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Connected planning How marketing got interesting again

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Connected Planning


  • 1. Connected planningHow marketing got interestingagain

2. WHAT DO WE MEAN BYCONNECTED PLANNING? 3. To deliver connected planning we need tounderstand consumers behaviour 4. IS IT NEW BEHAVIOUR? 5. Inviting trial is the oldest trick in the book and it works 6. With mobiles in everyones hands, all mediaoffer connections 7. Outdoors gone all sexy 8. TV DRIVES MORECONNECTIONS THAN MOST 9. People now expect real-time info in ads 10. They love to play along in real time butthen they always have 11. We asked the nation to play along with VW 12. They responded in their 000s 13. And the winner was 14. CONNECTING DATA ISCHANGING HOW WE MARKETTO FOLK 15. Delivering the right ad for the household 16. AdSmart targets specific groups moreaccurately 17. And it saves big spenders money 18. Simple use of data is good (and effective),though 19. MEDIA OWNERS ARE MAKINGTHEIR CONNECTIONS PLAY 20. YouTube coming to a living room likeyours 21. MSN realises that connections are what willdrive their business forward 22. Connecting consumers to content is ourfuture