how to create the job you want book

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  • 8/7/2019 How to Create the Job You Want book



    H o w t o Cr e at e t h eJ ob You Want


    Six St eps t o aFulf i l l ing Career


    Raym ond Gerson

  • 8/7/2019 How to Create the Job You Want book



    Comments about the book Raymond Gersons How to Create the Job You Want offersstraightforward, to-the-point gems of practical advice for those who

    would like to create a fulfilling career. His advice and exercises reflect thehard-earned wisdom of experience. A valuable book.Dan Millman, Author

    Way of the Peaceful Warrior andThe Life You Were Born to Live

    The book is concise and has a clear and easy-to-read format. The

    exercises enable readers to validate which jobs and careers are the bestmatch for them. Most importantly, the readers are encouraged to followethical strategies that draw on their true skills and interests.

    James Kell, Professor of CareerDevelopment and Career Counselor

    St. Edwards University

    An excellent guide for anyone wanting to find the job that will bemost fulfilling to them. The book contains valuable information that is easyto apply and simplifies the job search. As a Vocational Counselor, I shareand highly recommend the book.

    Hilda Lerma

    Vocational Rehabilitation CounselorTexas Rehabilitation Commission

    This book should be included in career packets for students whoare unclear about their future and dont know the questions to ask themselves that may provide clarity.

    Jan HansenCo-owner and Executive Recruiter

    Management Recruiters, Inc.

    This book will be a real asset to the person on the go or who doesnthave enough time to wade through the volumes of information out therelooking for a few pearls.

    Amber Kelly, CounselorAustin Community College

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    All of us dream of having a job that we really enjoy. This book givesa practical, proven, step-by-step method for creating a career that willbe both satisfying and financially rewarding. This book is extremelyreadable and is written for the person who wants to spend more timeattaining the perfect career than reading about one.

    Lynn SkaggsProfessor of Psychology and Sociology

    East Central Texas College

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    From a l e t t e r t o Raymond Ger son

    It is so important that our young people have a clear understandingof what is expected of them in the real world. I admire your dedicationand hard work that resulted in the publication of How to Create theJob You Want. Keep up the good work.

    The Honorab l e Ann R icha rdsFormer Gove rno r o f Tex as

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    How t oCrea te

    The J obYou Want

    Six St eps t o a Fu l f i l l ing Caree r

    Raym ond Gerson


    P.O. BOX 254MANCHACA, TX. 78652

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    Acknowledgments: I am grateful to Lynn Skaggs for writing the Foreword.Thanks to Peggy Meiners for typing the first draft of the manuscript. Iappreciate Brad Coffeys editorial comments. I am thankful to Connie Gilesfor editing and typesetting the final draft. Copyright 1996, 2007 by Raymond Gerson All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrievalsystem except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review for publication in a newspaper, newsletter, or magazine or quote brief passageson the radio or television without the express written permission of thepublisher. Inspirational Works, Austin, Texas

    Library of CongressCatalog Card Number 95-90870ISBN 1-888248-00-9 Printed in the United States of America

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    D e d i c a t i o n

    To my mother, Gertrude Graves, who

    always believed in me.

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    Tab le o f Con t en t s

    Foreword ..Introduction ..Six Steps to Successful Job Creation

    Step One .Sample Achievement Story ..

    Skills Exhibited in Story General Categories of Skills ..

    Step Two ..

    Examples of Positive Actions Step Three Step Four .

    Step Five ...Sample Employment Proposal ..My Experience Creating a Job for Myself

    Step Six Summary of Six Steps to Job Creation .Staying Motivated Conclusion

    Appendix A ..Appendix B ..Appendix C ..

    Recommended Reading

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    F o r e w o r d

    I have known Raymond Gerson for more than thirty-five years. He has over

    thirty- five years of experience helping others to find meaningfulemployment.I worked for many years as a job placement specialist prior to my

    current career as a college professor. I am well aware that there are manyexcellent career books available.

