johan part # 3 - · 2012. 8. 15. ·...

Johan Part # 3

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Johan Part # 3

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to the Messages with Johan


'' The time will come, when the task of a doctor will not be

to treat the body,

but to heal the mind, which in turn

will heal the body. In other words, the right doctor

will be philosopher and teacher and it will be of his concern

to keep the person healthy and not

to start treating the body when it has become sick.

The true doctor will not only treat the body with medication,

but rather treat the mind with principles.

He will teach people that good humor, good will, noble deeds, love and

grace are just as beneficial for the body as for the mind.

And that a joyous heart is the best medicine.

Positive, pure thoughts are the premise

for purity of the body, for inner harmony and balanced serenity. ''

Using the text of WALDO TRINE, American Philosopher, 1899

This sums up my life's work for the last thirteen years now, since I came to the Caribbean. This could not describes me as person and interests and work done better. I always put emphasis on KNOWING, AND KNOWING TRUTH, or learning, AND THAT WILL ALWAYS BE MY WISH, but I also do realize that there comes a time when we have to start DOING, PRACTISING WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW, IN ORDER TO KNOW MORE BECAUSE OF IT. This brought me from running our own Spa, Health and Holistic Seawater Center towards Reiki practitioner, slowly opening up to personal spirituality and away from religion. After the move from Antigua to Saint Lucia, I concentrated more on massages and teaching thereof, a lot of Reiki work and investigating more and more time in organic living, learning, studying the many works and books, especially the Urantia Book I had received from many people during our Spa operation. Meditation became more regular and the conversations I heard or was put upon my heart became more and more intense, serious Guidance and drew me into express my hearts desires, connecting to my souls purpose etc...This lead to intense research on the internet, what brought me to seeing the webpage of AH, contacting Candace and becoming a member in October, November 2010. This clearly brought me HOME, this opened me up to so many teachings, messages,

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instructions, making friends and feeling like family amongst the forum members. A little over enthusiastic at first, what really and only reflected my joy and happiness and finding like minded people I could learn from and express my hearts desires and spiritual understandings with, it brought me to that moment when a voice said : '' Are you ready to take a message ? '' This lead to some tumult on the forum but eventually the truth prevailed and when the dust settled, I was in for more messages from more Celestial Ones and a lot more fun and a new goal and work and destiny in my life. I also lead me to a great pleasure to see my wife/partner open up to all of this as she started her own meditations she did not do before. Now she knows all of the names of most of the regular members at the forum and all is evolving very nicely. Those messages have opened the door to more spiritual understanding, helping me to bridge the gap for myself and others between us, Divine Beings of ALL THE SAME ESSENCE, and our Celestial Brothers and Sisters and Leadership in CMAton and Papa Source. I dare to state I am in Love again, in Love with spirituality, with Life in general, in Love with Divinity, with CMAton and crew and Papa Source through getting to know them better each day, and IT FEELS SO GOOD. Recently more channels have opened up to me, not by my choosing or request at all, but just happening for good reasons I am sure. I feels most wonderful being able to be of Service of all and bringing a lot of Reiki Joy to all the members and participating meditating AH family as we have embarked on that road towards Blessing and Supporting mother Earth, or Gaia in her soon to be new name and status. I have to mention the tremendous help, teaching and advise I have received from Candace and a few other telepaths or channelers, the deep friendship I have enjoyed and still enjoy with others and could not ask for a better Divine Gift as to finding AH on my spiritual path : HOME. Johan.

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Table of Contents

Message Page Introduction to Messages with the Masters ........................................................... 1 Table of Content ........................................................................................................ 3 AH SUNDAY MEDITATION INVITATION, SUNDAY March 11TH, 2012 ................... 5 BLESSED BE ALL OF YOU, CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT. ........................................ 6 SUNDAY AH MEDITATION MARCH 18TH, 2012 ...................................................... 8 AH MEDITATION INVITATION, SUNDAY MARCH 25TH, 2012 ................................ 9 GET THE PICTURE? I AM THAT I AM ....................................................................... 10 Johan forum Posts March 29 to April 1 ....................................................................... 11 AH Meditation Sunday April 1, 2012 ........................................................................... 16 A GREAT TIME LAYS AHEAD OF YOU..................................................................... 18 AH Sunday Meditation Invitation April 22th, 201 ......................................................... 20 AH Sunday Meditation Invitation , April 29th, 2012 ..................................................... 21 AH Sunday Meditation Invitation, MAY 13th, 2012 ..................................................... 22 Are you ready to Go with the Flow into the River of Life more Abundant ? ................ 23 Sunday AH Meditation Invitation, May 20, 2012 ......................................................... 25 Greetings to All of you, Children of The Light. ............................................................ 26 Call this a Love Letter from a Father to his many Sons and Daughters of the Light. .. 27 Sunday AH Meditation Invitation, June 10, 2012 ........................................................ 28 Today is The Day. ....................................................................................................... 29 AH Sunday Meditation Invitation, Sunday June17, 2012 ............................................ 30 Happy Father's Day ..................................................................................................... 31 YOU HAVE VERY LITTLE TO LOOSE, BUT YOUR PATIENCE ............................... 32 Global AH Meditation Sunday June 24, 2012 ............................................................. 33 AH Sunday Meditation Invitation, July 1, 2012 ............................................................ 35 WHAT HAPPENS NOW IS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE CREATIONS. .......................... 36 Sunday Meditation July 15, 2012 ................................................................................ 38 Sunday Meditation July 22, 2012 ................................................................................ 40 I AM TODAY'S MESSENGER OF GREAT NEWS. .................................................... 41 Global AH Meditation Sunday July 29, 2012 ............................................................... 42 To Those Who Dare to Dream and Desire and Purely Intend Beyond Your Horizon. 44 Global AH Meditation Sunday Aug 12, 2012 ............................................................... 46

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All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by

©2005-2011 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here

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By CM/Johan

Mar 11, 2012

After Connecting with CMAton for this evenings and AH Sunday Meditation Invitation, Sunday February 11th, 2011, He advises me to CHANGE OUR DIRECTIVE towards FULL FOCUS ON MOTHER EARTH. To make more efficient use of your meditation time towards that specific goal, CMAton advises us to Connect with the Christ Within Mother Earth, or with the Higher Self/ Spirit of Mother Earth and trust upon your Higher Self to bring forward what to do best. Giving Her full Support, Love and Light, Blessings to be able to withstand the coming Earth Changes, those we MIGHT experience ourselves before and those after the start of the Stasis. Also the recent increased Solar Activity, ON PURPOSE, is having its well intended effect, from the crystal core of mother Earth onwards to the surface that comes under increasing pressure ... The rest we felt compelled to focus on, with full freedom to keep following your Inspired Guidance, is fully monitored by Fleet and a process in full development, as we have been informed on many occasions. So again, follow you own Guidance or where your Higher Self is taking you, BUT PLEASE PAY ATTENTION, OR FULL FOCUS ON MOTHER EARTH. Love and Light, Johan

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By Siraya thru Johan

Mar 12, 2012

I AM SIRAYA. I would like to address all of those Fortunate Ones who listened to the unheard voice and looked at the unseen visions, DEEP INSIDE. We have come a very long and complex way; there were alot of bumps in the road, to put it mildly, but the unwaivering stand and determination of Your Sovereign and enormous crew to see it through has surely paid off. Creator Source through his Creator Son of Nebadon, Christ Michael, is reaching the High Standard Goals. The overall picture, as this process is not about Urantia only, far from it, is coming together nicely. Even if things, in the eyes of those in the knowing of the process at hand, still look bleak on the surface of your planet, not to mention the condition of the planet herself, the complex road towards completion is nearing its end. What seems VAST and IMPOSSIBLE, is very well prepared for and has been done before and can actually be manifested surprisingly fast. The resistance at your planet was equally surprising, but even they now know their days are numbered. In this, I also must congratulate your Ancient of Days of Orvonton, who stood their ground supremely, kept a steady course despite the many changes to the original plans. These plans were adapted and newly implemented, with far reaching goals in mind. We feel the tiredness and pain many of you are inflicted with since desperate times brought on desperate measures by those who keep their course against Reason, Logic, Truth, Divine Love and Light. We have all come together in Unison and informed those unfortunate ones of the consequences of their very tragic choices, and still, some wont even listen. A specific end scenario is unfolding as we speak to serve ALL included. From Creator Source at the Isle of Paradise to the Fleet personel surrounding you, there is a clear sense of Joy, as we see the wider picture manifesting nicely. No use in looking back how different, how better it could have been, as we often hear from bystanders. All efforts have been put into action to reach the best of results for as many as possible. That will form the basis for alot of future creations; some of which many of you will be part of, some of which a number of you will have leading roles in of all kind. I like to extend my sincere appreciation to all those who carried their weight to help make this Great Shift a reality. It takes many minds and many more hands to accomplish such monumental task. May it be clear by now that Truth and Love from a few is far heavier, yet Uplifting, and valuable to be precise, then a majority of ' unfortunate unknowing kept in the dark ' and their cunning leaders who are offered every chance to turn around. ALL are part of the Total Sum, and equally loved, but after all has been tried to increase the numbers turning towards the Light, each

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will be allowed to continue to exist where they deserve to be, with many who will most unfortunately call it quits. It is their freedom of choice and that will make way for new creations, who will be Guided appropriately as many lessons have been learned. You already know that the last mile(s) of a marathon weigh the most, but after you all pass the illustrious finishline together, your Joy will quickly overshadow any blisters, any wounds, any fatigue, any pain, and that wont be that long anymore. I am Delighted to see the mood change already by those who make a distinct effort each day to go Within and make good use in Trust of the wealth of information and Knowledge brought to Light. It is fueling your thoughts as co-creators already. That is why I choose to open this message of encouragement with '' To those Fortunate Ones ... '' , those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. BLESSED TO ALL OF YOU, BELOVED CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT. Lets hope many more may join you shortly after hearing and seeing, like you do. I AM Siraya, in Service of Creator Source. Love and Light, Johan.

