmericanLegion Family.

I thank you each and every one forgiving me the privilege to serve as yourState Commander. At times it has beena lot of work, but it is a labor of love toserve veterans and their families. Pleasenever stop doing what you do for TheAmerican Legion Family and allVeterans.



1. All requests for a ruling or an opinion of theDepartment Judge Advocate will be in writing;preferably typewritten; with one copy sent to theDepartment Adjutant and one copy sent to the unitCommander, i.e. Post Commander, DistrictCommander, Zone Commander or DepartmentCommander;

2. All requests for a ruling or an opinion of theDepartment Judge Advocate will set forth clearlythe exact question or questions the party wantsanswered;

See Judge Advocate Opinion on page 15

At St Patrick's day parade in Bay City. Big Bird, Cookie Monster,Commander Brown and Elmo all Sons of The American LegionMembers! Elijah Nelums 92 years young WWII Post 105 Member

Commander Brown at Governor Snyders pressconference and bill signing of VeteransDesignation on Michigan Drivers License/StateID Cards.

4th Zone Scholastic’s ROTC Award went to Michael Losinski(second from the left) with Commander Brown, Ray MooreVA&R Chairman, and Major Bron

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Larry Money, MembershipDirector

I want to start by thankingCommander Brown for giving methe opportunity to serve as hisMembership Chairman. From dayone I feel that his appointments

were very well thought out and the decision thathe made were in the best interest of the AmericanLegion.

What a great year we have had, starting at themembership rally at National to Convention at theSoo. The Dept. of Michigan and its membershave done an outstanding job, From the Post levelforward.

Our Dept. achieved or exceeded every per-centage goal from September onward. OurNational rankings were consistently in the top10%.

We as a Dept.had the opportunity to establishand revitalize numerous Post within the State.Some old membership ideas were revisited andrestarted this year, the 10,20,&30 membershipprogram from years back was restarted, ( So ifyou were eligible for one of these awards, have itdocumented and sent to Barb)

Friendly competition between the ZoneCommanders, and the District Commanders wasalso brought into play.

Our UP Chairman Lou Oberle once again hashad an outstanding year, through his tireless effortshe has help develop a membership program in theUpper that is second to none. Thanks Lou for allthat you do for the American Legion and its mem-bers.

DMS coordinator Don Meskill, also a personwho undertook a major task and made it happen.The amount of time and dedication that goesinto providing the Districts and Post with the mem-bership paper work from National is a herculeantask and Don has done an outstanding job

To all Post , District and Zone Commanders thathave supported the membership goals and ideas ofthe Dept. this year also a big “THANK-YOU”

Did the Dept. of Michigan achieve its 100%membership goal of 69808 ....NO

Did the Dept. of Michigan have a 100%year...OH YEAH

Once again thank you Commander Brown forentrusting me as your Membership Director, andI want to thank all of our Committeemen andwomen who have work so hard for OUR Legionfamily

For God and Country


DistrictMeetings1st District June 3rd, 2013 FredBeaudry Post #126

The 10th District June 1, 2013 T.B.A. (incom-ing commander Post)Lunch at noon, meetingsat 1pm all dates.

16th District June 11th, 2013 GardenCity Post 396

17th DistrictJune 5, 2013 6:30p.m.American Legion Post 32,Livonia

18th DistrictJune 9, 2013 2p.m. RoyalOak, MI Post #253

Make membership renewal EASY!www.legion.org/renew

Select one of our newest options to help make renewing yourAmerican Legion Membership quicker, easier and more costeffective.

AUTOMATIC ANNUAL RENEWAL At the beginning of each new membership year,The American Legion will automatically chargeyour credit/debit card to renew your member-ship. This transaction will normally occur on oraround July 15th of each year. You'll also receivea message that will be sent to your email addresson file confirming payment of your annual dues.

Once you set your account for automatic annualrenewal of your membership dues, we'll maintaina record that you are participating in the AutomaticAnnual Renewal Program. The American Legion

AUTOMATIC RENEWALfollows all industry standards according to thePayment Card Industry-Data Security Standards(PCI-DSS) to ensure your personal financial safe-ty.


EMAILED RENEWAL NOTICESNot ready for automatic renewals? We can still sendyou renewal notices as a reminder. BUT NOW, youcan opt out of the first two paper renewal noticessent through the postal service. Instead, TheAmerican Legion will email you a reminder, allow-ing you to renew online by clicking a link containedin the email. This will not only save you time andthe cost of a stamp, but it will also save the organ-ization the cost of paper and postage. With thosecost savings, we can allocate more funds to help-ing veterans just like you through all of our pro-grams and efforts in Washington.

To be awarded the Homeless Veterans Outreach Award

Congratulations Department ofMichigan’s Homeless Veterans Task Force

The American Legion Department ofMichigan Homless Veterans Task Force, led byChairman Craig Tillman, has won TheAmerican Legion Homeless Veterans OutreachAward for 2012-2013. This award is awardedto The American Legion department that demonstratesAmerican Legion family involvement in homeless veteran’sinitiatives that show outstanding support for activity in anyor all of these areas: volunteerism, prevention, support-ive housing, advocacy and fundraising.

Craig’s tireless devotion to the homeless com-munity has raised money for programs andhomeless advocacy groups in Michigan, he hasbrought of the homeless situation to major cor-porations and requesting their support.

Corporations’ like Fifth-Third Bank, GeneralMotors, Comerica Bank, and MascoCorporation.

Craig has visited and presented his case tochurches, veteran service organizations and asmany groups as he could visit. The list of rea-sons why is long and distinguished, all of Craig’shard work continues as does the problem of vet-eran homelessness, but with Craig’s dedication,lives are being changed and saved in Michigan.

The award will be presented at The AmericanLegion National Convention in Houston, Texasin August 2013. Congratulations Craig andthank you for your service to the Veteran’s in theGreat State of Michigan.

Page 5: LEGIONNAIRE - The American Legion, Department of Michiganmichiganlegion.org/assets/june13.pdfMichigan Legionnaire? Please Contact Mark Sutton at: info@michiganle-gion.org or by phone

unit must provide a CURRENT 2013-14 Unit OfficersList in order to obtain the cards. Even if there are nochanges in your officers, a form for this current yearneeds to be on file.

MEMBERSHIP—The 3rd National Milestone formembership of 85% percent was May 17. Michigan’smembership at that date was 94.95%!! We are wellon our way to achieving a national goal of 100% byJuly 24. We are currently in 9th place nationally andin 1st place in the Central Division.

CONVENTION—Department Convention is June27-30 at Kewadin Casino and Convention Center inSault Ste. Marie. If you are interested in attending con-tact department for the registration form and theAuxiliary schedule of activities.

DISTRICT INFO—The ALA national Bylaws wereamended at the 2012 National Convention to grantDepartments the authority to establish Districts (nation-al previously did not recognize districts.)Administratively, a District is part of Department andmay separately incorporate. A District is federally taxexempt under the ALA National Organization GroupExemption unless the District has obtained its own taxexempt status with the IRS. In all cases, the ALAnational Headquarters must approve the use of theALA emblem by ALA districts. If a District is incor-porated and has its own EIN, it must file its ownappropriate IRS form 990 series and provide a copyto the department. For more information on how toincorporate, contact the department at [email protected]

Page 5 June 2013

AUXILIAIREFrom the Desk of the President 2012 - 2013 Department President, Mary Anne Yuncker

As I was thinkingabout this, my finalarticle as yourAuxiliary President,it seemed appro-priate to do a “wrapup”. I questionedwhat does that

actually mean? When we have a spe-cial gift to give, we wrap it up to makea beautiful presentation. In a way, Iam getting ready to present ourincoming President with perhaps themost important gift I have, i.e. AnAuxiliary, beautiful, whole, vibrantand healthy, ready for her to openand take over.

Wrapping up can also involve tyingup loose ends. We have worked hardthis year and accomplished many ofour goals. The facts are in and the

reports are written. It is tied up neat-ly, ready for new experiences andnew directives.

