initial test 8th grade 2015

8/20/2019 Initial Test 8th Grade 2015 1/3 INITIAL TEST - 8 th GRADE I. Fill in the blanks with a word from the list dumping, survive, protect, pollution, reduce,  precious, clean, waste, responsibility, environment !"#$"%&"#%' Water is the world’s most 1) ........................... resource. People can 2) ................................ for quite a long time without food, but they can only live for a few days without water. t is very important that we ta!e care of our rivers, la!es and streams. We can all ta!e steps to protect our water supply. "irst of all, we should try not to #) ....................... water at home. "actories can stop $) ............................... their wastes in rivers and try to %) ................................... their water use by recycling it. "armers could waste less water if they used new technology for watering their fields. &veryone needs ')............................. water for a healthy life. (his is why we all need to )................................. our rivers, oceans, seas and la!es. t’s time we too! *) ....................................... and did our part to reduce +) ...................................... and preserve the 1) .......................................... . II. Read the senten(es below and (hoose the (orre(t tense form !)#$)%&*#%' 1. don’t meet/wasn’t meeting/didn’t meet  anybody yesterday. 2. -oo! /usie is wearing/wears/wore her new dress. #. 0nly his mother thinks/is thinking/has thought he’s intelligent. $. (his ca!e is tasting/tastes/will be tasting  delicious. %. When eactly did he went/did he go/has he gone  out '. What do you do/were you doing/did you do at 2. last night . We lived/will live/would live in 3ath until was eighteen. *. While 4ary washed/was washing-up/had washed, she bro!e a cup. +. We wait/waited/were waiting  for the guests while they were preparing the barbecue. 1. Where’s /arah /he is doing/does/did her homewor! upstairs. 11. 5ac! has played/is playing/plays bas!etball this afternoon. 12. 6 thief bro!e into the house while we watched/were watching/had watched  television. 1#. met an old friend of mine when has walked/walked/was walking  in the city centre last wee!. 1$. What were you doing when the police officer had knocked/was knocking/knocked  on the door 1%. 7ave cut/was cutting/has cut  his finger badly while he was preparing dinner. 1'. We moved/has moved/had moved  to 8ancouver last 6pril. 1. 6licia was sailing while (ony was surfing/surfed/had surfed . 1*. usually watch/am watching/have watched  (8 in the afternoon. 1+. closed/close/have closed  the door a few minutes ago. 2. didn't like/haven't liked/don't like meeting new people.

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Page 1: Initial Test 8th Grade 2015

8/20/2019 Initial Test 8th Grade 2015 1/3


I. Fill in the blanks with a word from the list dumping, survive, protect, pollution, reduce,

 precious, clean, waste, responsibility, environment !"#$"%&"#%'

Water is the world’s most 1) ........................... resource. People can 2) ................................ for quite a long time without food, but they can only live for a few days without water. t is very

important that we ta!e care of our rivers, la!es and streams.

We can all ta!e steps to protect our water supply. "irst of all, we should try

not to #) ....................... water at home. "actories can stop

$) ............................... their wastes in rivers and try to

%) ................................... their water use by recycling it. "armers could waste

less water if they used new technology for watering their fields.

&veryone needs ')............................. water for a healthy life. (his is why we

all need to )................................. our rivers, oceans, seas and la!es. t’s time

we too! *) ....................................... and did our part to reduce

+) ...................................... and preserve the 1) .......................................... .

II. Read the senten(es below and (hoose the (orre(t tense form !)#$)%&*#%'

1. don’t meet/wasn’t meeting/didn’t meet  anybody yesterday.

2. -oo! /usie is wearing/wears/wore her new dress.

#. 0nly his mother thinks/is thinking/has thought he’s intelligent.

$. (his ca!e is tasting/tastes/will be tasting  delicious.

%. When eactly did he went/did he go/has he gone out

'. What do you do/were you doing/did you do at 2. last night

. We lived/will live/would live in 3ath until was eighteen.

*. While 4ary washed/was washing-up/had washed, she bro!e a cup.+. We wait/waited/were waiting  for the guests while they were preparing the barbecue.

1. Where’s /arah /he is doing/does/did her homewor! upstairs.

11. 5ac! has played/is playing/plays bas!etball this afternoon.

12. 6 thief bro!e into the house while we watched/were watching/had watched  


1#. met an old friend of mine when has walked/walked/was walking  in the city centre

last wee!.

1$. What were you doing when the police officer had knocked/was knocking/knocked  on

the door

1%. 7ave cut/was cutting/has cut  his finger badly while he was preparing dinner.1'. We moved/has moved/had moved  to 8ancouver last 6pril.

1. 6licia was sailing while (ony was surfing/surfed/had surfed .

1*. usually watch/am watching/have watched  (8 in the afternoon.

1+. closed/close/have closed  the door a few minutes ago.

2. didn't like/haven't liked/don't like meeting new people.

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III. Ima+ine ,o are on holida, with ,or friends Ali(ia Emma and Robert. /rite a letter

to ,or %arents. 0o shold in(lde information abot the lo(ation the weather the

a(ti1ities the food and the lo(al %eo%le. Start and end the letter in an a%%ro%riate wa,.

/rite abot "#-"2 lines. !3#%'

)# %oints +ranted

3# %oints +ranted

Page 3: Initial Test 8th Grade 2015

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1) precious9 2) survive9 #) waste9 $) dumping9 %) reduce9 ') clean9 ) protect9 *)

responsibility9 +) pollution9 1) environment.