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By Johan/CM

Mar 18, 2012

Early this morning I Connected with CMAton through my Higher Self and A NEW DIRECTIVE came out of our Communication. He explained : '' We have made a turn around in one sector, section of the dark, still holding on up to now to their devious plans. That might be coming forth/clear or surfacing shortly, what we will encourgage or at least stimulate. Some cracks at the seams of your society cannot longer be kept together and the loss of unity between the fearmongering, power hungry, manipulating and deceiving cartels will show quickly now. Things are going from bad to worse and decisions already made by them and us, will have serious consequences for ALL of society, impossible to ignore or shove underneath the carpet as happened before/usually. Hence my new directive: ONE: There is nothing more important for yourself to Connect with Higher Realms to receive Understanding, Knowledge and Truth and demonstrate or carry that out with Discipline and Devotion in you present life and situation. This is how you progress and that will be the case everywhere you land in the near future. So keep Going Within with the Hunger to KNOW, ask your Higher Self for the Guidance you need to demonstrate and put into PRACTISE what you have learned and what it is you want to accomplish yourself. Passive knowledge will not bring forward change nor results nor progress. TWO: Please do not forget Mother Earth and the Elements, shower them with your LOVE and SUPPORT and WELL WISHES and HARMONY, it will also put you in a better, safer place/position when things were to escalate around you or anywhere in the world. '' Enjoy your meditation/ moment of Silence and Balance. Love and Light, Johan

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By Johan/CM

Mar 25, 2012

A Very Good SUNDAY MORNING to All of You, All of Us, I Connected with CMAton to ask for His Will for this sundays AH meditation and He asked me to share the following with the readers : For those who need some extra INSPIRATION : MESSAGE TO HUMANITY By ONE (I AM) PAPA , as posted at the front. It is a good time to ask : WHAT IS IT I NEED TO KNOW ... For those who are familiar with their own meditation routines : Upon Going Within, Connect with the Spirit of Truth = My Mind that is available to all who ask and so desire, and ask : WHAT IS IT I NEED TO KNOW ... and it might be the start of The River Of Life More Abundant, flowing through you from WITHIN. Love and Light, Johan

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Mar 29, 2012 PAPA SOURCE : GET THE PICTURE ? I AM THAT I AM Prime Creator, First Source, Creator Source, Your Light and Love, and Loving, I DO DO as in Divinely Operating What appears only a play of WORDS means EVERYTHING to Me as I AM Experiencing All of Life through All of You, and my Gratitude that knows no boundaries is quickly BECOMING Your Joy and Happiness, without boundaries also. Do YOU feel ready for a big step up? My Beloved Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon is clearly hard a work DOING what He knows to DO best, through Me, through ALL THAT IS: Divinely Operating, DOING. Are you a Divine Operator? Will you Operate Your Projector of Thoughts Within One Mind and let All of Us enjoy the Life movies you are making? Yes, I know of this scribe his morning meditation, as His Sovereign knew, and through the Oneness, ALL know. We also have Projected Our Thoughts along the Universal Guidelines, Laws of Balance and Creation, what I suggest some of you have another look at, I would call it ' Preferential Reading ' and when your heart feels in alignment with it, your soul will DO the rest to Guide You to make you feel at Home, wherever you go. We are enjoying the movie We see unfolding towards it final cut and the title could BE : I AM THAT I AM THROUGH WHAT I LOVE TO DO ... Get the picture? My Blessins to All. I AM Papa Source. Love and Light, Johan

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Johan forum Posts March 29 to April 1

By Johan/CM

Apr 1, 2012 Upon asking CMAton for His Will upon my morning session, He suggested a particular task for me to carry out, rahter personal and then to move on to sharing the visual He wanted me to see : A couple of winding, snake, spiral moving kinds of things came into visual. It took me a while to see these were meandering streams, rivers in a valley, since I was obviously seeing this from great altitude. Moments later a tremendous amount of water, a real deluge or flooding came from between the neigboring mountain pass into the valley, flooding everything, but also receding pretty fast, since that volume made its way out this valley, between its surrounding mountains, into the next valley. This seemed an unstoppable force, untill it would enter the ocean far far below. The picture CMAton tried to paint : When TRUTH hits many, AS IT IS ABOUT TO HIT THE MASSES, not like the trickeling through that steady grows through alternative media now, things have an amazing, astonishing effect. Then its for those who KNEW this was coming, who made their way out of the valleys, into the hills and mountains, to help out those who find themself floating on top, if not drowned already ... Meaning : We are the life boats, life jackets to those around us, family, friends IF/WHEN they decide to turn to us for answers, for help. They will look for familiar faces to find confirmation, help, understanding, and no matter how many times they rejected your ' weird theories without any shred of evidence ' , when IT HITS EN MASS, IT WILL HIT AND HURT MASS ... IVELY, and they will be looking for anchors, for surety, for reassurance etc ... Suggestion from CMAton : make sure you are comfortable WITH WHAT YOU KNOW, WHAT YOU CONSIDER TRUTH, so you can be stable and standing when others pull your vest or sleeves for help ... Advise from CMAton : KEEP CONNECTING WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF AT ALL TIME, ASK BEFORE YOU GO TO BED FOR INFORMATION, INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE so that gets loaded into your System and can become opened, decoded when needed or necessary ... Those who keep asking for ' evidence, proof, facts ' from outward sources other then themselves, will struggle, will ignore, will deny ... but the days are approaching that REALITY WILL SETTLE IN ... nomatter how you react towards it ... Major decisions are made, we will hear from some stuff, call it minimal updates shortly, so check your Golden Heart, check your Inner and Higher Communication, prepare yourselves to BE PREPARED AND FACE THE MUSIC, HELPING OTHERS TO FACE THE MUSIC ... so you can help yourself and others to drop the fear and TRUST AND ACCEPT. That was it for this morning. Love and Light,

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Johan ******************* We have to make the disctinction between ' belief ' and ' knowing ' . Belief is blindly accepting what others are asking you to accept, usually in a groups format or groups experience. KNOWING is having experienced something through putting it together, having factual evidence, finally understanding, having seen or heard with your own eyes, ears or having been put upon your heart after hearing that Inner Small Voice, That Inner and Higher Guidanc, what always comes down to a ' PERSONAL EXPERIENCE '. What you have heard, seen, touched, tasted, smelled and felt, nobody can convince you otherwise, THAT IS WHAT YOU EXPERIENCED. Ofcourse, The Spiritual World is outside of that, its what you ' heard or felt or saw INSIDE OF YOU, outside of your physical senses, AND THAT TAKES A LEAP OF FAITH, DISCIPLINE UNTILL THAT CONVINCES YOURSELF JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER PHYSICAL SENSES ... How and why do we even expect somebody to belief, to accept anything we say or share or teach IF THEY HAVE NOT EXPERIENCED IT FOR THEMSELVES ? Would you ??? Hence the reason even some members of AH still doubt, BECAUSE THEY FOLLOW OUTSIDE TEACHINGS, CHANNELINGS, MESSAGES, UPDATES, without GOING WITHIN AND ASKING FOR THEMSELVES = EXPERIENCING IT FOR THEMSELVES ..., UNLESS you settle for that and you accept that to be A OK ... All of that is greatly determined by the PERSONAL HUNGER TO KNOW OR THE PERSONAL GUIDANCE THAT YOU EITHER FELT, OR PICKED UP, OR WERE INSPIRED WITH AND UNDERSTOOD OR FOLLOWED AS INTUITION, OR NOT ... Everything that includes ' FEAR ' ( = False Evidence Appearing Right ) has absolutely nothing to do with Divine, WELL ON THE CONTRARY, that that is what MAN has used, the weapon of FEAR to keep control over the ignorant and dumb, ignorant and unknowing and UNEXPERIENCED masses ..., as they prefer to keep it that way forever, so they can stay IN CONTROL, POWER OVER ALL OF THEM ... The best service you can do to anybody NOT IN THE KNOWING OF WHAT YOU KNOW, not having experienced what you experienced is TO GIVE THEM THE FREEDOM TO FIND OUT FOR THEMSELVES IF THEY HAVE THAT DESIRE, OFCOURSE TO CONFRONT THEM OR SHOW THEM WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE TRUE OR WHAT YOU EXPERIENCED AND FOREMOST, LEARN THEM, TEACH THEM TO GO WITHIN AND FIND OUT OR EXPERIENCE FOR THEMSELVES, IF THEY HAVE THAT DESIRE. NOTHING WILL MAKE THEM FASTER CONVINCED THEN WHAT THEY FOUND OUT OR EXPERIENCED FOR THEMSELVES. If not, you can only Bless them, Love them, and give them their freedom, and hope that someday they found the first step like you once did ... BEING AN EXAMPLE ALWAYS WORKS BEST, but let me share you a story from my youth in that regard : When my father thought me how to weld, and he allowed me to do alot, thaught me alot, what now allows me to help myself in carpentry, masonry, animal husbandry, electrical, plumbing, gardening, salesmanship, cooking, etc..., I accused him of being a bad teacher, since he ' never allowed me to weld to much, and always corrected me ... ' , I even told him that when I was 13.