If a wrap up is an overview, then wecan be proud of what we’ve achieved.As a summarizing report, I can wrapup this year in one word; IMPRES-SIVE. You may recall that in myacceptance speech and first articlefor the Auxiliaire, I stated that it wasnot my goal to impress you, but ratherto be impressed by you this year. Ihave been so impressed by you. Eachof the officers and chairmen has doneexcellent work! There is not one ofyou who has disappointed me, or onewhom I have regretted appointing.Although the year has been chal-lenging, you have each come throughresponsibly and with flying colors,showing that we can truly make “the

sky our limit”. The District Presidents have report-

ed to me the numerous projects theirUnits are involved in. The Relay forLife was Junior Honorary PresidentAlexus Champion’s special projectand many Units followed her lead byparticipating in this cause to find acure for cancer. Breast cancerAwareness was also included in thispursuit. The District Presidents proj-ects included Wilwin Lodge, Pets forVets, Girls State and Honor Flightsfor World War II veterans. The eigh-teenth District President had an inter-esting project. She challenged herDistrict and Unit members to pur-chase two boxes of baseball playerJustin Verlander’s Fast Ball Flakes---eat one and donate one to the localcommunity food bank!

The support for my special project,The Woman Veteran, was over-whelming this year. I’m grateful foryour generous donations. A full reportof disbursement will be included in afall Unit Mailing and also at FallConference. Thank you on behalf ofour woman veterans.

Thank you for this opportunity toserve you as President this year. Ihave learned a lot and grown throughthis experience. Your trust in me hasbeen humbling. I only hope that Ihave used it well to lead our organi-zation to new heights in helping ourveterans, working as we have thisyear to insure to them the benefitsand respect they deserve.

The sky is indeed the limit to whatwe as an Auxiliary can do!

Wrapping It Up for 2012-2013

SECTION TWO212 N. Verlinden Ave, Ste. B, Lansing, MI 48915 New Phone: (517) 267-8809

Updates on National and Department Issues“Attitude is the only thing YOU can control and change.”

ALA LOGO USAGE—Remember--Any merchandise or materials beingproduced bearing the ALA logo must

have the logo use approved by the National Secretary.The request needs to include the design, the arti-cles/quantities to be produced, and the name and con-tact information for the vendor. Send the request to thedepartment and it will be forwarded to the propernational person.

990 FILING DUE DATES--Federal filling due datefor the IRS Form 990, 990EZ, or 990N (e-Postcard) isthe 15 day of the 5th month after the close of our fis-cal year. The Department of Michigan’s fiscal year clos-es on June 30, therefore, a unit’s filing due date forwhatever version of the IRS Form 990 you are requiredto complete is November 15. The IRS automaticallygrants a 90-day extension to file without penaltywhen the request is received by the IRS request dead-line. Check the IRS.gov website for extension requestdates and procedures.

GIRLS STATE—Dates for the 2013 Girls State areJune 15-22 at Michigan State University. We are stillaccepting sponsorship for girls, which is $325, aswell as girls interested in attending. The girl must bean incoming senior in the fall and have an interest inlearning about how city, county and state governmentworks.

2014 MEMBERSHIP CARDS—Michigan’s 2014Membership Cards will be shipped from nationalaround June 8, so they will be available at conventionin the 2013-14 Membership packets. However, each

Micaela DeRosa, of Covert, Michigan haswon a $2,500 scholarship from the NationalChildren of Warriors Scholarship Program.

Micaela was sponsored by Unit 362 of the 4thDistrict. She is planning on attending BethelCollege in Mishawaka, Indiana, and wants to bea nurse practitioner.

Below are some remarks from Micaela afterlearning of her scholarship.

“My name is Micaela DeRosa and I am therecipient of the $2,500 American Legion AuxiliaryNational President’s Scholarship! I am writingto let you know just how much this scholarshipmeans to me. I am a triplet, and as such there willbe many college bills coming in all at once. Thisscholarship helps alleviate a portion of that bur-den from my family’s shoulders. Also, this schol-arship allowed me to go to the school I was mostpassionate about. I hope to use this scholarshipto pay for school and then turn around and servemy community to the best of my ability medically.This scholarship is surely a blessing from God andI thank you for being the vessel He used to blessme and my family. Thank you for your generos-ity and dedication to education. I cannot thankyou enough.”


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6 | MICHIGAN LEGIONNAIRE & AUXILIAIRE | June 2013 | www.michalaux.org

Linda Wallace, Membership ChairmanIt’s attainable, it’s reachable and completely

achievable!!!! 100% for the 2012-2013 member-ship year!!! As of May 1st the Department ofMichigan is at 94.80 %. We are 1st in the CentralDivision and 9th in the Nation!!! What an accom-plishment!!!! But we still have members out therethat we need to contact and find out why theyhave not renewed their membership. We have1,880 “angels” that we need to bring back in underour wings. We must reach out to them with thatpersonal touch!! Remember that “COMMUNI-CATION” is the key word to a successful organi-zation.

Continue to send in renewals or new recruits asthey arrive in your unit. DO NOT hold them.Time is getting short and we need them to reachDepartment headquarters for processing in a promptmanner. Even if there is only 1 renewal or newapplication, send it to Department as soon as pos-sible. I would ask that each unit check the most cur-rent membership report which can be found on theauxiliary website (www.michalaux.org) andverify your membership roster of paid members tothis report. In doing so, you can be assured allmembers are accounted for. If your unit needsany assistance with membership issues please con-tact me, your area membership chairman, district

100%?CAN WE DO IT? YES, WE CAN!!!!!!!

Memories are what shape our lives, our friends,our future and our “Legion Family”. Our memoriesare made up of our thoughts, our actions and ourway of reasoning with others to help our organi-zation to grow. That is why we do what we do forour Veterans, their families and our country. Thememories we have from our past make us who weare today. We learn by our memories even if we donot know it at that time. Our memories have taughtus how to help our Veterans, our service men andwomen and our members. We are here to helpthem to understand their memories and to helpthem make new memories. With our memories, wehave learned to have the strength, the willpower andthe potential to carry on the mission of the “LegionFamily”. We need to make good memories andlasting memories to hold us over when our mem-bers have departed from us. For our future memo-ries we need to make everyday, every momentand every experience count. So go out and createyour own memories for yourself, for our Veterans,their families and our great organization, the “LegionFamily”. This has been a year of many good mem-ories and some heart breaking memories for me. AsBob Hope would say THANKS FOR THE MEMO-RIES!

Susan Verville, Department Chaplain



MEMORIESWithin our Auxiliary book of memoriesOur members hold a special place of honorAs we turn back the pages of our memories fromthis yearWe realize all the memories as the “Legion Family”we have madeThis year our memories have brought joy, laughterand yes sorrowWhen you think of the memories that were madeThose memories soon become your treasures for alife timeThose memories have made us who we are today.

A quote by Oscar Wilde:Memory is the diary that we all carry about withus.

PRAYER:Father fill not our hearts with pain and sorrow, butremember us in every tomorrow. Help us to keepour departed members in our memories. Let usalways remember that a precious memory is oursto keep. So let us keep our memories close to ourhearts and remember it only takes a moment tomake a memory. Sometimes that memory willhave to last us a life time. We ask this in yourname. AMEN

I am very glad to be able to be your Departmentof Michigan Junior President of 2013-2014. Myofficers this year are: 1st Vice Ciara Brown; 2nd viceCassidy Kovacs; Chaplain Sabrina Townes; HistorianTaylor Townes. My appointees are: Sgt. Arms EmmaDamouth; Asst. Sgt. Arms Leah Daniels; SecretaryAlyssa Kemp; Color Bearers, Arianna Kemp andTaylor Houghton; Distinguished Guest ChairmenDestiny Smiegel; Teller Chairmen Lynette;Americanism Chairmen Alexus Champion; andMusic Chairmen Mackenzie Townes.

This year my special project is Child Help USA,which is an organization that helps children recov-er from being abused by their parents. My themethis year is Hello Kitty, so help me and Hello Kittyin the fight to end child abuse. Well, I hope to havea good year as your Junior President.

Alyssa Champion,2013-14 Honorary

Junior Presidentpresident or Department headquarters. We arethere to assist in any way that we can. “JUST ASK.”

