ict4d in teacher training - tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaa kehitysmaan opettajankoulutuksessa

ICT4D in teacher training - Tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaa kehitysmaan opettajankoulutuksessa Mikko Vesisenaho [email protected] Faculty of Education / Research and Development Center for Information Technology in Education (TOTY) University of Joensuu Finland

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ICT4D in teacher training - Tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaa kehitysmaan opettajankoulutuksessa. Mikko Vesisenaho [email protected] Faculty of Education / Research and Development Center for Information Technology in Education (TOTY) University of Joensuu Finland. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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ICT4D in teacher training -

Tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaa kehitysmaan opettajankoulutuksessa

Mikko [email protected]

Faculty of Education / Research and Development Center for Information Technology in Education (TOTY)

University of Joensuu Finland

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The same issue exists with computers – who decides the


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What are the contextual needs and global trends?

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An example from Tumaini University

Vesisenaho, M. (2007). Developing University-level Introductory ICT Education in Tanzania: A Contextualized approach. PhD Thesis. University of Joensuu. Dissertations in Computers Science: 16.

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CATI model for contextual ICT development

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Examples from different CATI levels

“Yeah… If we have this computer program of Java, the society would benefit very much.”

(import level)

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Examples from different CATI levels

“Yeah, …in case my school can introduce such a course, then I will be able to teach how to program in Java language, because I have a mastered the important (course).”

(transfer level)

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Examples from different CATI levels

“Okay, one important learning experience from the course is that I have become more interested in geometrical structures, because I can transfer the knowledge of Java programming to my mathematics course, such as on drawing different structures or graphs and many other things.”

(application level)

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Examples from different CATI levels

“I can use these programs even now to teach the students to do things… let’s say, for example, in Java programming. Always we are dealing with how to educate the students on budgeting. Therefore I can use this program to show them that …before doing [something] just go to the computer and just see if you can manage. Therefore I think it is very useful.”

(contextualization level)

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How to relate this to Finland?Tuoda Kopioidaan teknologian, tuotteen

tai idean käyttötapa suoraan toisenlaisesta ympäristöstä. Tapa ei välttämättä toimi ollenkaan uudessa


Toisaalta kyseessä voi olla vain teoreettinen tai periaatteellinen tieto.

Siirtää Siirretään teknologia tai käyttötapa toisesta ympäristöstä s.e. sitä pystytään käyttämään uudessakin ympäristössä.

Teoreettinen tieto jota voi käyttää.

Soveltaa Siirrettyä teknologiaa tai tieto-taitoa pystytään soveltamaan mielekkäästi uudessa toimintaympäristössä.

Teoreettinen tieto sovellettuna (järkevästi) käytäntöön.

Kontekstualisoida Siirrettyä/edelleen kehitettyä teknologiaa pystytään soveltamaan uudessa ympäristössä mielekkäästi, mahdollisesti kehitetään myös uusia (omia) käyttötapoja.

Innovatiivinen tapa soveltaa ja mahdollisesti edelleen kehittää teoreettista tietoa.

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How to related this to Finland?

Research with 270 students (in pedagogical studies)

Past, current and future

Theorethical knowledge, skills, visions, and ways to concretaze those

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Beynon, M., Harfield, A. & Vesisenaho, M. (2008). Contextualising Information and Communications Technology In Developing Countries. In Proceedings of 7th Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education (Koli Calling) 2007. ACM Australia.

Vesisenaho, M. (2007). Developing University-level Introductory ICT Education in Tanzania: A Contextualized Approach. PhD-thesis. Dissertations in Computers Science: 16. Joensuu: University of Joensuu. [http://joypub.joensuu.fi/publications/dissertations/vesisenaho_developing/]

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Contextualization and sustainability

• Contextualization in ICT education is a way of taking the local environment into account when planning and implementing ICT education. It is a need based approach, to meet the local needs of the society and development.

• A sustainable approach to ICT in development and in development projects is to support local development. It includes wide impacts and focuses on long time frame. It does not miss being aware of global trends, but gives space for local applications and innovations and relates them to the context.