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NOW I KNOW BETTER, AND THAT I WAS UNPATIENT AND I APPRECIATE THE GREAT TEACHER HE WAS, and still is, but from the other side ... I was the stuborn student who thought I knew better or wanted to do it myself as fast as possible, running before I could even walk. I guess that comes with the territory when one is a hungry student, always wanting to know ... and do ... I took my soft revenge on my father at the same age of 13, by making two statues in metal, put together from nuts and bolts and small pieces of metal that I welded together as a statue of a mother with child and a father figure. When my father found these statues that I left on his work bench the Sunday he was not home, I know he must have been amazed and very proud. He never said anything about it, he was that hard and stubborn to admit openly. He followed the old fashion way of thinking that you have to love your children but not show or tell them much or not at all. From very young, I did not agree with that, but can accept that now that I know his background and upbringing and I still love him for the good he did and the wonderful teacher he was. I wanted to learn by doing, I wanted to learn on my own, I did not just wanted to be told, I WANTED TO EXPERIENCE ON MY OWN, even if it was a painful road, but somehow I always had some kind of Guidance I did not know or understand at that time, but I now know it was there. Hence my experience not to force anyting upon anybody but give them the freedom to learn on their own, or be there when they are hungry to know and encourage them to find out for themselves, to do for themselves, when they are ready. WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY, THE TEACHER/MASTER WILL COME. You can fight tooth and nail to convince somebody of the opposite, but usually to what avail ??? Sharing what you know is true, and then leaving the arena untill they are ready to comprehend, is another way. It leaves the door open for further communication and even if they do not have the courage to come back, they will understand when the time is right and remember that you laid the cornerstone to their new understanding. Sowing seeds is not always very rewarding, but knowing your intention is all what should keep you sowing anyways ... YOU CAN BRING THE HORSE TO THE WATER, BUT USUALLY CANNOT MAKE IT DRINK ... but your intention to show where they water is, should be good enough for yourself, the rest is extra, as how I see it ... Just my thinking outloud ... Love and Light, Johan *********** March 30, 2012 I asked My Primary Midwayer Aurela a few questions, actually my Higher Self first, while I was sending Love and Light to all the plants I was administering water in the first place. It was all about : is my Mission Statement accurate enough ? Am I doing what I am suppose to be doing? Is there anything I should be doing differently ? You know the row of questions one can ask, or was I more trying to THINK things through and ask for Guidance. Afterall, I was watering the garden, for heavens sake ... , should I not be attending to people, speaking to groups, witnessing about what I KNOW, talking about AH ? Should I not be a singer, a poet, a doctor, a specalist, a motivator ??? Again, you know how that thinking goes. Here were some of the answers or thoughs that came

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back and forth, that I was asked by CMAton during my evening meditation to share : Do you know that attending a garden is like attending a whole group of people ? The amount of nurturing it takes to grow those plants, from seeds to seedlings to young plants to mature plants to flowering fruitgrowing plants, surviving dry season, rain season, hurricane season, making sure they can grow according to their kind, some being vines, some needing support, others needing pots for a good while before being able to stand in full ground. Always thinking about the entire cycle, from seedling to mature plant, to provide the necessary space, support, water, compost, fertiliser, enough sun, not too much sun ... It is like I described earlier, it is always thinking about the possible future behavior, all unexpected constant changing circumstances in mind, thinking about all consequences, as much as possible. Even though It only seems a garden, and a small one, but if one can turn this into a succesful mini-enterprise, having it as much under control as possible, taking everything into consideration, then that little kingdom is a kingdom well run, well kept, well deserved, well worth the comparison as attending to people. If the same Love and Light and Provisions and future consideratons are taken into account, then also attending and managing and guiding a group of people in later conditions as you will find yourself into, then pretty much the same has to be taken into account, as nurturing people from seed to seedling to young and mature plants, keeping in mind their future posibilities and likings ... it will take alot of Loving Consideration from anybodies part to keep that in good terms and in good lanes ... To the question if I should not have been a singer, a musician, anything but what I do now, I was answered that according to where I am going, what I am doing, my Mission Statement, that only came about after alot of thought and Guidance, all was well described and covered . Candace made me think real good before I presented that so called unchecked or unjudged entrance paper, knowing full well how important that really is when in perfect alignment with our intentions, our thoughts, saying, actions and future desired results. Oh I could have been anything, everything, whatever I put my mind to . '' did my Primary Midwayer Aurelia tell me many times, even from 13 years old, when I had no clue about nothing ... But whatever talent I would have fully displayed, I would only have put myself in the limelight and stopped becoming WHO I REALLY AM/ WHAT I REALLY OUGHT TO DO ... one who looks after others, one who puts others in the limelight, one who is at Service to Others, one who works with Divine Love towards the benefit and Highest Purpose of All Involved etc. etc. Alot of thinking and writing came together today, and there was more that was shared and thought about, perhaps it will Inspire you to do the same, perhaps in different environments and circumstances, but what I never forgot, hanging from a glass frame in the kitchen window at the house of an aunt of Marijkes, AND from the thread I shared by Wallace D. Wattles ... something I have not always honored, and try to make up for : THINK BEFORE YOU ACT, AND WHILE ACTING, STILL THINK ... Love and Light, Johan ps sorry about any spelling mistakes, too late and too tired to correct them now ... March 29 2012

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Then CMAton asked me to share the following brief visual: a trunk of a relative young tree appeared and more and more branches started to grow as long as I looked at it. CMAton explained to me : '' That young tree was ready, but its branches were not and it took somebody his focus, attention, Light, Love, Energy to get the process started. Now anybody doing so will reap at least the following benefits : shade when the sun is too hot, wood if needby to make a fire when too cold, shelter when it rains too hard, an anker when the wind blows to hard, oxigen when the CO2 gets too strong, fruits when the season is right, roots to hold the soil together on a slope, and all of that is done unconditionally, for free, because you send your Love and Light, your energy to it ... You see what people would be able to do if only they unconditionally loved each other ... the possibilities are endless, infinite, eternal ... and so are all of you ... '' Love and Light, Johan

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AH Meditation Sunday April 1, 2012

By Johan/CM

Apr 1, 2012

I Connected with CMAton to know His Will upon our AH SUNDAY MEDITATION INVITATION and

I was steered into the direction of sharing His Visual and Questions to Guide your Moment of Silence and Balance, your Meditation:

THAT IS IT : A GOLDEN HEART. I was put upon my HEART to share : '' Do you have a Golden Heart ? Do you have a Heart of Gold ? Since NOW is as good a time as any, to CHECK YOUR HEART. This is your HOME, hence : Welcome Home to Thy Heart ... Have you forgiven those who asked forgiveness ? Have you forgiven those who did not ask for forgiveness ? Have you welcomed anybody into your Heart lately ? Have you asked yourself : WHAT WOULD LOVE DO ? Have you cleaned out your Heart of old cobwebs with unsettled yet petty differences ? Do you have a Heart for the less fortunate, those who REALLY need help, even only a smile, some advise, some of your time to hear them, some of what you have in abundance ? You only know what you have when you give it away, you know ... and then you will receive more of it ... ESPECIALLY LOVE ... All of the above will bring you to the right frame of mind to enter into what we find ourselves smack down in the middle of ... '' DO YOU HAVE A GOLDEN HEART ? DO YOU HAVE A HEART OF GOLD ? OR IS THERE ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT ???