    Why is there a need for How to Create the Job You Want , and what isunique about it? Most of the career information books are large and includenumerous exercises. People are very busy today. Few people will take thetime to read, much less complete the vast number of exercises, in thesebooks. They want to spend time finding a fantastic job, rather than readingvolumes of information on how to go about it.

    Mr. Gersons book is unique because it condenses volumes of careerinformation into a few golden nuggets, which you need to create fascinatingjob for yourself. His book provides you with the essential, nitty-grittyinformation for creating an exciting job, even if there is no job opening. Thebook is quick to read and easy- to- understand.

    Job security is disappearing. Learning how to create work for yourself is one solution to this problem. The strategies in this book can help you tocreate your own business, to obtain a better job with your current employer,

    or to create a job if you are unemployed. Learning how to create work willby your safety net as job security continues to vanish.Raymond Gerson cares deeply about helping others to use their

    potential for making a positive difference in the world. Now, in thisexcellent book, Mr. Gerson shares with you the pearls of wisdom gainedfrom his many years of experience as a job placement and career-counselingspecialist. You will be able to use these ideas to create an exciting careerand a fulfilling life.

    Lynn Skaggs, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology & Sociology

    East Central Texas College

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    I n t r o d u c t i o n

    T his book was written for anyone who is seeking a better job now orin the future. Job seeking is not restricted to those who are out of work.Many employed persons seek better opportunities within or outside of thecompanies where they currently work. Whether you are employed orunemployed, this book can provide you with tools and strategies for creatingthe job you want. Most people will change careers several times during theirworking years, as a result of layoffs, changing technology, skills no longer indemand, or simply the desire for greater challenge and job satisfaction.

    Job satisfaction is critical. The average working person spends more of his or her time on the job than in any other activity. Dissatisfaction with our

    jobs can adversely affect our personal relationships, physical health, andstate of mind. Conversely, job satisfaction often has a positive effect on ourhealth and relationships if balanced with other life activities.

    Most of us want an enjoyable career that allows us to use our potentialto make a significant contribution. Except for a lucky few, reaching thisgoal requires a proactive approach on the part of the job seeker. Instead of waiting and hoping that the right job will come to us one day, we can takepositive steps to increase the likelihood of obtaining such a job. Instead of merely answering want ads and competing with large numbers of people, wecan reduce the competition possibly to zero! if we create a job thatpreviously did not exist. Ideally, this fulfilling job will match our interests,skills, and natural talents.

    This book presents six steps on how to create the job you want. Is thisbook for you? It is if you are interested in creating a job that resonates withwho you are, enables you to work on problems that interest you, and allowsyou to make a contribution with your talents and skills.

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    I n t h i s b o o k y o u w i l l l e ar n :

    How to determine the type of work you want to do.

    How to discover the skills you do best and enjoy using.

    Where you want to use these skills.

    How to develop a proposal to create the job you want.

    Ideas for making contacts with employers to present your proposal.

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    Si x St e p s t o Su c c e s s f ulJ ob Crea t ion

    St ep One:I d e n t i f y t h e t a l e n t s a n d s k i l l s y o u e n j o y u s i n g. I define talent as a natural ability or gift. You may be gifted with abeautiful voice for speaking. If you aspire to be a great speaker, you willstill need to develop skills to make maximum use of this natural ability. Forexample, you will need to learn how to use vocal variety and timing. So,even if you have natural abilities for public speaking, it will still benecessary to develop speaking skills . There are a number of ways you can discover and identify your naturaltalents and motivating skills (skills you perform well and enjoy using).


    Aptitude testing may provide clues. Professionals at JohnsonOConnor Research Laboratories have identified numerous inborntraits, or aptitudes, in test subjects. They have developed tests thathelp determine a persons strongest aptitudes. They have centersthroughout the United States providing this type of testing. Also, in

    many cities there are other programs that test aptitude. Some localcolleges offer aptitude testing to anyone in the community.


    Consider your hobbies and the activities to which you gravitate inyour leisure. Hobbies can often provide clues to our interests andskills.For example, a person who enjoys making model cars likely would befulfilled in a job requiring mechanical ability, excellent hand-eyecoordination, building skills, motor coordination, an eye for detail,and knowledge of automobiles. A great variety of jobs use theseskills.