As members of the largest women’s patrioticorganization, our membership enables us to assistour veterans and their families in numerous ways.Through our dues and auxiliary programs, we areable to provide assistance and financial help tothose that are currently deployed and their families,continue to contribute helping our homeless vet-erans, reach out and volunteer at local VA medicalfacilities and aid all veterans. We can only continueto do these deeds by retaining our membership!!!

With Department Convention coming soon, weshould remember that Districts who reach goalfirst get to sit in the front seats on the conventionfloor. This is a great incentive for everyone to maketheir district proud. Let’s make Michigan a “GOAL”Department!!!!

Keep in mind, we all want to remain at the topof the ladder and continue to soar in the Nationalstandings but in order to do this we must make con-tact with our unpaid members. It’s a very close racebut I am confident we can achieve this if we put ourheart and soul into the challenge. Congratulationsto all units who have reached the 100% milestone,those who are so close and the units who are dili-gently working to retain and recruit members.Keep up the great work!!!

Harold J.C h a t e l l ,Unit 426S e n i o rand Juniormembersdona t ed12 EasterBaske t s ,and 2 bas-kets offruit to the

Michigan Veterans Foundation. They also donated per-sonal care items and paperback books. The donationswere made in the memory of Janice Kintz, PastDepartment President who passed in October, 2012.

The Juniors presenting the colors during the instal-lation of new officers at the 2013 JuniorConvention.

The Juniors and their advisor, Darlene Jones have funat the 2013 Junior Convention.

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Gary HlavkaDistrict Commander

My year as your District Comm-ander is coming to an end. The pastyear has gone by fast. I would like tothank all of the District Officers for

their help this past year. There were some chal-lenges in the District this year but with coopera-tion from the posts involved, we managed to workthrough the issues.

I wish I could have reached the 100% goal ofmembership in the District and it appears to be dif-ficult to get our younger veterans to become mem-bers due to issues like full time employment andhaving a family. It has also become increasingly dif-ficult to retain our older members and it takes aneffort by all of us to build our membership.Hopefully, next year we can achieve the goal in theDistrict as well as the posts of district 9. The newyear brings a new District Commander and I hopehe will enjoy his time visiting the various posts asmuch as I did. I would like to thank all of theLegion members I had the privilege of meeting this


Brett Holt, 3rd ZoneCommander

This is the final report of my termas 3rd Zone Commander. What anamazing year it has been! I wish tothank everyone in the 3rd Zone for

giving me the privilege to serve you as ZoneCommander. Everywhere I went I was treatedwonderfully.

Over the course of the year I was able to visitfour of our districts on three separate occasions andthe other district I visited twice. I had the honorof touring the 18th and 6thDistricts during theirCommanders tours. I also had the honor of speak-ing at Frankenmuth’s Veteran’s Day Program andattending an elementary schools Veteran’s Dayprogram where every child in the school came byand shook all the veterans hands. I repeated theevent later that evening in Farmington where I wasasked to speak. I attended both Veterans Day andMemorial Day services at the Great Lakes NationalCemetery. What a beautiful place. I walked inparades in Chesaning and St. Johns, visited WilwinLodge during their open house, attended theAmerican Legion birthday party in Port Huron,attended the Jr. Auxiliary convention, spoke at atraditional Memorial Day held on May 30th in St.Johns, the Zone Oratorical contest, Commanderstestimonial dinner, legislative breakfast in Lansingand sat in on hearings at the Senate AppropriationsCommittee in support of bills that would helpveterans, and visited several post where I was hon-ored to give out awards to deserving Legionnaires.I am sure I have left something out from this busyyear. I did not do so intentionally; anyone left outplease forgive me.

Membership in the Zone did not go as well asI had hoped. I wanted to see us get to 100%. Wedid get above the 90% threshold and hope nextyear we can make a push for 100% for the nextZone Commander.

I need to publicly thank my five DistrictCommanders; Jerry Kunzelman, 6th District;August Miele ,7th District; Gary Gross, 8th District;Terry Montgomery, 17th District; and MikeWilliams, 18th District. These gentlemen did afantastic job and made my job much easier.Anytime I asked them to look into a situation theyresponded promptly and situation was resolved.

I also want to thank the Department staff.Anytime I needed an answer or a clarificationthey were there to help.

Thanks to all the Past Zone Commanders, theguys that had walked in my shoes before me. Yourwords of wisdom where valuable and appreciated.

Finally good luck to the next 3rd ZoneCommander. My advice to you is take advantageof your resources. It is a big job for one person tohandle but with help it becomes much easier.

I will see all of you down the road in wherev-er my next adventure in the Legion takes me.Thanks for the wonderful ride so far!


year as well as the Posts that I visited. I felt welcomeon every visit.

I had the honor of attending CommanderBrown’s testimonial dinner at which the AuxiliaryPresident, Mary Anne Yuncker and RodneyTolbert from the State SAL were honored. Themeal that was prepared by Commander Brown’spost was excellent. My wife and I enjoyed ourstay in Oscoda and the nice weather made theweekend truly enjoyable.

Once again I would like to thank all of the post’sthat I visited for the hospitality I was shown. It isreally hard to visit all of the posts in the district assome of the smaller posts are not open during thewinter months. Most of the posts meet eitherMonday or Tuesday evenings which makes it evenharder to visit each one. To those posts that I didnot visit I apologize and hopefully the incomingDistrict Commander will get to your post.

As we move into the new year let us never for-get our brothers and sisters serving in our militaryas well as our veterans in homes and hospitals. Godbless us and God bless America.

James P. Dougovito, District Commander

The District had a great mem-bership year, leading the State attimes and always in the top three.Thank you District 12 Posts. Let us

continue this strong showing by supporting theUpper Peninsula Association of Legion PostsSummer Convention at Post 146, Menominee,

12TH DISTRICTJune 14th & 15th. A great program is planned toinclude our District meetings. Many thanks to allthe Posts that supported Commander Brown andhis winter tour. By joining with him most of thetime I can attest to a very warm Upper Peninsulawelcome which was appreciated by the entiregroup. A special thanks to Legion Branch 25,Sault Ste Marie, Canada, for their support of thistour. Keep up the great work!

Dave Loop, District Commander

My year as the 2nd DistrictCommander is coming to a close, ithas been a honor to represent 34American Legion Posts. I have at thistime visited 31 of my 34 posts. Some

numbers for the district of interest, 9 Posts achieved100% or better, 11 Posts are at 95% and 14 Postsare between 62% and 90%.

During my visits I challenged each member inattendance as to whether they have a membershipapplication in their billfold. A lot of them did not,but they did before they left. To you I ask, do youhave a membership card on you?

This is one good reason to make post visits, tolet our membership know that you as a districtcommander are out here for them.

I have found it very rewarding to attend the con-

2ND DISTRICTferences and Leadership College. The informationI received at them allowed me to answer manyquestions brought forth by posts during my visits.

We have had some productive district meetings.At the March meeting we invited StateRepresentative Nancy Jenkins and she explainedthe bill to have veterans on our driver license andshe shared other ideas. I do believe she will be atour state convention.

One of the things that helped me this year ascommander was attending the conferences as thealternate. It gave me great insight as to what Ineeded to be and what to expect in the position ofCommander. Inform yourself to be able to informothers.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone atState Convention, stop by the 2nd District hospi-tality room to say hello. God Bless our troopsand God Bless America.

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The champions of the 77Th annual bowlingtournament 2013 are:

Team Event; from Groves Walker Post 346, ofFarmington; "The King Pins"; Jason Flora (Capt.), MarkFlora, Mike Johnson, Brian Birchenough and BillRasmussen. Score 3379 (Hcp. 114) Doubles Event;Auburn Hills post 143; John Fisher and Steve ColemanScore 1470 (Hcp.00) Singles Event; from Oakley TraynorPost 64 of Flushing; Brian Johnson. Score 771 (Hcp. 00)Honorable mentions go out to Jason Flora of post 346,with a 300 in Team event. Matt Coleman of Post 143,Had a 300 in Doubles with a 837 Series & a 300 inSingles. Bill Gallan Shot a 298 in Singles.

The checks were sent out in late May, you need to con-tact your team captain or post depending on the addressthat was put on the entry form. Checks must be cashedwithin 90 days. Checks not cashed will be returned tothe general fund and not reissued.