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Yes there is, THERE ALWAYS IS ... Love and Light, Johan

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By AA Michael, thru Johan

Apr 6, 2012

I am Arch Angel Michael. Beloved Masters, On behalf and upon request of Christ Michael, it behooves me to address you, Light Workers, Star Seeds, World Servers, many of whom have not fully awakened yet to their full potential in the Divine Plan of Christ Michael, your Sovereign for his Beloved Final Bestowal Planet. At appropriate time, codes and packages will be opened and give some better understanding, insight in the choices and souls agreements some of you made before engaging in your task, especially THIS life time you engaged in. Now that Christ Michael has come forward with the Cosmic Courtesy of letting you know what is to transpire upon the Surface of your mother Earth, also seeing and knowing what is already manifesting Within, it is my task and full responsibility to coordinate much of what Souls in comparing circumstances need : assistance, Guidance, Inspiration, usually through Higher Selves and other close Spiritual Compagnions. All stand ready to step forward, to step up and do as they are Inspired and Instructed to do. Some of you MIGHT be leaving a little before all rolls into Stasis and other Souls will be Guided most accordingly. Many of your Guides eagerly await to cooperate and be the liason between us and yourselves. A Great Time lays ahead of you, My Beloved Masters, and after all the dust has settled and all air purified and all restored to your Creators satisfaction, some of you will find the renewed planet, called Gaia by you, a Delight and Most Heavenly, however premature in the New Beginnings. Glad tidings and Blessings to all of you, I Am Arch Angel Michael. Love and Light, Johan. Now remember for those that don't know or forgot, AA MICHAEL is the Arch Angel of the Resurrection on this planet. His name is not actually Michael, its a job description, he is the AA serving the process of the resurrection on this planet for Michael of Nebadon. Any planet going thru this process has a representative Arch Angel TO Michael of Nebadon. To those familiar with Revalations, Michael (and his angels fought the dragon story), that Michael is Michael of Nebadon, NOT AA Michael. That story is about the Lucifer Rebellion. -C ************ I am addiing a message here from the fourm that may be useful to some since this suggests some will depart before stasis.-C

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Indeed. For instance, as far as my situation is concerned, Mama Maria has been urging me, over the past month or so, to focus 110% on getting my house in order - both physically and spiritually. Apparently, and I speak about myself here and not anyone else, according to both my Laoshi and Mama, my time here has finished. To quote her words: "sort your bags out, my dear child, as you will be leaving soon, lock, stock and barrel; even before the bell tolls.". Day by day, I know with increasing certainty, that she meant I should concentrate fully on getting "psyched up" in order to move on, leaving this body behind. And that is precisely what I have been doing. Even though I have been continuing our daily meditations, and as the content of meditations have been too personal to be posted, I have not been posting: ie: been concentrating on getting my "bags packed". For those, like myself, who might be leaving Mama Gaia in this manner, I think it is best to look at this situation through another viewpoint. Maybe, Papa has decided that we would be better placed in another position where our assistance can be a thousand times more efficient than if we were here in our present Earth human bodies. Mama has often reminded me (to help me overcome my impatience) that this whole situation is very fluid and developing moment by moment. Papa is constantly evaluating the whole scenario as it's played out, and even though the "button has been pressed", the implementation of the final play has to be done in such as manner as to benefit the whole of His creation here. All in all, we know that the wonderful time is almost here, but I would also suggest that, we take into account that what is destined to come to pass, will come to pass. Que sera, sera. The story just beginning.

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AH Sunday Meditation Invitation April 22th, 201

By Johan/CM

Apr 22, 2012

Upon Connecting with CMAton to ask for His Guidance/Will for this Sundays AH Meditation, as we did not have on last week due to the AH GROUP MEDITATION, He suggested to look for a mind movie to help explain the purpose of this meditation : A young girl was admiring herself in a very large mirror. Not out of vanity, since she had good reason to do so : she was practising her steps in the mirror as ballerina. Seeing herself in that angelic ballet outfit filled her with impressions of being a Princess, of dancing in fairy land with elves and butterflies ... She was in heaven. All of that changed when she went home, back to reality, back to poverty, a home with alot of love, but material wise not much extras, and her tuition money was paid by the community as she stood out for her exuberance, glowing character, always ready to help somebody and dancing was her way out of her downtrodden daily life. CMAton put upon my heart : Besides Service to Others that always lifts one up, what do you do when things are tough ? Do you loose your balance ? Do you dispair and cry your eyes out ? Do you rage and shout? Or do you have your escape, your heavenly place, space, or activity that lifts you out of your lows ? It would not come as a big surprise if we suggested MEDITATION, FINDING YOUR MOMENTS OF SILENCE AND BALANCE, WONDERING AND PONDERING, CONTEMPLATION, CONNECTING WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF, now would it ? Is this your heavenly place or space ? Is that your regular escape into THE REAL REALITY, THE WORLD OF WHO YOU ARE, THE DIVINITY WITHIN YOU ? Ask your Higher Self to accompany you EACH TIME, ALL THE TIME ... and bring you into TOUCH WITH WHO YOU ARE ON THE INSIDE, THE SPIRIT WITHIN, that will balance, calm, reassure you and UPLIFT YOU ALL THE TIME. So, the proof is in the eating ... ENJOY. Love and Light, Johan

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AH Sunday Meditation Invitation , April 29th, 2012

By Johan and CM

Apr 29, 2012

Upon Connecting with CMAton this afternoon to know his Guidance/Will upon AH Sundays Meditation Invitation, He suggested me to concentrate on the Mind movie He would send that helps explaining the task or suggestion : A robot with Artificial Intelligence, with Highly Analytical Capabilities, had found out that the results of its work and the work of ALL others it knew of, was ALWAYS better when ' To the benefit and Highest Purpose of All involved. ' Not only did it deliver a better immediate outcome for ALL involved, but the repercusions were always extra beneficial in the long run. Although the robot had no soul, its Intelligence had helped the machine to that Insight, and determined its immediate actions, namely analysing the way to reach exactly that outcome. It also found out that nature works completely along the same lines : unconditional Love, Service to Others etc. It was put upon my heart to suggest : Contemplate, meditate through making a Connection with your Higher Self, asking in what area's of your life you can make changes in order to always work, live, operate towards the Benefit and Highest Purpuse of All involved and in as such, benefit from it yourself most highly. That would come clear in the shortest time as Dharma ( the positive consequences of doing good ) works much faster then ever before due to the Higher Frequency - Vibrational Energy/Light that is surrounding and Within us already. That was CMAton His esteemed suggestion. Love and Light, Johan

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AH Sunday Meditation Invitation, MAY 13th, 2012

By Johan and CM

May 13, 2012

CMAton suggested the following DIRECTIVE/GUIDANCE for our Forum AND AH Front Readers Sunday Meditation, starting from today Saturday for the Forum members, in preparation : There is not much we, ( = you the Light Workers, Star seeds, Meditators ) can do to about the people’s demeanor, as they have free will and the choice to make the necessary changes, except being a good example, being of Service to Others, dealing with the TRUTH only and constantly improving our own world around us. There is not much we can do to turn the poisoning, toxification, over chemicalisation, oil spills, environmental waste and destruction around just like that, as this will need a global approach and reorganisation and cleanup, except being a good example, demonstrating it can be done differently as already visible in our own world around us. There is however something IMPORTANT we CAN do together. A lot is working around the Crystal Core of Mother Earth, who needs to absorb all the Higher Vibrational Frequency Energy/Light that is surrounding us through the Waves, more and stronger of it on its way, so this can trigger the necessary earth changes for this process of Her Ascension to start in full gear. WE CAN SEND OUR LOVE AND LIGHT, REIKI, DIVINE CHANNLED ENERGY TOWARDS THE CRYSTAL CORE FOR A BETTER CONDUCTIVITY AND ABSORBTION OF THIS HIGHER ENERGY/LIGHT/POWER THAT WILL FUEL THE INNER EARTH AND SURFACE CHANGES NECESSARY TO GET THIS PROCESS FULLY AT WORK. Via your Higher Self, you can make this happen. Forum members can still join at the same 21:00 UTC if they want, or otherwise use the 7am and 7pm local time, WITH INTENT TO JOIN AS A TEAM, ‘ where two people or more ... ‘ Focus on your Good Intent, the way your formulate it, perhaps Inspired by your Higher Self and observe what you can, and thanks for reporting afterwards. Love and Light, Johan.

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Are you ready to Go with the Flow into the River of Life more Abundant ?