    What consistent feedback have you received from othersregarding what you do well? Perhaps you have been frequentlycomplimented for your ability to inspire others or for your leadershipskills. Ask people who know you well what skills and talents they

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    perceive in you. If several persons perceive the same or similar skills,evaluate their comments for accuracy.


    Determine activities that come naturally to you. Which skills doyou use that seem almost effortless? Which activities are so enjoyablethat time seems to fly when you perform them?


    Determine your motivating skills. Bernard Haldane, John Crystal,Richard Bolles, and other career experts have discussed methods fordiscovering the skills you enjoy using. You identify seven to ten of your favorite accomplishments from early childhood up to yourpresent age. These achievements can be drawn from school, work,and/or leisure activities. They need not be major successes in the eyesof the world, but they should have been intrinsically rewarding for

    you. For example, when you were five years old you built a sandcastle on the beach. Perhaps this feat was a source of joy and gaveyou a feeling of doing something well. This activity, or anything youhave done which resulted in a feeling of achievement, can beconsidered.

    John Crystals method was to have his students write anautobiography and analyze it for motivating skills. Richard Bollesapproach is to have his students and readers write a story about eachof their favorite accomplishments. Of particular importance is todescribe the how of your achievement, the steps that resulted in theaccomplishment. Then you analyze each story to identify the skillsinvolved. Out of seven to ten stories, patterns of skills usuallyemerge skills that were used repeatedly in several of your favoriteachievements. You then identify and prioritize your favorite skills inorder of importance. The following example is a story I wrote about afavorite accomplishment from my life.

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    Sa m p l e A c h i e v em e n t St o r yOnce I planned and developed a skit for a Toastmasters International

    humorous speech contest. The speech was called What is Macho? At thebeginning, I played a tape of the song Macho Man as I danced and

    pranced around. Then acted out a number of roles normally consideredmacho. For example, I portrayed a tough Marine, a weightlifting strongman, a guy who walked and talked cool, a put-down artist, and a rock-and-roll singer. After each role, I would ask, Is that Macho?

    Finally, I said I didnt believe any of these roles necessarilyrepresented a real man. I concluded with the statement that a real man iscaring and treats others as persons of worth and dignity.

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    Examples :Ski l l s Exhib i t ed in My Toas tm as te r s Ski t







    creating and

    Developing material


    ability to be humorous



    ability to perform and entertain

    public speakingExamples :

    Genera l Ca tegor ies o f Sk i l l s _____________________________________________________________




    public speaking







    operating machines








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    To de t e rmine you r mo t iva t i ng sk i l l s :

    Write seven to ten stories about your favorite achievements. Analyzethe stories to identify and list the skills that you used. You are probably

    aware of additional skills not used in your favorite accomplishments; addthese skills to your list. Use the general categories of skills list to brainstormideas regarding other skills that you enjoy using.

    You should have a long list of skills. Select your ten strongest andmost enjoyable skills. Now you can set priorities, placing the skills in orderof importance.

    See Appendix C, for another method of identifying your skills andtalents.

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    St e p Tw o :Identify needs you want to fill or problems you would like to solve. There are millions of problems in the world needing your energy andcreativity to solve them. Every job attempts to fill certain needs orresolve particular problems. What problems do you feel deeply about?If you had the power to fulfill a particular need, which one would it be?What do you feel passionate about? What brings you joy?

    There are many different jobs using a variety of skills to solve thesame problem. Say you decide to contribute to the need for affordablehousing in your community. Do you have the skills and interest tocontribute as a carpenter? Would you prefer to be a builder-developer of

    houses? A real estate salesperson? All of these jobs can help solve theproblem of too little affordable housing.Perhaps you want to contribute to helping young people grow up to be

    healthy and strong adults. You might consider teaching, coaching, orcounseling, or becoming a health care practitioner or physical fitnessinstructor. There are many different jobs, dealing with similar needs, toconsider when seeking a match for your skills.