The bowling tournament for 2014 will be held atColonial Lanes of Flushing, located at 6430 PiersonRd., during the weekends of April 5, 12 and 26, 2014.Saturday squad times for the Doubles and Singles Event


By Gerald Merrell, ChairmanI would like to thank Commander Tom Brown, Adjutant

Pat Lafferty, Kim Sielderberg, Denise Kotes, and DeannaClark for their assistance and guidance for making 2013 asuccessful year I’m starting to get the hang of this! I wouldlike to thank my fellow Economic Committee members fortheir in-put and support. Donald Connor, Fredrick Hollister,and Gary Sammons.

2013 Has been an interesting year in Economics; we havecracked the credentialing issue. Why does a veteran who mayhave worked as a medic, a truck driver, or other skilled mil-itary specialty have to go to school again? One of the frus-trations our veterans face. Michigan has made some progressin recognizing the skills our hometown heroes bring backhome with them. Michigan will also recognize VeteranStatus on Drivers licenses and State ID cards.

The Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) isin full swing, and there are still openings available! For thelatest, also veterans can get information on the Veterans’Retraining Assistance Program you can check out http://ben-efits.va.gov/vow/education.htm for more information.

Thanks to the American legion and our other sponsorswe had a very successful job fair. The Great Lakes BayOpportunity Expo was held Friday April 5th at Delta Collegewe had over 86 employers and Veterans were able to find anew job and get information about their veteran’s benefits.The Department of Michigan Economic Committee con-tinues to be a force in supporting and preserving veteran eco-nomic programs for members of the armed forces and thosewho served in years past. Veterans should enjoy the very free-doms they safeguard. “Honorable military service should cre-ate opportunity, not obstacles.

“The best friend of any veteran and of our AmericanLegion Economic programs is the State of MichiganVeterans’ Services Division, and DOL Veterans Employmentand Training programs designed to help veterans—those whoface employability barriers and those who are job ready.VETS gives priority service to all veterans, with the highestpriority afforded to disabled veterans. VETS programsinclude the Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Workers (DVOWS)and Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVERS).If you’re looking for a better job in Michigan, locate yournearest Veterans Employment Specialist by calling 1-800- 4555228 or you can go to www.mitalent.org/veterans checkout our web page http://www.mitalent.org/Veterans/ andCheck out the Veterans’ Services Face Book pagehttps://www.facebook.com/MIVeteransServices The Post911 GI Bill offers Veterans great educational opportunitiesa lot has changed since the Post 911 GI Bill was rolled out,I encourage veterans to check out the GI Bill web pagewww.gibill.va.gov

The Economic Committee fights for these benefits andmore. “Are you willing to reach out your hand to a fellow vet-eran and invite them to your post home?” Please continueto support your local veterans by remembering to invite


By Ron Geiger, State ChairmanI would like to thank Commander Brown

for the opportunity to serve as Children &Youth Chairman.

First official call was to meet at the FallConference in Harbor Springs. TheCommittee discussed different Children &Youth programs, which included, Temporary

Financial Assistance, Children Welfare Foundation and tocontinue to promote "The Children's Dictionary Project"which is; of presenting a dictionary to each 3rd grade studentat your area schools. Children's Miracle Network presenteda new program where you donate a penny for each year ofyour age or your spare change and put it in a "piggy bank" atyour Posts as a way to provide support for the program.Children & Youth 2012 pins, for a $3.00 donation, were dis-tributed to everyone on the Committee to raise funds for

CHILDREN & YOUTHongoing projects. The Committee also chose to continue topresent the District with the highest percentage of turn-ins ofConsolidated Post Reports to receive an award plaque atConvention.

The Committee does not meet at Winter Conference.However; I was able to speak with a number of Posts andDistrict Officers regarding Children & Youth programs thatthey were involved in and was able to thank them for all thatthey do. I was especially impressed with the number of Postsgetting involved in the"The Children's Dictionary Project".

Thanks to everyone who promotes Children & Youth as wecould not do this without you!

I would like to thank the members of the Committee: JohnKnox, Keith Tyler, Rodney Galbraith, Vernon "Butch" Noeland John Shirkey for service to our youth. A thank you alsoto Deanna Clark at Department - you always do a superb job!

Bob Johnson, Legion Representative

Grand Rapids Home for Veterans & D.J.Jacobetti Home for Veterans in Marquette

I am the new American Legion representative on theMichigan Veterans Facilities Board of Managers. Iwould like to thank Mr. Veldman and Mr. Coffey forall of their years of dedication and service on thisboard and I hope to continue representing theAmerican Legion to the high standards they have set.It is an honor and privilege to have been selected forthis position.

I have attended meetings at both facilities and I amgreatly impressed with the staff at both homes as wellas the other members of the Board of Managers. Theytruly care about providing the best service they can forthe veterans in Michigan.

At the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans the canopyproject has started. Please be careful if you are visitingthe home as the construction crews will be working andthe entrances have been moved. You may have heardof the Home Depot Aprons in Action contest which theGrand Rapids home was in. The good news is that theywon the contest which gave the home $25,000. Theyare using the funds to work on a potting shed and dosome work in the patio area. Since they won that con-test, they were entered into a bigger contest which willpay $250,000 to the winner. The $250,000 will beaward the first part of June, should the home win, themoney will be used to remodel member rooms. Thiswould include reducing some of the rooms from a 4 per-son room to just 2 persons per room. I think we wouldall agree that 2 persons in a room is a lot better than4.

It is an honor and privilege to serve on the board forthe American Legion Department of Michigan. Feelfree to contact me at [email protected] if youhave any questions or comments about the homes.


are 9:30am & 1:30pm. Team Event will be held onSunday at noon. Larry Shepard and Dane Carnell willshare the Honorary President Duties (subject to change)and the organizer's of post functions. Oakley TraynorPost 64 is located in Flushing at G-4314 Carpenter Rd.This is important to all participants, you do not have tobowl in all three events, you may bowl in any combi-nation of events, be it just one or all three. Furthermore,you may bowl in doubles and team event again, providedyou have a different partner or team!

The Association would like to thank Jerry & JoeDoyle for having a wonderful staff at the lanes andmeeting the needs of all our participants. I would beremiss if I didn't send out my personal Kudos's to SueRodriguez who takes care of the changes and the initialinput of information. Atta' Boys & Girls go out to DaneCarnell and his crew of finely tuned personnel. WellDone. Please keep our Sal's informed as they do notreceive the Legionnaire. You may contact me anytimefor information about the Tournament. @ 734-422-8670 Or [email protected].

As always; Yours in comradeship. Scotty, Don, Ellen& Elsie

them before the post meeting to talk about jobs, education,homes and how to find them. Make your post home theirpost home. All they ask for is a handshake a smile. “WelcomeHome

In closing I would like to congratulate this years EconomicAward winners

DVOP of the Year: Shaqunda Poole – Walker from theSaginaw Office

LVER of the Year: Mick Albig Adrian Office Employer of the Year awards:

Small: SCI Cleaning & MaintenanceMedium: Petoskey Plastics, Inc

Large: New Page paperEnhance the Lives of the Disabled Persons Award: Mr.

Rick Briggs Brain Injury Association of MichiganHomeless Veteran Outreach Award: Craig Tillman

Homeless Veterans Taskforce.Our Economic award winners are taking care of our vet-

erans, and in some cases they are veterans taking care of theirfellow veteran. If you know of a business or individualwho goes the extra mile for our “Home Town Heroes”please contact me so we can recognize them next year. 2013has been both a challenging and rewarding year, but thereis no place I’d rather be then helping our “Home TownHeroes” God Bless

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The American Legion Legislative Council(April 23, 2013) In March you helped The

American Legion send a strong message toWashington by contacting your Senators regardinga Legion-supported amendment added to the 2014Senate budget resolution opposing cutting benefitsfor veterans using a new method of calculating cost-of-living adjustments – the so-called ChainedConsumer Price Index (C-CPI).

We won the battle, but the war is not over!Unfortunately, the White House didn’t get the mes-

sage because the President’s new budget proposes touse the C-CPI to achieve $130 billion in savings bytaking benefits away from seniors and veterans.Again, The American Legion opposes a Chained CPIas a misguided public policy that would have signif-icant harmful effects on the benefits of millions of dis-abled veterans and their survivors. We will continueto hammer away at this proposal until we kill it.