By Johan and CM

May 13, 2012

This is CMAton, Your Sovereign. ( Sunday May 13Th, 2012 ) Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers of Any kind, shape or form, and to our Beloved Mother Earth especially. It is also of great pleasure to express My gratitude towards Candace, Mother and CEO of AH and to webmaster Mark for the trouble, many hours of trials and tests, besides a lot of personal distress at the same time, getting the new AH Eight Star Forum up and running, ALL MY STARS TO THE BOTH OF YOU. Although sub plans are changing or getting adapted from moment to moment, the Bigger Goal and Divine Plan for '' Mother Earth '' remains and IS intact, and is rapidly approaching a CRITICAL STAGE now after gaining momentum from many directions. Not everything always runs according to precise drafted plans and scenario's. That is called ' life evolving and constantly learning from new experiences and findings in a fluent way what leads to ' constantly adapting and improving ' . This, My Beloved Ones, is the most important measure that grows into gratitude once progress is experienced and better results for ALL involved have been achieved. This is an Eternal Divine Goal. Through the meticulous cooperation between Creator Source, Siraya, His Representative, The Ancient of Days of Orvonton, Myself and crew and countless Light Beings in Divine Service, those, who cleverly manipulated the ignorant kept masses, will come to the demise of the dangerous games they played for way too long now. Fleet is ready for any eventuality and Mother Earth needs to move forward on her Ascension path. Here and there we also see more awakening and into awareness coming and forward stepping people, what pleases us greatly. This comes as recognition for the Universal Oneness and Rules of Engagement, Free Will, on a road through an experimental valley of Divine Love and Light that will leave no shadows behind, but will Shine Ever So Bright and Light now, that we have to make the transition forward, up and onwards, out of the valley, as there is no other way. Looking back if all expectations were met, ONLY serves to learn from, to make changes of improvement at every corner and every roundabout, KNOWING the way Spirit works : ALL LAND WHERE THEY DESERVE TO BE. Seeing plans and projects through to completion is nerve wrecking from your plane, I understand, when you miss out on overview and insight to begin with. Hence the opportunity for all of you to

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check your TRUST levels, Your Spiritual Ground structure, Your Inner and Higher Connections conductivity and clarity, Your Guidance efficiency. How strong or shaky are they ? How strong and shaky have you allowed them to be(come). Calling this your HOMEWORK would fit nicely into your curriculum later and will show clearly through the radiation of your Light. We have come this far; We have addressed those who oppose Universal Law and Free Will; We have waited too patiently according some some, but the race only ends when one reaches the Other Side of the finish line, which ALL are invited to cross TOGETHER now. This requires no luggage or material things, not titles nor possessions, no wealth in earthly terms, BUT THE WELLNESS OF YOUR HEART, AS LIGHT AS CAN BE, READY TO FLY, FOR TAKE OFF. I hope you are, as I stand ready to welcome you Home, through YOUR heart and Within MY Mind, the Golden Combination as I always desire you to enjoy ever so Abundantly, I truly and Only Hope. Despite many repetitions through a very limited potential of earthly languages in comparison to the Universal Language of Divine Love and Divine Light, I state, in accordance with my present knowledge of all the facts up to date : IF EVER A TIME FOR VIGILANCE, CLEAR AWARENESS, TO REMAIN CONNECTED AND IN BALANCE BY GOING WITHIN, THIS IS YOUR MOMENT TO SHINE, AND THE PERFECT ATTITUDE that will turn into GRATITUDE when you give heed to this Eternal Advise. It is your choice and your Souls eager and perennial desire to have you ready for another BIG STEP FORWARD in your Spiritual Eternal Evolution. I am speaking to YOU personally now : The quality and intensity of YOUR BIG STEP FORWARD will make up for the quantity we had hoped for, and although We Love ALL and only Know Love, YOUR PATH should be Your Major Concern now, and let go to go with the flow into the River of Life More Abundantly Hopefull and Blessed Beyond. That will be all for now. Salu. Love and Light, Johan

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Sunday AH Meditation Invitation, May 20, 2012

By Johan and CM

May 20, 2012 Upon Connecting with CMAton for His Guidance or Directive for a possible Sundays Meditation, He took his time to formulate his thoughts into a visual and asked me to look for His Mind movie very attentively, so I would capture the essence and meaning as accurately as possible. I saw a barrel of oil, on the first floor of a barn, spilling oil from an opening, but it was not just flowing, it was gushing out with leaps and bounds,spewing it far out, and a fire burning just a short distance away from the barn. took that oil most gladly to burn more heavily. For an onlooker or passer by, it looked as if the oil invited the fire to come closer or the fire was getting closer because of the oil, although the oil did not run out, it spewed it as far as possible. Strange imagery. I was put upon my heart : '' The possible interpretation by a onlooker, about the oil and the fire, is only according to appearances or personal interpretations. Just like the oil and fire are persons who do things on purpose or with an agenda. But these are only appearences, like this society is one of appearances only. The fire, being the Truth, making its way towards the lies and deception of the dark, the oil, is not being killed by the attacks of the lies and deception, as its being spewed upon, on the contrary, it fuels it more, since the oil will be eliminated, will be burnt, will be used up, and all the amunition of the dark is only fueling the fire of truth more and more, since its all consuming what isnot truth. Fire does not consume nor fuel fire, but it consumes what can be burnt ... So with the truth, it consumes what is not truth and once the truth starts to break the surface, there is no stopping, no matter the attempts of thedark, who know their end is coming nearer and nearer, just like the fire is coming for that barn with the oil .... Make use of this imagary to see if you have any oil left that could be burnt, if you have to clean up your appearances, if you know what is only manifestingbecause you keep fueling it, by appearances, but not by the truth. Check in your life what is held up by a thread that can break any moment, and dare to face the facts and deal with things above board, according to the truth, or the fire of truth is coming to get you, and will consume all that is not in alignment with Truth, Cosmic Law, Divine Love and Light. Meditate and ask your Higher Self to expose the remnants or pockets that need cleaning out and don't wait too long as the days of the darkened sun are approaching rapidly and what does not stand by Truth, will fall and be taken away, burnt and gone, no more shadows, no more appearances, but Bright Light, Truth will be all that will be left standing. Love and Light, Johan

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Greetings to All of you, Children of The Light.

By Siraya thru Johan

May 26, 2012 I AM Siraya, Representing Creator Source in Orvonton. It is my greatest pleasure to confirm that what your Most Esteemed Creator son, Michael of Nebadon has announced, is upon us. From Universal Perspective, call it nano-seconds. His courtesy call to give notice of the days of the darkened sun has brought great joy amongst many dignitaries from all over Creation who have been front row, tip of their seats. And most recently been witnessing the last pieces of the puzzle, chess game if you like, been skillfully manoeuvered, masterminded into place. What has been sent by Creator Source by His Decree, agreed upon by ALL involved, is making his entry as we speak. The Wave will impact accordingly and appropriately and will propel forward the long awaited finale of the most tedious works your Sovereign has endeavoured upon sofar. To reach this highest possible level of perfection, with so many variables and constant dealbreakers or unexpected twists and turns at play, this deserves more then merely a quotation in the annals of this Local Universe. This feat, once determined a ' done deal ', will be further studied and adored far outside its enormous frontiers and boundaries. It is the cornerstone many would have rejected, but Your Creator Son accepted this challenge truely against all odds, not knowing its precise outcome by far. It is not the end, what never can be reached as Within The One Creation, cycles come and go, ever expanding Within a Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient Supreme Intelligent Power, that never stops. Those in the knowing have reasons to rejoice, while standing firm still, those unknowing will be removed or made aware, much to their surprise. I therefore choose to bring those glad tidings from my heart and equally from Our Creator Source, in the knowing of a lot more work to be accomplished, but glad with where we stand. I Bless all you Light Warriors and Star Seeds who stood tall no matter the storms. Your work and hearts content has not gone unnoticed at all. I AM Siraya, in Service of Creator Source. Love and Light, Johan

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Call this a Love Letter from a Father to his many Sons and Daughters of the Light.

By CM thru Johan

June 7, 2012

This is CMAton, Your Sovereign, Call this a Love Letter from a Father to his many Sons and Daughers of the Light. We sang the Battle Songs, We shared the Teaching Songs, We distributed the Truth Songs, We aimed the Warning Songs. The only ones left are the Love Songs ... For there is no greater Force but LOVE and that Love has reached a point of no return : Onwards and Forward, from NOW on. I ask all of you to go very deep Within and connect to the Greatest Moments of your Lifetime sofar. You will find at the base and driving force : ONLY LOVE. Be prepared to be moved, to be carried away. For you have suffered, you have endured, you have missed out on what I and all of your Heavenly Brothers and Sisters will Welcome and Embrace you with the most : DIVINE LOVE. Decisions have been made, time decided, plans and preparations checked and Re-checked. NOW IS TIME FOR ACTION. I repeat : Be prepared to be moved, to be carried away My Beloved Children of the Light, BE - CAUSE OF DIVINE LOVE IN ACTION. Salu. CMAton, Your Sovereign. Love and Light, Johan

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Sunday AH Meditation Invitation, June 10, 2012