    To determine which problems are of greatest interest to you, ask yourself: What contribution do I want to make? If I were wealthy anddidnt have to work, what would I do? What type(s) of people in the work force do I admire? When I solve a problem or fill a need, which ones bringme the greatest joy? If I had two years to live and decided to work, whatwould I do? Answering these questions can put us in touch with our deepestinterests.

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    E x a m p l e s :Pos i t i ve Ac t ions t o Fu l f i l l Needsand/or So lve Prob lem s

    Reduce crime

    Increase affordable housing

    Improve technology for persons with disabilities

    Build better teams and relationships

    Improve the economy

    Match people to appropriate jobs

    Design better technology

    Reduce illiteracy

    Provide relief for victims of national disasters

    Improve quality of products

    Enhance physical or mental health of others

    Reduce costs

    Improve efficiency

    Provide recreation or entertainment

    Improve the lives of children

    Improve communication

    Develop training and development programs

    Enhance the educational process

    Raise funds for worthy projects

    Organize and improve work flow

    Devise ways people can save time

    Improve transportation services

    Identify potential problems

    Provide financial planning for others

    Increase sales

    Reduce environmental problems Expedite services or products

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    If the foregoing list leaves you uninspired, think of other positive actionsfor the specific problems that interest you. List below at least ten needsor actions that you consider to be challenging and enjoyable tasks. 1. ___________________________________________________

    ___________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________

    ___________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________

    ___________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________

    ___________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________


    6. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

    7. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

    8. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

    9. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

    10. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Determine which of your motivating skills are the best match for theactions or needs you consider important. Then prioritize these needs oractions in order of importance. Consider creating a job that will enableyou to contribute to the fulfillment of the need that is most important toyou.

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    St ep Three :

    De t e r m i n e t h e t y p e s o f j o bs a n d c o m p a n i e sT h at w o r k w i t h t h e pr o bl e m s o r n ee d s yo uiden t i f i ed .

    First look within your current company. Can your job be changed or

    expanded to provide you with an opportunity to fill an interesting need? Is itpossible to create a satisfying job or to change to another position withinyour present company? Opportunity is often right before our eyes.

    Creating your own company is another option worth considering.You can use the strategies in this book to create freelance or contract

    consulting job opportunities. For inspiring accounts of entrepreneurswho created fulfilling work, I recommend a book by Marsha Senetar. Itis called To Build the Life You Want , Create the Work You Love.

    As mentioned previously, there can be many different jobs for aparticular problem. For example, you may want to enhance theeducational process for students. You could teach, write or edittextbooks, design software for schools, or sell computer hardware touniversities. You could be a career counselor, a principal, a mentor, or abusinessperson providing apprenticeship opportunities to youth. Todetermine which companies are working on problems that match yourinterests and skill, you can do the following: 1.

    Read trade journals and business magazines.


    Contact your local Chamber of Commerce for information onbusinesses.


    Read the business section of the newspaper.4.

    Study business trends.


    Read about new products and services and those, which areanticipated.

    6. Utilize career libraries in your community.7.

    Join professional associations in your area of interest.8.

    Use resources at your local library such as: Dun and BradstreetsMillion Dollar Directory, Standard and Poors Register of Corporations, Occupational and Outlook Handbook, MoodysIndustrial Review, and Career Guide: Duns Employment Opportunities Directory.

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    contribute much more than you will cost the company, it is likely thatthey will be interested in you.

    From your research you should know the approximate salary earnedby people in this field of work. As a general rule, you should negotiatefor 10 to 20 percent higher than the average person in the filed earns.You can start high and come down if necessary. Obviously you do notbegin negotiating a salary until the employer expresses an interest inmaking a job offer.

    A sample of an employment proposal follows.

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    Employment Proposal for a

    Full-Time Customer Service RepresentativeProposed by: Mary Smith

    Benefit: Enhance profits by increasing the number of customers through repeat andreferral business.

    I propose that you hire me as a Customer Service Representative to increasecustomer satisfaction by providing the following services:

    Developing a computerized database of customers.

    Randomly surveying customers regarding their needs; receiving andrecording feedback.

    Notifying customers of special rates.