Patriotic Items,Fundraising,Accessories,

Shirts, Flags &More!

Members in both the U.S. House and Senate areintroducing resolutions that reject President Obama'sproposal thereby preserving the current system forcalculating COLA additions to payments to veteransand others.

The House resolution, H.Con.Res. 34, is sponsoredby Representative David Cicilline (R.I.), and co-sponsored by 81 other House members. It says it isthe sense of Congress that "the Chained ConsumerPrice Index should not be used to calculate cost ofliving adjustments for Social Security benefits."Current VA COLAs are based on the Social Securitycalculation.

The Senate resolution, sponsored by SenatorBernie Sanders (VT), is more explicit. It says it is thesense of Congress that "the Chained ConsumerPrice Index should not be used to calculate cost ofliving adjustments for Social Security benefits orbenefits for disabled veterans and their survivors."

LetterLetter National Emergency FundDear Legion Family Members and Friends,

Once again, Legionnaires have shown their unwavering sense of mutu-al helpfulness toward each other and their community.

Last month the Illinois River reached its highest level ever and flood-ed the town of Marseilles. Post 235 members, along with AmericanLegion Family members and other volunteers helped assemble around1,000 sack lunches every day and then delivered them throughout thecommunity.

I am grateful for all of their hard work and perseverance during atime of crises in their community. I know it made a difference to thevictims who were forced out of their homes and the emergency crewswho were helping to turn things back to normal.

Sadly, tragedies like this can occur anywhere and anytime in ourbeloved United States of America. At this time of the year, for exam-ple, communities in the Midwest are on alert for damaging spring stormssuch as tornadoes. And soon, residents along the eastern seaboard andthe Gulf Coast will be monitoring news for potential hurricane activ-ity.

When disaster strikes a Legion post or a current member’s primaryresidence, there is help available from The American Legion’s NationalEmergency Fund.

Thanks to NEF, more than $425,000 was distributed to 450 individualsand posts affected by Superstorm Sandy. Those funds come fromgenerous donations to NEF throughout the year. To assist those inneed with a tax-deductible contribution, please visit this webpage ormail to The American Legion, National Emergency Fund, P.O. Box 6141,Indianapolis, IN 46206

Thank you for what you do every day – for veterans, their fami-lies and the communities in which they live.

For God and Country,

James E. KoutzNational Commander

In light of recent budget proposals that includeChained CPI, it is crucial that Rep. Cicilline’s andSen. Sander’s resolutions receive a high level of sup-port.

Send your elected leaders the Legion-suggestedmessage below urging against imposing dispropor-tional penalties on the veterans community thatalready has sacrificed more for America than anyother group of citizens.

By opposing the adoption of the chained CPI,these resolutions would help protect the benefits ofmore than 3.2 million disabled veterans; 350,000 sur-viving spouses and children who have lost a loved onein battle or as the result of a service-connected dis-ability; the pensions of 310,000 extremely-lowincome veterans; and 9 million veterans receivingSocial Security benefits.

As of this writing the resolution was referred tothe House Committee on Ways and Means

Mike C. Williams,District Cmdr.

During the past yearI have visited numer-ous posts and talked toeach of them on waysto get new members by

using the media. I've tried to getthem more involved with the mediato let people know just what theLegion stands for, not just for a placeto get cheap legion milk. I gave thema DVD to help them with just thatand I think most of them were inter-ested in doing that. I also gave themlocations, phone numbers and emailsof the media in their areas. While Iwas there I talked to them and pro-vided information about ourCommanders Blood Donor Program.I had the honor of presenting awardsto a few of the 18th District Posts. Atthe Frank Wendland Post 253 I pre-sented Commander Don Wert for2011-2012 most new membersaward, they had 31 and a 100%membership award. The LegionRiders of Post 253 also received aLegacy Award. 100% membershipawards were also presented to OxfordPost 108 and West Bloomfield Post341. Lastly, Berkley Post 374 LegionRiders were presented with a LegacyAward.

Over the year I was invited toattend several events in the district,what an experience and honor. Post253 held a membership awards meet-ing, the number of members withover 50 years of membership wasamazing. Chief Pontiac Post 377

18TH DISTRICTAmericanism dinner and War Bonnetceremony for Commander Brown,what a unique ceremony. I was invit-ed to speak at Auburn Hills Post 143Hills Gazette Americanism Awardsdinner and the Holly Post 149 AmelSchwartz Americanism awards din-ner. At the end of April I attend thededication of the Matthew LeachMemorial at Berkley Post 374 and itwas one of the best ceremonies Ihave had the privilege to attend.

At this time I would like to thankthe Mighty 18th for letting me holdthe positions of Junior, Senior, andCommander of this great district. Icould not have done it without thehelp of my officers and members.This past year has been real reward-ing for me and something I will neverforget. I also want to thankCommander Thomas Brown and allthe Department personnel for alltheir help and friendliness. Thanks.

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Veterans’ Service

American Legion Veterans Affairs & RehabilitationOur staff is dedicated to providing the very best veterans’ advocacy to Michigan Veterans and Their families.They can assist with Claims Preparation, Presentation and appeal counsel in Veterans’ benefits services. Assist

you and your Dependents in getting the Benefits that you have earned by your service to your Country

American Legion Veterans Affairs and RehabilitationMr. James C. Topps, Director

Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building Room 1210477 Michigan Avenue Detroit, MI 48226

Office Phone – (313)-964-6640 or (313)-964-6641Office Fax (313)-964-5697

Cell Phone – (269)-312-2239 - e-mail –[email protected][email protected]

Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Erna LaBeau, Director’s Secretary – [email protected]

Lannie Thomas, Department Service Officer – [email protected]

Tripp Cantwell, Department Service Officer – [email protected]

Chris Smirnes, Department Service Officer – [email protected]

Gary Garvin, Department Service Officer – [email protected]

Call the Detroit office for sevice officer schedule.

James C. ToppsDirector

Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation ReportRay Moore, C o m m i t t e eChairman

Let me begin byt h a n k i n gCommander Brownfor his confidence inmaking this appoint-

ment. I would also be remiss if I didnot express my gratitude to theVA&R staff both in Detroit and theField for their continued dedicationand work ethic in support of what Ibelieve to be the singularly mostimportant of the Four Pillars of thefounding of our organization.

This has been a very busy year forour Staff, with reconfigurement ofareas of responsibility due to con-tinuing funding concerns. We canonly hope there is light at the end ofthe tunnel, wherever that may be.

However, I have serious concernsas to where our program will beheaded with the recent ExecutiveOrder issued by Governor Snyderwhich created a State VeteransAffairs Agency. It appears to methat this may affect our funding fromthe State in the long run and direct-ly affect our continuing the VA&Rprogram as we know it. I would askeach of you to follow this endeavorby the State and advise your

FIND A VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER NEAR YOU!!!Visit www.mivabenefits.orgThis service brought to you by

The Michigan Veterans Coalition

Legislators as to any potential con-cerns that may affect our ability todeliver our services to our deservingVeterans.

I am continually amazed at thereports I receive from our Director,Mr. Topps, as to the continuingincreasing work load. In these eco-nomic times it only seems appropri-ate that our Nations heroes, ourVeterans, are looking more and moreto the Veterans Administration forthose benefits which they so richlydeserve and which can make a dif-ference in receiving health care or aneducation or buying groceries.That’s what we do in Veteran Affairsand Rehabilitation and it works.

Mr. Topps has advised the work-load continues to increase as does theprocessing time experienced withinthe VA system. At a time when ourstaffing was reduced due to fewerdollars available from the State, thisis critical to those Veterans and theirfamilies to whom we provide assis-tance to navigate the Federal Benefitsystem.

I would also like to offer myThanks to all of the members ofthis Committee and to the mem-bers of our VAVS sub-committee,who mostly go unrecognized butperform such valuable assistance to

our hospitalized Veterans and theCBOC's in their areas, for their con-tinued interest and involvement inthese most important discussions.

We encourage attendance forthose with an interest at our meet-ings, at any and all Post ServiceOfficer trainings at the District Level,at our annual training for PostService Officers in September and atFall Conference.