By Johan and CM

June 10, 2012 Upon Connecting with CMAton to know His Guidance for this upcoming Sundays AH Meditation Invitation, May 27th, 2012, (now June 10, 2012) He advised me to share the following : '' We have spend a good while focusing on SHARPENING OUR TELEPATHIC ABILITIES, as good as possible. I emphasise we are all at different levels of experiences and practise, so stop comparing yourself with others and look at your OWN plate, what it is you can carry or deal with, digest or improve. If you have nothing to share, SO BE IT. But when you KNOW you have tried your best to focus, to concentrate, to ponder, to meditate, to increase the Celestial Communication, especially with your Own Higher Self, asked your questions, send your Love and Light through Reiki or whatever means with Good and Pure Intentions, then worry no more AND COMPARE WITH NOBODY ELSE. You are all UNIQUE but Beloved Ones, EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU and you don't have to be told WHEN YOU DID YOUR BEST. YOU KNOW THAT. We also spent a good while focusing on Mother Earth and her Crystal Core for very well known reasons. That is something that is mainly taken care off and watched closely by Fleet and crew, including Myself, but pledging your Support, Love and Light, will Always and in All Ways be highly appreciated and Effort and Energy well spent, so continue in that direction. The NEW DIRECTION I want you to focus for and from this morning forward is THE FOLKS WHO WILL REMAIN with Mother Earth/Gaia AFTER THE DAYS OF THE DARKENED SUN. It might come as a shock to some when, instead of the STUFF to hit the fan, THE TRUTH WILL HIT THE FAN ... Although the announcements and teachings planned, will explain very well, but sending those folks, known by us already, your support, your Love and Light, your Reiki WITH THE INTENTION FOR THEM TO EXHIBIT A HUNGER TO KNOW THE TRUTH, what will invite MY SPIRIT OF TRUTH, should be next on your LIST TO DO ... , to focus on. Just like you send Reiki to a person who asks for help, so he or she feels your Light, your Energy, your Good Attention and Good Intention, sent those people your support in daring to ask questions, wanting to know the truth, WHICH THEY THEMSELVES MUST MUNSTER OR SHOW OR BRING FORWARD, but your support can help their choices in that direction, and help the Spirit of Truth to do its work. '' Perhaps read this a couple of times to let it sink in, '' ponder and wonder '' - as Candace would say, and let your Higher Self take you there ... Love and Light, Johan

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Today is The Day.

By CM thru Johan

June 14, 2012 This is CMAton, Your Sovereign. Today is The Day. We cannot longer tardy and see every truth be turned into a lie and visa versa and tons of total deception keeping the masses incapacitated and utterly ignorant, even at the risk of many innocent lives. Notice has been given one too many times already. Now We, The Light, take TOTAL CONTROL over Shan, Urantia, Mother Earth, Gaia, ONCE AGAIN. Those in the knowing are ready as good as can be, others will have to find out through the experience of the three dark days to begin with. This is only hours away. WE MUST PROCEED as many more alternative routes have proven to lack sincerety and failed due to man's inability to let go of the past, of greed, of blaming, of control, of fear used as weapon, of killing like it is a sport, of lies and deception, etc.etc.etc. In the mean time, we gathered all the evidence for the courts of Orvonton and our anxious crews stand ready for action. Without further ado, as Sovereign, I applaud you, those who stood their ground in Light, Love and Truth as We are taking the reigns of my Beloved Final Bestowal Planet once again. Let this final chapter begin. Salu. CMAton of Nebadon. Love and Light, Johan ps. A number of messages will simultaneously go out to different scribes to avoid confusion and disbelief. (and as you can see today, they did, the most ever in a day-Candace)

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AH Sunday Meditation Invitation, Sunday June17, 2012

By CM thru Johan

June 17, 2012

CMAton asked me to share the following, as basis and content for this Sundays AH Meditation : '' To keep it simple and steady untill we dimm the Light any moment now ... , focus on the unknowing people out there, that the eyes of their hearts and minds are opened to hunger TO KNOW, and TO KNOW THE TRUTH, as anybody with eyes to see and ears to hear KNOWS THINGS ARE OUT OF CONTROL and cannot proceed that way. It takes little THINKING, BUT IT TAKES THINKING NEVERTHELESS, to figure out what some factions are doing and planning is far away from caring and loving and working towards the benefit and Highest Purpose of ALL involved, ON THE CONTRARY. So not only for after the Three Dark Days, but already starting NOW, send Love and Light and Reiki and ALL YOU HAVE INSIDE OF YOU = EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW AND HAVE ... through YOUR PURE INTENT AND DESIRE to those folks out there who are ( kept ) ignorant of what is really going on ... '' Love and Light, Johan

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Happy Father's Day

By Papa Source thru Johan

June 17, 2012 My Dearly Beloved Son of My Creator Son, would you mind taking a message instead of doing your meditation on this Fathers Day? You could call it a medictation instead. I AM Creator Source and upon reading your Well Wishes on this Fathers Day, My Beloved Scribe, through the Supreme Intelligent Power WE ALL have in common, I felt like addressing that heartfelt guesture. On this day that your children express and proclaim their Love for their Fathers, like they did a while ago for their Mothers, I am returning this Love to my Beloved Creator Son, Christ Michael of Nebadon. The reason I choose to do this ALSO publicly, or at least to and via His Second Coming Organisation, is to express and share that Joy with All of His Creation, what always speaks to the heart of its Creator, as I happen to know. At the very end of His Divine Endeavour of this Cycle in Nebadon, which He envisioned long time ago, and has been in the works eversince, it pleases Me to come forward on your Earthly Fathers Day and express my Gratitude for His job well done. As He is bringing in the nets with a most precious content, as a Fisher of Divine Fish, yet must throw most of them back into their waters for further maturisation, and unfortunately cast out those who made it impossible themselves to survive, His Joy in harvest is equally Mine. When some of you reading this will proceed in the same direction, I will equally express my Joy in your fruitful harvest, no matter how big or small, what or where. A Father's heart is pleased with any truthful Joy of his offspring and I Bless you with the same delight as you continue your journey Home. Even for those who did not make it this time, there is always Abundant Hope and even Greater Love, what is sometimes needed to iron a crooked blade straight once again. So it goes and so it IS. Happy Fathers Day, from Yours Within You, who Knows, and Feels and only Loves, Through My Creator Son CMAton. Love and Light, Johan

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By Siraya thru Johan

June 19, 2012

Blessed be all of you, Children of the Light, I Am Siraya, Representative of Creator Source in Orvonton. With His Most Beloved Greetings, I come to confirm that the ' last great consultation ' has finished. Out of chaos, order must come. Out of chaos, order SHALL come. Your Sovereign of Nebadon, Christ Michael is assured of Our full cooperation at this point in time and at this level and stage of His Divine Plan. With the final date set already and His crew fully prepared and in action already, you have very little to loose, but your patience. If that is so, then you are not occupying yourself wisely. As co-creator of your path and that of ALL, you are to experience a freedom you don't remember. It wont take long to familiarize yourself in some old and some new environments once chaos that cannot be ignored, has passed. As this scribe has repeated many times upon Our Inspiration : to the benefit and highest purpose of All involved, in Service to Others and in accordance with the Divine Laws of Creation and Balance, your narrow road will proceed steadily. A Grand Welcome Home is awaiting you, so on those last legs, keep it together, at the Highest Level of Divine Love and Light possible. Let this be your focus as it is Our pleasure to see you make it through this momentous times for your ' mother Earth ' and all of you. Greeting you warmly and sincere, and with glad tidings from your Sovereign, I am Siraya, in Service of Creator Source. Love and Light, Johan.

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Global AH Meditation Sunday June 24, 2012

By Johan and CM

June 24, 2012 Dear AH Readers, In those SPECIAL TIMES we are now, CMAton suggested to organise something different then the usual Sunday Meditations. Namely a WORLD WIDE GROUPS MEDITATION - VISUALISATION, meaning with as many people as possible at the same time. The best possible hour choosen would be 21:00 UTC, so all participants from all continents and parts of the world could be out of sleep, or early morning and participating if they choose to. CMAton called it a ' simple meditation ' and suggested the following : doing a groups visual: seeing all of our meditators in one BIG circle, with our Higher Selves above us like a chandelier, CMAton in the middle of us all and sending our United Divine Love and Light out like a Wave towards all people staying on earth after the three dark days ( INTENDED PURPOSE : for all people to HUNGER for the truth, to accept the Spirit of Truth from Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon to Enlighten them, to help them to KNOW things versus believing ... ) AND even sending this Love and Light and Suport far out towards Star Fleet aswell. The idea is to visualise that as good a possible, asking your Higher Self to help you with crystal clear communication and seeing whatever you observed. This is to sharpen your telepathic abilities. This is not a competition or to compare yourself with others, but to see how you are progressing, how you are helped by the Higher Frequency-Vibrational Energy - Light already present and increasing by the Wave. In other words, helping you forward being better prepared for the events ahead of us. To help you find out what time 21:00 UTC is for you locally : or When you open the webpage of World Clock and you type in your city or big city in your timezone, it will show how many hours your are from the UTC. With me for instance, I am UTC - 4, so 21:00 UTC = 5 pm or 17:00 for me. Just as example. Also, from experience the previous times, for some it simply did not work out and we advised, what worked : then do them as close as possible to the suggested time AND STATE YOUR INTENT TO YOUR HIGHER SELF TO BE CONNECTED TO THE AH EIGHT STAR FORUM GROUPS MEDITATION/VISUALISATION, and you WILL BE CONNECTED, since there is no TIME in the spirit realm, ONLY DESIRE AND INTENT. If you experienced anything specific or special, always welcome to share with us. Love and Light, Johan