    Developing a system for showing appreciation to repeat customers.

    Meeting immediately with customers to resolve problems that arise.

    Arranging and coordinating special events for customers. Qualifications: I am a recent graduate of the University of Texas Business Collegewith a B.B.A. in general business. I offer the following skills and experience:

    Experience working directly with a variety of customers in differentwork settings.

    Experience developing a customer data bank

    Commendations for excellent customer relations


    Positive, can-do attitude

    Computer skills I would like to meet with you to discuss this proposal. I will follow up with a phonecall next week regarding an opportunity for us to meet in person.

    Mary Smith

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    My Exper ience Creat inga Job fo r Myse l f

    Several years ago I moved from Texas to the Bay area in California. I had no

    contacts; I knew no one there. I began researching and exploring the field of privatevocational rehabilitation counseling by conducting informational interviews withcounselors who worked with insurance companies to help injured workers to return towork. Many years earlier I had been a public vocational rehabilitation counselor, but Ihad no experience with injured workers, the Workers Compensation System, orprivate rehabilitation companies.

    After I thoroughly explored and understood the needs of private vocationalrehabilitation companies, I began conducting informational interviews with owners of these businesses. I made a verbal employment proposal to one of them, who at thattime had no job openings. He made me a job offer, and I negotiated an excellentsalary and commission plan. I had absolutely no competition because the job did notexist. It was exciting to create a job for myself, one for which I basically determinedthe types of tasks to be performed and the income potential.

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    St ep Six :Utilize marketing strategies to reach hiring authorities and present yourproposal.

    Here are several different strategies.


    First, obtain names and phone numbers of the hiring authorities youwish to contact. You can use any of the following approaches:


    Get referrals. Someone you know may be able to give you thenames you need. Check with your family, friends, andassociates to determine whether they know anyone in thecompany you plan to contact.


    Network within professional organizations.c.

    Conduct informational interviews, as mentioned earlier, anexcellent method.


    Use other research strategies mentioned in Step 3.e.

    Make cold calls. Call companies to collect names withoutasking for hiring authorities. Ask the secretary or receptionistfor names and titles of the people you wish to contact. Callback on another day to ask for hiring authorities by name.


    Phone the hiring authority. Here is an example of an opening to use

    when you reach his or her secretary: Hello. This is John Jones. Ihave a business proposal for your department. I would like to speak to Ms. Rayburn.When you reach the hiring authority by phone (and you haventmailed a letter and proposal), say, Ms. Rayburn, my name is JohnJones. I have written a business proposal suggesting a way for you toreduce costs and increase work-flow efficiency by using myaccounting skills. I would like to meet with you to discuss the detailsof this proposal.


    Sending a cover letter with your proposal, before calling, is anotherapproach you can use. Let the contact person know you will followup with a phone call to discuss the proposal.


    Stop by the company without an appointment. Some employers mayresent this approach, but it has been successful for some job seekers.

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    The ideal goal is to contact hiring authorities you previouslyinterviewed during your research-gathering phase. Let them knowthat you want to meet again to share important information gleanedfrom your research. Then, while face to face, let the hiring authorityknow why you are interested in working for this company. This is thetime to present your proposal.

    For more details about marketing strategies, I recommend, Guerrilla Tactics in the Job Market , by Tom Jackson, and Beyond Traditional Job Development , by Denise Bissonnette.

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    Stay ing Mot iva t ed

    Now is the time for positive action to use the strategies youve learned inthis book. Fear and procrastination are often barriers to obtaining the jobyou want. Self-discipline will be required to fulfill your quest for the rightlivelihood. The self-discipline needed to persist in the face of obstacles willcome from your desire to succeed.

    The motivation to find a fulfilling job can be derived from twodifferent sources: pleasure and pain. It is easier to sustain a high level of motivation when you identify pleasurable reasons for taking action andpainful consequences that will result from inaction.

    In the exercise on the following page, list five pleasurable reasons for

    pursuing the job you want. Also list five types of pain that you willexperience if you do not reach your goal. In other words, list what you willgain by obtaining the career of your dreams and what will be the cost of notachieving this goal.