Finally, I must ask each incomingPost and District Commander toensure that the appropriate appoint-ment of the Service Officer is includ-ed in the Post Officers list, which issent to Department. Please also pro-vide email information when avail-able as this is the quickest way toget info out and provide updates.

I hope to receive your Post /District Service Officer reports forthe year beginning May 2012 thruApril 2013 for review and selectionfor awards by the Committee atDepartment Convention so that theymay be presented at Fall Conference.

Thank you for your continuedservice and efforts on behalf of all ofour Veterans.



Bob Rasche at his final luncheon withthe VA&R Staff. He received a meri-torious certificate. Bob ended his 23year as DVSO with the Department. Wewish him well in his new endeavor.



Package “A” - 2 Nights Lodging & 6 Meals - ( )$185.00Package “B” - No Lodging 6 Meals - ( )$110.00Handicap Room ( ) 1st Time Student ( ) District Service Officer ( )

Quit Room ( ) County Counselor ( ) Post Service Officer ( )

Name _______________________________Phone ________________

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City _________________ State______ Zip ____________ Post # _____

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I wish to share a room with ____________________________________Check the package of your choice, send in corresponding payment by check made

payable to: The American Legion Department of Michigan - Higgins LakeSend to: American Legion VA&R Division, 477 Michigan Ave Room 1210

ATTN: Debbie D., Detroit, MI 48226

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www.michalaux.org | MICHIGAN LEGIONNAIRE & AUXILIAIRE | June 2013 | 11

Krystal Hall, Second District President

This past year, I had the privilege to serve as thePresident of the Second District for a second term. Icontinued to have the greatest support, advice, anddirections from past Officers, current Unit members,and the Department Staff. The District struggled thisyear with District officers/chairs – both open positionsand fulfilling positions vacated; I owe many Districtmembers for filling in—special Thanks. The spirit ofsupport and helpfulness is alive in the Second District.

Visiting the Units within the District has providedme with such pride and understanding. All haveshared their challenges and their accomplishments.Within the District, Units have experienced severalchallenges: potential Charter removals, building/facil-ities sales, illness/death of officers, deployments, andmembership issues.

Like many Units throughout the Nation, SecondDistrict Units struggle with meeting the membershipgoals. Not only are Units challenged with maintain-ing membership counts, we all searching for ways toenroll new members. One of the topics during each

Greetings from the Second DistrictDistrict Meeting, and Unit visit meetings, is to take timeto discuss/share ways that Units may meet/increase theMembership goals; many Members have reportedappreciation for such open discussions.

It is with great pride that I work with the SecondDistrict Units; as I visit with the Units, I am continu-ally amazed to share how active and supportive theUnits are to the ALA Mission. Units are so involvedin many projects/activities that support Veterans andtheir families. Most of the Units are supportive ofDepartment Projects—especially revolving aroundFemale Veterans (both the Departmental Commanderand the Auxiliary President shared the same theme);donations were generated by holding numerous fundraising events (dinners, raffles, sales).

Numerous hours are spent in Volunteer activities:Christmas Gift Shop-Ann Arbor VA Medical Center;military care packages; home/service center visits toVeterans (and/or their families); supporting local com-munities (blood drives, Holiday events, food banks,decorating gravesites, participating/leading parades,etc.); donating goods/services to local and state mil-itary service centers; and, supporting Unit functions

(special events, funeral services, etc.) I am continu-ally surprised, and very proud, of the Unit Memberswithin the Second District for their support of ourMission/Goals.

I will admit I struggled (so many deservingneeds/projects) with what was to be ‘My SpecialProject’; since I am personally (my Dad is a World WarII vet) and ‘professionally’ (I volunteer) involved at theAnn Arbor VA Medical Center, I have been madeaware of the high demand/need to replace/add blan-ket warmers within Emergency and other critical careunits. Thus, I chose to support the VA’s initiative to pro-vide our Veterans with the comfort of warmth duringtheir time within care units. Being able to comfortour Veterans in a positive venue is so rewarding; andI thank all Units for their support.

Working with the Second District Units has beena rewarding opportunity and I look forward to con-tinued opportunities to share energy/communica-tions/events. The Second District Unit Members areso dedicated to the ALA Mission and they are a pleas-ure to work with; I am so proud of All.Proud to Serve.

District 10 Is Busy All YearVivian Avery, 10th District President

It has been an honor serving the 10th District aspresident again this year. Reporting was a littleover 60%, but alot of work was done by all of ourunits. As of 5/1/13, eight of our twenty-four unitsreached members by goal. Some only missed by 2or 3 members and will be 100% by time of the con-vention.

Reports show that the 10th District Units areworking very hard on all of the American LegionAuxiliary projects. My project this year was "Girl'sState." The units and district raised almost $500.00 towards this project. Thank you ALL!!!

I attended unit meetings at some of the units.

Everyone seems to be trying awfully hard and it isworking, things keep getting better.

I attended the State Convention, fall meeting inHarbor Springs and Winter Meeting in Flint. I willalso be attending the convention in Sault Ste. Marie.

I attended the testimonial dinner held in honorof State Commander Tom, State President MaryAnn and SAL Squadron Commander Rodney. Itwas a pleasure to have this event held at our HomePost.

Thank you President Mary Ann and members forAllowing me this honor. With members like ALL of you, "The Sky is Truly theLimit!!!"

19th District Works Hard forWilwin Lodge

Merilee Walter, 19th District PresidentIt has been another good year working hard with

all units and gettting membership in.I was installed at convention in Kalamazoo, whichis always exciting. I attended all my district meet-ings and some of my units not all this past year.

19th District hosted Fall Conference, which isalways a learning time for the programs.

When attending district meetings, you hear allthat everyone doing in their units for Veterans and Children. We may be small but thereis a lot of good going on out there.

I also attended Winter Meeting in Flint: morelearning. It was wonderful to meet NationalPresident Peggy Thomas she was very upbeat andinteresting to talk to.

19th Distirct had a lot of donations to WilwinLodge which was my project and good to see. Allunits participated in parades for Memorial Day,July 4th , 911 and Veterans Day.

There were lots of donations, to schools for chil-dren, scholarships and benefits in eachcommunity. Many members have made hats, mit-tens, scarves, slippers and blankets for Veteransand Veterans Homes and hospitals.

We had units with troubles and are comingback strong; I knew they could do it.

It has been a busy year. Lewiston 198 held a fieldservice which was very nice to see in the district.281 Harbor Springs had an Armistice Day dinnerfor all Veterans. At a local scrap book conventionat Boyne Highlands the gals made cards forVeterans. They were sent overseas and to anyVeterans in the area. They were very beautiful.

I was proud to be part of Sky is the Limit and agreat year working with Departnebt President MaryAnn Yuncker.

Legion Commander Tom Brown; Auxiliary President Mary Anne Yuncker; SAL Detachment Commander RodneyTolbert and Honorary Junior President Alexus Champion take a moment for the camera at the 2012-13Testimonial held April 13 in Oscoda at Loud Merkel LaPlante Post #274.

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12 | June 2013 | MICHIGAN LEGIONNAIRE & AUXILIAIRE | www.michalaux.org

“We Remember” Cookies for Poppy Days

Unit 459 made cookies for “Poppy Days”. They are pretty, delicious and baked with loveto honor our veterans leading up to Memorial Day. Marge’s Donut Den and Bakery madethe tasty treats in support of those who have served our country. A portion of all of the salesof the “We Remember” cookies will go to support veterans’ services.

Beryl Robbins, President of the Harold J.Chatell, Unit 426 reported that the memorialdonations routed through their Unit for PastDepartment President Jan Kintz amounted to$295.00. We think she would have been verypleased with our decision to support Angels ofHope, who provides financial assistance to

Unit 426 Supports “Angels of Hope” in Remembrance

Incoming Illinois President and Incoming President SandraSnyder making a membership pledge at the NationalLeadership Conference.

Incoming Membership Chairman Susan Svacha and IncomingIllinois Membership President making a membership pledgeat the National Leadership Conference.