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AH Sunday Meditation Invitation, July 1, 2012

By Johan and CM

July 1, 2012

Dear AH Readers, In those SPECIAL TIMES we are now, CMAton suggested to keep organising the AH Sunday Meditations in their normal form, not the Global Groups Meditation we did last Sunday. The content and focus remains the same. CMAton called it a ' simple meditation ' and suggested the following : doing a Guided Visualisation: seeing all of our AH meditators, YOU INCLUDED in one BIG circle, with our Higher Selves above us like a chandelier, CMAton in the middle of us all and sending our United Divine Love and Light out like a Wave towards all people staying on earth after the three dark days ( INTENDED PURPOSE : for all people to HUNGER for the truth, to accept the Spirit of Truth from Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon to Enlighten them, to help them to KNOW things versus believing ... ) AND even sending this Love and Light and Suport far out towards Star Fleet aswell. The idea is to visualise that as good a possible, asking your Higher Self to help you with crystal clear communication and seeing whatever you observed. This is to sharpen your telepathic abilities. This is not a competition or to compare yourself with others, but to see how you are progressing, how you are helped by the Higher Frequency-Vibrational Energy - Light already present and increasing by the Wave. In other words, helping you forward being better prepared for the events ahead of us or being at work as we speak. If you experienced anything specific or special, always welcome to share with, or contact us. Love and Light, Johan

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By SIRAYA thru Johan

July 14, 2012

I AM Siraya, Representative of Creator Source to Orvonton. With the Most Esteemed Greetings from Creator Source, The Ancient of Days of Orvonton and Your Sovereign of Nebadon, Christ Michael, I greet you and bless you all. Just some time ago, I came to inform you of the last consultation that took place and that you had very little to loose, but your patience. We can see your patience growing thin, as can be understood. Even with the final date set, and alot more accomplished by now, Your Sovereign is incessantly at work to make sure the new foundations arising out of the ashes of the old, will be stronger and vaster than even We could imagine. We could have stopped Him, but it is my pleasure to inform you there is absolutey no reason to, as He will all of the sudden do these honours Himself. Every single extra attempt from His part, represents an extra opportunity for one of you, for some of you, on your narrow future paths. By then, you will fully understand the basis or foundation He has layed out now for future worlds under your care. It would otherwise have taken alot longer to reach some of your goals. What Your Sovereign acts on now, is based on his future vision for all of you who have stepped forward sincerely. Who stood their grounds, who sailed their ships towards the Inner and Higher Guidance and Navigation, who diligently Connected and Honored the Truth. Our advise: even as sudden as Christ Michael may call it a day, still occupy yourselves wisely and constantly. Your most precious discovery might be: yourself ! Inner reflection and future planning and sorting out of your dreams and desires need to be finished ASAP for all have the chance to choose, one way or another. It is Your Souls Path and Evolution however that is at stake. So focus on that while you still can, for once the rollercoaster starts slowing down at the top, at the end,when Your Sovereign calls it a day, you will have little time to think while plunging down. And it will be a rollercoaster ride for sure, no matter your past experience. Even Creator Source looks forward to the thrill, through all of you who made the trip. Greeting you warmly and sincere, I AM Siraya, in Service of Creator Source. Love and Light, Johan

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Candace: I would like you dear readers to remember this is a planet for those in training to begin teh watch care of the new creations forming in right now, the first out space ring of the Master Universe. MANY here are preparing to assume many new and expanded opportunities for Ascended Sons to enter management and there are also a number of young Michael Sons here in the learning also for their own future situations. While there are 700,000 Michael Sons for the 700,000 Local Univeres already created or in the creative process, there are well over 800,000 Michael Sons created that I am aware of and these extras are destined for the new local creations forming in the outer space rings. Then there are also Mighty Messengers like myself who are in training also to become like the Michael Sons. We bring with us already a vast experience from out personal learnings along he ascension journey. That is why the title of this piece, because this earth is not just a seed planet, and prison ward, it is a experience all the shit on the inside training sphere. Many of us have thus bestowed ourselves on this planet, in some ways much as Michael did 2000 years ago but we don't have quite his knowledge yet. But we have bestowed ourselves never the less. So what this piece is saying is this experience to come will greatly EXPAND on our abilities. I was not a bit happy with the idea myself of going into the LONG stasis at then end of 2011. It shut the door to other possible experiences and was not a happy camper about giving up the teaching period that I see as essential for all involved. Those MOVING need some of this information they have not obtained from the rather poor "schooling" and use of religion and bad science on this world. Those returning here should have an advanced look as to why they are returning, amongst other needs. I was so unhappy, I was depressed a great deal with that decision and was not so upset as many of the rest of you at all to see the big stasis delayed. And it can be delayed MORE if we can have a proper teaching experience and give those that will be on the planet after the 3 dark days, options they could not have dreamed about otherwise. Do not LOOSE your patience, just because you are sick of the planet and your life, for there is so much more possible this route to explore. If you want OUT, ask your guides to terminate your contract, otherwise stay the course. It would behoove you to do so, for the learning to be had and for the opportunity to further gift this


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Sunday Meditation July 15, 2012

By Johan and CM

July 15, 2012

Upon Connecting with CMAton in order to know IF He would like me to organise the AH frontpage Sunday Meditation this week, He responded with the following : '' Yes, it is a good idea to ask those readers who take it to heart to sharpen their Telepathic Abilities, Going Within, Connecting With and Within the One Mind, Creating a Moment of Silence and Balance, Pondering and Wondering, Meditation to follow this Guided Path, besides Connecting with their Higher Selves TO KNOW WHAT IT IS THEY NEED TO KNOW: Ask your Higher Self to help manifest your Desire to have the entire banking and military industrie come clean on what it is they are doing. As alot has already surfaced, not nearly enough has been released to reach the general public so it affects them in ways that not asking questions, not wanting to know the truth, becomes impossible. If we are to evolve towards Gaia, after the three dark days and the announcements and teachings, then TRUTH will be a LIGHTTOWER for all to see, to know, to handle, to respect etc. Especially the wealings and dealings from those two groups, banks ( financial traders ) and the military industrial complex, interwoven into the elite, politicians, governments, who are now fighting tooth and nail to survive in their obscurity , but to no avail, needs to surface completely. Not that you will make ALL the difference in the world, but its MOST IMPORTANT that you DO. It can start by INTENTION, and the INTENTION to have the TRUTH in those particular areas to come to the surface at once. We from the Divine Fleet are already behind the scenes, doing what is possible to make such happen already. You can help from your side with Good and Pure Intentions to be manifested through the Light of your dedicated Mind. '' That would be great way to Connect as Purpose for your meditation. Love and Light, Johan

PS : Candace: beloveds, "going within" does not require a special ritual. Any time you have

been alone in good and rational thought and solutions came, you have "gone within." It is that

process which should be NATURAL, when you have something you need to PONDER.

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Its the purposeful effort to THINK in isolation away from distractions so that you can solve

something. Your higher mind is not separate from you. But you must tune out the

distractions and you must set aside so many preconceived notions of how things "are" that

you have absorbed over this life. If you keep that churning, the answers do not come so


There is a higher meditation process, again no ritual. except if you need one to set up the

state of mind, which can be simply a ritual of relaxing the body, where you are between two

worlds so to speak, and that is the place where the universe enters into your mind and many

of you have been there! Its almost like that place of being between sleep and being awake.

Do not make it so HARD, for it is the expectation of "hard" that gets in your way.

Think of those instances of lightbulb type moments you have had, for they come when you

ARE connected. Even those times when the kids drove you up the wall on something and all

of a sudden you have an "idea" of how to resolve whatever it was. IDEAS ARE ALWAYS

FROM THE HIGHER MIND, by whatever you wish to label it. It is "going within" that

produces them!

Many of you as parents have experienced this, as but one example. Ditto at work and other

situations. There has been too much new age goo about the magic rituals to contact your

higher self. All it takes to contact the mind of God by whatever name, is to be out of the

clutter of life and even then, it can enter thru the clutter, so take note of light bulb

moments and don't let them be forgotten when they show up.