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    Benefits of obtaining the job I want:








    ____________________________________________________ Costs of not obtaining the job I want:









    Review your lists often for the inspiration to persist in your quest for afulfilling career.

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    Conclus ion

    Using the strategies presented in this book separates you from the majority

    of job seekers, who wait for job openings to be advertised. Even when theysucceed in obtaining the advertised job (usually against stiff competition),often it isnt an appropriate match for their skills and interest. This typicalapproach to job hunting is reactive; it is one in which the job hunter feelspowerless, out of control, and dependent on the whims of hiring authorities.

    The system presented in this book will take more courage thansending a resume to an advertised job opening. This is a creative andproactive approach to be used in addition to more traditional methods of jobseeking.

    The reward for successfully using this proactive strategy can very wellbe the blessing of discovering and obtaining a fulfilling career one thatmakes use of your most enjoyable and best talents. It can lead to theachievement of your mission.

    I believe that each of us is born with a purpose mission, avocation,calling, or whatever you want to name it. It is important to align with ourpurpose and to engage in a mission which resonates with us. We experiencejoy and inner peace when we have purpose that is greater than ourselves.Happiness tends to be elusive and unattainable when we live only forourselves. Albert Schweitzer expressed it well: The only ones who will be

    truly happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve. Yourability to make a difference in the service of others will be evident when youdo what you love and do best.

    Each of us has enormous potential and some talents. These talents areGod-given gifts that can be developed. Your talent, combined with agenuine regard for yourself and others, is a potentially powerful resource formaking a significant contribution. Using your unique gifts to accomplishyour mission will enrich your life and the lives of others. Thomas Carlyleexplained this reward when he said, Blessed is he who has found his work;let him ask no other blessedness.

    It is my hope that this book will enable you to create the job you wantand begin a journey towards the fulfillment of your mission.

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    Append ix A

    Self-and Career-Discovery Questions

    The questions in this section are intended to provoke thought and increaseyour self-knowledge. Socrates and other wise persons have said, Knowthyself. Knowledge of self is necessary for us to match ourselves with anappropriate career, to know what we want in life. These questions will pointyour mind in a positive direction. They will stimulate you to look deepwithin yourself to help clarify what things you consider to be mostimportant.

    The questions are designed to provide focus, guiding you towardgreater personal development and empowerment. I hope you will use themto enhance your mental clarity for more effective problem solving anddecision making.

    A few questions may seem repetitious because they are being used toask the same question in different ways. You may not have immediateanswers to some of them. However, the questions can be used to start aprocess of reflection that leads you to answers and positive action.

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    What is the value of knowing yourself before choosing a career? How

    might this knowledge be valuable?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Are you willing to invest a few hours in self-exploration if it may helpyou discover a career that you can spend years enjoying? If theanswer is yes, what amount of time are you willing to invest?_______________________________________________________


    What problems do you see in the world that you would like to resolveif you had the power to make a difference?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    4. What needs doing in the world? How can you contribute?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    If you could live your life over, what would you do differently? If you were at the end of your life, what would you like to havecontributed?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    When your life is over, what would you like people to say about thecontribution you made?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    What do you want to accomplish in your life that will give you a senseof fulfillment?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    If you were very wealthy but chose to work, what would you do? If you chose not to work, what would you do?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    What is your life mission? Do you have one?


    10. We live for only a short while. What would you like to achieveduring your life?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    11. If you had one year to live, how would you spend it?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    12. Imagine that you can create a fantasy school, staffed by anyteachers that you want. You can study subjects that are mostfascinating to you. What subjects will you study, and who will you

    choose as teachers?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    What are your most treasured memories?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    23. What have been your most satisfying accomplishments?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    24. What do you excel at/enjoy learning and doing?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    25. What subjects did you like and excel in at school? Which ones didyou dislike, or which were difficult for you?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    26. Looking at your entire life, what are you most proud of?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    27. Which talent/skill do you most delight in using?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    What topics do you enjoy reading and talking about?