Pictures left to right: Tami Hoezee, Unit #6 President; AuxiliaryPresident Mary Anne Yuncker; SAL Squadron Commander forPost 6; Rodney Tobert, SAL Detachment Commander; Post 6Commander Scott Pierce; and Department Commander TomBrown proudly wear their Dutch shoes during the Tulip TimeFestival in Holland on May 8.

President Mary Annie Oakley was the rifle raffle winner atFrank’s Great Outdoors, in Linwood. However her husband WildBill will probably be getting the most action out of theweapon.

children as they battle cancer, either theirs ora parent. Angels of Hope ensures that 100%of every dollar donated is used for to providethis financial assistance.

If you are interested in learning more aboutthem visit www.angelsofhope.org. A specialthank you to everyone that sent donations.

Anita Mennel, National Candidate FundChairman

The department of Michigan does not have acandidate for National office. However, “when”the time is right and we have an interested can-didate, the cost is substantial. The purpose of thisfund is to help spread out those costs and to nothave to come up with the monies in a short peri-od of time.

A huge thank you to all who have donatedtowards the National Candidate Fund. At our FallConference, we raised $591.00. However, you allout-did yourselves, because at Mid-Winter we put$819.00 into the account. Be on the lookout forbaskets at convention, and a drawing for the win-ner of each basket will be toward the end of thesession. (Bring some extra $$ with you.)

See you at the Soo.

Update From The NationalCandidate Fund

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Finance/PersonnelBy Randy Browne, State Chairman

I would like to thank Department Commander Brownfor giving me the opportunity to serve the Department ofMichigan as Chairman of the Finance/PersonnelCommittee this year. I would also like to thank Vice-Chairman David Buist along with members Joe Callahan,PDC Roger Webster, Ray Carlson and Finance OfficerLyle Shanks for their year of service and help.

I will begin this report with the Department’s budgetmeeting on May 12, 2012, at Department Headquarters.During this meeting, the Department budget has antici-pated income of $2,414,020, anticipated expenses of$2,579,008 leaving an estimated deficit of $164,988.This budget will be presented to the convention financecommittee for their approval. Also at this meeting, arecommendation was made to have a special one-time raf-fle for Wilwin. We also discussed having VA/R DirectorJim Topps, set guidelines with the Reconnect Committeefor emergence aid funds. This committee also discussedadvertising in the Michigan Legionnaire and it was sug-gested a small business card with rates would be an easyway to promote our product.

At the Finance Standing Committee meeting on June28, 2012, in Kalamazoo, this committee was told byVA&R Director Topps that strengthening the coalition isthe only way to go forward at this time and handed outnew guidelines for the emergency aid funds. This com-mittee again reviewed the Department’s budget.

At the Finance Convention Committee meeting heldon June 29, 2012, the Departments budget was present-ed for the committees review and approval. The budg-et report was approved by convention delegate action.

At our Fall Conference meeting held on September 21,2012, at Boyne Highlands in Harbor Springs, KevinSheard, our financial consultant, from TAG informedthis committee that our investment portfolio had a loss of$74,181 due mainly to our stock investments. As per ourrules of procedure, this committee reviewed the last threeyears of income and expenses for the Department ofMichigan and no dues increase is warranted at this time.It also was decided at this meeting that all interest and div-idends earned at TAG be reinvested back into our invest-ment accounts and that this policy be reviewed each year.

Eric Sturk, our CPA auditor, presented audit drafts forthis committee to review. The final audits will be approvedat the January 2013 finance meeting in Lansing. Thiscommittee reviewed the Department’s insurance poli-

cies and cost. This Chairman asked the FinanceAdministrator to do a review of our policies and to obtainseveral bids for the next fiscal year. This committee alsoapproved new cement work for the front of the buildingand buying a new copier for our Headquarters office inLansing.

At our finance meeting held on January 5, 2013, atDepartment headquarters, our committee decided tohave our financial investment group TAG, give reports onour fiscal year, and Sienna Investment Advisors would alsolike to bid on our investment portfolio at our WinterMeeting.

The final audits for Department were reviewed by allcommittee members and approved as written. Our bank-ing institution, Citizens Bank, is merging with First MeritBank out of Ohio, two members from the bank met withus to tell us about how the merger was going, fee struc-tures, account policies, and what to expect. Final merg-er will not take place until this fall. It was decided to con-tact several other banks in the area to see what servicesthey offer that we might be interested in.

We have changed insurance companies, this commit-tee reviewed bids from auto-owners, which will saveDepartment over $11,000 on the same policies we hadwith Post Insurance, a big savings for us. This commit-tee approved donations to the National Emergency Fundin the amount of $3,000, Operation Comfort Warrior inthe amount of $2,000, and the Children and YouthEndowment Fund in the amount of $1,000. We alsoapproved a request by Reconnect Chairman Gary Tanner,to purchase a golf cart out of the wounded warrior fundsfor the Adaptive Golf Single Rider Cart Program fordisabled veterans in the amount of $6,000.

At the Winter Meeting held on February 16, 2013, atthe Holiday Gateway Centre in Flint, Michigan, Thiscommittee approved $3,000 for the DepartmentConvention parade to be held in June. Our Committeereceived 2 audit bids, one from our Current audit firmKutas and Associates and one from Maner and Costerian.After reviewing each bid, this committee decided to con-tinue with Kutas and Associates for 3 years at a cost of$23,500 per year with a 3% increase for each of the nexttwo years.

Sienna investments presented an investment proposalfor this committee to review. Our investments are cur-rently with TAG. After much discussion and many ques-tions, this committee decided to take no action at this time.

By Jim Wallace, Chairman Public Relations This being the last article of the 2012-2013 year, I

would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge a grateful“Thank You” to Commander Tom Brown for theopportunity as Chairman of the Public RelationsCommittee. This has been a challenging, informativeand exciting year to promote the Department ofMichigan and the National organizations. Also, a”Thank You” goes out to the Committees ZoneRepresentatives for their due diligence in getting theword out to all Legionnaires about the need to “toot ourown horn” regarding the American Legion.

Our programs and activities are just a part of thiswell respected organization. Without the heartfeltdeterminations of all legion members we would nothave the response we have to Boy’s State, TrooperSchool, Baseball, Heroes to Hometown, Boy Scouts,Children and Youth just to name a few. This is a “allfor one and one for all” group of members that are sin-cere and decisive in supporting the Active DutyPersonnel, Veterans and their families and theCommunity around them to make a better place to liveand a Country to be proud of. Without this determi-nation and resolve the American Legion would falter

By Sheryl May, ChairmanThe Women Veterans Task Force

had a presence at the Winter Meetingthanks to task force member WandaTorres. The Women Veterans Task ForceSpecial Committee was appointed in July2012 by Commander Tom Brown andhas been working to meet our mission

which is ‘to identify the needs and concerns of womenveterans within the State of Michigan resulting incentralized access to local resources and VA bene-fits to improve their lives, the lives of their families,and their surrounding communities’

She delivered my report at the DEC meeting and con-ducted an informal meeting with six in attendance, includ-ing three male Legionnaires. Thank you to those who tookthe time to support women Veterans! Additionally, aTribute to Women Veterans pin made its premier show-ing at the Winter Meeting and was well received with BeverlyList, Claudia Barber-Martin and Mrs. Rodney Tolbert sell-ing 130 pins. The pin was designed by task force memberGaye Pappas and for those of you who have not seen it, thepin is adorned with a combat boot, a red high heel shoe, anddog tags and simply says ‘She Chose to Serve’. Thankyou, Gaye…this is a great contribution to the cause ofwomen Veterans!

The Task Force will be attending Commissioner DianeWebb’s 2nd annual Veterans, Families and Caretakers Eventwith Past Department Commander Dick Chatman. Theevent will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 from 6:00 - 8:00PM at VFW Post 7546 in Dearborn Heights, MI. Keyleaders from many different agencies will be there to informVeterans, their families and caretakers about programs andservices available in Wayne County and throughout theregion.

The Task Force will be at the State Convention in Juneand I hope that all of you will make an effort to attend oursession so that in the end we can assist Michigan’s womenveterans. In order to identify our women Veterans, I am ask-ing each woman to email me at [email protected] your name, legion membership number and any otherinformation you would like to share with the task force.Also, please feel free to call me at (248) 340-1448.