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Sunday Meditation July 22, 2012

By Johan and CM

July 22, 2012

I just Connected with CMAton to know His Guidance upon AH Sundays Meditation Invitation. He suggests us to Connect with our Higher Self and jointly send all the Love and Light to the Vatican, with the INTENTION for THE TRUTH TO COME TO THE SURFACE. Also that all those involved in this ' Holy Sea ' to accept the Spirit of Truth and help only the TRUTH to surface. A lot of stuff is coming together or coming forward in the Vatican : religious lies and deception, manipulation, covered up child abuse, political involvement in all politics of the world, financial debacle all over the place, fraud and money laundering included, military factions being payed by that money, etc... It just seems to be the tip of the iceberg that is showing now. Although the entire banking or financial traders sector is quickly seeing its turbulent, deceptive, greedy, manipulative, illegal wealings and dealings surfacing, The Vatican seems at the center of a lot of controversy that when brought to Light, it could link a lot of the dark elite all together for ALL to see. So ask that the Spirit of Truth might be accepted in the hearts of those who realize there is no other way out, but to bring the Truth to the surface. Fleet has people on the ground helping that to manifest ASAP. Love and Light, Johan

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By SIRAYA thru Johan

July 23, 2012 I AM SIRAYA, Representative of Creator Source To Orvonton. Again with the most Esteemed Greetings from Creator Source, The Ancient of Days of Orvonton and your Sovereign of Nebadon, Christ Michael and Monjoronson, I Greet and Bless you ALL. It brings great joy to be the messenger of Great News. Your Sovereign preferred me to handle this one, while He continues to oversee the helter-skelter in the so called Middle East - sector of your planet. Also the commando centers who frantically send out orders but see nor hear of little good results in return, are key interest points at this moment. All of those continued evil and backward activities were the reason for us coming together to support your Sovereign in His strategical decisions who already fit into the finalisation of this chapter on your ' mother Earth. ' The Great News was seeing a Great Moment of Light that culminated in all eyes and minds focused at the Vatican yesterday, according to your earth calender, the so called religious City State within the city of Rome. Yes, My Dearly Beloveds and Warriors of Light, THAT Vatican you all send your Love and Light towards and that will NEVER be the same again, after such an infusion of Divine Light. It is our Great Weapon that we jointly aimed in a truely Sacret Event, that paves the way for an equally important Great Weapon : THE TRUTH. On behalf of Your Beloved and Well Respected Sovereign of Nebadon, Christ Michael and all of Us, I congratulate ALL OF YOU, True Warriors of The Light for THIS and all previous sincere efforts. Efforts to stand tall and Divinely Visualise and thus Co-create The Furthering Victory of The Light. Please read again the advice I brought forward through this scribe the previous time as it again stands that much closer to its manifestation in full. You are made aware of the plans ahead and I point out the importance of a daily good rest and Inner and Higher Connection that will see you through the somewhat turbulent period we are about to commence. All your good and best preparations will not fully take away the element of surprise. So be at your best and I repeat : respect a daily good rest. Greeting you warmly and sincere, I AM SIRAYA, in Service of Creator Source. Love and Light, Johan

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Global AH Meditation Sunday July 29, 2012

By Johan and CM

July 29, 2012 When I Connected with CMAton, asking Him for his decision for this Sundays AH Meditation Invitation, He explained : '' It is difficult to ignore the Olympic Games in London. No, we do not like the commercial aspect of it all, AND THAT IS WHAT WE WANT THE BILLION SPECTATORS WORLDWIDE TO SEE AND UNDERSTAND. It is easy to visualize the central stadium and all other facilities and venues where thousands of people will attend. Ask your Higher Self Guidance towards the INTENTION to allow the Spirit of Truth to enter all in attendance and watching all over the world to SEE WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT. The pure spirit of the original Olympic Games has been tainted with greed for money, a reflection of what your society has become. Yes, athletes were competing also, and for the honor of their masters or those that provided them with the means to focus on that aspect of life but it did not have the greed for money aspect it has now. It surely was not driven by an global dark elite's agenda. Those who will experience the games directly or via TV will be our Focus with the above mentioned Intention. If they only SEE and UNDERSTAND that if there was no money to be made, there would be no games organised. If there were no companies or sponsors trying to make more money by openly advertising their products and services, there would be no games. If the bankers involved would not see great opportunities to loan vast amounts of money to the organising, constructing, security, food and beverage and so many other companies, there would be no games. So let us use this dark organised mass event to focus on the minds and hearts and souls of those viewing and spectating the events TO WAKE UP, TO SEE WHAT IS BEHIND IT ALL and to THINK about what else could be working or existing in society for exactly the same reasons. The whole militarized enterprise might be an excellent occasion for the dark to make people used to military or militarized groups presences at all time. Lets send our Light and Love and Intention that they also SEE that and understand what this is all a part of or where the elite in power might want to lead it towards. Any questions through thinking might lead to a minimal awakening what can help toward the 3 DD's. Also the incoming Higher Energy Impact from the Divine Light and Wave will help in that direction. Let us visualize that the groups watching and experiencing the games together might find unity of any kind amongst the deliberate but usual setup ' separation ' of athletes, their home countries, their home national songs and flags, what leads to more separation overall. Consider those things well before you do your meditation - visualization and go with your Inner and Higher Guidance that knows what best to do, AS A GROUP OF LIGHT WORKERS. We from Fleet will watch over the many dark plans made and stop what needs to be stopped and allow what needs to be allowed. '' That, our Dear AH front readers and meditators is the extensive Invitation for Sunday July 29th. 2012. Now, if you want to participate in a Global Groups Effort, then you are most welcome, next

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to many other meditators and Lightworkers around the world already, to join at exactly 21:00 UTC as is their scheduled time. Find out your time zone and difference to the UTC at Love and Light, Johan.

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To Those Who Dare to Dream and Desire and Purely Intend Beyond Your Horizon.

By Monjoronson thru Johan

Aug 5, 2012

This is Monjoronson. Hello Beloveds, as the offer still stands to bring forth a message to you all, I gladly take the opportunity. Together with our Sovereign, Christ Michael, we ran many options against their possible outcomes in a very fluctuating landscape as is your society. But only for now anymore. You could call this ' The Bigger Picture ' including many other places that also are in Transition, before making the final call. As this scribe is later going to confirm, that is a very common way of assuring that all possible grounds are covered as good as possible in the practical running of a Planet, a System, a Constellation and so forth. Many Minds come together and look at any given problem or situation via the many results possible. Why am I explaining this to you ? Because some or you will be meeting me and become part of such teams, councils and decision making processes. Doing all of that in Divine Service and to the benefit and Highest Purpose of All involved, creates a wonderful satisfaction after all involved did their best to use their Divine given and empowered Minds Within the One Mind. This My Beloveds is organization at its best, necessary to keep any group, community or organization Divinely running. All of that has been kept from you, but not for long anymore. The Abundance of ways to Serve will enthuse even the dullest amongst you, If and When that road will be chosen by you. I am aware of the fact that you are Guided in sharpen your telepathic abilities already, but let me suggest also to Connect in what you call ' meditative ' state to learn more about those organisations skills if interested. Or some might remember stuff from your ' Night Shifts '. It will give you an advantage when those opportunities present themselves. All I am further allowed to say in conclusion is that those amongst you who are hungry to know and thus best prepared, will enjoy the imminent and most significant Correction Time most intensive. We realize that you are limited to comprehend in full, but those who dare to dream and desire and purely intend beyond your horizon, will arrive just there with greater speed and ease. What might start as ' a rollercoaster ' can soon become a thrill for more. If you can see yourself in the new, then it is high time to leave the old ways behind. I hope my humble message may open a window in that direction in your heart. I AM THAT I AM, Monjoronson, the Son from Paradise, at your Service.

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Love and Light, Johan

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Global AH Meditation Sunday Aug 12, 2012

By Johan and CM

Aug 12, 2012 When I Connected with CMAton to ask about the possible prospect of our AH Sunday Meditation, He suggested to remain focused on the following points and do that in a global groups meditation as much as possible. Add our prayers, Love and Light towards the most vulnerable ones, women and chidren in those war torn countries like Syria especially. Don't go IN there, only send LOVE AND LIGHT and upliftment and support through PURE intention, coming from your heart. Some good progress is being made in both the financial and military departments, as MORE FIND THEIR WAY TO THE LIGHT, whether that is under pressure what FLEET has been applying lately, or wether that is due to their CONSCIOUS kicking in. It seems some military plans have been canceled because of that. Also some more CRAZY decissions have been made, what will be met with the appropriate actions IF and WHEN they would be called into action. Some BIG WIGS from the financial sector are to step forward what may cause alot of mayhem first in the financial sector and then fanning out as a result. The Light is on a roll, He said and many are seeing the LIGHT as their ONLY WAY OUT what is encouraged above all else. . Lets re-establish full focus on the BANKING AND MILITARY sector in global perspective. THAT SOME OF ITS MEMBERS MAY REALISE AND RECOGNISE THE TRUTH and bring forward THE TRUTH BIG TIME. We already work behind the scenes to help this to manifest, and the inner cracks and breaks are showing. So we appreciate your help AS VISUALISING YOURSELVES AS ONE GROUP, STANDING TOGETHER AND BEAMING YOUR MIND GUIDED LIGHT AND LOVE TOWARDS THE BANKING AND MILITARY SECTOR GLOBALLY. With PURE INTEND, your minds are capable of co-creating MIGHTY things, and therefore we automatically stand side by side in doing so. Involve your Higher Selves, let them Connect with Me and see or hear or observe WHAT is happening , ESPECIALLY TOWARDS SOLUTIONS AND POSITIVE OUTCOME ALREADY. Love and Light, Johan