    29. What special knowledge do you have?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    What are your favorite skills?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    31. What is an example of how you have used these skills?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    32. What skills or qualities have you been complimented on by teachers,employers, and others?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    33. When are you at your best?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    34. Who are your heroes? Who are the people you admire? Why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    35. You are taking a train trip, sitting next to someone you always wantedto meet. Who is it? What will you talk about?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    36. Who are three people whose jobs you would like to have? Why?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    37. What are a few jobs that might use your skills?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    38. How can these skills benefit an employer?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    What are your potential weaknesses, and how can you turn them into

    a benefit for an employer?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    40. What are some problems youve solved?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    41. With what criteria would you evaluate a job opportunity?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    42. What are your ideal working conditions and environments?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    43. What are some aspects of jobs you liked? Of those you disliked?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    What has to happen for work to be fun?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    45. What questions do you need to answer about the job market to make acareer decision?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    What is the primary result from work that creates a feeling of


    47. If you chose to work for a company that has a product, what type of product would you like it to be?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    If you went to work for a company offering a service, what type of service would you prefer it to be?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    49. What do you want the goals and philosophy of the organization whereyou work to be?


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    How much money do you want to earn at the beginning of yourcareer? In five years? What is the minimum acceptable startingsalary?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    51. What specific careers have you identified to research and explore?How will you research them?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    52. What type of clientele would you like to work with students, adults,elderly, businesspersons, educators, etc?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________



    What are your most important values? To what are you committed?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    54. What are some of your goals?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    55. What are some obstacles keeping you from reaching your goals?What are some ways to get around these obstacles and achieve yourgoals?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    What people or groups will be most supportive of your goals?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    57. What actions can you begin taking to move toward your goals?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    58. Are your goals compatible with your values and skills? In what wayare they compatible or incompatible?



    59. If someone told you that you were not capable of discovering andattaining your dream job, how would you dispute that?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    60. What can help you feel deserving of happiness and success? What isnecessary for you to feel worthwhile?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    61. What influence do others have on your career decision and direction?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    How do your career interests relate to the careers of your familymembers?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    63. When are you happiest? What gives you the most joy?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    64. What organizations/extra curricular activities have you participatedin?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    65. What are you enjoying most about your life?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    66. What are the greatest lessons you have learned from life?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    67. What helps you the most to overcome hurdles and to get throughtough times?_______________________________________________________


    68. Whats the worst thing that can happen? Can you handle that?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    69. What will be the result or consequence of the action you areconsidering?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    70. How can you use negative experiences to improve? Because of these(negative or regretful experiences), what will you be able to contributethat may not have been possible otherwise?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    71. What can you learn from your regrets, and how can you use theseexperiences to your advantage?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    72. What are you willing to do to make your life the way you want?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    73. What doesnt feel right or complete in your life? What needs to beaccomplished for you to feel complete?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    How can you enjoy the process or journey on the way to your goals?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    75. What is good in your life right now?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    76. What evidence (from past successes, etc.) lets you know success inpossible?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    What are you most grateful for?


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    Append ix BInformational Interviewing

    Questions You Can Ask


    How did you get into this type of work?


    What do you like best about it? Least about it?3.

    What do you consider to be the greatest rewards of this work?


    What experience and skills are needed?5.

    What types of problems are you engaged in resolving?


    What are the major responsibilities?7.

    What education is usually required?


    What are the day-to-day working conditions like?9.

    What type of training and advancement potential is available?

    10. How much money do people in this field typically earn?

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    Append ix CIdentifying Your Skills

    Rank the following skills and talents on a scale of 1 to 10. A 10 represents

    exceptional skills, a 5 is average, and a 1 is very little or no skill. Determineyour top ten skills.


    Acting_____ 18. Dancing____2.

    Adapting____ 19. Designing____


    Analyzing____ 20. Developing____4.

    Appraising____ 21. Diagnosing____


    Arranging_____ 22. Drawing____6.

    Assembling____ 23. Editing____


    Assessing____ 24. Establishing rapport____8.

    Building trust____ 25. Evaluating____


    Calculating____ 26. Executing____10.