This committee also reviewed a banking proposal fromChase Bank. We are currently with Citizens Bank, whichwill be merging with First Merit of Ohio. After review-ing their proposal and comparing it with our currentaccounts with Citizens, a motion was made to move allof the Department of Michigan’s banking to Chase Bankby July 1, 2013.

We now have come full circle with the Department’sbudget meeting held on May 10, 2013, at DepartmentHeadquarters. At this meeting, the committee reviewedthe total Department’s budget with anticipated income of$2,408,645 and expenses of $2,817,621, leaving a deficitof $158,976. This budget will be presented to theConvention Finance Committee for their review.

I would like to thank the staff in Lansing for all theirhelp this past year, especially our Finance Administrator,Denise Koets for doing a great job. This committee alsowants to thank our Department Adjutant and VA&RDirector for their help and assistance. I urge all DistrictCommanders to appoint representatives to theDepartment Convention Finance Committee meetingto conduct the business of the Department (that’s the bluecard in your packet). Nine representatives are needed tomake a quorum. If a member of the Standing FinanceCommittee or the Department Finance Officer is fromyour District, that person would be your logical choice. Ilook forward to seeing everyone at convention. It has beena privilege to serve the American Legion this year

and crumble. We avoid this calamity by promoting andannouncing to the general public who and what we areas an organization and our objectives and intentions.If we don’t, nobody else will. Don’t be afraid, appre-hensive or hesitant to “toot your own horn” to thepublic to show that you are proud to announce anddeclare being a veteran and member of this organi-zation and Country. I know I am. Just ask me and Iwill tell you. Are you ready for the same question?

Every day is a new day for ideas to better our organ-ization. Every good PR campaign can be improved.This will only occur with your help and enthusiasm. Wehave to get out there and make our ideas work and wearout the shoe leather making them known to all. Thisyear was good, however, let’s expand on what we haveaccomplished and make next year even greater.

“Thank you” to all Legionnaires within this greatorganization for your fine work with the programs,activities and promotion of the American Legion. Ithas been a pleasure to work with many of you through-out this 2012-2013 year at Post & District Meetings,Department Meetings and Conferences. I am lookingforward to a meet, greet and discussion session with youat our Department Convention.

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UP Legislative Banquet


THANK YOURodney Tolbert SAL Detachment Cmdr.

Greetings AmericanLegion Family from theDetachment of Michigan,As I look back on the year Ijust had I am so proud of theway the Detachment hasworked with the AmericanLegion family. When we all

work as one, great things happen. It is a year thatWendy and I will never forget, all the people wemet on our travels made us feel like we hadknown them forever. Everyone showed pride

in their post, what they dofor veterans, and therecommunity, it was a greatthing to see. I want to thankyou for letting me be your DetachmentCommander for 2012-2013. I look for-ward to still serving the greatest Veteransorganization on earth. Let’s all move for-ward to make 2013-2014 even better.The year of the Wolverine was a success,membership is up, and donation to home-less Vets went very well. Thank you all foryour part. God bless you all, and see yousoon. For God and Country.

A great time was had by all at the Legislative Banquet held April 27, 2013at Uren Cooper Johnson Post# 50 in Iron Mountain. Patrick Lafferty wasthe Master of Ceremonies.

L R Scott Dianda 110th District - Pat Lafferty- Daid Nyberg Governors office-Ed McBroom 108th District - Tom Casperson Senator -Jason Allen Dept of VeteranAffairs -Dan Benishek Congressman -Amy Berglund Carl Levin's office -JerryHicks Post#50 Commander -Bruce Rosen Iron Mountain Mayor

L-R Judy Lynch Past Dept. President - Julie Tobin Unit#44 - Patricia Jewell PastDept. President -Pat Laine Past Dept. President - Sue Verville DeptChaplain/District Sec. Treas. -Pam Pearson UPAA Ditrict President -Jan HafemanPast Dist. President -Racheal Koivisto Unit#87 - Barb Larson Oscar JohnsonVA District Rep. Unit#50


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BUYINGGerman, Japanese, U.S.military items from allwars. Top cash paid for

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Buying Legion, Auxiliary, SAL,40/8, VFW, DAV, Masonic, and

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989-725-9728 Legion Member

Honorably DischargedVeterans

The Camp Curnalia CottageOwner Association is a com-

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"The contents ofadvertisements whichappear in theLegionnaire are sole-ly the responsibility ofthe adver tisers.Appearance of anyadvertisement in theLegionnaire does notconstitute either arecommendation, noran endorsement ofthe goods and serv-ices offered therein."

3. All requests for a ruling or an opinion of theDepartment Judge Advocate, where possible, willbe accompanied by the written request for a rulingor an opinion; in like manor; of the parties on theother side of the issue. Where this is not possible, theoriginal requester will set forth the position of the par-ties' on the other side of the issue, where there is anadvocate for another position;

4. All requests for a ruling or opinion of the DepartmentJudge Advocate, dealing with issues within a Post,must be accompanied by the written opinion of thePost Judge Advocate on the issue or issues and like-wise the District Judge Advocate;

5. All requests for a ruling or opinion of the DepartmentJudge Advocate, dealing with issues at a Districtlevel, will be accompanied by the written opinion ofthe District Judge Advocate on the issue or issues;

6. The only exceptions to 4. or 5. above will be if theDepartment Commander or Department Adjutantcertifies in writing, to the Department Judge

Advocate, that an emergency exists such that one ormore of the above requirements should be waived;and

7. In emergency situations the written requests foropinion may be faxed, e-mailed, or mailed to theDepartment Judge Advocate by the DepartmentAdjutant and the opinion of the Department JudgeAdvocate will be returned in similar manor.


ContinuedJudge Advocate Opinion

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Past Commander/Life memberJohn J Hayes celebrated is 90thbirthday at Post #52 inColdwater. John has been a con-tinuous member for 68 years.

Boys Stater (2012) Steven Sabuda fromWyandotte MI visited Post 217 to talk abouthis Boys State experience. Left –right grand-father Len Sabuda, father David Sabuda ,Steven and post 217 commander Norm Martin.

Pinckney Memorial Post 419 recognized 60 year member HarrisonHensley (Center). Commander Butch Ely (Left) and 1st ViceCmdr Red Johnson (Right)


Around the State...

American Legion Post 559, Rock, Michigan conducted its 34th annual Punt,Pass, and Kick competition at Mid-Peninsula School, and presented tro-phies to first and second place winners. Post 559 finds the little thingsto assist the youth in their community.

Pat Kline DVSO awards Gene Brandon, PostService officer for Post 558, a certificatefor his years of service.

Carl Stitt Post 232 in Dearborn Heights pre-sented 30 flags to the Westwood SchoolDistrict in Dbn. Hgts. for their classrooms.Pictured are(from l to r) are Kim Frazier,Aux. Pres.; Ed Kempisty, Post Commander; SueCarnell, Westwood District Superintendant;Fred Koch, Post Adjutant; and Cass Wegzyn,Post Sr. Vice Commander.

The Chesaning American Legion Post 212 presented a check toChesaning Varsity Football team to purchase the camouflage jerseysfor the "Chesaning Military Classic" game, which will be held onSeptember 13, 2013. Pictured from left to right are: CommitteeMember Barbie Haughton, 1st Vice Commander Rod Toma, HeadCoach Jason Gray, Commander Bill Lickman, and Athletic Director JanKrause.

The Ithaca American Legion Post 334 donated 32 U.S. flags to Ithaca Junior High School.The flags will be used in each classroom to promote patriotism. From left, KenMiller, John Smolka, Ted Martyn, Jim Norris, Jon Lewis, Principal Renee Sopel, Ray Welch,Post Commander Gary Hoffer, Joe Castillo, Dick Pharr, Dick Schleder, Maria Page, DianaPage, Vince Strouse and Tom Glynn.

Southgate Post 478; 16th District; Zone 1 -Presentation of ALRPlaque to Jim Austin for Legacy Run 2012. Left to Right: Jim Austin(478); Michael Buda (Dept. Sgt-at-Arms); Michael Gibbs(Commander 478)

5th Zone Commander, Jack Koivisto, installed New Post CommanderDonald Dillar and Post Officers for Post 87