    Carving____ 27. Growing things____

    11. Coaching____ 28. Healing/treating____

    12. Compiling____ 29. Initiating____

    13. Computing____ 30. Inspiring/motivating____

    14. Constructing____ 31. Interviewing____

    15. Consulting____ 32. Inventing____

    16. Counseling____

    17. Creating____

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    Identifying Your Skills (continued)






    Musical ability____



    Operating machines____








    Physical ability____44.


    45. Producing____46.





    Resolving problems____


















    Working with animals____



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    Recommended Reading

    Bissonnette, Denise. Beyond Traditional Job Development . Millwright andAssociates, 1994.

    Boldt, Laurence. Zen and the Art of Making a Living . San Francisco:Penguin/Arcana, 1993.

    Bolles, Richard. How to Find Your Mission in Life .Ten Speed Press, 1991.

    Bolles, Richard. What Color Is Your Parachute? Ten Speed Press, 1994.

    Crystal, John C., and Bolles, Richard. Where Do I Go From Here With My Life? Ten Speed Press, 1974.Fox, Matthew. The Reinvention of Work . New York:

    HarperCollins, 1995.

    Germann, Richard, and Arnold, Peter. Bernard Haldane Associates : Job and Career Building .

    Ten Speed Press, 1981.Jackson, Tom . Guerrilla Tactics in the Job Market .

    Bantam Books, 1981.Senetar, Marsha. To Build the Life You Want, Create the Work You Love .

    New York: St. Martins Press, 1995.Stephan, Naomi. Finding Your Life Mission .

    Stephan/Moore Associates, 1988.

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    About the Author

    Raymond Gerson has a masters degree in psychology and more than 40 years of

    experience teaching self- and career development. Career counselor, job

    placement specialist, and vocational rehabilitation counselor, he also has owned an

    executive search and recruiting business, and has conducted seminars in human

    resources and career development. He is the author of four other books including,

    How To Create the Job You Want and Effective Job Search Strategies.

    Dedicated to personal and spiritual growth, Mr. Gerson shares inspirational

    and practical ideas on these subjects in his writings. Making their home in Austin,

    Texas, he and his wife Bonnie are currently co-writing a series of children's books

    that raise conscious awareness, increase kindness, and develop character.

  • 8/7/2019 How to Create the Job You Want book



    Life Coaching Services by Raymond Gerson Would you like to:

    Attract the love of your life?

    Improve your current relationship?

    Create the job or business you want?

    Discover work you love and do well?

    Increase personal growth and life fulfillment?

    Improve your success as a student in high school or college?

    Raymond Gerson offers life coaching services by a combination of telephone andemail in the above mentioned areas. You can email [email protected] for price information and to schedulean appointment for coaching. You can also see current price information on the website mentioned below. Raymond Gersons web site has many free articles on college and life successstrategies. It also includes a video and an audio motivational presentation. The sitealso has information on his other books.

    The web address is: . Note from the author: I would enjoy hearing how this book, Create the Life You Want made a difference inyour life. You can write to: Raymond GersonP.O. Box 254Manchaca, Texas 78652

    OrEmail address: [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 How to Create the Job You Want book



    Books by Raymond Gerson (available at )

    How to Create the Job You Want Create your dream career and make it happen. This book will provide you with ideas fordiscovering your skills and talents. Learn how to use those discoveries to create afulfilling job even where one did not previously exist. Develop a job or business thatutilizes your natural talents. Effective Job Search Strategies This book contains a variety of elements for a successful job search. It includes tips onwriting a resume, interviewing for a job, questions to ask during an interview, andnetworking strategies. A complementary resource for How to Create the Job You Want. Reaching for a Dream This is an inspirational novel which reflects our journey to overcome obstacles to ourpotential. It will be easy for you to identify with the main character in this uplifting novelas he endeavors to transform his dreams into reality. You will gain motivation and ideasfor fulfilling your own hopes and dreams. The Greatest Opportunity

    Discover treasures within yourself. This is a non-fiction book which containsinspirational ideas for inner growth and personal transformation. The purpose of the book is to provide you with motivational and practical ideas for making the best use of yourlife.

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